The Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 9tseitesega
e:11lniug the laser Is not present, aa it
Is the vole or the 51,wk It eaters.
Bruce township, in the neighb uhood of
Tiverton. was visited on Saturday.
March 191h, with one of the m st de
structive storms ever known in those
parts. Over an area ab:wt three miles
wide and from Live to ten miles in length
barns were blown down or unroofed,
houses sere damaged and oil er havoc
done. 'I he storm cost two lives, Hugh J.
McArthur being instantly killed ani Wm.
Ferris receiving injurieswhich resulted in
his death two days later. These Iwo men
had been at a sale at John M. Buwie's
peace the day before and had made some
purchases, and had returned to take the
article1 away. When tt.e storm broke
.they were standing at the barn, which
collapsed and came down upon them. Mr.-
' Bowie, who was with them, was leas
seriously injured. The norses and cattle
in the barn escaped injury.
The marriage of Mus Lilian Mae.
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Lamont, Brussels, took place on March
10th, at Teeswater. to Jaynes Rolfes, of
this town. Mr. and Mr-. Rulles will
continue to reside in Brussels.
Dr. McRae has disposed of his' speedy
pacing mare, "Elsie Campbell." to Peter
Rutledge. of town. for a goof tl,ure. She
has a maik of 2.2.1!-j.
Mrs. Earl Begley and children have
returned to their home at Lemsford. Sask.,
after spending the winter months here.
At the Methodist parsonage. on March
23rd. Herbert Laidlaw and Miss Ona
McClenaghan, both of Whitechurch, were
anted in marriage by Rev. R. Fulton
Irwin. -
season itM h
Everything you need
for Fancy Work may be
found here.
Call and s.te the maty
beautiful and useful ar-
ticles we have in stock.
Miss S. Noble
1 SW . Sjttars - Goderich
I-'lann4.lett e. at reduced pri..
vluvgas_at relue'ed prices.
Ito, kfr8T Drill at reduced priors.
Gingham's at reduced prfe-.'s.
A lasi.grtment fur Window
Curtains. fr►jn 2258 sod up.
all-wisrl S[ nary blur. double
width. at 61.75 per yard.
1;nderwear. to e1ear, at priers.
worth while,• -
.W great nesdwr of orioles in
4; ..'-ria. or rrdrtesl Prices.
The `quare I'heae N'
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles -the Plumber.
Wenow our business and
are here to serve you.
Metal cork
Hamilton etre•
for Voiles. Lineae*,
Batistes, Cottons
Do not think of
LUX as a cleanser for
only georgettes,
chiffons, tricolettes,
crepe -de -chines. The
bubbly LUX lather
means double life to
anything you can wash
anything that pure
water will not harm.
Chiffon or linen, it's
all the same - use
LUX free
booklet. "The
Care of Dairrty
Clothes" sent
e . . •r
Thnrsdaiy, %lamb :11. 1021 ei
whien the ness,,ry regalia arrived
in a (vest *hell chaugel his 11111141 'When
he saw the wort.11ut on, H he was
fortunate enough to- Iw present. It
WAR well .lune, and the. regatta which
came out of that suave shell prewel to
be 'some clothes.' "
/h. Tuesday, March 1:)el,, at London,
Elva' Irene. uuly daughter of S1 r. and
Mrs. David H.m'elin. e•f Exeter, .be-
came the bride of Norman M. Graham*,
eldest sou of Mr. and Mrs. John 'r.
Graham of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs.
fire ham will reside at 3,4nddh.
The marriage took place at Windsor
on Wednesday, Marcie "'int.. of victor
Sweet, son of Sit. ,end Mrs. Thomas,
Sweet of Exeter, to Miss Ina Scott of
Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet will re-
side at Cleveland.
The death occurred on March 10th
Of Miss Fwllth Jlotu•ur, only daughter
of 51r. awl Mrs.- W. H. Moucur, at the
age of thirty -tour years. The de•rasrl
had IM'e•u le) failing health for 801114'
.,t the home of the brides parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey, township of
Stephen, on vWetuewluy, Man•h 23rd,
their daughter, (*eerily A., W/1 24 t1ufted
in marriage to:John N. [Willis, son o`T
J. 11. Willis of Exeter, in the presence
of alamt sixty guests. The ceremony
was '•rformel liy Rev. A. litnclalr.
Mr. and SL's. Willis will reside on tie
groom's farm on the 2nd .i,ncesslgti of
ba all club has organized
for the George H. Smith as Follows a Breakdown of the
president and • Wellington McCoy man-
It is planned\to have a town league Nervous System.
and to enter a sent
Wellington League.
team in the North Misery day and night is the lot of haata
Carnegie {{all of men and women who are today the
I victims of weak nerves. Thin. pale, drawn
A "national debate"•
was an interesting event of last week. It faces and dejected attitude tell a sad tale.
was conducted under lite auspices of the I for nerr>us weakness means being tortured
Lucknow Men's Christian Association and i b ymot b d thoughts and unaccouotsblefits
was heard by a large audience I1.. G. Mfg. 1 hese sufferers are painfully
Newton stoke for England. D. (:. Mae•\ sensitive and easily agitated by some
kenzie for Scotland. D. C. Taylor for chance remark. Sleeplessness robs them
Ire nd, and R. D. Cameron for Canada.. of energy and strength . their eyes are
A good musical program also was given. , sianken and their limbs tremble : appetite
RLYTfI. is \pour and memory often fails. This
ous exhaustion is one of the most
..s evils affecting men and women or
. The only way to bring back
vigorous health is to feed the
nerves, which are clamoring for
'Chis new blond can be had
though\the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
INRs, whi h have a direct action on the
blood. an through the blood on the
I nervous sy tem. '1 hat a fair use of this
medicine w1 bung satisfactory results is
I shown by t experience of Mn. Marsh.
Bass River. N S.. who says: "Foliowmg
a rundown co inion,' became practically
I Samuel Westlake has been appointed
village constable, weighmaster, bell-ringer,
etc.. at a salary of $70a month.
The death occurred suddenly on'March
l l lath of Peer Buchart. a familiar figure
COUNTY AND DISTRICT. I deceased Bfor the mase twed years. The
I , was employed for a number of
I I ; years at the Queen's hotel barns and later
at the Commercial.
A coun.nwity luau a- be erected at
•A resident held in much esteem in this
f,,.ud.• .' -'-- community' was tetra. 7 twmas Brown. who
William Ashton, of Gerrie, died on died on Tuesday. 15th fist , as the result
March 20th in his eighty-sixth year. • of a paralytic stroke. Mrs grown was
' born at Soithamptoti in lAST and lived
Hugh MM.•l;reg.,r has -.dd his farm with her husband in East Wawannsh be-
arer Itrne•fi,•Id to ,loin Taylor, -.of fore removing to her recent home adjacent
Grand 11.'..1. for $12,1*M. There arS to Blyth.
.'IMI a. mw in the platy.
Mrs. Margaret Porter. a pioneer citizen
The 100 -acre farm of the late David of Blyth. departed this lite on Saturday,
Kyle, at Kionen, watt wild et auction to
Thomas Welsh, of Henwtl, for $9,650.
, This is 12,150 more than the some farm
was ought for szme years ago.
John Smith. of Turnberry. narrowly
escaped death while cutting wad in the
bush a few days ago. A tree which he
was helping to tell come down upon him,
breaking several obs and dislocating his
shoulder. .
On Wednesday afternoon. March 23rd,
Miss Lillian Porter, of Kippen. and Wm.
.Kerr. of Seaforth. were married quietly at
the Hensel) manse by Rev. J. A. Mc-
Connell. They will reside on the groom's
farm near S•aforth.
Mabel M. Menzies, wife of Wil tam S.
Sanderson died at her home in Howick on
March 19th. at the age of thirty-six years.
She had been in decllnint heal h for three
,, years. Besides her husband she leaves
(our young child -en.
The marriage of Laura, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mr+. Andrew Mus-
ser. of Dashwooi. to Arthur Hauch, of
the same place, took plass at the home of
the bride's parents on March IGth. The
young couple will reside on the groom's
farm near Dashwood.
Eleven tons of Dmtell seta were
` moved firm Hensll to isniedon"Ly tie
4'anndinm Express Company Irl one
whlpnre•mt a few day. ago. At Loudon
the shipment ens divided for distribu-
tion throughout the country. Hen+.111
1s a green centre, of He onion -growing
Indies, ry.
One evening rneent a pleaasst
event took place at the home of M.
Month.. of Melelllop township. where
the township council and officials and
a few friends assembled to present a
testimonial ' of appnr•tation of Mr
Muretie's long service to the mtinii•Ip.l-
1•lunaoililt By as eouttelor, Reeve and township
clerk. extending Avera period of forty
year-.. For over sixteen years of that
- dwri'.4 Mr. Murdb.' was the township
clerk. Au rehires. was presented, sac.
.oinp:uliwl by a pa Ir of ba1Mdw)me
l'ath,er-uphulwteosl terken for Mr. and
Slr. Mollie and s suer l.uttenli"h
fur Miss Vita ,lurdie.
Sir. nod Mrs. Itnls'rt Smith. two t
well-known and highly-r•+tartlet re+f-
,dents of 11ullet1 township. celebrated
their ellemotel vi ekling at flair home
on Tuesday last. w 11eu ulnrut seventy
11111101110e their rhit4tr'ti, grand-
children .,uMl great-grandchildren. were
a..e'nblel. Mr. and Mrs. Stalth were
married in lw11 by Rev. William (Gra-
ham. of Eon lll)n.lyllle. and spent the
first +even year. of their MArrlol Ilfe
on a farm In Tnekersmit It. They
afterw•an1 n.11108e1 h) McKlIh,l). where
they remrined for flee year., atter
which they l.s•ated to HnIH'tt. Tito"
were pre•+meet with a purse of gold
t' the *embers of their family.
Hay est r.nlghlug
Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts.
Before buying fertilizer be
. sure to get prices from
us. We handle
Hams -Davies Fertilizer
of all grades.
Cockshutt Machine
We have for sale a quantity
of No, 1 red Cedar Posta, Moo
tome good Aneher Posts M
C.eka►sit Machine 44hop, Hao-
Ilton Street.
sc 11
t oda
1 Methodist clr•tdt, le) tow presence of
n number of relatives and intimate
friend: M the bride and grown. After
the.siguiag of the register all sat down
to u -sumptuous wedding dinner. The
afternoon vois spent in social biter -
course interspersed with yawl said In-
strumental wttsie and recitations. The
happy young couple diene left for their
future house near K11dougb1 where a
reeeptiuu wens tendered thew. Friends
and neighbors to the number of about
seventy gathered to woleuule them.'
An eujuyielde reaming mus 8111.111.._ The
prl•seuts were • mumero4I' and eseetly,
showing the esteem In w1r1.•h the young
souk'. are held. We all Juhl le) d'1s1i-
tuy them a happy voyage overlife's
A Farmer Kriddent Deceased.' -Mat•
tardily, larch 1., marked the pissing
resident of this township in
ut Mr. Il.orge Aru.stnum,
his daughter's residence,
t. His death was caused
,aralytii• stroke frota
ed for three weeks.
s eighty-three years
)rm in 'Fermanagh
ig to this country
1.61 four years
I lel mea r Tu-
4sbtield uud
n •ssiou when.
hell his
mother offered her crude. lug -h use for
a IIIe'tiug•house. The late . r. T.
Stevruson ruuduetwl the services laid
later a M,(lu, list doling' mus ft) ed
uud a log structure erected almost
(rind the 1)rese•.,I frame, building no
called Zion church. The deceased w•as
for ninny years peeve of the township
of, Ashfield. In politics he was a Con-
servative. Ile was q member of the
44ra itge, Lodge fur sixty-eight year...
for the- pest eighteen years tieing -an
honorary member of Oil Springs
Lodge. Fifty-three years Ago he mar-
ried AH11116 I1.4 Einers n..whom witli
son„ 4;,,.rge•, of 4'onrt'ight, and two
dunghtr.•s. Mrs. Jus, J. remote -II of
l`oartr•ight. 111111 Sirs. Reheard .1ien-
uings of Windsor. survive.. The• re
Mains ar-re taken to 1IjI "- Fittings
ewuetery fur interment. His brotle•r,
the late William F. •Arnistrong, pre-
elerr•a'erl hint last November.
of an ole
the persu
who died a
Court right. l
by a slight
wlli.•1. 11.• siffe
Mr. Aruotroug w
of age, and wa.
county. 4re'laud. coin
with his 'p i4reirts wed•
of ante'. The family se
route). 11e 4.111114•, to
settled on the 1211. Ora
that port w•am a dense
his fond re'olle•tiuus was
a nervous wred
called in said th
tan of the nerve,
practically I had
limbs, and had to g
I Quite aside from m
-The Late+), William Attsrssd,--1)IM--
i1aay-6ld's Oldest au.I most highly es-
teemed citizens 1141.0011 away en Wed-
n'whey. Mareli 111tH. in the liers)n of
Williunl Attwood. who I1111I 'Well n" resi-
dent of this Thiry for about 'fifty years.
Ile was horn in Rngluud, coiling to
This country 'with his ivarent+ when a
young ten•. The family settlwl ht
Perth county. giving their name to the
yiIIag.e nt+w htM.w+r' w+ AtNa.nMF
deeaswi. who was seventy-four years
of Age. is sureiveyl by his wife and
. The doctor who was three' %.ns lull ore dattglder. lie *caw
trouble was innamma- a member ,if the 1'. 4). C. for many
It grew so bad that years.
control of my lower,
about with crutches.
ajiffering I had. a
Saturday and Every Other Day
we show values in Men's and Boys' Clothing and
Furnishings that bring discriminating buyers to
our store. • Our spring stock comprises, all that
is desi'able in
New Suits New Hats
New Spring Ove at* New Gloves
New Shirts New Neckties, etc.
Get_ your spring outfit, here and have the solid
-satisfaction that comes from the knowh dge' that
your Dollar purchased 109 cents' worth of value.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
o Seasonable Articles
Makes th •old 'hat look like new, sixteen
colors- 35c
e '
., ('1)1.144 )RN E.
9th inst. in her eighty ninth year. The 1 small family and a b3(by in arms to care-SUmda}. Sinn h.
eceased was born ,in Ireland. coming to for and 1 became much discouraged, as 1 Maitlatwl Concession' \dere. --- Mr.
*nada in the year iS55 with her bus- 1 rad not appear to be growing b Her. One .1"ls` Farrar, of Mtretfurd. 818.81 1s
and. James Slowly. In haul, they es/ening my husband met an aged ductor 1..1:
w uedays with hie irrOthe•r. Stn H.
Fettled in cast Wawano•h, and two years on the street and told him of my condi- F':u r.4ut. this. awl:Urs. John
ater Mr. Moody died, leaving ,her with a tion. He asked my husband who was F'li.k and Mir. Edith rhn.t assent the
family of small children. She m wed into
the village of Blyth and later married a
second time, to James Porter, who also
predeceased her. James D. Moody. of
Blyth, is one of the surviving sons of the
('ha.. Tyner has pnn•ha.ed th,•,farm
of Ezra Durst un the )taw' 11114.,
Iinll,tt, giving as part payment his
house on ltattetdntry street. •Mr.
Tyner Is going !meek In fanning and
Mr. a,nel Sri. Burst will take up real•
items. In Clinton.
R. A. Itnlw?ton, formerly of .►nburn.
leas VI n ha.el the .!fraying lousiness of
Ed. Sermon.
J'et.'r 4'ant.•lon has retired from bust -
noes owing to ill -health. The grx'Pry
Mt,'k wens purc1111s.r1 by *.me of the
local graves. and David 4tnntelon, of
llrnsalll. will look after the tauter 111141
egg letsines.
11i11ton 4kIdtello*'. bad a big night
Tuesday of tact week, when the degree
teatn of Huron ',Mae, No. 112, (hale -
rich. w -,i. t.res•nt and exemplified the
first dett.e, putting on the work 1n
sti)1en41.1` ,style. Anther feature of the
program w•a4 the presentation of
jewelfr to eleven members w-Iro have
pressed the twenty -live -year mark. One
of those to receive the ret,rau's Jewel
WAR J. W. Moore, of (:uderieh, `alio
Joined January 1311.. 11495. The News-
Ret•orti say.: -Anyone who J pr
to fir eoileigision that the tloderid
I. O. (4. F. degree twin which exempts
did tilt -first degree for the local long
on Tuesday evening 1% 118 a 'dead one
Exeter Advocate : (/wing to the
suppos"d presence of the F.nropean
corn -Issuer an embaeg'o has iMe'il plated
on the export of cob corn from the
township. of I'slalrne and Stephen.
The embargo was first placed on the
former township and .1114e then nn the
latter. Had It been placed on the one
township only It would have prevented
the farmer from d*llvering corn to
the Furter canning factory, hot eine,
the embargo Ilse been plowed on both
townships there will be nothing to pre-
vent the farmers from both tt.wn+lupe
taking mrn to the factory. Just how
the corn -borer mild survive the hent
to whk•h the eorn would he raked in
pn.ilsgr press. 1e not explained. and
til. Is the way In Which the corn H
disposed of by the Pinning 4'oq►pany.
why so many who •
are run-down in
vitality, find res-
toration in _
is that it possesses in
purest form, elements
of nourishment that
determine growth
and strength
For all dsbiltatsd
conditions, take
Scott's Emulsion.
Sews & Ttu..Y, Ova.
fraaNb se
20 -31st
attending me, and when told said : '1
don't want to -Intel fere, but why not try
Dr. Wlldianls' Pink ('ells.' Aly husband
gigot me a supply .0 these pills and after
taking a few boxes 1 was ab:e to go about
with the use of one crutch. Continuing
the use of the pills I was able to discard
the other crutch as well, and was as active
as ever I had been. "1 here are many in
this neighborhood who know what my •
condition was when 1 began the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and who know
what this medicine did for me, and I hope
my experience may Help some other suf-
Dr. Wipiams' fink Pills are sold by all
dealers in medicine, or may be had by mail
at a0 cents a box or six boxes for 12.50
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville. Ont.
St:.\ sh'i'ft.
r t.friend.
e,e -r ,4 gal 1 I 1111. .
k . 1 .at
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias. Fisher, of
'4u11040, 11114_, have retu•nel to their
home after spending a few .week!, -re,
mewing old ucquaintancw in this
rk•hiity Mr. .l..lm ihirst had the
n)i.furtun.• to Me kicked ie) the fuer
by a cult last week Donald \1e-
leeir is confines] to the house with o
badly hai'.•rated 111.11, as the result of
too .intimate an aerma11ltame.' with a
latrine w Mr. Peter F'ishe'r, -r .
had the grader nut last week. The
road shows a market improvement as
! re,rnit of his effort. Mr. John
Smith nlade a boniness trip to laudon
Last week The Misses Gertrude
and Vern 4)hl,r, of Toronto, sped
Easter under the parental roof.
Miss Mary Mae Livens, youngest
daughter of the late Henry Livens, passed
away or. Sunday. March loth, in her
forty-third year. She had been in pair
health for tome time. She was a school
teacher for several yews before ill -health
compelled her to give up work.
The depth a-enrrwl on ',luuda}.
March 2M; of ,lane Robson, widow of
the late John (toss. She was in her
ninetieth year. I1er husba1141 Oftel over
thirty years ago, and a family of six
survives : Mrs. IL McEwen, Carberry,
Slam. ; Mrs. W. Berry, llrueel.•Id ; A.
'toss.. WbughaIh; 1)r. 51. I1. Ross, Mea -
forth; 1)r. D. 1►. Rosa, Calgary. and
Sirs. 11)r.) Hamilton, Moult Ste Mariie,
Out. 1
Police Magistrate Greig handed out
h1x der islont oil Tmesdny pe) connection
with the charge ag141ust Alex. Mc-
iw'llan, proprietor of the Commercial
hotel, for violating the 4). T. A.. a tine
of x2.1111 .4114) ('Ilse. being 1111110.4.41, The
('1494! w11„ the mitt -lime of a visit by
1l,s4w•tor Pillow and awsistaut. ne-
*madly, when liquor w11w found 111 1114.
hotel and stable belonging to Mc-
The death of Mrs. Wm. Hartty occur-
red suddenly,on Tuesday evening of last
week. The deceased lady had just re-
tuned home after walking to the post -
office when the summons came and before
medical aid could be secured she had
passed away. She was horn near Belgrave,
in Morris township, sixty three years ago
and had lived in Seaforth ever since her
marriage. She leaves, besides her hus-
band, a family of three sons and two
daughters. - -
The well•known business at St. Helens
hitherto carried on under the style of
' The Estate of R. K. Miller" will here-
after be conducted under the' name of
Miller & Co.
i:m meraon--Nixon A very pretty
home welding wa. sol•mn4zed at high
noon on March 1tith atthe home of
Mr. and Mr.. Ralph Nixon, concession
1 AMhlleld, their dnnghter, Minnie
11sesI, tieing nutted In marriage to
Hr. John it. nmmerson, r•nnepsslon 12,
Kinloss. foe bride, who, wens given
away by her father, looked rharthing
In a beautiful gown of Ivory silk errpr-
de-ch111P trimmed with seining and
MCP, and with a bridal yell and orange
blossome ilei iouquet consisted ref
Few eet peat, and maidenhair fens.
The young couple Were unattended
and staid beneath an an•h of ever-
greens and weltting hells, while the
ceremony was performed by Rev It
I!. l'opcland, pastor Of the Astati'Id
Pains About
the Heart
ANY derangement of the
heart's action is alarming.
Frequently pains about the
heart are caused by the forma-
tion of gas arising from indi-
Relief from this condition is
obtained by the use of Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Chronic indigestion results
from sluggish liver action, con-
stipation of the bowels and
inactive kidneys.
Beeauae Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills arouse thews organa to activity
they afford lasting relief for Indiges-
tion and overcome the many annoy -
ng aymp(oma.
Kidneit I imz mitt•
Pack your eggs .while p 'ce is low. Each t in
makes one gallon of preservin liquid 211c
Phone No. 1 The Rexall Drug Store Bedfo a Block
Studebaker and Gray -Dort
Let us give you a demonstration with these
cars before you decide on your spring purchase.
Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working
fine and we are. now in a position to handle any
number of Batteries.
good Batteries. This is proven by the fact that
four-fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can-
ada are using them as standard equipment. W e
d delivery.
them here ready for a every.
Non -Glare Lenses from $2.75-$4.00 a pair.
d 5-passengerthou
oughly overhauled
1. Gray -Dort Special,. goods.as__new, 1920. _
Studebaker, 1 41 -c in er, ,
and repainted.
1 Ford Touring, good o0d rwdning order.
1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shag('.
Case Tractors and Machinery.
Electric Wiring
Let us give'you a figure on your wiring. It will he
•worth your while,
if your ELECTRIC IRON is out of repair (lo not leave
it until you want to use it. We have repairs in stick for it.
New stock of TUNGSTEN LAMPS, 10.., 25s, 40s, 50s,
t;Os, 75.. and 104)x. Reasonable priees.
('.all and see Its for anything in the eleetrieal line.
Old Colborne Hotel Corner
1'110N1: "•'•I