The Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 89—/ThuruLty, March 31, 1921.
"Pape's Diapepsin" is the
quickest Indigestion and
Stomach Relief
Whoa melds bit bast and your stoat
rebs ear, sad y, or you feel fail
and buten When you /save heavy
hemp' et pain or headaebe from indiges-
tioa. Here is instant relief!
Jest u soon as you eat a tablet or
two of Pape's Diapepsin all the dyspep-
sia, indigestion and stomach distress
sassed by *entity ends. These pleasant,
harmless tablet. of Pape's D,apepeia
sever fail to neutralise the harmful
stomach aside and make you feel fine
et Dose, and they cost so little at dreg
Bring Back its Color and Lustre
with Grandma's Sage
Tea Recipe.
Common garden sone brewed into a
heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol
added. will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux-
uriant- Sizing the Sage Tea and Sul-
phur recipe at home. though, is
troublesome. An easter way is to get
the ready -to -use preparation Improved
by the addition of other ingredients
a large Dottie, at little cost. at drug
stores, known as "Wyeth's Bags and
Sulphur Compound." thus avoiding a
lot of muss.
While gray, faded hair te not Mahal.
we all desire to retain our youthful
appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because It does It so natural-
ly. so evenly. You Just dampen a
sponge or soft brush with It and draw
tib through your halr,'taking one.
small strand at a time; by morning
all gray hairs have disappeared. After
another application or two your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft
and luxuriant and you appear years
younger. Wyeth's Sags and Sulphur
Compound Is a delightful toilet requl-
dte. It is not intended for the cu
dgltatlon or prevention of disease.
Tubi w' "Bayer Cross"
re not 'rin at all
Mrs, Hastings, of Logan Township,
Makes a Strange ('unfessloa
aitratford, !larch J-1 - -Mr.. Kath-
arine Bindings of lwog,tit township 1'
in the county Ja41 here charged with
murdering her huxbantl, Daniel /lust -
lugs, the charge residing "by a lmlu-
lsteriug poison 10 him."�s
The woman appeared before Aeg1s-
trate Mu►Ina twlight and was re-
manded mull Manch 31. So evidence
was takeu at the hearing, but the
charge was geld by Pollee ('unstable
Ingram ut Mitchell on the strength of
en llegel coofe.ctou wade to 1 ' at
Mitchell title afternoon.
Mrs. Ilastiugs was brought to Strut
ford from 'Mitchell by (constable In-
gram fulhrw'lug her troufewsiou. The
trip w'ai made In a revere rainstorm
over bad rods and the t ourt did uut
sit until 7.311, although the confeeslou
was ague! et 4 altiock.
Appear Quite Cato.
Appearing quite calm :and collected.
Mrs. !lusting,' did nut seem to be
aRet•ted by the %erlottsuesM of tier
poakion. Her chief worry appeared
to be her two daughter., left alone
at home, one twelve yearn of age and
the other seventeen.
air. 1;. G. 1'atucron. /crown at
turuey. staled he would not put in any
evidence, but would ask a remand for
u week until au Inquest could be held.
The cuufeesinu Was 1101 produced in'
court, but your eorrespondeut was per-
mitted to read it. It le a plait' state -
meld of guilt, although the question of
uubalaut'ed naiad is yet to be Cum
shirred. in the algnwd coutesolon Mrs.
Ilmeligs grater, that her hu,lwtal had
Iwe•u away trine' liter for ten yearn.
louring this time she had spent $400
deposited to their Joint- aneount and
upon dela return he !weenie most abus-
ive to her.
Ai 'ordlug to what ran be learned
here tonight Daniel Ilatiting lovas in
1144- uvtral giaal health lout Monelay.
Daring the 1.1'111111g lie was taken sud-
denly ill, a dolor was called, but be-
fore he arrived Hastf►ags wag -dead.
Apparently no foul play was sus -
t. tad. The funeral wee held on
at'elnesbay afternoon. the neighbors
i r
When It's a
Question of
call ou
"Ai ' Reliable"
A full stock •f Light Fix-
tures, Electri Household
Utensils, etc., alws on hand.
Estimates given a . d. con-
tracls taken for i';' arc
Wiring and Fitting.
\ •
(let eeanine."Bayer blots of Aspirin
111 • "Bayer" package, tingly marked
With the safety "Baer e:±
The "Bayer Prose' 11 y r only way
of knowing that you are get 'ng genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by phy 'clans for
aineteen years end proved saf by mil-
lions for Headache, Neuralgia, Cobb',
Rheumetem, Lumbago, Neuritis; for
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
Handy tin bxuca of 12 tablets- I
larger sized "Bayer" package..
Aspirin is the trade mark iregistere
in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture o
Monoaeeticaeldester of Salicylicscid.
While it is well known that Aepiria
Means Bayer manufacture, to assiet the
public against imitation., the Tabiets of
Bayer (company, Ltd., will be e'tampeJ
with their general trade mark, tits
"Bayer !;roes." -
Girls! Save Your Hair
Make it Abundant!
ltsmedMtely after a "Danderine" mac-
your hair takes on new life, !ware
sad woedroaa beauty, appearing twice
as heavy and plentiful, lo.cause each
hair seism to fluff and thicken. Don't
Ise your hair stay Molise., colorless plein
er at:aggly. Yon, too, wast lots of long,
strong, beavtlful hair.
A Ill -east bottle of delightful
'Tassdsrias" freshens your sealp, checks
dandruff sad faliing hair. This ef im-
+f "bsaaty-tools" gloss to thin,
r► ne
hair that youthful brigbtse
.r1 tsirbt.s.—Ae aruggi.ts :
St. Next Postoffice
es: Store 82, -Res 193
1R®gr communal
Bays ; we can't help but look
better and , feel better
after an Inside bath.
To look one'sst and eel one's best
Is to enjoy, an 1 1de bath each morn-
ing to flush from he system the pre-
vious day's waste, ur fermentations
and poisonous toxl before it Is ab-
eorb►ed into the b . Just as coal,
when it burns, leave, behind a cer-
tain amount of incombu tIble material
in the form of ashes, so he food and
drink taken each day lea In the ali-
mentary organs a certain amount of
Indigestible material, which if not
eliminated, form toxins and poisons
which are then sucked into the blood
through the very ducts which are in-
tended to suck in only nourishment
to sustain the body.
It you want to see the glow of
healthy bloom In your cheeks, to see
your skin get clearer and clearer, you
are told to drink every morning upon
,rising, a ghoul of hot water with a
easpoonful of limestone phosphate in
it, which is a harmless means of wash-
ings the waste material and toxins
from the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and
purifying the entire alimentary tract,
before putting more food into the stom-
Men and women with sallow eklbs,
liver spots. pimples or pallid com-
plexion, also those who wake up with
a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty
breath, others who are bothered with
headaches, bilious spells. acid stomach
or constipation should begin this phos-
phated hot water drinking and are
assured of very pronounced results In
one or two weeks.
A quarter pound of limestone phos-
phate costs very Utile at the drag
store but Is sufficient to demonstrate
that hist as soap and hot water
cleanees'purifies and freshens the
skin on the outside, so hot water and
limestone phosphate act on the Inside
organa. We must always consider that
Internal sanitation 1s vastly more im-
portant than outside cleanliness, De-
mise the skin pores do not absorb
Impurities into the 1> wbile the
bowel pores do.
:atteudlug and paying Ibe usual trite
aft-; to a respectable 1•itIzen.
1 Voluntary (confession.
Today Mrs. Ilaatings, evidently
conscience -smitten, weed W Mitchell
M INi 10 the pretence of Dr,, ,Murray
and Cuustable Ingrain tvtufesstd that
at 9.30 Monday night she gave her
huabaud two strychnine tablets.
It 1s further stated that Mrs. Hast-
ings Bald that fear of her husband
had caused her to administer poison,
the confession stating, it 1. said, that
he hall abused her. According to
what Constable iugntu' said here to-
day the statement was given quite
voluntarily by the amuse) wouwu.
Residents of Dublin, loofarlo, whk•h
Is near the Hastings hump, expressed
great surprise tonight at the turn of
affairs. Some of thew stated allot the
Hveuiugs family 1010 always got along
well together, and that the husband
Was a hard-workilg carpenter. They
could ascribe no other cause to Mrs.
linstilline action titan that of an
aberration of the mina. They even
refused to lelieve that murder had
been done, knowing of uo motive.
Two girl., about seventeen and twelve
years of age. comprise the family. So
fit the entire affair Is surrounded by a
veil of mystery which is providing
:ossip for the entire countryside..
Body to Be Exhumed.
Coroner Armstrong of Mitchell Ie
ordering - the body elbowed. A
Coroner's Jury is ty Iw gathered to-
morrow, but it 4. not known as yet
wbetlwr any evidence will be presented
at' the first session.
Addreos by J. G. Lethbridge, M. P. P.,
Member of the Legislature's
J. 4:. Lrthbrklge, M. 1'. I'., West Mid-
dlesex, chairman of the legislative
reowmittee appointed tai—investigate-
Hydlrol rates; addressing el meeting at
81rathroy, outline) Nle plan revm-
tnetnbd by the ' rumwitte• to aid'smell
munk'Ilatlitlee. Small urban ceutrem
would undoubtedly he helped, as well
Ile rural municjpulititt•, bol this
feature, the mtwulwr charge. trail
never been referred to by the press of
the large cities. -
Agrirluture, he said. was the WHO
lwprrtatit basic industry "f the 1' -
trv. Selfish emtrel in all classes
Is' buried. The Government w•M. a
great wheel made up of cogs which
Inlet run smoothly it the lest results
are to be obtained. Ile had taken ftp
Hydro matters first when he discover-
ed that Meeker seas paying $7•e per
horsepower, While Toronto paid only
$14.:11. This showed tint the Hydro
system was for e•ntraliiatlon.
"I believe," s;tid Mr. Harold ('urrie,
in intro4 i,-Iug the speaker, "that ten
cities of :11,(NNI .eatt,•rel throughout
the country are better than nue city
of 500,0N1. It hag iwen stated that we
are anti -hydro. Personally, I am not
against Hydro or Sir Adam Beek. 1
am, (hough, against discrimination
against the smaller urban centres. At
lefat $3,000,000 a mouth is brlug spent
at Chippewa, and the prevent Govern-
ment has expended $311,INN),000. The
Government is not diserurage , tie they
believe that the power prielueed` will
readily be taken up. The waterpowera
of-fhe Province twlong to the Provinee,
an11 the Provhse0 has the right to raise
revenue for the Provincial treasury,
but mune of the money should be used
to help the Smaller centres." -
Tle question has been asked. said
Mr. ia•thlrklge, what would lw a. fair
rental to doe charged for waterpower.
Mr. F:111%, of Toronto Hydro ('ommle-
Alon, had stated that he WAN w•1)!iug to
.ittn up for $3. The Government haul
thought the rowttter over carefully, and
had obtained figures fr on vel r tm.
.unripe, m111 in wetting their figures
were confident they were acting In the
Inst interests of all.
Mr. Lethbridge stated that while he
had Well in the Tornio papers' great
nitnlwrs of articles pointing out that
the charge would lo' M !wady blow to
Industries, h,' had not yet wen a olnl;l'
a rtk'1e pointing out that It would help
the smaller -centre+ and the runt! di.-
1ricts. The 1A•gI.IMhve, If 1t Detested
to the Toronto !spm r., would be 1o311-
nl with inmmttrnte information. The
tax would figure lout to a, rent per day
per horsepower, and this he•di,1 not
I think would nlnt.'rially affect any firm,
it factory using i1N1 horsepower
would only have to pay 75 cents ti tine.
11e notieel lhn1 Strafhr;y council
Mid Mooed a res oltttion in- farm. •nf
the proposal. This W011111 mean ei sav-
ing o1 $d iwr honey( for Strnthroy,
and heti it been in effn't last year
would have meant a saving of $1.6I2.
Sir Adam Renck,'lai'mel ilydro had not
c,et the Province tilt.' mill, )rut it must
ion• rememliereeTihaf 1HieTflii'tIk 1114
gunranhe'l the delrtentier•s and assum-
ed the whole reuimrnalrillly of Hydro.
Had it been a failure the i'rovinre
�woml 1 hasp lo. f hen vile. Thpiv 1I r 0
C,mtmiesiodm ,*titon'e" for this year
for Investigation work, etc., were $Z17. -
Z17:(1114). Ln%t heir $220,11M) wag spent awl
more then $i,INN),000 had been tomtit to
Ile believed that Hydro power mat-
ters pltiiltl Iw placed timber a power
department of the Government, niter a
minister of power. fess than one per
rent. of the power has sl far leen .1i.•
tribnhd in the twill districts. Hydro
has been one of the P'rovince's greatest
stores of revenm'. and It wen. up to
the 1:ovcrnMelt in we flint more
power was '.rygOUel It. the rural .11.-
tMcts to help ke'p•pesple on the land.
Briefly, .the proposition re',nnuend-
ed to the Government by the couandt-
tm. I. to tnc the wtrterpmeers of the
l'rov4lt'' n1 the nate of $2 ier horse -
potter and to nee the revolve. In am-
.l.ting the 'maller urban centre. and
farming 11lsfrict. to %(rare• anti enjoy
the benefits of Hydro. One half of the
revenue wnnld go 10 .me Id nrhen
centres( wh,'re the charge 1. over Ps
per horeeprwer, fie Government ply-
ing one -halt of the roe! alone that
figure, and the other half of the
ff'renup to he applied ton -gni the
building of inv=tenmion' tramemie%lon
Iimt Into the rural diotrlle.. the nor -
eminent eeelsthng mold lot'alitiee to the
extent of eighty per cent of the eo't 1t
WA/ Figured that that.' 1111rm wmtid cn't
ahnnt $1.100 per mile. with *bent three
rnrRmmtre to the m11e. Thh, lir Leth-
bridge Ma lined. %%mild help to brighten
farm life, create a community mpbrtt
and tend to keep the bays on the term.
Stands for
'lie Citizen's Liberty Leagu - is an organization comprising men of highest stanc'.ing
in `the professional and busin ' ss life of the Province,—men who are not interested
•eit e`r directly'or indirectly in th ' manufacture or sale of liquor, and whose -demon-
strare4integrity and sincerity affo
The me bees of the League are
what they conscientiously feel will
problem—viz., Government control.
suficient guarantee as to unselfishness of motive.
voting their whoje effort towards obtaining
ove the soundest solution of Ontario's liquor
By placing the responsibility entirely in t ' - hand' of the' Go eat, - the peons
cifOntario may rest -assured that the sale o . tco',o bcverag. s ill 'be safeguarded
and regulated in every direction consistent wi . life ink democratk country.
The League's viewsontemperance and its attain (rt are ibodied is he Memorial
here- ,reproduced which every • serious-minded m • t e and - urian is ed to study
with deliberation_ before making any decision.
-Signatures are being`' obtained throu t the Province for the followirg 'emorial, s itch is to be nand to•
the Ontario Government. Copies -can obtained from the Secretary, 104 t it and L ns' ire 131.41., -Toros u.
Hon. President :
Admiral Sir Charles Kingsmill
President : -
L F. Hellmuth, K.C.
Vice -President:
Col. Wiiliam Ilendrie
F. Gordon Osler
Organizing Secretary:
C. D. Boyce
W. R. Johnston
R. J. Christie
Col. A. F. Hatch
H. J. Waddle
D. W. Kennedy
Col. J. N. G. Leslie, C.M.G.
J. P. Crerar
J. U. Vincent, K.C.
E. S. Wigle, K.C.
W. H. Adana
L W. Mardi
A. A. Amos
A Memorial
To rhe Honorable the P1'etnier of the Prow of Orltukiu
We, the untfersigned residents of the Province of Ontario, believers
in all things, hereby desire toexpreu our very grayer concern at the prospcc
being placed upon the .Statute Took of this Province which will not be bin
a great masa of the people t.nd must be enforced l y eaccacive penalties with
army of Spies and informers
Many serious-minded and well.informed citi:en•, including ministers of the g
the highest poaitior.s in the community, while Wily armtveciating the material ben
gained ,from the total prohihitien of the sale of liquor, egrec with the view that the
to interference by the Mate with individual conduct. "1 Ac v bt!ia ve that a temperance caw
surely obtained by evolution, than by Itgi!l..:on .ed t! at total rsohibidon is inconsis
temperance and opposed to Christian morality, w hick is Lased not upon the manufacture o
for punishment but on the stronger force of Sonne'
Democracy sprang' front a desire for fi.-div)dual ii•errty. Stabilized democracy depends
security of individual liberties properly te! 'd. ' 6,' .n be no security for the obsen-•nce
dictating what !nen should est er drink pies is a'. -e support of a sulstantial majority not
of thou voting on a Referendum, but of .:t t' : pr-,obo in the Province whose support Is neces
Especially is this true when the prohibitory tsar es are highly organized at the polls. If one law is
enforced, all law is brought into contempt and dear ocracy itself may be imperilled.
It is a fundamental of democratic government that things innocent in themselves should be regulat
against abuse, not prohibited. It is well recognised in law that a municipality cannot extend a mere power
to regulate into a power to prohibit. if past generations allowed the open bar to become • menace,
that is no reason why we should shirk the difficult duty of making wise regulations to govern the
liquor traffic, an•.1 blindly threw to the winds an elementary principle which has hitherto been con-
sidered a necessary safeguard to democratic civilization.
We believe that the cause of Chrisnan temperance and of stabilized democracy can best be served, -
(1) By Government control of the sale of spirituous liquors, and, if necessary, ■ wisely devised
licensing cf individuals to purchase spirituous liquors. '
By. the treatment of those who have not the strength to take care of themselves under such
conditions, as patients, not as criminals.
By permis::ion to purchase beer and wines under a system to be devised by the Cnvernmont,
thus minimising the evil of illicit stills and the illegal sale of spirituous liquors and drugs. WVe
are not advocating a return to the "open bar."
By the formation of a voiuntary organization similar to the Blue Ribbon Army in Great Britain,
whereby all available energies and funds may be devoted to the promotion of true temperance
by education and example.
We ask that you pro% ide a meant fpr an expression of opinion on the question of Govemmert control.
We further a .k that the Ontario Tempersnc• Act Le amended es abmn so that thew necienr.,na
scruples, rights and liberties 'of the people of this Province may be fully protected a .airr.r an oa gar . c .1
minority, and accused persons shall not be deprived; as they are now, of the sacred ri;:ht of cvcry British
subject to be considered innocent until heis found to be guilty.
f soy legis)
g upset the
entad Rupee
nil moderation
tivc enactment
nse:enee e[
h and an
1 and men
u which
111 a protect
try erre ben.
nt with ti
new crimes
,t be
pots tate
• law
Total prohibition is as unnecessary in Ontario as it is unethical and im-
practicable and you are urged to stand by the League in their fight for
V«PTCV» in the coning Referendum
and sign the
o Lei n Memorial. 4
(corn for Fodder '1
18--Trwting Gram 9,a. and two var-
ieties of Vetches
The members of the Onterlo A 10--
gri' eT1•sting Halw,1
Kale ntpl Field
cultural and Experiments! 1rn1►n are I'Abbate' 't
pleased 14) .tate that for 11r21 they etre
prepared to distribute into the various
totalities throughout Ontario material
01 high quality for co-operative expert-
ntent, with grains, fodder erne.
owls, alfalfa, sweet clover awl fer-
tilizers, as tollaw•m :
NO. 1:It AiN I'Itt)PS I'1.OTet
1—Testing two varieties of (Far.. 2
2—Teeting 0. A. C. No. 21 Marley
and Roamer 2
3—Testing two varieties of Hnlleua
lea rley 2
4- 'resting Iwo variel1't of Spring
Wla•at 2
fs—Testing two earietles of Huck -
wheat 2
41—rreeting three varieties' of Field
Prim 3
7 --Testing ton iaref let of Spring
, it—Trading three varieties o[ !tor,
Moja or Jatenneee ik ais 3
9 --Testing eight varieticv of Flli*
and lent Husking l'orn , 9
It( it IT I'1R01'14
In -Testing three varieties ed Man-
deb' 4
11—Testing two varletlew cot sows
Ma ngel. 2
12--Teetttn.g time. warleli0s of Swed-
ish Turnip% 4
i3—rresting two vnrictlet of Fall
Turntpt 2
14—Teeting two raHet iet of Marron+ l
13'--Teeting the planting of (corn at
aix di,tanlw In the row 0
l6—Testing Sudan (:rasa and two
roulette.' of MAIM.
17—Temting Sunflower, Sorghum and
LM)- Testing two varieties of ?tweet
4'lover 2
21—Tenting too varietiesrtetlre of Alfalfa
2' beg IIIrltiilled, I111IIIel aiwl
scarified 44we•t ('lover Stet)
23—Testing three varieties of Field
leans 'I
24—'renting Sweet ('orn for table use
from different elates of I'Ianting :t
25 A —Totting Low and High Gentle
Fertilizers 111111 Na mire with
Irate and Hct Clover J
2511 --Testing Low atol high trade
Vert Weer,' and Stumm. will
4late and 'tweet ('lover 4
20---T1'aing eliffere•nt gnantiths of
Lime w'it1 Sweet ('lover 4
20 --Testing three genie mixtures for
/:rain proclnction
elf• -Trotting three grain mixtures for
leod.k'n ',relive ion 't
For i•xperl n,'nf No. 213 the10 ;'ni
meutsl ['Mini will furnish the .we't
rlor,'r sed, and the experlm.'nter the
lime, me required.
.any pereon in Ontario who grown
field lisps may apply for any ONE of
tis experiments for 11)21. Each Hotel
cant .1101110 slake a tpcnel choler, as
the material for the tiro choice• might
lee echonsteI before the application le
rereitel The material will he tor -
warded in the orrMr In which the ap-
plications Are received 'while the %np-
ply lasts No charge le merle for the
experimental material, stet the pm
elm" femme% the property of the ew-
perimenter. A report is re mmeeted
after harvest. Each person applying
ahomlul carefully write hla name,
dress anti comely.
Imtario ,lgrirultnral cones*--
I;uelph, reh, 11x'21.
With all the plethora of hooks to choose
from. it is doubtful' of people now read
any better hooks than their grandfathers
and grandmothers did,—Boston Tran-
Hereditary laeeuliarlties.
According to an evening paper the lady
who has just hecome h)uche.e ni Wes..
minster has "one 'on, a h oy " On t., •
other hand, the t)uke himself has tw
daughters, both girls.—Punch (London).
A Problem.
"What a nice letter, Mr,. Smith," said
the visitor, as she handed hack to the
proud okLgom•an the letter just' received
from the old lady's sailor ton. "Anal the
present he is sending you sounds awfully
good. But what will you do with a
striped kimono ?"
"Well you may ask, mix !" exclaimed
Mrs. Smith in despair. "i dunno, icer
sure. 1 s'pnse I can chain it up in the
yard or keep it in the pigsty. But what
i iI feed it nn, goodness only knows I"
Welcomed a Few AeeIdenta,
"Why do they not put up some protec-
tion, a rail. anything. in a dangerous spot
like this ?" inquired the pars manly eon
ducted on a mountain side in Switzer-
Well," replied the guide. "(here has
been stxne talk about it ; but the harm to
the neighb rhornd. You see an accident
or two
every treason gets the place talke
More to the Point.
."Talk about 0 hack -to the -farm move-
nt." says The Butler Republican -Press,
di nantly, "there are too many back+ to
the farm a:ready. Why not a face to -the -
fain) movement ?"
Not Eamy to (,et.
Wife --,'What shall 1 get mother for
her btrthday ?
e Hub -Get her to go home, if you can.—
Boston Trartscript.
To (charlotte.
1 ne'er have gated upon thy face.
Thy fulsome torn► „r p r f t y grace.
it ,t •',tl I k-e'w Ili ot'it iv at for me
Until at last 1 come to t:t•u.
My love spurs not My sluggish feet,
For though 1 have no promise sweet,
I'll find thee in the baker's More.
0, Charlotte Ruse -lex evermore,
Hnw many could he made PFut�ppy with
the hlesaings which are reckleaafy thrown
awav !
F'ael,lnn says nice 11111,' girl.' will
this n,num•r lie shoving Obeli* Mee
little ears AKA III. only they will be
rouge) A let here and there Plat 410
that they 'won't look too akl against
the prevent fa"hinn in furs.
i.' This Se ?
I'hliadelphis Ledger.
it is all richt for a man to get mar-
ried. if is the natural ars the (loth,
able thing for him to do. But he
should muleretand 0110 thing. When
he gets "Harried he 0xehenges the
friendly intermit orf every other woman
In the world for the open suepicton Of