HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 7HUB EIIIEUMATISM FROM
Bub Soreness from joints and muscles
with a small trial bottle of old
Bt. Jacobs 011
"dosing" Rbeumatlam.
It's pain only; not one owe in fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub sooth-
ing, penetrating "St, Jacobs Oil" right
on the "tender spot," and by the time
you say Jack Robinson—mut comes the
rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is
a harmless rheumatism cure which
never disappoints and doesn't burn the
skin. 1t takes pain, soreaess and stiff-
ness from aching joints, muscled' and
bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache,
Limbar upl Get a 35 cent bottle of
old-time, honest "(tit. Jacobs Oil" from
any drug store, and its a moment you'll
be fres from puns, aches and sta-
men. Don't annul Rub y ie•". atima
"Cascarets" if
Sick or Bilious
- Tonight mire! Leta pleasant, harm
lees Chscaret work whileofd sleep and
have your liver active, bend clear,
stomatit sweet and bowels moving
regular by morning. Nu griping or in-
convenience. 10, 25 or 50 cent has.
Children love this eautly cathartic too.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept 't'alitor:Mt" Syrup of Figs
only—look fur the Hanle California un
the package. then you are sure your
child is hating the hest mud most harm-
less phywie for the little stomalh, liver
and bowels. Children love Its fruity
taste. Full directions on each lot(le.
You must nay "l'nllfornla."
Apply Crean Ian a Nostrils To
OOsn' l Pawnee
&h1—Whit'relief! Your clogged new
trib'opai right up, the air passages of
your head aro clear and you can breathe
freely )Nolmore hawking, snuffling.
mucous discharge,, headache, dryness—Mr
struggling for breath at night, your cold
or catarrhlisgone.,
Don't stayjistuffed' opt Get -a—small
bottlel'ot 1y'a Cream Balm from' your
druggist now: (Apply a little of this
fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nor,
trils, let itpenetrate through every air
pawage oflthel bead; soothe and heal
hi a n►ollen, inflamed mucous membrane,
ting you instant relief. Ely's Cream
is just what every cold and ea -
earth 'sufferer . has_ been seeking. jt'e
lust splendid.
it WO Mat and take Salts be Bse11f
saes or Bladder trouble—
ISeotraliess adds.
vise tr4a to !neat s ites t>>a
Dig become overworked; Ret sl
seise, and fuel like tamps of leadn.gelt
urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri-
tated., and yon maybe obliged to mask re.list two or three tes during the ai#L
When the kidneys slog you must !(sip
them flush off the body's urinous waste
or your' l be • real siek person .ksorlb_
At test you !and a dell mimory in tl►e 1ktd
eey neo. you suffer from backache,
ick bemraebe, diezfneu, stomach geta
soar, Worn coated and you feel rheu-
loatja twinges when the weather i. bad.
Met brae meat, drink lots of water;
aye get from any pharmacist four ounces
of dad Salts: take a tablespoonful
In • gums of water before breakfast
/or • few der and your kidneys will
4 Oben see Ana This famous setts is made
tram the Bold of and lemon juice,
d with little. and ksa ba
tor posr'atiaom to slam Mooed kidneys
and stimulate then( to normal activity,
alp to neutralise the adds in urine, es
ft so gouger is a matte. of irritation,
thus win* bladder weakness.
Jad Sable ie i vb mem, he
lure; makes a del (tui effermeored
llttbirwater drink wb everyone should
take now and then to kiespp the kidsgm
Wean and active Dntpg*ta here my
they eel] lots of Jed Halts to folks wee
believe in over=
= Waal tret e
while it is ads
Maud : "Ste always Ward to e.y
her buds.nd married her fnr her
!Minty. What do you think of that I"
Maisel : "Well, 1 think her husband
mint feel like w widower now."—De-
trolt New..
11y Ian Iluurlm.
Ottawa, March '2I.—WIthin the pres-
ent session It 1,4 likely flat there will
he available auure Iufotlautloi with
regard to the railways and sletuinships
operating Meter Government oWiler-
ship. A resolution which bus for its
aim the formation of a standing com-
mittee of the House to dig out this
Information has been Itaudlg 011 the
order paper of the Commons for some
few days, and the Intimation has come
forth, though not yet uficlally, that
the Government will Hoe up ,behind
this resolution and in a very/short
time Incur the necessary lustrili•tltna
for the naming of metnlwrs of this
When Hon. Mackenzie King pre-
cipflahsl a debate on railways by mov-
ing an amendment on the motion to
go Into supply,' the Prime Minister in-
timetlsl that he IW11. not ay.rs' to
ad0p1ing the Idea of a speltl com-
mittee on railways 111111 steilruslrlpa.
and since then, k Is teemed, 11e has
discussed with the mover of the reso-
lution, Hun. A. K. Maclean, the size
and probable personnel of the com-
mittee. Wt it is only a matter of time
until the resolution Is pint through' the
House a11e1 the formation of the colo-
miter takes place.
Advantage. of a Committee.
There are many things to be said
In favor of such It committer. Fur
one thing. it will allow the mentees
of the Government and Opposition a
c it views and dl t
(glance t o air the R
iia op
intermit Hon whtfch they nerd) without
retarding the rnlIre business of the
House to allow. them to do se.. An-
other ghat eRa•t will Ike that the com-
mit/tee hearings %-111 probably bring out
a 14)1 of information which twill tend
to show letter than at pres•ut just
ht,w things are !wing handled, and per-
haps also make things easier for the
Government by giving thh people an
itle1a of the ditMultiea owhlilt are twdtrg
faced and °venoms. in the optima. -
meld of the roads. Of I'onrse there
will he 44044-tions—the l.iis•rnis tan•
likely to complain of having to get
their iffurmathin iia this way when i1
should 1e brought in to therm in the
Rifat', but probably. at the same thane.
they will get a great deal More through
a committee prole than they could
ever hope to receive from lir. Reid.
THE 8I'(i11AL
King I)entenda Information.
There las been quite a sizable fuss
orrr railway di'I*-Iia recently: UH the
nautical to discuss Kir George Foster's
estimated of the Department of Trade
and Comeirree. the leader of ihr
1.ILwrala launched an anwuduent
which dtrlard, In effect, that, except
where It Was hl the public interest to
withhold confidential doe uHtrids, the
House shouki he given all dteuments
uud hdormstluu ,with regarl to Ow
operating of (hoverilnmt departments,
including the CUllattiall National Rail.
ways, "whether operating dins•1ly
tinder. like control of the til purttlaitt or
In corporate form." The 1ltressily for
this amendment, Mr. King ,hllnusl, lay
In the fact that the Gotrrnu,•ut, loth
last session and this, iota (wren with.
Ioldiig httnrmuriun tvWelt sloukl•`prnns•nt sic
have been. glvcvl to the House. amid as IPiot that here would be no rt'-
a result the members had been prat- ti to this yea and (umber said he
Wally told to "sign. on the d011(81' del of think it ',odd take nearly s,
limes," creating huge funds for ex- lioug'ea feared' to 41 the budget .1i -
peudihlre without knowing what had purl c The met her in question
been door w•!Iit Ole muuly,previuusly w•aw le. p etbly the iw
voted. The position regarding the No- side of nun
tfoual Railways, Mr. King enve'rrd. ' Iuet to give.
was one of Government ownership noltld hes thea
without Government Control and oyer- wuu1Q go to 1
atlun, and was one which could out, In porters.
the publie interest, be lunger tolerated. Mr. /'alder Jtelurus,
The defeat of the anielidinenr was a 114411..1..\. Calder ha
foregone eonchuslut, but the Liberals the \Ctwt, nh1•rt. :1s nal
pressed .it to it vote, man aflt•r man uu towhiuing basi14rs- mad pr. -ate afulrs.
side lining up to aeells• Iht• Gov- Therefore 1111 :.11uuuureueoul 1s to they
ernure•tI of playing a policy of silence (so -motion t.f the royal I,ntnu stun to
vetoer' the public interest deu111Hdet1 ,rule the nit t marketing si lotion
Incus• St itl i14 ts.i it ss ills 1•(114 a rc•
mule passibility of the Governments
tinging itself itt difficulties on one or
another of'1he eoutt'to.rstul questions]
may arise. 'I'lu'rr'fure there w'i111.
be a ``Irlve to finish the business: Is•fure
tie 4MWIl of Jtute, and as a 111eta101 101
flet end a' lot of things now proiossl
may just aututltalitaily disappear from
the order paper sirloin! tory action on
No 'Tariff Recision This Veer ?
Judging by pr1'seul 11141fell 1ions there
will be I1tt1e or no tariff tinkering tills
sipt,ion utter all. The budget ,0411141
(Wane dunes w ithh a week or so, but
that, It is believed', %vitt not have Hail
In the line of coun'utluus tariff re-.
rlsiuu to hit tg a very hitter light upon.
flue of hie,prulmiutnt Men of the l;ov.
.yesterday t'press41 the.
t pasltlWn uut-
10114• 1}etuerl1) in the Cale
!1411 informs Ion, as It
di lith 111:11 he word
:..% t4'111114. t sill.
Murkiest trOtat
1, J. A. wits
that Ildunuatluu tlrgardiug operation may be hatted for :1t any t' not..
.hu.1 be givetl le. the House. The I 1011. J:lttt.,..t. lis leen ter11nrl til vet --
ions Ilmek, "the King:m.ker." -Wes"
ern Oracle." and •"fle Jlyst,ry Motif:
and usually he ha- .something 1111 his
.deeve when 11. ncakt < ane of these
mysteriousJ aunts. 'Thin time It.. went
we.' to visii bi. nwlht•r, win wa, s•r-
ionsly iII, but'leforl• :owing homw Mr.
1',tlder ^folnd lime to look Itito Ile
matter uf'7er'onnel for that royal
''4,141111is.1011 and :tow. one ur 1w`opther
anal eric An order-iu-g'omuejl 4I lit
the w,wtl int..,ligation Will prig.
:tbly le Walled lnutsf -ns .1111 as Mr.
Calder and h! etNe:agm'-re:1u get to-
gether and talk - „t ter the matter of
nlsl:uiutie. Slid tle•it• •uilalilfl)'.
Naughty Mato.
.M0llter—Who toter taught colt
use' that dremlfltl word ?
Tumurj-- Salley 1Tills, ml:unnl:l.
Mother- Sal,tu d'latrs ?
T ny—\'es. not a, 1111.11 he .fell
over a chair in my bedroom 011•
mas nfghL—life.
Prim Mlni,Ner and the Government
utentlw • upposd the motion flatly,
and the 'rogresshrs spill alsrut
w e
crit f the
The majority a Knln
fifty on f Th t i l
King ranemeat •wthirty-eight, • w •-ei ht Int
it had gal le Its point 111 showing the
I;Ore•rnntrnt opposel'to giving the
House inform' on with regard to the
operation of the tads.
Atter Easter Rust
Tlrmorroe mitt st the legi'L•ttirs
hark fr their East r holidays and it
would not be surpris If there were
a regular rush of bus toss from now
on, In all effort to get t .ugh within
another 1Wo Worths. Ily the end of
MLty the uoverumeut Mgt.'s 10 IN. wide
to pal all its sypot.rs on Ise Intek
sad send then( 1 ' sniffling, for the
1'ritill• Minister wants to go to, talon
in .lune, taking with him thin. '. C.
Renato le and Hun. Hugh Gntltri to
attend the meeting of the 1hnul'. u
Premiers, 111,1 his trip won't be Its
so pleasant if lie las to teat.. tilt
Light alnl hark Shades.
A young culurerl cuupl. Were al((ilIt\
at the foot of the statue of Liberty. \
Henry was holding NI:Iln1)'. hand.
-Henry.- .old d.ttd), "does you all
kaon whyde)• has '414,11 su14111 11111(
lights on de ,aalu. 1i I,hs•rty ''"
"-t h, durum." replied the -Ethiopian
x11111 it, "111111•x.' II'4 ►wr•411W de less fight
lie mai liberty .' "- 4'alifurufa 1'rlilun.
An Apb1. ,
easel you yr' Iha1 tat halting la al-
itt'trl 'r "
"I'm out fishing. I'm t•erhhtg this
worm to 'swim ! " — Neh•Isplter,
%n rich.
An :\nu•rit un, travelling h1 of
our train. rl'truliy, had a torr 111,•
ilcrg W1111 hint. .1.11 Irishman entered
:tial sitting in the (avant seat facing
!iiia, iuguhvsi as to the dog's 'tirade,"
The ,t.it ril•tltt. knowing the Irish me-
replied : -Part Irish and tart
.taut. '
".hiller..," repNwl i'il, "he t
shtire des ridl:dist to both of as.•'
tut pules WI` (iud lttn legs lehiud
.\tel two we null i't (ttt•t• :
We stand behind I4e4on• we that
\\'h:tt the inn behind be for
Lafayette Lyre
r Not Ike Fellow.
pretty young •wow:ul ',tented tido
A van 'I.. shut( Ie. the city the outer day.
.Nile 1 asst 11!1 Io Ohl• el 11uter where
a 1114 a erk was "assorting Illllsle, and
in her s (rtes( hilar+ aslcwl : "11nvr
yuu 'Klssr Me in the Moonlight' '?"
The t•h'rk trued, looked, :1111 wild :
nowt ha VP 'Well the man at the
vomiter. 've.larva here only n
wee - e a Journal.
k.• � 'Ian 11eV 1 h
A \Cherished Fpertenee.
The •pihaer walls, Into or the
holo•+ to be tbnitttrl he presence
of the 111:1' 'ho visit/') (heir •9ry
(Nae a mouth it mull .ge. 1-advit'r
aa1I his 401 11 - iprietury
.tl Jat.I She 11as 11 ntl(Iht.
'N pw, y. s," sold 11 a 11110411140 e
-'1 wand le. kpirw if itfln'1114L .Cott
tratwtnittrtt by kissing . "
"Iteyond a dudrt, 111114 "w.•'
-Weil. til, a ml.u1 ,nilh a rt,ot,iii i
ra we of :iltluru741 kissed tue.'
"litre . gong ago was this '!
"N'►'ll, let's see. 1 think 1 was
ahtnt two imearhis."
"Why. umdam, rut harm Can ct e
16 yuu 414w from 1lie exposure. It 1
quite (tat lane.
"1 knew il;' she sighed. "hitt i Just
lure to talk about h."--iradies 11 •
.1ullrll:y l: \
my dtlilr," said he. as he teas
elrrssiug.' "1 slices. you Were rf gill
When yuu lid we last night ghat there
were burglars 111 1111' 1ou.1'2'
Why .4" •
'Hit•Il ise•. all titre Hiou.4 Mutt" was -
in my packets when I well( to had Is
g ,"
"\\'1•R, if ytlll'II Iwai ',Nye and gill
tip and shat the wretch )'anti ha VI`
hall yunr money this morning."
' "1'isssibiy—hut then 1 ,iiw.ild have
Iwr'll a wli,nti'r."
. She gave him hark itnlf ills. III'.
.t Llaterlek.'
There wits 11 7.01 lig lady named I't•rk1
Who liatl a great (molles's 44f gherkins
:The went to a tea
And ate twenty-three.
Which piekbd her internal workil's
With i population of less than
two persons to the square mile com-
pared to England's six hundred
with only five per cent. of her rich
agricultural land in the West under
cultivatio•1, with a heavy national
Indebted(. -s and only a few people
to ray the interest in the form of
taxes, the reason why Canada is
b':ts,^•ry for intlnigrants can readily
be arderdood. Immigration is he
h:•man rain without which Canada
m,i't parch ar.d wither up.
1f Great Britain had a large sur-
plus of farmers and farm hands,
Canada might not have to invite im-
migrants front any other source. But
Great Britain is not so much an
agricultural as a merchant sol
manufacturing eentre, and every
year grudges more and more the
Lamers or farm hands who leave
her Colo:lies rot the Dominions. She
is quite willing (o send out countless'
city folk in the hope that they may
be tranefnrmed into formers in their
new environment,Jiut she has fewer
farmers to spare than many other
countries from which Canada in the
past has drawn bxcellent settlers.
This is ll!nstraterl by the Irt'riestNad
entries. Frim 41401 owty-
eighleen per cent. of the British im-
migrants made entry for homesteads
In Western Canada as compared to
twenty-seven. per cent. of the Ameri-
can immit anti and twentv-nire oer
tent. of the foreign born from Con-
tinental Europe.
*In certain parts of Europe where
th;;e is a genuine land hunger, there
is not enough land to go round Five
or six acres per family is all the land
av; ilahle in certain parts of Belgium,
an,. even on that the thrifty Belgian
{_„H a fry ilei•"t• on a f, ni!t' n{ t.•n.
7Lc tr••Pt+ ^11+it Itior of
boo 'rem Prem ('entr d Eorme. ''.tet has
given Canada nearly 300,000 of her
t•rterr t -m n•• o'anon was due t0
the • constant subdivision - of farms
which were tt'Ily fifteen acres to
start with. There Ukreinikne have
1 o nate a ttreAt asset to Canada. and
have at their own expense erected
four Iarre college Inc higher edu-
cation. Then again we owe our fine
stock of seventy thousend Scandi-
navian settlers to the lack of suf-
ttcient land in e•••• •den. Norway,
fe^mark and Iceland.
/lave these foreign horn merle
rood Canadian citizens? Read "The
Fd' 'ition of the New Can'tdlan." by
Dr '. T. M. And'•rtnn, of Satktt-h•
mai., and you will say "Teal" In
one or two grnupa at first there was
onnosition to the kerning of Eng-
lish, particularly among the older
peonte, hut now itis difficult to find
satf••ient teachers to meet the de-
mrtuoa of the schools And it is not
only In the schools where you find
ti o or. ign horn: More than half
th, .studt-te at the University of
Msnitoha are of foreign parentage.
Yp find ebildrea of the foreign
The immigrant- Tide to Can
born its leaders in the professions
and in the Cabinet of at least one
Provincial Government.
Canada is after all only repeat-
ing on a larger scale the welcome to
and the assimilation of the foreign
born which has gqharacterired the
history of the Mother Country. The
Flemish weavers and the Hugneent,
who found refuge in England, are
bolt a few of the foreign born in, -
Annie Recent Pictures.
migrants wilt' be!ped to build up
Rritieh Indlrttry.' Canada's ^hief in-
dustry is agriculture, sod her .4rl•
cultural prospeyy is due in no small
degree to the thrifty and ir,eustno.s
new Canadians whir have ;pmt to !tie
wide ACTT! ,'1 the West from the
neer-rrnwdi. ianA' .,r Rurc"e 4,1d
whole children to day sire ptLO
sneak English se,:: rhg ' Z s
damns Leaf fur
h i h Patent
(Jany ROI)
Pim Ty FLO•rn
Our Deehle 'I mess
will Ire found espial to the moat pot,
fectly matched team In symmetry
and beauty. It Nis gracefully on
the hornets, s and while fitting rf tl
allw,, the great(.t freedom
action it you have a high class
team mule bete for harness appro-
priate for their class Have your
old Harness oiled and repaired now
for Siipring. , 441,1 +i' 1
Bargains in Organs for Quick Sale
T mson's . Music Store
1 Th as,I'iano ease, 6 oc we $60.00
1 hell anti ('ase, 6 octave $60.00
1 Uodefic "Piano ('ase, 6 oc Ye =60.00'\
lila.ehlorl 'iano lase, 6oeta a $40.00
1 auinion, li octave, suitable or lodge or
htH)I fvllittt .. �,, • e-_. t $36.00 '
The Organs • all in good edition and great
bargains. r
Victor Vic (alas and unswick (Phonographs always
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1000 choice Vi( ►r Records\to choose Bonn.
l t
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