HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 64
Thsrsdaj', Mardi M. 1921.
R16{'. DR. Mai•GILLIYR(lV
Asoa Ged[eieh Old Boy. He Is Stip
Iltlterested in This Town.
trite following letter from Rev. 1)ou•
1111 Ylex7illivray, O. 9, of the ('hria-
tau Literature Society for Ohio*, 14:1
North Sze•huen ►toad, Shanghai, will
be rend with pleasure by bis old
(nerds in l:alerlch. It is dated
l'\thru*ry 114 :
My dear Editor,—leaving rrrired
nosh. copies of The Huron Signal 1
am snored t rite your few lines.
As an old GotterM ,.y 1 still tale au
interest is the p spt'rltj',.1 the town
be the lake. i u ler-with iitrterest the
result of the moo tcipal-elections, also
the uew bylaws •utcerning various in•
duslt4al institutions which are necers•
tearg to the existence and prosperity of
the place. We, in thea Christian
Iitotature wont. are a specimen of
()*ands touching I'hina. And doubt-
less there are tunny Canadians scatter-
ed in various portions of the world,
each one _attiring to make good. suet,
1 hope. lift up hnmsuity. The other
e ight we entertained for dinner a Can-
adian and his wife. He had been to
the (:rest War, and came flock
wonathsl. .tfjer his wouutla were
hpeld he ea Me mil to l'hina, and at
tows gat a job illi aur Bre department.
Anal 1 Iwlieve there are several other
ltauattisns win have since Joined him.
As to ('anadiau workers iu our So-
cis'ty, you will 1n• Chad to know that
wo now have n total of four. We be -
gni with two acct we have dould *.d our
numbers. We Isola' shoo That it you
should ri-it china we would be able to
welnme you, not to our hired house
as in previous years, but to our own
Mission Hous. built by the ('nnadian
chur'hea. 1 am proud to read of the
virile colony of Canadians of the
Methodist persuasion in West China.
They are now so numerous as tO con-
atitute the ehiof mission in that great
I'rovitee of Sre•hueu, ■nd they ane
therefore most prominent in the work
of the new University. In this matter
they are considerably ahead of us in
Ilona n.
I)u not think that China is tar away
from you. The C. 1'. It. is putting on
faster and faster steamers, and the
Journey 14 a•e'npyiug less and less
time. Japan has recently erected a
wireless station powerful enough to
communk'ttte with any other part or
the whale world. This post them
atwut yen 0,000,090. China hes not
gut quite so far on as that, but she
also has ■ number cd wireless stations
and is planning one as powerful as
Japan's. We are thankful, too. that
we have the cable, for we seed) ley
there tlw news, of the great Lupine,
which is at present carrying off its
tens of thousands. The earth, inked,
is growing closer together, too touch so
that everywhere can be heard the cries
of the distressed, on the one side the
distress of Europe. and ou the other
side the distre•• in Asia. Of course,
China is on "the ragged edge" even in
times of plenty. but the worst is, they
are dying without the light of the
Gospel of the Grace of God.
Huron sent massy volunteers to the
Crept Wer. What volunteers are they
going to send to the (drat War in
China •
Your/ sincerely,
DONALD Mad0111.1•IVR.4Y.
The editor bat received also lose
copies of the Nonan Messenger, with
lite news of l'hina, and will try to
Mud space for wtme extracts from them,
in tills or subsuvtuent issues of The
S. S. No. 5. (Y)1.1$O1tNl'.
The following is the report of S. 8.
No. ., I'oitarue, for the moutlt of
Mani'. Names are arranged in order
of merit : Sr. IV. --4:. Itogle, 542; 1,
Tburluw, 471; N. Moroi*, 403. Jr. IV,
—J. Bogle. 187; B. ('bisholm, 1:14. Sr.
111.--0. Huyton, 187;',1. Me4ann, 174;
F. Iloilo, 157; J. Freeman. 134. Sr.
lL—K. •Morris, 132; E. Freeman. 1::4;
J. Chisholm, 112: Jr. Ii. -4'. Morris,
F. Horton. 1. class—B. Freeman. A.
Freemau, M. Morris. A. slags—E.
Horton. Number on roll. 18. Average
attendance, 111 TABITHA M. KFJMP-
9VON, Teacher.
The foliosing is the report of S. S, No.
4, Colborne, for the month of March,
'M order of merit : Sr. IV.—Murray
Kernighan, Hazel Hill. Laura Mugford,
Beulah Fisher. Jr..IV.—Wilfrid Fisher,
Emanuel Mitchell. Sr. 1I1 --Donna Mc-
Clure, Edith Fi-her. Franklin Mitchell.
Jr. 111,—Doris Hill. Annie Miller. Sr. 11.
—Aaron Fisher. Jr. II. --Olive Hill,
Myrtle McClure. Gertrude Houghton.
Sr. I.—Marie Fisher, Franklin Flick.
Duncan Million. Jr. L—James McCle re.
Sr. Pr.—Reta Fiaher, Florence McClure.
Jr. Pr.—Leslie Lovell. Number on roll,
22; average attendance, 21, ELEANOR F.
8. 4 NO. 1, ASIIFIELD,
The following it a report of
pupils! of S. 9. No. 1. Ashfield, for the
month of March : Sr. IV.—Fid Dick -
44(0, Lorne Ashton 400. Jr. 1V;
liarvie Crawford 412, Howard Quaid
438, Carman Hayden 4.17, Bob Hoy
343. George Ashton :141. Sr. II1.—
WYlle Iticbardeon 4114, Edtut Murry
and Ir'tde•11
4101 417, George Mills 1211.
9r. IIL—Vernon Willis 4s<4, ('lar
Willis :108, Melvin 1►k•ksou :t5t1, Vesta
Murray (ab' wait ). Sr. IL—Annie
Green 2714, Bert ('rawfurl 21s. ('lass
I.— Florence McKenzie 2411. laugh
Bennett 247, Margaret Ashton 230,
Ruby Dickson 200, Clarence Hoy 192.
Leotard Crawford (absent). !'rimer
class—Jimmie Hoy, Violet Ashton, Etta
Quaid, John Green, Edna Crt►w•fbrd,
Benson Murray. Best conduct—liar-
vie (4nwfe,rd. W. CUNNINGHAM,
C. 8. 8. 11, Ht'LLETT .'.NI) E.
The follawiug M the retort of 1s. 8.
,S. No. 11, Hulle4t and Fast Wand -
n01411, for •March. Those marked (•/
absetit from one or more exsluilultions.
Sr. IV. (pass 4301—Margaret Cowan.
4:2; •Wesley itrdnes-L, 1f111. Jr. IV.
1 pass 4201—Ernest Gross, 1117. Sr.
111. (pass 4201—Fluretce Witiper,
491: John Ihenholm, 459. Jr. III.
pas. 420)—Gordon Jenkins, 428;
•Kenneth Cowan, 348; N:rate Cowan.
295. Jr. Ii. A. (prig 31101—Matilda
Mains, 429. Jr. 11. B. (pass 30111—
Mary 1►enholm, 304; Belie Roberton,
(absent.) Beat spellers fur the month
--Florence Wolper, Kenneth Cows n,
Home l'owan, Matilda Mains, Mary
I leutalm. Perfect atteudawr —John
1►wrholm, Florence 1Valper, Gordon
Jenkins, Matilda 'Mains. l'erfe•t con-
duct—.Matilda %Manus, Mitry ik•nholm.
Num$dr on role, 11. Average attend-
ance, 9, LILA )1. HOW.1TT, Teacher
1 ,-•
• •r." lex i
Its Value Is Intentional
EACH added Gray -Dort which . goes
into use "seryl 5 Tiot only to prOvi e
fresh evidence as to the quality of the
but also emphasizes anew the high ideals
of the Institution which builds it.
A surprising majority of the thousands
of motorists who have selected the' -Gray -
Dort as ,the biggest value in the motor car
field tell us that the reputation of the men
responsible for the car has been the most
imoortant factor in their choice.
And this is natural, because only by
deliberately intending to give heaping
value could we hope to produce such a
car as the Gray -Dort at its price.
Ended by Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound. Re-
markable Recovery of •
Mrs. Church.
&laths Falls, Ont.— " 1 suffered with
falling of my orgy, pains around my
Mart and in bowed and down my 1
neuralgia in my face and Mad, and that
terrible sinking feeling. I felt that I
could not live and would fie my house in
order every night so there would be no
trouble if I dropped off in she night
My husband went to the druggist to get
the beat remedy be had and he gave
him Lydia E. Ptniham's Vegetable Cone -
pound. 1 took six bottles and felt a lot
better. 1 will always recommend the
Vegetable Compound, and you can use
these facts as a testimonial." — Mrs.
J. O. Cruaca, Boz S46, Smiths Falls,
The success of Lydia L Piakbsxn'a
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and kerbs, is unparalleled. It may be
need with perfect confidence by women
whe suffer from nervous prostration,
displacements, inflammation., ulcera-
tion. irregularities.
bearing-downfeeling, �ng�,
bedt'gea tion and dizziness. Lydia L.
Tinkhsm's Vegetable Compound is the
standard remedy for female ills.
If dere are any complications shoot
winch you need advice write in con-
fidence to Lydia E. Piakbam Medicine
K I X(:BIIIt I D(:E.
Wednesday, Mnr•h Set
Mr. and Mrs. 41. Frayue have re.
turned to .1shfiehl from Toronto.
Mrs. M. J. O'('uunar has returned
bottle after spreading several pleasant
wt,r•ks In Wallateburg at the home of
Mr-. .1. /'Carey.
Misses It. 4I'1teillr. M. Sullivan. M.
N„rvey and 41. O'Connor ere spending
t the Easter holidays at their re'pe.•tive
h uues.
Misys Gladys O'iteilly and Mary
Classes are t•isltinK it the home of the
tormer's parents.
Mem rs. JIM. Sullivan and Joliu I.iv•
Itgtston. Junior. have returned to De-
troit after spending the slater at the
former's home.
Mr. Joe tinrvey. of o, -spent
Ester in Ashfield. ---- -. --- • -
Messrs. Tofu awl Pat Bullate have
returned to Flint. Mich., after spend -
Ing several weeks in Kingsbridge.
There Is a report that tome of our
luteal Iaoys are going calling.
Rev. J. S. Hardkcs many friend•
are" sorry to !war of his illness, and
all wish him it ispeedy recovery.
Dramatic Sueseaa.—Gln the night of
March 17th it large and expectant cnn-
eourse gathered in the sloclous pet Huh
hall, which was decorated in the pre.
dominant eolor of tlw day. The e'ur-
locity of the audie'nce wail keen, know'.
ing HiatTliir-dearer yv,nng actors were
to prsrot for their pleasure the
widely known seal favorite play. "Irmo
Rivers." From the moment the cur-
tain rose on tine first dot the interest
of rue a,cll•uu-• never 'that'd. To-
getIwr they Ianghesl at the Jokes and
wept et the sorrows .1 Lena, and
frnllt'ked thrnt$Mout the entire story
with lively .!ohm Jr. The sympathy or
Mae iudigrentkro of the asw•mblugi waw
eulistel'by ('a roll ns 1,1tIugstnu in er
drsla•rue attempts to capture i,en 'a
ideal. Durward Reim t, and to std
!..•tut'• r.-pltetion. Theste actors were
splendidly suppnrteo by • t:ntuny
Nickels. le•wt's gr 1moeh.r, Ilenry.
Graham. L•ua's long• ost fts1li"r, Mrs.
(:ralur111. Henry's beautiful hat Jealotts
wife. John Livingston. (:r.Uny't riot
S011. and t'ucle 11411y, the "nigger" ger•
vent, Nnwy Serrvnndyke, a lone fe-
tnale, and Jowl Slocum. Nancy's
renew. and another of I.ena's ardent
admirers. The short pauses tweeters'
acts were filler with wings and Instru-
mental s'ls•time., all flawlessly render-
e'd. The actors w're fully r.ymi.1 for
the this. awl labor spent ono their "el-
ection ly the enthusiasm and npprt•la.
that of the audience.
A meeting of the T.sdiesi .lid Society
of Taylor's Corner will for held it the
home of Mrs. Waiter Hick on Wel-
twwl,,y. April 11th, at 2 o'clock p. m.
The Late Mrs. Torranee.—This whole
neighborhood wits startled with a
%hack uf-,nrprise and ss.rrm► by the
news of the Midden de -nth on 3lnwlny.
March 14th. of Mrs. .1. Ite1d Torrance
at the early age of thirty-six years.
As she via. alone in the house at Ow
time of her death, her husherw" laving
gmae to (:mlerlch, the exact details of
the sad event cannot be known. She
seems! to he In her usual hearth and
after Iwr hisband's doparnire lad
hnsksl herself for •som.e time with her
household duties. Some time before
n.s,nlph' heel lain down o■ a lounge to
rest and must have pawed away al-
most Imin dintely, for when her father
In-Inw, Mr. John Torrance. went to
Visit her early In the afternoon he dle-
eoverel her lying dead on the lounge
He immediately strnrmoned assistance,
and sent for 1►r. Whew of Clinton. who
found that she had iw'rn deed for wsrne
time and pronounced the canoe of
death to he heart lethal*. Mrs. Tor-
rance, whose maiden Warne was Fannie
A. Llnlaay, was a nstive of Gorier -felt
township, and was widely known in
the district, and highly reaps -tell and
beloved by all who know her. The
funeral took place on Wednesday to
Nis Rio eanetery and was very large-
ly attended. The ervIcew were con -
(Meted by Rev. A. Macfarlane, minister
of ltayfi.•.! and Itethany, of which
latter ehnn•h Mrs. Torrance Was an
active and devote) t{trmiter. The pall-
bearer,' were three of her brothers.
'Bert, Ben and George, and John- A.
Torrance. Iteakls her tnrrowing haw
hand, Mrs. Torrence la snrvlved by ier
mother, Mrs. Ihavid landwty, three
slaters: Mrs. Alex. Stirling, soil
Sophia, (all M whom live In (kwlerieh
tawnehtpl. and May of 1'e00.ntnrnngh.
Ont , and sex brother Inert and iten.
In (hwler1eh towelMp, William and
!'lend, in the West, Walter in California
and (:surge. at !leveler. Out. Mitch
sympathy is telt for the•bereavel hurl -
total and for the other relatives in
their sorrow.
Monday, Starch 2R.
Mrs. Jew+!(' Grey, of (4lnto11, Is
spending a tee days with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Matthew Shackleton.
Misers Violet Kilpatrick aid Irene
McQuold, of Strttord Norwul, and
MIkIrel McWhinney and Ruby Kil-
patrick, of the 1;.. C. I - are 'Tending
the holidays at tlwir homes here.
(Miss Sadie Me''uuuell, of Galt, 1a
visiting friends around here.
A number font here attended Mr.
Marvin DurNn s sale in I:alerlch on
Tuesday, March 29.
:511ss !tooth Shaw i+ huwe for the
,Miss M. A. Whiteman Is spending
the vaeatiun week at her honer at Tees -
Ser. Hutnr Chilton spent Easter Sun-
day at his huuw• here.
Miss Ina Hewitt, ut \litchsll. b
visiting her grtudwother, Mrs. ltk9t-n
and Iaidtksn.
Mi.e. 1.illlan leutenslsyer, of To-
runto, is visiting at her home herr.
-Mr. L'Itiltp Bogle, of l'ort Colborne,
wash a tlyiug visit to this vicinity.
Mrs. \Vm. Huston and daughter
Alice visited her sister, Mrs. Irving
Hunter, last weak.
Miss Tahiti's Kempton Is spetullug
the holidays eit her h.rnk' in A'shfield.
Mrs. Harry Frt'mats, 11 110 funs been
confined to her Md for some timc, is
Ode 10 ie• up and around again.
The township council wt on ],larch
7; members all present. "'Liuutcs of
F\'bruury w.r•Nug tied awl squirted.
llyltw No. 4, r• flog tags, was duly
pawed, ou mesion of Jamiesuu and
('an►pbelI. The following aenunts
were ordered fall : Jae. Hackett. ex-
perees to Turulattt re good rads, 12_41;
.Lis. Hackett. tart salary, $25: John
Lunlraur. part salary. t23; F. Jnbn-
.tort, part selery, $2.1: Thos. SnlIlren.
tort salary. 125: John I'. Campbell.
tart salary, $25: G'. E. Melhnogh. part
s:eLary, tb51: Municipal World, supplies
and dog tags, *34.2h; R. I). Mi-itunald,
sheep Chaim. $23: Itubt. Drennan, sheep
raivater, 112; Jas. Hayden, gravel,
S5.6.5. Ryles.' No .-o was duly paneled,
alryointiug the following pathmasters:
F. H* -•Is'il. Nekton G:sham. Jos.
Tigert. John Foster, S. 1t. Johnston.
I'*Igsr Dougherty. John It. M,Whinney,
It. McWhinney. F. 4:Irvin. It. Erring-
tuu. John "A. Johnston, John Itlaek.
Jas. Siutlmuu. Thos. Slumkletni. Aligns
Gordon, .John Quaid. Jas. ilaytlen, Hoy
Maize. Foul. Oliver, W. It. IIit kens, H.
Hawkins, It. .1. lloy. Thos. Dickson.
Fol. Flynn. Geo. ltichaMgon, John C.
l►.tlton. John Me•Kenale, Mk•luel Wan!.
('has. Congraw, A. l'ullkrt, Ttltn. 11.
('tille•rt, l+amuel Swan, R. J. Durnln,
pert Treleaven, Joh■ !trill, Thos.
Smiler. J. It. M -Nsl.h. Alf. Errington.
Joos. 1Ve•loster, Ilert Fluulgan, Rich.
Johicoot. Hugh F'Innlgam, Win. ('Imre,
John M,-i,sty, ('has. 'Me('arthy, David
M.•Whin,wet, Leeds Dalton, Fol. Foley.
JaI,n Sullivan, ('nester (l'Itellly, F.
M14'otrthy, lead. McKenzie, Jos. Me -
.edam, It. It Molhitahl. 0. Little. Jas.
Drennan. Thos. Drennan, F. Murphy.
Thos. Elena. A. Johnston, Heobt.
:Monti. 11'w. Dane, Elsner Attila. 14'. 11
Irwin. las. Hrtvkeft. Win. 1'wantlry, R.
Nixon. Ernest Gartner, Roy .titin, 1:
IAzntrr, Ttcae,.Ferguson, 1.. Hits hie. W
lt.,blwiu. Phil. !loran, J. Bowler. J.
Kwan, E. Jam ir-on, A. Feb'. 11
lsaird. A. ik•ekett. Iain Mel Upheld.
John Cameron. W. 1Vlley, W. 1V. John -
'ton. Jas. Celia, F. Munro, I1. lb. -
Kenzie, 4'. !Cobb, A. Long, D. Cameron.
John Mt•Iilsdt. Ed. t$'xt'r, W. Buck-
iu;hatn.'J. Miirry, J. 51. 11,01141111. 1'.
G:Itmor,';, A Helm. J. 11. Webster, .I F.
Ritchie. Manuel Mehl, John .twlnew.
(►n IwNMt1"'et` 4'11tnlilwll and Johnston
veni•II adjourned to meet April 4th at
1 p. m.. 1'. E. )cIloNA11-11, ('leek.,
".1'a. how do we get to Patsy Street?"
"lou came to it atter fifty years'
travel 'down Hanl Work Art -nue. my
,---, CUBE ,c...
A &My of OXO
=elm good the wear
and tear due to cold and M
fatigue. Sondy,toe. fii--
M • b mi-wan�
Igoe• you want it
Tia, d 4 and 10 subs*
Decorating Matenals
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We sell you the materials. or
take the contract of decorating
y'onr home, store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Qui, Pate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We can supply your wants in
any kind of Glass
North side West st. Phone 354
and all
\I inard'e
h.s siren
for tire*
Itqui.kty relines sore
throat. bro..Mtit•'sew .
.1.,a. r5lk• and ray
kud d pun.
An Old Reliable Remedf,
Airs. S. Fawcett. Hamilton St., Coning.00d.l
Ont, writs►,—Mrard'. Liniment surely ,s M
old reliable remedy 1 sins), keep a butt',.
u the ho..w and Aare recommended it to
quite a n.rmhn ot my friends. to whom it per
great relief lit most case. ,t ••• used as a
clue tea t►esnatwn.
Mi nttittood's
__rmo zt'tl Novel Swtia.
'r110MAs G1'NDRY, �s
BOX 67, Godertch. All instruction/
by mall or lett at *nal office will be
promptly attended Residence tele
phone 119.
Mx I'ER, Solicitor, ,.terry pablle.
Office Hamilton street, G,.erieb, third
door from Squmre. Trus funds to
loan at lowest rates.
Ofee—Pterllng Bank Block, ' in -
Won Street. Goderlch. Telephone 8S.
Real Estate. Loans and Taxan
pito 1'DFV(IT, K I LLl1!tAN
rr HI►LMF:S,
Office on the Square, second door
from Hamilton Street, Ooderlcb:"
Private funds to loan at Idwest
re tee.
W. I'roudtoot. K. C., J. L EIlloran.
!Motley E. Holmes.
RISTER, attorney, solkltor, eta.,
Oodertch. Money Masai at dowels$
ra tea.
✓ 881GF-R. BARRiIR'Elt, 14OL-
ICITOR, notary public and con-
veyancer. Office—Court House, Godes
rich. 00 -Lm
ANCE CO,—Farm and isolated
town property !neared.
Officers—Jas. Connolly, Pas., Code -
rich P. 0.: Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres,
Beechwood P. 0.; Thomas E. Bays..
Sae. -Teras., tk'a tort b 1'. O.
Directors—I). T. McGregor, R. R.
No. 3, Seafortb; John G. (irlevr, No -
4, Walton; William Sinn, R. R. No. 2,.
Seaforth : John Bennewiea, ilrod-
bagen; Geo. McCartney!. R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth : Rohert Feints, Harlock ;
Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; James
Evan., Beechwood; James Connolly,
Agents : J. W. Yeo, Goderlch ;
Alex. Leitch, K. R. No. 1, Clinton;
Wllllam Chesney. Seeatorth; E. Hlnrh-
ley, Ikeaforth. Polley -holders can pay
all payments and get their cards re-
eeiptel at It. J. Morriah'a Clothing
Store, Clinton; R. H. Cutt's Grocery,.
Kingston strati Galerleh, or J. H_
Reed's General Store, Hayfield.
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
It all hours, night or day.
Weatera Ontario
But Commercial School
Our winder term commences Tues.
day, January 4th, and students may
register in onr Commercial. Short
hind or Telegraphy departments at
env time. Our courses are thorough
*oil practical, and we assist graduates
•, positions, Get our free catalogue.
In A. MCLACRLAN, Principal.
The Double Track Route
tlnexoeIIed dining car service
Sleeping cars on night trains, and
parlor ears on principal day trains.;
Full infornintion from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn.
District Passenger Agent, To-
O,H. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 211
Town Agents Phone 8,