HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 5• Formaldehyde 4O% (sometimes called Formalin) ALWAYS RECOMMENDED to prevent Smut on Oats and other grains. Highly recommended by Ontario Agricul- tural College for smut on oats and increasing the yield. We can supply Government standard strength Formaldehyde at 75c a Ib. Always a large variety of Stock Foods and Stock Remedies on hand. CampbeI1 Dnig Store The Peuslar Store Phone toll The ti1t1•Irr ESTABLISHED 1872 SERVICE is the measure of a Bank's usefulness. We think we give the best. Our facilities are at the disposal of all who appreciate courteous considera- tion and the best terms consist- ent with sound banking. We are always glad to be consulted. BANK OF HAMILTON Goderich Branch A. J. MacKay, Manager LOCAL TOPICS. M. C. ('. Tournament. A five hundred tournament has heen lay, progress at she iteueselgllg Club for a num'lwr of work., 0414' bight a week being given to It. The Iwo- elusion was reached ou Wednesday night of this week, th'e winners 'wing : 1st Jas. I1ma1ds0n, 211d Roy Ihunlle, Sri 'Geo. Melwv)d. ('ounty ('ourt Next Week. Judge Dickson will preside at a sitting of the County Court neat week, commencing on Tuesday. '1'lw cases on the (b wket In'lll(1e ('i•aigle v. Muni- bor. ('auada Steamship l'o. v. Powell, ('larks' v. Huron Flax M111s (Sea - forth 1. McPhee v. ('lark and McPhee v. Township of Colborne. Band Meeting. Mr. W. J. Barb'., of Hantiltlin. au aPplieant for the posltiou iof baud - master of the 33rd IteCieeuf bawl: will be In town on Friday of this week to lntervlew the hand members awl the committee. A short rehearsal of the baud will be held 1n the tow's hall on Friday evening at 7 o elo•k. All bandsmen are requested to be present. Ilaiket-boll Tournament. The Western Ontario Athiet1. Asalr ciatiou has arrange) It Iwskrt-tall tournament at healon fur March 31st and April 1st. Teams from Collegiate Institutes and High Schools will com- pete for a *2110 trophy. The liuderb94 Collegiate Institute is sending a team and Mb.. Bertha Cantwell, brother and,x .iter of the bride and ;;norm. The happy couple begin their married lit, on the groolu s farm. lately purclas•d front Mr. A. Johnston. oto the SDI cou- (esslon of Colborne. , Many are the wishes that accompany theta for a long and happy married life. Registration for the Referendum. 1'p to this 1Thursday 4 afternoon) about 1-21 names for Ute referendum voters' Ilst had been registered by \L'. James Yates, the uthrvr for this par Pose. It 1s exI)tM•t,'d that application, for registration will be more numerous on Friday mud iiatnrday mal that per - 11a110 3(141 or PM names wjil Is• added to the list in 4iolerleh. Saturday is the last day for registration. .lpplicar thin must le' Wade hu person by any- one .lr-iriug to have his tor herr name added, except in case M illness 01 other eir•uwstatces preventing the ate paeans from iiakitig a personal ap- !war me before the registrar, Iu which ease a relative or employer way make appllea t (uu. Dominion food lnspeetor. The• I h,Inhlh)111.ssl inspector, \1r. 11. J. Dotter. 0f ale Department of 11(4(1th, Iutaava, 131141 a vial! to the groers i1 11161'1 this week, hWleel44441 1111wi., upon foal products and advising the grocers regarding 1Iij',irtlfurcowent of the Fold and Drugs Aet.' fader this Act, passed at the last ,rssiuu of Parliament. it is neves.aary.40 label all fool 41ruduots iu lai'kage form. wetted "by the mann- faeturer or producer, bearing his name 14lnl address, the contents of each pack - of seven players, ,ouslsting of }:rIe age in terms of weight, measure or Wilson. captain. Win. Weir, Frank Washington, J. (:arrow, Frank llaith- 1.y. Ronald Wilson and Hebert McLeod! Eleven teams have entered for the toutnament and the (iotlrrlch team is to play '4\•oalst04 k College in the first round this (Thursday) afternoaul. Here's wishing the boys success. e'antwell--MarMillan At the East street wause. (;olerleh, on Wednesday evening, March :4411*, the marriage was solemnized by the , Rev. Jas., Hamilton. If. A..i,f \!r. W11- liaw 1'antiw'.tl, sew of Mr. ,and Mrs. Joth (Iantwell, of Construe ti 'uship, and .Miss \lalel MaeMlllau, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mae-" Millan. liolerich township. The bride M -a . 1e(4aning1y gowned in a nary blue suit, with hat to match. After the ceremony the signing of the register a'as witnessed by Mr. Jas, MacMillan lwr upon the outside of the pan k - age. Mr. Darer say. many producer, of maple syrup and honey are violet• tug the Food and Unlg' Act,'(herr be- ing nothing, upon the package for blew I tI,v t ion. Sufficient 'Entries Made. Twenty-two entries bac.. Isen made iu the (vWIIItlwl Meld crop and: seed eoulp'tIlion in eonne•tion with the 4;0.14.61 Agricultural Soo•iety.. This IN a sufik'ieut number to fulfill the re- quirement of the Detairtweut of Agri- culture, Whk'll coutrihutes the hulk of the prize money. The dire•tors of the Society lave seleetel registered Raw tier oats as the grain ill 1011411 the com- petition Is to be held. The entries are From.. (:olerb•h t,m•ush p—W. T. \lurtwy. Robert .\u- drew--, John Sowerin•. 11.•11 Itrus , ,1011 Yuill, Fre 'Bell, (len. la111ln*aite, John w•Irwa412. From ('oltro•no township Thos. I'hislnlm, .4114. \11-\4uuts, John limiter, Iwai' ihtiheriugtou. . Alec. Clinton, Ell. Lawson. .las,. Chisholm. Seery, Flet ober Fisher, .1o1u4 Keniighau, Frank Young. w1u. H. J. (:len. From !Hulley t,ntn14hip— Thos 31. Snowden. Fnl.Ii competitor runt Inst In as plot of at least file acres. Sall 114 obtained from 11e ('alaldlali a4',4l /:rowers' As- 14.eiath)11, (MIMIC MI'. .1. S,•11walrz is getting led bushels, enough to waw sixty ace's, so that next year then' will be a loeal supply of sesl. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture wit wend esp4rts to judge the •n111144 1 field Imps, and later the grain in the bin will be judged by men from the ('allunlian Seed 4lrower'' As. N,,'1:ItIn11. Surprise Presentation "1 Thursday evening last. March 24111, Mr. and Mrs.- Donald McNeviu- Trafalgalr strnwt, ergertain4,1 about thirty of their n•iphhors. the following day tieing the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. A pteasatit time Was spent at eu,lIr.'. after w111•h 11111411 was served. At 12 o'eMIk 11e host and hostess appeared ,attired as bridegroom alai 'bride, and reeltvrl a surprise mhest they wele greeted, in behalf of 11e company, by Mr. A. lliggin1011 with the following address : "(lolerich, March 24, 1921. "[her Mr. and Mrs. 114Xevin,—As 1 GOOD NEWS 1 • THE SPRING._ 1921 STYLES IN ' Lies Sur ( Qts, Skirts, Blouses, etc. WILL BE SHOWN AT THE Ladies: Ready -to -Wear Store Select y —ON— SATURDAY ON—SATURD'AY APRIL 2nd This will be the first day of opening of our latest and most up-to-date styles, with the highest qualities at the lowest prices that were ever shown in Goderich Do you know why ? Because this store means From MANUFACTURER to WEARER Buying from the Select Ladies' Ready-to-wear Co., you save the middle- man's profit, and don't forget that any Suit, Coat or Dress that is offered to you at the opening sale means a Saving to you of from $`�, 0.00 to $15.00 This is no paper talk. You are cordially invited to come in and inspect our beautiful range of sample Suits, Coats and Dresses especially. Yoii will admit that they are Right in style, right in quality, and right in price and a guarantee goes with them, if not satisfactory your money is refunded. You can't expect any more, and we won't give you any less. WE ALSO HAVE A new range of Blouses and Smocks Most of them are a highgrade of samples, no two alike, sacrificing for the opening sale Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. MacLean's Block, The Square Toronto headquarters and factory, 456QUEEN W. • The Best in Photo Plays at the MODEL THEATRE Week of April 4 to April 9 STEAL'S J GET IT STEEL'S T STEEL'S Good quality Tea, 2 lbs. 53c Coffee, 45c lb. Gold Soap, 11 bars $.00 STATIONERY Window Phare 15c -yd. Box Paper ... , ., - 15c to 69c Writing Tablets 10c and 13c Envelopes 2 for 15c, Paper -cover Novels, for boys ' and girls ..... .. - . 15e • CANDY Assorted Chocolates 40c lb. Wrapped Kisses 30c Ib. Special mixed 30c lb. BIG LINE OF HARDWARE A• 1)RY (lOnl)S Ladies' Nightgowns.. ... $1.00 each Ladies' Silk Blouses... $1.04) each Ladies' Pyjamas $1.011 each Heavy Flannelette... 29c yd. Curtain Goods Oc yd. Nice line of Curtain Rods 5e,10 15c. TOYS Garden Sets' 15c, 25c\ Sandi Pails t 15c set Marbles and Allies,-- big assortment. New- line White ('rockery. Assort- • ed Prices. AT THE RICHT PRICES. L. R. Steel Co. Ltd. 5c to $i,00 Store anammonlINSWillt • this is the eve of your thirtieth wed- ding anniversary. we take this oppor- tunity of presenting yam with this little gift as a slight taken of our appre•Ia- tibu of you as friends. We 'have al- ways found you jolly good fellows in all our soehal enterprluis. We hope Ton well he slated to spend many more happy years together. as yon hare done in the past. May the Lore 1,ros'iwr you and yours, is our wish." MONDAY and TUESDAY ADOLPH Zt•KOR pre,ents BILLIE.. IU RKE in "Wanted, a Husband' She found one. Come and se how Nhe did it. .‘Ism a two -reel Harold Lloyd comedy, "Get Out and Get Under" Regular pieta. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY BEN II. HAMPTON prw•nts. "The Westerners" The gift was a magnificent statuette. "The Shell Girl.- The r.-. ipiruts•were quite overcome for t ler aunti�i-,,.. tit, 1.111 Donald rvneerel t1Mw irtilly- t make a suitable reply. The guest. \',,40, Joined in singing "They Are Jolty flood Fellows." teaming was cumluel$ 4'I a141 after alis ars eiiJoy.d for a 1111'' all returned !Mille after spending an evening long to 4.r r,•metuler,d. I'hr guessing contest at H. C. I)un- 1010o drag store was 11nclwlel on 141t- urehay evening, when the jar contain- ing the Jordan almonds was °pe 1nW and the almonds. counted. It was found to contain 321 aimowls- Mi.+1_ ]totter, who guessed 52.3, won the first prize, the chicks. and Mrs I•am. S'ew- art won the .awoud prize, 'ow due her guess twiug 314. r.. front the famous novel by Stewart };,hoard White, n picture that is (litr erent, in Nevem rod,. Also A ('HAI'LIN ('OME1)Y "One A. M." Regular prices. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1'niver.al presents HARRY CAREY In "Bullet Proof" Alga a ('entury ('(Needy. Regular prleew. - Matinees - Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday. Do not buy your next lot of Counter Check Books without consulting us We are agents for -the best Check Book firm in Canada All styles of Books Prompt Shipment Closest Prices Counter Check Books are now obtainable at a considerable reduction from last year's prices We can quote the lowest prices in the trade The Signal Printing Co., Limited Goderich, Ontario