The Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 44 7'hur-dry, NI 1'01 :tl, 1921. st TIM TONAL - IO Jt1IQ$ 0311. 1444 LISTEN TO. THIS -We bought for this spring's selling a number of fine Blue Serge Suits to sell at $55.00. Afterwards the order was can- celled because the public struck against paying high prices for clothing. The firm got caught with a big stock of high-class woollens and had to unload at a big loss -the result, we bought the same suit for $14.00 less money than first quoted. We pass more than this amount on to you and will sell these fine Blue Serge Suits, guaranteed botany wool and indigo dye for $39.75 We ,are #1 gent for the Borsalino Hat W. C. PRIDHAM hone 57 4 Hat � for Easter DUNGANNON. MR. N. F. WHlr'ARD U the agent for THE SIGNAL at Dungannon. Orden lett with hl,t for aubacrlp- tloes, advertiremeutr or job print- ing will receive prompt attention. Telephone (Goderich Rural) r30. 'Rheumatism Neuritis. Sciatica. Neuralsis. Phone Thursday. March 31. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sanderwro are at Toronto this week visiting their son Perey and fatuity. Mises Pearl McKenzie. Ethel lase ist J44111 $lothers are Inoue from To- ronto for the I':aster raesllou. Mewsr.. J. R. Ml•Nsbb 11 1ui J. Ki1- longh were at Toronto this' week at- feudhig the meeting of the trustees' deportment of the 44It:rriu Edncatimull Association. The former Is s delegate from 11111111/111.11.111 p111114: school : the hatter from S. S. No. G, .shaved. Mr.. \\'w. Crawford, how soi, Har- old. and daughter. Helen. who had been the guest. of Mrt and Mrs. 1t. J. Crawford for two or three weeks, left on Thursday fur i,ouduu. where they intend staying a short tittle prior to their return to their home in 'Moore .law. Sask. Franklin Thompson, who has !well .•11gage.1 at Loudon for some time. spent Eater pt the home of his mother. air+. Wan. TI ps.oi. Mr. and Mr.. Itoy Harri-. of Strat- ford. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thu.. I1. .\lien over Mulal:iy. Mrs. Barris will remain with her parents a week. Mise-.. itnlby and lhelrgie.A)Ien :Is- itel at Ileas11f for the Easter holidays. missionary banquet was held In the hasemeut of the Methodist church on \\'even...day evening of this week. .\ go.wll,• crowd 41'.e41111.1ed and a very interesting program was r•nderd by I.s•at talent, after which a In wits IZ'V Ieu.'reIrlratiutts are being made here for the referendum rote to be taken on April Poll. thee*, forget the play. "Pa's fieri," • ou Frid:ly evening. ,t rare relit Is in +fer.. Ur. O. -E. Augustine will sell by pub- lic auction on .4 he prowl -es in 1hungan- non. On Saturday. April 9th. at 1 o'clock p. Iu.. the 11.111.e Anil tut, chop- ping .will a 11.1 household effect+. For further p:1rtlenl:lrs see advertisement 'i tri.• front pas;.• of this issue. CAMPBELL-PENTLAND.- A charming Easter nuptial event was solemnited . n Wednesday afternoon of last week. at the; home of Mrs. S. 1. Pentland. Dungannon. I when her dauahtet, Lillian E., was united' in marriage to Mr. Colin G. Campbell. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Campbe'I. of East Wawanosh. The ceremony was performed beneath an arch of evergreens. in the presence of the immediate relati•es of the oontrac'ine parties, by Rev A. V. Walden, pastor of Dungannon Me'hodist church. The bride. who was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. H. Bellamy, of Toronto, was attired in a navy blue s u with hat to match and carried a bouquet 11..te you r•1Slst,rrl yet for the re- ferendum 't Sarlirdny is the last day. The Firemen': hall nn Good- Friday right was web attended and was a very wc.essful event. The music was by the of bridal .roses. Congratulations o ver Blackstone -Buckley Orchestra. The m: m the guests partook of a wedding d inner hers of the brigade are looking forward to The bride was the recipient of many the purchase of uniform suits, for parade occasions, and the proceeds of the ball go presents. The best wishes of a large circle towards the fund for this purpose. of friends follow Mr. and Mrs. Campbell to their future home. concession a. West Wawanosh. On the evening of Good Friday a reception was held at the home of the groom's parents at Westfield. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bellamy- of Toronto who were herr attending the wedding (3! the latter's sister during Easter. returned to their home on Saturday. Or. Bellamy has a lucrative position in the copy. plan and production department of A. Mc- Kim. Ltd., advertising agents. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Have brought good health to half -a -million sufferers. A healthful, moneysaving remedy, well known for fifteen years, pre. scribed by doctors, sold by drug- gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents or write for a free trial_ package. Templatoos.142 1{iapl W.. Toreats Laval Dtvg Steen. a3T. 1tEI.ENB. Tuesday, Match 20.- Mr. 0.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phlllijn spout Easter with Mr. B. J. %owls. Miss Pearl Webster. of Toronto. and Miss I)orothy, of \Viugham High $,•hod. are home for the holiday week. 51155 Wlnntfred Wood., of Lraytou, is home for her holiday.. Miss (',,lens Clark was home for the week -end. She intends .p•n.11ug a fee. days of her holidays hi Toronto. Mrs. W. Cameron a1s1 Miss May ('amerou'are visiting frieuds et To- ronto this wee:. Miss Glxelys We..', 1. home frau 1 l Stratford. accompanied by her friend I Miss Lorraine Ruthey. of Stratford. On Muudry Mr. awl Mrs. W. E. Ile - 1 Pherson received a telegram from Rapid City. Matt. stating their son Ewart was ill of pneumonia. His many friends 'hope to hear of his re-, ,every eery soon. i About midnight on Friday the stable belonging to Hobert Ituchanazi was bunged. Nothingwas saved. Unfor- tunately his ear was In the hulldine. News has tweu received of the birth. on Manch 25th. of it sou to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Miller, of Oyeu, Al- berta. . oesososesowsehesmowineetIenneWei will be given special prominence in our display throughout the week. In -these Hats flowers, fruit, lace and ribbonare supreme and the Spanish note of the veil is cleverly in- troduced. Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich Try a Want Ad. in The SfgnaL Sacritice Sale at Walker's -4IP- USED FURNITURE � NOTE THE BARGAINS. I only solid walnut" Sideboard. Could not ie bought new today for $139. Sacrifice sale 135.10. 1 only solid walnut Dining -room ?Mite. Worth easily $175. Sacrifke sale 175.10. 1 solid oak Bedroom Suite eompiete. North today g1:0. Sacriflee sale 175.00. 2 only solid walnut Sofas. At very special prhr, 020 and 125 cath. 2 only 5 -Piece solid walnut Parlor Suites. The biggest bargain ever offered in (Iolerich. Very special at 125 each. Now don't delay. 1 slightly used Linoleum, 31,4 by 4 yds. Worth $1.50 per sq. yard. We will cut the price in half. Act quick. \\'e have about a dozen Bedsprings. old sizes. Yon can have any one of them, If they fit your bed, for 12.00. 1 only used i'honograph. 11M). Haa teen 11+441 1e+s Ihan two months. Sacrifice sale 0811 eaah. t only Parlor Table. real mahogany. Price, new. 11.411114. Will sell for 111.10. 1 O�s iron 4'rib Sacrifice sale ritraplinie. Complete witb springs. Smith's Art Store is the lam, to buy your Window Shades The 1 st yu,.lirc and Largest range of t ors to welt -rt from. All eolors of sizes of Sh*th•s kept In stock. Shades deliver,. and hong 1 or you free of charge., How shout 4414x.. new you need this Spring agent for the flat Kinell tain Rads. Iwe+t rola on t market. Shades are Smith's Art Store st Phone 19R East Street Garage Do you remember the last time you came up Saltford Hill ? You got a good start off the bridge but she would hardly make the fleet turn "ou high." She picked up A little, but the (1. T. R. bridge was. too mutt And you had to change gear. 1\'hy ? She would be making twenty" at the"top on high last 'glimmer Bring Iger ran 1141 and let ns make her do it again. REG. WILLIAMS Phan 243 - - Goderich 1.(IYA1.. Tuesday. March '29. Our school is closed -for the raster Vacation and the tea,lier, Miss Mc- Arthur. is et her home in e:•wlericlt. Mr. anti Mr.. Seth Fisher. from Manitoba. are Visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Yonne. Mr. Fisher is 1a brother of Mrs. Young. Mr. Jetties Young. Jr.. is taking hos- pital 1reaUuent at London for a Dery- nus hreakdnwit. We are glad to hear h•• is Moe -ovine. Mr. Young. who Is ohief engineer on one of the large lake freighters. will not be able to take charge of iii+ haat this year -for the 41r -.t time in twenty years or so. Mr. Wm McMillan attendwi Mr. -twin Anderson's sate In Golerlch unship and !Knight a fancy room of de gray I'er.heron-. \I'Irh a new 1 harass the team presents a tie appwaranee. William Is a good start in his farming. AUHI'RN. Wednesday. March 80. Mr: Stanley Match arrived home from the west ou friday for holidays. Ile ha. been eugaged as operator on the 4.'. 1'. B. there. Mr. Ito.. and Mr. Fork., of Oxford county, visited tine formers t' other, Iter•. R. J. Rowe, on Tltcstlay. Mrs. Ihonakl Patters n, enterta Med the Knox Helper.: an.l \"oluut.r-r ,lasses at her home on Tuesday even - lug. Some of the fanner: have started ploughing. 'Mrs. t'Itnter Ta 'Ior and children Are visiting the tormeis parent-. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson. AGRICULTURAL ADDRE4,S.-Prof, Wade Toole.dlrectorof animal hu,bandry at the Ontario Agricultural C olh ge, Guelph. will give a lecture in the Foresters' hail on Monday afttrn ton. April 4th, at 2 p. m.. on the sublet of "Balanced Ra- tions " Auburn Is very fortunate in 'Securing t.'1.• services of such an able fpeaker and a treat is in store (o- all those interested in the feeding of live stock and p.,ultar. se HALLIDAY. Halliday orurr Alexandre hospitii tion was performed Internal growth. 41e the' test of healtif all nothing serlons was app a few days before his re hoitpital. Mr, Halliday OBITL'ARI. The death of Andrew on Saturday last at where An opern- n Tuesday for an ad not been in Inter, though }tended until val to the a in his i fifty-ninth year. He was tot* In the township of Colborne And liven. there unlit 41144 removal to Goderich About eight years ago, his farm (wing at the 'Maitland River near Hall's bridge ' He was a n/ Ember of the township council for Aoversl tenni+ anti was an elder in the Auburn Presbyterian i church. Whence retired from the farm he bought the former Aikenhead place on the Rsy6eld road and reskled there with his wife and daughter, MIAs Mnlw•1, who survive him. qtr, Haiti - day had several brother+ and' +t+tars, who all died beton. him. He was a man of quiet, friendly dlspor.itlnn and was liked and reepeteil by those who knew him. The funeral on Tuesday afternoon, wits largely attended, many of the old neighbors In Colborne town- ship Ming present to pay the last trl- hnt1 of respect. Re,. R. C. Mel)ermid ,rroductel the funeral services and the pallbearer. wry.. Mes rs. John Fing. land, .1 N. Kernighan. Martin Slog. ford. Michael Flick, Luther Allen and i)avid Sproul. The Interment Wse in M•Mland .emetery. The monthly meeting of the GoIP- etch Women's institute will he held' at the home of Mrs. J. Tsylnr, Elgin arena. Thursday, April 7th, at 3 o'( leek. S 11 F:PPA itlYlv)N. Th.• follow dig is the report of C. S. S. No 11 for the month of Mareh, iaeheling Easter examinations. Hon- ors 75 per a enc.. pass 00 per cent. for enc rsu,. a work Sr. IV. -Hector TI- gert. fit p..r .rent.. itertha Foster fpr, Edna Eby col. Erwin Poster 05. Laura Gralww :+ Sr. I11. -Frank %'roo- man Girl, Lillian Itlehardson fH, Elmer Graham 58. J'F 1f. A. -Jean Iwrinor 70. Aline .Lohttaton 044. Jr. iL It. - Lloyd Itriudley. Clayton Foster. Jr. 1l. t'.-Itoy Eby. Mabel Foster. Ruth Foster. Sr. Pr. -'Margaret F.wrter, Itk'1wr1 Cousins*. Number on roll, 19. Average attrendanee, 1,:. A. M. END 'HTET.. Teacher. CARLOW. Wednesday March '10. Miss Clem Tamlyn, of Toronto, spent her Easter holidays with her cousin. Ills+ Grace Snell. atm E. V. ta►waon. of Leeburu- open? the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Young. • Mrs. Dun a an Crawford hes returned to her homy at Flint, Mlth. JIIss )ary (ilMdon, of Go erleh, spent a few days with Miss It11t11 Potter. Tlw LadlesAid of North Zion ehureh met at the Immo of Mrs. John Feagan on Wednesday afternoon, with a wool attendane. A very pleasant and pro- Ntxble tint• was stwnt by the ladies. Miss Mogridge. of Auburn. spent the Faster •holldaya with her aunt, Offs. Wm. Marsh- A namt.er of the farmer: aro busy working the land. Mr. and Mr.. Wm. ('lark and son ('shin, of Woodstock, spent the Ea:teer holidays visiting Mr. f'lark's brother. Arthur Clark. Mr. Alec. Hamby, of Hamilton• spent the weekend in the vicinity. Mr. Ilerh. Allen, of Toronto. spent Easter with his aunt, Mrs. T11orm. Mt, The pageant on India which was given by the 'Missionary Society of N11:1101'4, Hill ehnrch on Monday even- ing was grand s,ueeese, and will be repeated a'\uburn April Rth. We ■reg d to see Mrs. A. Y. Hen- derson hack '.4,th 0a again. A clear pink anal white of a perfect complexion go hind in hand with good health. Application of all the well- known toilet preparations cannot make A perfect eortwplectnn. This charm mast Nome trrAn within. A rosy com- pletion Is but a reflection of pnre rieh blond. Thea M the time of the year when theblood should be pert In good condition. We handle an of the poen- lar Mood remedies sort own verb mend one whlrh will be moat Oben in - In noir camp. Some of the AIcrwwl44 remedies glen contain the eletnentw Orf a good tante For the sake of a healthy skin an4 good complexion purify yonr blood. E. R. Wigle, Drug- gist, Goderl lt. - "The Scotch Store' 9 STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M.: SATURDAYS 10 P.M. Phone 56 The Home Beautifyl Our House Furnishing Depar tment is htsplendid shape to look ::`:'ter the needs for the housecleaning season. \ he outlook this season is most bright for a prosAerous sea son. Owing to the unsettled state of all things the last few rs we have rather neglected the home in order to economize. Now tha prices are reasonable everybody will be replenishing the stock of home pr nishings. Beautiful New Curtains We are showing a splendid range of Novelty Curtains*, suitable for parlors and drawing -rooms. Point Arab Curtains, imported from France, at $7.50 to $15 per pair. Illig�-clas3 Swiss Curt^ine,7hI:h are so much in demand, in new de- signs. From $8.50 to $16.50 per pair. t Windsor Curtains are popular.' ;Windsor Curtains in scrim, voile and marquisette, exceptionally good values. From $3.75 per pair.. - New Bungalow and Filet Nets very large showing ofCurtain f the Nets, itable for every room house.. ese are very pop tainings a d are economical, beca you -buy one what you require. Curtain ts, from 45c to $1.75 per yard. - Madras Muslins ' Madras Muslin Three handsome nal serviceable Madras Muslins comedirect. to us , from the mills in Scotland. . They come in ecru, in plain and fancy de- signs. Priced from 75c to $1.95 yd. Linoleums for Cleanliness Just a'little mopping of the Linoleum and it's clean. For that rea- son it is particularly desirable in Bathrooms and Kitchens. Spick and span tile patterns carry out the cleanly look. This is the time to at- tend to Linoleum needs all over the house. Best quality Canadian Linoleum, 4 yards wide, $1.39 per sgr-yard Extra heavyAuality Scotch Linoleum, 4 yards wide, $2.00 per sq. yd. Best quality Canadian Oilcloths, all widths, 85c per sq. yard. Some very special bargains in Carpet Squares Carpet Squares in Canadian and Imported makes in all sizes, quilt able for all rooms, in Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton and Axminster,- all closest pl'ices. See ours before buying. Linoleum Rugs Oilcloth Rugs Congoleum THE LEADING HOUSEFURNISHERS OF HAPPY HOM i "K` Millar's Scotch Storey` PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hume, of I'tliladelphia. are visiting relatives In town. - Mn. M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth. spent Easter to town with her son, Mr. R. Y. McLean. Mr. EUI Elliott was up from Hamilton for the Easter term. Mrs. F. Hammond. of Paris. Ont., spent Easter week with Mr. a- d Mn. S. E. Hick. Mia Ida Currie is home from Brant- ford, where she teaches school. for the Easter vacation. Mr. L. M. Miller, of Orilla, was the guest of Mr. Chas. Barka for Easter. Miss Ethel Nairn, of Weston, spent Easter holidays with her parents. Mia Minnie Jaffray. of Galt, was the guns of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn for Easter. Blyth Standard : Mr. Wm. Moore has disposed of his residence, Queen street. to Mr. Colin Fingland, who takes possession in the course of a few days. Mr. Moore and family will move to Goderich, where they will reside. We all sincerely regret the removal of this family from town. They have been much esteemed citizens, but the wish goes with them that their residence in the aiunty town may be pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Athol McQ , ,rrie, of Torontoeare visiting friends in town. Mr. Watson Straiton, of Toronto. was home over Easter on a visit to his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Straiton. Mr. Cockburn Hay,. of Toronto. was at the parental home for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nicholls. of London, were visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Webster, East street. Mr. and Mrs. Caswell Rumball and baby son. Norman, spent the week -end with Mr. Rumball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rumball, East street. Mr. e'harles Baer -bier left last Mon- day for Stfatford, to finish hia comae In telegraphy at the Oestral Halals (bll.ge. Mina Clare Meagher, of i)arblln, has 'sen visiting Mita Mary ltaechler. They h -ft nn \\'edneaday for Toronto to attend the Ontario Educational As- fwielatleVa meeting at Toronto this week. MIs Ida Elliott, of London, spent Easter with her e'ousin, - I![U4S. Icy Elliott, Feet strict. len. T. M. Davis was taken •hast Thursday night with an acute attack of appendicitis and was removed on Friday to Alexandra hospital. where an operation was performed sueeess. fully. The patient its since been stak- ing a good recovery. lir. Wm. J. tray and sister, Mise Hay, have remover) to town from Gode- rlch township and have purohasd ■ residence on the Hayfield road from Mr. John Harris. Mr. Barris le going "back to the land;' having taken a farm In Goderieh townsblye-- Mr. Frank Callow, who Is atteodittg school at Toronto, is emending the Faster vacation with Ida parents, Dr. W. F. and Mrs. (:allow. /� Miss Beatrice Longmire and Miss )Iive Charlton, of Toronto, spent the holidays at the home of the former's parents, William street. Mr. Harry Colborne. of the London Medical School, was home for Exeter and was accompanied on the visit by a fella/ - student. Mr. O. Smith. Miss Gertrude Fox was home this week from Toronto for an Easter visit. Mrs. G. M. Doe, of Chicago. was in town this week and purchased from Mr. Harry Williams his bodge on St. George's Crescent at present occupied by Mr. R. Graf. The purchase price was 03,200. Mrs. Doe intends to make the house her summer home. Lacrosse enthusiasts are hoping that the effort recently made to organize a local team will not be allowed to fail. Goderich has the material for a good team and should not be lacking in organ- ising ability. Mr. Reg. Williams it now conducting the repair department at the East Street Garage. lie has had several years ex- perience• is a thorough mechanic, and has earned the confidence of the public by conscientious work. Any work entrusted to him will receive the most careful at- tention. Yong, and Charles Sta.. rooms. Accountancy. stenography. typewriting and g eneral improvement courses ; sup•nor m- S truction only; students mutated to positions. open all year. wrote 1.r prospectus; enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. INCIDENTS OF A WEEK. Signal ads. are reed by the preppie. A lardy whe last week advertlsel a house for rent was inemediately be- sieged by people wanting it mol Re- scued • gond tenant without soy trouble. Another advertiser in last week's MIAMI offered an organ and an in- cubator for sale, ■nd called um op Sat- urday afternoon to Inform us that both had been sold. A young lady who lost a purse ad- vertised for It -and found It at her own home. If yon want to buy anything or eel anything, or if you want to rent a hoose, or swore 'help, or get • erns` -put yonr announcement In The Sig- nal, the people'. popular paper. RRNMiLI.ER. REFER No'rtrs. - A public meeting int interests of the prohibition cause will be held in the Bemrniller church on Saturday, April 2nd, a' 2.30 . o'clock to be addressed byMr. J. C. Roaseditor, of The Farmers' , T pronto, Mr A. M. Robertson, of Goderich. and local clergy- men. A large attendance is urged. ILES Ds art rant t . ilt sr Ing Piles.sargionat spar - a omen Dv. Cl=i Iaaiiragt lanes ma. reAiev•• Issaaaa • an ark ore al�gaa. Raton a ts, gffiRksla *,lax free N yes enemies Moa mar aaa mama le. stamp 1e Mf saw