HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-31, Page 2Thursday, March 31, 1921. r .1 Thursday, March 31, 1921, EDITORLtL NOTES. TEZ SIGNAL. - dtoDraucir, amt • Pure, Clean, I Preserved""& sold only in Sealed air -tight packets Economical I to preserve its native goodness. Easter Sunday may have been some I ! what of a disappointment : but think of, the fun you had trying on that new hat on Saturday. April has some repati� n as a wet month ; but the "antis" should not ins- gineUt ine this will have any effect on the fertndum vote. resident IlArdmg is a Baptist and the fiof that denomination to occupy the W 'te Ik:use. 'lets also distinguished as being a practical newspaper man. • It Gover been hurry pense. ould be a great relief if that Soviet Ment in Russia, which has ss long the verge of collapse," would and tumble and end the sus' he co fusion over the interpretation of t la covering the revision of the voters is s for the referendum is not creditabl t those who had the malting of the law. There is s war redcoat.f dean militia. that the khaki than the gaud say that khaki all pints except Ik of restoring the pre- niform of the Cana- n be no question more becoming t, we should red coat on the here . niform led ; in c s it over t hat of traditi Mrs. Ralph Smi,h, who has been s in as a mernber of a Provincial Gover ment of British Col n.bia. is hailed as the first woman Cabinet \linister-in Canada, at any rate. But that Queen Elizabeth was pretty much the ernment. .• . rn e must remember me centuries ago hole British Gov - Over in Ne:•a'1t a bill a, been passed substituting death by gas for other forms of capital punishment. ' his method'ii supposed to be more hu ane than hang- ing or sh-sting or electr •ution. 3Iere theory, of course-nabady et has had a really good test of more th n one way of being whisked off. Too much interference fr1 ton is 'aid to ,be killing oil a of the lake passenger trade on States side. It has its effect of the line, too, to the -Seam passed at Washipgton, is held sponsible for the refusal of the Steamship Company to operate Goderich. Washing large part he United this side 's Act n o be re, r•Ilsielh.gists thousands of ' D & C. hes, and in Other Places We Know. a boat to 1.1st.o'..•l 4 liner. \ Used 5574 in Millions of Tea -Pots Daily toms officers make eases levy a tax on it. of it and in some iz:rtlan. of Lexington. Kentucky. of cursing and th swearing on. e Muret.. he the Noel lobbies, ashes and ether pnQ.lie places of that_ city. , Soule such movement might well lie started right herein 1.ishowe•I. - A strong immigrati' n, lily inaugu-- ated in tete early' years of t Laurier Ad- ministration unJoubtedly aw'sted mater. t Tally in the great o of prsperity to this Country that dieting Great areas 01 the W the country's productiv stimulated. the manufactu Canpda had a larger mark wares. and Canada was stien many way's. Latterly it has fashion to decry immigration, exce sheJ'that regime' t were people Dowers were rs of Eastern for their thened in me the t of a nisch restricted nature. but the old- em- edy is again being prescribed fur some o: the 1113 that at present beset Canad Some remarks on .this subject made re- I cently by President Beatty of the C.P.R. I have attracted much attention. L ore- Stricter] immigration of course is not de- sirable. but sturdy people who will-rtt 1 upon the land should -be welcomed, andl lie increase of population should help itt+ putting the national railway system on its feet financially. The Manitoba Free Press has the following to say on the subject : tint eel iu :4 tight to :upq.nrss the hat. A New Idea. tiauove•r, lost. .\ band (-loath •has .lawn: orga31lzw1. by I:nelph. Waterloo, Preston. Kit- rheuer :4411 Galt. 'The hand from .•arll of• Ilia'+.' towns will give a band ,',epeert to e:t.•b of elle other towns dur- ing the 'Rummer. ou .dates hxe•.I (•y r.•a-11Lu s, herhilr ia'twe4•11 May :11 and September .11. It lootis like an ex- .•elleur arrangement, and these five 40w14 area uoar enough together to very directly alit" other day. The elan- ager•ot Y great building which Is lacing erected between King'wlly end the �traull-dr.lgu:rl to be one of the lansl• Warks of tete Itrltish wetropadis- aske'11 the author for a list of things that twltfht ib' ysebil to the'exl4orer of 494 A. IJ.. whey they were dug ou.1 of the eoruer•ituue which ;night last that length of owe. r. 'Wells repliel.; "111tt1.ult .14) wake suggestions. 1't_. 'ably. eowradtip la.r• 111h1gs with tine' current prims will be of as unuch value M anything. Safety razor, cot- ton res , !bottle of pi skies. :441d that ,ort • f I Wt. idehlaolbreil's e,1t,11ogue. pee -war nil parst-war. Sample!, of patent mer c111e'a and what that• pr.. te•ss to cu Dietary of ordinary` "citizen. typew :ter, a. sewing wat•hitn•. 'and so forth.. times. 4'nrreat has,1.' :1 k i ieui. lresshig-hag with eft• Mok on 'How to ltw ■ reel of .urrent at/ events. '1\'hitalo•r' ,.\lm.ipaek.' and Itr:a.lshaw's .4'outhl ural cline -tables. JR ipre-war and (o.st-o. re. Itaerleker'M 1 I England. Town laps •4414 plans." II There Is humor in fluanswer. tut It is grow and p.iIrrl. ''he eivilizla- a tlnu of ancient. 4inrre has .rpn.•atheil ns the Parthenon. till- Elgit marbles. the Venus Ile Milo. the s.•till tires of 1 I'hidi•is wail. hl.'-su,t•ess.rrs, tl • pill- os.phy of lobate n0.1 .tristotle at 1 the poetry of Honer. 11'ill the nti• .tuari:an.. of Ilia fear future. delving or records of the twentieth omit airy. cot ' across anything to eniupa4re -whit- II ' leg:it•fes.J the Helieues'r itr will the safet,• razor, the typewriter. the .sow- ing tua, hen.' and .the kiticma i.e vides! ' of our hIgi.e'Mt' uehieveweuts ? 1Vhar 1. sort of a 4.. -t_e,' 1.. chi, age painting of it•.•!f for the e s of Time ? •■11/111/1/$11 111111111111111111111111111111111111MMIREN111111111111111 ■ st ■ 111( 1 1 • 1 . 1 ■ N IN a NI 1 IN 11■ NI 11 ■ IN a 11111 ■ 1/ 11K 1 make it e'Hireuleut. 1 "('alifornfa" Apples. 'V11114.4411 ver I'rovine.•. 1) l'reelw,ut, agent -general for Ilht.a '1 in Britain. visited Covent Hanle few -slays ago. and Inquires' for *011 notatin apples. The ,al.•-- mun'riyd 1 Iltat he had untie. Racing some ap.p.ler,, lispilayeti whta•h lie thought 'he r.'.-ognlz. . 1)r. ('re•l:min asget1 were. "They're t'all- the ,tn.w.•r. -Would lbox they came in :'" •rsl't.rl. The pian 1 there printed on_I The drn4or a.. 1*Id1ourg "An increased population on the land ns more -business and more natihnal , It means traffic for our railways, ng to solve the prob:em of the the Canadian national system. market for the factory -made pods. whic. m turn means emp'.,yment in thO cities t• 'people new out of work.• Increase in pop tion means decrease in the per capita bur' ^n of taxation. If the population of Cana • is doubled in the next twenty five year which is easily among the possibilities, he debt lett by the war will, In fact, be c in two.. This ' is the one road out of cur • esent discon- tent and troubles, and everyo who gives any serious thought to nations .ioblems I must give first place in import.nce to wea thus h • deficit It means this work of securing tmrn.grau• , of colonizin.r the waste spaces of Inc cou • try � and of keeping the people thus secu • 1 on the land. The vigorous statement b - E. W. Beatty. president of the Canadian Pacific Railwiy;'1n su ,port o: a wise and vigorous policy of immigration, expresses the views, we believe, of all into•med Canadians." wheat kind th fora bi us." - *4'4011 you let me zoo tl the :Teem -general .l..,wed t11e 4101. 44)14 it w:1s ''4'olbatryr. tet rv•rnguiz.rl the apple Baby's Health in the Spring. The spring is a time of anxiety to 1R mothers who have little ones in the hpme. me Conditions make it necessary. to keep.the baby indoors. He is often ca::ii d to I overheated, bad'y ventilated rms and I 1 catches colds which- w rack his who e sys- tem. To guard against- ;hes a box of - Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stom ich and bowels working regularly. This wdl prevent colds. constipation or colic and keep baby well. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the -Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. apples Ibr-ause that 1141.1 1 rut f intario i ked. "1 n said. "dint un s•4h1. g • 1 ■ native burg. till. they apples. after NIL-, Ito rot, it tell you they are tint." the '.They- are Californian amble.. boil at the box."' lir. 4'rerin ^'11',. nn 11.0 your trying t.. toae:h. +:rid the 24th-s4nan. his temper its "lore been seliinF apples In tilos mark for \twenty -tire yezar'. and 1 knew al about them. 1 don't can w•her.•these (Wide. grew. List I knn4w where we get theta from. that ,is ('olbon' . On- tario, California.. We get gnitioa Int frnru there. too," Nothing that 1 1r. 4'rwlman 1.1111.1 _siay N'ui11.1 persuade' Lim that l'obo,ir. Ontario. was not in California. • 'bat Traees'Are We Leaving! Toronto 4;lulie, When y.':.rs hen present . age will they r.'za .I • its culture .ah \11 the religions and chic organ- ,10"14 1,1t was -pp e seek tit rwunryruet the' what objects ..r re1•nrds', as .1 .istiueth•e• of cirtlination '1 The to Mr. H. 4:. Wells STF \MSHIP APPOINTMENTS. 1 Ti." 1Lithev' St.'.441-hip Company. Toronto. has made the tell..wti,g ,tp- poointments of captains and"rtigiue•i•s-: 11 ci t. Skeeter -1.a t Mole... i„ugla . 1.11111.. 11 * 111.1 x 1 ■ \L•KenZfe: str. Laketon -T.'. it. .\Ibfii- s.•t1. .1.)1111 F. Myler: .re. 1'orkton-J.1 W. Kirkwood, G.'.."g•• -J irretl : sir.' '•4st4w - James Woollier. Sylvester ,,ser: J. 11. G. Haggerty. master Peter J , ray: str. Hurnhhrn-\,'ebb lleetty., MacKay. engineer J. Bolntoa: ser. West - Fra k Lancaster; ser. ')Irltuti-Jelin mount. toaster P. Davis, engineer F. Smit J. H. Robinson: ser. t'lltiton- Norris: ser. Emp•n.r. master 1). Burke, Is i,. \ Kennerlr, J. R. Jlai'u•oll : sl'. engineer G. )Smith; str. F;. 11. Osier, Ghmafto - Norm:til utr...tt.. Elwe wager 11. IIu.lsem, eugineer K. Foote: w•.rtt:' st . Gleuaatd:441-%Viii. M.•Lean.l str. Jli.IIai.I Prima". nta.ter A. NI, - Fred Rriek - : •tr. fih•la•ovii-I•;. R.1 lutvrar<, engineer J. Pickard; ser. Kenner;;r. . "er: srr. 1'le.b4-I'eteri Matthew., waster A. McLennan. en- gineer W. ItWO : str.-Karnian. master C. S. L . - , Intments. 1 T. Johnston, engineer J. Mellattle; str. • ,1 li•t ,.f tl •• a i I;Ienwounr. master W. Brown. en - 1/ 1� Coats and Suits We are showing some very late productions in Ladies' Spring and Summer Coats and Suits. Styles a re very pleasing and new, materials are good and prices surprisingly moderate -almost back to pre-war figures. Coats Coats in all colors and black, one gal ment of a size, ranging in price.. $10 to $25 Suits Suits of finest Tricotines, Serges, Gabardines, of purest, finest wool. Coats silk -lined and tailor made. Sizes 34 tp 42. Prices range per suit $20, 25, 27.50, 35, 45 Suitings 56 -inch Botany Serges, 1'rench Tric, tines and Gabardines, in several weigh of ,cloth, black and navys, at per yar • • • , 3.95 and -4-30 ' r Ticking, -\ best quality feather Ticking 50c Staples 36 -inch American Lonsdale white Cambric, best quality, at per yard 35C 36 -inch white Cotton, warranted pure and free from dressing, good weight 25C Cottonades, best quality... 50C Grain Bags Large, heavy, from Dominion Cotton Mills. At per dozen spec- ial $5.50 Linoleums Half -a -dozen. new , patterns to select from, extra heavy quality, 4 yards, wide, at per sq. yard... $1.35 CAgSOII & S011 ■ • 1� 1 **$*11.1***$***U*1*1111 *111[1111 The following 1. . _ following Sr,'.tn h j mine'.' r /r t:. II'etilm.' engineerollin 1 k1: ,........... 2222_ ...� 2222.... Line on the upper lake for the e, ming sees.m : -^ ' i sec Martian. master R. McIntyre. en- master R'. Grant Monl.•u. •aster I'. F.. gine•r .1. McLaren; str. Mlellatn1 King. itubinw.u. rtlglnrer Ja+. 31,4;rt'gor; master It. 1'yett, engineer 4'. I..'riche; .tr.' Val.•artier, Magee J. itoach. en- - gineer W. :Veneer. The Kipeatrdine Reporter calls att to thelacf \that there are six doct that town and only one undertaker. what of it .'Goderich has seven d and only one .undertaking firm. The Reporter m=an to suggest that number of doctors and undertakers sho run about even ? Not, surely, in plac li ke Kincardine and Goderich, blessed wit life-giving ozone and puri'(?) lake wate Let The Reporter explain itself. .)tion s in Fell, • ors 1 s he The last four named stcnmers con- stitute the winter flet at 1;...leri,'4 Ica rear. . -Very few boys today are learning trades, and the question arises, who will takethe place of the carpenters and masons and printers and plumbers and other trades- men of the present day w hen, in the course ,f a few years, they retire from the field ? One result will be that the public will have to put up with a great deal of l -. indifferent work. Another will be that the young man who, differing from his fel- lows. has taken pains to learn a trade will be in great demand and will receive splendid wages. The boy of today who sees ahead a few years has a great oppor- tunity of making himself worth while. Because Canada's imports and exports are large in prop rtion to her papulation she is said to be "one of the world's greatest trading countries. 11s imports per capita are nearly three times as large as those of the United States, while its exports are nearly double per capita" This does not signify anything in par- ticular except that because of her climate and other natural conditions Canada must import many lines of goods from other countries and must pay for them largely by her exports. if a car of coal is shipped from Pittsburg to Toronto and is paid for by a shipment of wheat from Toronto to Pittsburg the transaction fig- ures in the import and export statistics of both countries. if a car of coal is shipped from Pittsburg to Chicago and is paid for by a shipment of wheat from Chicago to Pittsburg it does not affect either the import or the export statistics of the United States : and a similar Iran,ac- tion say between Montreal and Winnipeg would sot figure in the Canadian trade return$. Before making any deductions from returns of imports and exports of any country it is advisable to ascertain the nature of the transactions behind the figures. or one may easily be led to false conclusions. The fact that a transaction takes place across the international boun• dory line dos. not give it any 'Odell Im- psstalros over a similar transaction wholly utl:ttie wea country, except that the cue qht, tasty Biscuit. . EASIFIRST,• Everything you cook or bake will be more delicious if you use EASIFIRST. It is the ideal shortening -always of the same high quality. Econoniical to buy. Economical to use -t2 ounces go as far as i6 of butter or lard -and, further, the EASIFIRST left after frying anything can be used for something else without cdrrying over food flavors. These' things being so-EASIFIRST will save you money every week of the year. Easily proved -your first carton of EASIFIRST will do it. THIS RECIPE WILL DELIGHT YOU 3 caps flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 2 level tablespoons EASIFIRST I. teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon sugar. Sift flour, salt and baking pow- der together. Add sugar, rib is EASIFIRST, add sweet milk to make soft dough. Moderately hot oven For a delightful variation, press into top of each biscuit a small piece of sugar loaf which has been dipped into orange juice, or drop a small portion of raspberry jam into a little hollow. Bake as usual. Your grocer will supply you. Sold is cartons and this. A copy of Gunn. Proved Recipe Seeklet will h. gladly sent ea repaest GUNNS LIMITED Wirt Toronto 2 w ARISE ! An Easter Poem. Sprin , wondrous Spring is ht -re again, Wit length'ning days and brlghr'ninif sk Air vibra with a mighty thrill That bids 11 things to life arise. Deep folded in heir tiny beds. '1,L rough wins 's cold. the flowers Gy, AwaZi tr.g call of her Earth. _- The message of g d Easter Day. "Arise, come forth fro dark abode, Take courage. strengt and hope once more New ilk awaits. new love, w joy, You did but sleep -that s1 p is o'er." So to the heart of man is borne The same glad.tidings, ages old-' "New life await'. arise frord gloom Of sin, and Light of Life behold." Arise in thought and word and deed. Cast off ignoble things, and'low. Stand in the brightness of the Truth : Live well as through this world you go. Then when that greater sleep shall come' That hushed strange sleep which men call Death. Yotu souls will rise to realms of Light, 1- ugh bodies breathe their latest each." This Is tl message borne to man - At East el. tide, "The soul n'er dies Then live that when this life is o'er You will to Heaven's bliss arise." -Kathleen A. Sullivan. (The author of these lines is a sister of Mrs. R. J. Phelan, Of this town, and ig known to many readers of The Signal). New Automobile Paint Shop Opened ',I have opened an Automobile Paint Shop and am prepared to handle all classes of Cars for painting and refinishing CALL ON US OR PHONE Have you got your Anti -Glare lens ass required for all automobiles ? I handle the MCKEE LENS tch:ci. :;a, been approved by the Government Let us show you its good points over other makes JOHN CUTHBERTSON Decorator \Ce,t Street opposite Masonic Hall P. O. Box 509 Phone 354 SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES, 'PHONE POWELL, 299 and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. PO.Y E LL Lilies That Live Foreve Easter lilies perish, but your "Lilly" -your little curly -head -will live on forever with the Freshness 4slf CbsIJltesd if you have her photo- graphed to -day. That is one message of Easter - time. 1ASIFIRST.. lt� J J. T. Fell st Shoe Fashions Easter is t e opening of the season for the tateat styles in F twear. Shapeliness, grace and symmetry are chars teristics of the new Colonial Ties and Oxfords. Th ' most popular leathers are Black and Brown Vci Kid, Gunmetal and Brown Calf. There is a great variety of heels. The selec- tion is so extensive that we're pure we can please you at remarkably low prices. RIPA ING s GEO. MacVICAR NORTH SUM or iitii/Alte GIODIGUICN