HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-24, Page 8,
1t T1wn+day. )[*veil "1, 1t1:1.-�
Let Us Assist You in
Your Decorating
fears If esl"•ricur,• and uupc
pelleil buying tvnotw"tion, put u..
ill it {slvittuff tit give yon the
\pry Is,41 in
N' A1.1. 1'AI'VH.
:It the Ie,Lt uu,arV.
M. oilr smitnplrs nod Iw (Non-
: \'ila94l.
it • -sll ��. RN:('K�1'1•:Ita-
%" largo. shipment ,If new fictinu.
:uuontt likens %:Inv Lrer's Alv.,ert
,•f Wheat,— the Tort hy 1lrnrk4i,
and the „Tout Sovift series for
The Store for Particular 11eope.
INAllusslan over Old Nuildinrl Its°:
scribed a" Fire•1Mp1--Reeve Davis
Prolo,•ea to Encourage Building
b) F:cempling New HouAe* from
Ta%alion for Thee leant-Coun-
rillor Mitchell for (toad Improve.
I:vtvgN Coutwillor Walker, who 'w•as
indole to attrffd on sc,vnrut of illl,ear,
1 oli flit. mo-nds•r+ of vounvil were t►rPr-
ent at the regnbir meeting on Friday
A lketiti,m for a Sower off Mkirket
ntrM•r, +ignwl by nearly everyproperty-'
,•weoiler o,theR
it•t•t, wristrrtrrred to
I Illy public \\'orks committee,
'.UI appli.:ation farm Wra. F.. Header.
.w•xtmi 'of Maitland cemetery, for
ist iffcre:lw• of fula'ry' from $Mltl. to
�12()to41 yt
: r. was sent to the et-metery
Nod lku'k. 'committee.
\Ir. John %tytrrs as►t-1 that two, fres,
ill front of his property on Trafafgwr
.tret•t Is- removed, and air. Melvin J.
Clark hood it .imilar rwgtrr+t with rr-
fereliep hr a it in front (of his plate
o+n C'.olbustreet.
rae Referred to put)-
;i wul•ks cowudttte.
air; Cliarles Garnrw, presitJt•nt of the
I;uflerf�h g,}if club, wrote asking that
the ruai{way h•adinR down the hill to
%ht. ;;elf `{. rounds 'Iw pati in condition.
,lrferrwl hr public works committee.
A cowtuupivation from the sw•retary,
of the 1►Id 11MtnP N•look tommitte•, N%k.
iug on what berms flip txruncil would
Grant the..wole kight to pre•t and ('ern-
trul refre. hl'Ut•lt Meths eiilring the
erlelrrntioii;. Seas rPterred to,the apec•ial
e, a1llalf ha•. � �
I WE i WAW .ii.
1DODMIOM 01sT. • .
H,AD RHEUMATISM -d \pry entwaisrdtlP *tatIf. TIIY 6r't•drlal rhurut was Id RtwN1 rioter. lul *sill. l
and there were wage other thing* toot
+aa•tlwl looking After,
The Mayor tl►atght it might -q�y-'lFt' a
FOR geeel furearme•t to pneure tIN•�tj11
W -k
F VE YEARS RImload Lo Itaa/rwel� rt rate* rtrlucwl.
/'Mute•illor Mltektdl Slid au effort'
N•a rw.feheT...N•Si•aeTaki■g "hould lie maelh to improve flop stret•nt,
"RR1111�A-LIVES,• *-serially F:ast runt West mirrrts, 1s•-
fore the applh•atiou of tarvia thew yrdr.
11 , If was a dluauo. Ire mid, to }IN tnrrla
R lr� a Jebr, untyeq road. %%'fill pr:•pt•r
equipment it would tad Ite au exiien-
'.id]i` sire matter to pert tilt- roads In proper
shAgw, and this once drove It would ff
Ire uefesarry to put lou the tarda 'wore
s:': than mase in 1M•u or flirty years.
()u Councillor *Mitchell's motion Idris
matter ems referred to thr iwblic
*$ G> / 'IOU
tellhll• Moser called atientkrn to
flip coualitluu lot Sane of tilt- old
tit Cartoon, the foulal•athats having ffllltvl
away. The our at lift- rink corner off
West etreet was Su a rather tlangertous
position. The cvoua•il agtwrl that th",
old relics *hoped have uwr•ssary atten-
tion. without firing unduly disturlarl.
R'ilwrn, service+ as auditor. $%,at: W. �
:::;;W do lir^rhNd�^�4&91,.r'kFe::f
Rxea* New Heuaes.
P. O. Sol 11;, Pa. aies•, N. S.
Reeve Naris had ap Important sug-
.l akk�femd al" jt%gmmmmisA/or fin
gestlou. Pointing to flit- w•ar•lty of
ivam having it so badlyat times I was
houses, and the fact that few houses
usable to t u without aaisbsoa
tie P
an• being built. he prnidrwrl that every
new house en4tttal ill flit- tt1'wp Ie• e•x-
I tried 'different medicines I saw
emit from taxation for three yea".
advertised and was treated bydostors
A recent lot with tb•fhhtg loll it but
in Amherst, also is my ho■lie town,
bunloe•ks arul tiff can+ woukl pay per -
but the Rheasatiam name beek.
Itsy14 $41 in taxes. If under like indnev-
In 1916, I sow is son,advertisemest
meat of exemption a hour were hnilt
ill, this lot the flown would +tion get
that 'Fro il-a-ri•es'imoU stet RAew-
back much more than the amount lost
muds% and took one.boz and got
fur the three years.
relief; thea I took them right along
' C•uulelllor *loser asktr] how this
for about six moths and the Risen.
would work out in the case of a louse
Have you decide
;Suit or Coat for
Most everyone wan
wonderful stock of Spr
they are all new. Gr
garments and a wo
�••� it`d ��` � 3 "' i, � •��?.i�
•. 'ItU�t ,. ,ai$"ic�,,. ,�; ( "" as „I
on your Spring , �� �'if ri
,aster ?
her spring garments for Easter. We have a
r Suits and Coats, all this season's style, for
pains have been taken in the selection of these
II assortment has been bought for your ih!- ,
Very handsome ain and fancy
Suits in navy blue, lack and sand
shades. They are t 'mmed with silk
embroidery and aid, in the very
latent design. Th Suits have all new
styles in cut and nish,, and are worn
with or withou a belt.
Coats in edium blue and sand
shades are le ders. They are con-
siderably to er in price than last
year and h e been greatly admired.
If you ar in need of a Coat it will
in Collars on sale at $1.00.: These
Collars range in price from $1.00 to
$3.00 each and are now on sale at
$1.00 each.
A number of kid Gloves in white
and black on sale at $1.00.
A special line of cape Gloves,
regular $3.00, for $2.00.
Very special line of grey cape-.
Gloves, regular $3.75, for $2.50.
A number of silk Gloves in black,
1 175 If 1
so numtrer of r liC•ntiuns fur build• Iwi»g relmodelled. There were all regu at. $ , or $ .`1.7.
pp mati&m was all fro.e slid how a.*. kinds of house+ lit town not rented. end be Yto yo r advantage to see these Every Pullover reduced below
PAINT G 'sad DECORATING illi {r•rwft. \rare aenN,to the flrr eom-
nlitlw•. The+p were from R'. Sproul. lettis$iIBM the le'gple mein uauwl them might not
H.gh grade all Paper Samples (22 1'•ilnrer lon street, grnitnrl improve- Anyone who would care to write Ilk*- to 1X the now hon+ps exempted. I garmen before buying. cost price. Watch for them in the
ruche► w, el kept on hand, mint, tlo 11011 -se; Joseph t. swaffielt me as regards ••�ives' I would The Reeve war understofsl to may
Elgin a%euue, for a gar". • %Amuel be glad to tell leis* whet `Frt&ita• tat fits Proposal would ha+Inde r•• W carry Northway garments, window.
ON NOTICE. mels- wall bs'taksn mfelpllwl houses a+ well as new mass.
to rag haoe r Napaf:lton. Cade. Valu bin (road, gartgr ant hell- Lives' � � Me» beta a they give service. Special offeringin. crepe de chine
\ !le• moved to niter the matter to the
lard.•; a :amplwll Twedle F:Igin JOSH E. OV11.DERSM, special committee for a report. Conn-
aer:6 re.r►• er,ence. arf•ntl,•, f,. snore prrst•l,f loin. bank bout fiftyof the' best designs Blouses. The are below cost.
-, trona str,1WI line, vrnt•pr with for •k on Cowtred"andll[■son. cillor Cutt Aeondtrl flit motion, and it g y
All work guarani d con•rf•t.• foffndatfon, and make Re prrl 50c. a box, I for $2.A bial Mae 25e. was carries.
_ I retutit., inrludin{p ties crruitMh; /• aw /'utmrillnr ('felt n•irrnvl briefly to
At all dealers or seat postpaid by the AVWsxment et.rlferrnce ht•Id at /'din-
-. - 1`NI441it•, F;Ixiu *crone, hni\'r pre rt Fruits-itIlmi
E. P. WEISS, TrafalgkSt. house neton. ver verandah
lips• wit Ili twnreh lead, Ottaw>♦, oaR ton the a mPpr.+ week.
„. b , it a eery I He C & CO*
f. -tits, cer,uulnh and new rierL profile life meeftuu. by %sial. AUII bel
• promi. -it a further relsrrt fit Srwe
re,loe.t fnrin Sohn Ntlivell for tire-
------ ---------- -
-- Ism If fit,- pasture list at till. Itravel yu funire meeting tit tike welter II. T H: E H O U S E O F R E L I A B I L I T Y
nus ufry •soar IariffR enough trolahlr Tilt, (tour& -it then ad unnnvl
off til= Ilutou road was referred to tilt- J
— public N••ork, contruitteo nnN with ih ra op %li erway t reject.
Lpttor. fr,.ffr the Goflerich (Inge• ('o. ins , t the drop waN•t•vruy project.
14&6)'6 Iiollle. Tho. impior!airt n.l• 1Me• .I• ort wens adoptVd. 1111111 ICIPAL COUNCILS.
jun, r of bane', wleipmt•lit should lw 'end rhe C,sl.•rich alorfmutilp ('o. 'with rhe pis fir woks wrmmitttr re{xrrtwl - —
.w•h•Cte,l� with car„ It should is. fer••iwe to their luaus were referred Ila, a price lot ileo r mitts on torr -
4rrn-, of flip right 4h,f *• and .ire•, and t!' the lin:wo,• mmmltte•, p ce Pt iP COLBOHNF..
1 % comma,-iratilm (runt (►%tows 1! in tack i\ar had laevo rwwived fund pal weirit of the the .rrlitl uumlwr of flip tag ate] the r
01) coltstrnrt.al ms to Is• rssily clwult4l. rt•rnmwpnd4t�that a large ear of tip- The municipal
1.t- s,•Iw t nor+in ierftlt-r from lilt- staf that in the distribution of war township of l'olierrlw met . in Ht name of the owner to whom it les -
g proximately K. sl gnllun* treiorierwl.
ism -A rt•!i:fhb• maker, dud well them At trophit thi: town had keel, i lotted \ tuwnnhip hall Man•It 7th, air earn i+sltwl. 1 .rwm.1-,:� --ksry
fo Is• deliverwl •lwtwfen June list and Ices all
prhr• which will {Semi% every mother Iw•o Ile nun machine glnll.+•dte] four l -til. The rum no ter rrportett thlit an pre,erut. - *%drub•+ of t st l- Thbt the towner of A-d.og Wrest• • •
ammnniti n lerxw. Thrrr had ubt art ���((( nn..•tinR rend and adoprw], on iug d tag from the *++Power slate ket{o �0����OA of Canada
t'o filly ihr Ise+%. \1't- alar ]rare the nxnenwst had is renchetd N•itl} the tion of Graham and Fiwhrr. hp such tax wr•un•ly fixeil on flip Jog at n
tight kind of uipph•s. Thew% at.,, frrivf4l, tic clerk'infurfued the fvuneid' hosiital,taanl fur f f. removal of ter-
.,inrnG Nod duntbte. yet weft ental t}ne I Committee rid. al,diforoi report was prew•ntel, flow. all tint•+. -
tain tow•. "t the tin ire stn4•t prtrp► That after flip assessor ha- returners
:.nal fret- from iujfn ons chPmh:als. Thr fin,u„4• uumittrr made the fol- e•ty, alyd revommerni that these lir doff the total exp•nditllre for til year •
1 1!r_/n M Ix• �I),splll7. Total wvIyt4 his roll it shall la the duty of the Victory Bonds
F:. R N'iglr, i►rul;gi4t, �iarlprirh lowing rs4;rtump IAthut+ : %%'ith refer• rpmocetl he the hewn jus cut iota, �,7 IrAriet4 N Ylrficlt of !:(R'w�.l(►. rdrrk to *reply dog tag+ to the •twrnr4 1,
--- naw to the tNfqur for A Rrnitt to the• N"ISNI Till- cutmnithe prpted flint Avafin file assets. $,M0.0,nl. Th auditors if doge *rat to charge a fee of twenty ! w� e e
What Others Think. Tint Iteximent Iso , that later off a fsriwiderably cinders hail �tCwn plaewt stiggpiited that all contract. orrr x" fire tents fur each tag. ALL MATURITIES BOUGHT, SOLD
The Evening Telegram sayi : "Male
grant Is- w.fdr and 'n the nwanrliutr off the sidf•w7rlks arnl .in r of tie slwald la loet•ttrwl 11. n dr lsit hr rile r '
slid Fern le” isaSu Superior muton picture Ili. sum of ;1x1 IW l id un amount: high cost and Sanity of teNnl it QUOTED
Pe p nntFractor *tut also that t r Ifolel+ for Tlu• urstlo,u of a raise lis salary rlor GL/ p
I iso,ietion'Iw taken t rowan% with towommendwl [fort sur cwmpff walk+ 9 ,-,
tri first nyder. p treorsutre4 ata) otdlwtor lis >I_11,,MM1 rnfh.
The New York Sun sr,s : "True a refrrencr to }oiuiug t • CAnadian Is• built this year. It WAS morffd J1y V. lid twin, se•oult custhe clavi: cud treasurer w•as Incr dls�
peat halm_" y Ie4•p %%alio way+ slid -P. ' •r Asslwia- Tire sll,cnal committee re1"ort that I. cussitl and owilyr to the hxrrrw.l
R wi by Vurrpy, that thtt uditor: rviprorl
I'laying at the Mode% Monde sod tion; tenet r grant of ill:. 1 made to flip pvnliei• Plot* uystem hold Itw•n put as trod Iw seen tel & 1 they each rt.- duties and rf+pe.n+Ndilttfer of the diff- c !;s•re.r'-*arose _DIiALP.R I.7_ e" " t ►`°•"
7uesde y she Sick 1'hildrrn's Iw4pitall: hat the in gfoMl working crier; Ina1 trrf P prwnt offifeo it was fonsidered frit that
Y• ewtre $8.00 for their rvhes. CarriM. they should retrive an in•nrtw. It k.
nndifor: salali,•s for 19_M►, Ary noting nnf•ndwl that a pexin fir and Ane alorel by Jtola•rt n. w•e4rnflw] by Government and Municipal Bonds only I
to i1:d1, Is• ieald. lrrssing dip, to he mater from the oh, war r ovetl by %Arnhem, swvoneid by Yt�
Starr Phot. odrap`ts and Gannett -Star 1'urrey, that the wasurer at
col- RMwrtwrn, that tilt• f Irrk nal teras-
1'onffcillur fort thought flip p in prpssion4 of the flown ere+t, ire pro,- i4 Pfd f i^l
Record4, for sale at Blackstone's loe wit tprway+ yue.tiuu was imgeorta I. rnrwi try the chairman u( tilt- tom tutor fnrnl*h fro 16 to the amotnnt of seer feseh rwwlrp k1:rIt011 pA•r ununnt I Legal Truest Fund Securities 4
Cream Parlors, Nest street. R 1,IMN1 with t tarnd+mru raeh, to
Toronto was in favor for the projw• tyittte. And that a bylaw• I,e pls4trd providing
And Montreal .IlepK141 it, fearing that The cemetery muff narks ("farinnittep I"e rrt•sented the council for -their for the same. Carried uaaniwoassly.
Got asthma ? Then app rnl rt t r April mfrtinR. ('at. -
you never tried trade wnuhl go {rfst that city bo port+ romnleud141 that the Imnlion lot the The tern+nrrr reprrtwl rwwirhng E. H. HILL
itaz Mall that H. C. Dunlop carries. It's oft the hike.. Ile was n++un41 that et- pier bylaw stating that -cemetery dime. \ nom unkathu w',1+ rwrRtrl it_N17.;f1t from Ashfield t.rwu+hip ■s its LL :ids t9dd
from usep aft-Nrrin tendering his sharp for ex ueliture fin ts•unlar
)nit a4 efectual as Ttmplefon's fatuous tilt. n•gerrt wonl'I out prevent the tiring• hut: w•Iw teal will Is• held 'fur thirty Ie F
Rheumatic Capsules it for-. rheumatism. in
up of
the fmattrr at moor utbrt drys )'fly uuhw pend for" Ile tilt tesignat lie a* casllttMot, u to Ill" road in 1!rhl. The hollowing ac4Ninurts
Ask for a free seam le. ( 1 rntrrfnR line of humlup4 whir AP1e , BOND AND INSURANCE BROKER
p - ---.-- -- - - Bhould At- td+to\F9re tsps oirtwl• A.
r,+ixna. on SAN ahis cce"Ptelfl'withng it.
1'nung,R+ rviiii•+ aspanfli ,`r. Ai M11; J successor to T. R. Harrison I irtl�'
fie.•. Thp Jlayur rpm:u'L•wl that the IS41u41. ptid Municipal \need. +n die+
ere fill
- --
�',/Ilte'llln 'K lllGllf tivkwl alelllt %IIP
on m. ion F'lsher oral i:ruham.
R'ilwrn, service+ as auditor. $%,at: W. �
:::;;W do lir^rhNd�^�4&91,.r'kFe::f
report r,•gnp tel of tit,- fir• 'warden
Er I glitch was apls,intw] Nil-
Iwh for 1D_1, motion of Nfdwrt+<m
J. Symonds, o
1 lank Ano Ialsor •on Salt.,
+urn• time :Ig flit tilt- Md building.
alelnt town. ant s nn such reeve% had
jnf Flshpr, And bylaw rvt•a+ pea +sf.fl
(oral bridge•, If1.:r1; G. Yon ng. ex wow+1
to T,,r.gtu. #.1 Llal'; A, Gaol. hrt•akiux'
Is4,n rwN•irwl tae novel. wrmuhrl by
Ill rifling for same. air. Alex.*Young
mad+, '11.01. g_rA1, drawhw gravel.;
1'.) flit lnr *lower, at etre request he
aifwl .rn the rrouttdl *sling that .huhu
IntItI1111W/11'� taxes on 111 r•/111.4•tor'J,
,Ia► 1pt.lal; F)tl. %NltfQulN, �InM klnx
relwat.41, 1*.Irriwl.
The alnylor Bald tint if Satire of th
- ��
roll Ire refunded owing o Ili* fill"uciotl
mads. 1.rh1. !c_.a11: .lobo Hntchiuwm.I _.
n•fnud of hrxP+ loll 1!ry1 null, !11'x1:
old Hn••tr:tlrs arousal to couhd 1w
rid of the himiranm nl . might
t inabllifc m hear flop Wa e. Thi+ ns
w llnp+t e'1v granted, rho loon of C:rn
barn Itdrertsnn.
1'hildreu'+• ASd and Hummne Ws iety,'
grant, lC:f.tIN; 1. Hetherington. ton
oral . Thr perP'r f.t'
tration of birth+, 1L".1,, tuarrhtlFPs,
Tann diene Knight though til fire
p•us1•+ ter the 1'rovita•fal gr el roads
1hal, dwith+. 1141 for lir-10, 1128:r.l
w;rrvlen slnedd make a tnuuth sort
,,,,nrentioff hold at Tumnf, to tilt•
Total till 'ort at tnfrtlhR. gif►eatl!4.
to the I'milleil, an .other .•irle I.
Amnlllit of 7eJD.M1 w•Pre flrlf•rw dmf/l.
Total ptld Milt to date, lRt1;1111S. /olio '
are rwlttirwl to do.
Councillor afnspr hAnlwl i a 1f. et.,
Oil motion of Currey and F•Irhpr.'
Thr following bylaw was pkswa in
ell adjourned
j urnwl to April L"th, at 1.af1 rs
, its. 1. HFTUFRING r
p• Tui, 1•jrrk. = "PHONE 1PUWE'1C.L, 299
Addreweel to him by. Mr. t . F•_
the running at large of fhr
%sputa FireMars I of (►ntario, 'A.
%%'hlprems, -p
a '
:�, and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery
uMler viae provisions of
Ilety Fire Maralrl rs Letter. -
nnivilatt ,pct; tiff. coun•u+ of e#tie.,
chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards
"Ik,Ir sir,-[ am ill N.wvl to aeknow-
Atw] townships ore
Ant rlyerl to xa bylaw,if for
Da reline
dal F:H4trr ePrvicf•A will he con- dC11Ve1Cd free. All good* absolutely teasel and clean.
t 1 lis Victoria a1PttlfaBst
rrKir. of ,moor of the .nal in+f.,
IAtinR tilt- running at large (Of Ikrgs;
Ilia street
and thank you fo Iptfittlp me- know
AIM hereAd by the Dox Tax
chnn next SuufMy. cbild-
allerjt tilt- appoint pmt of Nr. Wfltlnm-1144.11!'
i oteetton Amenfhnent Alit
rpu's at rhe. EreMn itttln t,
g ie
if n4 chjf? of our flrr drpxrMnpnt
• • • I will n write• to -him direct
1!x!0 It is omhlwl that otter ibe flr+t
surrectilon and Mfe." AuM1Ay twho Ii
of i o 11r.. I
i \
note wit: 1•fro HAY with regard d,ty (of Aire- 11x21, "hl towns. town.' The merrk: s In North street alrtho- a4u e
- - _. -- ---- r, ever (owner of a i ■/�■ L
-- to the n+sft+vl rot on your property as Afo aRhflor erre,% Irmo the wrrplratlloj dist ehun h xt WualAy will Tw iu 1 W • V . P V W E L� L fir
shiJrs xu,l oil gP.
yall wl by le- adjoining dnitlding. if keeping with the Easter sawmill,
Thr i
Fmt letmt- hylnw• lis your town confer shalt kRr• inch 'ta °witwl by loin. Ates t,,,"tor will prraAh morning and porn-
_. SMART, SNAPPY, FASCINATING inn the +1 mtion It would for p•rfer•tly p Italy ARlxwl off Ing. Thr clumlws, Mimsolon Cis
anontea• do at all timer "
C in order or poll to more In the conn• *den'" ('11111 will meet at 10 o*e fl -k. _ _- Be e It therefore cost I lir the• mnnl•
' = til to I re flip building AdJdnittR your The Getter topic will irP "FawtPr 1: •n- a
Kl Such WUCd3 cannot adequately describe the dwrIli clp:nl torn it of the to illy of (los-
= Cl y R rnmmel on amount of its sow" atM Salle .iw A�a{cen -by Cdr. J. -- .�� _-- _ _ _-- _ -_- -- - ,
=good features of
luv�t Ion4 conditipu of fhr expri•ns• of ` i'urs•Is. At :1 riclfek fhr !(u In}' DANDERI E 'I
I. That the aAseraarr fo the me fhr Soar. If, twMpvpr, you have not w•hold will me•M for the quart,
n•- A '
OUR NEW. SPRING GOODS I a bylaw your might )fare & townshi M• nal fa hrrnh lNrwl to 1 y� MILLIONS IN
1 Sews- ef/l,►pty with the provtsion of P iWW view. After tete rr�wulitg e+xer•►ses t r I
S i ibis pn-,otA ordering the chlef of the adult claws" owill be reviewed In this ��
= which have }leen arriving daily, and are now ready rt. department (n remorp tills build. Tax nod theeep pro adult 1l, titer. auditorium and the intermeflUte, atal PROFITS pn•I• to) fhr A,tNea,talpjt flr dog" a to Stops Hair Coming Out;
r= for your inspection and which we know will be s� !tax, doing d frM dilapidatwl *Ilei R primary classes in the, Aphaohl-roow.
/ del+err to Peery person AMwstwI ere being Thickens, Beautifies.
f hazardous conditions r" a fire menace, The adult review will he lel 6y till R Q&id to til• sh&re-
�; L
adjudged - i nnmeff hi tag for e o dreg, UHchl or holders of Northern Ontario's
ns rromidM in the F'Ire Marshal .qct." pktstor, Her. J. F.: Fool, 3[t.. Harry Gold Mines,
"JUST IT" - +1/". hitch by film owned.* of
.� (onnrilMr sensor wanted tlw poem• _� Lung, Mrs. Colborne'&tel Mrs. 1Justb\r.
That the numifrr" of tea tags sr
„-°� oil ib i+sur instructions that the orf• Are yousetting• `''r°, '
drlhpnN serail la• erotrrwl on fhr rtote• Kan Chareh, year eft&s•>
00 by the most critical shoppers. fendtng building (off llNmilton milre"tl marts delirpred to the arsem"ror of the The esperienee gained in fff-
Besides, considering the splendid quality I"' r"I"IM.r1 flr put In proper condition, At Knox church next Sabbath special
nirmlrftr of Aeigw owttgl hr tie lre•+'tons teen yens •f &dive connection t I
g p Q y but AA romp of the •menet- TY of r mue•il Easter services Will be conducted by the+.
R. W. said xta temf.nM to Iw rP- with these mines will help you
�+ :
our %hoes, 011e- had reel tleell down tenet way IA1A.r minister and appropriate Easter music y
r.... and were not famillar with the comfit- Went to ihr clerk with the ASIt{tm_ wilf be given by the choir. Sermon gob I to rlleip&t• i• those sp an- ,'Ti
PRICES ARE VERY LOW mpnt roll. did pro6b• .,
Hans n motion was 1%1 +441 that A enopy :1. That It shall he flip duty M the �ecb-lI a. m. The Eater McMape." �v"►i,; ,
of the Ileo rat Fire Marshalbt letter le• P- m., "The kar test of Immortality." •,r• •+
a9 you will gather from the following I y clerk to procure &nal delivpr to the C«nabf. MArrw,sHwr •., Rsewest „
y g niffue t ti to flip fire wanit•n, with A Sabbath school and Bible classes at 3 1
J6 40�'= Ieadles' Oxfords, in Kid or Patent ether, r•gnret that he report to the council ""r"aseor AultNde dog tnRA Ar retluirel o'e'loek.
=black or' the e1rt1'eillel near browns various in the matter. fly him and to keep a mord xhowlttR HOMER L- GIB$ON
- Fbllawif/g IA the Baster mask al pro• t
y lip May
Wi a shill thert• would prtr -_ .---_-__ gram for the services at Knox church: CO.
sr heels, $3.75 to $7.550. atrly be A number of clNsena putting 1 y.
t in "'fishing this year, and eat thought 's0&M11G' i 703-4.5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg.
a Ladies Ties, one and two eyelets, variety of roles Arco USE Iltd•de-•saTleoa %%leant NsveHis seat is
otshitttAnN governing this ASTHMARA7,MAHl►eli-. .is .n Nstrds TORONTO
heels and colors, $6.00, $f,.50, $7.00.'$8 and $8.50, shunhl tet etrtabltwhttd. Tills won re- sob-•T&sysbaalsnAllhrswar". .Cftuaotrg tett ,c •
#vivo. R. iwer&sn. 4q i
• frrrwl to the ptblic works cotttmktfr. 011ertoire-"1 taw tA&t sr Reftaenrer Llvsta" t, �4,' ie (il
Ladies Pumps, from $3.50 bp. >fa#Ilf,, - r
T• Cwmuaeitrfe l9ewer work. ~ Jnt 1HsnAd t air f"
All the newest shapes, leathe and (Adore for brka I road r t tf mirk on Rhe earl t• r..t.1e AH breathing,ura mve>s Anikee'-Re+.or►a1t . Te t I Canada h&a any ptoApetetts c� f , 4 w
y RAZ -MAH la Gaaranttfd Pe.at..at.--Ft.r+.L.,A■arA►'.;...-...,..H&&dk ell
re of istimp
men. not■mpnrmpnt of work on the C•rm- av■■trec.
` A peep at ohr windows will con Ince you that the tit ihr uraeiap:oysod Irar•n.take pThe prAMk seri■ h the bronchito d'rNtde-PsNnaM ......... S4ass
W _ [Iv Anthem-'•InnNetlortlivt." Sr adhin Cloths. Thp C'oitiseas' Ariiaek■. rJ1f"y
works eis omit w ■ is of quiet sleep con OMMIre--"toe, der NM 4a dasdecdbrtp'.. t Y
• I right place to buy your, outwear is ahead wkh ttM work,�t thi'eearliestt d i■ dreg. /1.00iit t4draj Amba. --Ho Cy ley r ion to °�■hlsed on•dm111tr Mtala A fsw east& Mqs "1]I hdofins," After,
t t-, n `` boa wow Ii�j� nR.
�ewM►Ir momewM a i4t&l h+e■tYia W Toro■ Qwmta- Pai...aft G. brft w e S/feae you e&n&ot •
�I� S N A R M A N'$ SHOE STORE Toe gnPntlnn %►ti's'ere 1qAr 't-•■&• g y ' , 11 ,�, VP los tk° ■4%M r. w pw! *..*tote, lana
I" f"".,,• and Oottarlllor Te Mit A. N&kn, 1N. 1� � , !"'ry
1 tsP Btory, Moa n of teal A/stdF•-/lidsis Ds� �!� •F mph Larch p... M&rrlw& etlete�d 7 and iorohlg,r. tt� e&at on este& e t. aai &IfhoM&t�ia.. ,
t t k IIIIIIIIbIIgglHNIIIIII IgII IIIgq IqN flip fire,elimmittep, da 291 appear to
R,me- ..,..,, ....•, l :. �.t' .ro-,T :. 'tS. 4.W .w'... .. r ,n.:Yu 4, t., �.. • .n(�':a-..:-4.: t�,o,
3-1Tr.x..!`:.:. . .F®'.Yl,m:w Y^namF'+{'a::.,, ,. ,. ,qt-r»y R..e.. A..�....�.. �,_ ¢... .,. {r.$ 4 .r '. �. '. �T.p4.I1,MM.. .I.f�..' " m: ¢F . ....',1..''4 . ,1 ' , ,4..�.t, . ,..-.�p K.- .4 .,A'„ „e1 xr . ,",.rfl=,M.i .,,r.,:.�, ka ✓:9 + ,": t W+, :,,p.Yntw,m n't«wi:.s,£,.-....,..N..°..'+yI .a � y ,,rI... . 1$Yk,:g9.`.,,. d, '" si yR,y',t� '..,�., �...... ..: .. ,'4giFnI
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