The Signal, 1921-3-24, Page 7i
I WiNrek ERN opaNs MANCII tnh
Budd for success by attendingIELILI
o�u needNTY AN
Erel<�ching r
rn szo>rr� _ -- ooaseioa. o>Rr.
T....a....s,...,. �:..,., Al it
lit its rnse.,mpry Rasl•bunNrr•sl man•
Yonne and Charles Ste.. Taomo.
There aro Vast numbers of mea and . rout., Inst wr,•k and who tias site of
I1.•r, the Gov nmrut i+ IN•ghnring to
as41 a any me
for Fancy Work may Fe
she breath ►seem. of h+ b•glsl tive
Thi. sch still enjoy. a .great reputation for
•lice w[ murk ant (tx
Ripley r y l is ll cst. trout 1'rl•wlrr
lfrury oath its .1nsuMt. The. •are legiuning to splint
This Is
stone phosphate [n It. Th t n rla.• oar .If ui,u•ty-n e ye,ur. )tr was a
nth o r ser in th form of r,wc
plaellq rraduatat In
excellent health messure. it Is in• thirty,taniyl tlrgrrw Jlamrn. Tlw INNIy
tentlkd (b (lush the stbmt(1t, 114er, I wbrought to seaforlh for
lotion+ h the naw, of one 1rn aeother
Our soda biscuits, are closest
found here.
.,f the \ nlsh•rs. The N,v h from the
{mud paW i.M. Open all year. Enter any
time. Caculara free.
:\[life May Willow a. 11 foriner cold -
delet Illyth,
Thrllll• usnklly outline just a fyactiol,
rival and a perfected- product of a sunshine
�•! - - and Indigestible material left over In
--� Tlunfins' chnmh 14,1+ sh irk and hM1IIy
the body which If not eliminated ever?
of th✓ bills which are to come during
W. J. ELLIOTT. Pr.nclpal.
of w•as warril,l of Toronto
the e•ssfon, anyway, so nolNNly Is stir-
,r{�rd to N.w the• you., R
{ tide n+ shexdfii
good trial."
.111 \Ia fell 1111 I1 ell \\'1•slr\' aJ,Nll'e, of
I fy(rth low.
f i t -t
Call and sin the malty
beautiful and useful ar-
tides we have in stocks
1, Isis "•.: ,W .eat_
Miss Se Noble
Smith Side Square —, Gaderich
�lxz... ��` Specials
ylanuelettes`at duved lirire•a.
slowting kit r/,lutvd prices.
Itor•kfa,t Drill at reolnvetl price,”
(:Inglwm at reducers prices.
A nice asmortwcut -fat- willaow'
t'pirtatn+. !mm 25e and fly.
All-wiN,l arrge. ❑a Py bloc. tioinble
width, at $1.75 per yard.
Underweail, to eleaL at pril,•as
—,-"fit while.
A treat uutub•r' of 'arilcles in
Croi-eries at red nerd pour+.
J. J. McEWENM %"
TSquare 1W 46
that city. so", alders of better L. tJ! s x y wo 1
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 1'ybhs left years.'
Kip{a•u last work fur their new hutue Ask Your Grocer For
w N;nknfrh.•wau They took it ,•tar of
• t biome, uud fart., iuipleuu•nr- with tlww.
2J�t l%
When It s?a I .L llo*tueller. fur u•veral �•9u'+ INnst-
• I w;1.n•r at I Ityueral wen•Imill at Kill -
Question of ie••nl. Irit Ills week with fault,• ford
Klreheut•r, where he has pnrcia.erl uI
Jersey Cream
Fir.- dr,htir�wl the rr,+ideuee of .tubi SODA
Electrical I II.,NII••\. 1+r 1 ,In..•s+il,rt, of \I KIII„{,. It SODA BISCUIT
j sit N.Ittird,/y ulghr. 1:111 lost. The
huildiug was di lural lo-.,ki+ there war
Goods 1 nu --t4-r uu'f• _ - - - - - -
Peter (`a -r•, of 'I he Landau told -Doth
d I1. uslll las .,lot lug fnum to 1'11er, --
\p,liI and will t Ik. a trip ro the \\'est marrjage to Herbert Le Reau W ise, son o t'ntlawly Aproa••1.
call on 11111. Ilwuu n cal hi. retnru h,• will I Me, and Mrs E. H. Wise, of Cuderich
"Did you enjoy Mrs. Peckton's speech
{aubnldJ wake hu bons. in Heu.a1L I township. The ceremony wasp per. last night v”
ROBERT TAIT i The niarriarg/• t•N.k lilwo al. nwontoIfamed by Rev. D. N. McCamus. "I can't say that I did," said Mr.
„ tau Uamh loth .,f yli.+. M,IN•1 Miteliell, I On their return from the wedding trip Peckton. -She had carefully rehears4d
The Old Reliable tlaualuer of \\•Ilhaw Uito wli. H.,w Irk, j the young couple will take up housekeep- 111t ro 1 wouldn't applaud in the wrong
:Ind Anth-mY UwIlmn. of Turnlwrry, ing on the groom's farm west of Clinton. place, but I'm afraid 1 offended heft."
A full stock of I,iit Fix- The KrlNlw wear urer+rrr• with thea The Model school, which has been un "How was tiyit �"
titres, J;lectrical Holl hold i#nsi lia•ttanon. I dergoing an extensivecourse of renovation "I applatfded what 1 thought -was a
and improvement, has been re -opened and particularly good point she made, and then
Uten:,ils, etc., RIwe s oil hand Ar rhe Hy,Im-11I+tie pit+- 'Age. Dash•;-.
w,uNl, mrytatrh Nlrh. th.• 14wldiug'•w1i+' is now a very satisfactory building. I happened to remember that it was one
Estimates given and con. „deu11nlxerl of Laura Vae, yotinge.t John Peckitt, an old resident of this I sal!l� ed myself-"-BirminNam
tracts taken for Ii:cctrx danithwi, .R mr. nod \Ir \udre•w community, passed away on March 10th Age -tier/
\lesser. and Artlulr N. Haugh. all of in his eighty -fust year. tie was born near __ ._ _
Wiring and Fitting, Da liwood. The young couple will rr Toronto and the family removed to Col ?.J
amide on the gruours turns .;1st of ttu• I Otter's place on the London road over GLAD HE TRiED THE
village. I seventy years ago. He leaves three sons, TONIC TREATMENT,
with one of whom, W. F., of the Huron
JL. ,tail \L+. %-Ir A• hr -,if, who tor•I road, he had been living since the death
ROBT. TAIT .111..11 .1 at
t.,,n.i, the ('umwrr-
ofhis wile nineteen years ago.
ikil hotel ar Ilw,sa►1. haer Mdd it aiwl Mrs. Mountcastle, widow of the late
j have• gone t0 itedlands, ('u lifornia.I�mund Mountcastle, died at Dundalk IThroygh Its Use"Strength and
Th••c nwJ ulrityateiy IIIA;f• their home�onMarch 12th,arid the body was brought
West St. Next Postoffice lilt i'hieago, where mendierx tit [het Vigor Was Restored.
qq to Clinton for interment beside that of i
fammily IIv. .l.,ho 1'.,1a11g. """' ryCl .
lllbaea: Stere 82, Res 193 her husband, who died last May, To be tired after exertion is natural.
Thrtm•••ville•. ha. plur•hq.ed ,the h,eN•1 r ;
- Rest and food restore the body to normal
' :old he au.l his faSpnily to„h {N,...essj,nl after such fatigue. But to be tired all the
L1st ww•k. THF. WEEK �AT THE CAPiTAIs/ lime is a symptom of an anaemic con
-- --- - - ---
The .bath of John L. Kr1fr:.tif lhlsh- / clition that will not be corrected until the
w,MNl, w'hl.•11 611th ldurr .,n \1'lviurs,lay,-"1•„nflnttitj..�r►ns liters
o .bloofi is boat up._,-___
March !fill. iltrr u nmtrrTu¢ Aire.>. _-Stich-an anaemic condition is so gradual
Ins+ t•afis„I dt,•fl regr'l-t amofig It ,,,y,te I rewird their hPrlers Ijy nanning hem in its approach and generally s) lacking
Get the Habit of - in -I.- of frieud..e The dw,wwd" !#, I f•.r jobs, rhe must str••nnon� rt of it. acute pains that it is often dittjcult to
Iris•11 and bcougllf tip in rhe Vh ilw0, I I whi,•h fs perhaps tiling do14l to ti,• persuade the sufferer to do anything for
IN•IgIfIN,rI1MNI,i11N1 for the la -t w•n year+ it. But it is not a condition that corrects
i ,olive for their a ch•r urs,/but the
Drinking of stet hr waw its bit+iu,+,.s there. He 141+ \ 1 y 1 itself- 1f the blood is not enriched the
rty-1140 years elf age- and leave+ a 10116111• would no lunger fill for thattrouble be
Before Breakfast ' g !ft undernourished
aril jed ane. The nerves will
widtlw• ,old tin,• chlldreu, t -Oct .,f filing. / Jndernourished and.peuralgiC pales will
1 ! follow. Digestive disturbances often result
Ill Thr death rN•curn•d air 11 Dracfon I Kit ac a measure Vf r,tllef for the from thin blood, sleep it disturbed and a
kdspiral. Nl,rth IMlotry. .,u Fein tasty i eleitdtu•ss of support whish baP IN, in- genetal breakdown may occur.
We [snit look or fNl right 7r h, of Uro. M-rwt1A1, a native of l vel,the Iwhitirl it. [t tat asiblr
with the system fY11 I;rhrl. in thi. conury.,er uiaid.•n uapN,l i Mt. Wilson Johnson, Nineveh, N. S.,
IN•ing Ellen F•ru•-tine It:lywlyd. Urs.' that they way have M • utti•.tawl with says : ' A few years ago my system was
i d poleons, in a badly rundown condition. hly nerves
Har%ey 4robs aI, of 1;rhrl, )1rs. Charles I the tiertrolltietion, a l Ie lator its flat• seemed always on edge, and i found my-
e'ongraun and -sir-. F,rnest Ackert. .,f' ., �,y,,,l of u wrasu whir, wiir took., self so weak that I could hardly do any
Millions of folks baths Internality ItolcrNNl. ,ui,l Max Itayu,lril..,f i.tlek-i ,,,usidr a{IpNrluhgrn s out .,f [l1.• iau,{s work. 1 9uHerrd from hradaclma and
now Instead of loading their system now, are .later, and brother it 1114 from airs Ifered back heal under the
with drugs. "What's an inside bath,” ' ,leers+t•d lady. __ of the.'omi�+slo ah l limi-I thew oyer
you say. Well, It is guaranteed to per- 1 shoo rs, and was often sty sleepless at
NF %k Vo IRTH. , to the wenl)wrs. i night that when morning came 1 felt as
toren miracles if you could believe! I
these hot water enthusiasts. I Iloah 1'. Keni.•ily, who distil at Too-;
lit its rnse.,mpry Rasl•bunNrr•sl man•
tired as when 1 went tc bed. I was taking
There aro Vast numbers of mea and . rout., Inst wr,•k and who tias site of
I1.•r, the Gov nmrut i+ IN•ghnring to
medicine all the time, but it was doing
-- women who, immediately neon artalne ;rho ublrsr Jia.+. a,+ in 1',wad,1, sen+ for
she breath ►seem. of h+ b•glsl tive
me no good. Then I read the test irrational
of a man whose condition had Ix to similar
In the morning, drink a glass of real ;1 mindl•r of yenr+ pr,ya'tet0r of ilu•'
hot water with a teaspoonful of lime- hot.•I at fit,- sul11on Isere.He died at The. •are legiuning to splint
to mine, and who strongly rece•mmPrlded
Williams' fink Pills. I d
This Is
stone phosphate [n It. Th t n rla.• oar .If ui,u•ty-n e ye,ur. )tr was a
nth o r ser in th form of r,wc
Ur. ceded to
excellent health messure. it Is in• thirty,taniyl tlrgrrw Jlamrn. Tlw INNIy
tentlkd (b (lush the stbmt(1t, 114er, I wbrought to seaforlh for
lotion+ h the naw, of one 1rn aeother
g ive this medjcinr a fair trial, a, d when
had taken six boxes I felt much better,
' j oeye and the thirty feet of intestines lhn�Ing a so -Vere el•r•rrival+torn► one
.,f the \ nlsh•rs. The N,v h from the
1 continued taking the pills until I had
p of the previous day's waste, sour bile, ereuing hlsr wl ek the IN -11 lwoorer ,111 St.
Thrllll• usnklly outline just a fyactiol,
taken more boxes, and t can on!y say
�•! - - and Indigestible material left over In
--� Tlunfins' chnmh 14,1+ sh irk and hM1IIy
the body which If not eliminated ever?
of th✓ bills which are to come during
1 am glad I did so, as i am now enJo\'ing
the best of health. and I advise all sten
,lamaceil. The m•xron had his Iwud on
day, become food for the millions of
the e•ssfon, anyway, so nolNNly Is stir-
who (eel rundown,to= iv p
give these Ila a.
the IN•11-roles in the tact of ritigint them
bacteria which infest the bwd the
,r{�rd to N.w the• you., R
{ tide n+ shexdfii
good trial."
tos. IN•11 w.l„•u he IN 'it struck, boor although
quick result Is poisons and toxlas
which are then absorbed Into the blood 1 plaster was knol,kwl off t*. walls and
I fy(rth low.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be obtained
from any dealer in medicine, or by (nail
1' causing headache, blliou' attacks, foul the eleetric lights'we re 1"11.11.41 ont hr
' ' x breath, bad taste. colds, stomach trots-gas1.114-knowinitr noilturt.
Nothing very eontmverslal has tip•
pearr,l mr far. There Is a 1,111 to pro-
at 50 cents III box or six boxes for $2.50
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co„
ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, iia• LUCKNfi�.
vide f,rr jllel;el coinage, kind an.0wr
Brockville. Ont
pure blood and all ts of allmegts;
-know know erc•fid
hants int.having
People who feel good one day and
1., f-wintilnlf• the \\'la•xt Moan) Air
another lhdlar Day in flip near nitre.
- — badly the next, but who atm9ly � ! 1'il••c lilld Illi+ :III rx1'l•Ilrlit Itlea! + of
wiudfug-up punw)-so :inns to make per.
{{ouldn t Be Notkrd.
not get feeling right are urged t0
'I• doing hu+iur+c. •
Inc nett[ fllPl I,rllt rAl by LII. .itailw7l\'
"Whit'. the watirr, Captain tjliarte•r-
.o•r,..• �••��. obtain a quarter pound of limestone his \r the 1, lcknow rel -tory. •tory, nn \p••dne+-
phosphate the drug afore. Tent
ibaud, null w,m. others. Howerer,
devil , ••
will cost very little but is sutEclent;'lay of la week. \\'illiam �\udrf+w•
I:rittiu Enlwn
rhe bode.[, wh.m it nmws, will pro-
"The fa.•�, a,y dear young lid}•,
wr'y1' lrrukr•n our rudder."
W make anyone a real crank on the. nut ,\iclplil)fIl week'
The Trouble Man internal sanitation. nnINA fn in by it W. J.
�I,h +tiffit i,•fit . °n`rl„ y.
"I wwddu't worry about that. The
subject of
(lwp VlstPrwxya tool eller Rubjrets....
is wuh•r, von
Just as soap and Lot water act on
rudder mostly uudrr
the skin, cleansing, sweetening and, 1►. It. Jtaclnrosh fi•11 toren t ladder
1Nwp wntelways be•mfP, nahlrll
knew, awl it is taut likely that pN„plc
It's a comfort to know there's freshening, sollmestouUbosphateand and -pruned hfrl wrist.
e1.1I and it long unit tiring ilia-
will notice if-"--Vublfu \t'14•kly 'rimes.
8 man on whom you may cal! hot water act on tL omacb, liver, Jlr ..lob nt was at TuVoutrr fur a f;•w
kidneys and bowels. it 1s vastly more ,Irtrnding to hey/ husband. Johll
of the, Itritish cattle embargo
in your troubles the Plum. important to bathe on the Inside than Jocnr. U. Is I'., who) *a- laid fill with
w•rvwl to flu• ket r b
1 'Rfslnests in the
on the outside. because the skin pores pneumoni:l.
iHoll�e dnrh,g the w„•k, if rhes, sib -
\4'e know syr business and
old his dray bit*i-
do not absorb Impurities Into the', };!titin Tayisr,�Inivk
Jt,'ts did not keel) them all interesb,l
are here to serve you. blood, while this bowel pores do. , If,.+: n, Ititchie . of A+hflebi. uud
aw-,Ike. As Lor tlowp waterway I,
will probably of to flat- t.I rel.
from trip (.teat Lakes to t h,• , t
I INTOH• --- `- ,awiaeire, everrloody wants blew if
OPEN NOSTRILSI END Ji'ss niarioriie Patterson, only daughter so nelPNly would only provide the
FRED. HUNT A COLD OR CATARRH o Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mannino. was IIN,fley without Increasing the taxes.
(quietly married on Wednesdav of last %t•he natural resourv,, delaitr buonght
••THC PLUM6CR" ) week, by Rev. T. J. Snowden, to John
Aow To Get Relief WMn Eland! Harvey 14all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. otit a Mt of s{wnk••rs. cutch touting
rlaa.ntew street Phone las 1 [ and Now are Singed Up. Hall will live at Vancouver, B. C.
I I At the home of Mr. and Mrs. George IM tit, t+lts Of his own partlr•tttar Iwili-
I'lumning Heatin Holland, on Wednesday of last week wick, and, at life, cuiN•tnsion of it all,
i3avestroughiug Metal ��'orlt count fifty! Your eold• in head or their daughter, Florence, was united iris ',Inrhnefug diose who tend heard 1111•
catarrh disappears. Your elaggrd nos delmte limit, whatever Plm• It might be,
Irills will open, the air pasaages of,your I - cannds was a Hit•., large country.
1 ad will clear and you can hreatbti I
The cattle embargo debate wan Inter-
ertring, hnt frnitfnl only try the Patent
that a remdurlon has 'hosell valrle;l to
FinglatNl sit{opeorlint;,tlie Gorernme Cro,
stand an tire matter and suirpstint
that this Brltlah Government. It it de-
s1Ms 40 ,r Wh4t►P the 4MADOrtA, plautx••
change the ren Pons it gives for doing
Fatimates of Agriculture and Jut, -
flew IleyartmentP JavP 1trMit pushed
rhtough, and the House• Is hooking for-
wnrl to fir Flnwfeer reww With all the
joyful anticipation of meet who have
duuN• a gold itentoon's work long before
theeir allotted flaw. Ther will come
laek after a wrrk'n abstence, to tackle
Ntn•b knotty problems an railway de-
HcitP--on which the (1plmNettlon will
IfirdaMy do their best to he floor. RMd
hp in verbal knots, and jurrt as prob-
ably Pthlvwl to POMP patent
A Topeka business man employs two
'Wgoats to work on hi; gardenia, which he
personally oversees. One morning Sam
did not agewr.
"Where is Sam. Getlrge ?- he asked.
"in de hospital. si h."
�a"iinenthe hospital ? whet how did that
1' Well. Sam he been a-teltin' me ev'ry
trmrrtin' foh ten days he twine to lick his
wife 'cause o' her comm .0
"Well ?I'
• Well, yestlddy she done ovsrhesh him.
data all•N
freely. No more anudling, hawking, J
llrio. pi HARDQf1N I muFtru dfechafor breatdryneh
n headache/'
IkjlL[]fllkyJVl� i no etrnFgling for breath at night �
Cost .a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Hampton sod tit. Andrew's Sts. B lir lie urgdrugantiof septic and apply
GODERiCH I in vour nostrils. it penetrates through
a;,rit�±e tut l; every air paabage of the bead, soothingj
and healing the swollen or Inflamed
mucous membrane, giving you instant i
Before buying fertilizer be relief. Ilead colds' and catarrh yield
like magic. Don't stay stuffed -up and
surd to get prices from miserable. Relief is sterns •
us. We handle
Harris -Danes Fe azer 11.18 BACKACHE AND
of all grades. LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT
�b nia sad Niltess away w'id
Cockshatt Machine a �"r •io.
When your bads fa sots and Is is or
�1lvmbe�o eeiatioa or rhw a” m W
f,'' Agent you rt�eaed apt clod[ auger I (7M •
76 Beal bobW of Did, hon"asest "9t. J'ooba
CEDAR POSTS r�gbat •oy &Wosed a" rub R rPouri�aht i little
Will Ittltre'tmrt ask s ggarntlty ills is ar 6” aid by the yon
and kinsmen
of No. 1 red Ceder Pests. akto gaa� �y� the �
tams g� Ascher Poets at fsD ,, •I, artWel I This omit1.hiag
Coekakgtt Nimblee SYN. Hong- oil toads to be the a&* soddin d o•Fy
a" sb"t. ( .0ft to IM& and ends tLs ��
1 If i. !vmlyN alsdntdy ka*�
°° PHONE too. I *add" dide �stooppeolbu�atiega, Iteiatiea
at iatlw Mat Illlliwry so Plsmtuy I
a..e.har .b. ,.e s. «:: '"k. ::.......:�. •� ..-.. < .. '�T t w.aaw r s. �;1 r?r: . erairw^wt•;�* slew ,�srt4 p a, Ck ; ;[`Sew
111illilipow"Pow real gar
and Girls
IS your 'child healthy? Is
he or she up to stoble
dard weight, of good colali
with plenty of rich, red
blood to nourish the grow!'
mg tissues?
For children wbo an bila
pale, anaemic, under wsi&K
nervous, restless, alesphm Dr.
Chases' Nefte `Food is of the
rratast benefit imagbsaW
Beim mild and ssatle Y aw
tion, amd yet wonderfully poll.
ent as it restorstireI it Sam
mikes the blood rich and b0i
up the feeble nerves,
M assets a Ma, s asset +tact v d1nlw e1
aamls m lbw A d. UdL. fbessu
fit r.�,ha. -•rt'
(,,rvf3 �() 0 d - .
r Thurwlay, alsi`vb 14, lfillf. T.
QNP sfamillgil
Your Easter Outfit
1�_ - I
Keel) in the procession by donning something
new for Easter, when everybody else will be spick -
and span. We have .,.
New Suits °r r ' - New Bata
New Spring Overcoats,' ,New Gloves
New ShirtsA irNew Neckties, etc.
Call and see the great values you ran get for
your money .here. We are prepared to meet all
competition. . ,
Segni-Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
Bargains in Organs for Quick Sale
Thomson'4, Music Store
I 'I'ilunlits Pi:ulo Case, ti octave ..x60.00 A,,
I )cell Vi:ulo Case, G octave.... *. x50till
I;otleri, h I'i:tato Case, ll; uruYN 1 x50.00
ult� I lilal6 ire -Piano f.a%os, ti u`taok'e ..........x40.00
I Vorfiiniou, five oetave, suituhTr• fur lodge tar
srh.,.,l rvieiin ....................... .x35.00
These Orgasm are all in Food condition :tail great
bargains. --
Victor Vietrulas and Brunswick PhunograPhs atwa.s
in stook, from x40.00 up.
10110 choice Victor Reeordv to ehoo" froul
Thomson's Music Store
Studebaker ands ^ Gray -Dort
Let us give you a• demonstration kith the<e
cars before you decide'on your spring purchase.
Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working
fine and we are 'now in a position to handle any
number of Batteries.
Rood Batteries. This is proven by the fact that
four-fifths of the Automobile Companies in Can-
ada are using them as standaerd efli ipment. We
have them here ready for deliyry.
Non -Glare Lenses- from $2.75-44.00 a pair.
1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920.
1 Studebaker, 4 -cylinder, 5 -passenger, thor-
oughly, gVerhauled and repainted. ...
1 Ford Touring, in good °running order.
VFord Delivery Truck, in first -clans shape.
Case Tractors and Machinery. 48
Electric Wiring wamm
I,et tar give ytau a figure tau yrour wiring. It wIIl be
worth your. while.
if your ELECTRIC IRON is out of rt•puir do not lea\e
it until you,want to nye it We have rel,airy in stock for it.
New stork, of TUNGSTEN LAMPS, nth, 15%, 40,, 5M,
60s, 75e and i(Nm. Reasonal,le prieen.
Call and toter ny for auything in the etertrical line-
a- Old Colborne Hotel Corner
—--"Ae'others film t•ti." f11P till rt(1Pd, 1'ho Hederlei Aigag/
1*1(orth News, hut• itself and is 11hisall(ul that N Is
After, reporting one, ca Pe of a mr•r- Ilvlllg to a qniet country tows. Wra-
chant havlsg hiP winelrnw broken by dee bow a►any caner Of this kind N
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other case of a steer broken into sad man.
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