HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-24, Page 67'1°7 ArTimailazr-. erw.:77esi s....3wwww.was, IIIVOIAMAWAW111=111111a. " " • " 7e*I-4 d- Thursday, March 24, 1921. • , LE "AFTER EVERY MEAL" Mint leaf. peppermint or lus- cious iutc fruit. either flavor is a treat for your sweet tooth. . And all are equally good for you. Teeth. appetite and digestion all benefit. s • Your nerves will say -thank YOH... your vim will respond. WRIGLEY'S Is liked for what It does as well as for Its BIG value at the small cost of 5c. The Flavor Lasts • TEl INIMILL OODERIOX ONT. HOME CONVENIENCES WOULD IlaP. Ey Ethel M. Chapman. Associate 'Auger Parrs' Magazine, Ilm The Tenet' \ scr v .,,,,.- • Globe. ''',A'.'" 'T•: - A young man in a prousIsing metlou of things again. of 034 Ontario married y04111a and 1144g Would Not Stich. went terming. A .persoli 01 74111111110r Thell the dolor Made the )11111011nce- axe starting 111 1111,41 1114" in the citr meat slw had dreaded, because rhe with the sMine capitol might have felt knew it was trite before he told lwr; that he couldn'Lafford a house Just she would tosser be able to do a full then, but a inntieis an allel01U10 neves- day's work again. Thr lousy spring nity ma is farm. •Ile married a girl as Sers011 was coming on. there would be ambitious as 'dwelt. and everyone extra help to hoard. and extra chores Said they would -get on." They did to 110 with all the young stock to care Set on at an siuszing este. Stopping for and eggs to Net. soul the garden at the onnornee 111 tile 04ellings. Jim to plant NMI the children's miring WeW- oftrii told how he had rai•ied Another jug 1, do ir was imp,wil.k. to 04 few hundred ou the mortgage and he help in t he 140.0•0 : with city homes, iwver failed to mention that his Wire IMitipped with i•verr modern eon - had helped hits with the 'rows and •eiiieibee, offering alluring wages. it lo turkeys. not likely the farm hired girl will ever Thr year they were morried a horn etS11144 tIllek. So the only thing to do Was built; in fort. tIwy were married was to Nell the form and More 10 town. si1011e• 110111 they had intended,..on this Just ag hnudrede of otlwr families are account. liessuive you can't *wild a barn doing, became the women ',can't stand without a plain to 1101111 1110 inen-it farm work." The mortgage was not bast it world she very expensive. maid. They hadn't made -enough money When they figures' this out labs wife to resim mi. Thi„ miiii who- had al. wag glad ta have been able to help so way* fanned had no iitlwr trade or mune. Tire were very proud of tile profemion: he could only look for work boni; it Wow ilimiely and airy and hie as a laborer. They heel to take their enough to 'econarnothite the crops of ehildnw to • election of the city where an c, other Oft. *1 e uut •res thtlw is hoped the company was not ADA WIU1 t they to buy 114sus as he could afford. would have chosen; they couldn't keep and the *foibles were as modern as 'them at, well a* they e011141 11/1114 11011e those of 1111' 114.'4 Msow farm in Use osi the farm: they couldn't edweste country. There were concrete flooN. theta as well when the time came. r llllll ing water am' individual drinking There would Ii no restful old age for cups for the cows; there were feed their father. Meaner big wages and chutes and litter carriers and ever,' the comt of living% town would .nOt feed hos placed with an efficient en" *pow a margin for savings: lie 1Volikl to convenience its lining Ib.. week. nave to keep going. It was a triteedy. "Xow when w. just get 1/1e 'WOW' Hod all because they had overlooked axed up," his wife said as they went the tact that the chain of form life over the nes" building the dai after Is no or, thou its weakest link, the raising. the Nadia nee of t tie woman who keeps ''Yes," he agreed, "I mean we Multi the the centre of Thing*. going. have a house every bit as good as oar ve Homes. • lama as anon as we ('*11 afford it." natant* It might not have worked Rare Come 1 way. Notwithstanding all that I. , et. • '1 '• WRIGLEY'S .441111 JUICY FRUIT 1 11 ICHEINI 046 CALM It/THf riittoRurs B-24 • ' • • Good resolutions cost nothing. WI. they are hard to keep. • Taking Him at His Word. , - Trader -Yes. I'm prosperous, -I'm un • the teether business now. I tell you t here's nothing kather. His Friend- .' • Think so ? Look here, come up and dine with us tonight. My wiles got some steak for dinnsr. In the Art Museum'. • 'That th.lniummy of &princess who lived 3,000years ako." 44 • en, ........1,444‘.4443.144,4444444021,64,444 • '• sr! s -s -ss 'Gracious! How Wetly the Women were in thOw days." -Boston Ttanscijpt. Old Friends. Judge -''Havey at the bar before s" Witness - Yes. your honor. that's ohne 1 met hues"- Burr. The Ignorance of ThIg Generation ! . (Attie Boy (looking at music catalogue) -Father. who was M: rift ? Father - Mozart' Oraciou my by. you don t know that ? Go and read your Shaket• peare. And he did not think he was say- id about the. weakened crinstitU11011 ing anything funny.al ra•urtsC- -° - of the twentieth century women, a lot area eincere. Ile had always pro of 1110111 are taking mire of, their homes i,wd her a better home as 'anon as and families today with Whii111 the (.011111 afford 31. 111 the meanti same equipment to lighten tlwir tallow got along with whist, she had. ere she was running water for the rows is tiw harn, but she carried what we* needed for the family from the pump and the eastern; there Was * torantimew carrier in the Sear% htit „Me went cheerfully up and down Mbar several times a 1147. 111101 I had an extra mope of tiresome steps between the dining - room and the kitchen, which had been .1mill nn" with a floor two feet lower then the rest of the house A gip:o- hne engine mime inter, nisi 13.. 11311 11 made gome extras money ailing silos., lint -his wife still did Ow welshing on is hoard and chtiened by hand. Althea there were children, and on •larealng we.triness hetteso to. come over her, with a growing terror that *he might not he able to keep going -and what about Jim a1,.1 The children ! If only the Mortgage were paid off they might smoke some better •rrangenswat in the howw. Allot they never got the mort- gage twild off. The human machine has a breaking point immenhere, and a goomolpg- epiaripesa io asirtage danger ghoul. There was aui iffriegek during vehleh she marly left them altogether. and a long \ convaleseenee. when one makeshift kite, of help after another distance/aired the annooth running of the household. Him, girlcame. found the work too hard and left. The 4•1111drees ran 111,001 neglected; there suns 110 red tit the htime; the whole family looked for the day, when the mother e011111 come down and take care • 1 1 we la e o srie iota *lekN 5z>. 5°° t The Flat Oil Paint For Interior Decoration -01 1 444114.,. Ear the walls and ceilings of any Toon; In your house, meat delicate and harmonious effects ean be secured by the nas el NW -TONE. It is cheaper aad mire sanitary than wall VrOand will last much longer bulie it can be washed ut injury. It positively willmotsub off. h is 'Wes shades, itel bribe use o of'.6.tete mMinWass sew be assimell OUR PANTO AMID VA111413/11E1 SKTI:r7..gMy traradirdmeh:Vitr:tivitt ''4 ItO Pirta-To f " tgirunnrfac.Tota,es_Atraia smionasfully. tramorted wItt .*,„ 7, 11,i • CsII adAkt e. snag. tile merits of this awe TIN-SEINOUR Animism Per every =or every surface. Our star* is cow Ps:It--4.mil us coo (iv* you hill eforniates. FRED HUNT ' GODERICH, ONTARIO sse . • els 1 ,.1 'VO t‘aillika PAINT & vAR'41StilS susiehiesisim ,___„,sehessisites-an "100% Pure" Paint For buildings, outside and in. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT It wears and wears and wears. "Varnoleurn" beautifies and preserves ()il Cloth and Lin- OleuM. " Marble-ite" Floor Finish The one perfect floor finish. " Wood -Lac" Stain Improves the new -renews the old. s • • • as the pritnItive woman used co -unities ago ---and keeping It- up. Only, there' is another danger -that the home may keep going but Make a failure. of it. Job. There is the farm where machinery for the home has never even had a Mare among the things to work and SIT. for. Perham, the woman feel* that she doesn't larfel ter Want it. Slw ig one of the fortunate individuate en - dowse.' with endlem vitality and, endur- ane. She riiies at 5 o'cloek. and clans she feria Meter fur It. Her washings are on the line 011 Monday mornIngia before twr twighbors have thelr's well started, they are the washingta eTPT, ton. and do- ruhs them out on a hoard ;.she has A poor opinion of wools' not machine.. +the tuakee her rows and poaltry :any handsomely, ase has the reputation of being able to get through with re work In a day than any other two women In the neighborliotid. In addi- tion to her regular housekeeping. she snakes her own cheese and Pomp, and her men's *hitt.. in,! socks /11111 over - o33'.. and she eon girt. a howl In the 111111 if nesessary. Shs- has IN. Ilse for vacuum eleal nerd a nd self-tv ringing maps: *he sweeps with a lireitim, twato her carpet,by hand. and chains her floors; on her knetw. and she would defy you to find • cleaner 11011.44 in the country. Of courts., you 111111'1111. Rooms That Are Not Used. Neither hes Money been stinted in the furnishing of the house. Them are earpetts en isn't' deep In the front towns ant' furniture of plush and quartered -oak. Tbeise rooms tire not used inneh ; the family perhaps are boy* and not at Nine 11111.1111 ill the evening's. There is no puii'tktihut ren sin for their staying -not that their met her rould- not make tittle to he With thelli, hut they have no kindred interests ot tho kind people want sport from their work. She has looked well to their physical cane, but she 'hasn't Wien time to learn their othet needs; there is nothing In the way of what t•ould he called -soot contact." As a 11011seke14ping estabilithnent, the place is a humming 'weenie; ag a home It Is n ptttfnl whin. It lawkit the stews- wre of nwt for body and soul, the irlt thAt wade people out Inspired 1 their work. it IhPetlia that mow features of the Venni' problem," abandoned feriae, and 'tire failure* to get the best out of farm life. might he 001,011 by mechan- ical equipment to Conserv,. womi-n- pows.r, and to give women niore thaw for working out the finer ,thingn in their home and community lif. Ma -1 chinery for women has not kept pate -with the latanneaving equipment so raphliy eoming to the fars. We have • lot of bank barns' with warm, com- fortable stahleit whkla a ,man enter* gratefully after the chill of building the morning tire in the kitchen, while the woman has ras work in this at- mosphere for a few bouts With the added diewsvmfort of Standing on a eold floor, yet a furnace that would keep every r(10111 in the holuqw at a livable temiwntture to a rare I :my in many neighborhoods. Stables Modern, House NOgleeted. Every year wee more well -venti- lated. w.41 -lighted *Utilis but It weans a lot or trouble to (Helm extra Wf111111,/ In an old bowie to let the sun Into the kltehen or to build fr idasere 'nig porch t4.st a delicate eiiiht may hove tits full. birthright of health. More and more we find running waiter In the harn for the cattle, white the water for the house 11 115111 plumped e nd carried from the well. • The law- yer Of IStledon township, Ontario, shows fifty-eight farm! with running water In the barna, only thirty-eight with running drinking wider 11. the house. and only Swentysone with mat water •nd bathrooms. The mine gun vey *bows sixteen gasoline engine. on Ow farm*, but only two or them rn- fling any hesehltsery la the 110MPP1. All over the country barna are well equipped with Ilthwearrlens and reed chute*, hut women ferry things up and down cellar without (krone ever o uggesting that the far ta could afford • toni-dollor dumb waiter or a dinner wagon to relieve thee many trips *nil carrying between Mechem and ilittittx• ?OM& NW* th• luta la some cases ) e ONE WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE 01 Interest to Childless Women. Teets. Ontario. -'1 suffered for a long time from s Ionise weakness, ia- Ilamesnita: rk terrible bookscho caused by t condition. Ons day ono a your Ina left at rny door, and 1 road bow other woe's with trouble liko mine had ben mad* well, so I got • beds of Lydia E. Plnklinm'sVerofielo Compound and 1 package of Sanative Web, and it tolled me wondorhilly and 1 now have the Anse little baby bog that any mother could wast. 1 want to roosaninied Lydia L Plnkham's table Compound to any woman who has female troubles." - Mrs. Imam LA 31m4.a. 779 Sbsw Strait, Toronto, On- tario, Caaada. Tb. experience of Motherhood is • trying ono to moot women sad marks diotinctly an 'pock in their Svcs. Not ono woman in a Modred la proparel se undestanda bow to properly are foe horsolf. Every woman at tido des rely up= Lydia E. Phaireun's •°14 rely Compound, s moot valuabio tank and invigorator of the female organism In many home ones attarup than se asw Mitre became of Ms fact that Lydia Z. pin's Vomitablo Compound makes wooers • or healthy and strong, and this good old Isabicsard root and barb 111111/04 DOW Wall Ilarcotice of kende dew. is that women are too congervative! It may even be that the average wiiMati is afraid of machinery. Sug- gest that *he IOW an eks-trit• washer, and she afriakl of a "hock; mention hitching a „mainline engine to the old o thichlor and she immediately has a presentiment that she might get caught in the belt,. And there ig nothing to encourage °her in the general snan's opinion that a wotnan Isn't capable of adJugting eny heit except her own. HOLD-UP AT THE FALLS. Young Mao Arrested Has Ripley dress. Niagara Falls. Ont., March 17. -The first attempted hold-up in Niagara Falls occurred this afternoon. and resulted in the arrest of Cecil Rodwell. eighteen years of W. He went into the Biamonte store at the corner of Fifth and Lewis avenues. A girl clerk ; sked him what he wanted. "It's inoney I want." he said. "We donTls owe you any money.- the girl said. He then pulled out a loaded revolver. She screamed, and her brother in the back of the store ran out shouting. The man became alarmed and left quickly. Officer Hughes. in the police car, with a meagre description of the bandit , sear ched the city and finally found him on Palmer avenue. Ile was grabbed so quickly that he had no time to pull his gun, which was in an outside pocket of has coat. Rcdwell was brought to the station and found to have a fully -loaded six -chamber "32" revolver and a pocketful of cartredgee. All the money he had in his possession was seven pennies. . Rodwell claimed that his brother had advised him to get a living that way, beilevinf nto be a way to get "easy moms.' He ame here from l'oronto and had a receipt for the Sailors' Union, signed at Fort n illiam in November last. Has address was given on the union card as Egerton Farrell, Ripley. Ont. He claims to have a bank account in Toronto. of the war, but the aftermath of a (amine. involving so many millions. will leave lingering distress." A letter from Rev. A.W.Lochead, of the Canadian Presbyterian mission in Honan, states : "The pinch of famine is becoming more and more severe as the days go by, There have been a great many people frozen to death during the last month. Preparations are being made all over the North to fight the inevitable typhus that will soon be upon ua." Bishop White. who is director of trans port and supplies in Honan, writes "Of the three million most destitute in Honan, the amount received will enable us to save the lives of approximately one mil- lion. This means that two millions will die unless additional funds are availabls. ' Need for Fortier Help. 13* relief which we have sent strength- ens the call for further help. Having saved so many thus far, shall we now let them perieh ? limey must unless addi• Donal (ends are fotthcoming. Contributions should be sent to the treasurer of either of the Canadian boards having missions in China : Rev. Robert Laird, D.D., 'treasurer of the Presby- terianukiing.orone Chuirch. 4300 . CoAn.federation Late aWorrell, K. C., Hon. Treasurer of the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada. 131 Confederation Life Building. Toronto; W. G. Watson. Esq., Treasurer of the Methodist Missionary Society, 299 Queen S'reet West, Toronto; at to D. A. Cameron. Esq, Manager. Canadian Bank of Commerce, 23 King Street West. Torooto, General Treasurer of the Fund May Hare Changed. Right up to the minute was the man who, in advertising for his lost daughter. included this irk the description : "She was a blonde when last seen." Gumless "Gamow." Brother-"%Vill you please eve me. a stick Of cheering gwn. Mr. Illiun- dtrly Mr. Blunderly-"I don't chew gum, Bobby. What makes you think I do Small Brother- "Because 1 heard my sister my that when you were at the dance the other night you gummed the whole part y.'' -Punch Bowl. s -sets" Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain board's 1 $sonneni:_ h•s aire• kslar time three ,eaterabOlas. It quickly relieves sore Mout, Wont hitt*, stun altia. ar4.0C11 end wry hind ol paia. 41•••=110••• OME•Mir d2Z ..• \ An Old Reliable Remedy Mr S. Fawcett. Hama ton Se . Colhng.gud, Ont , srrites.-hlistaed's Lawnseat surely is sa old rehable remedy. 1 raw ii)• keep a bottle ea the houw and have recornatenckd it to quite • numb,. of my friends. to whom it gave gr.* rtt..I 1. most tams it ••• uses1 iaa 11 sure tut rheumatism May o•ard's THOMAS. GUNHRT, ArcrIoNEER.. BOX 67, Goderich. All lnotrua$101111 by mail or left at Signal ogee will les promptly attended to. Residence tele. phone 119. t LEGAL If G. CAMERON. Imo TER, Solkitog, notary public. °face Hamilton .tree, Goderich, third door from Square. Trust funds to 101 .at lowest rates. Bp C. HAYS, n• BARRISTER, SOL CITOR. NO- TARY Pt'BLtV. ETC. OfIkm-Sterling Rank Biock, Ham- ilton Street. Goderieb. TIepboIie 88. Real Estate, Loans and 11111‘0C* - PRO, 'DP( SYT, K LI.0 a WILMER. BARRISTERS. SOLICITOR NO- v. ?ARIES PUBLIC, Office on the Square, iiiecon door from Hamilton Street, Goderich.' Private funds to loan at Mt rate*. W. Proudfoot, K. C., J. L. Kills Dudley E. Holmes rIllARLES GARROW. 1.L II.. BAR RUSTIER, attorney, solicitor. ete.. Goderich. Money loaned et lowest I'll tea A man's character resembles a fence - you can't strengthen it by using white- wash. !*''.1 A FURTHER WORD. As to China's Plight-.%seistanee StUl nerd's heeded. The China Famine Relief Committee at Toronto issue the following appeal In response to the appeal of Chinas starving millios. e509,000has been re- ce:ved up to March 10th by the commit- tee through the various treasurers. While treettng its grateful appreciation of the splendid response. the committee desires to call attention to the present condition of the famine-stricker multitudes in North China and the inadequacy of the relief thus far sent and to voice the cry of their continued distress. Of the fifty millions affected, many thousands have perished. 10 the horrors of starvation have been added the suffer- ings from extreme cold and those diseases. such as typhus, which inevitably Accom- pany famine. The terrible distress will continue wth increasing severity until the harvest in Jut. Every Chnstian and humanitarian instinct demands that relief must be continued until then. Calls that Must be Met. Lieutenant-Colonei Gray, of the British I.nation. at Pekincables on March 813* Help still urgently needed. Relief, so far, inadequate for the huge number of starvn: siffeters." Rev. Donald MacGillivray. of Shang hai, in a strong appeal just received. 'says: "Notwithstanding all that can be done many wid die. The distress will last until midsummer and perhaps after. There is prospect of a good wheat harvest in June We all know sornethkig 0( 13* aftermath OXO Cubes are a wonderful invention they contain just those elements which nature needs to snake good the wear and tear of d di ly life. A cup of OXO, with libiscuit or two, sustains for hours. Pure Roof Cubos MOTHER! "C.alifornla Syrup of Pigs" Child's Best Laxative Atm -pt ''allfornIa" Syrtis) of Elite only -look for the muse California on the paekage. then you are mute your viiiid is having the lest and moot harm- less phir..Ic for tlw -little motnachiliver • d bowel*. Children love Its fruity facile. FOB directions on eat* bttle. You must say "California." THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin -No others! 11 you don't see the "Sayer Cross" on the tablets, refuse them -they aro n ut Aspirin at all. Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablets of !Sniffs" piainip stamped with the safety 'Sayre Cross" -Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and prored safe by millions for Headache, 'Tooth - shy, Earls**, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Nuritis. and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablts-also larger "Bayer" packages. Made in Canada. Aapirin is the trade stark freeletered In Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylieacid. While it ia well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacturp to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of }toyer Company, Ltd., will be stamped With their g 1 trade mark, the 'Bayer Cross." "Cascarets" for Constipation Just think 1 A pleftsarit, harinlaws C.aseareli works while you sleep and ha • your liver aeeive, head dear, Manwerh sweet and bowels moving We regular as a elm& hy moraine No gripiagnr inoosvesiea. 10, Mt or GO eat Nem. Militia lore *a easy 4laiharti• to& 7•4‘' 5. ✓ SEAGER, BARRISTER, OOL- ICITOR. notary stabile and con- veyancer. °Mee -Court Hone. Gode- rich. 0eh.12m INSCIANCIL LOANS. RTC. IeICILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR. ASCE CO. -Fars. sad isolated town property inanired. Oecro--1as. Connolly, Pros.. Oode- ✓ ich P. 0.: Jerk Evans, Vlee-Pres., Beechwood O; Thomas R. Hays. Sec.-Trros., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -D. F. McGregor, R. R. No. 3, Stanforth; John G. Grievs, Noe. 4. Walton; William Rinn,'R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; John Bnewlea, Brod- hagen; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 3. kleaforth ; Robert Erten, Harlot*: Ida Icolm memsren, moos; lemee Eva ns. Beeehwood ; James Connolly, Goderich. Agents : J. W.. Teo, Goderich; Alex. Leitch, R. M. No. I. Clinton; William Chasm?, Resforth ; 15. HInch- Iey, Sesforth. Maley -holders can pay • Il payment* and get their ear& re- clpted at It. J. Morrish'. Ckething Store, Clinton: R. H. Cott's Groery. Kingeton street, Goderich. or J.' H. Reld's General Store. Hayfield. --J Brophey Bros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Order.; carefully attended to it all hours, night or day. GODERIum www Western Ontario, Bad Caomercial Schol Our winter terth commences Tues. da, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short hind or Telegraphy departments at P111 titne. Our comma are thorough sea practical, and we assist graduates positions. Get our free catalogue. 91, 4. McLACHLAN, Principal. GRANO TRUNK AR !ven` SYSTEM The Double Track Route between MONTREAL TORONTO • .4 -11111CTROIT ZNiCACIO Unexelled dining ear nerviest Sleeping ear's oft night tisane, and plrior on principal day hides.; in•nrniwilon from any Onsnd Tronk lleket Agents. or C. R. Htwo- Ing. I atintlet Passenger anew, To- ronto. U. Lauder, Station Aee., phone 2e P. P. LAWRRNCR & SONS Tnwn Agent. PINE! S. - „ .` 1.,,•`' 14' ei ""'