The Signal, 1921-3-24, Page 57. •
nte .1".•
I 1
•%1616L01/ •
TEN ',GNAT; 001:11111110$ ONT.
'.The Gre)bound Trip.
June 1-Ith. 14 the date of
; the animal by 04% Iller (trey -
lel front tioderieh to Jihtlroit. The
GreYhotitioll will arrive in on
Monday evoking. June 1:itls. Thls will
Is• Om only trip the ii:reyhoitiol nill
:4 maim 444,9, 1114. 14I14'
t,44, /me -hold(' 14. iirlilige41 for
At the Harbor.
A gang a itionit forty nom are work.
oti the sieliners at the harl...s. re-
pairing and thein ttp for the
4.0111110t ota.4.11. The greateitt eXtent ot.
repair. I. being 111411e to the 14,011111er,.,
Martian 101 Midland Ming. The en.
inneer. imire arrived nail 'if all the
ry repalir4 00111111414.41 111
11111. AiaVig.ltion mitlY Float April
Campbell's Drug Store
The Penslar Store
The Square
111.416. --
New Automobile Paint Shop Opened
\ / -
I have opened az i A mobile Paint Shop and 'am prepared
to handle all classes of Car for painting and refinishing'
CALL ON 1-1S OR PHONE . 4.4x,e1
Have yott got -otit. 'Aoti\llare lens as required for :.all
automobiles ? I handle tile
• '
, t
wh.cli has beep approved hie,,the Government -
Let us show you kr geed points' over other makes
• a.t..
Decorator West Street opposite Masonic Hall
Phone 354
P. 0. Box 509
New Gasoline •I'lantp
Mr. T. r. mm4.1. proprietor of the Street liarage. he:tolled a
' nsttv and V144.11110 WW1 44,
ft.* of 1.1- garagt.. The 1:111k 11104.11
ea1.M11y of Atom' .4in gallon. of ga.11-
,11iir, A11.1 .1lie IMMO, )011411 14.111 the
theastiellut !Yr.'. WY elo'r-
' and by electrli•ity.
1atioll Ain be el gt reti t ige
le • teXt•i' Will 1141111'
he aide 4,4 ge7 rhetr" tie It it limit
obit lug lie garliti•' fimmerly.
..Address by Rev. Mr. Hughoon.
' lin eVenting .maler the
I of the Men'. reilitratitill, Het'.
•Illr. Ilinglison liamiltomlormerly
Winnipeg. gave a ver'y Iwtrurfive
inspiring allilrewe i,treet
N1.111041 1,t }fr. Ifoghson* -poke
4(44 "Threefold Visiom" yontli.
4 '.I11114114411 opportUnity 441eV11.4..
There W114 a fairly large asolience Lof
, men and w.taiott. A literary and 'not. -
let& program was renal -oil. cmisisting
Mi., Warretier and
Alex. 11.1hittal.1 11/01 11.41rry Barker
an& lo reading by Miss- ItiVer.s..
soldiers* point of v.less. was rii2lit
four year- ago, ' it .sloo still right
W114•11 14 111111114 4'' 1111.1111.1.1,1141 01 4011
Seeky. Famous in This Specialty,
; • Called to Stratford.
E. II; f4.-eley of I 'II a
the t rii.. export, wilt
I.' at the Windsor Motel
and n ill remain $trarford this Mon-
day may, March Mr. Seeley says:,
'The Sperinatie Shield will not old?' r'-
1.44,4 ads pture perfertly. hit
.....ntracts the open -iis daya 011
the average 1.:14... eillg a rata ad-
-• raneentent orig. all rm., ee niet1nsts--
exo.usplifying hist•stitiontio is eiTeo•ts 1111-
' Meiliately appreeialile an! witlesstsitsb
1. This in -
mg any strain or 111441 1 ii
...itriiiiielit reei•Ived the oli V ilWaril in
K1141414141- 110-
4.111t. Witljolit talrgery. inje. hon./. wed'.
eal t n40104,111' or proseri! 110114. Mr.
t Seeley 11114 ,104.0014.111. reelli lie United
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. , t':. for Wooer -Hon. Ali chz ity rases
States timernmolits. Ward' tagton, D.
Iti McLean BI(Ick, East Side The Squaiv
4 4
Our Re -opening Date
w •ch will be announced next week
It'IN for re
Easter the St ,r ill be closed for n seetk
elling alterations fer an up-to-date
the sal management. With a -
New and Up-to-dat Stock of High-class
Goods at Lo'Prices IF,
We thank our costo
the pastsand hope they
rs fcir th
'11 all con
r patronage in
tie with _
%Munn .•liarge. iIr if ally oterestcol
call ho tli be glad to show tne with -
:Mt 1.4111rge or fit tiwnt de-drNI. lientond4 prevent *011110g at
ntav other ithiee in this seotioli
S. -Every statement In th mike
lant been terifled before the'. Metal
and Stale Courts. -F. H. Seek..
Bpine °Mee. 1)7 Yorth Pearls, n St.,
11411;1. i
The Best in Photo Plays at the
Hears Minos, 'Tax and Hutelahmon
Industrial l'repoliftion Esplahled.
A geneptil tutseting .kr ealleil
Cy the 11011r41 uf 'Eriltle, %%as .11..111 Iii
Iniarll itt• 'Fraik room. on Monday
evening. with It Itage attetolanee.:
The .•Itief purpose of the meeting vaa.
to hear the retleral" ittetow biz di.-
erisaeil by a member of the in.pector's
°Mee at L01111011, bUt 10, 1114, Iralli lirilig.
11,1g 11 1111 WAS late. there %los1
Wilily for taking up other matter -
1.. Moore, pre.itlent of thi
Hoard of Trade, 1.res.itle41 and
Waite lutroduentry remarkaloi
rolled sti Nit'. W. 11. 1 1 Metall...0i.
limit of the N14i10n81 Shi14.411 *ii
whip e‘ the iirot14i4111.411
helm; •111.11.1 Weil by Olaf Compant
Mr. Ilulehiniton's Proposition. .
Mr. Jittteltinson told how Ittedite,r.
In their line 11101 1.01.11 1.11 nal -after
the War. .% large contrite! 'hili theY
had from the Unite., State. Fleet
rinergeliet• 4 pritiorget bill. 111 nntiertion,
with width they laid gone to great
eilnee11e41 at the epii
1.11141111 a the War. and they hail isInee
been trying to find ...air ..ther
with. keep plaid
1 II tkiii tray they had g s into the
inatitifilettive of,tlavintlling uttieltineix..
and a. the .hitplittilding 1.11.11te.14 wa-
titti.h..1 the IlaMe of the
o11,1 be altered to snit the elianged
eitvornedanre.. Itel.tre the war Ittet.ia
4(4.l .41111'.'.) eighty-two per 44.111. of the
slitstput of tins : now pro
dared none. 1,44 year 30.11110 :tyres of
We•ri• grown 111 Canada. 4114
vile. of the drop 111 the market there
waitlir-i:outintte to be 4 large.protlio•
fal) Iii.."1111. country. Only largv
yfroWera email afford to 4t44n:ha.. lite,
Ilav-paller. lint the 4 olt111.1114.
10 111.111 the sliaall grower., by operating
,44 00e thP marbine. theta...dye-
where regained. A ...1110.10y with
ant lorrized eavila I of ty.rin.atott, i
4.4.11 111 -one very large and: well -know I.
financial hien were interest...1 had
been formed to handle the selling. of
the Milehilles„ an,1 the local eotupany
would manniftteture them its' tioderIell
The pr.tposition whieh would Ise ..11b
milted In the people of Itoderielt
that the town should giurrii lit el. $7411lie
of Ow ha -al e pant'. tir.t-inortgag.•
bond-. whirls Nroathl ...eared by a
lien on all the emnyttny'j.roperty. 111 iI
(row iiii$ 41 t • t he ...snowily wa.
to pay off the rensainder of the old
Itoty boatwiratonutitig 11, about $201.ittio
Ilther hiteresting item. of inforata
thin given by Mr. Ilittridwon. were
that the National Shipbuilding l'o. nip!
poi.' out •450,0110 in wage. 111 three
years; *1111 that 1 11.111irl., for 111. ft:V(-
0111er were emulate from nearly etert
401014 ey in the world.
Mr. Ilinteltitetott %Ns,. heartily ait:
plandell at the eoneltelost of his 11.1
Mr. wilt. csiu1theit...14•• ,trottgly
advocacy of )Jr. IIincliisismrs
1 loll. Whiell he said wa. 41114of the
Hl '"1 erer presented 14, the
trople thitlerleit, ltr a few year,
the ...outlaw' might hate 2011 to :41111
Which W0111.1 not only a
Only One Day Left For
Have you got your Easter
Hat yet ? We'keep the as-
sortment of
Hat Braid . . ... , zoc per yard
Shapes 15c to 79c
Hat Trimming 15c to 29c
Flowers 15c to 39c
Nice assortment of Veiling
by the yard
Mona Liza Veils, the latest .. ° .. 39c
Still a big assortment
Easter Rabbits, Chicks and Eggs, Solid
centre Chocolate coated 5C to 15c
5 for 5c
Marshmallow Eggs c,
Nice line of Chocolates 40c lb
ti s,1
Ladies' Silk Blouses . . oo each
Ladies' Muslin Blouses $1.00 each
Ladies' Pyjamas Si 00 pair
Ladies' Middies .. _ . $1.00 each
Heavy Flannelette 29C per yard
Nice assorted Dress Prints 29C per yard
Curtain Goods..KiiWasik .10C per yard
Knit Ties
Silit.Ties .... .
President Suspenders
Men's Silk Hose
Summer Caps
Balbriggan Underwear;
.. 39c each
..t.t...7oc each
..4"!...76c pair
. hsc pair
Drawers and
7,9c each piece
L. R. Steel Co. Ltd.
5c to $1.00 Store
44 444.44.44
. .4
!rt7,77.4.!ft, JtfiFt.1,q1Itil
la.4:11titttatt t%,t444444l 44',
ligitiilignittA re;
MVO bi
..imoimmwwlmommwomwaimalmr14111411eiwowswamt 1141
great lietp to the t01%11 it: re:II:Wing the lit 1k410, and leates familv thr.”
grea Ilene& to the relia lit, 1.11 1 a White Fie !time I amossotosiosettetntessetesose,tese'swes utpiisi Look youN6
rate of twiation.•
1 -
The Men Suits less
Philadelphia. Donald. a the
11IW I. ball h.
Slit,y aft,rwr,i_Mr.
Lndon. orriVei141411 paWe
With 111,addressMe ephoisel the
1.4.141111 of the income tiot 111 thelf-
i. rr.
oleal'or to have 'theburden of taxation
itroperly apportioned 1111101141 the ample,
and then went Into detailed expInna-
filrm of the svarion. 'forrm- sptolie re- 1M41r11s14. . !Nai,1ne wa'a
airman of ii0111.4i41
tatlet! and of til' pitaile. in,chrirti.rana ly She ac
which the Inspeet..C.041)..' Invest aher fathers rivatsecretary for
action in snaking os.rtsoin rulings. 4011Carliiimtary
Alan) intereting nciolents n (.41111114-
Career of ipwards a twenty yetre and
t' it), 4141' eoleet1011 othenits eotiompiently well inform's' and
greatly interested the political 0114.
410114 4014011 1111y. She Was it member
a the Prebyterian eilireli from early
girlhood nd always-autire in
church work. For a number t year
she was president or honorary i -
Wail of the Missionary So-
cl‘.iety yteof KnoN clot 01s.
years She was ieregent f A l
'hlir. 1. 0. D . Iler pastor. Rev.
44 I'. conoluctea short
...rel.ot the I • on Titoesay
all the members of the family
4.2 i, presentThe tairial tokptace
11 Thursday ofternon ateacherof Guelphand Al,' . at home
Newt... of the l
tax in.-wet:or*. ottiet. :
tl.l llilaug-litm1..
an \oa
or04111.1, Vhlese
vivo. : NV. le White...0 •ft..tio. ont„
J. $. White. of St. 1.14111s. NI's.
Elliott. of Vaneoilter It. C. mid
Mr.. t144-4.4 .1: „Ibthilittoit., .Nortli
Itower. tint. Airs. Ali•Kintion spent
the last two weeks here with•her sister
i-trere related. and while it was made
plain that eyeryissit must pay bis ta"
iis labl down by Ili. law there was no
! disposition on the part a those en-
gaged its enforcing the Act to bear
harshly upon anyone. The ilipector.
• iitsff would go to ally amount a trouble
Week of March 28 to April 2
En*, Arttraft Pletures
Ceeit B. DeMIttes
• ,-- joromligh1(411
Mr. itr Ithnoo. of Brantford.
FIX STOMACH- settols5 ..o.tributi to the funds
for the Old Thum 'Weft- ay ir Tat-
anil h1 111,641t; expeet 0 be here
RIGHTup for the renni Mr. 'Rhyne a well.
knoivir (*1441
Mr.. W.
"Pape's Diapepsin" at once
ends Indigestion, Gases,
Sourness, Acidity
Yon don't want a slow remedy whelk'
your stomach is had -or an uncertain
one --or a harmful 004'-olr stomach
is too valuable; you mustn't injure it
with draatic drugs.
When your meals dont fit and you
feel uncomfortble. when yon belch
wise*, aeids or raise Amu, undigested
food. When you feel Mayo of indiges-
tion pain, heartburn or headache, from
acidity, just eat a tablet of Pape'. Dia
pepin and the atomach distrese is gone.
Millions of people know the magic of
Pape's Diapepsin as an antacid. They
kaow that indigeation and disordered
atornach are so needles*. The relief
ome* quirk' . no diaappointment, and
rich Ohl lloy. oon of
Ithytragi of town. sod for
some ye. s has had A restionsihie awl
Merely po.ition 114 manager at Brant-
ford ir Miekle, ityment & Sim, the
*well •lioVril Winner firm
The programsn
iamittee o mommol
t4 1111 11111.114111 program ror the old
lonks Week. intiiitittwr Intmehall and
laeroaSe tonr11411111•111 , horse rari.q.
atioletie 'sports, etc. A flrot-elooft fond
will be engaged and other attntetions
seentvil -of ofitioll wort' later.
Nome; and iithlreopies are mining In
sariofnetorily. and the invitationto
be split out will go to all nitarters of
the world. .
"Male and Female"
fillillileil 401 .1. M. Barrie', famous play.
-The Aohnirable ericlitott.:
Itarinsrle t0i.1./.4 444' .tinalltle With
liature on a South Sea 1.1e.
Mo. a sennett e ly.
, "A Lady Tailor"
Nation 10c -20e. Evelio's 15e -30e.
ioblo presents
----Hobart Boawartit
"ffis Own Law" --
Throngh the 'icor we- wonM holler.
"We'll Never Let the Ohl Flag Fall"
The boyo who fought Oar hank", want
44 otrong mendierohip in the Vielaeltor
•%,rsm'luIliflfl 41 tio Make It 400
strong. laragine what 400 enthnlarak.
workers eon do for anderieh. Lt's,
lot& arta!, and I* the etrongeat ons -
the cost so ittle too. non in the county.
7 sa
F44100'44:4 •
'Ill* i74#
n n‘Z;r4 TI-tt,:t ntii-nott.rt•
°1( 0.794
tUtql E
llwta raMtilg
By J. l'arker Reid, Jr. 'The *dory of
a mighty tine!. love againt friendship.
With An all-star ea.t. '
Al.!) an
-fki Edgar Comedy
Regular priers.
Universal presents 9
Frank Mayo 4*i
SF'S in
"Red L to,i4
His lateet 41111.4 417,01.14
• A140 11 two -reel contetly. iJj
Regular prices.
Matinees Monday, Wednes-
day and Saturday.
ither to compel a would-be evader. a
tax to pay up or 10 See 11014 110
1'44111 W114 unitealy levied 11111111.
Own. of ilfsoination. by
toyer.. iuut sient' byityarell
and return-. by tax pay rs by
:1001. A married malt who lilt,
-mite of. less. than #2010. or an
'11411111111 wish an 111(grine of frt. ttnt., from Mrs. Ilim. old home.
.4"). 1'1 tt` tax"' 11,411 i''' ,"'"' Mr. Ilnine 111141 014 IWO 1441114 J/11114.4 and
to make a return Miles. „
&mouth) accompanied the ronua ins to
remte.010.1 1 iturruirep. - Amring fiteltoral -offerins
At the conclusiiiii 4,f Mr. i'levres oil -
%ere contributions fr the W. al. :4.
dreas, WI! o•h was .tlen in oduiltakle of Knox church. the a Mit Billie class
los lo...rd with great in- a Knott church. Alan. •k .4 limiter of
ittint,.4 vote of thanks WItti tb,,, 1. 0. 14. I., ow 4.4 14,00, hot,
dm by the meeting. tute trustee board. the Collegiate In-
titute stall, the Collegia e 11.-ttsote
e cattfassers fdr the pupils, the I loderich pli lie seined
.ns' Ato4sciatIon Aiwa teliehers. the Onelph Teach •rs• Assol
seat week. .iation. the stafT a the mai nity t4e4.-
11 4i011 .114 the elly ball,. Toron t. With 1
ide.LHave it ub-ra. many others from intimate fr mds.
Ft 144 I NIWIt - 'rho totion'int \front
The 'laiy Itecisrit of Kileheuer, . ini.,..!
style and
tereSt Oliva
tendered to
Gooletich 1.11 i
they call 011 y011
Don't Cast It
- There's an Mom ay in using modern
stes. - tionot garments Ittitii be {then an
1.01i rely tleW 0 1 ti w:111111154 through their
nee. We pave t I 4111, Itiamond. Son-
net atal Itit Dyes Tbeee (13es have, a
great ninny simile- and eolors. Easy
to use ill 1111 miltItaiii tory results. lire ob-
tained. Why tan try yoUr land if yon
hit re Iler14. 110111. ...t 11144e 7-orrlott
he dehglited with 4 10. results. Let us
show you thecolor-ea rat of the different
dyes. E. R. Wigle. Druggiot, Goderieli.
Flesh bulk oysters at g. C. 11 ilson's.
Refereneeit to A number of entertain
ments and social evente and tither
new* paragraphs have been crowded
nitt thlm week. The Pper itt being
Onbliehed early. owing to the hollittay
end there is no Bawl() print an extra
41) MI The people of Oodericli
learned with I. regret, Anil plym-
pH thy for the bereaved loutthant1 and
family, of the death of Mrs. throne.
wife a Mr 3. P. Mame, priming! of
Ooderich collegiate !manure, which
(moulted nt her heft* Oft Monday ereJa
lug, after sin ihnetta of POMP month*
of anininiln. Mrs. Hume Wits fifty-
yeara of age She vras the third
daughter of tha• bite Joint White, MP,
of Rodin. Ont., and th,e late. Mrs.
25 Men's Tweed Suits,
dark gtley and brown,
well tailored and finish-
ed in threebutton eon-
serkrative single-breast-
ed stle, strong linings.
All sizes, to clear
$11.65 4,424.
Men's heavy Socks, to
clear 3 pars for
Men's fine Braces, to
clear at
25c asseem
U: the Old-time
Sulphur and Nobody ,....L.itcortitiflot-
e Tea arK1 IF
, , ----- .
Gray hair, however handsome. de-
notes advancing age. Ws. all t know
the advantages of a youthful appear-
ance. Your -hair is your charm. it
niakes or mars the face. When It
fades. tame gray and look's streaked,
itiat a few applications of nage Tea
and Sulphur enhances its appearan.e
a hundredfold. os
Don't may gray! Look young!
Either prepare the recipe ,at home or
get from any drug store a bottle of
"Wyrth's Saxe and Sulphur Com-
pound," wkich istanerely the old-tinitv
recipe Improved by the addition el
other ingredients. Thousands of 10148
rPrommend thin rady-to-use prepara
tion. because it darkens the hair beau-
tifully, bealden, no one can poet/ably
tell, as ift darkens so naturally and
evenly.' Tool moisten a topongo or soft
brush with it. drawing title through
the hair, taking one small strand at
a time. By morning the gray hair
dtaappearo; after another appli. anon
i or two, its natural color ill rtatOiell
and It become,' thik. gioaYtaft4 ilk -
trona, and you appear years younger.
thWyethau Sage anti Sulphur Com-
" fi6111114 14 a- dettittfot•trOlet e400/1W/te.
It is not intended for the cure, mitt-
, cation or prevention of diseaoe.
Open Evenings
"re" 1" the r"ther.,11 Sl if • 4 .• ti I VA".044/*/~glAO•tet"""^"044~~40
el 1.141.0 : 111 1111. death of air.
ildren Fikinger, 'll 4141 ts•etirred 110
Thursday morning ni 1 oloek. thertt
has pa -ted eitiZen win1 enjoyed a
Wide acquaintance and friendship alai
trilret. Tins tram Well leintWO
111 the rimy. soet 'moo,. , 1%'e.toi
()Mario where he had fr .....
time to time. The ilmeased woo born
in 4 ;erutaigy in 1145 nod came to Cam
soda at 1111. 1110* of seventeee yars: in
11472 lie Was Welling), to t'attierina
Ma ni re r of I opr Wordw ich.
tiftosm years Ise farmed in leel fait
.111p. Subsequently lie meted to Port
Egin, where lie reside:I for tWent y -
theme yearn, TIM years -ago lie re-
moved to Kitr•hener. let him death The
intitrio .lottrtial loses 11011 of its.tololest
rosult.r. for Mr. Elloinger hail been a
ouliewrIber to the paper for forty•tive
reitro. The deceomed wam a member of
the Eangeline! chnrch.
hint ere 1118 wife and two mons. Marry
ofioilerich, and Geore, of Kitchener
Thee', are also two brothers, t'enritit
Fitslutter, of Ayton, and Jacob. of St.
Jneribs. llis estenderl over tail
monthii, canoe'belng heart /Mkt
and drops. In pantie. the itereaged
was a Liberal The fmterat will be
held at 2 p. in, antorrlay from hi. bite
There will be a servIcelat Zion Evan-
reoldenee, 79 West Alireno otreett
geltrail church, after whkh Interment
will I* *aide 'Motant Ilone cemetery,
p TONIC 1,
•• /AL
Jae. •nt tram4 nigellgt.r.""see''"""viefteiffflififiltrift0Pir.V.InFf
alftwittlitm ew '97 ,g4
1L1 :44
AK*: litis
L .1
Mot sale 4..
3. H. LAUDER, Goderich:
- - Mitti*Wit.M11' tlsy.
14 muerutiseasti surr
Mat lase meat if yon feel Backaohy or --4„tovfonteitit ,
have Bladder trouble -Salta
tiito for Kidneys.
Meat forms ark add atIdell
and !iverworks the kidsera theit elle: to
to alter it from the itystem. Signior MO
era of Merat mast Nish tho kidney* (rear
spinally. You must relieve them like yoill
relieve your bowels; removing all tho
acids, warite and poison, else you feel
dull misery in the kidney region, sharp
pains in the back or sick headache, diz-
ziness. your stomach sours, tongue its
coated sad when the weather is bad yom
have rheumatic: twinges. The urine is
cloudy, full of sediment; the channele
eften get irritated, obliging yon to get
up two or three timea dorag the night
To neutralize these irritating acids
and Mirth off the body's urinous woods
rt about four ounces of 344 Reit*
from any pharmacy; take • table-
spoonful in a glass of water before break-
fast for a few day. and your kidneys will
then act the and bladder disorders ds -
appear. This famous salts is made from
the *chi of grape* and lemon pace, com-
bined with lithia, *ad has beim need foe
generationit W clean and athnulate Sing-
h ish -kidneys awl titop bladder irritabon.
;rad Salts is inexensie; harmless an4
Make, klightfol effervegeenk
grater drink which millions of men one
Try a Want Ad. in The Sinal. 1 lotion, kidney and bladder Mama&
women take now and then, thon avoidins
, -
0014491414144 '4'1-'4•-;;0••°,• •• • • • ''''''•'""4';;'2*°•••'•••••74; ;0440'.';
l P'41(t4
dat,i +40. Ktd, 104 m
tiotl gr ';‘,r
1441 /4":. 14'.• qtot,
tk; 3
4 4444
7: Li
4.1 141 r.kriir