HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-24, Page 3'Thursday, March 24, Ifni 3
TO 7At,
Whom It May Concern
INHE Parliament of Canada has recently
A. passed a bill regulating the taking of the
vote on the Referendurn in Ontario on April 18.
The points to remember are Ss follows:
--Seery British object by birth or naturalisation.
neon or woman, rimMait la the Dominion of Canada
sae rim previous too February 1, 1921, and resident
in the Provisce el Ostari• fee two nionths previous
to same date, is entitled to vli, unless otherwise
Voter,' Lists med in the last provincial referendum
• are the lists to be used in this Referendum, subject
to revision. Zvary veter in an urban polling divi-
f alas must be oti the list, and will presally be
on the list only in the division in which be resides.
la incorporated cities and towns of 1,000 popula-
tion or ever, arrangements will be made for receiv-
ing applications from any vibe are not now on the
list on March 29 te April 4 inclualve--eacept Sun-
day -when for ale clear days officers will sit us
resolve inch applications.
In rural polling divisions die voter must be either
on die list or be put upon it as • resident and be
vouched tor as such by another resident
loth affirmative and negative sides have the deft
to select scrutineers.
Weans have the right to vote.
U W. MIRING, a well to-do
11- Kansas farmer, has kw bail
gained twents pounds and k lo
better general health than be boa I
been In y ears since takiug Truant. I
fellow's neck, and twigged him to for-
' give use. -
I "What did he wily •!'
I "Ile maid 'Row, now. wow
•'11•by, who Wan Roy, anyway ?"
usked Art -hie, In great astuniahuseut.
"He tvan uty dog," said Uncle 1'1111,
'the best dog I eter saw. 1 hair
nevt-r been unkind to dog or any
other animal Ante, and 1 leipe you
never will be.--Jielected.
For Temperance and I
I Government Control
"Since Tanlac has overcome my
troubles I have gained twenty pounds in
weight ar d am in better general health
than for year; past." was tbe straightfor-
ward statement ma,:e a few days ago by
H. W. fluting, a prominent and wed -to do
farmer living at Ovetland Park, Kar Sal.
"During the two years I s ffered I tried
everything I knew of to get relief, but
nothing seemed to reach my case until I
tried Tanlac. My appetite war poor and
my digestion was ro bad I could hardly
retain my food. Nothing seemed to agree
witb me; In fact. I 41`/M almost a confirmed
dyspeptic. My whole system seemed to
!be out of shape. I would have pains
across the •mill of my back so bad at
times I could hardly move around.
-My nerves were all unstrung and I
would become upset at t: e least little
thing. I seldom slept well at night and
finally becarne o weak and rundown that
I last weight rapidly. I was also troubled
a eeat deal a ith catarrh and of mornings
had to spend a hall -hour or more clearing
up my head.
"This is rust the condition I was in
when I began taking Tanlac and it cer-
tainly has been a blessing to me. It iust
seemed to be made especia ly for my case.
I imprcved from the first. My digestion
now is perfect and regardless of what I
Cat I never suffer any bad after-effects.
"The painsacross my back have entirely
disappeared. The catarrh has left me,
too, and my head is perfectly clear. I
am no longer nervous anii rest well at
night. I have regained niv ioat *eight
and am-leelsng strongeratid better than I
' have in yrars. I am going to keep Tanlac
in my house 93 it will be handy at all
Tanlae IA sold In GoderIch by C. It.
Mee •nJ tbe lending druggls: in
every town.
Mrs. W. Z. ilkiiighis • • Ottawa
Mrs J. M. frees • • • Ottawa
Mrs. 1. D. assize \‘• • • Tomato
Ws. W. P. name \ • . Tomato
Mrs. James George • \\•• . Teresa"
Mrs. Coal Homecks • . Termite
Mrs. fedmistrel Philips . • • Tareototo
Miss Kathleen leoklos • • Tomato
1. We do not advocate conditions as they
exist to -day.
2. We are opposed to a return of the
open bar.
3. We do advocate Government ConVol
of the sale of spirituous liquors.
4. We endorse the Ontario Temperance
Memorial and stand behind the pri -
ciples therein expressed.
1. Total Prohibition is inconsistent with
true temperance.
2. Prohibition is class legislation.
3. Prohibition has failed wherever it has
been adopted.
4. Government control and its enforce-
ment will have the support of the great
mass of all thinking people of this
Every thinking woman will join the League and sign
and obtain signatures to the Ontario Temperance
Memorial. 1
- ----CUT THIS OUT-- - - - - -
Fill in this Application Form and mail 11 10 the Secretary of the Woman's
League for Temperance and Gorernment Control. at 104 Mail &
Empire Building, Toronto.
1 am in favor of.• Lawabicling Country -Trus Temperance
--the Permanent Abolition of the Rai and • Wile• system of
Government Control of Spirituous Liquor.
Please enroll me as • member of Thir Women'• League for
Temperance amid Government Control and send me copy
of the Twriperance Memonal and book on Government
Encloeed $ donation to help the cause.
_ -
Wheneser a man throws a lionguet
at another he rrporto a whole flower
garden In return.
The girl who eonfldes all her little
secrets to her chum will be sorry some
day when they no longer care to play
In the tonic backyard.
Thssirleal Amenitini.
Insnagor (by way of Introducing
rlysI oare)--Let me /014% have you
two glared ot cart other tx.fore ?-
He Struggled.
A lady prIenn visitor was going her
rounds '•1Iave you ever struggled
agaiust the‘ of tempta-
tion ? inquired of one ferocious -
looking fellow.
"VP.11, 112/7.111121, I have.- he assreaseg.
"Ah ! I supports if you had fought
Joist • little harder you wouldn't be
here today ?"
"Well, ma'am." amid the prinoner
nweleatly, "I did the beet I could. It
took five policemen to get me to the
station 1"
Going to Bod.
Fred's 111111 111.1* 1141•4 away taking care
of grandmother. Father would not
eonse home DR almrert ten. It was
past Freda bedtime already. What
should he do ?
Bridget wail the only other person in
the house, and he coulti tell by the
sound of robes that she lind 1.1101
Mother had told 111111 to go to. ix4i
at eiairt, hat she supposed father or
llrklget wouM 4,0.teterP to as. upstairs
with him. It was cozy in the sitting
renini. but how dark and lonesome hi',
little b4s1room would lw
Ne !lever hail gone to bed alone
What a happy surprbre it would be if
father should corms home early, after
all ! But Fred heard HO W1.11.01111. tooi•
q41.41.. "There 444.4•111, 10 he 1111 "Ile 101/L -
111g mit for me,- he whispered in a wee
4'hirp !•• etime from out-
side. some birds a ere ..hattering over
their 'servil.*1 for the night
Ensl listents1 to them They did
tad seem to be afraid. They stayed
out in the night alone.
•'..1 bed ia wirer than a tree. any-
how." Fred thought. guess God In
I*',* 'II wouldn't let anything hipper)
to it little boy any mon. thnii to
little bird "
When father carne home he found
the r11.4 / with n smile on
his face.--Sunalline.
iUnele PMI's Story.
"Tell 11+ n story. Phil.- said
Rob nod Arehle, running to lilm.
"Whitt H1111111 ? said l'iwle Phil. tia
Rol) climbed on his right knee snit
An•hie 011 111.. left.
''4)1., atiout something that happened
to you." said Rob. "Simitalting when
you were is Intl.. boy,- /1 11(1491 Archie
"Once, when I WI114 a little boy,"
A/1 ill Unrie Phil, "I asked my mother
to let Roy and myself go 411141 piny by
the river. My mother said yes, eo we
went, and 4)841 it good deal of sport
After while I took R .1iingle for n
110111. find sail(1l It along 11)0 Mink
At Met it been() to get into fleet) water,
n here I couldn't rea..li it with n Mick
Then I told Roy to go nial tiring it to
me. He Minna< rilwaym tlid eta I told
him. hut this II 111 not. I be-
gan wedding him, and he ran toward
home. Then I was very angry. I
picked up R stone and threw Ira 4 111171
R,1 1111)11 AN 1 could."
111, Uncle Phil !" sniil Archie.
"Just then Roy homed his Maid, nnd
It hit hint over his eyes"
"Oh, Uncle Phil !" cried Rob.
Wes, it mole him .rtsigger 44)' rive
a little cry, and lay on the ground
1 did not go to him, but waded into the
writer fon my boat Rut it was deeper
than I thought Before I knew It, 1
Wall In a Aron( eurrent. 1 rierssimed
IS It carried nie down stronM, hitt no
ninn wits neer to help me Rut, ar I
went down under the iler.p water,
smnething took hold of me. And
dragged me toward the ahore. And,
when I 14/111 Rafe on the brink. 1 atm
It wita Roy who had weed my life."
-Good fellow! M424 he your
ennsin ?" naked Rob
"No," replied Uncle Phil.
"Inlet 41141 yon my to tilirn 1" naked
'I set wiy arias around the dear
EAST WAWAN4)14.11.
Coons -II met on March 144h n ith the
members ail pn.natt. Minutes of !apt
nowting wenr4.a.1 and continued. A
deputation from lily th waited on Oa.
council In referente tii a grant from the
nowinship lu aid of the Itetuortal hall
lu that rfllage. 4 tri motion If Gilleapie
and l'oultes $1410.00 win. l'oted for this
purpose. lir engineer's retairt iin the
Sturdy 41 in was nail to several of
the parties intereatett T114. report was
prot'laionally adopter' uutl the clerk in-
structed to have the nece,,nry bylaw
In connection tlwren'ith prepared for
II'( meeting of 1.011 11,11. MI/Ted by
Mr. Gilbeepie, setainsled by Mr
Strauglusii, that the Reese and Conn'
eillor Coulter, inspect the Taylor
bridge, conesaision 4, and, if tlw von-
traet is completed to their satisfaction.
pay the contractor. It. Vint, the bal-
ance of asnount still due him. A by•
la w was read and pei ...seal mat k i lig t
follow ing appointments : Pa t h iva ater.
-J. 11. Tienuty, li.44C111114., S. J(/1111•
114011. It. J. MeGee, 1Vni .1uslerson, Geo.
Snell. D. McCullough, A 11.4.ovran,
l'aldn'ell. N. Radford, .4 IhugiiuII. J
Wilson, J. (*Whitey, E. 4Johnston, 11'
Cook, !Wet Taylor, M Mason, T. Noble,
M. Rell, J. Coullea, T. Walsh, W
rothergill, M. Melkswell, NV. Me•
!kneel!. W. Itennett, P. MCIA71 W
Seott. J. S. Scott, It Ilurriaon.
Stapleton. Ed. Walsh. A, Portertis.1.1.
11, Henry, It Grbtions. G. Irwin, T
Montgomery. 4. Conitea. 44Melturney
Shiell, 11'. A. Currie, A. Pattkou
It. 11. Scott, T. Taylor, 11'. .1rbuekle.
jr., Geo. Kerr, J. C. A Conner,
F. Davidson. 14.'. Leggatt, .1. Fuliainer.
.1. Sutherland, 11. J. Stoller% .1
Itameroft, W. James end lierereanx
1ountikes.pers-.1. 'bairn 1.•
.1. 4'. Stoltz, E. Tayhir. 4 t•iinningliani.
II. McGee, A. Patti...in. 'I'. Itiobinson.
11. Campbell, J. Cochr-arse and .1. C
4*tir rte. Fense-viewer.-- 11' .1. Perks,
It. J. IlleGee, 1'. D. Stalker, .1. 11..nyties.
Fir., It. Shirll HMI A. Robertson. Sheep
valuators --J. Caldwell. .1. ('. Stoltz. J
T. Cuerrie and .1. .1. Kerr. Sunitary
Inspi-ctors--A. 4.IV411.1WHtl MINI It. Shi-ll
l'arties who have. for years done their
statute labor on the boundary line: -
and 011 001141.104 1011/444 and 9, now on the
good nails syetent, will !wt... the privi-
lege 1.1 444 her doing Owir statute labor
ow mow« of the aldiatwint cotton...iron-
or side lines or *dee here their work
eomniuted at the rate of ;1.611 per day
eoureiltor l'oultes gave tt toneise
splendiall report of the tneeting held at
I A11111011 rem -idly regarding the elestriti.
cation of the 1.., 11. A Itbrunch of
the 4. T. It. The 'treasurer reported
that he hail riseived rt....idly front the
Department of Public IfIghwan. a
eheque for $1217.09, !wing twenty per
rent. of amonnt PX114.11411Y1 011 nw114 and
liridg•-+ in the town -hip hew year.
The f.illowing maximit.. n'ere paid : A
Porterfield. fees as division registrar,
414.4*); corporation of Itlyth. Noll rent.
111 vision Court puritan+, $1'.30; The
Mmileipal World. aasesament rolls, dog
tags, etc., $211.74: .1. Johnston. retain.-
ing washout, cone...shin :4, $2.00; 14.'
A. Currie, gravelling on ....wee...shin 11,
$5.4.410, and on contesaion 12, $24.90-
$744.4in: Tho. Taylor. Inspeeting gray•
idling contracts. $7. ; It. 7 'oultPs. f•x-
penAelt 40 LontIon re railway meeting.
$4.m. 4 'ou ni • 01 a ilJearrigal to meet
again on 'Thursday. April 1441i. at 1
o'clock. .1. PtOtTEI(I1E1,1), Clerk.
War Losses Among Ciusadian Vessels.
Toronto. 4.1,io.11 144.4 'a 1111(IN sent
about sixty lake freight vesaels to the
mawn during the nar and only twelve
or fifteen have natirned. The others
will neier return. for they sire either
at thi. bottom of 111.. aea or 11/1 10•1-11
1191111441 or The great majority
wedt down through the activity of
enemy "stile." l'aptaln .1 It Foote.
11 well-known marine insurance expert.
estimates the economic los+ will run
up around ten millions and perhaps a
gremt deal more.
The Canada Steamahip Limes sent
"I Fool as Tho' I Could lot
Drag Thru the Day's Work"
Is the complaint of many a woman
In the household, office or factory.
pain, feeling
weak and
dragged -down
by weaknesses
of her sex -
with eyes
sunken, black
circles and
pale cheeks -
such a woman'
is quickly re-
stored to
health by the
Favorite Pre-
scription of Dr. Pierce. Changed,
too, in looks, for after taking Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription the
skin becomes clear, the eye*
brighter, the cheeks plump. It is
purely vegetable and contains no
Druggists sell it in tablets or
liquid, or send Doctor Pierce, at
Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y..
10 cents for trial package.
RAUII, 0111'A RIO. -" 1 WY suffering
from a run-down system some time
ago, was unfit to perform my daily
ditties, and was *deltoid to try Doctor
Piewa'a Favonte Preseription. I tried
it, took two bottles, and was restored
to my natural ateength. I cannot
praise Doctor Pierre's medicines too
highly, and will be willing to write ta
anyone *ending • stamped envelops"
-Matt A. H. Manor, R. R. No. 1. ;
who have once had 7am Buk applied
never -forger bow 17 soothes and heats
their hurts Wise mothers never use any-
thing eke A tomb of herbal an, !Mk
-a bandage made of almost ani clean
rag-- no more tears or worry Zan; Ilok
is so pure and so refined that it ram ides
the ideal healer for every sort of wouash
abrasion or soreness
Beginning Monday, March 21st, with each
purchase at Candy Counter you will be entitled
to a guess on number of Jordan Almonds in the
jar. Person guessing nearest number gets the
Mrs J E Inernirth. of Carndnff,
Sask. writes -" My bole boy mit or
the end of his finger and it seemed •
case for a dIPC1011 However. 1 applied
Zam Puk w stop the pain and bleeding
and it gave the child such relief that I
continued the treatment Cons nothing
but Zarn-Buk, 1 dressed the finger each
day. and We wound healed perfectly."
Box Candy-Liggett's and Patterson's
Bulk Candy -Best makers.
Jordan Almonds and Guth's Easter Eggs.
. - H. C. DUNLOP
Phone No. 1 The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block
some eighteen to the 01'11411
SIX of their boats have returned
'from the front and are now being
put Otto shape at Kingston,' Midland
a n. I Cull ingwoml
Captain Emite said lent night that
navigation wo1i141 open for ateel vessels
on the Great hakes 011 April 1, front
wbieli 41,44. 1,1.41r:one will 11.. 111111PF-
Wrift1.11. At the present time. he twirl.
the outlook 1, ,r the vessels is very 4111-
4ertaill. There n 544 al dead of grain
at the head of the lakes to be 11104'011,
hut so far there hail been tai indiention
of SI heavy movement of iron tire,
whieh forms notch Of the busks -an 111
the early part of the season.
The mild winter nould interfere.
too. with the elial-earryltig bushiest..
As many dealers and railways in Can,
oda were reported to have surplus
stocks on ham!. There were tunny
te4l$P114 lit lake Erie ports loaded with
coal n'aiting for the livening of tiavi•
gation to take tlieir cargo., to the
head of the lakes marl to lake a(iem-
gun ports.
The package freight busine,. Is ea-
peeted tr) reateh the proportions of
other years. although present indien•
Donn point to a quiet 11'11 11)44.
As I have taken over from Mr. T. F. Holland the
Repair Department
East Street Garage
I am prepared to repair or overhaul your Car,
whatever make. Bring it soon, though, if you
want it for the first good roads, as
and we have a lot of work ahead of us. rumor
Most of the Car Owners of Goderich and
vicinity know me, as I have been here the last two
years and was with Mr. Glover from 1912 to 1914.
Spring Weather Hard on Baby.
The Canadian lowing weather- one day
mild and bright, t he next raw and blustery -
is hard on the b.ihy. Conditions
are such that the mother cannot take the
little one out for the fresh air so much to
be desired. He as confine] tolthe house,
which is so often overheated and badly
ventilated. He catches cold ; his little
stomach and bowels become disordered
and the mother soon his a sit k baby to
look aft..r. To prevent this an occasional
dose of Baby's ()Val Tablets should be
given. They regulate the stomach and
bowel!, thus prever tin,/ or banishing
colds, wmple fivers, colic or any other of
the many minor ailments cf childhood,
The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or hy mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont.
Ham Gone Wrong Shwe He Went to
.Ntr. Robert II Coat., Dominion
stittiatician. is rt native of Clinton mull I
spent his boylaaal and youth in this
town. 14.. went out into the big world
and made goal vial The Newa-Iteeord
ha.. 4414.11 pU114/1411•41 RPM+ of interest
fll•ollt him. !wing proud of the feet
!VI '40 elerer iind suesessful mon
dimild be a .7 iT171111 boy We an.
titans:big our mind. 1111W40.1.1". Thal
man has •11•Vel.tIMNI /4 11100 annoying
hump of itiiiiikitiveness sham ('11 Vii)!'
his native heath. and every; year for
some ('r4 r.. pii.t lie has 14.4.11 sending
ont. tinder 4i0V1•111T11,111 •714111•11011, 71
long blank form containing the timed
1 111 i 11114 11. 11111,1 ill11.4 /4 411 01 Ifitr own
private busineni, its
wages do y1111 pity ?'• "Ilow many
hour. do yon work ? •• "Dow many
imployees lino. you on your staff ?-
and "Ito you 11.1.1. any sam bars your
linsiness ?•• /I 114 I 1111t sort of thing.
Aral the worst part of It 1. that you
Mire to sterner till these questions
truthfifily and to the best of your
ability 1111,111.1' 118411 of tini. or imprison-
ment. or laith If R. If Coats was In
the printing busbies+ lie would kurov
Omit there Is really no time to sit down
and tvorry 'Mt t We
begin 10 think thR t he would halve
het ter stayed in 11114.01 iounty and
given tils 111i1/11 to farming. or the mil -
Ovation of roses. as lik brother. Rent.,
1tar Cmsta of 4:orlericli. does. We
ilon•t like to .44.111 to take anything
frotn the reptitntkin of n clever man,
and espeeially otte of Clinton's lionest•
to -corvine.. native sons. Mit we'd
rat tiler ny day be handed a bouquet
out of Registrar 4 'on I's. fl/40. garden
than • blank form out of Statistician
rem Off1111..
Physical Impossibility.
An old woman ...Mini a porter at n
rallway *teflon, nod hamlets, where
she multi get her ticket. The man
pointed In the dire/Sion of the booking
••Tott eon get It there." he lipid,
"thrringh the pigeon hole . -
I "GM away with you. idiot." she ex,
rhsiemed. "How ran I get thmeigh Urn t
hole I'm hot a plgeon."---thilislin
Weekly Times.
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
Business oto Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
T'lE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES : ,i.ractiarissast
Highly 4flitlifiei1 Teaching Staff
Actual Business Systerri of Bookkeeping
Credential Typewriting Tests
Positions Guaranteed
Vocational Training School 4441
or this district, by 1:overnment appointment and under in-
spection hy Soldiers' Civil It e -establishment Department,
For Terms, etc . write
11. A., M. Artie.,
Phone IM, Clinton
Coin, Specialist,
Slnrientq may enter at anv time
They're Here!
Our Tailoring gives you quiet
distinction and individuality.
Come in before the "plums" are
Suits are dollars lower than last
gm217" F. H. MARTIN, Tailor ILI"
• Maneee-...-