HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-24, Page 2a Or 1 1 5 diff �l r I Tit dot •01 i w e Thursday. Manch 24. 1921. EDITORIAL NOTES. 1! With eggs at their present prices. per- hapsthe old Easter custom will be revived to the extent of eating two. A t,oderich citizen who has been read- I ing the reports of the Dunnville investi- gation opines that the big knitting lac• tory there must have been making night- caps rather than sweaters. The Mcntreal Star rings the bel! when it says : '•if the M. P.:s had anything like the same respect for the public money I they have for their own we could get'. along with a lot less taxes." The Farmers' Sun vigorously advocates the tax on Hydro power recommended by' the special committee of the Legislature. The Government does not appear to be anxious to adopt the recommendation. A cmtroversy is going on as to whether the man who drinks or the man who abstains lives longer. Under the O. T. A. it is the man who wants to drink who lives longest -it is so long between drinks. Michigan is considering the re•estab- hshin of is g capital {aunt-hment, in view of the prevalence of crime within the State. The death penalty is rather an ugly proposition fon; the condemned murderer• but it has probably kept a good many fellows out of that class. Bonar Law has resigned from t Unionist Government of Grbt Britain: owing to ill -health. Premier Lloyd George's position is greatly weakened thereby, for Mr. Bonar Law kept the Conservative party stron;ly in line be- hind the coalition Government, and it is doubtful if cnyone else can perform the feat. France is preparing to spring "a good one" on the United States, in the shape of a claim for some billions of francs for French assistance in the American revolu- tion, with compound interest for about 150 years. France borrowed large sums from the States during the recent war and would like to tender in payment a re- ceipted bill for the old account. It will be interesting tq hear Washington's view (Washington. D. C., not George Wash ington). Ito lar a weeeat Iwo of The Canadian I 'r'.try Magazine. \L'. 11. 11. Camp- bell, Dlre•tor of Forestry, (Ittawu. dis- cusses the gturtinu "11'hy' the Prairies are Treeless." Ile reviews the various theories which hold that the prairies alwaays were treeless. and wets forth different facts to .how that the prairies must have leen '«%*-red with hoe,a in bast ages. 1u broad (hues he agrees with the Ise Prof. H S. Him,, and the lata' Prof. .10144 ylaiome. that the prairie. were un'e c0vrred with trews, and were r.shew.I to their present eon- ditton Mainly, by tire.. Like they% authorities. 1.o. he 1..•lieye•• that tree - growth call is• restored to most of Ile• prairie area when. the tire menace has 'keen re•Irl...441. L Ada ..�,,.,.. :'Qac. A proposal is made that Mipisters of the Crown be allowed to sit in either the Commons or the Senate when matters affecting theirdepartmente are under con- sideration. Threes members of the Meighen Government are in the Senate• and the Commoners have todiacuss the estimstrs qf. their departments Without their pres- ence. R simpler way of overcoming the difficulty would be to provide that Min- isters must be members of the Hcu.e of Commons It is rather a acaudal that a man who cannot find a constituency to elect him ifhould be placed in an unrepre- sentative seat in the Senate and from that vantage point be allowed to administer a department. The Senate may have its uses though they are hardly discernible to the naked eye -but the House of Commons. the representative body, should have wahin its membership all the executive members of the Cabinet. The poi -diet' taken by The Farmers' Sun with reference to Hydroelectric power may tend somewhat to theextreme, but it is not so unreasonable as some people would try, to make it seem. Our neighbor The Clinton News -Record says: "Goderich township pays nothing for the hydro used by Clinton. Clinton paid nothing for hydro until she connected up with it on her own account. To read the Sun articles one would think that the Government was developing all this power and distributing it, like a cruel step- mother, only to favorite children." Suppose the county of Huron owned a road -making outfit and rented it (like hydro, "at cost") to the municipslities in the northern part of the county only, retuning to rent it to the southern muni- cipalities, except on terms with which they could not comply. Would there not be a howl from Tuckeranith, Stsoley end the rest of the southern ig/%ieipelitiees ? Suppose, moreover, that the county financed the purchase of the "How Delicious"7A-tt is tks opinion of iJl wino have once tried !I 5711 II YOU ha not tried it, send us a post card for a free sample *tenni'ekeprice you now pa and if you use Black, i revs or Mxed Tea. Address Salada,Toronto outfit, assuming' the liah!lity of loss from some unforeseen mishap (lust as the Province woul l lose it the Chippewa development should be a failure). Would not the neglected townships raise a still greater howl ? Of course they would. The Farmers' Sun is trying to drive home the fact that the pow r be- longs to the Province. not to any particu lar part or parts of the Province. and in this The Sun is quite right Further. we fancy that if The News -Record would look into the Provincial t n- ances it would find its statement that the Hydro "is not costing the other muni- cipalities a cent" is rot correct by a good many thousands of dollars. We have not the Provincial records at hand, but we understand there has been paid from Provincial funds, since the inception of the hydro undertaking, a very cons:der- able sum in connection with power de- velopment which is not charged up to th.1 Hydro -receiving municipalities. There is no question that the Ontario Hydro- electric system is a kreat and wonderful thing ; but those who find in it some points for strong otjection are not without good reason on their side. 1r i- tine• to get uw.i iron, the idea that the ft•ner is a .las. apart. 1a dass that 'tun he propitiated or .•x 1,101t141 as Ill.- exteellelloy of the moment nests to suggest. All this idea of crane.: thrown front the rich ne na's t.ahle 'chase lout le offensive. Murch ee have advan.•ed leyond, this futile idea of special patronage. Th.. f inner is ontitl.rl to no letter treat- ment thin i- liy.•1 to every other eiti- iem. Ile •e n1 :weep( aro boss. King and I1righen in Same Boat. sain•u•or Reformer. The e►ttawil Jonru.nl ltld other newspaper, that •teptert the pre -ens I itt,►w-a Government render 110 good .ervire to their 'ams.• by seeking to make capital out of Mackenzie King's Milure• to go to w,,r .1r. King I. vnluer.thle enough without att.,'king him 'u t•eJ.,.*•t to a (natter int which he sinned hu .41.44 very good c•omletnv, inehteling, we suppose, even the Pre- mier leinoseifThey must be touch of au age. That one is Marriest the other not. has nothing to do with it The late called neither one, and King's family obligations were as pressing ale 'le iglieli'-. Not Enough Spanking. Kitchener Telegraph Many of the burs ars and hold-up men The Gift of Dives.appreh nded in different parts of the .arx Province during the last few months are The Farmers' Magazine. 13'111 in their 'teens or early twenties. It is' evident that a spanking been P C has tabooed among parents during the last decade or two. Winter Sports -Algonquin Park. The month of March is one of tl-ea hes' months in he year to enjoy, the attrac- tins at Algonquin Park. Kanter sports are at (heir height and the "Highland; (nn" is the centre of a happy and con- genial coterie of guests. Make your; re'ervati ms early. as accommodation is limited. Further information or booklet - •'Al 1 Lazarus ate of the ennui's that fell fr. w the rich n1:au'- t able- But we do 'not read that this fail 'was goes' for wither. We do read that it was extra 1,13 had for Rhys-. .tr a ree art meeting of the Il:anu- farture•rs' .% -111 iat.in4 he!.) In II:III ll - ton the pre -id lit, J. F'. Jleltiuuo11, 1111- vneafell the -h auCe pokey of freeing the fanner 'iron the iue • tax. A little while .L.. was advoeat.•d in the 4 rota io I. -els tun• °that inst.-id of iulprnvin: the Hy ru .'V-h•lu torthe farmer. he shied.' be given -. 'thing inthe -li et tlr'^nf a 1-: 11111111.. Non nhet is Thr purr s,• of all this? If the farmer has a Lt. -able inconw why -honlel he not be to wI? 1f he is getting a fair deal in the caro .sitn- THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL By Ian Dutrelm. (httaws, Ilan It 'll.- In ease of any- one hawing forgot ten tluat there was such ,I -tiring as the Canadian National Hallway Systeui. Hou. J. D. Reid, eminent physujau from I'w•.+.ut1, brought (kiwi, it little r1•Illitr.1e•r 011 Thursday. It wan in the fortu. of a little heart-to-heart `talk oar railway matter • fu wbieli the \lith.ster simply -told the wov!el" that our railway do - nen this year had ...limbed to within ),.s kouiug distance of .eveuty wllliuu• of dollars. and. while there was hole for the future, improvements .otdd «only Iwo blvuglit ,iholit by .tern mea- sure,. rlgor,u•Iv 11I'1' . After .ittiug br the .leak -1x41 ..f the 1'. N. It. the Minister lu.ol.• his dial;u..-1 eels and said he would welcome eel- I vire and .igxe.,tyrus wlaiia woad., help; ho hall the system out of the mora.+ f debt in which there appeared to Iwo 4 likelih.wsI of its I'•Itg utterly swawp41Ile' w,i, not downhearted: for the 4',auadien roads were just goo-! ing through the .same growing Pains ns! haul the 41nite! States and Itritish road... and the Minister q,tote41 11 alass of stati.tie4 ho prove that point. Simile time and in some 11141111-0' as yet un- foreseen. the isiOo ay system in eines- tion would te,ome sone.•.hing of whish I the nation would be proal. but jilt' how, I,•youel expressing a hope of lower Boas for labor and materLas, atm! the promise of dengue ,4.M.nuies r' rcery'where. the Ih'•tor was not able to say. During the post year the railways had been paying 75 vent: of every dollar earu.'d for labor. slid furl 1,k :1m.ther 1.1) cents, so !hal out sd- rarh dollar as it ea -me in there was only five cents left to pay 'bargees which auwnuted to 29 '.;pt-. The manage•- meut hoped for r'ednetiotis in the nest in various ways during the veining year, and the Minister hops, to s.'• laleor and the management getting to- gether n r, i r t reduce nag.•s and flits bring things back toward uormual.;y again. Tito edge Was somewlia taken off the statement by the tiger.•+ presented in the estimates last week, lett the House is thinking it ovt•r seriously ate! wondering just where rhe way oar -ti... 1'he ogees will is. pretty thoroughly from any (:rand Trunk aeent, or write Il when dies ns.iou ..f tile railway N. T. Clarke.' Manager Highland Inn, 1,.triw:,.t.•, leges, int until 110.11 Jh.•rei is nu disc ns•hon of thrill. e Practice Maker Perfect. Government Alarmed. "No.L'ubby, said hi- mother. T. wars ; n•re it little 1i.oul'riilit . wring ' Algonquin Park, Ont. a ,a tion. why- should lie lesou nv.1 ? "tine piece of cake is quite .•tough The farmer is no more than citizen for you of -this e.otlmfrv. Ile deserves it llther ••It's f,u,iiy-." rr-taoml.-.I ,lobby. with t2faint(�nT''ffutnT'itrrfiiil'Urg'he'l 'rit1- ;ti injured ,fir. "Sou yon err zelis. Ile is no less a citizen 'than others and deserves every t•nnsieh .,- tine that they r. -ewe. say ancions th1at i 'should barn to properly and yet ;von n elinn's to practise . won't give (•a t -me ush.•riig NIL their followers Into seats! :il seeing, that there were no the week if (he bong-horaldwl 4)ppos1-' tion Offen-hr•' had not I14'I1 nsh.•re'l fn.' 11111 fur an iwrtii§Ur s•• the 4;,,v,•rum,•nt! %•hies, load a -ntnewilat m11*111.7 time,' i •61 Wholesale Arrests Canadians With Coughs Halt! Who goes than, Someone with • sough. Paw friend 1 Stop eoughl you are under arrest. Thugs- aads of such arrests are being made every day in all parta of Canada. Too long have Boughs and colds evaded justice and cawed untold suffering to humantty, but at last they have bees cornered and overpowered by Can- ada's famous cough deteettve-Baek- ley 's Bronchitis Mixture. Did 7ou ever bear of this wonderful remedy, Why, everybody ls talking and menthe log about the great work It is doting in curing coughs, collo, brosekids. asthma, etc. The following L one of theesanda of letters r ecivedr-/'Eiadl7 itwsyt any sincere (hanks for the bead% *7 wife derived by the me of one of yeas bottles of Bronchitis Mixture. Fes over thirteen years she ham suffered %}cutely. After spending dollar atter dollar upon various readies, aw re- lief was obtained. H of your most marvelous remedy she eeiided t• give it a trial and I am glad W say one bottle has made her well. You aro at libertyto use my same and should/be ony too pleawd to answer any inquiries. Sincerely yours, John Holum, Yorkville Ave." The orig- inal of this letter may be sees at W. K. Beekley Limited, 141 Mumu, Bt., Toronto. Don't allow a oougk Bold to linger withou. Away with it! Hail Buckley's Mtxture'and have cough arrested. This remedy mover tails. On every bottle is a guarantee to refund the sone if not satlstae- tory. Delays are mosey tides now from your Druggist SOLD iN GOUERICH 11 , _ J. A. CAMPBELL .'trugjtlers hanging about the re'wtalsr- ,tut. 1,ut•ler;.1 er I,ee;er sa..i4. '1', • ! elre•nlent begun when .1ackettzie King protested stn.ugly alga lust going on with any estimates until the Hou , had been given all the volumes of tl .luditor-General'+ retort. The law - sae e oughrruts that melt in your mouth 111` xw EASIFJRST way .' _ �= What is the secret? Well, the cook and the recipe both count, but the big factor is really the frying fat you use. You see, EASIFIRST will stand a high temperature -you can make it 10o de- grees hotter than lard and sou degrees hotter than butter before it smokes or burns. This means that when the doughnut is dropped into the hot EASIFIRST a protecting -crust is in- stantly formed around it - no grease soaks in to make the doughnut heavy or soggy. A DOUGHNUT IRLQ1t that Imams 3was... 1 beeping tea.peoefal RARjpra 2 eggs. 1 cup white sugar. $ teaspoonful •alt.4gfatusq"a6414* I cap sweet milk. 3 level teaspoons baking powder teaspoon nutmeg. 3 cups Hoar. Mix sugar and RAStPrRR7 to- gether. Add well beaten ens.milk aad powder and salt twice. . &ft Hix Kix above ingredients. Roll out, cut with doughnut cutter and fry in hot EASIFIRST. The EASIPIRST that'e left over may be used again witbowt carry- ing say d*vo n. Be sure you get EASIFIRST-your dealer will supply you. Ia cartons and tins. Costs lem and goes farther than butter or lard,. GUNNS LIMITED West Tomato - Write Sa•ywfer Comm illooldet of Proceed Recipes EA3IFIRST vans for this report to be tablet in the l'ouvuons w-ifl,(m fifteen day's tlf the •ope•ufug of Parliament, but it is a law that .cysts to exist onlyfor r [t1r sake of occasional argument. In any event, no 4 ,,veruneut for Many years has brought down the rouiple•te• report within the time spoe-itissi, alntl in many eases thr.'' months or so has elape s,. The .tn.liter-(.•neral being the watchdog art the tamsury, there ere items, In his retort whish" explain where every payment has been made daring the period it covens, so the re - port is el value) document when the Ho4-v is elisenssing estltnates. Ilr. King and his followers claimed that he I...vent!HMO w•as hes.lwinking them and the public by withholding the report. mol the Prime Minister. ad witting the breach of the law. sough to justify it ill the pr. -rent ca.tel Ira quoting ftgun •s to show that th.' Laurier -ldmhlistMtion hid lieen no letter. The unteome of it all was that the Liberals gave their consent to going 1 o11 with.� the a«tlnrate ,ove•rol by the three v.?inrwes of the report which had l'wn brought down, and the Govern- ment promised to hurry along the fourth and thin! comms. There was Is, division on the matter, but the at- tendane•.• of Government supporters was notably at the hlghwater mark until the talk hail all died down and It ,scant(, evident that a vote was not to --- • 1'1111141. Sir Herbert Ames' Resignation. true is tempted to wonder Just what is !outline' the announcement of He re- signation of the member for 4t. .14te.ine, Sir Herbert Ames, which was I made on Thursday. A fairly wife guess is that the Government sees some Mow of Inducing a prominent resident of (jtueties• to risk 1,1,. polities! hopes by entering the l'ahinet, and drat St. Antoine is to be use, as the peg on whiij' to hang a Ifinisterlal by -elect ion. Sir Herbert's resignation we., dated February 1.1 of this year and was wit- nessed by two of the Government whips. Early in March the 'Abend leaflet had asked the I'remier if he knew suything of the resignation and Sir. Meighen said he did not. The Liberals Tirade the most of their op- portunity on this, for it Ix well known that Sir Herbert. Ames has not been in Canada for nearly,p year now, and the report rhat his resignation wan In the hands of the Government, to be use'ri at any opportune moment, would lm)ksite thee the opportune moment for opening a Qneba• constituency had arrived. Patronage Again. There are come memlrern of the House to whom patronage Is almost a sacred wont. Thaw were sislly ;'k -ked out during the debate on that subject, which was precipitated on Sir Ram Hughes' motion to diar•ard the ('Ivil Rprviee Commix -Mon. Stir Sam appar- ently norms -tit the work of the (1ne- nilwelon shoot at much of he respects the papal Mini, and he got a lent of cheers when he ma lied into the ques- tion with him head up and colors fly- ing, looking more like his old sett than he had done In years. With a general election within be.rkoning distance, there are a lot of members who would Madly dlteh the Clesemission, and get bark is the hafts where they would (oatlnued on pap 7. 11/111./11111111111111 111/M N/1KlA/JRIAN jIM a 1 SPECIAL SELLING OF " M 1": Brussels and Wilton Rugs, 1 Ili Genuine British Rugs of superior quality, 1 1 some are odd sizes and clearing at nearly half- 1 1 price. Best quality 5 -frame English Brussels 1 1 Rugs, 3 only, size 9x13 ft. 6 in., small pattern, 1 1 1 brown medallion and 1 green, smallgfigure, suit- ■ able for dining room or living , roelrn and 1 in ■ 1 shades of blue, small pattern, a hid '-class bed- ■ ■ room rug. Our prices were $75 each, on sale ■ $ at $39.00 each. 1 1 WILTON RUGS t t , %1 ■ .a -"k N ' Jul 9x12 ft., $80, on sale ,_ $65 1 9x10 ft. 6 in., $75, on sale $55 1 III 'I 6 ft. 9 in.x9 ft., $50, on sale . ,, $35 1 11 1 CURTAINS ::,a a.'''' ..atn,Tt�� - 1R 1 100 pairs white Nottingham Lace Curtains, 1 1 heavy double thread and finished edges all round. 1 ■ 21:. yards long. Price was $2.50, on sale at ■ 1 per pair $1.25 1 1 1 LLNOLEUMS„z3.:11,==.21„111„�.,_- , , . 1 1 4 yards wide, in a large choice of new at- 1 1 terns. Quality is better than has been coming for 1 1 several seasons. Price .... per square yard $1.39 1 SUITING SERGES 1 11 1 54-inch ,al all pure wool finest botany yarn 1 iSerge, in black, navy and brown. Regular $5.60 1 and $5.50per yard $3.95 as 1 1 1 1 1 W. Acheson & Son 1 1 11r111Ili 111i/11)•111//11111 IWO HIGH PATENT QUALITY Our Doable Harness will bo found equal to the most per- fectly matched team in symmetry and beauty. It nets gracefully on the horses, and white fitting perfectly allows the greatest freedom of action If you have • high -clasp team come hero for harnens appro- priate for their class. Have your old Harness oiled and reoaired now for Spring. - H. J. FISHER, Hamilton St, GODERICU f Order Counter Check Books From "The Signal" Newest Shoe Fashions tjr Easter is the opening of the season for the latest style's in Footwear. Shapeliness, grace and symmetry are characteristics of the new Colonial Ties and Oxfords. The most popular leathers are Black and Brown Vici Kid, Gunmetal and Brown Calf. There is a great variety of heels. The selec- tion is so extensive that we're sure we can please yon at remarkably low prices. aarAIIInra sone, CEO. MacVICA R NoRTM sum or SQUARE t t OODtrr.RSCN _1 �rr9.�A+!. 'tl,rae a Absillbanamessueaessammtli eT se '' Ar,'l151d111111111111:w_,a-•we.n,.+►4..FyMr/ne