HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 101 t 1 10 - Thursday, March 17, 021. s IIIONAL OODII KION, ONT. WALL PAPER -THAT TS - ARTISTIC artainielietselananso There Is au ever4n•reasing demand for better Wall Paper, which denotes * growing desire for more artistic surrouudings. 'lo create harmoulous back- grounds for beautiful furniture is the ails of all people who like everything cornet. 1t is to there people we $sail! all illvita- tion to view our eollection of Multahle• Wall Papers. Let Us Assist You in the Decorating of Your Home. The Store for Particular People. Because your present- Glasses are all right is ot,;to say they are. Choose for you trustworthy optom rist and have your ey examined at least once\,. a year, as your efficiency and advancement de- pend largely upon your eyesight. A. L. COLE Eyesight Specialist Optometrist West Street, GODERICH PAINTING and DECORATING H.ah grade Wall Paper Samples (22 inches w.de I kept on fwd. ON NOTICE. Samples well be taken to your house for .nspect,on. Over 21 yews' saper.ence. All work guaranteed. E. P. WEISS, Trafalgar St. DK GRANT'S ADDRESS. Large .4tteudarwe al Refereedum Meet Ing in Knox Church. There WAN a good attendance at Knox church on Wodus•wtay nigiht of last week, when I)r. A. S. (:rant, secre- tary of the Ontario Iteferemluta Com- mittee, gave an address un the present situation in view of the approaching referwelum. 1)r. knout Is a strong speaker and condemns the liquor traffic in downright terms. He told of hav- ing attended a meeting of !scientists at Washington at which the effects of alcohol upon the human system were di.w•ussel. The pfeueral opinion of these ecw.l-headed weientitc men was that alcohol wan A poison, stunting growth and exercising deleterious effects in the human anatomy. for. Grout eopts ined the mascot of the present vote. The people of On- tario had voted that the *ale of liquor should stop; but by importation l.ot- Ieggers were still able to procure sup- plies of the stuff and keep up an illieit traffic. The proposal now, which Is before the people in this referendum, is that importation trona outside the country or• from any other Provence into Ontario shall be prohibited. The qualifications for voting on the referendum were that one must be a Itritlsh - sul.je•t, twenty-one yearn Of age, resident for oue year in the Do- minion and for two months in the Province. The old lists were to be WWII, but in urban places (any centre of over 10011 population) peovfsiou was made for registration on the days March 29111 to April 4t1t. In rural places anyone entitled to rote could do w) by taking an affidavit before the 1►. It 11. at the time of toting. Nen and women alike were to vote on the referendum. Or. Grant explained that a favor- able vote on the referendum would pot do away with the use of liquor for melirlual purposes. He spoke of the economic side of the question, stating that the libel for economy and effi- ciency was *s great as daring the war, and that the trams in liquor was a dead loss to the nation. At the eoncluniou of the address a number of questions from the audience were answered by the speaker. BANK.OF ('OMMER('E MEMORL4IS. '1n Honor of Members of the Bank Staff Who Served In the War. a mercurial of the Great War. and ,f the part taken in it by members of th local branch, there has been placed In the Goderich office of the l'inadia (tank of Commerce a !mod - some hr ee plaque on which. under the words, -In memory of 1701 awn of the /'*nodi n Bank of (commerce who served in t Great War 1914-1918," are ins•rithel he following comes: Corr. L. M. Carry •Lt. M. P. Aute - Gut. 11. N. alta in R.S.N. A. P. W ° (cadet 11. C. Wi oma The IMO Of Lieu . Lane Is espec- ially ec- ially marked to Indies e that he gave hia fife. The (tank of (:omme re is justly prouel of the flue record de by Its stag irf the (:teat Wsr, au as a fur- ther memento has publish for pri- vate circulation a very handso we ll- arr*ngrd and well -printed roti ,• en- titled mtitled "Letters: from the Front." This (entail's, Iwaksles a large nue. of letters written by iwtdier marl. a of the (tank staff ovprleos, a lint of t e enlistments from the Bank and phot graphs of those members of the staff CITY MEAT MARKET and GROCERY CO. Roast Beef Sirloin Steak Round Steak = . . Easyfirst Shortening -; ....._. -_. . 2 for 43c Crisco Shortening Rose brand Oleo. Creamery Butter 2.3c 30c . .-s , e 28c 2 for 55c 1 lb. 37c 1 lb. 59c Try our 38c Tea, special on Saturday, 2 ibs. for 69c Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. Cor. Kingston & Square I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIII IHhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIHIII SMART, SNAPPY, FASCINATING Such words cannot adequately describe the good features of OUR NEW SPRING GOODS which have been arriving daily, and are now ready for your inspection, and which lye -know willt;be adjudged by the most critical shoppers. Besides, considering the 'splendid quality of our shoes, our "JUST 1T" PRICES ARE VERY IOW, as you will gather from the following : Ladies' Oxfords, in Kid or Patent Leather, black or the extremely popular browns, various heels, $3.75 to $7.50. Ladies' Ties, one and two eyelets, a variety of heels and colors, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.00 and $8.50. Ladies' Pumps, from $3.50 up. All the newest shapes, leathers and colors for men. A peep at our windows will convince you that the right place to buy your footwear is SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE HIHIRlHhf IIMIIiHII STOPPEI IIER HEADACHES Years DI SIM( aid By11, WgE 112 Haas 8r., er. Joan, N. B. "It la with pleasure that I writs to ib11 you of the great basalt I received Bora the was of your ssedioine "Praoti-.diisasr', .reit /ram fend juices 1 weer a beef ro fors. for allay yeao Bern Norms Haalmrbn ewd CowsApafwa I tried everything, sonsdbd dsetaes ; but nothing sesered to help ass until 1 triad "VRit a-ti4es". Alter taking emend boxes. I was ooapl toly relieved of thaws troubles sad have Men sacredly well over sines". Ma ANNIE WARD. I. a bx, s for $2.50. trial aims, 25o. V all dealers or west postpaid b PAit,mtiw l.hniumst, Ottaway alto gave their lire*, and of those who were decorated or mentioned 1a den - patches. Among the photographs we saw the familiar face of Lieut. M. P. Lane, a well-known Goderich boy who WAN killed in the fighting of Septem- Iwr, 1916. Two hundred and fifty- nine think of (commerce boys made the great "uterine,. in the war, and the flesh, bright faces which look out from thin volume tell more than oceans of words cool( do of the tragedy and glory of so many splendid young lives given up for the defence of honor and right. The officers of the (.anadilln (tank of Commerce have done a beautiful thing in issuing this hook, which will be treasured in many householda in memory of a son or husband or brother whose name is therein inscribed. IFR. MIIJ E CHARGED. Magistrate Reid Holds Court at Blyth in O. T..1. Cases. Rlyth, Ma'n•Ii 16 --Dr. W. J. Milne, Reeve of this village, who is both a physician and a dnlgglat• was ch*rgerl in the Polios (court here today, before 'Magistrate Reid of Goderich. by in- spector Pellow, with a breach of the Ontario Temperance Act. On Febru- ary 2.:,, u is alleged, he receive) threw dozen Mottles of whiskey, ctrl a week later, when Inspector Pellow called. all was gone hitt three bottles. Or. Milne claims that he fill* no prescriptions MY keeps nd, record book, nor does he himself drink He claims that he as•s the liquor in making up melicinea and limpet r*tIrmo of his own. The tress' will adjourned for a week and will he *bikini at 'oderich. Inspector Pellow was rep ed by (crown At- torney Seeger, while R. Vanstone of wingham awes . for 1 r. Milne. O. C. ALUMNI. H. K. . ell. of Gaerki Township. One of the OMeers. To to, March ll. -At a gathering of , ore than 100 ex.students of the Ontario Agrieultnrol (college. the fro- Yineial 0. A. 4'. Alumni .\s..awiation yeatenlay came into being. Tlw con - Motion and bylaws were adopter. The object* are to estahllsh a (ra- lly of ex.students of the O. A. (c., ,dimnlate mortal and economic am in ntral life, to coordinate eta of. those engaged in prae- professional agrieulture and e agricultural elgeation, co- nA leadership. !rpm* of providing equal repreaentatlo`q the I'rovine has been divided into \four electoral districts known es , thie Northern, Eastern, (central and Weaker!' divisions. The eo,stitlltiod and by-laws were adopted by the gatring and the fol- kik r.ttiepra elect for the coming P year : resident, 4'. . Bailey; vice. president. W. 1'. (:am e: dirertors- Easlern Ontario, A. P. Macirannell, .1. W. Kennedy, W. R. Reek; Western Ontario, W. H. Porter, G.'4j Bram- hill, H. K. Revell; Northern Ontario, Charles Laidlaw, 1.. M. via, T. Jarvis; (central Ontario, .1. R.• Emir - bairn, F. N. Mareelles, .1. W1(14101N4. to to pr'og the n tient to pro. operation For the Aftermath of Wingliam Shooting. itlyth, March 16. -Albert tomtit and Patterson of Wingh*m, who were the prim-Ipeln in a shooting case a few days ago, Patterson being let off on the charge of shooting l.nntit, were up before I'oliee Magistrate Reid of Goderich. in !bite. Court here today, charged by inspector fellow with a violation of the Ontario Temperance Aet. Patterson'* residence is over his store, and the charge was having Iignor tic a place other than a private dwelling. llhth men pleaded guilty and they wets fired $2(10 and mita arch. ('rown Attorney Wenger acted for inspector Pollan, ant R. Vamtonw of wingham for the accused. A pr'tItion'lnrgely signal by Wing - ham citizens onkel the magistrate to is. *a lenient *s possible, hitt as the accused admitted their guilt he had no other course than to impose the milrimnm penalty. As They Do It Now In Ragland. London Morning Pe*t. Mont parents. in announcing tbroagls the prelim the birth of a eltlld gemer*Ily adhere to the usual ntere toped way of doing so, and State: "To Mr. a r1t1 Met. " or "the wife of - a son or dntghter. Orraalnnmlly one comes enemas the phrase. 'the gift of a sun or denghter," nn the case may be A few p*rente, however, are now adopting a *tyle whleh Is very unusual in thin rnnntry, *ml that Ice rat the new arrival himself or herself app*rently anaonne Ing hia or her advent. In the ease of a daughter the announcement I* In the following derma : "Sties 8n -nod -fin. daughter of Mr. sad Nes -- Ilwga to announce hey arrival at •- (address, of her parental, on the - (rut., and in doing well." REFERENDUM RIPPLES. By the Ctdaetts' Social Service league. The open bar lu'Antralo la uow• gone, but the eeUar 1a too easily tiled anti the bootlegger can ply his trade too freely. We art• naked to vote on the question whether we want this stopped or not. You can help to turn off the tap by voting "Yes' on April 15th, rwxt. Mark your ballot thus :- Shall the importation and 111e bringing of inNO - sto:lcating liquors into the Province lw forbidden? Shan the lup.rtatioa and the bringing of In- YES A V 'toxleating liquors Into 1 the Prot lnee is forbidden'' Who Can Vote All British .ubJe•ts, male or female, who will be 21 years of age by AprIl (lith, 1921, and wIi.k have resided In Canada fora year and in Ontario for two months prior to February 1st, 1921. If you are living in a town• your name must be on the voters' lists if yon are to vote. Rural residents wls, are qualified but wbowe names are not on the list can vote on taking an oath of quaeifleation before the deputy returning -officer at the polling place on the day of rotiug. What Lits Are to Be ('sed! The lists are the Pro(rinclal lists of 1919, on whkh the lust referendum vote was taken. 'Chess are to he re- vised for towns and cities ami new names can 1e ad,lesl or names may iw changed to anoth.•r polling sun. -division if there has been a change of resi- denee *(nee October, 1919. If your name was not on that list and you are quilitted to vote, see that your name Is handed in to your ward committee before March 29th. DATE OF REVISION is March 29th to .tpril 4th. BASEBALL'S THE GAME. ,• Enthusiastic Meeting on Monday Night Throws the Flrslt Ball. The Goderich baseball club held a meeting in the Board of Trade rooms on Monday evening last, Mr. J. B. Nairn acting as chairman, and reorganized for the coming season with the following officers : Hon. president -Mayor Wigle. Patron. -Senator Wm. Proud(oot, Dr. Hunter, B. H. McCreath. President -C. L. Moore. Vice -president -J. W. Fraser. Secretary -W. W. Barlow. Treasurer -F. Woollcombe. .\w Hass. - Executive committee -John iggi mns, T. R. Thompson, Chas. Black, Reg. Sharman. It was proposed that a town league be formed. and Mr. Walter Buchanan was appointed to act as convener in this trotter. Goderich will be represented in some good league this_ year, the name of whicb will be given later on. and the pro. is for a good season are brighL About fifty names of possible players were handed in. and material for a first-class team appar- estfy is not wanting. Secretary Barlow announced that be- fore Mr. R. J. Megaw removed from town he presented the club with a cement lawn roller. The secretary was instructed to forward a letter of appreciation to Mr. Megaw. The meeting was well attended and enthusiasm ran high. The following financial statement for last year was submitted by Mr. W. W. Barlow : Financial Statement, 1920. ('.tali R»'EIVED Gates at (:od,rlch- Zurich $ 67 10 Zurich, a. -m. 00 Na Znrk'h, p. m. 30 00 Znrieh 204 95 t 31•2 rt•; Crediton 31 90 Crelltoa 47 50 t1reslitnn ri: 15 141 55 Clinton 43 3(1 Clinton 444 05 (9lnton 67 53 119 56 lies -rived from :- Zurich 25 i0 Zurich -.t,..,21 00 Zurich 23 00 75 00 t'rditon 13 (10 Crediton 20 00 Crediton , Jr. 20 00 55 00 (9lnton 12 00 c •l inton ' 12 00 Clinton 12 00 36 00 Myth 100 on }.ucknow 00 00 Zttrich 100 00 200 00 1ecel►nlah 25 00 25 00 Semi. earls 411 00 Dollar tickets (10) 10 00 Simco a acme 106 00 RImrne Dame 110 10 Ent ranee -refunded 1000 • ('ASA, PAID OPT Entrance tole . ("ars .-_.- Mesta and hotel bkinipment ..........sees.. 'To Zurich $ '75 00 (creditor 53 00 Clinton as {(U Printing Expense -s at ltlyth Expenses at l.hcknow sees Expense* at Zurich Flxpensea, Mimeos. game ., Sundry expenses Expenses re Toronto games ('*oh on hand 11,3.6 00 E 20 00 2•(10 Oft' 142 50 15.I 50 16600 75 Fli 97 00 60 00 100 00 110 00 14ft 04 2000 12 17 11.3:40 06 BOWLING ('1.171 ANNI°al.. Two Tourneaws tte Plamwst- h • nafor Rinke and One for Double. The lawn Miers turner) out In Cargo fore, for their annual meting. held last Thnrwksy night at the hoard of Trash rooms. The pros dent, d►r. H. G. Naexoaell. was In the ehalr. A spirit of enthindeem prevailed, *ad howling I), to receive mors attention during the maniac Mann than fee sone years peat. The Club heghtw the wawa' with a mwalrrtlMp Iioi of *t.nut sixty, to whist more will be adeld a* the season *drawer. The eletion of officers remitted as follows : Hou. president, Rev. Dr. Mel- drum : president, Dr. H. G. MacDonell; viee-'presielent, C. W. Chapman: treas- urer, C. A. Nairn; secretary. William iwnr. Executive committee -Jos. Illophey. Fred Hunt, Rev. J. F. Rey - craft. W. Reg. Sharman, A. J. Mac- Kay. (1. J. S. Loyne., Dr. Hunter, H. Martin, C. Campion, W. J. Powell, H. )dcl l er•mott. Sub -committees were appointed as follows : Grounds -Messrs. Brophey. McDermott end Hunt. Membership - Messrs. Nairn. Chapman. Martin and Campion. Entertainment - Messrs. Powell. 'MacKay, Loynes and Sharman. The list of honorary 'members of the club includes the names of Mears. Jamtw Yates, J. H. Tigert, R. S. Wil- liams. Rev. C. Fletcher. 1+' Davie, 11. 1'. 1'., and L. E. Doherty. The membership fee was in Axed at Ks. \\ It was decided to have the anneal rink tourtsament on Wednesday. July latah, and a tournament In Scotch doubles on Wednesday. August 24th. Tose executive was empowered to make arrangements with the tennis players. and a change may Ise made whereby members may, play either bowls or tennis, or b th; doing away with a separate tennis ell.. A letter was revived from Mr. Stuart Henry. of Windsor. enc•loaing $111 *nal wishing the club a prosperous season. The club is pitting on n euchre' and dance at (Mdfellowr' Hall on Ea er Monday nigh. OBITUARY. VI t W LE1t.-Jandertoc'h lost a good eitiuen in the death of Mr. Joseph Ades Fowler, C. l'., who, art stated in these columns last week, pawed away on MAturlay, March 5th, after 'several years of falling health. 'Mr. Fowler ass * native of ttrighton. England. and studied engineering on the Clyde mud arebite•ture in London. F.nglanl. to (.'oneda in 1870 and en- gaged in the praetice of hia proftrssion, an ).„,pot only designed many private dwellings hut was rfngagel as arehlte•t In the erection of a great number of public buildings in varlotlw parte of tilts( Province. Among these were the Oxford scanty buildings, Ottawa city hall, Oxford County house of refuge, Moulton (college at Toronto, Wood- stock College extensions, betides public schools at Toronto and other places and a large number of chumbes, In 'which branch of him art he excelled. The large Abel (co.'s factory at Toronto and Stewart's works at Woodstock were also from him ()enignma in con- junction with the late J. Cuth4wrtsm of Woodstnc•k he designed a large num- ber of schools, churches, mumps and other edifices in the adjoining counties. He wan the holder of certificates( from Cambridge I'nlvewity, South Kensing- ton School of Art, ani other in*tits,- tMns in England, and was for tonne time teacher of drawing In the public schonla of Toronto, leaving thin poet - tion to assist the late well-known W. G. Storm, R. C. A., In the designing of she important work. of Carlon street Methodlat church and Ht. Andrew's church, Toronto, every detail of which building. was peeve red by him during Mr. Storm's Illness. Ilia wife died In 1802 elnring his residence at Toronto. After leaving To - rostra • Jnr. leowler mond o (9lnton In 1894 dnring his anpervistion of the ereetkon of the Huron sonny hnnae of refuge, anti white there he married Mr*. Mary (Ilhwn of Listowel, who ane- v(ses. After hi* rpmpvnl to 4kw1ertr s Mr. Fowler wail elbowed in the' tp�tle- tlev of hial prnfea.lcrh kers tar yearn, MN of late years the condition of Ids health prevented hitt from tak- • Dominion of Canada Victory Bents ALL MATURITIES BOUGHT. SOLD. QUOTED -DrtALER IN -- Government and Municipal Bands only Legal Trust Fund Securities E. H. HILL AOND AND INSURANCE BROKER Successor to T. R. Harrison SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES SHONE POWELL, 299 and save Twot\d�Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders - of three dollars atnd upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. int any latae w,rk. He was an active member of Ht. George's chnr-h and for years a member of the elolr, and in- tereated himself in other Meld institu- tions, bringing to all he did the aid of a broad knowledge and cultured in- telligence. n- telligence. 11r. Fowler ass the third non of the latae Henry Fowler and rinds Ades Fowler and wan the last of a family of live, three brothers and a sinter lav - Ing pralees wl him. 11. was seventy pent of age on the 19th of August lent. Two son and threw slaughters by the first marriage sarvlve : Henry Ades Fowler, of (Jhleago ; 4'harlea Heathcote Fowler, of Melrose fiat#, 111. ; Mrs. Zlesw, of New York City; Mrs. ( ehittrlw, of Texas, and lira. Myer),, M Jersey City, N. J. The funeral took place to Maitland e•meh•ry on Monday, 7th Inst., a ober- vIce being conducted at 8t. George church by the rector, Rev. 8. 8. Hardy. Tesikaesial hit • htaeipl Shakoes Widow. Ingersoll, March 10, The objection h*ving been relent nn legal ground), to a grant bring made by the bard (A llldtuatlnn to the widow of Prin- cipse1 Welker of the ('entral er'honl, s fnhlk' te.wt n I!1 fond will he tweeted. Me elle olein 1kAtYA awl etAe, prom- inent ase •rF °� gin file move_ neat. The plats of the Reward of Edn cation was to grant bra. Stalker three month,, rotary Ill view of the six months' leave of share promi,el her ',- It u sba nd just before his death, but ob- jection was raised by a trustee on the ground of Illegality, and the plan was abandoned. A committee has been ap- pointed and will receive popular sub- a'rlptlonl. MILLIONS IN PROFITS are being paid to the .h.r.- holder. of Northern Ontario's Gold Mise.. Are you getting your .hare The experience raised in fif- teen years of active ties with tk..e trainee will kelp ,yeal to participate in than 11,1411111 did profit.. Cams awes ewM.ewea.aw M a',Mw\ HOMER L. GiBSO-N A Co. 703.4.3 Banta of Hamilton Bldg, TORONTO 111 5 1 t+ THE COL RNE "STORE Have you decided on your Spring Suit or Coat for Easter ? • Most everyone wants her spring garments for Easter. We have a wonderful stock of Spring Suits and Coats, all this season's style, for they are all new. Great pains have been taken in the selection of these ° garments and a wonderful assortment has been bought for your in- spection. , • Very handsome plain and fancy Suits in navy blue, black and sand shades. They are trimmed with silk embroidery and braid in the very latest design. The Suits have all new styles in cut and finish, and are worn with or without a belt. Coats in medium blue and sand shades are leaders. They are con- siderably lower in price than last year and have been greatly admired. If ypu are in need of a Coat it will be toyour advantage to see these garments before buying. We carry Northway garments, because they give service. About fifty of the best designs in Collars on sale at $1.. 0. These Collars range in price from1.00 to $3.00 each and are now on\ale at $1.00 each. A number of kid Gloves in w 'te and black on sale at $1.00. A special line of cape Gloves, regular $3.00, for $2.00. Very special line of grey cape Gloves, regular $3.75, for $2.50. --- A number of silk Gloves in black, regular $1.75, for $125. Every Pullover reduced below cost price. Watch for them in the window. Special offering in crepe de chine Blouses. They are below cost. JHCOLBORNE&CO. THE HOOSE OF RELIABILITY the season *drawer. The eletion of officers remitted as follows : Hou. president, Rev. Dr. Mel- drum : president, Dr. H. G. MacDonell; viee-'presielent, C. W. Chapman: treas- urer, C. A. Nairn; secretary. William iwnr. Executive committee -Jos. Illophey. Fred Hunt, Rev. J. F. Rey - craft. W. Reg. Sharman, A. J. Mac- Kay. (1. J. S. Loyne., Dr. Hunter, H. Martin, C. Campion, W. J. Powell, H. )dcl l er•mott. Sub -committees were appointed as follows : Grounds -Messrs. Brophey. McDermott end Hunt. Membership - Messrs. Nairn. Chapman. Martin and Campion. Entertainment - Messrs. Powell. 'MacKay, Loynes and Sharman. The list of honorary 'members of the club includes the names of Mears. Jamtw Yates, J. H. Tigert, R. S. Wil- liams. Rev. C. Fletcher. 1+' Davie, 11. 1'. 1'., and L. E. Doherty. The membership fee was in Axed at Ks. \\ It was decided to have the anneal rink tourtsament on Wednesday. July latah, and a tournament In Scotch doubles on Wednesday. August 24th. Tose executive was empowered to make arrangements with the tennis players. and a change may Ise made whereby members may, play either bowls or tennis, or b th; doing away with a separate tennis ell.. A letter was revived from Mr. Stuart Henry. of Windsor. enc•loaing $111 *nal wishing the club a prosperous season. The club is pitting on n euchre' and dance at (Mdfellowr' Hall on Ea er Monday nigh. OBITUARY. VI t W LE1t.-Jandertoc'h lost a good eitiuen in the death of Mr. Joseph Ades Fowler, C. l'., who, art stated in these columns last week, pawed away on MAturlay, March 5th, after 'several years of falling health. 'Mr. Fowler ass * native of ttrighton. England. and studied engineering on the Clyde mud arebite•ture in London. F.nglanl. to (.'oneda in 1870 and en- gaged in the praetice of hia proftrssion, an ).„,pot only designed many private dwellings hut was rfngagel as arehlte•t In the erection of a great number of public buildings in varlotlw parte of tilts( Province. Among these were the Oxford scanty buildings, Ottawa city hall, Oxford County house of refuge, Moulton (college at Toronto, Wood- stock College extensions, betides public schools at Toronto and other places and a large number of chumbes, In 'which branch of him art he excelled. The large Abel (co.'s factory at Toronto and Stewart's works at Woodstock were also from him ()enignma in con- junction with the late J. Cuth4wrtsm of Woodstnc•k he designed a large num- ber of schools, churches, mumps and other edifices in the adjoining counties. He wan the holder of certificates( from Cambridge I'nlvewity, South Kensing- ton School of Art, ani other in*tits,- tMns in England, and was for tonne time teacher of drawing In the public schonla of Toronto, leaving thin poet - tion to assist the late well-known W. G. Storm, R. C. A., In the designing of she important work. of Carlon street Methodlat church and Ht. Andrew's church, Toronto, every detail of which building. was peeve red by him during Mr. Storm's Illness. Ilia wife died In 1802 elnring his residence at Toronto. After leaving To - rostra • Jnr. leowler mond o (9lnton In 1894 dnring his anpervistion of the ereetkon of the Huron sonny hnnae of refuge, anti white there he married Mr*. Mary (Ilhwn of Listowel, who ane- v(ses. After hi* rpmpvnl to 4kw1ertr s Mr. Fowler wail elbowed in the' tp�tle- tlev of hial prnfea.lcrh kers tar yearn, MN of late years the condition of Ids health prevented hitt from tak- • Dominion of Canada Victory Bents ALL MATURITIES BOUGHT. SOLD. QUOTED -DrtALER IN -- Government and Municipal Bands only Legal Trust Fund Securities E. H. HILL AOND AND INSURANCE BROKER Successor to T. R. Harrison SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES SHONE POWELL, 299 and save Twot\d�Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders - of three dollars atnd upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. int any latae w,rk. He was an active member of Ht. George's chnr-h and for years a member of the elolr, and in- tereated himself in other Meld institu- tions, bringing to all he did the aid of a broad knowledge and cultured in- telligence. n- telligence. 11r. Fowler ass the third non of the latae Henry Fowler and rinds Ades Fowler and wan the last of a family of live, three brothers and a sinter lav - Ing pralees wl him. 11. was seventy pent of age on the 19th of August lent. Two son and threw slaughters by the first marriage sarvlve : Henry Ades Fowler, of (Jhleago ; 4'harlea Heathcote Fowler, of Melrose fiat#, 111. ; Mrs. Zlesw, of New York City; Mrs. ( ehittrlw, of Texas, and lira. Myer),, M Jersey City, N. J. The funeral took place to Maitland e•meh•ry on Monday, 7th Inst., a ober- vIce being conducted at 8t. George church by the rector, Rev. 8. 8. Hardy. Tesikaesial hit • htaeipl Shakoes Widow. Ingersoll, March 10, The objection h*ving been relent nn legal ground), to a grant bring made by the bard (A llldtuatlnn to the widow of Prin- cipse1 Welker of the ('entral er'honl, s fnhlk' te.wt n I!1 fond will he tweeted. Me elle olein 1kAtYA awl etAe, prom- inent ase •rF °� gin file move_ neat. The plats of the Reward of Edn cation was to grant bra. Stalker three month,, rotary Ill view of the six months' leave of share promi,el her ',- It u sba nd just before his death, but ob- jection was raised by a trustee on the ground of Illegality, and the plan was abandoned. A committee has been ap- pointed and will receive popular sub- a'rlptlonl. MILLIONS IN PROFITS are being paid to the .h.r.- holder. of Northern Ontario's Gold Mise.. Are you getting your .hare The experience raised in fif- teen years of active ties with tk..e trainee will kelp ,yeal to participate in than 11,1411111 did profit.. Cams awes ewM.ewea.aw M a',Mw\ HOMER L. GiBSO-N A Co. 703.4.3 Banta of Hamilton Bldg, TORONTO 111 5 1 t+