The Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 9-^!
Everything you need
for Fancy `Work may be
found here.
Call aril st! the many
beautiful and useful ar-
ticles we have in stock.
Miss S. Noble
Your Service
R 1911°/fg^ :1177
A turf dub has been organ'ted at
Ripley and a race nutting is to be tu- d
next summer.
St. Com ilLion. died alarch SOL 'nod
Mrs. Henry Steinacker, of Creditor,
passed away on Match 7th, at the age t f
parted this life on the Xrd inst., at the
age of trity!seven sears.
a IiapPen old boy who went to the V1 he --
Mrs. Usserles Zasicker. ore uf the earl
rtspluits ..4 l sermon. (neck at Losdun un
alarch 3e* food eighty-five years.
Arrangements We being made for the
establishing Sii a continuation class it:
' Mrs, Anna Ballssa•ho spent most of Mr
life at DasleaoucaParted this life at
, Tavistock on Mare let, in her sort).
Richard Somers has r igned as con-
' stable and weishmaster of lyth ahd the
a new appointment, s
W hat is said to lo malignant diphtheria
, has caused three deaths in the home ut
Vain. Hanna. near lienfryn. Mrs. I una
and two ct ildren weir the. ylctims.
1 Thomas Woo n has purchased the far
; of the late R. H. Guvenloek in Nisi:slop, \
! consisttng el 223 acres. Mr. Brown is
i now the pualesaur of 375 acres of excellent ,
I farm land.
Only eight votes were recorded against ,
the Hydro bylaw at Blyth last week, The
I vote was 121 to 8. "Hie vittage cuss 01
• sill at onse take the necessary further
: steps to secure the Hydro connection. '
John Robb has sold his 150 -acre farm
in Nlorris township to his neighbor, W.11. '
McCutcheon. for SIO utats . Mr. Mc.
Cutcheon's son will resale on the new
Apurchase. Mr. and Mts. Robb will likely
had been living with her daughter at
Battleford, Sask., died there on NI arch 5th
in tier seveRtieth The remains wire !
brought tolisborne tor burial.
After a lonsirsillness, Doreen Murdock.
the soungsst da elder of A'ex. Murdock,
of ilensall, pas way on Monday. 7th
inst., at the early e of eightien years.
She was a talented senteician and was
greatly loved in the cOonnunity, and Ler
death is the cause of m h aorrow.
One of the oldest residen - •of the Parr
line. Stanley, in the p ro nf fames
Workman. passed aw y on a 3r1 inst.
ot Georgetown and came to the Huron
'tract In 1,560, and as a framer ected
many of the buildings in the sec on.
, Seven sons and three daugerters survive,
Perhaps the largest ta'e of farnastocs ,
ever held in 0 e township of 1_ shorne.ia,
that of Samuel Brock. on the 3rd inst..
the total amount teaazed bring tos.‘72.
prices in spite of the low market q.:nta-
tv,ns at preaent. One team of norses
Fancy It.
The Square Poo! ;
The Trouble Man
It's aFomfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
la your troubles -the Plumber.
We know our business and
are here to serve you.
mammon Street Phone 136
Eat astroughing Metal Woek
If Priscilla Hadn't Popped.
When young I was a shy lad, •
And yet I liked the girls •
I couldn't keep from dangling round
l'heir dimples and their curls.
But,the putting of the question -1
My pulses flipped and hopped.
And I never would have married
If Pritcilla hadn't popped.
That the girls are timid
Is well enough for rhyme,
And that men do all the courting -
But they don't, sir, every time.
Many a man quite unsuspecting
By a female has been copped;
If Priscilla hadn't pooped.
Belief, I know, is common.
When a refloat's heart is gone
The girl, she goes no further
Than to lead the fellow on,
With on h, r cheeks some blushes.
And her modest eyelids dropped.
But, gosh, I'd never married
H Priscilla hadn't popped.
I don't mean wasn't willing.
Nor wishing for her hand ;
I dreamed of her at night time,
I loved her -oh, my land I
But when 1 tried to tell her
And never would have married
if Priscilla hadn't popped.
Prise saw the situation
And she maid to me one dsy,
'if the right girl loved and told you
Would you give that girl away ?"
And on my breast she
H Priscilla hadn't popped.
from New l'orls and, %%ill again make:
1,..1111.17 14.417..111 of Imcknow. died 1111 1
third year StIts.h.stl .offered frolit an ',
iiIrt•Ilital of Hie heart f.a ...rue iillse.'
days befory her deal II. Mrs. l're- ,
le tvets, altos.. 111411.10•11 11111110 %Va. Mir-
Whiteclitirch. During 111.1' l'o,,111..11..1. In'
the "tlethodi.t eluireli. She lean.. her
hu.kool. a son. Harold. 141i41 a (laugh- i
1 Wm. Willbturaon, tot employer of tile!
Western Fontidry Company. had a
narrow ewrape from drowning one
1 afternoon Mat week. AN'tille assisting
hi elearing nii lee jam in the ahritlanil
, 'liver. he syria thrown Into the river. 1
, /1 1111 111 41111. of the efforta of Ills emit- 1
; paniana waa carded over the slain and
1 down the stream. It was mot until he 1
! had been carried nearly half -a -mile '
I down stream to the nest ice jam tha,
lila frfentla auceepilial hi rescuing him.
HI. wit% 1111111Pd to hiP 7111113P, where tie
S$S° N. _,_. .._
II low
The World's
Greatest Artists
Anna Case. Frieda
Hempel, Thomas Chal-
mers, famous grand opera
artists -John Philip Sousa ,
Victor Herbert. world-
raiewned musicians -Ads
Jams. H•rry Lauder.
popular favorites, and
hosts of others entertain
you on Amberol Records.
made to play excleineety on
Thomas A. Krbson's woo -
This foilowiog records are
bit favorites with Owa-
sso& of Ambertala owners
-they should be in your
Como Wheat My Lave Lies
DF•1111.11.11. iffy bane Cave
with Criteriert Quartet. No.
Are hiaria-Oaralbiria Rust,
clans. in Italian. by Frieda
gaimet's Lullaby. by "reds
Hempel with Criterion QUI.
tet. No. 41MOS.
Ironing Star-Tannhauseri by
Mamma Chalmers. No.IIIUNI.
Carry bte Babb To Oat tin..
(buy. by flaw Chalmers
and Chorus. No. 11,434.
tan Marches. by Soma's
Hand No. 1711.
He's the Makin's of a Darri'd
rt. Man. by Ada Jones.
No. OW
Harry Lauder. ?NAOMI&
If you cannot conveniently
cell at oar store wo shall
be glad to serve you by
mall. Order records by
roomy eider or
/1<htirts Ont. NO
for Interment.
Wednesday of last week, his fifty -
111.a7111 (40' mollIt. 11111. /11111 la...I year
-old his farm ill N1cliillop and ino%.-41
lido town.
Farquhar...IL was married irl F.111111.11-
1011."11 24171 1.1 Carl F.
wall. of Alherta.
I 1 is understood (hal the platy- for
1'1111k 41 1,11, fri11.11 $1.11f0111 11..1511 11 41 ,1111-
,1•11 It'll 11 ‘V11111111 (71.1 rjlitiling I 11,.
nitiniclihilit it, have the imal.liw;
ill 117111.1, 811 intermediate
and a tootlusll team in the N1'.
this year.
nom,. liefore their departure NE...,
rayon, was presenle.1 with a 55.11 -
tilled purse as a token of appc.s.141i,,11
organi-t of St. Joliii•s Anglican church.
ship. died Hi the home 1,1 her -omit,.
w. George McFarlane. one mile Hort
of after au illnesa several
fOrHPI be PM (fel' 1 lig front
s•tcr.• chill awl .11.04. ice burst
sway thy cofTyrdal and the track used
1015 II :11117 11 11 1111111,11-.. 1
of 11nrot, C.)11110'
Breeders' .assoeht thin. sr. ts. slathers
or 'salon. representing the l'rm
rt mem of st grleult ti
sevynty-live Itig'a-class bulls and heifers.
As a Result of Treating the
Trouble Through the Blood.
The chief. sjanptom of rheumatism is
pain. The most successful tteatment is
Jhe one that most quickly relieves and
banishes the pain. Many rheumatic
people sutler pains that coull be assadi d
by buthang up the blued ; when rheuma-
tism io assuclated wi!h thin blood It coil.
not be conected until the blaud is bunt
The following is the report of S. S. No.
st, Colborne. The names are in Order of
merit : 1V. -Honors -Worthy Fowler
852. Pass - Darot h y Robertson s44.
Clifford Allin 841. Lucie Hardy 765.
Gladys 'Treble 700. Below pass -Mar:
Thom 639. Jr. Ill. -Pass-pliver Allin
732. Willie Treble 079. Below pass-
Jusie Walters 534. Sr. 11.-Iloniirs-
warner Hardy Pass-Nlinnie Mil -
Ilan 508. Jr. 11. -Pass -Arnold Allin 5,40,
Douglas Feagan 533. •Fern Thom 494.
Alargaret Mitchell. C. -Roy Altai:Those
/In Front -Rank 1
I Cod-liver oil stands I
Ifirst on the list of fats, 1
in the ease with which
Iit is assimilated. This 1
explains why
is so helpful to
those of July age
who are run-
down ip body.
ALSO ataxars or -
III W;1, 41 gr1.411
crittV4IS 111
fluttered from rheumatism Mr yea's, but
was more fortunate than many victims id
the disease, tor he found a ientedy that so
built up his entire system that he no%
free from rheumatism. Mr. liall says -
"I was taken duwu WI111 rheumatism, and
at times was un 'er the treatment of
several of the best doctor, in Lave Bre
ton, but tLey held out no hope for my
recovery from the trouble. I was cuntitied
to bed fur three years and a helpless
cripple horn the trouble. 1 could not
move and had to be turned in siteets. My
legs and fingers were drawn out of shape,
and sores developed on my body as the
result of my lung conlinement to bed. I
was in this ser. ous condition when a ft Send
advised the use of Lh. Williams' Pink Pills
and 1 began taking them. The lust benefit'
1 felt Its m the pills was an improved
appatite, and then 1 began to feel strong-
er, and wasfinally able to get out of bed
and go about utt crutches. I continued
taking the pills for m mths, :lowly but
surely getting new sircngt1s, and finAiy 1
was able to lay the crutcass aade. 1 will
always be lime, as the result of ruysIgng
stay in bed my telt leg ha: sSorteaed
and able to do my work as fislitry over-
seer. I may :sal that when the rheuma-
tism came on I ueighea 140 pounds, and
when 1 began souls about on ciutclirs I
only weighed so.; y-stven pounds. asd now
1 am at normal weight. There are malty
here who know and can vouch for the
OU Cda get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by mill, postpaid,
at 50 cents a box or tax boxes lor 12.50
marked * were absent one or more ex- from the Nledicine Co.,
amination. L. E. ADAMS, Teacher. Brockville. Ont.
NN'l 'VI, Of March. V. class (total 6s)411 -
1.eila Slits ',house 472. it0111:1'r
ing 44:1. Douglas 'anspbell 4441, Nor,
Aseut. Iv. ouss (total 5:-0), xiary .1. 311111W:111i, Corimall. Gut.. dated
HIM 374, Elva Walden :173, Eva
saris), .,s„. codicils were tita,11..
ring :;Ti, Mettaiurne Keating '414.
17,111-- Elutyli7)11.,t,:iinfiird 341. FAH
l'alisa Walsh 2'24. M;11.;• RV:davit 2151.
_To Set .1side
9. Beat rice
their daughter. Mi.,: Carrie A.. to John
N. Willi.. r..f Exeter. the marriage ta
take p;ace this month.
The Is.ard of James street Nlettiodist
dor; ha. eligag.s1 a new organist.
Prof .Ntiderton. HOW !relit
Itoth mourhers of the legal arm of
1111.41 1.. their 1it.1111-.1 %Atli 11111.1,S.
711111111a 11 11.1, 1a.1.11 severely ill with
pleurisy. 111111 Mr. Statiluiry has
an attack of
A Penitential Wet*.
The week had gloolhily
Fur While Wtek's a poor man's
He was beset with bill and dun.
And he had very little
''This cash." said he, "won't
I've nothing here but ones and
PaY my'
A bright thought struck him, and he said:
"The rich Miss Goldrocks I will
But when he naid hi4 court to tar,
She lisped, but- firmly said : "No,
"Alas," said he. "then I must die !
Although hereafter I may
They found his glove,, his coat, arid hot:
The coroner upon then'
-Carolyn Wills.
their "china wedding' on March 4th.
I Miss Gordon, of Goderich, a cousin. was
! one of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Cree
wore married in Holten twenty yeats ago
' a id have lived in Clinton ever' since.
who since his return from overseas service
• his been in charge of the Canadian Gov-
, erament office in New York. if resigning
his position to become a partner in the
firm of Smith, Denne & Moore, advertis-
ing agents. Toronto.
Charles Tyner has grad the Palace block
to an Italian, named Ceram. who intends
to open up a fruit shwe.
On Monday, March 7, Rev. I.E. Hogg
performed the wedding ceremony uniting
Lawrence Edgar Greta. of London, son of
Miss Alice I.ouise Bridge, eldest
of London. England. The young csupie
will reside at London, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. David Potter. of Crystal
City, Man., celebrated tha fiftieth anni-
versary of their wedding on February 2ft.
Mrs. Pottei was born in Clinton in 1851
anti wal married here in 1871. •
The engagement Is erd of
Mires Lillian 1.. Porter, of Hermit, to
William A. Kerr. eldest son of Mr. and
Mrse John Kerr. of Seaforth, the wed-
ding to take place quietly the latter
part of March.
The marriage of Walter Ilium eld-
eat soon of Mr. foal Mem. Klein Hayes,
Virginia Court. and Mon Florence
Smile. formerly of stemforth. took plata.
yourie enuple will make their home on
the Mount Elgin farm near that city.
; The death occurred at Vancouver,
I 71. Mra. William Fowler, for
Many yams resident of liarperhey.
117.11%1 7/1111g 11,•111 from selling any part
A Primligy of Learning.
quite erudite "
--Is Coining
and Ile ild.V:4.1. we can gist' you is to roakty,:iSo
your inter 1Z:111110111S and let its, suppls s our
New Spring Outfit
Ward rend 1/ the tunes.
Some handsome lines in ite‘v Spring Snits and I 11C. -
coats. Come itt and get the best seleetion.
We 1111% t` a l'elal1a4ti011 for first elass %aloes. :toil
do not intend to lose it.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
Bargains in Organs for Quick Sale
Thomson s ,Music Store
Itir 1 !tell Piano Case, 110 71%1. • 550.00
seil,m1 room 535.00.
s.tork, fro4k $40.00 up.
Thomson's Music Store
Canada's Farthest West
Wash Day and
WASH clay is the least wel-
come day of the week in
most homes, though sweeping
day is not much better. Both
days are most trying on ths
The strain of washing, Weeds' est
sweeping frequently deranges OM
kidneys. The system le poieoned
and back/ashes. rheumatism. palms fa
the limbs result.
Kidney aeclon must le aroused -4
the liver awakened to maims and the
beweie regulated by sea treatamint
ea Dr. Chase's Kidney -Lever PIlla
rhis favorite prescription et the wen -
known Receipt Book anther will set
tall you tn the hoar of seed.
Dee mil s dem, fat e bes alt 01•111,111.
Kidneq 1 hen Pills
ecuranIsfliianhid;g village and
Clayaquot Sound, one of the delightful spots of the West Coast., rNerfulancaoruINn•
• It seems hardly possible in these kish.
days of quick and easy travel, of Fortunately, however, they are through the whole a the long sum -
competitive transportation, that protected for some years to come. mer the sea for miles around Is
dotted with the small gasoline boats
there should be a mist on Vancouver GoAvetrnBamnefnietldL,iftehesraeviiangthse
taD°t i omni of the Indian fishing fleet. '
Island, with a seaboard of over 450
miles that is practically unknown. the Imperial Government Cable Sta- In the Clayoquot district, 19,000
And this in a temperate country be- tion; II is the landing point for acres of agricultural land have 1O0en
surveyed by the government, but 87)
tween the latitude of 45 deg. and 55 cables from Australia and New Zea-
Canadian Pacific is the only being Fanning Island, 4.500 miles The land is good in patches but the
land, the nearest forwarding point far only 4,000 have been pre-empted.
line to send boats to ply lip and away. A staff of thirty-five officiate clearing is very heavy and there is
much cedar -swamp. It is, the rota -
down this coast and they only call at here
the different ports every ten days or Uehucklesit is a bigger settlement, dents say, one of the cheapest places
so. Otherwise these pioneer settlers about one hundred whites and sev- in the world to Ilve in, as nature
have no connection with the outside enty-five Orientals and Indians. provides most of the larder.
world unless it be at the end of the Here the Wallace Fiaheries have Trout and Silverchar In the
Alberni Canal which is so far the 'ars'. plant with two lines of mach storreia,,nirisd, ahnedrrilnagk,esroicoklacond4,, hasaltrniboatn:
only point where the island railway inery for canning salmon and two P
meets the west coast. for herrings so that they can turn skil, bass, etc., and every sort of
The west coast is more temperate out in all about 4,0nn case, a day. shell -fish on the coast. Geese.
than the east; the Ira tempera- Away up the Alberni Canal, som• grouse, duck, ptarmigan, snipe,
tare for January last year up Quat. twenty miles inland lies Port Al. pull, sandhill-rrane, plover, nail
sino Sound was 36 deg. Fahr. for berni, a town which has long mince and PVP11 swan if you are anything.
August and 58 deg. Fahr. for Jam- cried "ichabod" and gone to sleep. of a shot.
ary._ Here the Cross -island railway has its For heavier meat there in always
The two industries that keep the terminus for the present, although the ubiquitous black -tailed deer.
west coast alive at all are fishing the extension to Sproat Lake arid varied by bear -steak; and for trap -
and logging, and all II big salmon- Great Central Lake will soon be ping, Wolf, conical., wolverine, lynx,,
coon, bearer, fox, otter, mink and'
canning companies of ritish Colum- ready.
bia have stations here. The first Out into Barclay Sound again, marten.
port of call is Port Renfrew, at the through the islands of the "Broken There are enough wild berry4
mouth of the San Juan River, and Group" to Scchart, Toquart and so fruits to provide iattl an the vest!
here the Defiance Packing Co. of to Ucluelet, where the Wallace Flail- rourd, no all the old-timer buys honer
Vancouver put up 2,000 cases of sal- eriaa buy a lot ri• their fish. A the store Is his sack of flour, auger!
HIOlk a day in the season. Then up happy little settlement here with and tea.
coast, past the Carmanah Light to several well-establlshed homesteads, Between the Islands Verret and
Clo-coose, a great city with • popu- that it has taken half a life -time to meeres, peat one of the most beau -
Wien of about Mit, whites and clear, and all the more loved for tiful stretches of sandy beach on-,
the Pacific Coast (quite unknown).
forty Indians, where the Nitinat that.
Cannery turned out over 55,000 cases It is here that a certain Scotch- At Clayoquot where the Union Fish -
an 1917. man has a garden renowned as be- pries Co. are putting up cold star -
Away back inland from these ingr the first -if not still the errety - age plant for a million fish, past
towers the great line of moun- rhododendron nursery in the North- Christie's there Is • Roman Cathol
Mt: that stretch the whole length American Continent. Year,' before school for Indian children.
of the island, and Just here form the war he sent to Berlin for seeds, At Ahousat there is another higt
the watershed of thoee three wide and then sat hack to wait the seven Indian settlement and it is the cas-
riven, the San Juan. the Smits and years it takes for a rhndoilemdron seed tom of the Indians to migrate with
Oar Hitlnat. There are those who to come to flower-heering age. their entire families every year to
eay-bot whisper It low -that a Sines then he has crossed and inter- Rivers Inlet on the mainland for the
band of elk, known to few and seen crossed until the resulting nursery salmon fishing.
by fewer, still have their range on is worth many thonitands of dollars. They ere landed from the ship Int,
the slopes of this watershed, and Out into the open Pacific again, their dug -outs with their children.
yet another hand in the far north- then turning north east through their dogs And all the Junk
ern oast corner of the island between Broken Channel we come to Tofino taining tbereng, stoves stov
the head of 1( rionot Sound and the where the Columbia Fisherioa taper- old hats, oilcloth
gegth....1 arm of Quataino, mood ate and the Clayoquot Sound Cann- and weapons of' wee
about the headwaters of the Map- ing Ce. do a big business. Here is