HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 8S--Ineareday, March It, 1921. TI' II931pia - 11ov1tl0$ ONT. 1Ai9I�1 sir HAIR, '1001i YOUNG, PREIIT Saga Tea and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally that No- ( body can alt tialr that lease Its color and lustre. or wits ttt�edd•••� turns gray, loll and lifeless.Iifelt, to sassed by a lack of sulphur In the Lets. Oar Rr•ndmother 'mad* op a inntsare of Illage T•s sad sulphur to key her leeks dark end beauttrul, are tkoantaM of women and awn who value that even color. that beautiful dark singe of Pair which 1s ao at- tractive. .urea only tills old -tem• recipe. Noosasys we get 101* famous nate- tors lissom ed by Um oddities of ether 1a rodlea a by &eking at say drug store fee a bottle of "Wylk'e gage said Relehur Compound," wklek dark- eae the hair so naturally. of evenly. that ashady eon possibly tell 1t has Nee applied. You just dampen a swage or son brush with 1t and draw that through your hair. taking owe estssll itrsnd at a time. My morning the hair dlaapp•are; but what dNagtlr the ladles with Wytk'a Sage and Sulphur Coapand f. that. be- sides hsSntlfultr7/ darhealer the hair laser a few appltcst1ens. 1t also brings Mak the {less zed lustre and gives it aa appearance K ebusdaacs. d •WyreeWe Sage sad snlplieb Com- pound to a delightful toilet regpldu to Impart coley sad a yeutkfal ap- psarusos t• the bale. It Is sot in- asadod for the cure, mitigation or pro. Vesuloa of dtltssse. RUD RHEIIMAT1SM FROM 5111F ACIIINC JOINTS Sub Liss bre Wall sal ameba w!r i masa Idol bottle ell ell R 100x0. Oil yllheumatlse. Ifs pile oily' sea ore ease is Miro Minims inteessl temetmest. Rab wash. _ s''Oh Jambe Oil" Wit yea .01 I sos--ora mows Ike shah sees palm '1]a. Jedeb'. OII" is • tletaisn rMllplstisea eure wklah sept aimproiate and doeaa'f bort the *k. is token pais, sonatas sad ski- nt tram wake joists. awakes sad limes kepi estatime. leakag% balkeehe. upl dao a U seat bottle of si beiM Waft S. Jambe Oil" trek he O 0 �m d is a masa rail se,,, mem mad kin - mew Des1 pit t lab gMtmrihle Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open alskes of the 'yttels s•*A met•Nq sad tweet away the pe1N11wa, etssasst matter. I WINTbR TERM °PCNs MARCH ata bWN to .stns err aueadtna ELLIO Yogas and amities Ser.. Terence Tao abod eaalo. ■ treat r.pprtdwtor pod parw.Opal 1 yeas. Eater any Was. Cocrl.re Ire@. 0.3 ELLIOTT. Ruing/al. esposokasissosoussessesseareeetteruseireaW GEO. RICHARDSON Mementos sad ht. Asdrsw's lits. GODKILICH Before buying fertilizer be sure to get prices from us. We handle Harris -Danes Fertilizer of all grades. Cockshutt Machine Agent PHONE too seseteeseffelgeoWeereettelefeWerfteeMIS When It's a Question of anti on ROBERT TAIT "The Oil Reliable" ectrical s A full stock of `bight Fix- tures, Electrical Household Utensils, etc., always on hand. Estimates given and con- tracts taken for Electric Wirier and Fitting. Liosrot its Who are seeoatgt1111& to dull sad heavy when we arise; 'Wines kssdsek•. Katy from a cold,' foul teapot, assty breath, acid stomach, lame bask, coo, Instead, both lost zed feel as fresh as • daisy always by weehlag the polsoaa std tortha frost the body with pbospb•ted bot water each months. ,We•sbodld Mask. before break -fie -4 a glass of nal bot water With a tine) spooatul ot, limestone phosphate hi It to gosh from. the stomach, live/ kidneys and tan yards of bowels the pelmet's days jladigestible wastesone/I bile and ptssooyyous toxtns: thus clsanal Ing. sw•etenlbg 'and purifying tis} entire alimentary tract before puttla* more food into the stomach. The action of 11 oatos• pbospkst. sad 0ot'water;os'an-empty stomeeb Is wond•rtstly,tnvtgorating. It cleaari out all the sour fermentations, gase4 wade sag acidity and tares obs a spleadtd appetite for breakfast and K l •sfd to be buts little who until tie roses begin to appear In the, cheeks. A quarter pound of ltmestea0 phosphate Will cost very tittle at the drug store, but Is sufficient to maks' anyone who Is bothered with bilious) suana, eonstipatlen. stomach trouble of rheumatism a nal estbusiast on the subject of tatersal sanitation. Try It sad you are insured that yip will kook better ant tes1hatter la SII tubi waw. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative OBT. TAIT Next Postoffice Millet: Stora 82, Res 193 SALE OF PUREBRED D SsOII First Venture of Huron County Breeders' AssseWion-(Kering.. Sold at Geed Prices. The iluron comity Breeder* Aawxlatluu'a rale of purebred stock held at %'Ingham ou Tburedpy, BArch 10th, drew a recvnl crowd and goal prices were resolved for. most of the outmode offered. AU of the aulmale, forty -clue in uuwtwr, were sold. The total rale *mooniest to 44752.50, au average of $138 per head. The bulla averaged $13025 tui the females 4134.50 Four Herefords were sold at au avenge of 4121.25. The top Price fur Hereford's woe 4160, paid by W. J. McMorroy of Brussele fur limy 1401, • heifer calf conalgued J.,v W. J. urea a Sou, (lurrle. In Storthurua Oliver Turnbull of Brursrilt paid the highest price, paying 4300 fur Horn Pearl 2ud. a four-year-old "Marr" Flora. The Shorthorn cuu- rlgnmeut ut thirty-eight head averaged $1' 119. Col. R. Mrhweu of Byrou 1Iso paid edU0 Ser the Aberdeen Angus heifer, Lady ut Elm Ruw, contributed by W. M. ll*enry of Ilelglvve. 11114 le a particularly nice heifer ut Enchantress Erica 'breeding. The veru do'ldies cuumlgaed made the high average of 4191.76. Quite a coneldenhle number of the. ■musts went into the heads of men who are beginning In the purebred live stock game 1ud they should give a good ateouut of themsetvee. The aim of the Atsoci•tiou ie first to dispose of their aurplua ..tock and In the escort place advertlee the merits of the reeyeettve breeds and encourage a larger number of our farmers to start iu the breeding of punbnrl stock. Such affairs must have a beneficial .hetet on the rtaudiug and quality of the live stuck In this section. Mr. R. T. Amus of Moffat was theeict1ouerr In charge and gave amtla- taettun to all. Mr. Anew, la ■ young maps who has been lu the purebred live stock game fur some time and has lately taken up auctioneer work. Name of Animal t;ertrude Suur4w 20111 Bay Leaf ' l'leurview Itonsk_ilnq HEREFORDS ('onslgner Price Purchaser W. i1. (;rets. 4122.50 W. J. Currie, W. J. Currie, 120.00 J00. Field, W. H. Gregg, 100.00 W..1. Mello rray. W. H. Gregg, 82.510 F. Black, ABERDEEN AXlll'Y Lady of Elm Row, W. Grandview Prince. Jaek of 61m How, Beauty of Elm Row, Ringleader of St. Helens, Maplewood Baron, A. Maplewood Rover, A. Melinda, Beliuda, Matchless Pearl, Royal Edward, liatehkss Helen, Royal Wimple, J. K. Campbell & Solas, Roan Pearl 2ud, J.K. Campbell a Sons, PAItcews 8th, J. R. Campbell & Sons. M. Last. Bashful, J.Q. (ktopbell t Sons, Mayflower ltd, J. K. (ltdzpbell & Sons, Hester, (how Brno., Dim Bros., R. He rrlsuu, 1t. Harrison, R. Hmrrisom, Thur. Kerr, Thum. Kerr, Thus. Kerr, M. Heury, $:wo.on LI. McEwen. J. Mascot, 15.4.00 .1. Harvey, W. Henry, 173.00 A. W. Pugh, W. Henry, 205.02) G. /'lark, F. Todd, 152.50 U. M. Bell, McNwtug, M0.00 M. Fleury, McEwing, 125.00 J. McEwen, SHORTHORNS' 1'. Altchbun, 4100.00 1'. Aitchison, 70.00 .1. Brewster, 145.0 J. Brewster, 1210.09 J. }trewater, 135.00 187130 17909 106.02) 150.00 1311.2114 113.00 110.00 87.00 112.50 14501 147.8) 190.00 215.00 100.00 101.00 107.50 50.00 115.00 50.00 135.00 115.00 130.011 77.5(► 100.00 175.00 115.00 1215.00 150.00 125.00 97.50 97.50 105.00 OTHER TABLES NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Genuine Aspirin Snowflake, Betsy Lee, Real fully, Red Vent, ih.rothy K., ('ypreme Kelly, ('ypresa Mabel 2ud. ('ypr•.r. Hessle, -- -Thos. Kerr, ('lprea Girl. Thos. Kerr. *1.16 of Ethel 2n1, (lea. Kerr, Flora Snowflake, , Ileo. Kerr. I'on t rol ler, W. 0. Moffat. Vlrtorla Cross 2tw1, A(,. McKercber, tlooule Jean 3rd, A. McKercher, Bain Rewe, Thus. Pierre, Mm tchlrae Queen. Thos. 1'leree, Myelo •f Sunny Side. Thos. Pierce. Hazel May, H. (Sanderson. Proud Victor, R. Sanderson, Victor. T. H. Taylor a tion. Rosalind, T. H. Taylor a Son, May i.ily, T. H. Taylor a Son. Meadow Brook Red, 0. Turnbull & Sons, Meadow Brook Signet, Roan Chieet, W. Welwder, Victoria i,Ioulse, R. Wllktn, taunt, R. Within, Bert Holmes, F. Hogg, T. Portals., M. Procter. T. Fortune. A. Procter, 0. Turnbull, O. Clark, Y. Clark, J. C. Stoltz. 0. (lark. S. Mcidariey, 0. Clark, R. King, .1. Stapleton. Jas. Lyons, P. Arkell a Sous. T. Cammlug, Ceti. ('ndkshanks. Oro. Clark, Jas. Kerr, Jas. Kerr, Jia. Porter, S. Wood's, (Fro. ('last. Joe. N. Ratcliffe, 0. Kiopp, O. Clark, W. J. Ring, J. bleMnrt*y, R. MCDoi&d, Pl. Purely, A. H. $tnrrn eke. R. Breen, J. lase, J. J'. Kerr, E. F. IQopp, Jas. Kerr, Address %'iugham 1\'t ostia m Uruesels Blurvale Ityruu l,ordealore Northwood G•derkli Platteville 13rlgrare Wlugbam W tuglua m Wlughlw Wlugaam Wiugham %'lugbam Uelgra ver Brysdebt. tiodertch Gedrrteb Auburn 2.uderlch Mingle m %lugha m Wtugbam Lucknow Tee swa ter 1Jstuwel \\Ingha m lhw)ericb Ethel Eitel %'iugham Wfnglam •tnbura Exeter Zurich (:eJrrteb. Te«wa te►r Rider Toe -neater Ethel r►nn4e 1k Wiugh..m Einearilln WI aglaa m %n rich Eth It you don't see the "Bayer (boss" on the tablets, you are not getting As iris -only an acid imitation. The "Bayer Cana" is your only way of kilowatt that you are getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over nineteen years and proved safe by millions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritta, and for Pain generally. Made In Canada. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets --also larger sired "Bayer" packages an be had at drug stores. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered is Canada), of Bayer Manufaeture of Moaeaeetleacidester of Salicylicacid. While It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped with their eseral trade mark, the "Bayer Cross. WHY BOYS LEAVE THE FARM. "Why did you leave the terra. my lad ? Witt did you bolt and quit your dad ? Why 1111 you [wet It off M tows And turn your poor old father down ? Thinkers of platform, pniptt, per's Are wallowing to deep di/stress, They seek to know tins Midden sans Why farmer boys desert tosfr pas. Sonw way the silly 11tH, Mumps Mistake the welt -*suds fur the treats', In wagertug fresh and hermiosa air Against the, llmoky tbor ogkf'sr•. We're all ..greed the farm's the plates, S.o fret, your mind and state yu►nr tare." "Well. stranger, .Ince you've be on frank, 1'11 roll *nide the hazy tank, The misty clout about the teles. And show you where tete tn.mble lies :- 1 lett my dad. has farm. hie pI*iw, Because my ealf became his Tow, 1 left my dad ---'tans wrong of tourer"-- lleeause my volt !weenie hie, horse. 1 left my dad to sow enol reap Iteexuse my lamb became bis eleep. i dropped my hoe and *truck sty fork 1lecyume my pig tteenme his lark. The garden -truck that I made grow 'Twits his to sell but mite to hooe. It'. not the smoke to the atmosphere Not the taste for life that brought me here ; Pleapue tell the platform, pulpit, press, No fear nt toil or love of dream le driving off the farther lads, But Juat the methods of their d*ds." From. The Belleville Daily Ontario. Affable Guest (to the bridegroom) - •'They tell me the bride ,los matey. Wullie. They ay this marriage is worth a cid fower thoaan' pooh tae ye. roan." nny Bridegroom -"No' quite that, Tam. Folk forget l has tae pay for the montage beerier." "Pa, what is sophistry ?" "Che other fellow's argument. my s n " An agitated woman burst into a police station in Chicago not long ago with this announcement : "My husband has been threatening to drown himself for some time and he's been missing row tor two days. 1 want you to have the river dragged.- "Is raagggged""is there anything p.eculi tr shout him by which he could be recognised if we should find a body I" asked the inspector. For a marmot the woman b !Stated and seemed at a Ions. Then a look of relief came to her Isze, and she replied : "Why, yes t He's deaf !' At(e 0t ''pallfensa" Nyrnp of Vlp e•1y-Sas leg the sane Oa11ferda Is doe /imd ye. ars sore year AW tla Seeks the best esti meat bemuse Mph_tor t,HOU ..teas lees 0, ea eat* Wet aM IllOwasa &CM1 MOM e A lady who had just rectiv.! a bit d InterettIIig news said to her little daugh- ter : "Marjorie, deer auntie has a new baby, and sow mother is the baby's aunt. father is the baby's uncle, and you are her little comfit " "Well." said Marjorie. wonderingly, •' Wam't all that arranged a(I OXO Cubes meetly meeLwlnter's needs; they nourish and they wsem. thought. la W measure the tomato, 111 around the outside, the depth, width, height, taklug lulu cvuslderatluu the cellar, etc., gettlug the number of square feet of space, mud the building is clamed according to Its else, the waterlala used fu Ito ceustructlou and the Weide atUugs, 110111114, Ilghtlug, etc. The system to rumewhat the same 1a that used by the Hydro lu alerting fur lighting, tmktug Into consideration dour *puce. Mr. Ludlow lays Chir 1a au mbsuldtult fair way to coque at velure. There la no gttwswork and when anyone thinks he Is overcharged the a..ees.er two turn up his books and tell hint exactly how the result war arrived at. Each house belongs to a certalu claws awl laud values are deter- mined at•tvrding to location. "We do not penalise a Luau fur his Improve- ments, either. There's a cuuetruetive and a destructive way of ..smearing, and this it the eoustructive way." con- tinued Mr. Ludlow. "Muuiclpul busi- ness should be eudUuctesi upon bon- nets principles." sold Mr. Ludlow. "Muukipal bu.luesw 0.s too ufteu In the past been conducted by "lieu with- out experience and we have had to pay for that luexp('rleu e. but rate- payer* are 1100 deruaudlug wore efficiency lu muulclpal affairs." Mr. Ludlow re•owwendel tole systew. which he said was proving very satis- factory In his city and would work a'. well lu ally tuwu ur etty. 2 *thrials of several cities had cone to him ur had invited him W come and explain the system and had initialed their iuteu- tlun of aduptlug It. lir had a number of cats of buildtugs to illustrate his talk- He is himself a bulltier. He gave the audience au oppurtuulty of nothing way yttestluu, a privilege whk'h was taken advantage of by ,several. Mayor M.•Mnrray presided and Mr. Was Campbell, G*wleri.•h'r veteran assessor, being present with a 4epal- tatIou from that town, spoke, tr111ng *mantling of the system used lu the estuary town. (wnsldering the weather the atten- daww war fairly good. showing tlutt u uumbcr ur ratepayers ere Interested 111 the matter of aasts,ment. CITY OF CHATHAM BILL Victor Lauriston, :a Former Goderith Boy, Author of the Measure. The Out*rlu 1..gi.la lore recently gave the third roadlug to u 4111 to intnslu.e the city manager system of wuWdpul govvnlweut 111 ('heehaw. l'ke measure has a local iutrreat uu :w'alut of the filet Hutt Alderman Visitor 1r1.1rIstuu, a former Golerhit .07. was chairman of the Miweial Cutu- *1112.e 01 the Cho tlww city cowbell which put throng!' Ow 4111. Alderuamn Lauriston ■ppeated before the private 'Ills committee of the Legislature ..err works mgt in connection with the. a.eamnre Under the naw Art. which takes' •Root this fall, the Chatham city coon - it will be redlwrel front clue turmlwrs o maven. with a mayor. The term of dice is extrudewl to two years, three nentlwre of the cumuli iefog elected .us year zed four the next. The en- tire cbnncil 0f a*veu WIII, bowrver, Iso 'lectetl this fall to take of ice January 1, lfltst rho new city eoun•II is given power ro appoint a city manager. who will 'eve jurbell*tlon over all the city's indiums previously dire* tel by 2141 euuw•Il, but who will Iso directly re- epeudhle at all time« to flu mayor and %Mlermen. The city manager ells mach the same function an the general manager of a largo buwlnes.s. anti the saynr and aldermen funtlon an a hoard of dirw9ors. They direct the general policies, hut the etty manager is resepwdhle for Marrying them out: rho city of (Tatham bill also pro - rides for municipal .'br•tluns to he held the first Monday la Novendwr, with wnatnstloum a versk .mrller. Thum, the •ly.41eam Lulll bike plasm at a ttrua wises pn)M1r attention le sot distracted try the ('hrietmae svalt.ta. The mayor sad •.remit do net, however. Mk. °Blew till January t. rill. it Alderman Lenrlston's first year In the. l'b.tttan Mrwtnell, theme* be bas been a member of the Nerd "f 'lineation end the ilhrary board. Ile t•ttreI from the tatter body Input fa11 to hire tete hoard cif Munition, which he represented. A teen* to appoint a weekinpnas in 01s play*. fie has been for meal yehrpu a string advm'..te of Improved method* of municipal govern- ment. BRANTFORi)'S ASSESSMENT STSTBM. Meeting of Muni/4pol Reprepuentatfvea at Clinton Leat Week. Messrs. William Campbell sad H. 1.. Watson, the municipal atltetstnrs, L. L. Knox, town clerk, and Conac711nr R. 11. Cott, chairman of the local cnnrt of revlair.n attended a meeting at Clinton on the !4th inlet. to *sinter with the as- messn.ent commissioner of Brantford. The News -Record reports the meeting as follow,* : A pnhlle meeting was heti) In the town holt ou Tuesday evening to hear \1r. A. G. Ludlow, aslwasrrttnt nom- miesimwr of Brantford, tell *bout the. epithet of ass'w*mrnt reset In that city. Mr. Ludlow, who has been *'.'toms In Brantford for the past Seventeen years, claimed that his reainn for working out this system was lw4'allsr he nem 40 dissatisfied with tee unfair - nem of the old mhstem of guessing at \-ahem of property,&&"Yen► have the law• to guide you to regard to lnenme es - seam -nerd, hut there la no guide In so far as property Is concerned,' he paid. "Ven cannot he governed by the pur- chase prier," he continued, " for many circumstances operate to rater nr lower the prlee of certain ple.'ee of property, end you cannot be guided by contrast prices. for contractors will stiffer hundreds of dodlare in the price charged for building for mese Nass of bonne." The new watem, whleh was worked' out by hIaeelt after much LIVE BIRDS GUESSING CONTEST WATCH FOR THE LITTLE CHICKS IN DUNLOP'S WINDOW Inning 1Monday, March- 131, with each purchase at Candy , Counteryou will be entitled to a guess on 'number of Jo n Almonds in the • jar, Person guessing nes t number gets the yrdak SEE OUR STOCK OF' Box Candy-Liggett's and Patterson's Bulk Candy -Best makers. Jordan Almonds and Guth's Easter Eggs. • H. a DUNLOP Piwae Ns 1 The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block As; 1. have taken over from Mr. T. F. Holland the I am prepared to repair or overhaul.your C whatever make. Bring it soon, though, if you want it for the first good roads, as SPRING IS ON THE WAY and we have a lot of work ahead of us. Most -of the Oar -Owners of Goderich vicinity know me, as I have been here the last two years and was with Mr. Glover from 1912 to 1914. REG. WILLIAMS Mtrrflpfsnflhfl•f1•flsflt rtltflut:CICufllafln C Genius and Posterity. Ottawa Journal. A movement he on foot in the 1'1.4o -- ince of Quebec to erect an enduring monument to the memory of Air Kllfrhd Lerner. Air Wilfrid, like many mea of eommanding g•'n)ns, olid not leave any children to perpetuate his name. This was true of such rtatewmen as 1'Itt, Fox, iturke, Gra- ham, Canning, Bolingbroke and Wal- pole, ami sten of the eminent leaders of`srmten and navie. as Drake, Crom- well, Hampden, Monk, Marlborough, Peterborough and Nelson. Among the g reat men of letters of whom n0 heirs mit-vire are Chaucer, Shakespeare, Sprier, Milton, Crowley, Butler, Dryden, Pole, Cowper, Goldsmith. Ryton, Burns and Moore. Of the phil- os0phea. historians and w•Ienttsts who left no h.nr ore Baron, Locke, Newv- ton, Davy, flame, *till, Gilden. and Mseenlay. No one today (wear. by Iu- horltnne the names of the great painters, Reynolds, I.nwren•e and Hn,rsrth: NIA thl. Nppik. to sorb .0 /MP 1114me" ns Carrick. Kemble and Kean. What would 400111 to be imnally temarknt*Ie Is thnt, while talllem Imre [wen pegged on, genii'. ha. nearly al- wryr perished with the men who gore It rlemnnstr*tion. "I presume you carry a melriento of e rwne kind in that locket you wear ?" "Yes. It's a kxk of my husband's hair." "But your husband is still alive 1" "Yes, that is true: but his hair is gone." .0r 1 weak Pere De 50*lsan tc•IaLa1...0- Ing, or Thhvreeeeaaawrrree Mg Plies. 11 fro sur•tttto terq•toss. al ept{- Nairn will Nairnw peel at Net alas. • Bates • pax Yeas M yea Os..set.seembM7 - -School of Commerce - Clinton and f erich, Ont. OFFERS THE FUI,I,UWt'ING COURSES - Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special Courses for student.. T'IE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGKS : flighty Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed Vocational Training School .r this district, by Government appointment. and under in- spection by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Department. For Terms, etc., write 11. F. .WARD, M. M. STONE, - B. A., M. Accts., , Cusl. Specialist, Principal Viee-Prtntlpal Phone 198, Clinton !PRINai TERM EIEGIN! MARCH 29. 1921 Student. uta} enter at any tone ,CXXXXXXXXXXXMCXXXXXXXXX YourEaster Clothes Come in early and see the new Spring Suitings. We are tailors to good dressers and want to number you among our patrons. "The early bird" gets the choicest fabrics. v F. H. MARTIN, Tailor