HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 7✓ • Studebaker and Gray -Dort MOTOR CARS Let us give you a demonstration with thefJe ` cars before you decide on your spring purchase. Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working 1 fine and we are now in a position to handle any number of Batteries. • PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTERIES are good Batteries. This ' byh facth four-fifths of th ada are using th have them here i is proven the t at e Automobile Companies in Can - em as standard equipment. We eady for delivery. Non -Glare 'noes from $'1,75--$4.00 a pair. US CARS FOR SALE 1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920. 1 Stud$bake , 4 -cylinder, 5 -passenger, thor- oughly ove1haul ed and repainted. 1 Ford Touring, in good running order. 1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape. Case Tractors and Machinery. EASTS TREETGARA(i E T. F. HOLLAND mewernemesomesososertesoseoweemoreetwitetenelielevedrenellenanWeateWeenereWer Electric Wiring Let us give you a figure on your wiring. It will be worth your while. If your ELECTRIC IRON is out of repair do not leave it until you want to use it We have repairs in stock for it. New stock of TUNGSTEN LAMPS, 10s, 25n, 40s, 50s, 60a, 75n and 1011.4. Reasonable ',rives. Call and see u, for anything in tIIc electrical line. A. J. L.AITHWAITE Old Colborne Hotel Corner PHONE 251 Automobile Paint Shop Opened I hay opened an Automobile Paint Shop and am prepared to handle al classes of Cars for painting and refinishing ON US OR PHONE Have you g. your Anti -Glare lens as required • for all automobiles ? • I h le the EE LENS which has been pproved by the Government Lot us show you its ood points over other makes JOHN CU BERTSON Decorator West Street opposite Masonic Hall Phone 354 P. O. Box 509 Importe "Booze" Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxi- cating liquor into the province be prohibited? WHILE importation of intoxicating liquors into "dry" provinces was forbidden by war -time Order -in -Council, Ontario's jails were half empty. Since that order was rescinded, imported "Booze" has been filling therh up again. Jail Commitments Before and after the Federal war -time Order - in -Council prohibiting importation of liquor into Ontario was rescinded: Commitments for Commitments for Drunkenness. All Crimes. 1919 3,415 1919 13,096 1920 4,511 1920 14,756 Net increase, 1,096. Net increase, 1;660. ' Imported "Booze" is demoralizing social con- ditions, breeding a disregard of law, endanger- ing the home and menacing the youth of this province. Imported "Booze" is defeating the expressed will of the people. oto and Vote, "Yes" us shut the door to Imported "Booze" ' tario Referendum Committee 19 trot iRINA . OoDJLsI 01111. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Soldiers' (:ratully-"National" Bylaw --Ctsneot Sidewalks. The regular mooting of the town council war" held ou Friday eveulug, March 4th. Among the comwunt'atlous preseutef was a request from the 33rd Regiment Band Assw'lation for the usual grunt This was referred to the auauce com- mittee Mr. 1'. A. Nairn arcked for the re- moval of a tree opposite his property on Raglan street. Referred to public works committee with power to act. In response to an Invitation from Mayor McMurray of elintou, the as - armor, the assistant assessor, the town clerk and Councillor Cutt, chairman of the court of revlrluu, were appointed to attend a enterers', on assessment problems to be held at l'llutou ou the St it hist. A request from the Canadian Deep Waterways and Power Association, In riling the town to join the Asss•latlon and contribute to its funds, was sent to the finance committee. On motion of the Reeve and Colin clllor Walker, it was dtOldet to re quest the Provincial !Secretary to scud to the Mayor and town clerk a copy cit all hills introduced in the Legis- leture affecting municipalities. In order that the count -II might, if owstslenn should arise, take any mile!) (hal might he deemed advisable. The lire committee reported that a huddling permit I111d been granted to Miss litter am applied for, and that 'lernilsslon had been granted to Mr. George Richardson for a are -exting- uishing demonstration. The piddle works eommitt a recom- mended that Mr. T. F. Holland be granted the privilege of placing a gaso- line tank and pump in front of his garage on East street, (in the 'usual conditions. The Mulles- committee rw•omrnpnded a payment of $:$(M) to the public library Wont on the 1921 grant; that no ac- tion Ise taken at present on the re- quest from the hospital hoard for an extra grant to pay arrears of taxes on the old Cameron property: and that a further effort be made to rweure payments on arrears owing on loans to manufacturing companies. The water, water, light *1w1 harbor com- mittee recommended that the placing of a .street light at the corner of tit Vlnent and linter streets be held in abeyance pending the making of a little perk at this eorncr; that the matter of Installing a street light at the corner of 11'alnut and 4 ypr ess, streets be bald over for further In• formation, and that to action M' taken with reference to placing lights on the entrance pillars at Vhetorla whited. The Riedel committee recommended that in couneetion with the proposal of a gratuity to the returned soldiers of Hoderieh the clerk comrnnnlcate with Sarnia, Barrie and 1)wen Sound to ant-ertatn what was -lone In threw places. The eemetery and parks committee rscommendwl t hat upon (lar obtaining of consent front Underact' township a cinder walk be made by the town from the town boundary to Maitland cem- etery. These reports were all adopted. When the report of the tire eonnnittee weal under consideration Councillor Story referred to a tw•wapaper com mint upon the eieet-h alarm as not being ttiiMciently lo110. He Kahl the aterm on this occasion was rung by hand: the electric alarm was in asst• Claes shape, but the person who rang the alarm did not know how to put it in operation. The Reeve spoke of the cued of cement sillewalka on streets leading to the arguer's -that Is., on the pant side of Waterloo strnrt, on Victoria street from Kingston 'divot to ltritenrts rowel, en! on Britannia road from Me- IAmald strw•t to H*yield road. This matter wens referral to the pnblk• worka committee. t'ouncillor Knight broached the matter of scoring a municipal coat - of -arms. The Mayor stated that Garb -- Hell away back in MO had a crest, snmplra of the impresslon being on some of the old town documents, tint the die had been lost. ('Hudd not a nes• die be secured? This was referred to the special com- mittee. The Mayor pointed ont that the signs promise( lir the Government for the pomtomet' building had not mater- falirad. The clerk will send it re- minder to the Department at Ottawa. ('roamer have been placed on some of the soldiers' graves at Meitleiwl .eme'tery, lint not on ell, and the cem- etery committee was askel to have a complete Ilat made out and aubmHtel o the proper awthoritiem. The Mayor urged action on the Ht to road sewer and requested that En 'ear Johnson he asked to make up th estimates at one. Cour for ('utt acid there was Dome popular lseonetptlon regarding the Hutchins() bylaw and proposed that a public m ing be held at which the proposition -ht be explained and dlmeutmed. As It le desired to know what the town's enntriltntion under the Mothers' 1'etisinn Aet w111 Is.' 11 w•as devilled to auk Mr. O. W. Holman, of the county hoard administering the Act, for a I'M of the mothers in Underfelt receiving peension/I. Under thtr Act the town im liable for a percentage of the amounts paid. ('councillor Mosier said tlm oublit' work.' depeirtmenf had had Moth teems working dnAng the winter et Sire an hour, there was still plenty of work to Ise done, and he asked If the Donned was willing to have loth teams still AOTuMA..UZ.. N Smoking - Ale Sorapiw -#g :odd Jost Swallow a Cando RAZ -MAH 1s Cisarantoml to restore normal breathing, stop mere, StartupIn the bnebial taboo, give atgtens of quiet slap; contains sus • forming drug, 81.08 •t your drug- 's. Total free at eat *gneiss er writs 7lsasgl.t.sm, Ling W., Tomato. Leal Agaeis-Dtsiep's Drug Slmlb kept at work. The coutw it lett the matter In Councillor Moser's Amide. The National Shipbuilding Co. Bylaw. The conncll adjourned to Mondry evening, when the National *Ihlpltuild lug Co. b}law watt under eousideratlou. The [Hain feature of the bylaw is a guarantee by the town of Ionia of the Company to the extent of $•'19,000. The Company is to pay off the remain- ing portion of the luau to the former Doty company (amounting approxi- mately to $19,500i sad la to give the town a axed mortgage on its three plants, on a valuation, to be wade by valuators appointed by the town, of at least $120,000. It Is proposed to sub- mit the bylaw to the people et an early date. Plltl'NiNG OF THE APPLE ORCHARD. Experimental Fares Sole. The foliage of a tree Is the manu- facturing centre where Rosi materials front the sail combine with those from the air to form the tissue -building materials. The larger the active leaf arra therefore the better the growth. th•tlulte experlweuts covering four years In Virginia 11ndi ste an average increase of trduk growth of 1.113 inches ou lightly prune) trees, 1.101 inches on moderately pruned trees and 1.111 en heavily pruned trees. In other words the greatest growth will result where no pruning is practised. Pruning (s reeeMeary, however, to direct the growth so list au evenly 'balanced strong tree may the formed and surplus and unh•slrable branches ung allowed to develop. The directing of the growth during the early years of the tow Is of particular importuner.. The Ideal tree It probably that which has the first branches abut 24 Inches from the ground and five to six branches which Corm the frame of the tier .paced ereulytas tar apart WI po�slblr l'ar- 1k'uiatly desirable is it to remove the text to the last top brane-h, which 1f left will furor a weak top Iteeause of the forked crotch formed with the top 1 IL•adllug back at planting time ie newswry to balance the loss from cut- off roots because of digging. Tests nate at Kerosine show an average growth rut 4.142 Inches the first year and 29 inches the sound year where newly planted treses had thrr-quarters of their growth removed- whams AMU/1r trees not headed) back made a growth rut 1 Inch the first year and 2.4 inches the second year. Strung growing braIii'I11'i should be suppressed by heading back and weak branches not prmwd at all. It the whole tree is weak it severe heading lack in the spring will throw greater vigor into the remaining lands and thus 1lring about a more vigorous develop- ment. But if there are weak brunches on one aide of a tree and strong ones on the other the rednctiun rut leaf area on the weak branches wilt tend to further weaken these branches became. of the strongest sap flow- toward the greatest foliage area, obviously there- fore a reduction of foliage area on the strong branches will lessen this ten- dency and throw more growth toward the weaker branches'. The central branch should he allowed to tnaintatn the lead, this, however not for the purpose nt forming a pyra- midal tree with a central leader hot so that from It 'revere! well -spaced aeaf- 'olrl limbs may is' developed, nhtus form - rig a mord deslrahle type of tree than 't scaffold branches are developer! on :We limier only. Atter a few good scaffold brandies ere formol nn this centras• leaner, if the tendency is to- ward -a py anddal form with itentral Meader extending high into the air hav- ing many branches radiating from It this should he checked, thus forming a tree eomlrining the desirable features of the pyramidal for i. 1 wand eliminating the undesirable open centre form of tree. To balance the tree the heading hack of strong growing beam -hex is ttees- nary. This heeding- back tend, to de- velop side branches and attention must ie elven to the elimination of some of these that too ninny s•xffold branches are not formes). The w-holr atm should 14' to build tip it frnns•wnrk that *111 carry large crops of fruit and :it the Mme time not have as "vernbundan•c of large brauchea,•, Sunlight is essential for vigornns leaf growth and also for ripening the fruit. a dense growth is therefore ol- jectlonable anti the pr'ventingeof this should for the most pert won+lit of Annual removal of such small branches am are likely In time to extend to where other mune desirelde bnuu'hes should he. The judgment of the operator only an determhle how 4m.t to develop the tree. Tire tendency to remove all small trundles which may for several years ibevelop fruiting areas should Ire avoided. It la of course impoisible to prune so that some of the larger branches will not in time have to be removed, but a little thought will re- duce this possibility to a minimum. iUnloubtedly the latter part of March and April are the hest month* to pntne. The *minds made at that /seamen will more readily heal over than if made earlier and there im more time to give to the work. Covering'. are generally of little valve except in the ease of large wnnnds. when n zooid thick white lead paint with a Intl.• linseed ail in It should be painted Into the wood mnr- taee to prevent checking and dewy. *Inch wounds should ise protected from year to year to preserve the wows) mi- tt' healed.•oeer. The cntting Month] be made meson - ably close, an otherwise more time will ise regnired for the wound to heal over. Stuhs of branches If left prevent it cowering of the wound with bark, and teeny pay resttit before the wound is heeled over. Old neglected trees should he earefnlly pruned to remove all dead w•oewl. leattng the lsest and mtrongeet branches. It Is not always possible to make it goal -looking, shapely tree In doing this and the noe- fu11ness of many an old tree has been sacrffieed for acme years by two ex• Creme pruning at one tinter -1V. 14. Plain, Sueerintendent, Experimental Station, Kentville, N. A. Tinner - Yesterday i fell off Alii eighteen foot ladder, Lady- Mercy ! You might have killed yourself. Tinner-Naw. It was only from tb. Kairlal Once tried. von w111 never ba second step 1 dropped. without Is.• --G. TITva, Ja, see Duk. f3a, 11'hnreday, Morels 1T, 111111-t WHY NOT ADOPT A CHILL T The Children's Aid Society has at present nine child[ q the home at Godench and is an addit on of a family of Ave d t e week, The ager of these run fr one to ten years, and of course g er-homes are desired for them. Hats) you not a place where one of these algid find the care and loving sympathy which every child is entitled to for the years in which 11 is preparing to take its place in the ac antra of life ? 1 h almost invariable testimony of those Who lav! taken part in this work by adogti hild is that they have been amply for the care and anxiety inert r bringing up. At pcexgt we ike to hear of a home where a two , 'and sister o eleven and eight years Lively could be placed; then two • • of five and seven, who should go Mosher ; a sister and brother of sex ani thee* years. Then there are two girls of nine years and a baby girl of three months. In tact. almost any preference may be suited, of you will let us know what you are willing to do. Why,not make a trial fora time sufficient to know just how it would work out ? Write the county secretary and he will diycuae it with you• The following contributions since the last last printed in the county pip rs are gratefully acknowledged. Get in line with these kind friends and send in your "mite" : Mrs. Wm. Hartry, Sealorah, 81; Methodist S. S. class, Sea1orth, 85; town ship East Wawa, ooh, 810; J. N. Ker nighan, 85; Mise Ball, 81; Mrs. W. L Horton, 85; township of Hay, 810; Mrs. Leach, 81; Blyth W. C, T. U., 85; John Beattie, Seaforrh. 17; Mrs. D. Millar. 82, Mrs. S. Bentley, 81; Henry Snyder, 82; Brussels village, 810; Wm. J. Thompson, Auburn, 81; township West Wawanosh. 815; W. Brydone, Clinton, 82. • The following contributed fruit, vege tables. clothing, etc.: Mn. Kechne. Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. -Gordon Taylor. Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. Switzer, Airs Andrews (Bayfield road), Mrs. Daniels, Mrs A. Halliday. Mrs. Romp, Mrs. Coulthurst, Mrs. Murnev, R. J. Greer - G. M. ELLlott, County Inspector, Code rich. Childhood Constipation. 'Constipation is one of the most com mon ailments of childhood and the child suffering from a cannot thrive. To keep the children well'the bowels ptust be kept regular and the stomach sheet. To do this nothing ran equal Baby's Own•T•.b- lets ; they are a mild but thorough taxa rive ; are absolutely safe and never fail to relieve constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fever. Concerning them Mrs Jules Fauquereau, Mominingue, Quebec writes : "My baby was letribly constlp aced and suffered day and night. I was advised to give him Baby's Uwn Tablets and from the first they helped him ono now at the age of thirteen months he is a hig healthy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mad at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -, MUNICIPAL -COUNCILS. WEST WAWANOSH. - Mynicipal council of West Wawanosh held its regular meeting on February 28, Mtmbers alt present, Reeve Purdon pre- siding. Mmutespl last meeting read and confirmed. Financial statement read by treasurer, which shows a balance o, hand for all purposes of 14,346.05. Bylaw No. 2, 19.21, which defines duties of assessor with regard to dog tags, Ontario Fran chine Act, etc , as per statute in thai behalf, was read and signed. Bylaw No. 3. 1921, was read a first time. This bylaw provides for pathmasters, poundkeepers, fenceviewers, of which the following are the appointments : Pathmast'•ns-H. J Kerr, J.D. Nivins, W. Dudd, E. Johnston, W. Corey, S. Medd, R. Medd. J. Mein. tyre, W. Orser, F. Culbert, R. Plunkett, J• Reid, F. Moss, J. H. Mills, A. Culbert, J. Thompson, J. Thomson, T. Leddy, W Black, W. Wilson, J. Cranston. A. E. Johnston. W. Thompson, J. O'Connor, W. Armstrong, M. Murphy, H. Mc- Quillin, B. Harper, D. McDonald, W. J. Foran, W. Gibbons, N. Campbell, L. Weatherhead, M. Humphrey, J Gaunt. W. Taylor, C. Taylor. L. Reid, T. Salkeld, E. Gaunt, J. McQuillin, J. Aitch- ison. J. Foster, W. Dol.nclly, T. Inglis, D. O'Callatihan. (it will he noticed in the above list that no pathmasters have been appointed on county roads, which are the east, west, north boundaries, concession 4, concession 10, lots 13 to 18, inclusive, sideroad A7 Crowing Old Gracefully Are FroowH - ing old grace- fully? W h o wine in the race C(• life? Is it the m a n who is thin - blooded, weak, tired all the time? An -athlete trains for every race. A man is as strong as his blood and as old as his arteries. Make your blood redder, your health better by taking that old fash- ioned blood tonio--(told fifty years ago and still "good as gold" - namely, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Sold by all druggists, or send 10e. to Dr. Pierre's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for -a trial Dares. OUTRAN, ONT.-" For many ye*, I suffered with stomach trouble, and I tried many remedies, but they etcmn+d to be • failurn--I ws mad to be tutting worse Instead of bettor. One day 1 came Into posaes.ion et a bottle of 1)r. I'letree'a Golden Medical Discovery arid took iq and my staa•ch trouble •,.owed Boar plated cured. I have gnat faith laljhls road mnnn,, and hope any sufferer t ', read•this *111 give the semen, between ors 18, 19, concessions 8 and 10, concertion 9, Iota 19 to 27 inclutive, Ratepayers living on designated roads have the option of doing their work on neatest road division, or commuting same at 81.25 per day. The municipality as a whole provides the funds for the upkeep of county roads ; it appears but fair to ratepayers on the other roads that they should get the work on moneys accruing from county roads. In order Lha: this may be as well done as possible. road lists should be promptly returned.) Pound - keepers -J. Taylor, HReid, J. Nicholeon, C. C. Brown. J. Walsh, J. Kinnahan, M. Humphrey, W:.Miller. tl, Alton. Fence - viewers -J. Elliott, S. ,..Jnston,J1. King, J. D urnin, W. Armstrong, W. E Mc- Pherson, G. A. Greer. In the matter of the J. 13. Young drain, the clerk was instructed to notify all parties (het an opportunity would be given for the pay- ment of assessments to township treasurer un or before June 1st, 1921 ; after this date unpaid assessment rill be raised by issue of debenture. The matter of ap- pointing a road superintendent for the municipality, as required by the Provin- cial Department of Roads, was nonordered at length and as no decision was reached the matter was laid over. The statement of expendi; ares for roads and bridges for 1920 as prepared was examined and minor corrections made. Motion by Johnston and Naylor that Reeve, treasurer and clerk be authorized to sign the same and have statement forwarded to Provincial Department of Ito ids, Toronto. Accounts to the amount of 1100.59 were passed and paid- Council anjourned to meet March 30, at 1 p m. W. A. Wttsos. Clerk. Winter Sports -Algonquin Park. The month of March is one of the best months in the year to enjoy the attrac- tisns at Algonquin Park. Winter spouts are at their height and the "Highland Inn'' 1s the centre of a happy and con- genial coterie of guests. Make your reservations early, as accommodation is limited. Further information or booklet from any Grand Trunk agent, or write N. T. Clarke, Manager Highland inn, Algonquin Park, Ont. 2t GIVES AWAY TLARLY His SURPLUS WRAtTI . \Kew York TI Thomas (ten, president of the Philadelphia' pid Transit Cn Isny, glom away at tl a rend of each yi'a all the money he hale ft after paging is expenses. 'Teo much moue ;v," he saps, "is a bad thing. 1 have all the looney 1 Neel, but I like rho battle of life, -s.6 each year play the game of 'life. and'when the year is eudwl 1 give awn ail the money that 1 have lett sate! ring my expenses of the year. h int desire to pilo up a great alhona of )Ir. Ml(Jeu said the Idea of seenmu !titling just so touch •y and thu•lo giving all, the surplus away was xug geshd to him by Ills exis•rlenee with a New Turk banker, Nelson Robinson Mr. Mitten said he was hl elns• run tact with the banker, who followed a belief that it was wrong to ac•itmnMte money after he had enough to take care of his needs. Mr. Robinson Im- pr•sael him, Mr. Mitten said, by dis- tributing and giving away money with nn thought of return. - "I watched the pleasure he got hy giving away money, and then and there 1 set a sum that. i thought would suf- fice me," Mr. Mitten said. "When i was forty years old sixteen years ago, 1 retell/41 that mark, and since that time ■t the end of each yen[ 1 give away all the money that I hare left after paying my expenses for the year. i enjoy the game of life, and I therefore runtime to work, but i dei not care to pile up wealth. eember 31 of aitch year I n•Ileye wy- seelf of all the surplus. •'1 do nut wish to deprive my mon, tor. A. A. Mitten, of any lot 1 h pleas- ures of lite or of making money. Therefore 1 will not leave 111111 Any when 1 die." Mr. Mitten refused to discuss the tnnnner In which he dlmtrilruted itis money, but it in unlerstowl he pays the men' he employ's In the Mitten operating company, which lw (Has formed, out of his p•rsanal eor•ount That prsewhine effectually eotwantes ntnc•h of itis surplus each year. Mr. Mitten's custom was revealed by hint In 'speech he made to the evnr- utlt.winen of the Philadelphia Witold Transit 'o -opera tire Welfare Asss•bu- liun recently. ile cautioned the men a gee knit "taro much money," and Weld loll or explain how he mired himself from the evil. Ile Is known as roue of the hardest workers in the Philndel- phie it.pideQ'ransit personnel, end the fact flint he halt a stag of nsehttants enpnble of running the reed doses not preveent him from riming at ,4 o ela'k In the morning and going to aim desk In the Touraine Apartments, the com- pany headquarters. Hund ittitbit lottm lad. Hla perenta' old friends hereabout'. wtil extent good wishea for hie continued .news "Mr._ Bay Lawrence, 153 Waverly street, popular and enthumlamtic mem- ber of the Ottawa -New Edinburgh ('ane Cluh and one of the old rcllahlem of the New Fwdlnhurgh basket hall team, la leaving on Thursday to take up him new duties 1.n the C. P. R. offices at Yokohama, Japan. Already in his twenty -rune yen rs of existence he has led an Int•remting isre'r, eultstitg in 19111 with the 72nd Queen's i(nttery, tranmfern'd to the Royal (',nuulbn Ilurse Artillery 111 England, and men•e1 with tint unit until the end of the w•nr. Returning home he has held the posi- tion of private secretary to the inp'r- Intentleut of the (news [division of the 1'. N. It., from which he 'IAA J1110 re- signer) to leave for Japan, mailing on the Empresa of Russia from Van• rout ye r." Has Gene is Japan. The ("Unsling from a scent Jimlte of The 4)ttawa Journal will Ise rend with Interest by many In (irwlerieh township, as it refers to a mon of the Irate W *I• Lawrence, who neem a welt• ktown teacher In that township before going to Ottawa, and who died two ytara ago. Mrs. Lawrence still rceidei In Ottawa. Th• young man, who Is an only Pro, PMms to be an onergette Doubtless the way of the transgressor is hard. but the psop'e who travel thereon have no time to get lonesome. "DANDERINE"' Girls! Save Your Hair] Make It Abundant! Immediately atter s `Denderlss" mas- sage, your hair takes on new life, liatr• and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because sash hair seems to Auff and thicken. Don't let y'tu hair stay P14.es, odorless, tufa or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, utlful Mir. A 35 -cent bottle of delightful "Dand•rine" Dustpans s*1r scalp, .cka dandruff and falling hair. This stim- ulating "beauty tonic"ves to t1. dull, fading hair that youthful brighten and abantdant thickness-Alfdrug/mot HEAVY MEAT [ATERS HAVE S1.OW KIONEYS plat Loa meat if you liaskalley Lays bashed[ ttasMf « glees of ibdfi • 1!o mss or woman who sato mei rho• tarty eon mike a mistake' by 1waysg the kidneys aaoa•iooaily, says • waY-haws authority. Mast forma ario tread widish =sites the kidneys, they baeone over- worked from t1.s strain, get shaggisb ad fail to alter t1.m waste and poisons from the M• blood, thea wei get .laic N.ariey .11 ver nervousness, dizziness i{ematism, headaches, Sepiesmes-tr•ad urinary diaordan cams from sluggish kidneys. The nomsat you fast a dull ache In tis kidneys or your bank hurts or if the urine la eioedy, offensive, full of email - mint. irregular of pomace or attended by a sensation of melding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salta from any pharmacy; take • tablespoonful in a glees of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidney will act fine. This famous salts is nada from the acid of and loos j combined with ligand las bas nanad• for germ to flush sad stimulate - kfdar �S neutralize the adds is arias so it so danger sues irrttat&sa, thus ending bladder weakens.. Jad Salta u inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes • delightful .ff.rvese st 11th1a-water drink which marrows should tales now and then to keep t1.a kidneys clean and active sad the blood pure, thereby avoiding asrioua kidney complication CREAN FOR CATARRH 'OPE\\NS UP NOSTRILS_ Vail <w To Get Quick RAM Blom >taatt-Quids. ll<s llata.a�ll L r In was minute year nostrils will *pm, the air pumpsyour head will akar sad yen oak reathe freely. N. more hawking, ssdling, blowing, hsada.he, n dryness. No struggling for breath al. night; - your sold .e s•t•rrh will 1. goad. O.ti a small-b.Ml.-of Ely% Baba ire& year draggl.t now. Apply • little of 588s fragrant, astissOle. healing weans is your nostrils. It pa- strami thrasgis wary air passage of this head, soother Ileo buamad or .wdisa sn.oe.'msmfbraae and WWI .ones la - • 'e jest L% Dsa't slay otsead-sp with:• odd s >gvty _l amiss es eai•hy. f "Cascarets" Sick or Bilious Tonight sure! 3. k_h_plesaaat,_harm- less Camerret work'while yell sleep and hate your liver active, head clear, •a stomach sweet and bowels moving regular by morning. No griping or in- convenience. 10, 85 or 50 cent bones. Children love this candy cathartic too, HUNGRY BUT DAREN'T EAT iii(e ' Pape's Diapepsin" and . eat favorite foods without fear Your meals hit bath! Your stomach is sour, acid, gassy sad you feel bloated after eating or you haus heavy lumps of Indigestion pais or headache, buil never mind. Her. is instant relief. Don't stay upset( Fat a tablet of sp• a Diapered' and immediately the ndigastion, gamy, aeidity and all stom- ach distress caused by aetdity sods. Pape's Disparate tablets ars rho surest, quickest steauseh relievers to Um world. They soft vary link .8 dreg • torn. t 1 , 1'