HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 6r^
11 Thursday. arch 11. 1921.
lay Ian Dunean►.
tit tawa...M.' rel. 1 t The 41,tyern1111•it
does not show sig' of having ani••
thing Particularly heat • in the way of
legislative program, bol 11 the mauve
it ices given the (louse sot inforni:a-
t ton during the post few da s which
ha,. wade 'the members sit up lights
to think. The high Bost of gore ing
la not decreasing not In any 1ot1,
alar wa •r. 4':uroda'x Bill., on they
contrary. eontinge to moa• regardless
o[ (rastie chopping or the estftuate'
1n the nun-•swuti:als
:Air Henry Drayton. in anything but
• terrine mann...! .,bled a little blur
hook which toll the tale of ('sna(1a'x
debts anti wade the weulhc'rs think
00ilo13.1y. TIaI' look coutaiuel the
amain estimates for the tiseal year 1921-
22. iso( ermporel with the main esti-
mates of last year it showed 1111 111 -
, • of Nome/hum like $.i0,000,01at.
]lost of the increase in question is due
to *additional eXp'uditure this year lo' -
cause of oar railway policy. As a re-
sult there has arisen a tlrm;uul `fur
ecomuuy anal that comes from members
011 WI 11 'ides of the Speaker's ('h.•Iir.
/loge Railway Delleit,
Perhaps dhow• %till. are talking most
If you: crt)cer vie "e
for profits. he woul- rnobe
content to sell and recom.
mend Red Rose Tea at a less
profit than he nnalies on
other teas.
But it is a fact that he does
make less on Red Rose than
n other teas, and he recom.
mends it because he knows
its quality is the best.
loudly .of the for retrenchment
are the Western embers, to whom
freight rates eneap for more than
tariff. If the Govern nt took their
a.Lviee it would apply t
area with exceeding vigor,
linea which -duplicate other 1
cutting off -trains Which serve
good Iwyond advertising the tact
ase freely
wring up
s and,
we have a Canadian National Rallis:1y'
syaton'. The appropriation herded for
railways this year, not including cats
iMl ae•ount. Is $172,1187,633, as vow -
pared with the vote of 170,830,171 Iast1
year. There is a reduction of $15,000,-
O00 for railway equipment and $2,51111,-
000 for railway eoustructlou and
bet ferments.
In the other departments there tuts
been a wholesale slashing, and there
may be more liefon• the Ifouse gets
through with the estimates diw•nssioa,
for there will he a drive for rigid
economy on all sides. The Widget
speech has rot yet been outlined, nor,
It Is belleied, ham the Government gut
the terms of it straight hr its own
mind, for there are serious discussions
In and out of Cabinet. The nollway
figures have, more than anything else,
made the members ou lath sides of the
House sit down and perform some
serious ...agitating. 111 the West pair -
Ocularly, diapllcatiom of railways and
their service.. is a serious problem, for
there are tnstale..•s where lines are
within a stone'o throw of each other.
and Western mewhere are demanding.
In no uncertain tones, that the losses
be cut down by reducing tuweressary
trains. 1n a statement on railway
costs, Hon. J. L. held told the. Hou
frankly that the Bost of operation hate
(won't.. so great that It was hindering',
,old would eontluue to 111ualer railway
development in Cambia. The McAdoo
wage award, in the Cultist $tale's, he
declared, was largely to blame, and he
thought the railw'ayweu themselves
should do aomethlug toward a reduc-
educetion of coots. His remarks, of alone,
are anything but popular among the
railwaymen who have hail their wages
Increased by that award.
Population Needed.
Together with the demand fur a re-
duction of unnecessary train services
sad a general policy of rigid economy
in railway matters, there has come a
cry for more immigration of the right
kind to Nettle up the vaeant meas of
farm lands In Canada and develop the
eouotry to the extent of its existing
atchful Eyes Guard ItiQtali
THERE is much more than mere routine
to the elaborate system of inspection
ich guards the supreme quality of ' the
Gra -Dort car.
Built i to every car is the prid of an organ-
ization over sixty years experienced in the
productiolf satisfactory transportation.
—each skilled craftsman looks upon the
Gray -Dort as his personal product, by
which he will be judged in the eyes of the
The limit a---mr ess--attiecision—
the fineness of the mat als with which
. our men work.
The final result is freedom fro ordinary
motor car troubles an the long life which.
. comes only with pe harmony in every
working part.
onripared with other cars, the Gray -Dort
is worth much more than its fairtmade-in-
Canada price.
The difficulty in securing a Gray -Dort
will increase as the season advances. See
the Gray -bort dealer now.
Mother Tells how Daughter
was Made Well by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
C'obourg, Ont.—"Lydia E. Pink -
ham's V etable Compound was re-
commended to ms
for my daughter.
She had trouble
every month
hich left her in
a weak and ner-
vous condition
with weak back
and pain in ler
right side. She
had these troubles
for three years
and frequently
was unable to at-
tend school. She become regular
and feels much batter since she began
takingthe Vegetable Compound and
attens school regularly. She is gaining
steadi:y and 1 have no hesitancy in
recommending Lydia E. Pinkham's
1'egetable Compound and Lrdia �.
Pinkham's Blood Medicine. '—Mrs,
Jona Tors, Ball St., Cobourg, Ont.
Standing all day, or sitting in
cramped positions, young gads contract
deranged a000ditions, and develop
headaches, backache, irregularities.
nervousness and bearing -down pains.
all of which are symptoms of woatan's
ills. Every mother who has a daughter
suffering from suck *syrymptoar should
give Lydia E. Pinkha a s Vegetable
Compound a lair triaL
railway faeilltle.. In some aecttons of
taw• I)omiah)n conditions are- such ax
to make an observant person won't
If Canada hi ""tot been on a rtllwa
building debouch during fhe pr.
decade or so, and money has leen
poured into rallw'tys wbk'h, while they
were necessary to .erre isolated 4/./...
thong. have in parts only duplicate(
existing lines. Now that the countr
has an imineiove railway bil1 to pa
annually. In.•11 must sit down an1
thIllk Of ways NW tnean• to meet th
payments. and the only way woul
the country on both sides of the inter-
nat. I Iouwlury asking questions of
all and aundry. The project nerds a
were $111111,0111,0110 or 'sea to carry it to
a e111ehIMinn, anti tllrrefere is out
likely to and a great deal of feror
under present eludltIonx. However, It
finds a hat of support so something to
Iw gone ahead with In those bright
dugs when money Ix more plentiful and
the people of the country are in a wove
generous mood toward big expendi-
tures. Most of the members admit
that It would be It splendid scheme;
whether it was a development of be
Georgian .flay or the Welland l'a
route, but fit the present rhue the
simply Is not the money for the project.
Soldier,, Re-establishment.
I The Prime Minister has need hi.
committee to thresh out the matters of
pensions 41141 withers' re-establishment
Stephen Township Partners Are Right
II le Line.
Ono hundred and thirty farmers of
i the township of Stephen gathered
e eampaigli and promised their support
I 1 it resolution endorsing the better bull
stormy night and drive anewhere from
When farmers will turn out On a
g I wo to twenty miles to attend • meet -
• alien* they are making mistake* In
their farming operations, there lis sore
to he deep feeling on the siohject.
. Fivery farmer In Huron county bee
heard of (hone whn •re trying to elean
out the itertrh hull and their worka:
every fanner la laterested„ •nd every
farmer want+ to hear the latesst report
of the work done. Tido interest lo
the hope of the movement. If air the
farmers will ' tali abowt ft there la
sure to he a ontjdrIty which will think
•lung the right line... gven the op-
poodtion. of which there la a eert•tin
amount. only ,eirs up extra publieity.
whieh adds more support from the pni-
grveisiire portion of the rural populre
t iron.
The slides and moving pletnres
which form part of the exhibit %how
beyond queation or doubt that nstowy
ean be saved hy the use of the hest
titres. .No farmers ever try to defeml
the scrub or to make arguments in
thing ta to provide able bulls at
support of his lise.w Zs. necessary
prices which the it/Wu-age farmer can
reach. Itreedent of purebrrqt. herds
have great opportunity to entrench
their own rtienlar breed in !boron
forlfiW their real value, but in no doing
county. wy may have to oacrinee
some their most premising young
males at prices which they feel to he
they still be securing for their tweed
Ill•W adherents and new enthusiasts.
And if they ran get the grade herds
to instal purebred hullo they will pr,. -
vide a future 1111/1rket whielt will take
rare of toll their high -clots. atirpins
The market of the future should he
the watchword of the purelored men
of the Province. atoll surely (tome saeri-
flee in the present *honk! be nnole to
immix. tloe prosperity of the torture
neein to he develloptnent, of the erountr
otteh up with the railways.
changes In the immigration ro.gialation
are under way. At the present DOM
parer is a toopey requirement, which
entry into the Dominion shall mows*
in his own right the equivalent in
money of $2.10. This sum may lw in -
creamed. but there will be provision
Mat Di the ease of bona Ade farm
workers the clause may be wisired.
But Restrietiona Stay On.
The preferenee wIll Ite given to Brit-
ish, French and American lwromigrants
go. long as thew are bona fide farm
worker. or dome.ttle servants. Centro!
Europeens will 11/rTe herd time get-
ting through the seive, It is claimed,
and so will mechanics, unless in the
latter ease there exists an actual tie-
nuttnd for it eertnin lumber of torn of
any line. and then only that number
will be admitted. The ri4ulations
have been before (sabinet Council for
the past couple Id days and will prob-
ably be approved and slams! withollt
bee' of time. for the sti•imallip eons -
ponies on the other side ma well as the
prospective immigrantm are all held up
on their spring plain.. There are
plenty of desirable immigrants anxious
to emne to Canada aud there is room
for them in this emintry, lint this year
will not see any lowering of the (oars
to the general rush.
The Cattle Solberg°.
The embargo on lire cattle going
into the Ili -Utah, Niel' has ereated •
great deal of Interest reeently. While
Iron. Ilaniiing lioherty is overseen
helping Loral Itearerbrook_ In his
Propaganda to hare the embargo re-
ed, it: vire yenta, the House of
i" here has been debating the
matter sit great length. There were
before the Ilonse. One asked .that
there he no eliange, on the basis that ,
slaitehtered in Canada, and the other
asked that the embargo be lifted Item
C4/1/44' 1 wills a stigma on Conadian,
cattle, whieh were free fro'm
Strangely enough, the one resolution
Government member, Williaill
of Ontario, and the other from Ilon. I
It. LeMiI•114. After talking the matter
pro niel eon and getting the TiPt4041110
of almost eVerybraly. the Government
got behind iiirb-amendment Scloich
voted confidence in Government's
attitude in itOcing that the promise of
1917, that the embargo be removed,
ohorild "he carried out. Thio Rub-
own,;,,enitilan:nyt. Parried without even the
lity of a division 'trod everybody
No Money for It Now.
listing attained his msin object In
getting full diactitudon of motion
to form /1 conitnittee to inreatigate the
question of n deep waterway between
the Great :(•,.,rpor.5 ml the Fit Lawrence.
F' II K . Government member
from Port Arthur, IV 1/111fIreR 11 4.1 reso
'Winn and decided to wait for the re-
port of the IntarnaKonal Waterways
Commloolon, villich has already /wonted
Portion of -Lloyd Dear Factory Is
this morning fire was dispovere.1 111 the
stockroom of Lloyd 41. Sons' door far.
tory. on John street. Owing to the
hifinminable nattire of the *tuck the
fire mitde'aptick headway and nIthough
the tire'brigaile responded quickly and
44 NM had the fire Under control *he
The fire is supposed to have originated
from Bieck:et:lc wiring. The loss will
he about 62.00ill and is covered by In-
surance. Nieso.rs. Lloyd Ik Kona HD.
11011Itee their intention to nimmence
reeonstrustIon of the desteoyed
lug Immediately.
For male by
J. H. LAUDEit, Goderieh.
and all
e0 d R Remedy.
Alundnel prim.
Mrs S. Fawcett, Hamilton St..Colling000d.i
Ont., rritee.—Minord'i Liniment surely M
in Ow house and haw recommeaded it to
quite a monk., my friend.. to whom it gave.
swat rebel In moot teen it es tieni an •
• ittn.to of Pain.
BOX 67, Goderieh. All instructions
by mail or left at Signal office will be
promptiF attended to. Residence tels
Ilk TER. Solicitor, notary bile.
Oak* Hamilton street. Gotlerich. third
door from Atmore. Trust funds\ to
loan at loweyt rates
Offlee—Sterling Bank Block, Ham-
ilton Street. Goderieh. Telephone
Iteal Estate, Loans and Insurance
pito( -Drumm auzoaAN
Office on the Square. second door
from Hamilton Street. Goderleb
Private funds to loan at lowest
Dukliey 1101m...
RISTER, •ttorney, solicitor, etc..
Boderich. Money loaned •t lowest
!TOW tiotary public •nd 'rob-
in/lacer. Office—Court House.
town property insured.
,01111cere-,-Jaa Connolly, Pres., Gode-
See.-Treaa. Seaforth P. 0.
Dlrectore—D. F. McGregor, R. R.
Sea forth: John Ben new les, Brod.
Seaforth; Robert Perris, Harloek:
Malcolm afeRwen, Clinton: Jamas
Evans. Beeebwood; James Connolly.
Agents : W. Teo, Cioderkh
William Chesney, Seaforth; S. Bloch -
ley, Seaforth. Polk7-hoiders can pay
all payments and get their card. re-
eetpted at R. J. Morriab's Clothing
Store. Clinton; R. H. Cutra Grocery,
Kingston Street, Goderich, or J. H.
Reld's General Store. Bayfield.
Brophey Bros.
- The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all howl., night or day.
Western Ontario
Best Commercial School
Our snider term commences Tues•
day, January 4th, and students may
register in our Commercial. Short
hind or Telegraphy departments at
'set! time. Our courses are thorough
sod practical, and we assist graduatel
no•iiiOna. Get Our free catalogue.
^ A. MeLACHLAN, Principal.
, The Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining car aervioo-
Sleeping cars oa night trains. and
parlor eara on principal day trains.:
Fnll information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent. or I' E. Horn-
ing. Otatrict Paosenger Ages, To-
GIL Limier, Stages Ages% phew*
Tow* Agents none