HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 5go iIs...- E( „ SWAB Li6l'y(?-ROIbLSDq� ro 4AIR! PEN latest -.. A STYLE TO Suer EVERY HAND - 1 Campbell's Drug Store The Peadir The S,Iti,.re u BOARD OF TRADE A general meeting of the Board of Trade will be held on ' MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 21st, at the hoard of Trade rooms, at 7.45 sharp. The Executive Council will meet in regular session at 7 p. m. sharp, before the general meet- ing. This will be a very important meeting, at whish every feature of the, Income Tax will be considered, and all members of the Board should attend. ortieeiAieseireetimeweesiesoweieseNevewNeweeseeiesesesieNeeesirsietiAeoAes ESTABLISHED 1e72 fl[AD OFFICE MAMILTO►. I:.ha; a ready money to place on good security without delay at reasonable rates. Come and see us when you need money. We want more accounts Savings Ac- counts —Checking 'Aecona is—Time Deposits. Every man should have' a banking connection. You will get courtesy and efficient _service from the Bank of Hamilton. •., BANK OFHAMILTON Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay, Manager LOCAL TOPICS. Census ('ommissioneru. i to. HYDRO -ELECTRIC' Use a "Hydro" Vacuum Cleaner and your house is al- ways clean. Does the work quickly and makes no dust. E C 0 N 0 M I C A L See our display of Hydro Lamps, Irons, Washing Ma - Chines. etc„ at The Hydro ) Store GW.nch — Ostane Fifty -Fifty. Butcher—"This pound of butter you sent me'is three ounces short." Grocer—Well. 1 mislaid the pound weight, en 1 weighed it by the pound of dies Dau soot me yetstaedey." ST. PATRi('K. St. Patrick casae to Ireland, Thal isle SO pax lug Lair. Ile came of yore to Ireland To bring the gospel there. Ile banished toads from Ireland. 1 At least they told me so) And .nnkes and sin from Ireland In day* of long ago. St. Patrick went from Ireland t'TS•as then the isle of Saints), He mild. "I'11 still love Ireland, So keen free from sin's taints." The angels watched o'er Ireland (My grandad told me sol, Anti free front vin was Ireland. But that was long ago. Gtrarge 1). Moot:wan, of town, 1• an- nottit oil as, the chief (8'usu,' '..utiul.- Mimlor tor' North Huron, and David Reid for &1milt Huron. Proi-(neial Rads Grant. )Ir. G. W. ilolman. comity clerk, rese•Iverl word this week that a grant of 1M1,441.a7 1w, been passel by the Provincial Highway. Deportment rtnuent as a refund on the road 8,4*') done by the ....Luny In 'PO). The ouut expended by the e. y lust year, un whilst tlw grant was figured, was over $211.t.(190. Former Goderieh Girl Married. Announcement has (leen reseiverl , the marriage of Mi.s Sophia Strachan. a fortder Ooderiih girl, drnghter of the late Mr. Lind Mrs. L. K. Strachan, to Mr. Melvin .1. Duadlee, the ceremony hoeing taken plats, on Saturday. \larch 12th, at St. Stephen's ehurrh. Wiuul-. peg. Mr. atul Mr.. Dundas will reside at London, (tut. Bundnnaater leafs*. Town The :t.'trd 1teg11,'nt band I. agsIn wnhout a leader, Mr. It. T. Mintz, who was eugaged a few week: ago, having left town last week ?roll re - Milled to Kltcheue'r. it was not on alrrnitt of any alltfirulty- or trouble with the baud that he gave up the position. but for other rea,'ons. The (rlmualttee is now nllverti.ing for an- other leader. G. C. 1. Cadet Signalling Class, Prinelial Hume has reeeiveil notice from the Militia Department that the following Collegiate institute'students have eueoesefully )a•serl the examine - tion In .semaphore signalling: /',suet. T. „Anderson, Ili Dalton. E. Dobie. T. Freeman. J. '1'. Garrow, 11. (ire, J. M. Iteyeraft. T. E. Sheppard. It. Taylor. E. )I. Wilson. It. Wilson. W. Weir. The certificates will be issued In due ..u11r.e. Information Wanted. Mrs. Mary Morrie of 731 i Auadn avenue, rear. Chicago. in.. Is auxins• to receive information regarding her ).rifler, S. Salsinan. The- last ,tae heard from hien was idiom twenty years ago. when he was engaged in the fishing hni'ine"s• Any person knowing anything of him is requested .to write 1ire,1 re Mr*. Morrie or cemeuunhate with Manor Wlglo. who will glady for- ward the Information to her: Removed to London - Mr. T. It. Harrison. who lnl* ell/1.4.r u brokerage biotite.. at Lon - 11011. leas removal to (hilt cit'. 111ty- ing his comparatively brief period of residence in (:IMleriell he interested himself In many of the tnwnis mirth -h1,.. and was known as "a live wire." His iu.uran/*' I.t1 hetes here has been taken over by (:apt. E. H. 11)11 and Is being ra rrlrel nu Int.h.' same stand. MU the :411110.re ne:T this itritllii Exeliatige hotel. Information lye Inane Tax. A Ball 1111,' been Issued for an im- portant meeting of the Baird of Trade next Monday evening, when informa- tion relative to the 1'eder.11 illeonie tax will Is• available for thow' who attend.- The pn'sideut. Mr. 1'. T.. Moore, believes that tide information will materially assist the member,. 1n making no their. Inoue tax returns and will isossi11Iy save• them money aim) pre'rl'ut annoyance as the result of fenity returns. The executive council will meet at 7 o elo•k. and the general meeting of the Board h• calls) for 7.4.5 o'clock. Old Horse Week Notes. The executive crmntllitr.e for the Old Horne Week will meet next Tuesday evening. when a number of important mutters will be up for (oonwideratlon. in 411e meantime matter° Ice oonnretion Now Love is gone from Ireland, Slip fled away In fear, And peeve and joy from Ireland Are banished many a year. There's woe anti strife In Ireland, (At tenet they tell Me son, You'd never know 'twit. Ireland As in the long ago. 1f St. Pat came hack to Ireland, Whatever would he say To two his loved Ireland ' All girded for 11e fray? What world he think of Trvealsd, The lana) that he loved sl, To see the change In Ireland, From days of long ago? nth, come again to Ireland, For sure she needs yml sore, She's torn with strife is Ireland And rent from shore to shore. Thereon worse than snakes in Ireland (A t leawd they tell elle Can't you banish them from Ireland As you (11d long ago ? 'Tin a fair spat Is Ireland. The Emerald isle so green, The Iovelleet spot 11 Ireland "That ever you have saes." Bat woe halt come to Ireland (My gnmlad told tae an). ,May pelmets come hack to inland Aw In the long ago ! —Betsy Anne in The Globe. mot who tries to do his neighbors mea that they are always trying 11111111111111111111111111111111111.1111 The Best in Photo Plays at the MODEL THEATRE The i„agp to do him. oODE>ZIO$ 0N?. now s�i= Sav€d My Leg ! "For yeah I could hardly walk," writes Mrs. Jeffrey. of 31, French St . Methuen, Mass: "I was treated by doctors for an ulceration which started an my ankle and extended to the knee Though sceptical when I read of other legs being healed by 'Lam-Buk, I gave the balm a trial. " Whilst Zam-Bok di4p't put my leg right in a day or two. d did ear pain and inflammation wonderfully. Per- severancesoon con vlamed me that. thanks to Zam-Buk, 1 wadi at last on the sure road to recovery, and in time the terrible sore thoroughly healed. For three years now, I've had no leg trouble." In obstinate sores. old wounds and ulceration where destruction of the tissues has occurred, Zam Buk displays extraordinary healing power. Sae marvel at the way it soothes pain and inflammation. purifies diseased puts and stimulates the growth of new healthy tissue. Whereas ordinary oint- ments simply cover over surface trouble. Zam-Buk healing is permanent for it leaves no trace of drse..se to break out. Zan-Buk.proves equally effective in eczema, ringworm. salts rheum, piles, poisoned sores• abscesses, burns. scalds. etc. All chemists and dealers 00c. with. flnalwes and the program for the celebration. are rer•eh'iug attention, and the unme.. alai address!'" (committee Is busily engaged preparing. invitations for moiling. So far •some'Li1M) mimes have been handed In to the committee. Many more are expected, as the nuna- IM'r of Golerieh's suns and daughters living in other places must the in the thousands.- A- Nice Little Hill. The local water and light commwsion at ite.regular meeting last Thursday night. was confronted by a bill of 13,1)10.09 from the Provincial Hydro Commission, representing the diffeteice between the actual cost of power delivered during the year ending October 31st, 1920, and the amounts received according to monthly bills rerdered. There was also a hill of 1286.69 for interest toOctober31st last on arrears. The commission passed the latter ac- count, and laid over tltr larger one pend- ing an explanation trim the Hydro dis- trict engines-, , . The additional charge will run Gode- rich's power cost to over $50 per horse- power. The contract price was $37: leer the charge was increased to 143. and with the additional charge the price goes up to ' over $eO per h. p.. - Tbe Referendum Campaign Dr. A. S. !:rant. '...rotary of the hnt:n•io Referendum 4'.auwittee. visit- ed Huron ...aunty la -t week and, in counlminy with the pr.-siiknt sod need secretary of the Huron Tenn.•rsu..e Ae M•i;itiou, 041141 several rent res and found that the workers ore en- thusiastieally taking hold of (11' cam- paign in preiaratIOn for the vote on April 1St h. The voters' lists pre to lie revised in (:oderlch, Wingleam. Seaforth, Clin- ton and Exeter, between Mandl 29th and April 4th. Thaw' who attend the movies will have the opportunity mome`4ime dnr- I ng the coming weeks of Being the film entitled "The liar and the ltal- lot," which las been specially pre- pare/l by the tiles eompni.s for the ra•fereiotom romlr.,ign. Bigamy Charge Withdraws. Week of Mar. 21 to Mar. 26 MONDAY and TUESDAY THOMAS H. 1N('E presents DOROTHY DALTON in "The Dark Mirror" from the popular ..,,vel by Loafs Joseph Vance. Alia A JiGGB COMEDY "Jiggs the Social Lion" Regular prices. WEDNESDAY and THi'RSD.AY Goldoni pre.eni. PAUUNE FREDERICK In the greatst pet -forma is I` 0f her ear/er, "Madame X" A spcaal In 7 reel. Also A "Mermaid (' lad" "Dynamite" Regular pleas FRIDAY and SATURDAY Culver...al presents lode' Northern lights" A story of the Canadian Northwest Mounted Pollee, with nn all-star cast. Also A CENT! lt1' ('OMEDY Regular prises... Matinees —Monday, %eines- day and Saturday. The higamv charge .laid by -Mrs. Louisa ('rosier against Andrew Brown - son, of Itruoetield. mentioned in The Signal two s'ee'k" alto, was w-ltlidrnwii by the eomplalnaut when the rase came up before Magi -trate Heid 111,4 week. 'rhe limn and the woman were mar- ried at Hayfield thirty yelir. ago, but had not e'en (':4 h other for-- man}' years. In the m.:110)me Moth Hail merrier} again. The woman's second hnslsnd, Crozier. lied 81114. time ago and having ie:arned that her.Jirst and lawful husband was still alive she hunted Ilion up and 'on tending him laid a charge of bigamy. The loan. however, Is 111 )Ms.r health and she (bedded not to press the charge. - i. O. O. Netea. Huron lodge, No. 112, L 0..0. F., entertained last 1'sIday night with a eitehee and dance 'There was a very large attendance mad the affair was mneh enjoyed.. The winners at (yards were ]Lexi ,Frank Woods end Mr. Elliott Drennan. After the card+ lnneh was served and tee floor soil'. than elearerl for (lancing. which (cwtlnued until nearly A o'elock In. the morning, the tioderkh Soviet y Orvhoetra fnrnlshIng the mesh.. Mr. Fred e'raisle, N: II:, and hilt committee, Messrs. J. Newcombe, W. Potton and W. Abel, are to be con- gratulated upon the 4uereaa of the event. The degree team of iluron lodge gees to Clinton meet Tuesday to pot nti degree work. On Friday night of this week Huron En..ampnncnt, No 2s, will isare a visit from the Stratford degree team. Contributions to Muskoka Sanitarium. The treasurer of the Mnsknka Free lffisplbal for e'onsutnptIvlaa desireft grntefnlly to acknowledge the follow- ing comtrlhtrtlons re'telved in l:oderi. h hy the field ser'r,•tery of the National Sanitarium A.a.s•iation : Silver col- lection, 12.03; Goderich Organ lo; *11.00; O. J. S. imyne', T. M. Kidd. (lo erio'h Knitting ('o., The Signet. W. T. Millar. N M. Elliott, 1200 each; l'arsons' Fair. E. 1?, Ttob- ertmon, H. 1'. i►untop, M. Robins, S. C. Wilson, Brophy Brom., E. H. Wigle, F. Wnotleomhe, A. W. 1ltriekland. J. P. hams, A. M. Robertson, Ml.e 1t. Fletcher. Mina B. E. ,Andsreon, Mus G. Hodge. R. G. Reynolds,, S. R. Taylor, Mists M. Clifford, MIs,' .1. et. Gorenlnwk, W. H. Robertson, A. .1. t'noner, A. J. Male/toy, 1t. 1t. Saline's, mite lox (•SterlIng flank ), 11.00 ,'aeh. Total, 142 Ott. Onderieh Golf Club. .t meeting of the snblaer)l,•rs to the firwlerieh golf clots waw heir, In tis. Board of Trade rooms on Thursday, \ Thursday. March 17, 1921 1 1 ■ EasterShopping ws Only Six (6) More Shop- ping Days Before Easter MEN'S FURNISHINGS MEN'S TIES Values up to $1.00, to clear 15c ea. KNIT TIES Regular $1.00, special .... 39c ea. SILK TIES Regular $1.00, Saturday .. 79c ea. STRAW HAT BRAID All colors 10c. per y d. HAT FLOWERS Big assortment 15c to :39c HAT LINING 15c and 29c LADIES' MOTOR HATS Very special . 19c BOYS' and GIRLS' PLUSH HATS Extra value 81.00 EASTER NOVELTIES Paper fibre Rabbits, Chickens Eggs, etc., to clear 15c ea.* Easter Novelty Baskets; with Ester Eggs .... 15c ea. Marshmallow chocolate- coated Eggs . ' 5 for 5c Big assortment chocolate -coated, solid centre Eggs,, Rabbits, Chickens, Roosters, etc. 5c to 15 LADIES' NECKWEAR ',We have the latest styles in Collars for thespring suits. - JEWELRY Big assortment of Easter Jewelry, Pins, Rings, Tie Pins, etc. j such as Cuff Buttons,Broo('hes, Hat EASTER MILLINERY The reason why we sell so much Millinery is because we have the latest styles at the right prices. HAT SHAPES. All--stylest• - 15e RiBBON , Big assortment flowered Dresden • Ribbon, for sashes, hair' ribbons, etc.. Regular 79c and 89e,per yard, special value 49c per yd. Also, large assortment' of y Baby Ribbon, etc.., at R. Steel Co. -Ltd. 5c to $Ieoo Store '1■ March 3rd. when Mr. T. R. Harrison, who wan largely responsible for the movement to establish the club, and Wile was abut to remove to London, "u hmitted a statement of the club'. affairs. Subscriptions of 12,250 had been received. of which $305 had 114-,41 spent. .About $3110 more, it was esti- mated, would put thegrounds in shape for playing. A 'huh house. if erel•tt'd. would neve*Mitate au additional ex- )s'lMlitlire.' Ofll ers were elected as follows; Hon. president. 111r. 1). Mardonild ; presi- dent, Mr. ferns. Garruw: vice-presi- dent, Mr. 1'. Wurtele; eecretary-trerns- nn•r, Mr. A. J. MacKay ; executive committee. Messrs. et, ('. Ins, 11. 1'. Dunlop, H. \\infante, A. W, Strirk. hind and G. 1.. Parsons. A cordial vote of thanks was holder. e'tl' to Mr.- Harrison for his be•n-ice's In organizing the club. > 'CIiVRCH NOTES. M Knox chore)) next Sabbath divine p•orehip will N. conducted by the min- ister. SubjwMs of sermons: 11 a. m., "The TrWmph of the ,Tried.- 7 p. m., "Tem' Spirit of the Thaw.- 8labhath s'hool and Bible classier at 3 o'clock. sacred concert to be given on flood Friday night. The choir will 114' aug- mented and special numbers will also be given. Rev. 11. D. Moy'er''w•i)h rrinduct Sun- day school anniversary s.•rvie., at Exeter next Sunday.' ' A WORD TO WOMEN VOTERS. To Women Electors; The present sphere In whh-ii wa man's power and inthie,c.• may be felt excels that of any o►hcr deende in the world's hi•tery. What trens•udolIN lower, and, dare we vty. .1111 more tremendous responsibility. placed at the lintel of woman ! lin en(rau'hised womanhood is now laid a large share of the work of the, npliftipg of the nation, the ballot being a potential weapon by which a nation's be -t mews may i'* instituted. The present is tense with puss1bil- MtMei. The Referendum call" to the isomen of Ontario to be awake alai alert. Why'? ,First, that we !nay pre- serve the eenetity and power of 11o' home; second, that we may have a coition of physical, meatal and moral strength. To Ontario women has been given the ballot. Are you going to tole yours .On April 1A T • in order that you may do• so. you most have your name, MI the voters' list before April 4. Any woniau who is iweirt'-011e years of age. and who lin• teen n n'adent"fn Canada for one year previous to 1''ehrnary• 1, and a resident In (Interid" for two , months previone to February 1, is e•ntit(e'il lar it vote on the coming Re'fe reudunl. It is necessary that each wonion feel a per•onnl responsibility I11 this resin mien. II 1111 use her influene us well as her vote. "Home -protection is the key -word of woman's work." The op- portunity I. at band. ,Will you not do your IMrst 't • "A WOMAN (:(Mlerlch, March 16, lfYJl. North Street Methodist ('hurvls. ,_ North street Methodist .•hur'-h atinl- versary Perigee. host Sunday were largely attended and very surles.fnl. itev. 1V. K. liager. B. D., td Aylmer, deliverer) two ('xt'a'ptionully the. ser- mons on "The Finished and Unfinished Work of ('hrist." His evening appeal for faithful and heroic service in world- erang.IiicfaBoil on the part of the I'hrietlnn church lilt hart of the r Option of Ills miflnieherl work made a deep impression. H. a'a4 al -,'0r lett a most cordial reception from his old parishioners and regrets were tenni nn a'rery home that a funeral on hM own field on klnislay afternoon pre- vented his remaining for at least a few (lays In town. The musical services were highly creditable to the organist, Mr. WeRtnm, nrnl•hw choir. Their rendition of the I:Inria in Excelsior from Copt—one's Mass is F, Miss Marjorie Aitken tak- ing the solo, was very effective. M pleasing number of the .t ening w•r- vke was the singly[ of a setting of Ashford's "My Task" by a quartette insisting of Misses Aitken and Bel- cher and Mestere. Moyer and Belcher. The servers In North street church next Sunday will he in charge of Rev M. J. Wllw.n, 14. A., of Exeter, who will trench morning and evening The classes, Mhsslnn Rand and Men', Club will meet at 10 o'elork. The flub topic, "How May We Obtain Victory?" will be intralueed hy 14r. A M. Itob- erteon The choir are making splendid prog- ress with their program tot the LOCAL TOPICS iN RRiEF. Mr. Harry T. Edwards is nronnd again after a severe illness of Mevernl wcr'k s. Mr Thomas Vox, of Toronto, ha• pnr(•haserl the red brick mettle's... of Mrs. lehyma., on East street. Mr Leslie Flick has pure•haved the hone and two lots nn }Backs street ownrl by Mr John Belton of Timmino. Mr and Mrs H ('. Filsinger were called away last week, owing to the death of Ur. Filstilger'e father at Kltch.ner Mr J Me(9'', of i,uekport, has 011- (Msed from Shcalydnwn Ilros. the rnr- riage shop on Hamilton street now need by Kay Brea. We are informed he alp remove to town and open up Men's Suits less than Wholesale Price 25 Men's Tweed Suits, dark- grey and brown, well tailored and finish- ed in three -button. con- servati'e single-breast- ed style, strong linings. All sizes, to clear 814.65 Men's heavy Socks, to clear 3 pairs for 81.00 Men's fine' Braces, to clear at 25c M. OBINS Open Evenings a husiness in aurtomobile revoke :and acetesor lee " Rev. Archdca.vo Jones-Batcma11 hast ,gout' to Toronto to armlet at St. Thomas' ehureh. He wIH be away o'Vera I month,'. Mrs. E. R. Watson, of Watertown, N. Y., I. visiting ut 111e home of her son, Mr. E. '1' Watson. Mrs. Watson wit, at Detroit last week attending the funeral of her brother-in-law. Mr. Wil Liam Watemnn of that city, and will spend) a week or two in town beton- returning to her home at Watertown. Mr W Sparc has returned to To- ronto after sfw'nding a few weeks at his home here. Iter. /anon O. C Hilt Is at Landon conducting a mission In one of the Anglican churches art that city.