HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 4j-1
4-Thuradar, March 17. 1921.
For one week we put on sale all our $25.00,
$30.00 and $35.00 Waterproofs at $20.00.
An opportunity like this seldom comes to get
a real good Waterproof at the reduction we offer.
These Coats are all wool Donegal Tweeds ant
Velours, rubber -lined and guaranteed waterproof,
suitable for raincoat and spring and fall overcoat.
Very dressy - - Very stylish
If you want a cheaper one we have them at
reduced prices, $7.50 up.
Phone 57
will be given special
prominence in our
display throughout
the week. In these
Hats flowers, fruit,
lace and ribbon are
supreme and the
Spanish note of the
veil is cleverly in-
Miss M. R. MacVicar
Kiny,l, ai .treet, Goderich
Sacrifice Sale at Walker's
-OF- I
1 41117 aeolld walnut Sideboard.
('ootl not he bought new today for
sacrifice able 835.11.
1 only wdid walnut Dining -room
Soine \fart' easily $175. Sacrifice
s.,l,• 873.00.
1 olid oak Bedroom unite complete.
\Worth today 1150. sacrifice sale
873.00. .
2 only solid walnut Sofa.. .It very
special pries, 820 and S23 each.
2 only 3 -piece solid walnut Parlor
Suites. The biggest bargain ever,
offered in Goderich. Very special at
815 each. Now don't delay.
' 1 slightly tlseel Linoleum. 31.1 by 4
yds. Worth 81.30 per rwj. yard.' WP
will cut the price in half. Act quick.
We have about a dozen Bedsprings.
old slaw. You can have any 0111' of
them, if they fit your Med, for 81.11.
1, only nosed . Phonograph. Regular
Po.. Has been seed -Nose titan Astro
month's. Sacrifice- male 811 rash.
1 only Parlor Table, reel mahogany.
1 Pries., new, $31.00. Will melt for 819.11.
s 1 only iron CNh. Sacrifice sale,
price_EILIS. lbmple'te with spring..
MR. N. F. WHYARD le the agent
for TIIE SIGNAL at I)ungann.on.
Orders left with hirt for subscrip-
tions, advertisements or job print-
ing will receive prompt attention.
Telephone 1Goderich Rural) r31.
Thursday. Mardi 17.
The regular mertipg of the Dun-
gannon 1'. 1. 0. will Ire livid in the
4lrainge Hall on Thursday. March 24.
at•p.m. -
Mr•. 11. ...1. Crawford has returned
home after a three weeks' visit at
lbti iIIton. W
Mrs. W. G. Crawford and children.
Harold and. Helen. of H:lulluw, are
Iwo' visiting' their grntelpareuts, Ile.
,1111 Mr-. It. J. Crawford. Iefore Pav-
ing for "their new home of ?dome -law.
Mr. Fred Savage left, for the West
on Saturday.
Miss 111,1 !thither,' is spending a few
days lir Goderich.
I'rita•tpal Itnse 1e taking hie work at
the Shoot again atter a week's Illness.
311r._11. Ilrootis, df Pk•toon. vt4(te1 his
son. Mr. K. E. Brooke, manager of the
Sterling Ba,II, for a few days last
Sap is running and a number of
*seats are busy in the bush.
11r.. Robert Treleaven retnrne•.1
home from Goderich this week:
Itnyu*,ud Brown and John Farrington
have returned home from the north
country. where they were working In
the bush.
What about daylight saving? This
is the time of year to begin saving It.
Lorne M,•K,'nzie is getting his light-
ing plant in working order end Dun-
gannon will soon ise mit of the dark
A play "b'a's -Picnic' 1s to be pat nn
brie April 1st for the benefit of the
public library.
An interesting nhl'lltl .'rent Is on
the program for next week.
The winter now drawing to a close
has been more than usually free from
serious illness. no doubt owing to the
tulld weather. Just at present. how-
etcr, several Dnnga ntaoit residents are
on the sick list. Mrs. Thos. Parks
hue been ill for ....vend days. Mrs.
David Glenn has been very i11. but Is
out again. 11rs. Ilenry .1 •s is -not
improving. Mrs. Pentland Is unwell.
Mrs. Jacob Ryan is improving after an
Illness. We wish all the sick (Mee
,speedy Mpfort and restoration.
Easter Cards and
4'boirr 4:.,01,l4•t.. :Ind Folder..
from Sc up to 10e.
Master l'ost Card+
llainty d,roratt•d Meter 'Baskets,
Se and 10e.
Fluffy Little Chicks
Eamter Boxes
Little Bunnies, 3 for Se
Largo Bunnies, 1*
Easter I'ennants, 1Se and the
Easter Pictures end Moitoes
Remember Foye-speera11st Hugh -
mon Is here Ilth. 18th and 19th.
Smith's Art Store
Feat St I'hooe iM
'by a Rel At 1a The Algesi.
Tuesday. March 13.
The reeent mild weather and ae-
e.mpanying rains have put the roads
in 'the worst condition of 'tike seasoq.
7n fort, It would lee difficult to im-
agine a worse eon.lition Ia)sslble on
some parts of the highway.. It is to
be hoped the Government's program
for highway improvements will soon
he nut Into operation in tht,•e parts.
1l0weter, let fie ie patient. The sap
hi running and the good old summer
time Is near.
A large doer of Indies of flew
miller met at the parsonage last Thurs-
day afteriion, on invitation of Mrs.
l lter.4 Ii. F. Kennedy. Music and re-
freshments were indulged in nhd a
profitable sx•iel Hata_-was given to a1
Their meeting togetlh•r resulted in'
organization of 1a Lnli.•-. Aid Moe ty.
Willi an initial nien.ters)ilp of tan pen.
4)fii.vr. were ele•t.•,t n,. follows 1'res-
Ideut. Mrs. 11. F. Kcunwlya v
dent, Mrs. Mrs. E. Walter.: serf sty. Mr..
A. M. Rtrntlghan: treasurer, Mrs. Stan-
ley VaJadeite ; program committer,
Mrs. S. (inrdfel'. Mrs. Edgar Wa114011..
Mr.. John Long. 1t was decide) to
meet on the sr•ond Wedneslny after -
11n411 of each month, the April meeting
to be held at the home of Mrs. E.
Walters. At the next meeting a PM !O-
mer'. program of work and entertain-
ment will he decided on. Aiming their
various enterprises the Indio.. prnpone
to include work for the Leal church
and parsonage, patrlotie work, mi..
slonary work, and works of charity.
No doubt • great field of uwnfnloess 111
awaiting their efforts and see wish
them every momma.
At the last meeting of the quarterly
official bnnrd a unanlmoum invitation
wan extended to Rev. H F. Kennedy
to return for the third year as pastor
of Itemnlller eirult. It was also de-
ckled to hold a social evening for each
rhumb and onscreention 'WIMP time In
April, for the purpose of receiving the
report* of the various departmenta and
reviewing the work of the past year.
The annual Sunday srhonl meeting w1I1
he field In connection with the shove.
Mr. 1. 11. f,.verty, of Toronto, ad•
dreamed the eongregatinna oa the Sen.
miller elrrnit last 0nnday in the In-
fcreuts of the Federated itrntherhond
Organizations. Quite a large number
of me were present, as well as women
and ch drew, At North Zion and
Bethel til men's choir gave a *Wendt('
program o mush• and the speaker
haudlel his 'abject In a very able
manner a 114 me 'el the hearts of the
people to midrib( a alio t $l:_) for the
support of the t4• ion orphan relief
We are looking fora rd to u men's
lauyuet III the c4uting an u1uu a11d the
organizing of u Brother 141 among
the men 4)1 the chord' and c uUulity.
Cottage )rrlyervmsdtngs til s week
were held at the homes of Mr, and
Mrs. Ge rge Bean and Mr_ alai rs
Percy Walters, on Tuesday and \\ 1-
uesday evenings.
Momlay, March 14._.
11r. IA,na1d (3*lbraith on Saturday
eveitiig. March 5, gave a farewell
party to Mr. Ed. Cook. who left on
Mogday for his home in the West.
Neighl14,r.:11141 friends turned out. al-
though It was raiilnt. and spent an
excellent time piaying ,cards.
Mr. ('has. Wallis, of Clinton. has
.listsssl of his 1111 -acre farm on the
Hayfield road to Westlake Bros.
Atom' fifty young pow* gathered at
Mr. Forest 114'lure'.. Inoue. hayfield
rata, on Friday evening last 111111 spent
au e'ajoyable evening. Euchre was the
chief attraction for the first part of
the Oven' 111:, , Int later on dancing
w'hilel away the time. Lunch was
served at midnight noel ,0(1141 was
resumed until tine late hours of the
F:x44tWaellt has .been reigning high
at the southern- end of the 'hayfield
rill atlln►Ig the young people of 4:oI'-
rleli township and Stanley.' Ity the
looks of things, wedding tells will 1e
ringing in the near future.
Mr. John Johnston. who purchased
SilYeast rn Farn1 from, Mr. Dermot
11'Eyoy, f moving on till. week. The
neighbors all wish him the very lest
of stares+.
Euchre and Danee.-Yoder tis• au-
spie•s of rine G,'lericl Township
Farmers Club, a euchre and damp
w-111 be held in ,the Masotti,. Temple.
G,4lerich. ou Wednesday, March 23rd.
The music will le supplied by the
llessrs. Armstrong of Varna. and an
extra feature will be Highland piping
and dancing by the 'Martyus. of 0.4(14.•
rich. It is hoped there will be a 1:1rge
attendance. not only 11 members of
the Club, but of the general pnlIl• as
A Sud es Call. -The thane of Mr. J.
Heid Torrents. 3t1h coINtession of Gode-
rich township. has been sadly bereaved
11)' the sudden death of Mira. T er.nep.
which occurred on Mond*y morning
Inst. Mr. Torr.i nr had gone to Gude-
rich that morning and Mrs. Torrance
Ras slut*.•. She was apparently 111 ler
usual health and ens going about her
work a• nsu:1I-. but doing the mor11lug.
'Arad. I. ler father-LIr
law. Mr. Joint Torrance, who had come
over from his farm. The decease.)'
was in her thirty-sev,etith year, and
besides her huslan, lean -44 ler mother.
Mrs.. Dori(' Lindsay. 111141 several
[trotters. The Niteroi took Weir to
Maltlnud cemetery 00 Wednesday
afternoon, Rev. A. Macfarlane .of Hay-
field rondm'ting ttie'lurtal services.
(Intended f.r4aat week.)
Mr. H. Horton, of Exeter, paid a flying
visit to his old home here.
Mr. Leo Chisholm, of Detroit, was a
guest at Mr. and Mrs James Chisholm's
Miss Myrtle Fulford is visiting with her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell, of
Lanes. N I LF,.
Mr. Alex. Horton's many friends are
glad to hear that he is improving rapidly
after his recent attack of appendicitis.
Mr. Chester Fulford accompanied his
uncle, Mr. Alex. Stith, g, to Seaforth,
where Mr. Stirling has bought a farm and
intends moc ing soon.
j$49fefltis, Sciatica. Neuralgia.
Have brought good
health to half-a-milllon
A healthful, money -saving remedy,
ell known for fifteen years, pre -
bed by doctors. sold by drug-
gist $1.00 a box. Ask our agents
or • for a free trial package.
Tem • 142 King W., To slate
raising, tartly -
factor )' sl near by.
eu who logy lytel, drawing
g luring the w14te on the road
l a Ilulwesrille ,Rud Clinton art
thr, I for a while. The son, has
leen very favorable for sue work.
There was a very heavy • In at
Holmesvllle 00 Monday night. 'our
culvert. were washed out.
Oe the Ilolms.v'ine Grade. -A 4:.T.
freight train spent a whole half-day
on Saturday last trying to make the
grade immediately behtud Mr. John
Ford's farm. T1:e engine had to lack
the train of cars, abo,V eighty in maul -
her. tutu ('Iiutop to make way for the
2.20 from Goilerich. The freight nude
another attempt to climb the grade
about 4 p. In. and anceeelel about 0.341
p. m.
nlop's Drug Store.
the cheese
d .Thursday. March 17.
Congregational Meetleg.-Tike con•
gregat tonal tweeting held in the Melillo --
dist church on 'Wednesday of this weeelt
was well attended. and ■ fine retire -
'irritation from Ebenezer chum -h -w
present. The evening's iwoceetlinga
took the foam of a • lang4Pt. atter
whish there were reports trout the
different organizations in the church..
alternately with literary sele•tl)us.
,after which the subject. "Resolved.
that H4Ime4t•IIIe circuit to connected
with two other mined appointments. -
was del,uted. Reeve N. W. Trewartha.
supported by Mr. John Schwalm, took
the affirmative. 31r. 4►s•ar Forster.
supported by Mr. W. H. Iwobb, took the
negative. The debate woes character"
lard by 1,nm or, giving plea -inns to all
present. Mr. George Gould, of 1:0ale-
rich, a familiar figure in IIolmesville
t hureh, 'acted as judge. The decision
was Lu favor of tate negative.
\Celueslay. March 111.
Messrs. Wit. Smyth. 141111 1'h:is.
eTins Tett on Monday for the former's
hum, at Star City. Sask.. atter spend-
ing the winter mouth. with his mother
Mrs. ('has. K. Arthur. of Toronto. Is
visiting with relatives here..
The 1 . F. 1). received a ear of flour
and feel last week.
Mr. Leslie i(t•hultz has • engaged to
farm with Mr. %'ni Cory for the sum-
mer month..
Mr. John Shep rd is eonflne.l to his
'wed the past w• k. We hope for ills
Mr. John right loft a valuable
horse last Pet with pneumonia.
TUESDAY, March 15.
The W. M. S. Guild Mold their monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. Percy
Stewart, this Wednesday, March '16th.
• Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Cook and family,
and Mr. Elmer Case, of Wodstock,
spent a few days with relatives here. Be-
fore leaving, Lock Conk entertaitiitd them
with a dance on Wednesday evening, all
present enjoying a good time.
James Chisholm & Sons have purchased
a large hay -press. It will be a great
conveni-nce in the neighborhood, as the
people can h ave their hay and straw
pressed and will be able to dispose of it
much more readily.
Misses Isobel and Julia Young are
week end visitors at Mr. and Mrs. E. V.
We are,1(lal to see Jim Horton back
again. --
John to Bogie and Fred Gliddon are
leavi • this week to work on the.ateamer
Val rtier.
lila Bessie Smith, of St. Augustine, is
siting Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook celebrated
their golden wedding anniversary on
Tuesday, March 8th. Owing to the poor
condition of the roads quite a number
were unable to attend : however, about
fifty guests were present. At 5 o'clock
the guests adjourned to the diningroom,
where a •sumptuous dinner was served.
The gifts, numbering many, were tied
with gold streamers from the wedding
cake. which was a beautiful seven -storied
structure. During dinner Rev. it. Royal
toasted "the bride and groom of fifty
years," and Mr. Cook responded with an
elegant, neatly -worded speech. Their
many friends wish the worthy couple
many more happy years of married life.
1(01.M ESV I LLF:.
Untended for last week.)
A Prrdipasent.-Mr. Nathaniel Baer,
of ('olhnrne township, had an exciting
experience for a short time, on Friday
of last week. immediately after he
creamed the bridge between Colborne
and G.d,rirh townships, coming to-
ward IMlmesvtlle, and se he woe **-
rending the hill, his horse fell 011 the
Ire and In trying to regain Its Teed It
fell again with half of its body lying
over the hank of the river Fortu-
nately for Mr. Baer and the horse
there were .nme neighbors, Menem.
Marshall and Johnston and their two
bora, cutting wood In Ram MacMath'a
hush nearby. With the aid of Mr.
MarMath'1, team the men managed etue-
reawflslly to prevent lejnry to the en-
dangered animal.
Mr D ("entiion, :hipper, find*
llotmea,ille • gond dtatrk•t ter hag
"The Scotch Store"
Special Easter Displays
Tile New s. - ter coats
Further arriva this week of the
choicest boats from the leading
manufacturers, in Poland long
Coats. Many of ahem e - borately
braided.' No two alike. Th colors
are Beaver, Sand, Pekin, ( pen,
avy and Black: Priced from $1 00.
New Easter Gloves
r and new Gloves are in-.
sepa - ole. Every lady must have
new Gl) es to complete the outfit.
* Perri guaranteed Kid Gloves,
in Brown, ' upe, Grey, Tan, Black
an White, $2 'l pair.
errin's Su' h " lid Gloves, Grey
and ack, $2,95 pa
Kayser double -tip I I d Silk Gloves,
in Black, White, Gray, ; de, Pongee,
per pair -$1.25,' $1.50, $2.00 nd $2.25.
Niagara aid double -tip 4.4 Silk
Gloves, coloo• - ''as above, from - .00.
Queen Qual y.. long Silk Glov
16 -button - len . double -tip
Long Gloves are h a . lar. .2$ pair.
The New Handbags
As a final touch the ew Hand-
bagsexceedingly lY dt ssy and
practical, 'comingin-the smartest
leathers in thepular Can ' and
Kodak styles.'dao strap
and mesh Purses.
Have you seed the new S
Tuesday. March 15.
Tb re 4s 110 mud on Nile roads
\V -4M, l-bes arm to be the order of
til day. Quite a number are getting
tir supply of wood sawed.
-MK. Geo. Ryan Is improving after
his.rrvent illness.
Special ser'.-icee are being held at
Elwtwzer ehnreh this week.
Mrs. F. Jerrie,. do -tighter and little
son left on Tuesday for their home in
the \\'est, rafter an extended visit with
her sister. Mrs. Wm. Watson. and other
friends. Ilis•' Marie- -Watson ace om-
psiniel thein and will spend 1,mr'time l
111 the We'*l-in Pro.ineem.
Mr. Lorne Pentland has been t:on.
fined 4.1 the hone' fur a few days.
Troubles never eome singly. do they,
Lorne ?
The \S'.JI.S. intend holding a special
s•r•Ire .111 F:a*ter Sunday morning.
The entire w•rviee Is to he a naltleted
by the metnlwrs of the 44aw•Iety.
The Mhrw't Shepprrd have moved to
the home of their brother Samuel. I
The evenings lent week were very
dark. iame 'tumor las it that err-,
min parties returning home were
obliged to deseend to the dreaded mire
In order to regain the road. it is well
that the said partite were not alone,
but it woukl be better if a light were
carried to prevent inconvenience and
danger as well.
Conway, M. A., a former pastor on Nile
Methodist circuit for four years, and
Auburn for three years, and at present
stationed at Kintore, has received a
unanimous invitation for next year to
Highga'e, which he has accepted. subject
to the approval of the stationing com-
mittee. Mr. Conway did splendid work
on loth the above charge'rand left many
warm friends, who will be pleased that lie
has been invited to the charge at High-
ST. HF.f.EN:t.
Tweelay. March 1:5.
Motor.. Oa(htm ('amemn, Fart Cran-
don, F.wart McPherson and Torrance The resider meeting of the Alm -ek
Anderson lett on Tumidity for the Chapter. 1. O. D. N.. will be held Mon -
West. day, March 21, at 4 b'elo•k, at the
Mr. P. Moore, of near Metaford, is hoard of Trade rooms.
vlsiting him friends, the Messrs. Miller.
The enaual meeting of taw' St.
Melena Rifle Club will he held at St.
Helens on March 24th, at 8oclock In
the evening.
The St. lielena Women's (natitnte
meeting wile he held at Mrs ('has.
Dnrnin's on Thursday, March 24, at
2.30 o'clock. Subject- -"Mote on
Dressmaking." Question drawer;
reeding and [dread. A spcfal Invita-
tion Is extended to vldtors. Note the
meeting la a week earlier than the
reviler day,
Mr. Gordon RInMn1, of Knox Col- The addrew, that wan to he ghee is
lege, le exported to preach here next North Farrel Yethsdlet ehurvh next
tload1y. Mrs,, Genies Wight. at
Special showing' -cif Silks.
The Scotch $tore -the Sto
The Newest in Skirts
Some -very smart new. Skirts just
to hand. Separate Sk.cts will be
more in demand than for many a sea-
son. Plaids and checks are the
novelties. Serges, Jerseys and Tri-
colettes • are the favored materials.
The styles are entirely different.
Priced from $7.50.
The New Easter Veils
'eils,are #pore popular than ever
this se son. We are showing the
newest m shes in the popular styles.
Mona ►'sa shaped Veil, very
popular, black nd colors only, 60c ea.
Mona Lisa . rge mesh Veils,
very stylish and _ ht up ,to date,
special $1.25 each.
The new draped ' 4 wing Veil, ,
Shetland mesh,. very dress - $1.50 ea.
The Newest in Hosiery
The Easter costume_wilL not\be,
omplete without new Hosea To be
co ect the Hose must match your
suit. We have a splendid assort-
ment t all the popular shades and
you wil find exactly what you re-
quire in o large stock.
Radium Hos ' ry, Hokproof Hosiery
Monarch Hos \r, Crows - Hosiery
a ter Coats ? They die different.
that is new and fashionable.
e that Serves You Best.
Nemo Corsets, new styles P C Corsets
D & A Corsets
Phsse NIlilar's Scot
TUESDAY, March 8.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyle visited Hui -
lett friends on Monday.
Mrs. W. Begley. of Dungannon. visited
her sister, Mrs. Mason McAllister. for a
few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson, of
Auburn, spent a couple of days with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Thompson last week.
A number from this vicinity took In the
Dollar Day at Wingham on Saturday.
Mr. George Webb, assessor. is on his
rounds again.
Many citizens are today wearing the
preen in honor of the patron saint of Ire-
We hear that come farmere In this
district have already commenced plow-
Mr. H. MacFadyen's fine big collie,
"Tim." got a dose of poison last Friday
morning and succumbed.
Some of the maple tree. oU the
stmt. have been tapped for sap. The
run does not appear to be very great
no far.
The spring term of the School of Com-
merce, Clinton, commences March 29th.
Students. however, may enter at any
A meeting of the General Brough
Chapter. I. O. D. E., will be held In
the hoard of Tnde rooms. on Monday.
Morels 21st, at 4.15 p. m.
The ladies of Knox church are holding
a "high tea" this (Thursday) evening.
and the Baptist congregation also are
having a social event this evening.
There have been 01111* rumors of fit -
tempted holdups in or near town the
p.wf week, bet nn report* have horn
made to the peeks., find probably there
le no seriou* fonndatloa to the at6Mes.
f.onduo, has lawn pasdpnns' to the
week following Easter. Particulars
W111 be given in next week's tissue.
The charge against Frank Jardine
of 'sending 11 falw• telegram %rag 41la.
missed by Judge Dickson on Friday
The 33rd Regiment band is putting on
a dance on Friday, April 1st, in the Odd -
fellows' Hall to procure some funds to go
towards the purchase of new instruments.
The Goderich Society Orchestra will sup-
ply the music. •
itememtwr the Oremen'a tall on
(luod Friday, March 23th. in the Odd -
fellows' 11841. Muwle by the Meek -
stone -Buckley orchestra. Tleketr for
eouple. 81.00, 1t le a long time Fine
the fire brigade hers had a "benefit,"
and It 1's hoped that this event will be
well patronised.
,Miss Hazel Belcher a*elated the (het
of Wesley ehur•h, Clinton. at the anni-
versary services on the 8th Inst., end,
The New..Reeord says. -contributed •
tory charming nolo at Poch service."
iter. Dr. Daniel of ('hathaan. formerly
pastor of North street Methodist
church, Goderich, was th'e preacher of
the day.
Dr. William Sloan and Mr*. Sloan,
of 191 Dnnn aveltne, Toronto, cele-
brated thele sixty-second welding an-
ntver,.ry on Marsh 4th, when a large
number of friends called at their resi-
dence to congratulate them on this
unique event. They have n*.lded 1n
Parkdale, one of the snhurla. of To-
ronto. for thirty-nine years, and the
genial doctor ham been treasurer of
Parkdale I'reahyterlan ehureh for the
last thirty -Are year*. The Doctor is
In hie eighty-ninth year, and Mr*.
Rime In her eighty-first. Both are In
the very beet of health, and have every
1ndlcatlon of many year* of aetivity
.1111 ahead of them. They are former
revidente of Blyth, where the Doctor
had an exterenive praetl.r, and where
he took an attire part la politiesl
attain*. contesting F.a*t Huron in the
}.neral Int*re*t agaie.t the late
Thome", 'Perrnw We are mre that
the many old friend* of both the 1')neine
mad his, wins in thle locality w111 wMh
them many asore year* of *144.4 bit...
Decng Matenals
Wall Papers, Paiute, etc.
We sell you t'e materials, or
take the contract of decorating
your home, store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plata Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We can supply your wants in
any kind of Glass
North side West st. Phan 354
Int place of an
Easter card --
You Photograph
J. T. Fell
Toy aQaatAd. heThe Nei .