HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 3GODERICH'S HONOR ROLL After a number of delays, the Honor Roll of those from this town who enlisted for service in the Great War is now being completed under direction of the town council. The names have already been published two or three times, but are again given below, so that a final revision may be made. Notification of any names omitted should be sent at once to the town clerk. Aldous, Stewart AIlin, Se•urd Arnold. Mark Akeroyd, W. H. Akhurst, Wilfrid Arnold, Fred Itlack, R. M. Bell, Benno' H. Bateman, Rev. Jones - Bateman, John Jones - Bateman, Robt. Jones - Bradford, Riley Bell, W. L. Bell, R. W. Beck, Jos. E. Barker, Jas. Buck, Geo. Baeehler, Hugh J. Ilsechier, Francis Balkwlll, M. Bentsen', E. Robb, William Batess, Fred Darker, ('has. Bateau, J. Il. Beattie, Percy (tell. John H. Bell, Ernest Berryman, George E. Merryman, William Pluck, William Bowra, Fred W. Buchanan, Walter Burrows, L. ltrtwIeombe, Ilarry Hrlmlcombe, S. Bridle, William Beare, Wyndham J. Bell, (Herber, (Sask. Rect.) Bates, Rummell Bates, Harold Bell, D. Bell, I). Jr. Bell, Geo. Bell, V. Deli, K. M. Colborne, Gwen. Cuthberteon, J. (Jerrie, 11. Cracknell, H. Cornell, Alfred Cornell, A. C. Cornell, A. Carey, Conrad G. Carey, Harold D. Carey, Robert darey, Louise M. Carey, Philip F. Carrie, Cyril Callow, Will John Callow, Ernest Clark, Robert Clark, Erueat Chambers. 8. Coutts, Russell Coli[, Joseph C. Craig, Harry Cockeeld, George Cockfield, Stanley Cu‚ffLeonard A. ('orison, J. B. ('ampion, Carl A. Chrystal, Lorne D. Carroll, T. E. Colborne, Harry Claremont, Max Drew, Sydney Ieancey, Wilfred A. Dancey, Mise Alma I)eLong, W. G. Doty, Frank Dunlop, H. C. Dean, James Ihrrnln, E. W. Daniel, W. J'" Darlow, W. Ford Elliott, Lewis Elliott, G. R. Freida -re, E. Eliot, Lionel H. Elliott, Rev. J. Elliott, J. E. C. Entre, Robert Ertne, Edward Ervine, W. H. Elder, James Farr, Wm. F'reeth, Sam Felker, John A. Fisher, George Fisher, Percy Vomiter, Frank J, Foster, Roy W. Fox, J. A. Framer, Cyril Fraser, E. W. Framer, F. Fry, Thomas William Felstead, C. Ood,lanl, Arthur - filen, Wm. Goren, ('toil (lanky. !mane Callow, R'. F. (M. 17.) Giesler. Joseph Goodwin, Wilfrid Gordon, Bert ()arrlek, (leorge Grinrod, W. Griffin, Joe. Iloegsrth, Harold iloggnrth, Record A' Hillier, John Hays. Robert C. Hayden, W, Y. Hunt, Huy Hamilton, Cecil Hurley, Thus. A. Hume, Donald Harris, Ferman Handy, George Inkster, Harry Inkster, James L. Inkster, Chas. L. Jsmel, George Jane, Alfred II. Jardine, I;eorge Johnston, Walter Johnston, Percy Jones', i'. Jordan, F'. H. Jones, Howard Johnston, Oliver Kennedy, William Kennelly, 1'atric'k Kelly, Earl Kitton, Walter Kell, Thomas Kell, horse's Kell, ('barley Kell, George Kemp, Ernest Kennedy, Jos. Kelly, Earl Kidd, Terence Kelly, Mow Marjorie Kelly, Basil Kirke, J. V. Kidd, ('. It. Kltton, Albert LeTouzel. J. R. LewL.., Edward N. Lane, Maitland P. lAshbro oke, E. A, Lore, Reg. Lark:nan, Alfred Leonard, Jas. Letaon, Byron Leonard, Roderick Lymburaer, Otto Letson, W. Lacey, Edward I.acw7, ('cartes IAwrence, Horace Lumby, W. G. Littlejohn, Charles Ltttlapleikl. Wades Limbering*, Seaward Letson, George Macdonald, Walter Macdonald, W. B. McDonald, Eddie McDougall, Austin McDougall, Wm. Macklin, A. H. Marwick, 1t. W. Mew, Wm. Mew, Chas. Megaw, Frank R: Morrow, Harry Milllan, John C. Murray, Claude Mohring, Itoydert Moore, S. Harry Murphy, Stafford Murray, J. W. Murray, Victor Murray. La Verne Miller, MI" Mary Marshall, J. H. MacVicar, James Mcereath, Harry McArtlin r, Chari McGratten, E. McClinton, Jas. McCartney, 1 n Mc('artney-, (' Mord McGinn, Mattie McNally, Solt McCluskey Arthur Mc('Iuske. , Harvey McDone , Evelyn McI)o d, N. N. McDo o Id, Geo. A. Mel , , . Id, Chester Moi nald, Athan Me nald, L. M )ermld, It," Pfeil n, (feorga G •tinire, num eGulre, Hugh McKay, J. B. McKay, D. McLean, D. MeMath, A. W. McLean, B. McLeod, .1. McLeod, J., Jr. McLeod, N. JteLegd, K. McLeod. G. A. Mclllllan, D. McNevin, D, Me\evin, Angne McNevin, Gordon McPhail, N. McLeod, Norman P. ,lslc(iratten,. L. R. Mettratten, H. McIntosh, Walter McKinnon, John . Newell, N. Newton, if. Nicholson, John Nicholson, Donald Newonmbe, John Newcombe. Harold Nleholaoo, C. Nisbet, A. G. Noble, Bruce Noble, Gordon 1Cixlwt, Robt. New own, Gro. Naegele, W. Roy Osman, Alfred Orem, Walter Proudfoot, Win., M. C, Proudfoot, J. Proudfoot, W. l'ridlam, Ernest - Powell, Heber I•ridham, Reg. Palmer, H. H. Palmer, William Peachy, W. Pennington, Charles Platt, J. R. • 1'ritebard, Thomas Pritchard, Eruest Porter, N. W. 'Page, Ernest Robinson, Louis Russ, C. D. Rosa, D. R, Rix, (leo. Redfern, George Redfern, William Reynolds, R. N. Rance, Chia, H. Riley, A. Riley, F. B. Redfern, Robt. Robinson, F. G. Roberts, J. M. Ithynaa, M. G. Butson, J. H. R.rerdaon, Fred M. Robertaon, Clarence L. Robinson, Will Robinson, Wm. J. Reid, David C. Robin/ion, C. H. Ryan, Worthy Rose, Teddy Stratton, H. D. Strang, Mina Helen Sunbury, Theo. Spahr, Ed. Somerset!, A. F. Sanderson, Wm. Samlereoo, Geo. Smith, H. B. Sale, C. E. Mallow's, H. J. Saunters, Walter Silk, Ilenry Starr, W. A. Snazel, Wm. Somersall, H. Stokes, Fred Stokak. G W. Straiton, anion Straiton, /flex• /ewe rte. meet Mws rts, ohn Sturdy Alfred F. Balt Benj. Chas, She on, Frank M I, John th, Reuben rang, H. Preston naps on, D. / Townsend, B, Taman, Wm. Tretliewae, Garnet Taylor, Herold (M. D.) Taylor, John V. W. Taggart Llewellyn ThonYee, Harry Charles Thompson, Fl. E. Thompson, George Tom, Mime M. Tom, Archle Taylor, James Tufford, Allan D. Trafford, James Henry Thompson, Chester Vanetone, Lloyd Vldean, James T. 'Vallely, Harry Warner, E. A. Weisel, John Weston, J. C. Weston, Alex. W. Wood, J. E. Watson, Henry. L. Watson. (tarry Wenn,' Ernest Webber, Charles Weston, D. Wllljame, Clifford V. Wand, Samuel F. Ward, Samuel A. C. Webb, Clifford Walter's, Bernard Walters, Wilfrid Williams, Harold C. Warrener, 1f. \Veils, ff. \\'ells, Elmer Wollner, Conrad Wilkes, Stephen Young, Jnr. F. Young, Rent. E. Young, irf. Young, ii. M. Yonnghlnt, R. Voungblut, Jacob Voungrnn. Howe rd THE SIGNAL lODERION, ONT. \I. �� 17 toy _I MRS. ALICE GKEslI.%11 IN►DD, mother of first .tmeriran sol- dier killed in France, wieo gates entire credit ter rerotery of her health to tow aril-1111°mi medicine, Taunter. J The L (lowing remarkable statement was made recently by Mrs. Alice Gresham Dodd, the mother of Corporal James B. Gresham, who was the first American soldier killed in France. the statement l was made at the Gresham Memorial Home, which was presented to her by the patriotic people of Indiana as an evidence I of their appeeclatipu of the cervices rem dered to his country by her •op. The shock of her son's death resu'ted in a serious breakdown use Mrs. L) dd's • health, but everyone will learn with in- • terest and pleasure that s e is now in splendid health again. Mrs. Dodd gives i the entire credit for her recovery to the celebrated rnedicine..Tanlac She said : "Alter my d• ar boy's death f ' 1 had a general breakdown in health. At first it was just indigestion. My food would upset me and I had to diet myself veto carefully. I also had' rheumatism with severe pains in my shoulders, back ani arms, and at times 1 would suffer swollen and stil, and i. joints1ws hardly abbllexto do but very little about the hou e and at times could rot even cork a meal, 1 be. came very nervaas and restless and at night would he awake for hours. "A friend of mine advised me to try i Tanlac. Ian, glad I dui, for it proved t o . It soon gave me a splendid appetite an re,ievtd me enitrely of incineration. M rheumatism a:so disappeared and I am now able to do my housework with th greatest rase. My nerves are sle,dy an strong. I deep well at night and my health is better than in years, 1 shat always be grateful for what Tanlac ha done for me." Tanlae is sold In Goderich by E. It Wigle and the leading druggist la every towel be the best medicine 1 have•ever taken. d of the Farmeram * ovement, M•- Y t lanraa Mae 1t Indicates g tenxlnes in our e oth, e thoght effeo t upon the futureha f no our d coon• y than one of extreme liene- Orem_ J Sale will continue till Easter Bid Smashing Pr ¢S . After Easter the store will be closed for a wefor' remodelling .and alterations for an up-to-date allies' Ready-to-wear only, under' the same 1 manag - ment, With a new and up-to-date stock of high-class goods at low prices We thank our customers for their patr nage in • te he •past and hope you will all continue wi us - Select Ladies' Ready-to'.Wear Co. McLean Block Open Evenings The Square s Samaria Already. The Warmers'. Nun. Thr Hon J. 1s'. lteill iufortasl the (louse of Commons that the deficit ENGAGED IN DETBCTiVK WORK. Thomas E. Heddle Inveatlgatera Fraud- ulent 1'r nrotl.os, The following is from The Journal -Times. published at Rrtzville, Washington, U. S %Ir. Thomas E. Heddie referred to, is a Benmlller old boy, a brother of Mrs. R. Stokes, Emit street : Thomas E. Heddle, of Spokane, head of the Expert Secret Service, a private detective arganIzat on, was in town Sun- day in connection with the Dudman case. Mr. Heddie was retained by stockholders of the Bethlehem (fold Mines as Letsti- gates to uncover the operations in the financing of the mammy and Dudman's ale of stock. His investigation of the Dudman case has been unusually Thorough, tracing the operations in the promotion of the com- pany over a term of years. "i have been gluing some thought," said Mr. Heddle, 'to specializing in work of this character, that is, fraud work. Not only for the remuneration afforded, but also for the great good that it accomplished. The advantage of the exposure of fake promo. tion schemes is that it teaches the general public caution in investments, something that is ggreatly needed " Mr. Heddie was until r,cently connected with the Burns Detective Bureau. While engaged with them he was assigned the investigation of the Canadian activi- ttlee of the Ifartous '•Bluebeard"1 Huirt, Watson, Gordon. Lewis, et al„ who tnarried twenty or thirty wives, killed; several r and imprisoned aCaforna them ffeddie found of Watson's taw ks in Edmonton and on top of it a pick, shovel and axe. They were quite new but.ohowed that they had been used. Whether or not they had been put to the erewsome use of dlsomang cf some of his victims was of course only a matter of conjecture. Several Hot sh Columbia women were thought to have married Watson. "Since the newspaper announcements of the Dudman causer." Mr, Heddle re- marked, "I have had many calla from parties over the Inland Empire wanting me to 'investigate other companies and their financing, i am ted td bel eve there is s big field in runni• R to earth trawl ulent promoters who seek to prey up,.n the innocent public." .4 Polweal Renaissaance, Tile -Canadian Nit inti, lattaws. There Is I1tt1e ,doubt that the Panniers' movement w i11 have a most salutary effect upon the piddle life of I '11 rl'sda, ix, matter what its future may prove to be. 1t los done x gre•;,t deal to spread among the farthing com- munity a knowledge of national oron- omlC's witch as the average city dweller 'Is woefnjly Ignorant of. It has taught the farmer to iowper,'te with his neighbor and to trust him; nINI it has taught him to think tolionally. 1f, as Is stoner Imes charatsl. the farmer's eennomle policy Is tstAIM upon self- Intterest, it most he admitted that his Mast Interests are twit far from hieing the best Interests of thn enitntry as a whole -In which ease ft were better to give him the benefit of the doltht.l should re elre encouragement from tIn the meantime, every true liberal dikt he this year on the I'anadin') National Railways would anronut to some *,rr,- ono,non. fast year our roads were be- hind to the amowlt of $:7,o0,((m, ret there are some people ho would rover Ontario with a nctwo of radial t•a,l- 9 .r ways • t_o add to our auto railway, defh it. COMING BA('K TO 1.111118. ('. S. L Boats to Be Tak Trawl (ream Service. Montreal, March 1•►.s—lu anticipa- tion of a good move'mmpr of general packet freight and grain through the heat Leekes this coming season of iia vigil t iota, the (' nada )lteomship Lines is recalling doe of Its 'oeean- going vessels to re lake and river routes. Thew• r swigs were appro- priatel our at a Ime and at different periods to the Wean service during the war and 1 re seer mime carried Do malt water cargoes. Teel. ratoro _ -- the lake and river servke will mean sn aggregate increased tonnage of some 15.000—this additional to the seven vessels already on thief route last season. The returning freighters are the 8. S. "tilenellah," "Edmonton," "Ileat- erton," '•Kew,n1'• and " %inadian " Th .-a— in newly equipped modern fr',I,Yt Iwdrfw and will he ready to lease this port for their fresh -water journey by April 15. They will ply from Montreal to ('ort Arthur and Fort William. picking tip freight at Toronto and Hamilton and ether. points. Try a Want Ad in The Signal. -buy your , next lot of Counter Check Books without consulting us We are agents "o the best Check Book firm in anada All styles of Books Prompt Shipment p p Closest Prices Counter Check Books are now obtainable at a considerable reduction from last year's prices We can quote the lowest prices in the trade The Sinal Printingg Co.,Co Goderich, Ontario .,a