HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-17, Page 1e- 0 Yew Remail Yat. SiRkcription to Ik Spd for 1921 If not, now would be a good time e.YRNry-1!h0('ITH TSAR NO. 11. alntf,, ,�, (16 Horton Boulevard w 4 MONEY ORDERS When sending money to frienda—to builasas institutions--annualise---ose a Stadia. Dank Money Order. It is rtltDanadll cashed for its full vales at any gag. L) tend k in Canada (except In the Yukon distric el ft should be lost, s now ane can be obtained withal* £ wail( Is Oven st th. time .t pouch.». flea when* t. Money Order N a cashed, It csa.tltstss a rnsansnt receipt hoe tis• y. �t Ob Mosey Orden con be obtained at any of our �wmacaes, In s few aaom. it.. as 1H6 STERLINjBANK OF CANADA r TO THE FARMER BniaArg. am to savedoteach weeklarly moonpart Hach a tarp total achurcrweaeaak� part of the mew you getd watch pSavb bdanbutter andmggs ce . WE WFLC,QME DULL AQCOVNIS, • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE CAPITAL- f100RESERVE FUND - 5.� GODERICH BRANCH, G. Wilhal ,..Nt er, -t~1Elt si STEELY METHODIST CHURCH D.t,es to wart April let. Apply to J. P. MOWN, Church Street. WANTED TO BUY.-TWOSECOND- SIANDarmy tants. mast he is mood re- po*. Also tarpaulin 1ler.16 I.. THOMAS SANDY. therms Serer.Gederkb. 2t LVTOMOEILL OWNERS Get your permits and mark- er. from .1. W. Mai -Vicar .t Mac - Vicar's Shoe Store. North side of Square. (loderich. J. W. bfacVi(`AR. 1'. O. 120X 414. vt� IN Tela Ear AM CIO DONALD N. McKwerrIa. LAM or Tog Towel Or Goo.an:rt.IN TMs covert's or HURON, cmienaWN, OSC.Atwo MTV= TO deamemma'. Nonce Is hereby elven. pursuant to R S O. cap. 121. see. 56, that all persons having claims ageism the estate of the sand Donald, N. Mc- Kenzie. deceased, who died on the ash day of Febaal y. 1921, are required to fond or b beer to the undersigned. solw,tr for the executors of the w eld estate. oar before the Nab day of March. 1921, fall particulars of 4heir clawing and that after each date said tremors .,l4 dretr,lute the assets e l the deceased among the parties entitled. having regard only tor learns M which they wall then have received notice, l.d that they wdl mot be Kara, to any person of whose carat notice shall no. have been received at the time of such dietnbut inn. Dated the 4th day of March. A. D. 1.71. CHARLES CARHOP. Sohc,tnr Inn Duncan McLennan and Whelp Kempton Baecutnrs. u CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTAii BARGAINS. The following 1n a lint of Rome of the properties which L have for Rale, and on investigation prospective buyers wilt Red that the prices are put down where the properties can be purchased to make Rome money. No. 1 -Two-story, frame, folly modern house, 7'roms. ininfirst-class condition. south elle of Brisk Mtreet. Price $2'0. No. 2 -Story and .-half, frame, eight.roomed Mnrw•, elet•tric light, water and newer connection, newly deeorirtetl throughout, full lot. fruit tree*, (thicken home., situated on the west lade of ('emerou street. like =11500. No. 3 -Two-story frame Mouse, l4 rooms. electric light and bath, large verandah. cant side of Victoria .(Street. I'rle 111171M. No. 4 -Two-story, frame, eight -roomed house. electric light. sewer -and toilet, two Jot.. corner :soot h and Blake Rttmts. 1'ri(e $1506. No. 5: --One ■nd a -half story, frame. fully modern house. T room., situated on the corner of Wellington and 1'k'ton streets. This 1s . very desirable home. I'rhe $2000. No. t--fPwo-atory. red brick house, with I4 rooms and large attic, fully Ica (lern, situated on the south side of Fad (divot. Price UMW. Other (Hitting% may he had on application at the office. Victory Bads bought and sold J. W. CRAIGIE IIINI1rRM•e and Heel Estate. ave for Co11ee IT HZ wisest thing yea ems A de for your bey is to teach him to save. Open • savings account for hits in this Bank to -day, and let him prepare t west his collage upstairs. The rsaro .4s. w.wdur .mer. when a hews he is so Mag weer • Merits seams la view leee eisswatal eery week fee fesm wIth htrast se t4 remesseded airiest la 11011111./1.�� whale UNION 13ANKOF CANADA . Goderich Branch, F. WooDcoinbe, Manager Iv GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1921 FOR SALR OR RENT. niences. Will. us AGoad cottogeNTED TO RENT, MAY 1.- BOX 4ga%tieed lforawlrotable place. Apple VOR SALE OR - RENT. -A MODERN V red of tritons boss situated in one of the best sec4 town- The hour r poetical) RtIO P 0l. odargBoge73, Goderich. . Apply to R M� Boge73, Goderrcb. slastory /ramie bourrhoen West street, knowMn as t owner, Mr. .oho Dalton. of Timmins. Ontario, r anenow w sell and will aawpt awe emperors oder. Pae sterns ars a n be glue wither a month. For per- Godencb pDl1 W J'.• e4.Jt uS tfamta do Street. L.•OR SALE.—FRAME COTTAGE AT corns, Coyle, and Elizabeth streets. Has been remodelled and reinggooad ceediuon. with bathroom. ream Two lots garden lauds Will be seed at creason- able price. T. R. WALLIS, CadericA IVOR SALE. --A TWO-STORY RED brick hour. ash all radars conveniences aced by but water a s. Garage en prop- erty. Situated n foot ot of North street. Pui seaaaonan be bad let April- Appy to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN- tl LARM FOR SALE.—LOT 25, CON- CEsSION 3, Goderich towashjp, oo0raliq of 42 acres of choice clay loan with spring creek rad spring well. Barn 40.40, with cement stables, hay barn, 1*X27, drive -bane. 1sn z. small re- house. comfortable concrete cottage, and f ro acres a orchard. �I�t n sorted one mole from a dmigted Provincial canny road- seven miles fee m Goderich, tad ,e co•nveernt W school and chwch. Appy to B. H. LINDSAY. R. R. No. 2. Goder,ch, Pheme SS a 1. tt HOUSES -HOUSES. All kinds for sale at very reasonable prices 11 you lotted buying a hour it will be to yon Weer tome meas 1 may have just what you are looking for. No trouble to show you tie places 1 have ler sale. A large lot to choose from. Call i. cad 4e me. Rest Estate sae Iusureace Phone Su. t1 ARTICLES POR SALL � OUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. The undersign] will aril at his reui- dence. Bruce street. in afternoons, from 3 to b o'clock and evenings, and be- ginning on Saturday, March 19th, to Wednesday. March 23rd, the following articles : One mahogany dresser. 1 quar- ter -oak parlor table, 1 upholstered parlor chair. 1 upholstered cot.ch, 1 wicker rocker. I den ahNwPerfPerfection coal sove three - burner overs, 2 Small tables. 3 pairs tapestry curtain, 1 large landscape ppl1cctwre, 1 baby cutter, 2 kitchen chairs, I Ptvfsctloo anal a 1 hmtsr, I refrigerator, ped chino dishes. let -1••••• j 'j shove *der FOR SALE. Twohundred and fifty bustle's good White Blossom sweet clover seed. Present pnce 55 per bushel. J. HOARE. R. R. No. 2, Auburn. Phone 15 r 9, Dungan- non. ti .1 WEET CLOVER AND ALSIKE FOR 1J SALE. -Free from weed need. Swat 'lower M a drat s ,Ienrechet, and especially valuable foe poor land. Al.. 1 r eek • quantity of seed barley. O. A. C. No. 21. and Granary Filler oats W. F. YOUNG & SON• R. R. No. 5, Goderich. Phone Ips, Beautifier. ,N OOD FOR SALE. The Town Ms for sate ■ lew cords of 12 -inch green wood. at a price of 1.00 per lace mrd. delivered. Apply at Tows Hall. L. L- KNOX. Town Clerk. HATCHING EGGS. -ONTARIO AG- RICULTI)RALCOLLEGE highest laying wen S.C. White Leghrns Tworsted selected females Males used from upwards of. dams. 15.53 so: 3o. $&.00. Cash with rdr. SU - PLY DEPARTMENT. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Guelph. it litOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF PURE- BRED. registered Polled Angie Aberdeen bulls ht for service. Apply to LE. VARCOE, R. R. No. 5, Goderich. tl SWEET CLOVER SEED FOR SALE.- Flee Irom weed red. Sweet Icier! is a soil enricher. E.cellent for posture and hay. A. H. CLUTTON. R. R. No. t (soder.ch. Phone 14-14, BMm,ller. (I Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 14 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. TINDERS WANTED. TENDERS WANTED AUCTION SALES UCTION RANOHOD FURNIMTPU MDHJSE MR. AL?Rsq TIEBBUTT win tell by pudic auction, at ho reamers or Huron road (three utile fres Coder tcbi, on THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, cammeacine at Io'clock sharp. H0.gp -Oat amoral nine mar. 7 ears old; general purpose mediae rine( years old; doom( mare 10aMull aid (rind saved: Pereh.roe old, shred b* 44eM.di dt :- sold d lk n.r. 3 yews Car eta. -Cow 7 deicer. 7 Years 519' c (newt year) red,: cow oto air Ist:aww 6 hers old, due yens tat, cow 6 years old ears alg). heifer rang 1 Fara old: steer riming 2 years s1tJd hailer runt 1 year old. seee calf f morns old; heir! calf S moot h rad Hares. -140 Barred Rock Mas, 1 and 2 years old. Iu/LareaNTm.-New MaOnmcry sown t6-I.a cut), yea harvester, 1541. ad••• y'Harr,. hay rake lasaqJ) arwl:4 Ve. �'�mt 14 d.rtbie disc drill, There rre ata senna cal Ill wheat sown on to 4 bf Jahn Deere mate* nee); Diet 4 ds sad twenty •hve scree of 'fan ploughing done, and barrow (.early new); Dario( 40.1oa laud roller (a acres ol lath 1tb.ing done ma Is. a tee bast- Gene C. Connors, PNnlllte—tW liOn given (nearly ger); Oliver tam muffler with "1".".1101 49 w needed down baa. harowter (carte ae.). 1 Doering On lot 6 teens is a good yow.g orchard of two On - piano. Mr.I C. V. Henry, Violinist - ctaluvetoe, 1 saesey.Harna bar -leader. t acre, and two .cresol an older orchard, an fruit (loo given on violin for beginners and Flew, Kugler, 1 Fle, twin walking beann/. ar anted students. low. 2Fkt.y Ho.14 $S55..earl sew . 1 rasa For Information Iwura.etio. 4 r I The Property w convenient to school and rail a • . sound - at Studnn sw borrows: borrow cart, renal. waystation, being only one mile from the school super, comas -baa true- Seism with 10 -toot cr. end two andooe-6all miles from McGaw station.1 ns repaired. bridges r'rsA as Name Hrrt.m.tbe; I London 2Jk Kp. posts 1 and violin bows repaired. etc. w at has 1� geed ewNtng order): Chatham The MAI r a good clay la.m sad irritable for CODER H wagon. sat . ruck. w o� Yon w tb stock rack wised farming sad well watered. There will also SOCIETY ORCHESTRA, food gnaw hoe, Cholera Stamm sed). 1 eco at be offered for sale at the same time teres bead of (Ft pieces, profelelonal I- )Imn lhr.t-e neck 5rale. po00 lbs), 1 rt cattlelour borer. a quantity of hay. straw. gram hhousehold sce4,s41 tan). McLaugdm rubber- and cattle, implement.. and ninety-seven tired tort, ( - good. expel. open boggy, bunches of Brown Columba sbng(r One F card democrat small babe R Geay cutter, large .utoiaobik m hardwood wrist aaebast. wheelbarrow, b•tt. 1 The property well he offered for sale in block, cress separator barrels, water trough. Melotte gobbet to a rester red bid. and in the event of the parator; leer nap kettle,... 1 sap kettle. reserved bid not being reached the 2 its doubt harrow al" neigh Mrne.., 247%1 be a ffered for ale fo se aratt Droperty will ging chasm., 2 90,444.15 3 sc7tlrs trim o p.rceb cradle 2 crassest sane, w, 2 sets double for o► �ALt --for chattel property. cash. trees a ,rckyokes 2 r ter.. Iadder,stri and for real estate, ten percent in .rah upon e e1 few scraper.trod ' *soilage lock, barky Mtroe n of he Trustee with n one month Irk ' Wade, pi crate, there- chic4ee en -fattening masa rope, S horse blankets 1 after, without sterni. Pore.yore of the property Iollsedog (good Melerl:34 grain Pats ha truck, can be given un the 1st day of April, (MI. 600 cedar a Ids hgre'k, cu, rope and slings For further particulars apply to b. other rtrdeetoo numerous to LOFrUS E DANCEY, mention. PU.NIrURa.-Hapq Thought kitchen rang . Vendor's Solicitor, glass cupboard iron bedat..4, mattre... .pants Goderich. and refer bed: square memo ousted sod in 6nt- AUCTION SALES AL �S,�S S�S�be VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF COL BORNE. There will be offered for sale by public auctsoo. on the preselect, by the Trusts& Guarantee Com- pany, Limited. the Autbar,aed Trustee of Ake - ted •r Kirkpatrsck's Estate, on THURSDAY, the 31st day of MARCH.A.D. 1941 at 1 o'clock in the allernooe, by Thomas Gundry, auctioneer, the following valuable freehold prop. arty, consisting of tots ! and S. i. the Filth con- cassioa, Eastern' Divwon, of the Township. of Colborne, in the County of Huron, cont earring two hundred acres of land. save and except three and onequar ter scree of said lands herelolre sold to the Guelph & Goderich Railway Company. There reacted upon the property the loaow,ng buildup . O, lot 6, ■ frame hoar. I11*34. oa lot 6, two frame' houses, lisle, with kitchen one and one-half story with stone foundation, and a goo' bora, woo with atone foundation red cement nowt is Mable, Tea PUBLIC NOTICE. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. } tsetwoopeefooweeampintooraresoweetioneurioneniosei Counter Check Books at The Signal Made by the beat firm in Canada Let us quote prices SIGNAL PRINTLNG CO., LLMITED, Publlrbere. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late Hawse Surgeon New Yost Ophthalmic MCI Aural Hospital, assistant at Movebdd'i Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- ptal,London, Eng. N Waterloo St. S Stratlo.d. Telephone M7. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, from Wednes- day, May Iat4 at 7.3o p m.. to Thursday, the I9tl4 et 1 p. m. rare.tfIANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Music Studs, north aide of rare. tl Goderich Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wood', and J. H. Lauder's Stores lar ran),est...am tastes, 2soaall:tables,au MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM sofa, t hair casks, t ruekiagelu,re. 1 eau chair. S 1 kitchen chairs lama, Ray* parlor lamp, 2 glass- MeadPROPERTY IN ASHFIELD, lamps Daisy chain, butter bowl, rescreen) keener. Everything must be vow unreserved. a pro. relator has sold ban larva l antra --A,1 sums of 560 and under, cash. over that amount, t. sates' credit will be given se lur`h,ng appaaed at notes A dreosot of 4 per coot straight tYl.wsd for cash on credit salounta. ALFRED TR/MUTT. 7' GUMMY. Proprietar.Agosisscor AUCTION SALE OF FARM sac AND IMPLEMENTS, Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, on SATURDAY, the 26th day of March, 19'21, at the hour of I o'clock in the afternoon, at Lannan's Hotel, in the Town of Goderich, by Thomas Gundry, auctioneer, the following property, mimeiy : Au. AND SINGULAR that certain parcel MR. JOHN H MILLSet tract of lard and premises situate, sung �. pwbit .tattle., on lot 24. coocemion - �� the and being in in the County of Huron, and Prov - of Ash - 2, wet Rewired ea MONDAY, MARCH 21st- ince of Ontario, and being composed of u..e.ei.e et) *clock shop: the east half of lot number six. in the Hoses- -One hone l'�yeeaarr�s old: elf mane tt ninth concYmion, Western Division, 01 the sego: tars leer years sag_ Ag, ,gp51 ) year; i acid township al Aabbeld. containing one gensi• rnTLb�e—w`3. s d7. ' 1rtraa5sd ia hUIQS6nTSyd,,ac'ees emotq osl ..s. ye5•' ear. dry es.: tat ,stain 110,1 3 eT('Cfit' �Tilimtt Iptu'sat CeelliEt- Mngi years dd:6 Meer, rwrra! yeah fn old; 4 batten r,Nne 1 seer old. 2 Meer, rbing l through centre of farm; a good orchard. yearoll:l calf 3yj:mootba old; 1 calf 3 moat Y. The farm is in a good location. two miles old: 1 cul 2 aaontM ole. Hoocs,--Sev.Mitrehnga1.440.11S4Ib■.4. from Kingsbridge and convenient for lrngraNrs -(Hie .agn^. snack, otter, church and school w. n 4401, 1 est boh.kighs, I br.tpower and The sale will be subject to a reserved jack. cutting -bot. Hamilton 130. iacub.tor tverrihtng .dvnrstd .ill M .Nd .uboat bid, reserve. TBRkIS.-Ten per cent. of the purchase ; over that amount a mmontol( 1cand credit w ��e t osmoney to be paid down at the time o: sale. furnishing approved tont notes.Peer r Per eat. and the balance to be paid, without inter straight allowed far cash on credit.mea0te. est, in thirty days thereafter. JOHN H. MILLS, T. GUNDRY. For further particulars and conditions Proprietor. Auctioneer.- of sale apply to Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to 8 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, March 22nd. for papering and painting the Council Chamber and Town Hall offices. The Town to Supply paper and paint. Work to be done at once. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information apply to L. L. KNOX, or J. J MOSER. Town Clerk. Chairman of Public Goderich. Wako Committee, Goderich David Mcnwain AUCTION IMPLEMEN IS. UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK PROUDFOOT,KILLORAN&HOLMES. Solicitors for the Vendor, Goderich. THOMAS GUNDRY, Aibtioneer. DATIID the 2nd March,. 1921. NOTI OF MEETING. GOLDEN GA1 Mseybfit Thuradaynl e ere' Hall. Vimtng Sir Knish 1 McNEVIN, Registrar. R. B. P., No. 1011. h month. in Forest welcome. R. H. MEW IV P. EUCHRE and DA MASONIC TEMPLE, GODERICH Wednesday, March 23rd, 1,21 under the ■urpices of the Goderich Township Farmers' Club Good Music by the Mesar.. Armstrong, of Varna Highland Prpiig and Dancing by the Marlyn Company. Cards at 8.30 - • Dancing 10.30 Lunch at Midnight MAY5OOY Wa1.COMt A issies--75c Camels; Es. lady 2Sc EUCHRE and BICE Easter Monday, March 2s., 1,21 8.15 oclock Music by Goderich Society Orchestra Lunch Gentlemen, 75c — ladies, 25c WronsissensenelerairawntesersosteseSbebeallooseene Fresh bulk oysters at S. C. Wilson's. It makes a real treat=Blackstone's delicious ice cream, in bulk or fancy MR ELWIN ANDERSON bricks. will sell by psd,c auction, at lot t2, concessio.2 Goderich township, on '?lJitSDAY. MARCH 21nd. - comme.nng at 1 o'cl.rck slurp . Hous --Matched team (dappled grey Perch. erone) 7 years old: black driving mares years old CATna. -Roan cows yeare old ,apposed to be in calf ):2 rot.. 1'.1 2 years odd (supposed to be in calf); red cue 7 yearsoid. due March 24: red cowl' yens old. due April 216. red cow a years old Isuppwd to be iu calf); 1 heifer 2 years old towered t0 be in calf). 2 fat ■tetra rising three years old; esteem rimae 2 1 old (in butcher shape): 3 healers relay 2 years old; Percheron mare rising 6 years. supposed to he in 1 heifers rising 1 year old;2 steers Ming 1 year foal; filly 1 year oW; 5lty 2years old;driving mare; old; call 3 momha old. hese 6 years old; heifer rano` 3 years old, ,n call Pias - Nine young pig' cow 6 years old due March 1t, heifer 3 years old 41.N*.--Yoety ppuurebred white Leghorn bens. due Aped 2/: heifer rising 3 years old, due M■y 2r; r Irn.asees. ETc.-One 6.1t ,cut Deanne binder cow rasing 9 years o 4 (dry); cow rising r new): 6 -ft. cut Massey -Harris mower; A years old, t steers it years old, 6 steers Dsering rake, l3d,sc Deering seed drill. No 7 ri-ng. 2 years old: 1 steer and 1 heifer 1 year' Massey -Ho ere cultivator. corn cultivator and old; 4 yearling calves; sow (supposed to be in pig); bean puller new 3aseey-11arrn dec. 1 set her- 1 set of 1300 -Ili. rales Verity walking plow. I rows. No 21 Fleury plow. 1 two -furrowed pi iw. 1 Massey -Harris lir harrow. No. 21 lockshutt wagon, 1 new set Ham 'Paths. Dew McLaughlin walking plow. 1 sets plow harness, 6 gond Ozford cutter, Dominion buggy Haan combine' ion stock Down ewes hupposed to be with lamb); 6 steers rack and hay rack. fiat rack. gravel boa. fanning and 2 heilers,2 yeses old. mill, woven .ire her. new PrlmroeerPare- Tanen -A I 'tomb( 410 and carder, cash; over tor, No 3 Daisy churnChinas rentelhrre^ai or that amount. 10 mo. the' credit eel be given on wood), Weel.tn Oak heater (burns cosi or woo I; furnishing approved joint notes. A dist aunt of 6 265 bushels Banner ort.,?LS bushele barky and per cent. etrali;ht allowed for cash on credit ruminated): 12 bushels good net seed; quantity amai•u. 01 ant -Claw eine; annul 'p bwhele good Dora' MRS. WM. CAREY. T. GUNDRY tors; pile of cedar doers i set doee harrier. 1 set Proprietor. Auctioneer. sinkturner. hner. 1 thud horse earner. 2-yeart,ld collie dog stave gaiet12r1U:haylok, rope and car; Try a Want Ad. In The Signal. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IAIPI.EMBNTS. MRS. WILLIAM CAREY will sell by public r, ic auction. at hterm, Is. 17. Lake Road west, Colb_ue towrhipe WEDNESDAY, MARCHd. commencing at 1 o'clock sharp It is a matter of great convenience to Goderich people that Templelon's Rheu- matic Capsules and Raz Mah for asthma can now be secured at H. C. Dunlop's. ho[ trough, end self herder, 2 ladders, barrel, forks, hoes,and other arttcles too numerous to mention. Everything must he ..old. as the peoprtetr has add their.. Tars. -All mine of Wand ander. ea.h: over tat am runt. A month.; credat .ill be elven on furnishing approved Irani notes. A discount of 4 per cent. straight 'flowed for cash on credit ■mouMt. ELWIN ANDERSON. T.GUNDRY. Proprietor. Audtionser. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. iMPLEMENT, AND FARM. Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery Hamilton OW Stand --`` Ston Goderich. MR, T. M. DURNIN wdleell by public martins. 'at T M. Davis' livery barn. South street, (: t:latch. on SATURDAY, MARCH 24501. cstaniewdng ■t 2'rclod; sharp, the following: Matched heavy team of sorrel mares rising Syn. This team r quite reliable and quest and suited for any kind of team work. General Durant. hey mare 7 yens old; chestnut driving horse 6 yeah old: bay driving horse 4 years; iron roller (near ly ns. 1 w. furrow OliverOliverndng plow (nearly newt, mingle nawalking plow. '2 disc harrows Massey Harris mew r, 1 sect 5-retton iron harrows (nearly new); wagon, 2 wbeelb.rrn.e, 1 two furrow pow, I set hapvy tam harness, 1 eel heavy simile arnets 1 sought door* harness 1 get ring .show harrier 2 seta Nnngg4* harness boggy pole, steel -tired top lb ruttbsr•Urd oW^ gar. I set dsleighs. 7Tr larva, keo.nt as Ir s concertos,. t. Ash- aela, coeeiting of toe errs more or less .ill he .tired for sale. Forty acres,, stubble and misty arras seeded down. also a e rad rause h ere and moon fruit eethar'. A good pasture lass limns. -Twelve met ti' credit .ill he elves tai /stashing•/awe d (*int mote►. A rllaee..t of pr not. .01 be allowed Ir cads w birdie ser enta '7.M DURKIN. T.CUNORT. /4eprletr, A.ni5.5rr. Try a Wen M. 1* Own Have you heard about the box social in Victoria street Methodist church on March 23 ? Well ! You can't hear ab tut it.1 You should come and enjoy It. The Victoria Helpers will be looking fX you Note the change of date from '22nd to 23rd. spring Fever in one of the terms applied to the general relaxed condi- tion of the system which is, .,e common at this season. it Indicates, as a rule. a loss of vitality and a disordered con- dition of the Morsel. Yotl can easily overcome it with 1)r. Brown's Sar- saparilla ('ompruntl. It aids digestions, Nolen lip the nervous .y'.t.'in, INlrities the blood and 'Increases vitality. L'se It now and you will encrust that dull, deprs•n.ed feeling which usually tnmeir with the first walvl spring days Large iottle for a dollar. `told by E. R. Wick, DrUggiet, Goilerirh. Old Home Week in Goderich August 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1921 Former residents of Goderich are requested to SII in the spaces below with the names and ad- dresses of any Goderich Old Boys and Girls, and send to W. S. Bowden, Secretary Old Home Week, Goderich, Ont. • 1.•. •, 1 . 4444.. s.• • .,•e••• it s•r �w ; 1f 1)1PRO%E)NENTR AT W. C. PRWHAM's. Another Seep Forward at This Popular Gents' Furnishings Eatabl►.1oeot. A notable improvenorur has beans made iu the appearance of Mr. W. C. 1'ridham's clothing and *ate' furnish - Ingot store on the east'. side of the Square. inntwd of being ocevpled with tableo piled high with clothing, the ,entre of the store is quite clear, and the clothing is in (-axes ranged along the wall. At the tack of the sture.ls a handsome oak cabinet, with glass \front, containing the Horep4lino and King hats for which the I'ritlbam store iv doted. Improved lighting With The new nitrogen lamps, and a tastt ful arrangement of palms, mirror. a other funlishing5, won further enhant•e\ the apiece ratite- of the stone, nosthat the visitor on entering the dtwrPreeis at once that he i. In the proper at- mosphere for the choosing of a suit- able hat or garment for the adornment of hi. person. Jdr. Pridham ,.a)s the sew arrange- ment Is alio much more euoveaient for the showing of goods - This stone handles the well-known Twentieth Century and Iiengard brands of clothing, and standard goods In other lines of furnishing/ for men and Iwivs. Vr. I'ridham, who Is aeslsted ht the sore by him non, Mr. Ernest Pridham, lite built up a large beialness t(F enterprise and fair dealing, sad intends to keep bin establishment in the front rank in every respect. ' The complaint is sometimes heard in small towns that, while some Society's or church's gatherings are re- ported in the local press, others are not. In the one case the prrticuiirs are furr- ed by some enterprising person tested --in the other case they not. It would take an army ters to cover all the gatherings in wspaper's constituency, and the in only pat a time sanctum. Is the Things Tbaf . JloeeJble to I.u) r, but not renpw-t --powitiou, but not 1, alty—follower., a 't be bought. Mit tett friends. in et, the most prs•e•lon1 ttiloay to life c This truths V nowhere , ,sap Thistly s•Irmpl lit .lagan In t](r 'oo,Iw111 Is a vs•ry ralusAk , the practice of pharmacy, y (►verlonked by s y *pilar, )a s•trife for-�yit;k yrpdta, When 'sleeting A family drugstore influenced by other things besides t lure of low price*. 4'omrider v*rloaa service features which contribute to your welters.. The drug*hop that features service. E. 11. Wigle Druggist. Goderich. fig 0 -It is I., t. tt Starr Phonographs and Gennett Star Records. for sale at Blackstone's Ice Cream Parlors. West street. (3UNDKI'S SALE REGISTER Morena Y. March 21. -Sale of farm Mock and im- plements, by John II. Mills. ■t lot 26, conceseson 2, West Wawanosh, ail o'clock p. m. Toltec/y, March 22,—Auction sale of farm stock and iraplenterits. lepey Elwin Anderson, on lot 12. conccesi0. 2, Godencb township, at 1 o'clock p. en. TNcsapar. March 24. -Auction sale o1 farm stockimplementeand household furniture, prop- erly r,.1 Allred Tebhuu, et his premises on Huron rued (three miles from Goderich) at 1 o'clock sharSAp, TUSDAY, March 26. -Mortgage sale of harm property, in :he township of Ashfield. at Lannon s hotel, Goderich at 1 o'clock cr m. TRUasoav, March 31 ._- Autm ton sale of valuable farm property, o the township of Asidel', by r the authizrd trustee of the Alpalnder Kokomo rick Estate, ■t 1o'clock p m, DIED. TORRANCE -In Goderich township, on Mon day, March 11. Fanny Eda Lindsay. wife 01J. Reid forraoce.in4 her 17th rear. ATT WOOD. -A t Hayfield, on Weiner day, March 16, Adhere At wood:mod 74 Teats IN MF.MORI.AM. GLEN. - In 'nvmg memory of our dear de ughter .hod,ed March 19th.19*. One year has passed since you. dear Marion. left u. linty often done mos that •nice that used to make our acme so cheerful Nome I new how rad he parting. Or what the farewell cost Rut God and his fair anger Have ganed what we have lost How .rill .e we ghee lin dear,Marion. With your hands upon your breast But God has taken you from us Toa Ions and Manful rear -Thor who mist y,•u moat- Father, Mother and Sister. Mc1I.W ION In lovlrk memory n1 Re bort Mc - Dwain, oho lied Mar. h'21. 1919. Thie brings hack sod IT amen its Ofone whohasgony to'rest And those who thank "tram today Are those who Invert ham hest. Two years have paned. mall .e mashie. Never ah.)I ht. Menlo? lade,• Loving l.esrte•hen always Inrger Around the grave when her tai'' -.Waft and Family 4444..—t, NEW ADVRRTISRMENTS. -t Parr Tau .ad T■rpsuh. W■nted Theo Seedy .. 1 Gener.l Meeting -Board n1 Track .... 'J Erre and Dente -Goderich Bowling awls - Ewen . Each and Danr:e--•Ga+Arh Tnwmtalp linea• i erg' Club l' Pam Property ter S.* --Lett E. Dsam7......1 Swiste4a W.sted_.L. L. Rasa. , ... S.eet unser Seed -1 Home.*.R. 9, Auburn. t HoweehoW Par.isw for Sale. -1 P. J.eaas&.11 Wasted tallest- -Bos Ora, Goderlea P. 0.......I • 1 • "'."3'"T"_--4444-_.►_