HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 1010 Tl,ilr,�l.,�•. (Lin li ln, I'r!1 THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. WALL PAPER —THAT IS- TISTiC Tlwl'1' I. ;111 r•yer4lll'reasiIIg lt'u1.ual for heifer Wail Paper. , w lueh denotes a growing desire for more 11rtl.rie sun'onndings. To create ha 11110111011s Mork - grounds for lea aliful furgitore i. the :thu of all people who like etery'thiug eitrreet. iI is to these people we issue an invita- tion to view alar collection of .Illtably Wall Papers. Let* Us Assist You in the Decorating of Your Home. INI/['KTKIAb,B�'BNING CLASSES. Classes are bating fotmetl lu dress- making in the llllraly basement, under the auspice's of the ('011eg11ihe, with Mrs. W. T. Pillow as instri(tor. Only stone ten or twelve have s► far joined. There Is ample room for many re. Those who wish to Join will please confer with Mrs. fellow. The classes meet on Friday afternoons and evenings. but classes 011 other days will he eittalolisnttrl as the uumlers require. J. 1'. Ii1'ME, -- 1'rhtcipa 1. At the monthly meeting of the public school board on Monday everting Miss Butritt, of the Central school staff, was given an indefinite leave of absence. owing to sickness in her home. Miss Bailie is taking her place. ATTENTION, ('ITIZENti ! On another page of titin !:a!8.r ap- iiear. the announcement of a new 10111 .1SN111l1)11011 to 1s.' kuuwj I as the; /Yti- zenN Association of t;IGlerlelt. Tills has been spoken of before in (hese column., ,1111 11 is known fairly generally that that the germ of this Idea tuulnate'(t front the returned soldiers' organization. the (t. W. V. A. This idea hiss been taken up by at oumpaign committee composed of responsible and Stell kuowu 4itise'us of Goderich and representatives of the returned sod. (hers, anti -plants as outlined in this iss4W have been formulated. 1t la1eat soon tp speak with entire 11e1f11Itetle8M of W11:11 this AMW1'i111 1011 may do for GolerIcll. There Is a wide held for 114 activity, and every mem- ler who joins may add his quota to the stun total of Its capacity tor use- fulness. Perhaps 4141 sphere may test le dtsiee1111'1 briefly as that of n Citi- zens' .('LlIlI holding 111 its view all the varierl interests of the town and mak- ing itse'ITfelt parttetdarly In thus' things 111444 4)1 4)01 usually tsmeeru the town eminelI 'or the Board of Trade. For one Instance we might mention the 01)144 81io11 of spurt. and athletien in (iolerleh, which has for many years been sadly neglected. 1111t there are many other lines of altivity that might he mentioned. and with the large mem- bership that is expected there will he within the C'itize'ns' Asso•iaWall a great variety of talent and Inclination with which these varied actidities may lw pursued. Finally—hut not the least consider- ation—the boys 'Mack from the front" an expression we are already almost forgetting in these times Of peace -- invite the citizens to Join with them in keeping rapt an organisation which will he a help to them, anti in return will enable them to give their organ- ized support to worth-wMle en 11.11.5. i1 is ren invitation that•e t lightly 1e disregarded. The annual meeting of the Enreke I111de class of Victoria street church Was held at the parsonage on Monday evening. The following °Myers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs.. (:has. Tonna; vier -president, Miss. 11. Warrt'uer: leeretary, Mrs. F'. W11. eon 1 trelfsurer, Miss Ruby Knight; pianist. Mrs. T. Hoggarth; conveners of committees -devotional. Mrs. Sandy; flower, Miss Ruby Knight ; social, Miss EIsa Oke; lookout, Mrs. W. Johnston. Coming March .22. lomething worth while. Reserve this nate. BECAME SO. THIN SHE WAS AFRAID '7itUlT-A-T1VE3' Mad• Her WIL Strang and Vigorous Robins' Clearing Sale THE COLBORNE STORE lYour Easter Clothes Come in early and see the new Spring Suitings. We are tailors to go6d dressers and want to number you among our patrons. -Theei1,rly •bird•• gets the .choicest fabrics. F. H. MARTINS Tailor MADAME ARTitUR StEAUCNLR S06 Cartier SL, Montreal. s'I suffered terribly from Como suasion and Dyspepsia for many years. I felt pains after eating and had gas, eonatant headache, and was unable to sleep at night. I was getting so thin that I wu frightened and saw several physicians who, however, did sot seem able to help me. At lag • feed s Berri! sew !frit. 'F,vus.iw'. I did so and soon I felt rose relief. I eoatinued with 'Fruit♦ -Lives' and in a short time, the Constipation was banished, I felt ao more pains or headache or the dime -midge reassures that follow dyspepsia. Now f as sok stru" f and •souses Madame ANTS= EINAUCHER. 50c.• box, 6 for $2.150, trial alae 25e. At all dealers or from bait's-tives Limited. Ottawa. Ont. Final Positively the last day will be Saturday March 12 Don't miss this op- portunity of buying your Suit and 0 ver - coat at less than Half-price - Knerw the et'i'r#4 of keeping rt. The debility so common in the spring Is (limply a sign of poisonous elements In the blood 'VI htell the system is unable to throw off. Help is nestled In the form of I►r. ltrown'' Blood Purifier. It will enrich the b1001 and stimulate sill of the organs to renewed aetivity.1 .( rem(sly that will keep you at your hest. Kohl by E. It Wigle, I►rnggiat, Goderich. Extra Special As you know, Easter is very early/this year. We are fortunate in having in stock our spring range of Suits and, Coats early for your in- spection. NORTHWAY and NAVENE garments are sold exclusively by us, which assures you of getting garments that are in style up to the minute and in fit perfect. The cloths are the very best and the linings are mostly satin. We invite you to come to our select Ready -to -Wear Department and inspect these garments. It is not necessary that .you should buy. The same courtesy will be shown everyone. It is a pleasure to show these very new garments. SPRING COATS (and they are all new)' Are shown in sand shades with pretty button or silk embroidery trimming, with or without narrow belts and collars that are reversible. Medium shades of blue, also navy blue and black. These coats range from $20.00. SUITS Whet it conte( to Suits we are surely in the game. We have navy blue and black Suits from $30.00 up, every garment pure wool and full lined. They are all this season's merchandise. This insures to you JUST ARRIVED—A NEW SHIPMENT OF VO►LE BLOUSES. that the styles are correct. They are prettily trimmed with braid, silk em- broidery and buttons with narrow belt or without belt. Be sure and see these garments before they are all cleared out. CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES • Every one of our Crepe de Chine Blouses has been reduced in price. They have been put on a table down stairs andevery one marked in plain figures. All sizes are represented and a saving of from $2.00 to $5.00 can be realized on every garment. Special values in House Dresses. 50 pairs of Men's Tweed Pants. sizes 32 to 36 only. To clear at $2.65 J. H.COLBORNE & CO. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY TENDERS WANTED. GUNDKt'S SALE KEG SiTuaoar, March 12. -Sale d town property, by W. J, McCreath, at house on St. David's street, Goderich, at 1 o'clock p. m S4TV1DAr, March If, -Sale of farm stock and implements. property of Wm. Pickard. on cut line, onrbalf mile west of Holmesvelle, at 1 o'clock, i MOMOAT. March 21. -Sale of farm stock and im- plements. by John H. Mills, at lot 26. concession' 2, West Wawanosh, at 1 o'clock p. m. Tusso*T. March 22 -Auction sale of farm • Nock and implements. by Elwin Anderson, on let 12. cuncesaioo 2, Godencb township, at 1 oclock p. re. Tuuasoav,.March 2N. -Auction sale of farm stock. ienpleiRSnts and household furniture rop. arty of Alfred Teboutt, at his premises on Hpuron road (three miles from Goderfcbe at 1 o'clock' sharp. • SAr.'RD*T. March 26 -Mortgage sale of farm Z.tGyoder ch. al 1 oin the �clockf p �flrld, at Lannan i Men's Work Gloves Horsehide -faced, lined. To clear at $1.25 Men's Fleece -lined Shirts Only sizes 34. 40 and 42. To clear CITY MEAT MARKET and OCERY Cbl AUTOMOBILE OWNERS t85c MAIL CONTRACT . ( EALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until NOON. on FRIDAY. the 1st DAY of APRiL; 1521, for the conveyance of His Maiesty's Mala. on a proposed Contract km four years. sic times per week, over Goderich No. 1 Rural Mail Route, from the 1st July neat. Printed 10(14.111 containing further information es to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and bleak forms of Tender now be obtained ■t the Post Offices of Goderich• Holmesvale, Auburn. Sattlord. and at the office of the Poet office Inspector. -- CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Post st ofri.e Inspector. Post office Inapectar'sORce. London. Ont.. F leek, 1321 it Get your permits mad lsaea- ers from .1. W. MarVicar at Mac- Ticxr'x Shoe Store, North side of square, Godeticb. J. W. MacVICAR. P. O. BOX 414., Roast Beef -- Sirloin Steak Round Steak Easyfirst Shortening .... ll....... Z• Crisco Shortening .... -.-. 2 f Rose brand Oleo..... 1 lb. 37c Creamery Butter 1 lb. 59c Try our 38c Tea, special on Saturday, 2 lbs. for 69c AUCTION SALE Men's Fine Shirts Neat striped designs. Re- gal Lion Brand. To clear at K.ne 348 R. GRAF, Proprietor. Cor. Kingston & Square \tCOMING-- MlMmnunnulnnnunuiiiull1u11uui1unmuiinmm11nuuiuunuiulmuum_ \ ` 2 = 1 47. Yes, it's a fact, shoe prices are going to eome down, steadily, gradually, but nevertheless surely, and by the time this announcement reaches you we shall have been through our entire STOCK and RE -MARKED it aeeording s to present day wholesale prices, thereby again demonstrat- ing our poliey of giving the best possible value for money, a coupled with prompt, courteous serviee, under competent management.. (live us a trial, and your future patronage is ass" -^d. REPAiiRING SKATES SHARPENED "OUR STAFF KNOWS HOW" 1 SHARMAN'S The Leading Shoe Man mmu1mmmumminmmnumnmmmnmmimmom0mnmi T'(`TION a.u,F: 1►F FARM STOCK ANI) iMl'LF)MENTY. $1.25 . The undersigned auctioneer ha!_ re- reived in.strnetions from Mr. ,.1. W. Mtaekhouse, to sell by public auction ' ou Lot East '1s 32, Concession 4. East WnwaOush, commencing at 1 p. m. sharp, on TilrItS11AT, MAft('il 17, 1921, the following : Hermes--llatrhtvt team of hieeka. draught, horse rifling 5, snare rising 7; general purpose mare, rising I1. Cattle -1 purebrwl Ihirham cow. registered, with heifer calf; 1 COW, 7 years Md, freshened 1ieremler; 2 cows, 4 years old, freshened January; 1 ens. 0 years Md, !Apposed to he In calf; 1 heifer, rising 3 years, supposed to be in calf; : heifers, rising 2 years 1 steer, rising 2 years old ; 3 Steel -S. rising 1 year old; 3 young (*idyl•'. Pigs -1 sow, (the April R; 2 ohanks. khuut lest) Ihn. Poultry -:ttttml--40..Jgung I'IynlnMh look 11.•41. implements—I-Mawwy.t(srrla binder, (:-ft. cut ; 1 atassey-Harris tower, 0 -ft. ru), nearly new; 1 Massey -Herrin cul- tivator; 1 Massey-Ilarrls dine; 1 horse - rake, 12 ft.; 1 New (century two - furrow rolling colter plow; 1 Fleury plow; 1 set 4-snKlon harrows; 1 scorner; 1 set of heavy harness; 1 set plow harness; 1 italn wagon; 1 atw'I- tirs• top hnggy: 1 nether -tired buggy, nearly new; 1 eorn cultivator: 1 stone. boat ; 1 hey rack ; 1 gravel Mex ; 1 woad rack; 1 turnip pulper; 1 w4 trieek scales, 2000 alta : 1 fanning mill. with grass sed mien; 1 Ite fermi (*ream s.(111rltor; 1 1►alsy churn; 40 rod roll of F'roat fens, R wires, even space; (i ane'hor posts; a few feller posts; 1 witer trough; 214 bunches; of 0 X shingles; :10 fent of pump logs; ailntle t f1 ensilage; abort 2 tons of hay; about 100 Mishear oats; about 40 bushels bteckwhewt: about 40 low. of clean iced clover, and other artlelt'a. Everything will 1s• wild. as the pro- prietor is giving 1141 farming Tran• Sale—.VI puroha.es of $10 and voider, rash; over that remount, R months' credit on purella,eors fnrnish- Ing apnrovld Joint osteo. A illusion! of 4 per cent straight off for cash on credit amounts J. W. 14TAt:K(101.mi% Proorletor. Auctioneer T (ITTNI)ItY, Men's Pad Garters To clear 2 pairs for 35c Men's Pullover Mitts Yellow Mule -skin. To dear at 45c Don't forget where the sale is and remember ev- ery winter Garment in the store must go PUBLIC NOTICE. PIANO TONED.—APPLY TO C. V. HENRI', Musa Studio, north aide of Square tf UR. F. 1. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital 'sealant et Moorefield's Eye Hoaptal and Golden Square Throat Hoe - Vital, London. En 63 Waterloo St. S.. Str.nord. Telephone 2447. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednes- day, March, 16th, at 7.10 p. m., to Thursday. the 17th, at }o. m. Goderich Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wood's and J. H. Lauder's Stores ) Old Home W�kia Goderich August 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1921 The Finance Committee will be unable to can- vass personally all those who may be desirous of assisting in financing the Old Home Week so that it may be made a great success, and takes this means of offering all an opportunity to subscribe. Contributions may be left with, or mailed to Bank of Hamilton, Goderich. ,pon't forget to send names and addresses of former residents to W. S. Bowden, Secretary, Board of Trade Rooms, at the earliest possible date. Gene C. Connon, Pianiste—tuition given on piano. Mr.1 C. V. Henry, Violinist— tuition given on violin for beginners and advanced students. For information apply at Studio. Violins repaired, bridges tuned, sound-, posts set and violin bows repaired, etc. GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces. professional). PASTURE LANDS Falls'' Reserve—Goderich and Colborne Townships To Be Let by Tender. The undersigned is prepared to receive tenders up to 10th MARCH, 1921, at 10s. m., for about 572 acres of putiirt land .1t'n one block known as THE FALLS RESERVe;-- � -- Goderich and Colborne Townships, watered by the Maitland River. MILLIONS PROFITS Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds ALL MATURITIES BOUGHT, SOLD, QUOTED —DEALER IN— t Government and Municipal Bondi chilly Legal Trust Fund Securities E. H. HILL BOND AND INSLOARC - BROKER Successor to T. R. Harrison • The land will be let for a term 01 five years from 1st of November, 1920, at a gross rental (without taxes) per annum, payable in advance. The highest of any tender not aeces- warily accepted. THE CANADA COMPANY, 1170 Yonge St. Toronto, 21st Feb.. 1921. 2t MROBINS Open Evenings David Mcnwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery In the Old Stand Hamilton Street. Goderich. 1 lkaokellaMOAMINOWarwaIttesietiWeeterSentie are being paid to the share- holders of Northern Ontario's Gold Knee, Are you getting your •hare The •speri•nc• gained in fif- teen year• of metier: connection with these alines will help you to perticipat• in these splen- did profit.. C.,w11.e• Mlorw.aH.,, en Nevem*. HOMER L. GIBSON S co. 703-4-S Rank of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO 1.51 - lace of an Easter Your Photograph J. T. Fell weenarteeseseversigneweeseWarteenenessue