HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 9Everything you need
for Fancy Work may be
found here.
Call and see the marry
beautiful and usefully ar-
ticles we have in stock.
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square - Gedoricis
.Your grocer will tell you
frankly that he makes less
profit on Red Rose Tea than
on other teas. The only
object he has in recommend
ing • it is to see that you get
the best quality possible. ' „
.\ muceweut Is .on tet 1 for
the pi\%iIIi( 11f the main sheet.
Carlin Moe... of Henson. are moving
to Setsf.rth to 14udn(t * Rarer -
Mrs. Ilk•ke, wIduw of the late Nlmon
1ilrks. diel in 11o4'iek township Febru-
ary 25th, In her eighty-sixth ?evi r.
An aged resident of the township of
M.I.illup has I'Iss•d aa3aly, in the per -
.of Mr.. Harriet \ieh.lsuu, Hued
ninety-two years.
1 he annual seed show of the South
Huron Agricultural Society was held in
the Hensall town hall ou February 25th.
There was not a veru large list of entries,
but there was a good attendance of spec-
The merrhii.' of -Miss -\414.11 ILrigil•
tau, eldest .laughter 4.f 11. Ilaa11iltuu,
11 [Insets.
ut Grand Bend. to E. 1 t. Van
..f 1'ha}thann, took place I/11February
pith at chat ham, where thevouilP
will reside. •
Your Service
with the
to be hold, in
The Square Pon- i
The Trouble Man
It's a comfort to know there's
a man on whom you may call
n your troubles -the Plumber.
We know our business and
are ' 're to serve you.
Hamilton Street
}:ay.•sl nen gliiniq
Phone 135
\Ictal \\'ork
land his bride will make tl.ir home on
tb. tart'/ %hh•h Ile recently purchased.
Daniel Hicks. an odd and se'p'tet
1.4•.111,111 of the tl1W11,411111 Of 1 .1 Ml rile,
116.41 on February :Agit at the age of
eighty-tive years. lie reilEViVe41 by
twos sols and three daughter.: John
'1'. ami I►uidel p3, Hleks, of 1'shH.rue:
\Ira. Langford, of tuudom: Mrs. .ln-
derso t. 11f Fillies -tom and Mrs. /'11x, of
1;o.I.ielt. The funeral took plat. to
the I:xeter 1.1•tnetery.
is xF.TI:It.
George ( 'nl more .ihopeil and fell one
d':ay Inst wok.. fra/turing lab. hip.
Thomas Furnish. ,i. forms resident
rely 1''lworn• and Exeter, died at Clin-
ton un February 24th. in hi. eighty-
eighth year. TLB remains wl•re
Lruugbt to Exeter for bgrial.. '
Ernest .\run-truug, WIN. hada heel'
hntterwnk.r at the Fleeter even mery.
has lett for 11'eyburI. Saadi., to take a
similar position. Ili. lilace here las
been taken by Himont Taylor, of '.Vilt-
worst has )ween receive) of the deul1
at )'ort 11111•,11. J(irh., of Mrs. .Coln
('ulliugw'IMM1. H former r. Id nt of
e daughter of t. ne late air.
Exeter. andI
and Mr.. Fred 1..N+luau 11[ Iyl,hw.HHl.
She w;l. • about thirty-eight year. of
Tlw death .'Mr11rret on Mo1.1iy.
1 Fellntary 28th. of Margaret Mii:n.•,
wt.l). .f the late l:t• rk 'Number.
Advice from One., who leer seventieth year. The interment
Had Suffered Much. t.Mlk ping.., at Teeswate•r.. p1
(Clare era3foril ha. been appointed
Nine -tenths of all forms of indigestit)p issuer of motor vehicle lierbs•s fits
or to -called stomach trouble are not due 1Clnghulru and gnew.i .
Mn Flixu 1Kuew. 4 f)1nlner n sid.nt
contributing °f 11 Ingham 41fel Ie•I ntly at'R. rk.ley
cause 1 indl4'.tion is thin ¢ 1'alifornia. in her .evelty-ninth year.
blo.xi. Goodb:ood and, picot)' of it is? Mr. ale' Mrs. M. E. Znrbrigg and
required by thqq stomach -to take care of ,.4,41 11y. for p 1111m1M•r of year...te•mel
the food. If the blood is thin. the,stnmach le4ideit. of 1\'ineham. have gone to
functions sluggish. food lies undigested, l llamiltou. when• they will in future
,las forms and- causes pains in various 4
parts of the body. Instead of getting
nourishment trim the blood the system
gets poison.in
Relief from this condition can he ob-
taed h)' the tonic treatment which Mr.
1). haw, Mt. `Stewart. P. 1:, 1., tried and
now warmly recommends to others. Mr.
'gum says : "1 suffered from indigestion
for over lour year.. and have tried many
of the -well-known rem dies for such
'troubles. but never obtained more than
temporary relict. The trouble was age
gravated by-tams35patmn vtting in cosine
to the stomach faili, g to do its work. and
laxative; only gave relief to the b,wels
and left the stomach in worse condi, ion.
The result was my lot aid was griming
morelland more anaemic, I did not sleep
well at night and wasgrowingdesp ondent.
I_was in this wretched condition when a
friend advised me to try L)e, Williams'
Pink Pills: i got three boxes ane by the
mime they were finished there wat come
ichange Ger the better. This greatly encour-
aged me and I continued taking the -pills
for some three nrtpnths, by which time my
stomach was alr right again. my blood
I god. nerves strong and life was again
1 worth living. My advice's to all who
sutler from stomuh trouble is to give Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be obtained
through any medicine dealer. or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Ca.,
Brockville. Ont.
to the condttion of the stomach ataI. but
are caused by other nIl u4'n The e g
Som.. forty members of the !ltll Grey
ilnr.. Artillery are new 1111arterel lin
the 11'inphapi aroori,•. and will spend
a month her. in training.
\li'.s fe.uisa Horne is leiaving. to
Iatw.r 1n the u.t•.sim ttMlr. s.f
-lfrlis Mair the auspice..4 the 11ap
41.1 church - of Canada. She is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thimias
Pra•tisr, of IheIgrar.. .1411 two .istertii
'Huh' brother reside In W'Iligham,
• rte vTl IN
James Reynolds. who has IM•.•u m:1n-
aft.•r of the County 11.. • fur s•'.r11
years. is giving up that position • Ili
.lune and will return to farming. hey-,
inc rented tit. farm known as the Fair
farm from A. E. Ihunin fora period
u three year.. Mr. Muslin will go
I the 11"..4 to rook after hi. totem..tot
*The death .w•enrrelin Clinton 011
Feb:ah ruary 2 ..f 113., Seitrlat. 3'1114.4•
.4 114• lulu Ju1.0* Sterhett. of Ma XilL.p.
She spent the last eighteen month. in
thi.,tow•li with her sister. .lie. Kan'
1,45 -et. all a host' tom. .l.• ('1'.401
away. Tice deenwet was ill her
seventy-third year.
Wilson Elliott hall *old the ('om-
mel•eial Iintl•1 pr4.in•rty to a 1...414,.41
wrecking cumpauny, who a-111 tear down
the buildings. deluding the old rink.
44- is GO !ICH, ONT.
Fruut The Manchester Iluardlau.
The Council of the Nutlorlad $erviee'
League propose.' that it should now
toe wound up, "the Mails object of the
organization being 1111aminutiae under
present ('011ditluus." 'Flits is u WIs'
rlrlytultlun of facts. t'unscriptiolt, us
popular in England. nor desired by
1h,.4. who know Englishmen best, and
the wear has rendered any further ad-
3,w•ury of it hopeless. }:InRlishureu,
even more than Miler rWWM, are enor-
••ly Water, volunteers than run.
s.•rlpt1l\-----eo much Isetter that It ie diffi-
cult toi•wlruhtte how conch vetr,l quan-
tity would- be required to cowtw•nsalh
for the average loss of. quality that;
3i1•gius vrliell\we use pressed men. To
fate 11114 fart bw 1144 to say that. after
conscription came into fibres. In the
eau•, we ceased 141 get a large• pro)war•
thou of recruits just as good as the
3nluutle•r'4 whom wits got Iw•fore. Wel
did. for we got the or who had only
been 1MI.3ented by la of year. or
1 other accident ons enlisting
v11hnnnerlty before. Rut. •e got the
unwilling \+dud arab-willing uud send.
t•alluble besides. and that is sea -Iowa
dilution for an army. Many ardent
politicians of Louie se•lu4s1 to exult'
as tuul•I1. 1.r rather more. at es ting
I Geo. E. Thompson has purchased Lorne
\1offat's (arm north of Kippen, paying
t<e,500 for it. Henry D3vmon,l, of
Tuckersmith. has purchased the (arm of
Paul Cadieux an the same locality- the
price being in the neighborhood of $7.700.
Mr. anel Mr.. Ray Fear, of M,.rrls
townships w6 are renewing to Tw.k-
.•r'mith. neer Clinton, were made the
recipient. of ail address, aeeompariled
by a purse of btnney, a. a parting
token of .stern from their friends aid
ne•ighb.ir. in \lorrl.•
The death occurred on Monday,, Feb-
ruary 29th. of Mrs. John 'Callaghan. - of
Egtmondville. The call came very sud-
denly, the deceased having bee' in robust
health until she to1.1k a paralytic stroke a
few hours before her death. She was in
her sixty-ninth year. One on and four
drughters wfvi_ve. _ •
Tire mart'Guge of Meat He(' .\da11.
pont;.-4'.t 11:1 110hter of Mr. aril Mr4.
Ft and \I•e.•I'lh•reon. of 41r.e•nway. to
maw t }:Iglu woo,. stn of Sir. and
Mr. *piled 11',•i.b, of Grand P,'•nd.
'a.. so •innlx.l at Gra;•4o ehureh,
a1', on Fel/r cry _.411. Rod, te.
M, of von41ntl• a former rector of
tsh, ofib:looting.
If you ever used an
Electric Iron you would
not want to be without it.
It is both economical and
Our Electric Washers
will do your washing at a
minimum expense.
Hydro Lamps always in stock
See our display at
The Hydro , Store
North Side of Square
I the
The toe 4.f Mr. and Mr.. h. F.
('arr. of '414.l. Was the well• of a
pretty wed. 1K 4.11 NV/eine-Oa y• refire. -
my 'gird, aha their jv.nng.s? dangle
ter, Edna .1.. lame the beide of
iMewl (', Witte.. .f Ethel. The erre-
irony 4'114 iw'rfnrn 'd by Itay. F. N.
t)'K.'ll. Mr. and Mr Willa•. w ill re -
midi, on the groom''. f m nn t11*' 6th
Ivnl,e•'"inn.nt Grey.
in he .a pioneer
thre year' hero n•
M: Attllan, a pioneer resident n he town•
ship of Tuckersmith, ended a I ¢ and
aetrdh life nn Sunday. February ha at
the home of Mr ,on Hush, in that Clown-
ship. Mrs McMillan was Morn in Stotl
in 1327 and cams to ('a^oda in the yea
18.50. The family settl d in Stanley town-
ship and four years lain' the deceased was
married to the late Hugh McMillan and
the you 34 couple made their home on the
10th co nceseinn of Tuckersmith. MrC
McMillan died in 19A2. Two sons and
two daughters survive.
"Willow noire" firm, the r(•sldom''
of Sir. and Mr., John Tann. of 1-s•
l..,rno. w -n. the .41•11e of a pretty mili-
tary wedding on Wednesday., Myrrh
241.1. when their daughter./nixie Nile,
woo. milted M marriage"to Wllllem E.
Jeffery. Row. W. 13. i1. MPA1ll't.r per-
formed OW ceremony In the pr.:P41r
of MrnIi$ .Ixty.Tlre guest., The g int
104-3411'nrer.oa" in the groat w n•
Wang with the ltillst Botta 11
Pres!), tery nt Maitland.
11'Ingbaitn: Smart 1.-.1t the regular
meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland
today in St. Andrew's chunk. the
01.1. rator, •Rev. - Mr. MI•('allum of
i.ucknow, preelding, mach interest was
displayed in the reports of the varto14
.onanittee..• 4'Imllnksko PTw to tine
General -Assembly we're appnlntrel ns
follows : Wive. 1)r. ferries Seobie,
(43:•1'.411.1 11'1141 4:41111111, .wintst.'rs, and
elders fr.nn St. 114. lens. Tensw,iter,
Its l.s•I. and .\.Ilti.ld. Members of
the synodical eonmlittee ou hill. and
merlon.. aro.
aro. 4'v. Dr. darkness and
Shr : "g11y do they on 4113414me•tll
on the 1111 111.0 door •f
11e : "Ti; make the 1•Itiekeus feel
at home"
a tonic to help renew
Ole zest of life and
that snap that de-
notes vigor and
strength, take
Its rich, tonic nutrient
properties can be
a large factor in
restonng strength
and building up
the body.
Scott & 114'.... Termite. Get -
(Tablets se Oreaules)
M 4414
1140 ll:e trench..• a lout who (rued or
disliked toting there. or 3110 thought
it wrong to'I1• Goer..•th:nn they. olio! at
getting a volunteer. No 111111.1 it
seemed }Oat 1141• sawn thing to them,
from the 'unitary "saint of view. or
ranter they did not r11usider the mili-
tary )w.i'nt of 3143• a1 all. nut it wise
11(14'11 41 grih3ously different thing to a
subaltern ur his sergeant Whether
e3.ry sentry hl their s,.iur 31.:1 man
who was .art'yiug nut a 41111y acknow-
ledged and embraced ty hhuw•I4' ur.
whether one of theta might be at loan
with his heart and mild not 111 the j4111.
Quality Better) Than Quantity.
Even for the late war, conscription
Was nie',re a pwlittr.41 than a niNltery
exly'lu•11t. 11 (4111141 its most wager
414y0(1111.' ,uu•ong rIVIlhul., 11 was
never. murk liked by our tromps 441 -
ready 111 the lb,Id: the Australhlnz lig
ih. IIel1I, if we rewemlw•r rightly. voted
against •its adoption for .AOKU•alln.
I'rohably Its chief real value w:l. the
manila( tow 1t may have hel14.11
tensors• 1he false iulpressiun of quo to
Frenchmen that We ,Were 1144 pulling
oar weight. Simply from the military
lwiint u( c11•w• w.• should have dome
best for the .\111.41- rause if we tad
kept to voluntaryism and giv.0 it a
fair eludes. not the chance that It gut
'1'11. War (strive kined it in Ireland
It did atheist everything imaginal -b•
are baked in the finest sunshine
biscuit factory in America by expe-
rienced bakers in spotless white
Ask for McCormick's Sodas.
"Makers of Biscuits for 62 years.
••NNIP•17 - •
Spring -
-1s Coming
and the hest advice we eau give you is to get •readto slii'd
)our vv inter g,trnielity and let IIS supply your
New 'Spring Outfit
We have the Roods, and at tit'h'es suitable to the 111'.3
ward 1344111 of the times.
Same haIidsoule Tines in new Spring Spits and -Ovs'i
Boats: flout' in uud .get ►e hest selection.
We, hate a rnputel s(or tirat-class values, anti 3••
do not intend to loge. it.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
to kill it In Fngl sol. where many re-.
,ruins 14.1110 it shun -t• a'. hard to enter
the tinny as /lief find it now to Feet
work. 11'4 shuutd, thus 111144',d.ta111ed
alt.army 'ominhaet smaller than the
11150 one 34' 1111i11131.•ly got. hilt Gu
larger than the r.duna:,ry one diet 44'
Knit at first. and catch year it a,.uld
have 1....)1 n•inforr.'1 net by the whole
lwwly, suitable and uusnitahl.. 411
;eoliths n'achlog military ,age. hitt 143
virtually everything well Worth hat. -
Ins aun•ltlg that body. •Many pen -
Gelato, and wr(i-Iaraui0pt civilians a.ta
414343 utd.rMtanil that aplenty .nun.
for even mune than line ntity 111pr1w)t1'
emit-Wes.:int}-Nan(-+nhnOaryt+m i•. -#he-
ullly %is•3,' 31,1.11, ..0 the great scale.
riddle. out -the 1...r totalities and
kertn. Ili. gofth. Err -ti "rhea a .oar armies
ill }'ranee had become only -.•nai-
voluntary it wa. still unthuak:.1.,• •lyre
there should arl4,'.Qurh taut ioi. - in
414.31 asthus.. of the }'tench 4111115rripl'
114 the black spring of 1917. When the
.\nstraiiluus . had beetone almost the
only wholly 'volunteer troop. 1111 our
itmie there wits olio 11trb' mut t11y
Maori„ them. but it was agitin'.t th..
4isbelei isivlll of a lwttallion 414)144
'justly proud of itself and in uhi,•h
mala the 11,•11ad ured 1 ilbel. Ho
shall) nofut bane :14h13 114l )1[1 411.111 . 11ry
iu Euri.is• ai. 1(11g at flue 3344 .41140
fat h Ii. 1,
_ tg t .i I Ittyjr_eel tine Inst 714.111;4181,111:
ue ui•,.
41113. to hold 111• },MIs ap.1-i.uden-
.•err H 1'441u44.4
4'b r al 1lls etowna. leo if ever
_did . stllcL vuluuturxi.nr.. ur 0L111M I1
with some intelllg.•uer and some. sy en.
('11hetl. deveuly, would 114 the .ears•
fur Eliglaal, more .urely 1lasti ever.
unlyu ¢a 3hckell unlit;, Ir.l.ggfgtle
Mr. Edison's Wish
Makes This Offer
In Your
Edison's Amberola is one
phonograph that can success-
fully .pass the critical test of
a Free Trial in //our home.
Many purchasers of "talking
machines" and ordinary pho-
nographs have (discovered too
late that the machines didn't
sound the same in their hon ies
as in the store when they
bought them -possibly be-
cause they had more time
to note the shrillness ' and
mctalti'c-iound of these ma-
chines in the quiet of their
The pure tone of the Am-
berola will.. meet any test.
That is why we will gladly
place one of Mr. Edison's
wonderful phonographs right
in your home for a three days'
FREE Trial. This trial
places you under !IQ _ obliga-
tion whatever. It does n(
cost you one cent `to
our store_nricf select sour
Alnbert4a and a dozen i
" cards. • We will deliver these
promptly to your home and
allow you three days to judge
and compare the Amberola
with any higher priced"talk-
ing machines" 'orcim
phonographs. At the end of
the three days ju:.t let us
know whether or not you
wish to keep the Amberola
-t hat is all.
Moreover, if the Anhber-
ola's pure musical -per-
manent Dint Re -
► aid long-lasting
Amberol records have con-
vinced you, We Will arrange
the most satisfactory terms
of p:LVnll'rit you could wish.
„As this Free Trial otter is
only for a limited time, we •
tug (' \'t)tl to call or write -to
us at + e, 'Palk it over
with. tht' - mily tonight-,
and let us h r from you
. D. W. HAMILTON, Agent
,Auburn, Ontario, Phone 11 r I5 (Dungannon)