HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 8fns
M 'Thursday, March 10, 1921.
110i►iRIOH, OPT.
Hopes Women Will
Adopt This Habit
As Well As Men
Glass of hot water each mol•re
Ing helps us look and feel
dean, sweet, fresh.
Happy, bright, alert—
vi Rorone an
vivacious—a good clear skin; a nat-
ura1, rosy complexion and freedom
from illness are assured only by
clean, healthy blood. 11 only every
woman and likewise every man could
realize the wonders of the morning
Inside bath, what a gratifying change
would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly,
anaemic -looking men, women and
girls with pasty or muddy complax.
Ions; instead of the multitudes of
"nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brats
fags" and pessimists we should see
virile, optimistic throng of root
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath is had by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with $ tea.
spoonful of limestone phosphate In it
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid-
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre-
vious day's Indigestible waste, sour
fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, ■wee ening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food lute the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil-
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particutary those who have
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are
urged to obtain a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate at the drug store
which will cost but a trifle but is
sufficient to demonstrate the quick
and remarkable change in both health
and appearance awaiting those who
practice Internal sanitation. We must
remember that inside cleanliness is
more important than outside, be-
cause the skin does not absorb impur-
ities to contaminate the blood, while
the pores In the thirty feet of bowels
Try Grandmother's Old Favorite
Recipe of Sage Tea and
Almost everyone knows that Sap
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound•
ed. brings back the natural Dolor and
lustre to the hair when faded, streaked
or gray. Years ago the only way to gel
this mixture was to make it at home,
which is mussy and troublesome,
Nowadays we simply ask at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul-
phur Compound " You will get a large
bottle of this old-time recipe improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
at very little cost. Everybody uses
this preparation now, because no one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as It does it so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or
soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time: by morning the gray
hair disappears. and Atter another ap-
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, thlek and glossy and
you look year, younger. Wyeth'e Sage
and Sulphur Compound 111 n defchtful
toilet requteltc. it It not 'Intended for
the cure, mitdgtttlon or prevention of
disea.e _
. Just think! A pleasant, harmless
ret works while you sleep and has
r liver active, head clear, stomach
et and bowels moving as regular as
• lock by morning. No griping ..r
nvenience, 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes.
ldren love this candy cathartic too.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of the tea, put s cup of
boiling water upon it, pour through a
sieve and drink a teacup full at any
time during the day er before retiring.
It is the most effective way to break a
cold and cure grip as it opens the
pores of the akin, relieving congestion.
Alio loosens the bowels, thus driving a
cold Isom the system.
Try it the next time you suffer from
a cold or the grip. It 1■ Inexpensive
and entirely vegetable, therefore safe
and harmless.
Rub Pain and Stiffness away with
a small bottle of old honest
St. Jacobs Oil
When your back is ware and lame or
lumbago sciatica or rheumatism has
you stiffened up, don't suffer? Get •
86 tent bottle of old, honest "St. Jambe
Oil" at any drug store, pour a iittle
in your hand and rub 11 right into
the pain or aobe, and by the time you
count fifty, the soreness and lameness
ICI slay eri pitied! This smth i ng
penetrating oil needs to be need only
ease ft takes the ache and pain right
oat of year back and ends the misery.
II i• ra•g14'.1, yet aMeslntcly harmless
aid dessi't barn the *kin.
xelldag •l a steps Innthagn. asialia
and loan best misery so promptly!
WINiki Tt.Hl0 oer.N", MAR(11 :9th
build lar suedes by attending
' Yonge scud Charles Su.. Tweet,
This school enjoys a great rhwt::11.114 for
• ue. ruoi work aril log placing gr Aveiro in
od tn,ee MIN. Open all year. tater any
tams Cncul ere lure
W. J.ELLiOT f, principal.
1144111111011 :tad FI. .LnJrrw's tits.
Before buying fertilizer be
sure to get prices from
us. We handle
Harris -Davies Fertilizer
of oil grades.
Cockshutt Machine
When It's a
Question of
call on
"The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light Fix-
tures, Electrical Household
Utensils, etc., always on hand
Estimates given and con-
ontracts taken for Electric
Wiring•and Fitting.
West St. Neat Postoffice
Phones: Store 82, Res 193
Lapdntes Great Speech.
By tan Dunrinl.
• uttawa, starch 7 They had liter-
ally to sour the highways e11e1 byways
and the places where Well lie sick to
order to !e it, but they got there, end
the Government. tomcat, as u result of the
voting 4111 the Mackenzie King aweuel-
neeut to Ihe• address hl reply to the
speech from the Throne, found itself
with a majority of 2S, Probably
body was n any more surprised than
were the menders of the Government,
fur therleig the Nfte•rulwu preceding the
all-ulitht• «eeesiete of this week they
womb! have been happy had 11 11y41111.
haudel then) a majority ed 211. Itut 111
e• e -
get their 2•o they rutesl almost every
member who was ote this side of the
Atiantle. and arranged pairs for 'thus
Whetl were too sick to assisted into
thtueleatulwr. There were Mighty few
of the Gower 'ut supporters who,*•
vote's did not count. end there were a
few absent front the Ilpp4sitiun side
of the !louse. Now It is a question
whether the Government cad manage
to hold their mea here for all the di'-
elslony, for should the whips .'v(4 be-
e -time careless their majority might be
shut to piece over 'night.
A Long Battle.
11 ens a gruelling battle of words.
before the vote was taken. The talk
had ranged from the wrong.', 11 ' W
(p1e1Nr to t'anada's repre'seut:ltluu at
1t'ashington end the fortheouliug 1m-
(44 -n tl 1'o1r cremseen
and It ne'e'l 1114
(Mingle the 11st of speakers would never
Ire exhausted. At the Inst munn411t
also, ref course. a lot Of thew rushed
In where angels might have feared to
tread, with the result that the talking
we111 4111 11 111 11 long after 4 o'clock. when
"ihtsh-away" !tonal(' Nicholson, of
Quern's, P. E. 1., finished scolding the
Opposition for something which few In
the galleries could tinderstaud. After
talking- In eir•lees fur half an flour or
M r. Nicholson arri\-el back at his'
starting point 10141 dropped more or
Iess gracefully into his 4hair. Then
came the qu4'stiew and the 114111w• be-
gan 10 1411 up. knowing that the worst
was over Mel the deli/ate e•otudueb141.
.t peculiar situation developed in re-
gard to the ('anepbe11 sub-umeneMmnt
The meiver nnd'tgs'onder had waned
a rennet the Nouse through the late
night and' early mnrnleg, and 11 few•
to illrtea beget. the debate code, went
rep to !heirlooms. 4'irteswpncnty when
the ('luupla'll 11 014.11411111.111 W11s pert
there was IWIluly In the eliam1Ner ho
ell 14*. even et feeble voice 111 it. favor.
end the brain (.111111 was ,N(ncichel
4lthnnt a wlhimpe•r, not encu 0 1111111w
I8•19g Iuss•ss'ry for its smothering.
T411.11. 4'11011 the division 114'11,4 rang.
1'amp h.'jl _abut 1'14"i- le<tr+'tel-
fr their rounds to lind thSI their
prrbals infant had -gone weer' with-
out a murmur. Campbell. who had to
catch a train, hurried away without
voting on the King amendment, s4�1
Davie, though he stayed In the (lum-
ber, kept his seat when the vote -was
counted. '
Goverwnent's Desperate Effort.
Through the kindness of the Pro-
gressive!. the Goyerntucnt were able
to vote elek men- such as Sir Robert
Borden, Hon. T. W. ('rothers, R. I..
Richardson (Springfield 1, (vho hug not
been In the Meese sine' the 1Ne.14111111
0114.11141, 81141 11 few ttlwrs. ' in fact,
ahnost every vats except that of Sir
Herbert Am.. and Sir Thomas White
was counted, 81441 the whips hail asked
for A pair for Ames. But the- plan ap-
prnachel, though h1', J111 144,4. remain to
cede, thought he wn11111 Hs .0011 1111 l•1•
paired with Hain Burnham. and told
the Government whip 45,. Thr floc-
rnment whips worked hard •p their
,hs, 11'1.11 to the extwt of hin•ing a
1111)11 of healthy members standing by.
neglect le•ss.frerlun,ttl• •nes tel their'
cats, •01111 'when the 114•I1s leaWill 10
Ingle- ew4 tett• whips chime to it ; was
Mer all nnnsunl sight to s/4' lire Gov.
lenient whites walk down the gra-n
Glad. while on the (apposition side
there w'as only James Robb, 'ending to
himself 11" he walkel,along.
With the King auH'ndn•nt 1'f "no
.'oHIIdecl'' and the 4'ann.b•11 «tubs
ntnen,nu'nt. which '4''•I:Irel 1list the
Govel'Hnp•Int should rush (hreugh the
essential legislation 41111 then pr•r•gne
the House, to go to the r'renter\• eta
*14111 as flu' e1.11.04 \was 114 ken 01111 e
reSikiribntion bill passel, the de•bete
on (h.• a11dregs Int the •last few days
(Na 11 1111113`. Affair. Outside of three
'tress -)'.'ocher', (he 4':unpb'll amend-
ment 011 n• 44npp'rt, tar the members
.lief nit like the Idea of voting tloew-
s•It.Ies biro a fall seMs1011, sane of then,
primps fearing shut the dear 101,1 pnh-
Ile (night ,hjlv't 1 o'Iarrlugesiho 111-
+,111iilly %Str':iii rd *tom to eachof
thele. Th..defis•t1ons it the 1[pporsi-
tieitl ranks on the King .e11ealtnent
were c"nfls14l to L. .1. I:an(hier Otte
llyneleithe 1 ,nal Major Andrews
, ('/111,•.' 1Yttrwils'R. 1
M:Ijop• Andrews. who bus 11 1Way$
1144•I1 b„ •II1N11 (0 t11111k for himself
rather than let anyone else direct fin•
as t• 4414411 he peas to tin, hdd the
11nnse tent he had heel a ehnng4' of
Mart sines. coming to Ottawa. ile heti
I14a•r, a free trader in England, but
-Mee towing ,to Canada 'he had eeme
to the c•tieh,s110n that mote -010n w (44
nreessiery In heeler to ger the (011111ry
,head, and Iherefere, while he said
Inter lie proposed (n stay on the (Tose-
benches where he (swift think for him-
self." lee was going to support the Gov-
ernment. ale also maw dangers of et
:hail between the a -hit,'* end the black
or yellow user',. And w•ls 11nxire11s that
t'nnn11e should get in with the whites
in re•aden•ss for that event.
Ibm. Hugh Guthrie', Mlnisfe•r ret
Militia, did his Hest toward tearing the
Liberal rinks and repetition to she -Isis
when he gut Into the tIRIi4. Mr.
Entitle told the 1(044.( tint Alneken7)i'
King had behind him only the rein-
Hants of a party end thief, frons the
i'atine to the Greet Lakes' he lied only
two supporters. ., 0 thought for the
Westenl and /►Hterio farmers tee mn11
Over in their spare tine, he eb,hne,
(hat a Parliament ele•tel tinder the
present art chid not beet be unrepre
ter/entire. The rifle. were clamoring
for more representation end were en-
titled to It. he elIlegqed, 11444.141144( et pre.
ent ural t'onetltuedt'les had far batter 1
representation a.ro?ding to their popn
Rarmbla, to flush Kidneys and neutral
los irritating acids—Splendid
for system.
riani and Bladder weak4'4 result
from arra acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys filter this acid from the
Mood and pose it an to the bladder, where
it often redoing to irritate and inflame,
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night,
The sufferer is in ennatant dread, the
water passes sometimes with a scalding
sensation and is very profuse; again,
there is difficulty in avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call it,
beeauae they can't control urinal on.
While it L extremely annoying and some,
times very painful, this is really one of
1 the most simple ailments to overcome.
Get about tour ounces of Jad Salts
from your pharmacist and take • table-
spoon in a glees of water before
breakfast, continue this for two or three
days. This will. neutralize the acids in
the urine so it no longer is a source of
irritation to the bladder and urinary or-
gans which then act normally again.
Jed Salts is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and
is used by thousands of folks who are
subject to urinary disorders caused by
uric acid irritation .lad Salta is splen-
did for kidneys and causes no bad
effects whatever.
Sore you have • pleeaaant, efferv,eeent
lithia-water drink, which quickly relieves
bladder trouble.
Municipal p:xpendihire.
Mail and Empire.
Having hada 35 -mill tax -rate, which
compared unfavorably with that of other
Ontario cities, Hamilton last year put
into tfftct an increa.e in asneyenu ret of
from Twenty five to fifty per ce •1. in order
to get heck to about 25 miller But the
rate for this year i • :13yi mils. Wherever
a*Mssmenia are hoisted, to reduce Iht
mill rate, ratepayer, c in be t re that,
within a few months, fresh a xp• ndi'urer
will be devised to bring up the rale.
Extravagance is a curse of Canadian
Municipalities, and sometimes curses, like
chickens, come home to roost.
I':rla•at Lalalnte, who slim for, QUIP -
bee i':aat, lilt •W1lfriti's old silt. Walde
a very strong speech In Ate debate.
A few years ago Mr. I.ulallule came
into the House with hlydly,u weird of
English. Today he Is one of. the tweet
debaters it the theme. in the English
language, 01111 11114 know'lesdge Is by 110
waits confined to parochial aftatrs.
tug Ie
the F •
1 us . ',t u I 1
awl take
I r
notice when he 41e•larel that the Gov,
er `tit had nu right to attend the
Lupo•ri,11 4'onfereue as representing
Palade ; that n1 Liberals would be in
that repre•seutytlon, and further, that
theJ.itteralit would out consider them-
seIVes 110111141 by any of the dmi:lons
that alight be resoled there. People
are asking what cfft•'t' Ins, speech will
1,4141. en the eu11duct of that conference.
Mr. Itiointc emote the Government
hip will (high, and parth'ularly the
Minister of Militia and the Minister
of Ineneigration for their utterances
during recent months lie charge) the
Guveruwent with 114•111g 11 thing of
shrels a1)11 patches, like a crazy quilt,
and 41114' w•hii.'h was notable. for the
men who were not in it rather than
for those who were. 'Referring to Sir
Thomas White. he stave the, other Lib-
eral weathers et lead ellen he called
the doughty knight "the former wem-
ber for' Iwsels anti Brockville."
There were Quebec stsss•hes, of
r41urw', 01.1113' of thea, but nue experts
thew at a time like this, and die Gov•
eminent Was guyed numrrrifully for
Its 'wooing of the Freneh-1'auadlan
I'rovha'e, and the rowan* tit` that woo-
ing. which were pointed out mils being
"a lupe voice crying 114 the wilderness."
Mr: Gauthier was told, Ili both
languages, how popular he WAS at
home end abroad, and that he had
committed political hltri.kari, which is
probably true.
Investigation of Grain Trade.
.t11 outstanding de1elup4ne•ut of the
week was the demand of the,We$t4'ru
Guveruwent supporters for an investi-
gation, by a Royal Co Issio11. of the
grail trade. The Government Ines
given Its sanction to the suggestion
and a bill to provide ter putting it into
effect is to 11e pat through at tut) early
date. 1t ,w'aa w•helule,l 144 go through
the .•k•nate during the'I:Ist few days,
but something went mink,. It will
peke the House of 4'onunu1,s easily
enough, though c•rtaliely the della11. 111
11 WIII he 4.111141 111111 interesting, for
the Western /:relit -grower represent-
atives colied not afford to show any
greet hostility.
The 'Ontario reftre•n.jnnt 1eglslnfiun
has gone through and leas been give•u
the royal 44sselrt, 544 there is nothing to
4110 now• but take the cote 4111 whether
or tied Ipnhlriu will continue to import
1igner 0s at present or whether it will
have to hee,stnuggled over from, (lull
and Montreal it trxieieles.
The iTrens4'• goes foto mood}' todlity
and s • time this week the estimates
are to Is• brought downr remelting to
Sir Henry itnlyton Anyway, with
the debate on the atT rens out of the
way. the road 144. clear for a lot of
work to be brought (1(g, tend there will
be Interesting (natters cropping up all
the titne.
Taxes In Iaatslments:
('ollingwood Bulletin.
The payment sf° tales iu instaiue•,ts
is le -coming wore popular in the muni-
cipalities. 1'ollitlgwlwNl has had the
two-payme'111 plan for 454111)' 31.41 I's :11111
is well pleased with It, bee-anee of the
advantages it brings to loth the tax-
payers and the municipality. Meaf4rd
Is going to go this one better by get-
ting- four dates on whie•h faxes may
1c paid. these Icing April 25th, June
2711,, August 29th and / k•tober :Inst, err
within five days thereafter in 4.11411
4'11 se. This appears to be an advanced
stele and will Make the paVlue•uts
08411'0 for the taxpayers Neel at Ow
same time save the wlIIiripality
money through tiw lessening of its
borrowing weds. 11:1ny (11141 it 4-441414-1'
10 (1113' a small 'sunt four Gene -we year
then a term- auw,mit c In the twelve
Mail Order Hualnealt !kenning.
Forbes .11aguibw.
Mail order bushiess isn't what It
west to be. Ni11e the fanue•r'ie tlivve•r
►ins bruyygKht him Into .'lust' touch with
the nlefeh1ults of the large rutintry
towns. The days of big expansion for
these evenpu11hs ,are apla1e111y over,
although they' 1111y hold their uw11 and
eodbl e•
u 14) grow through adoption '
new 11111es 11111 1111141/4. The l•e1111111011
1410(14 of the recapitalized Montgomery.
Ward 1.0111...1.111, after the 11/w' Ill 11111 11t
Duke -Whalen juggling with "Class .t"
and "Class R" securities, Is w, hope-
lessly 0wotherel under the pyruuld
issue's that it Is unworthy or even
4(l'etllatit•e cpusitierl1lon. /teears-Ita'-
buck'4e January sales have been report-
ed as $15,t79,7110 against 1121.4911,9711
lei Jiutuery, lir-Si. it derreetse of over
forty-seven per feet.
One Man One Fete.
Toronto Star.
The freedom with which members of
the Legislature have expressed their
personal convictions on the private mem
bers' bills to give each ratepayer but one
vote on ; municipal money bylaws and
to require certificates of physical and
mental fitness as a basis for marriage way
Mr. Hornuth's bill with regard t4'. mon-)
bylaws has much in its favor. No one
can justify t/,nditions under which a rate-
payer with six pieces of property in one
ward has but a single vole, while another
man with property of the same value
scattered in sight wards has eight votes
Nor is it reasonable that a citizen own.ng.
one block of improved property worth
4100,000 should have but on • vote,
whereas another citizen owning five
vacant lots with a total valuation 01
42,600 sheu'd hat.* five votes.
Great difficulty would be experienced
in giving ratepayers a vole on each 45,000
worth of property the y own. In the
absence of some such unit of voting, the
pri"cipal of one-n.anone-vote should be
None -Such
Lini o ent
2Ihe a
� sm
Aches a, PdhlS
./>(t rurD alens
xx 5CCX XXX XXX xxxxxxxxx xxrx c
Hot OXO, or
better still an OXO
Cube in • cupful of
arm milk, is an idea/ food'
r children. Milk with
XOcan be assimilated
ore readily, and is a
ost nutritious and
holesome diet
Tins of4and /
%10 Cub
School of Commerce -
Clinton and Godericb, Ont.
Business Stenographic
Secretarial .. Civil Service
Teachers' Training Course
and arranges Special Courses for students.
�1R FOLigwING A11\'ANTAGes :
Highly Qualified Teaching Staff
Actual malates System of Bookkeeping
Credential Typewriting Tests
141,cition9 Guarautrrd
Vocational Training School
,,r this district, by Government appointment, and under in-
sp ection,hy tiuldielw' Civil Re-establishment Irepartment,
Por Terms, write \
it. t., M. A Cora, Specialist.
I'rinel %Ice -Principal
('hone 198, Clinton
Winter Term begins M
ry 3rd. '1921
Historical Events in Nova Scotia
and . Age
THERE is no time in wom-
an's life that she cannot
benefit by the use of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food in order
to keep up the supply of pure,
rich blood and to ensure a
healthful condition of the
nervous system.
Headaches, neuralgia, sleepless -
new, nervous spalls, irritability,
tired, worn-out feelings, soon disap-
pear when the vigor and energy of
the nerves are restored by the nes
et this great restorative.
SO cents a box, a for 42.75, all tealera, or
Mdmanson. Bates & Co., Ltd., Toroato,
Dr Chase's ¢�
Nero' T ick '
, (1) The Officer Quarters at Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. Thia is now
Museum where many interesting historical relics are kept. f -e1,'
(2) Fort Anne is divided into two sections; this is the connecting archway. i
The Nova Scotia Historical So
clety and its offshoot, the Historical
Association of Annapolis Royal are
making combined efforts to bring
about a fitting commemorktiorf of
three interesting historic events this
year at Annapolis Royal, the ancient
capital of the province. In 1904 the
tercentenary of the founding of this
place, under Its former name of
Port Royal," was celebrated with
great eclat—probably 10,000 people
attending—and a monument to de
Monts, the founder, in a eommsnd
Inc position in the grounds of Fort
Anne, stands as • permanent mem•
oriel of that occasion. • 4'e
Now It is proposed to celebrate
and erect a memorial of the tereen•
tenary of the birth of the provin-e.
It was In 1821, the coutgtry then
being claimed by the British by sit
tui of Argall's eonquest of Acadia in
1813, that James I. of England, VI.
of Scotland ``ranted to Sir William
Alexander (afterwards Earl of Stirl
ing), a charter is make of thio ter-
ritory a New Scotland In Amerie•
mel at tMr
and a New France there alight Wm -
be a New Scotland in the New
World. This business was finally
arranged and the King's Letter,
authorizing It issued on the 5th Aug-
ust, 1621, and the date of the ter-
centerary celebration will in all like-
lihood be the 5th August this year
and the scene of it the old Fort of
Annapolis, now called Fort Anne,
where a bronze tablet wit( be erected
as a memorial.
At the same time and place the
legal Arofeasion will celebrate the
bi-centary of British Civil Courts
in Canada and put up a tablet in
memory of the eatablishment of the
first of such court*, which sat with-
in the walls of Fort Anne in 1721.
A tablet williso be presented
and dedicated beaPing the following
This tahk,t erected A.D. 1921
under the auspices of the Historical
Association of Annapolis Royal cem
memorates the one hundredth an-
niversary of the arrival in this Town
of Thomas Chendler Heliburton who
lived hers eiyllt yean and began it
this glace h'.r *teat cartes, to law,
lino itfAliill! Ws:L.__
Thus there will he a tercentenary.
a bi-centenery and a centenarycele-
bration, all on one day, in te old
stronghold of Port Royal, whose
ramparts, bastions and outworks are,
still in • wonderful state of pres-
ervation, and form the centre of at-
traction for thousands of visitors
every year.
The committees In charge of the
arrangements have hopes that the
Governor-General will be present to
unveil the tablets, which will be
formally presented by representa-
tives respectively of the province
the legal profession and the local
Historical Association, and will bes
received for the nation by the Minis-
ter of the interior or some one rep-
resenting him, and committed to the
care of the Superintendent of Fort
Anne, which is now a National Party
under the management of the In.
terior Denartment of the Federal
it will be a memorable oecas{oq
and no doubt will attract a boat of
The full programer t, we are ao;
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