HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 7?H1 aINIOMAL - OODERICH, ONT, Thomas,. Marcs 10, 011.-7 Studebaker and Gray -Dort MOTOR CARS Let us give you a demonstration with these cars before you decide on your spring purchase. Our repair shop has been operated to its capacity all winter and the cars are still coming in. Bring yours in and have it done before the spring rush comes on. Our ncw battery charging Eutfit is working splendidly and we are now in a position to handle any number of batteries. We have in stock several kinds of the Non - Glare Lenses, at prices ranging from $2.75-$4.50. Stop walking to work. Come in and get one of our new Bicycles. They are here ready for delivery. Case Farm Tractors and Machinery. ARCTIC ANTI -FREEZE for your Radiator. Columbia I)ry Cells are the best for all purposes. T E EAST S R EETGARAG T. F: HOLLAND Electric Wiring Let us give you a figure on Four sviring. It will be -wotttr••yreur while. 1f your ELECTRIC IRON is out of repair do not.leave it until you %-ant to use it. We have repairs in stock for it. New stock 41f TUNGSTEN LAMPS, 10s, 25s, 40s, 50s, 60st, 75. and 10)s. Reasonable prices. !'all ;tial see us for anything in the electrical line. L. T€ Old Colborne Hotel Corner P1i 1NI': sisweeerwse New Automobile Paint Shop Opened I have opened an Automobile Paint Shop and am prepared to handle all classes of Cars for painting and refinishing ,CALL ON US OR PHONE Have you gof your Anti -Glare lens as required for all automobiles? I handle the MCKEE LENS which has been approved by the Government Let us show you its good points over other makes JOHN CUTHBERTSON Decorator West Street opposite Masonic Hall Phone 354 P. O. Box 509 The Law as amended Nov. 10, 1919 TReferendum on Referenduon April 18 is to ratify a new federal law, namely, the Canada Temperance Act, as recently amended by Dominion Parliament. - • If a majority of the people of Ontario vote in favpt'.1 the Canada Temperance Act as amended, then, in the mace words of the law, it follows: 1. 2. "No person shall import, send, take or transport into such province any intoxicating liquor. "No person shall, either directly or indirectly, manu- facture or sell, or contract or agree to manufacture or sell, any intoxicating liquor to be unlawfully imported, sent, taken or transported into such province. 3. "The cprriage or importation of intoxicating liquor thrnugli such province shall only be by mean; of a common carrier by water or by railway and not other- wir', and during the time any intoxicating liquor is be- ing so transported or carried no person shall open or break or allow to be opened or broken, any package or vessel containing such intoxicating liquor, or drink, or use or allow to be drunk or used any intoxicating liquor 'II therefrom." NOTE. -This law does not prohibit importation of liquors to be used foe sacramental, medicinal, manufacturing or com- mercial purposes, or the importation of such liquors as are permitted to be sold by the laws of the Province. "Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxicating liquors into the Province be forbidden?" Vote and Vote, "Yes" Close the door to imported "booze" Ontario Referendum Committee 18 A COMMUNITY SINGING. Hy Tbutna. McGillleuddy, In Farmers' Magazine. Huinau befogs are gregarious. The dictum that 11 Is not guts) fur min to le alone Is u.1t c011fiutsi 1 i things cou- uublal. Ma11 by nature Is u mixer. Folks will fuck. And 11oth111g draws 11ke a crowd. 1.14 11 IW kuowu that -They're all gongto be there," and they all will try to be there to 111,1e thwu all. People w'111 follow the crowd whether It 1s In rue or hl orb. The cotujwratively abut -In life of dwellers ou the Tartu has always been played uu by thus• who have apoke11 or written on rural problems. The transporta1Iou Idea has often been given as the cure fur tares !smelliest*. (:0t111 roads, automobiles, electric rail- ways- •what we call rapid transit --- there Ir the remedy, they say. Well, not altogether. While there Is touch l to is. re•uuuueltdei I11 phy11ca1 or vehicular transom!, psychological tnulsports must also he takeu Into cu11- sldeeatiou. The wail and spirit mart 'eaa Iw bh' Ire alum as well t a Iw carried K What Is called, the "...immunity 'spirit" -a social means of .transport, 'some- thing not made with hands'-nnist lw the leading factor In bringllig people together 111 the rural re•tluu+. Attrac- tion, after all, Is more potent than mere traction: although g.od haulage. couplet with good tellowahip. quickly lends to sn'la1 perfection. - The strange, the Funurre Instihttra. and the 1'. 10. O. organizations have al- ready 114)m• away twilit much of. the old-time teolatluu of country Ilfe„atsl 111: energy shown by those younger In yearn who have participated In tlC sctivitlr* of *Moo' fairs mud hope and girls' elutes haw also shown that Y new day Inas arrived for more clulatble wo11ditlana In rural n••tghlorh.aa.lyO As the result of many yeay* ex- perienee with Y. M. 1'. A.'s, tnlu s meal tripe clubs, and military cantles. 1 have ...imp to the cmclttlllun that people en, Joy mine 111411 any other music that In which they take [tart publicly. A eom- muuhy slug -stung, no matter whore 111 dingedlin, shwas,* stets as a social tonic. It los a solvent, of creed, emote and ultra dignity. It eatch.hl all pres- ent if, they will only catch 1Iw how. It lakes the croak out of the throat, the furrow' from the worried brow. the hard line' from mouths that have been grut, ing grim, anti the crowsfeto from the corner of the en*. It melts the icy Manner. 1t knocks the starch out of 'even the so-called superior ISSIp1e. To sing t igether is: to get to- gether. I Ila 1.1. .44.11 hard-headed horsiness stud professional wen, .% ho have taa•11) 1'.\RIIF;F: S FIGHTING il'EEl'H. 1tloked 1.11101A WW1 nl.v ,9r frac by 1111•11', __( employees', turn oto et ha outlet. or club (.0'.rrlllllrll1 Wailing for "Nomelldng gatherluge in the city and dr';' nil their (Nulty *tut "(trout,'' as, they J0)•- to Turn l•p:' uualy b•llowtd solar popular ditty. or •.aul14,m ma rot at Li,a•r.ii, ..f ruieulnly Joined 111 *mule ri•ut111"111 !Nei comity italliumusll' selected ruing, rlg, and doing 1t as It the fate -A..401484 J turner us 1I,uir .,F'.elerul of uatione delwuded upon their tieing atnuit»rd•bearer yerterd:n. The notui- heart. 411d, will 11 tulle c.latitg. a nation it•na uuld,. by u c '.•1111,911 farmer can uutchlt :uany .rot)' rh'•1'' which otd-tlinirs drsrrNo• :as one of the 'weuus' of better rlu.t :old In„ 11,."1- largest, most 'rekeecittatice fwd oust opulent.• M,islt 11.11. 'IWdy. hid :a 1"tliilg enthusiastic i" Im the hh*fvn!i •f the 000 place in rural a'ntertalmu.ml. '1'11,• old -1 fi..44 u.)'. Ih•hy;eter N'4'r1, (swoon t /row r.' ira•t of the philia +, tp..n- fYgh I//111"1 alugtnlg L!l•hol ave a `esu'"' I sl41eru1/11' I1111111Y•1' 1,•11,1! Iadh's. uta l -i. Ohm or two of agrk•uku is all 1111 ,lull. which su•:us sono" :pat, „ma so for melody, end reflected it'se 111 the (Ton d.el That 111:1 14) had In gland' vohlme of congregational stinging 1h•tt I ahruugbeut 1111! online pns•.Rvlluds. ub(ulned forty yt•mrr ago. This)• In me. .13...) g A. Jl.lrlin. pre -Meld of the chtlrc1* asatoublleg that hearthl.•ss 111111 (•,/1111')' 1).. S :'.1.r, .srul/i"d the 1' 1114. colinue Is terry lunch wanting. 1 and u11w11g." the.int gla•:nkers .were tiyu Community a, j!ng 14.111 1" •!1 Ao l ladfws, )Irl. (11r.1 .11:111 and Nies. tuft. revive _ties oams:h 11(' and 11411 Ie..1t win Uurrlugfou, both of wb.uu teal- TIiei ' v°e°llsm of the gto,l old d ass. 111•ibaud sparkling and spirited short The people who c:un slug with cies I+dch•esa.•. "Keep the Howe Fires Morning" will he able to put feeling -horn "L4I)(,1'llatsg on••-•Sltalelhlstg MAY Tun l'p•' Kindly Light," and those who c.s'i-! Mr. Fret 1•'. Pardee, M. 1'.. who ar- ferously bidt you "lack l'ii Your, rived from int:nv:l un the art. -room' ' 'rroul blre In our Itid Kit Bag." ere! tralil, roused the contention to a high likely to he Just a4' !suety In exhorting pitch of 4.114 1111.134111. Ile `described 1 e'nobility co . Li s t to capital, II{II a at 1 Your Blessings."or M you to ^1'ouit Y. ur 1 , "Brighten the Owner Where You are." to ''riv.rganire' the 4':.binel bemuse of Hest 10mnm1111ty .singing imlplirr a g.hlera1 pa rtMips' tism. Everybody should have at least n whack at the choruses. A ennoble Ie.uler with (Nth taste and gum:Mimi can bring h.•.Irty null genuine mel.slc out of tiny rural - -_ gathering. .Simple methods and e knowledge of human stature ono' 011 the! are Iuvsied. Ile will firsts fry out the juniors. and chll.i,ren will never - refuse to sing. Then 111e -theta will 111• : Reined by thetngelres, followed bythe toys. Now we are g'tllug along. 'l'hl• next thing we know the leader 11;18 the wuulPn 111 rolling along all by thein wave*: and thea, wonder of wuud.•r-, he calls upon "men oily" lo ming. and i they get at It like thy; g..od sport's that they are, s1 14441' tIl 4111(1'.'. 11n• woinen1 folks and the kiddies th(t music le something that 1s hi the sued of 1111.! 11111 that driving :a le:110 111 the Mid ds a rap)/al alit towaad des limning a x1(11 mud nn'geplouic Istritone. Then let us have community singing. 111111 plenty of it : but 'let .It be s..me thing more tl•ni mere aim;-"o11g. .3.113 thing .1."ent Will do to lu•gin with. the simpler the 'better, as it sort .r11hiTTr•r- iug tip exercise. But let suouttlahhc more emblltums 1e attempted mutt- awl then, si.•h as gier•.r, anthems, rant 4, e - or perhaps uratorlo,, with big sol ',- from, the (dries no .stars, 1mt 4v(!1, .111 hands 41rillel for the choruses. Swine Time an easy aid cleat comic opera might he tout on. boat with 1111 indention of crowding out the more solid music: for it is well to r. iurnlls'r the force tins! JnstnPgw of that very mortis -1f oh sm . alto. Tf-thr' rap. xl. '141, "The letimn, 4'e Is'.•11 as the sugar. he 11ee1"d to intake the punch." 1'omninnity mottle and ...immunity . singing should lie en:•'nrnge•l. It Is a sweat. phesle•a1. ut•utn1 11 ha mord tonic. Less piddle beuefactisms huge tarn -1113=5114 1W The +dire. - the Gear of by-ele'tiuus and the c1u- AsTHMA MEAH N Sllaekie, - No Semite -No Scall Jest Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give Iso` sights of quiet sleep; contains no habit-forming drug $1.00 at your drug- gist's Trial free at our agencies or write Tamplatoaa, 142 King W., Toronto. Loral Agents -Dunlop's Drug Store. Sass an exchange : "the man who imagines he has no equal must lead a very lonely life." He does, brother, for few people care for his society. 'Tobilmfhalt hath shall be fiver' Was the Biblical version Of our modern saying,: "Notation suc- ceeds lika aunoesa." dao It was with Ds. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., 11 In,. user 50 years ,tgo,LYave I„ the world a Pr•.eripflotiwrIti,•h has raver been ...quelled as a tome for the weaknesses ,.f women, 111l4ny women In every hamlet, t',wn or city Will gladly testify that De.'Pierces leavorito Prescription did them a'.1•ul Id of good. Ask your neighbor. ,- A,nith,'r .4 this moat Maier sues...fill remcli"s Is known as Ur. Pierer s t 7 d,l.•n Medical Uistrovery and, 114 • the "I'reecriptien." Ig 11ow sold by dri,pglsyl everywhere, In iwdh IIquW aWd tablets. 'I'liis me11- 1,1119 War a success from the starts fur-the-Itat -of mem and women 011 over the universe who have uccessfnlly used it for lndig"sl• n and as a Mood tunic and syat m builder, makes an amazing total of tiourands. .wequeut decision to "reorganize" the party by adopting a urs party usury. (Laughter.) "We object," he said. "to the inclusion of the word 'LNwral' In the new 1181114', became. It doer out Icloug. Itlt If they desire 1(1 per- petuate the old union between Nation- alist and 4'pmser'm(iya•, that. of course, Is their own itifi1r.". ("hear. bear."t -A1111.1 renewed laughter .Mr. Pardee 4.11114411112.4.41 1114' 1441 fey of the Jleighei AIIiiIslry ns "Ilan; 1111, and, lu 1Ile .Ineunthoe, so11u•tlatug umy turn up." "The I:uv..rhhleut knows right well." he'hr.a•WYIWI, "I tort 11 14111 lost 1(1.'41111- 111.•11.-e of 111' country. It knows it hug lost the confidence of 111e public It Is supposed to represent. It knows It has lust the clnfideu'e of the 1,"(1111• who put It. there three ,rears ago for a speifir purpose. 1(111 It retain* cou- fiden.e Ili Itself atul lu '!Tae• House 1/1 4'uuu1141is b)' u majority of .5 t ls.light.•rl - and it Ilkea the 'tweets of °Mee more than it respect. Is111tlenl uurulity. prolific:0 nuuallues1, dignify or courage." Res for Tari, Talk. - , Ther W:1. ,,rely (1114' (11111-1', Jnr. Par- dee tole "I ant. in which the Me1ghea i:(1veruiu• t c(1mld look for support. It could la ark to the sd.1i.'rw. 1t could not b In the ?amen'. - It 1.0 111.1 (1 all n t a u ill w•urk'ierr It n could not Wish . t119 plain. people of ('1118.14 In nIs*,l if activity or ell- 11e:1V44r. lit 1111:4),Ii . , to the slsrlelly 'privilegeda1u1 highly prote-(.'I big in- terests. For this re,1sott, i1 wag en- ile'acuring to' raise a(t:11(1 the Issue of high protection, For Ints r•,ao.li it WAS talkh.g 1arf1T(4. ".t1 the proper time and in the proper plass- t.il,•ralienl will deal, with that 1,4(4119'." .Ie•l:tl•el Mr. I'.19Y1."', amid cheers. "I,II..'ralfsnl is 1111 re•nrd 111111 4'111 ace the Issue uplarely. Between tariff for rev4'une 141141 tariff for /hire ntinlpulatiom and privilte pr.ilihsoin* ihere is no doubt /IS to where Lils'r.rl- isni stfnds. The neeegvarlos of life ;.14111141 1,• made it reasm'1114' ng p's- -IMe. It is unjust and wrong to over - ..ix. them. .Ilnlnlgeurr In luxuries. by 'hosewho ran 11ffor, Boon 1a mother matter. "'swiss of luxuries ought to cp'•t to p1)• their sexy, to votorlbm(0 ;1•neromily to the revestmP1 of the State. %Ins of 1 iheralisni. "ttrxt't- think- I am' prenehing freer trade." uroeeel.•l1 Mr. Pardee '91'4' isnot Ina ye free trade 111 4':Inada. But 1 11111 opposed .111.1 true Liberal- ism Ig opposed to tariffs high *a 1tnn:11I's gallons. tariffs designed to make the rich. richer 1(11.1 the. poor poorer. ' (Prolonged cher.). We sant 1(1 make this fine country of u1n•* tarda resslve and prosperous. We want n make It happy for the 11( •s of the 111:1118. 11111 Imtnrinns fur the favuresl DANDERINE • Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Stout ities. A dew rents buys "Danderine." After • few applications you cannot find a When hair or any dandruff, besides every hair show-, new life, vigor, bright - a6, Inore colors nr and abundance. HEAD STUFFED FROM 1 CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages logit Up. 1 Instant relief -no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf- fling, Iaowing, headache, dryness. Nc struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. ('ret a small bottle of Fly's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic. healing cream in your nostrils. It'pea- etrates through every air passage of the bead, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in- stantly. it's just one. Don't stay stuffed -up with a cold or amity catarrh. OUT 0' ORDER STOMACHS ENJOYING SPORTS AT QUEBEC • ,(i) Tilting Tournament on Duiierin Terrace. Cuebee. (2) A group of fair skiers at Quebw� .tlhuling to .refereu•rs / by local speakers hi the la'ol;ildlitr of a thre•- rnl'llered contest l.y restsfMs (11 m F:irno•r ea militate being fi flu• field. t1r. Pardee t.,'k issue with there who were critically 11lclinea}. •'•1 have to fault td Mel with the 1'. F. (►," he s1141. "91'e Mare no JnsCgnarrel with them. This Is 11 free country air ought to ie. Fere' spe•.'h nod frau• court iflt Mimi act len tire Hetet" of LlberaIlvm. any represent,'tiya body of Canadian men mull women Have the right to seek direct expression rind dit',et represl•utiltion In P:, rllia 01111! They have am nitwit right to do that Art you or I hare - Progressives On Same Road. ••Rut titre Is 1/111' thing i do think - and 1 ion not saying it to curtsy favor in any way wlfh our friends the Farmers -that it is a pity, to say the least, that ,there is AO little evf- de041• of willingness to work together in hnrnes* with another progressive travelling in the same direction and havilig. to so large an -extent, similar pnrpoees. That is the part whieh 1 ':sort get. But then it Is none of my' I •ntif nes"." (J•a tighter .and _cheers.) Mr. Pardee eons -hi def' 118 assuring the eonventinn that he would enrry hawk to idlwrilfsm et 1►ttawn a mes- sage from tlfe ennyentlnn. of Its spirit and enthusiasm, and bespoke for the r:rodidite, Mr. Lowe, tit' good welshes 1(1111 4'o -operation of all Liberals and lovers of representative and good goc- I'rnulent. Mirk to Pone Hush. Oshawa Telegram. . A lot of young men make the mistake of thinking that some other line or 'place offers better opportunity thin their eresent w•nrk or position. Sometimes this Is true, but more often it is not true. As a matter of fact, most of us are Tess than fifty per .cent. efficient in our present positions. Thee potations therefore offer Splendid opportamities for making the tint important advances in personal efficiency. Church Advertising. Christian Guaallan. The church can no more expect that what it has to offer for the upl.ft and blessing of the world will make a strong appeal if it is not taken up and com- mended on every possible occasion, and in every consistent way, than the manufac- turer can expect that his goods will sell in any phenomenal fashion if he does not advertise. The conatstent, whole -hearted, nthu idvertising .•f ire trends has teen one of the obligations and duties that the church has very poorly fulfilled in the past, and, indeed, that it is very (xxmly fultillirlg today. • A gentleman was walking along a country lane one day when he was start Ica to see a man's head appear above the dirty water tithe ditch. "Why, i'at," he exclaimed, "what are you doing there ?" The Irishman smiled aheepi•hly. "Well, sir, being tired of this life, i am ttyirg to drown myself "But why, t en, do you keep putting your head out of the water ' "Shure, now,- replied Pat, "i have to keep coming up to get my hte:tth !" CZEMA Ton are not s x pe rIment- Ing when 77a 11144* 1)r. ceases oint- ment for ?creme and Skin Irrlta- tl.nls. It relieves at rine. and gradu- ally heals the .110. slunple not 1n. Q1s,e's anln,ent free If yin mention this r and send 9.'. stamp fur pnstege. Me. a ani nesters air Raman**, Bates • 0a►., tt�=tx . _ In44estion, Acidity, Sourness and Gases ended with "Pope's Diapepsin" The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the lumps of in• digestion pain, the sourness, heartburn ibd belching of gases, due to acidity, vanish -truly wonderful! Millions of people know that it is needless to be bothered with indigestion, dyspepsia or a disordered stomach. A few tablets of Pape's Diapepsin neutral- ize acidity and give relief et once -mo waiting! Buy a box of Pape's Diapepein now! Don't stay dyspeptic! Try to regulate your stomach so you can est favorite foods without causing distress. The oat is so little. The bessflle soma, MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Ftp only-Io.k for the name California on the package, then you are sun your •'h11d 1. having the beat sad mod harmless physic for the little stomach. liver and towels. Children love its f-ulty torte. Full directions on each HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin -No others! There is only one Aspirin, that merited with the "!layer teres""-sll other tab- lets are only acid imitations. Genuine "Bayer 'tablets of Aspirin" have heen prescribed by physicians for nineteen yrars and proved safe by mil- lions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, (olds, Rheumatism, Lumbago. Neuritis. Handy tin boxes' of 12 tablets -also larger "Bayer" packages, not be had at any drug store. Made in Canada. Aspirin 'is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manitfaaure of Mnnoscetieaeideater of Salieyliraeio. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to sexist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company. Ltd.. will be stamped with their Irma trade stark, the "Beyer Crag.