HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 5■ MOTH ERS! Baby is your treasure. Insure his comfort and health by selecting your baby needs at our Penslar Store. Everything that_ is best in : Baby Foods Nipples Baby Bottles J. & J. Talcum Soothers Teething Rings Baby Brushes Teething Powders Children's Cough Syrups Teething Lotions Full assortment in window display at Campbell's Drug Store The Penslar Store Phone 'lei 'cite Situate VI i.ocmLIeIcS. Play Rall An organization meeting of the Gode- rich baseball club will be held in the Board of Trade rooms next Monday night, March 14th. ata o'clock sharp. All last season's players and everybody interested in baseball are requested to attend. The late J. Ades Fowler. A citizen of 1)olericb who war -hi in much esteem was the late J. MI Fowler, ('. E., who after a lung p.'rio of falling health hissed away at Alex- andra hospital ou 14atunlay lust. Owing to the crowded state of our columns; this week we are holding over tu•n.est week a more extruded refereu.se to this departed eltlzeu. A Religious Ceases. Under the auspices of the roderich Miilsterisl Association. a religions .+•esus of the tenni la to toe taken next week. A I.ousesto-house canvass k to he made, the cansatwers taking with them curls upon which Is to be re- corded the information obtained at each house. The canvass of St. Georite'a ward Is to be undertaken by . teams from tit. t:aorge's church. and TSE BTONUL — GODZiUIQB, ONT. The M o. am. "Lam-13uk is the last word in healing.,Its rare medicinal poer is derived from certain valu- able herbs utilised by science for the healing of wounds and sores and othern afflictions. In allittion to its 'great soothing and htaling power Zam-liuk kills germs as well as excludes them from thubrokcnsk in. Zam-Iluk's wide range Of usefulness, its unique medicinal properties, and its handiness and economy make this rare herbal healer a necessity in every household. itGrows Ncw Skin the remaining ward. will he looked after by the other churches. Goderleh Industrial Exhibition. At a meeting of the board of the Gode- rich Industrial Exhibition held on Satur- day, September 6, 7 and 8'were chosen as the dates of the 1921 exhibition. The board invites entries in the elm - timed standing field crop and seed com- petition to be held this year. oats being the crop seleted. Splendid prizes are being offered, as follows : 1st, $75 ; 2nd, $60; 3rd, $45 ; 4th. $35 ; 5th. 830 6th. 820 ; 7th. 110. The competition will be con- ducted under the regulations of the Pr.wincial Deportment of Agriculture, which contributes the hulk of the prizes. Fifteen entries are necessary, and it is hoped that contestants will communi- cate at once with the secretary. Dr. W. F. Clark. The board voted 1400 (half the amount of last year's surplus) to the town as a contribution towards the upkeep of the grounds and buildings. A Mysterious Shot. A neat little bullet hole through the window of it MrFadc.•H's Cr.wry store fronting the Square has Nieto the subject of a great deal of surmise this week. It Is sup1w..e1 that the shut was tired Monthly Tright. hot Mr. M.. - Fattier) did not notice the bole in the f/ mauD4r soli miasma. Arra r. pa e w Wiersaws %was d,� w. sw aalgimeitak WOW r..:wi..., a... chases• ►iiia window until 'Tuesday 11101111 lig. Ile. thou recollected that the previous Hight, about 11 .,clock, when he was sitting in his desk at the r,'tI' of the store, he heard a' )wise which may La re Iwr•u o•rasloueI by the shot, `but he did lsot Roy any particular atteu+ion to it at the time. The hole, around which the glass is shivered. is about seven feet above the sidewalk,and in the partition 'wear where Mr. Me- Fadyen was sitting is, another -hole. The bullet, however. lits toot been foiled. From the position of the two holes It is evident that the 'shot .was fined from somewhere -in the park or perhaps from a passing rig i1'the toad. Nn p.•rw.n has I.'en (011101 who hoard the shot, and considerable mystery musette., to the affair. Another matter that is occupying the attention of the police is a robbery com- mitted at D, O'Brien's butcher shop on Tuesday night. About 816 was taken from the till. Entrance was made through a back door. Remember the high tea in Knox ehure•h Marcel 17th, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. 01.I) HOME WEEK NOTES. During the hasp w4s•k,a Ilm-nuul - Iw'r of uaute.l uud addresses hap. been sent In 'to the Old Houle Week head- quarters. 2114 Mrs. Horlou'. 1•Ittutuiltl'.' h( now at work 11rrat'wing them wi that invitations may fie sent out at an early date. Many more names aro. expected. and the committee wvmld like all citi- rens to 'co-operate I11 bilis work. The filuulce committee' reports good progress: Messrs. W. T. \1111`pey and 1:. McLaughlin were out on the salr- path the early part of the week u 11.1 sw nl'rdSOW` 2104N1 subscriptions kJ the f Is. It is hoped Illliwwlr will Is• offend..) 1f he ,Is overlooked In this. ('aurass. SubsvrIplluus may he hamd- el 10 the cuuuulttee by anyone who 'wishes to help along. Thy. executive lvnlnld l tax' had a icing session un TU's.tlav Night and got through a 1St of'irellmivary( work. tither committees ul>p1 are )H\aile eu- gnged asp all are work ug ent,hyi shlstie- ally for a grand time tin Anl;'r.t 7, 5. 9 uud 10. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Mr. and Mrs. .Iolui It. six't4 of 1','trull•a, are visiting their d lighter, 31r.. \1'. .1. Adonis. North stray" The hockey club benefit dance the social event oft St. Patrick's Thursday, March 17th. Music by sick Society Orchestra. ' Mr. J. J. Moser has on exhibition in his store on Hamilton street a huge cabbage weighing 12 lbs. 11 nz, It was grown by Miss Jane Chisholm. Napier street, and is the largest cabbage seen in Goderich for some time. Sir., 1 J. McMahon and little danight.•r Marion .Vile, of Detroit. hoc,• 1»•.•H visiting the least three weeks with the forauer's aunt, Mrs. Jots. M.•. 4'rarl•k,H, Victoria street. The lady has returned to Illyth to clsit her uncle, Mr. T. J. Huckstep. -- The The monthly meeting of the c:ale- rich Wometi s Institute wax held on Thursday hast at the home of Mrs. A. Higginson, Cambria road. The mem- bers restied to roll call with "A ('ore forte Blues." Mrs. Mallough gave a pip demonstration of cheese waffle.' The April meeting will lie bell at the, ome of Mrs. J. Taylor, 1':ixin aren't... ill be y— CRF.• 1'. today, March 7. ,Miss Annie Roach, of RRervie. -ls spending a •few weekly with her sister, Mn.. T. H. Culbert% Mr. Hugh Finnigan is spending a few days with friends at Wingham. • 'Mr. Russel Rltehie, of Utiles, spent a few days last weekA with Mr. Wes. Twa*nIs'v. ' Mrs. Wm. McConnell 1.d' visiting her another at Donnybrook. An Irish social will be held at the ILIInO of Mr. John Memory on Wednes- day. March loth. Admi'..,iwt _MM. The young people sire pran•tising a play to be given in the srho l-hivnse on the 2xth. Full particulars will he given Inter. s STEEL'S -CLOSINU OUTSTEEL'S ENTIRE STOCK OF GROCERIES FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 11 and 12 Biggest "Steel" Values Ever Known A FEW OF THE BIG BARGAINS SUGAR 2 lbs. for 23c FRENCH PEAS Good quality 2 cans 25c SUGAR'CORN Big value 2 cans 25c SPAGHETTI Clark's, Large 2 cans'25c COFFEE Monarch brand 45c lb. -tin TEA Fine quality 2 lbs. 53c PRINCESS FLAKES, 2 boxes 15c RICE Pearl Rice • :; lbs. '25e T � RAISINS 1-1b. pkg. 21c CURRANTS Nice and clean .. , ... 5 lbs. 50c SHELLED WALNUTS Very clean and whole ... 15c lb. ALMONDS lflc Ib. SUNLIGHT SOAP .2 bars 15e R. Steel Co. Ltd: I to $1.00 Store The Citizens' Association of oderich A ROTARY CLUB IN ITS AIMS AND VIEWS AN ORGANIZATION Open to all citizens of Goderich of every walk of life for the furtherance and betterment of the interests of the community as a whole. AN ORGANIZATION Proposed for the purpose of bringing under one head the small and sundry organizations of the town which by their varied and individual objects—appealing only to certain sections of the citizenry—find themselves unable to progress as extensively as they could wish, or as they might do with the full support of one big club—while still maintaining their identity. AN ORGANIZATION Which owes its inception to the returned soldiers of Gode- rich, who—unable to progress alone and apart, and who feel also that there should be no line drawn placing them apart from ordinary citizens—whose objects are only to get ahead and wipe out as rapidly as possible the lost years engaged in the wary and who feel that in this there is a common tie with all citizens—have therefore placed these proposals before the undersigned, who agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments of the soldiers and are hereby taking over the formation of one big organization for the whole town. Make Goderich the Best Town in Ontario to Live In JOIN UP AT ONCE—BE A BOOSTER AND WORK. Do You Owe Anything to the Returned Soldier? W SO, JOIN up and be a worker to endeavor to obtain the best living conditions for your town ; see that no chances are overlooked to get ahead, that we may all recoup the losses sus- tained by war. SUMMER -the Golden Time for Goderich—is coming. Thousands of dollars are lost to Goderich every year from lack of interest in the welfare of the summer tourists. Join up, and get all brains working to rectify this loss. SPORTSMEN -Do you want winning teams in baseball, lacrosse, hockey, tennis, etc., an up-to-date golf course, a gym- nasium, plunge baths, etc.? If so, join up and be a booster and work. You will not lose your identity as a club. No interfer- ence with your finances, but the support of an #ssociation, the membership of which is aimed at four hundred, WINNING SPORTS CLUBS ARE the best advertisement this town can have. This organization will give full support to the Town Council and Board of Trade and possibly be able to offer useful suggestions. WHY was there no Cenotaph and no public demonstration last Armistice Day ? Do fifty-eight thousand dead mean nothink to Goderich ? This organization will endeavor to remedy such things as this. .IS everything possible being done to make Goderich attrac- tive to the outsider ? JOIN UP AND HELP REMEDY ALL THESE THINGS JOIN AND UNITE:BEHIND THE OLD HOME WEEK. —SHOW SOME INTEREST IN YOUR TOWN—LET US GET AHEAD— Published with the support of the' fol- lowing citizens : L. E. Dancey Dr. W. F. Callow W. J. Powell M. G. Cameron W. Walker A. W. Strickland Geo. Williams F. Wood F. Woollcombe Chas. Black 4lartin - Chas. C. Lee H. C. Dunlop Wm. Lane q. L. Parsons W. J. Taylor B. Sheppard Canon G. C. Hill E. H. Hill J. F. Thomson J. W. Vanatter W. F. A. Naftel Dr. L. E. Bolster J. L. Killoran Wm. Coats D. MacDonald Sheriff R. Reynolds J. W. Craigie G. G. Newton A. J. MacKay Reg. Sharman T. Kidd J. Lawrence Fred Craigie F. Doty F. J. Pridham R. T. Patterson J. Brophey Arch. Jones -Bateman A. C. Campion J. Jones -Bateman J. H. Lauder Rev. S. S. Hardy T. Pritchard Chas. Garrow E. Pritchard W. H. Robertson F. Sturdy Rev. R. C. McDermid