HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 44 -Thursday, March 10. 191. THE SIGNAL BORSALINC'WEEK-larch 14--20,1921 alta1.MI SVlI.1.I . Wednesday. March 9. I NIr. Iter1 trewurtha has .tall hie handsome black, l'ereherou mare to a wtiu ha Stanley township fur $250. Mr. Trtevartl1:t -1s' n ew" looking fur a team to buy. Mr. Fred Ford is having his 8we.•I .'Lever sed IWllwl Ills week by lar. Frank -1u.h•ewe of Clinton. J1r. Furd re11441•14 a 64.41 Job dime. t. Mr... Fred Ford. who hats )leen very ...piously' ill during the past week. 1 -.•wewlutt better and hopes are enter. I.I iI4r1 of her recovery. \1 r. Win. Pi:ken! had lit attack of pleurisy thls week, but is somewhat better. Mrs. Wm. MacMath, who ws. in To. ronto 1111u. -t of the winter. halo returned t4 Holmesvllle and 1. now visiting with I,rr daughters, Mrs. Bert Trewartha and, Mrs. Nelson Trewartha. Mrs. MacMath Missed her 4,141 a4:.4.I444,•- whi1e away and will undoubtedly take great pleasure In being home again. The 1udh•atious'.4re that we 11re'go- ug a. have an early spring. if we can I Judge front the arrival of the spring! idols. 1'r4,w4, robins, blackbirds unit large woodpeckers ,are here l4, barge 1 numbers. Ernest Elwood and Wm. Marshall spent °1114 week -end and Sunday visit- i lug, their:. aunt near Forest. The Iey4 have been cutin wood in Mr. Mae - Math's Lush all winter and they well 1 deserved their• hulid:tl". I Mr. Leslie Jarvis Bail the wniw istortr to 14.44 .ane »f hi. 14.6 P4w4 Last week. j l'14 animal was worth $1411 at this' season of the year. Mr. Win. Finlay. of flit' 1)111 voneessitu, Goderich township. has bought Mr. SVm. Pickard's farm on the t'ut line for tlle,s14i of t5,740u0. The farts le eltuatel half a wile from Holmesrille and 1s in a fleet -elms locality. ' The Grand Trunk c.n,.truction gang while engage' in the work of building a new bridge between Hohnesvllle and Goderieh hist week uncovered a nest of snakes numbering over eighty. The men say there were sutne small and some large ours in the eolony. Miss Holmes has been suffering from a ,ery severe .old for some frays. She wa,i,durable to attend the services in the church on Sabbath 1841. Mks Mary Howell. of Goderieh, is vieiting her (mete and aunt. Mr. J. R. 'Holmes and Miss Holmes. this week. From March 14-19 Borsalino Hats 'will be shown in the leading Hat and Men's Furnishing Store windo*rs from coast to coast -it is Borsalino Hat Week. "Borsalinos are the finest high-grade Hats in the world." None genuine without "Borsalino Hats" stamped on leathers. SEE OUR WINDO We are sole ag DISPLAY ts. W. C. PRID Phone 57 As I have taken over from Mr. T. F. Holland the Repair Department at the East Street Garage I am prepared to repair or overhaul your Car, whatever make. Bring it soon, though, if you want it for the first good roads, as - SPRING IS ON THE WAY and we have a lot of work ahead. of us.. Most of the Car Owners of Goderich and vicinity know me, as I have been here the last two years and was with Mr. Glover from 1912 to 1914. _REG. ILLI mosesmi.esiesesesiewsiereSesessseweibesAssieselemeoibeeeesOesseesenewursensossow, Newest Shoe Fashions Easter is the opening of the season for the latest styles in Footwear. Shapeliness. grace and symmetry are characteristics of the neer Colonial Ties and Oxfords. The most popular leathers are Black and Brown Vici Kid, Gunmetal and Brown Calf. There is a great variety. of heels. The selec- tion is s1) extensive that we're ,sure We can please you at remarkably low prices 1'11BT AI,I1I ItT. Wednesday, Manch 9. Mr. Joseph C. MacMillan. of Puce. 1hlt.. Is renewing old ae I'' 111 sues In the village at present. Rev. W. 1t. Hawkins, of Rlyth, Mar lttsl with relatives here one day last week. • Victor Green. of itetroit, is visiting friends in the village. ,Miss Hannah Wiles. of this place. we are glad to report, is much im- proved after it very su(cessful opera- tion In the Goderich hos.pitai. The people of this iominurity learned with deep regret of the sudden death of -Mr. Pert Foster of Sheppwniton. He was au aver willing helper. in flap Auntievu rhureh 81141 Sunday school here and his death Is keenly felt by all who had the pleasure of knowing him and Is looked upon as a 'great loss to the chI,r, h. The most alnrore sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved ones In the I,ss they have sustained. Mr. Jake Cousins, one of our fisher- men:hail a narrow escape one day Inst week. ile was Just forming Id from his nets with his fish and on lauding his boat at the dock In the river 1114 feet slipped from ander him and has hexad struck the Ice and broken spiles. waking a deep cut in the hack of his head. and leaving him uneonscfous for e short time. Had he been alone the mishap might • have proved more martial*. REPAIRING GEO. MacVICAR NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE r GODERICH Opening of assured Spring Styles on Thursday, Friday and Saturday MARCH 10th, 11th and 12th and following days O Flowers and fruit, elaborate lace and ribbon trimmings and veils in abundance are the trimmings for Sailor, Tricorne and Directoire styles Variety more than ever before is the keynote of the season's mode -YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED - MISS M. R. Mac VICAR 1 -- GO.4RICH, 0I1T. 'Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Have brought good health to half -a -trillion sufferers. A healthful, money -saving remedy, well known for fifteen years, pre- scribed by doctors, sold by drug- gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents or write for a free trial package. Templeton', 142 King W.. Tangle Local Agents -Dunlop's Drug Store. home, looking hale eared hearty. after undergoing an operation la 11'luglaw hospital for appendicitis. Mrs. W. 11. lutes, of Goderich. is visiting her, son. Mr. Melvin Reel. Miss Maggie Bowler had the mis- fortune of being thrown out of a buggy and getting badly hart. The email lone in one leg k fraetured 881 ten ,stitches were pqt in ea long cut nn the sante leg. and In 8dditioli she has two fractured rllas, and was badly shaken up. We hope she si•111 sen le artuud again. The trustees of all tate s•hoohc of .1,sbflt•IQ are holding a meeting In ('ourey's Corner hu 1.nlght. to dis- t-item tier question of aonsela41dtesl schools for Ayhfl.•I41. ItT. HELENS. Tuesday. March S. The assessir, Mr. Geo. Webb, Is busy -on his rounds. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rimer, of the American "Roo," and Messrs. Noble and Milton Guest. of Tee4water. were vin. [tors with their rousing. the Messrss, Todd. Sacritice Sale at Walker's -4 I I' _ USED FURNITURE NOTE THE BARGALL' S. 1 only solid walnut .Skletoard. Could not be bought new today for $120. Sacrifice sale 855.00. 1 only. stolid walnut Dining -room Suite. Worth easily" $175. Sacrifice sale 875.00. it 1 solid oak Ile.lr.s.nl Suite Mmplete- Worth • today $1:0. Saerifit'e sale • KiNGSRRIDGF.. For St. Patrick's Night. -lin the evening of March 17th the Kingsbridge Dramatic Club will present the popu- lar comedy drama. "Leila Itirer.'• :lore the original production of this play in 11107. °award prominent players have :tinwares, in the various riles. Many leading stock companies are still using it. and after fourteen years on the road It is still so pled -lir that It is proteeted by royalty. (This Is the first play the Ringslrrldge Dram- atic flub has paid a royalty for the privilege of Aising. 11's worth it.1 With the young star of "Lane Tree 51ine.' in the title role, supported by a strong vast of talented performer'. "Lelia itiversi" promises to rank well -If not Lost -among the many sne- ceases of the Ideal ('Iib. Patrons of the Ashfleid parish hell are assured of en ettre aperinl hill and none should miss this delightful story of daughter and pathos. There will be Instrument- al musk, and refined vatelerille be- tween acts. LANES. Monday, March 7. We are pleased to report the rapid recovery of Mrs. Cyril Campbell, wile bas been ill with pneumonia. -We -ass .phot -t. -ase Jean lariat shewbeeesiebebehos REMEMBER ST. PATRICK'S DAY by sending your friends a dainty St. Patrick booklet, Folder, or Emerald Isle Posit Card. Everything for St. Patrick i)ay decorations and favors ---Buttons, Shillalaha, Irish Pipes, Candy Boxes and Shamroek Leave*. All sizes in silk and cotton Flags, Erin -g• -Bra jk. Smith's Art Stoi Ems St. Pato• 2 only solid walnut Sofas. At very special price. 820 and 825 each. 2 only 5-pleee slid walnut Papier Sakes. The, biggest bargain ever offered in Goderich. Very special at 125 each. Ndw don't - delay. 1- slightly nosed Linoleum. 3% by 4 yds. Worth 81.50 per sq. yard. We will curt the price in halt. Act quick We lgve shout a dozen Bedsprings. odd rte" Tgu can have any one of them. If they it ynuf hest, for 112.00. 1 only lewd Phonograph. Regular $A0. Has been mod less than two months. Sacrifice sale 800 eaak t; 1 onl-1'arior Ti&1i. reaT mahogany. . Price, neuro 831.00. Will Gell for MAL 1 only Iron ('rib. Sacrlflee sale price 810.00. Complete with springs. The Best in Photo Plays at the MODEL THEATRE Week of Mar. 14 to Mar. 19. MONDAY and TUESDAY CECIL B. DeMILLE presents 'Why Change Your Wife' In answer to "DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBAND" There is one time when reel mar- ried life 1s spaorbingly entertaining" ALSO A'BENNETT COMEDY. PRICES Matinee, 10c -20c. Evenings, 15c-31. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY MABEL NORMAND in "What Happened to Rosa" A flue -rel romp with Mabel in her hest and famfest role. Also one of the famous TORCHY COMEDIES Reviler vices. FRIDAY sad SATURDAY FRANK MAYO i• "Hitclie' Post" alas A CENTURY CO11®Y Mylar pies& Matinees --Monday, Welber day an Sahllriay. J '^mow a a, "The ha. Scotch Store" 0,0 STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO b P. M. SATURDAYS 9 P.M Phone 56 dw•v n Special Offering The spirit of Spring is revealed in the splendid showing of ail that is new and attractive for milady's personal adornment The new Coats are smart beyond _ description and are entirely different in style from what has ever been shown before. The styles -are three-quarter lengths, heavily braided, convertible collars and several new cape effects.. Also a showing of the popular Polo Coats for misses. The colors are sand, pekin, beaver, heather mixtures, black and navys. Prices from $19.00 to $50.00. All that is new in Dresses We are showing some very smart models in women's silk Dresses just received from the makers. They come in all popular colors. Priced as reasonably as $20.00 up. The Easter Gloves No lady would think` of -Easter withoutnking about new Gloves. We are sowing all that is popular in silk and kid gloves. Fr% per pair. Long Gloves will be popular season. The daintiest new Camisoles The Faster Dress would not be complete without a new Camisole. The smartest camisoles you have ever seen are here for your selection and are priced from $1.50 up. We would not .overlook the little tots A most pleasing range of dainty children's Dresses in embroidery, organdy and voiles, the nicest wee dresses we have ever had. You will be charmed with them, so will baby. They are priced from $1.50 et!Ch- A new Waist for Easter No matter whether it be a dainty georgette, crepe de chine or organdy, your waist is here for your selection, the best we have ever shown. Prices most reasonable. i e----- §pecial showing 'pf the nerd %ging Seater Coats in styles that. are entirely different. We are showing the best lines selected from the Monarch Knit, Penman and Ballantyne ranges. You will see rfl .1)y new styles at remarkably low prices. THE SCOTCH -STORE -£RE QUALM COUNTS MOST. \ s , MiIlar'sScotcli Store `" Mr. Will Rutherford was at Toronto on a busieewe trip last week. Mrs. Fed. Purvis and non (:oldie vis- ited with her brother, Mr. Jos. Ramage. Mr. John Miller ha at Niagara thl% week attending the Orange convestlon. Mrs. ('.ylur Is 1■ Luckoow this week, having been called there by the death of her sister, Mrs. 'Prelate'''. The women', !Missionary Sortety meeting will be held oa Wedue day. the 10(11, at the home of Mrs. W. I. Miller. A. invitation in extended to all the women. The sparrow eoatest was Mooed on Monday night, Mr. hank Todd's being the winning side. Ai'BI1RN. W.deeeday, March 114•- Mr. Robert Jones left oa Woodsy for Regina, Sask., to rename his work there. lar. R. B. Stothela, district agrienl- tural representative, addressed a meet- ing In the Foresters' Hall nn Monday night, showing hes work by moving pietnres. Yr. Norman Series leaves on Thurs- day for Ncepawa. Mao., to resume lila position with the imperial Oil Co.. after spending three months with hie mother here. Mr. W. C. Robertson has pnrebaaed Mr. John Jobw,ton's house In the vil- lage. GODERit H TOWNSHIP. The regular business meeting of the Goderieh Township Farmers' Club will he held at the Draws Hall on Wednes- day, :Marts 1&h. All ale men of the di.Rrtct are limited to attend. T. Observe St. Patrlek'a Day. -At the February meeting of elle (onetry Women'a ('tub Intevest]ag reading's were given by Mra. J. T. $.lkeld and Mrs It. MsDwsin en "What (aa be Dose to Improve Rural Ceadttio•s and the Community Davit ? " An excel - lest paper woo gives by Mr. O. F. HMwarti •dramatist essnolfdated scbeola •sed • gtmmsally metre. A sew aabJeet waa braugl t Wenn' the flab by Mrs. Cosmos sad Mrs. Danek orbs te/,aatllad ebe Galeria • 4 hospital board and spoke In the inter- ests of the hospital. The nett meeting will be at the hole of Mrs. Isar Salkeld, Thursday. Manch 17th. at 230 p. m. The program will be suited to :t. Patrick" Tray, and the members are asked to contribute some item of interest connected with Ireland or an Irish story. CARL( IW. The Women's Missionary and Awsn- ciate :osietipa oe Smith's H114 are put• ting on • pageant on india for Easter Monday, March 28. R,freehments will be served at the close of the program Admission 5(k'. CHURCH NOTES. .-.At Knox church twit Rabb•th disine worehlp will to conducted by the min- ister. The bemi-anaual seamen's ser- vice in the evening for the outgoing sailors and fishermen. tiubJer•ts of sermons --11 a. m., "Saints in Caaaat'a Iinun•hold • " 7 p. m.. "A Bough Voyage." Sabbath school and i1ible clasps at 3 o'clock. The acrvic•ps at Victoria street Meth- odist church nett Sunday will he con- ducted by the pastor. RPC J. l'. Rey - craft. Sermon subjects : 11 a. m., "A New Name." 7 p. in., the resuming of the series of sermons nn the modern wonders of the world -•'The X -Ray." The gator if, anxious that all the eon- gregatlon he present •t the morning service. North Street Methodist Chen*. Next Sunday will be church anni- versary day In North street Methodist church. The preacher for the day will be Rev. W. K, Hager. R. D., a former pastor, now of Aylmer. Mordag theme. "I:hrts$'a Pinishebd Work." livening, •('hrf.t'a Untlabilied Work." Special ramie will be provided by the choir. Cisme.. Mission Rand and .Yen's (1nh will- meet at In o'reok. The topic (or dfarasatos la tie (lam will to : '•What (oestltntea True creatures In a Nation ?" •sd will be Introcbscse1 by Mr. W. R. Rn4ertaea. The ladles of North street Methadist chnrh were 111e 1la.w?s et the Wostes's Visionary Society at a spMulld h•s- g DECORAT ING AND Decorating Materials Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell you the materials, or take the contract of decorating your home, store or office. Estimates cheerfully gimes GLASS Window Glass, Plato Glass Miran, ate. 'We can supply your wants in any kind of Glass 3. CUTHBERTSON North side West st. Phoebe 354 gnet last Thursday evening. About 150 enjoyed the Auttliary'a boopitellty and the excellent program afterwards. Mrs. Hutvhinnon gave a beautiful and touching missionary reading, sad fors, W. Mair and Miss Hazel Belcher con- tributed • solo each. . Taw MIMICS numbers also were much appreciated. Mrs, Gordon Wright, of London. pres. [dent of the London Cwtere.ee Branch of the W. M. A., was the speaker of the evening. Het masterly address amply Justified her international re- putation •s a platform smaller. Rh* told a t•wrinatIag story of a wonderful Japanese lady, over eighty years of age. • de1sate to4b► ravesi world's convention or the W. C. T. 11. held et London, Eng, sad of another J•pl•rsese lady, the wife of an Pngtlabmaa and a graduate of Oxford who was hareelf a university graduate and lsrinrar 1a three unlverdtieo of lint owe land: het when the speaker Mailed low. on a otioser teugsal ova sew, else beamed that they veers members •f the 41as•Afas Uetholiat +•Mb Is Jesse •I d the tewtt of seismimary wort ovary hearer had a saw sad emir* outgo et fele valsp e1 OWN .Metpriss. ...-sees... •