HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 22 ---Thursday, M.u, 1, 111. 1•,_1 des TKO Ilaa1faz • - edDERIOH, 8A1 Surpassing all others is Delicacy and Fragrance 1 IL" 3E1 11 Send us post card for a Tree sample, stating the price you oway and if you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Address Salada, Toronto. 1717 Thursday. March 1n:.1. EDITORIAL NOTES. Apparently Germany has not yet hea who won the war. An ex -\I icor of Hamilton chides the ; girls of that city and says they Look.like.' sick ducks. He should come to Gnderich and see the kind that is quite well, thank' you. • • The program- committee for the Old . Hnme .Week has outline l' so extensive a I bill of fare that it i; proposed to ald an- other day to those alrtaiy•apoointed for the celebration, Visitant from a distance would beef slake their plans to stay full week. They will need a day or two to • recover. and pewdin bve-elections may siffl furl her weaken the Government's position, It is not at all unlikely that this will he the last session of the present Parliament, though the Goyernnent will use every means to erelong its own existence until a redistribution bid has beep,. passed. A general election before nett white: is by no means improbable. . A.bye-election in England fou tht target y the cattle embargo questa ,n has bten by the opponents of the present tions upon the entry of Canadian tie. The defeated candidate was ur Grifliths Boscawen, recently Liv Sir rt appoints Minister of Agriculttire. "fhe election w. s fought in a working class constitu cv. and the agitation against the lembi a cause of high prices for meat was elf: ive. The Minister of Agriculture. \how ver, declares himself unconverted Teti `II seek a seat in a riding mire f ora inclined to the agticultural int! ems. hich desire the continuance of the mha o. France will be hap Conditions in the cities are reflected in the week. The Atka thegreat number of h Adopt arid robberies ,stiff front against Germany's pr repxtel in the press At 'Toronto on better terms. and Veen: and Saturday night a druggist was fatallyi_Mpopi are prep __to cup more rhos by a robbsr when • he wou'd not I German territory. Ifl order o co ince promptly hand over his ca+h. There are j Germany of the realities oft situp on comprnsationi in thec,malratively quiet From Rusita. too, the news is tib a Id life of a town like Goderich. __. to_please France particularly. Th Frenc Government has never been at all , tent Oakville ha. a, struggle on between to allow the Soviet Government to ain rho=e whow1>h to preserve the ofd and in control. and his schemed with Pol d. thou::[ to little or no avail, tn. mi e historic street names and the innovators who prop .se that each street be known') trouble for the Russian Reds.Now th• by a number instead of a name- Such -s'4 flea's ernes that at i mt; la -t an anti•Red flea's proposal would hard y be m •de in Co le - rich, which is.peculiarly fortunate in its street nomenclature; lets n. Trafalgar Wolfe, Waterloo, WelhngtOn. Napier. Cambria, BritanniaVitoria, Brock , . rI m -t es. mean something (u has definitely. andhnallyfailed.lf'owever, g ham_ nafn curt 1 tlimg m Rs...a is err t .per taarv) Britons and Can id.ans and would not • be' • that it is impossible for people outside ti lightly discarded. I estimate correctly what is tying on there • We shall have to wait for reliable inform - The Government at Ottawa managertiation. to get enough m amber; into the House to I 1 makea.majority of twenty five n the fir$t I division of the .sesshen. There will be! We sometimes hear it sail t'1at• the other division. o;urm,g the sessiorrwhen it'4rish question' isa-eeligiobs qu-'sti+n and will be imlwrtNe to ra.lysuch a majority, that the lei=h Cath clergy, if over t e ilvents of ting up a gals for British sponsible tor ntuc•i of tete trouble in Ireland, are at (ad.t in nut using their Intluen.:e to put a stop to it. Those who hold this view possibly are ignorant of the Tact that many of the most prominent leaders in the Irish home rule cruse have been Protestants. The Catholic clergy have repeatedly spoken out against the crimes that have been committed -on both sides -ire the troubled I Isle, and a cable despatch from Belfast, published this week, snows an ether eti .rt ash the part of the leading Catholic autII uiity of the island to bring about a bet Le' state of affairs. The dispatch is as bot lower Belfast. March ti, -Cardinal Loge-. Printate.of al: Ireland, in a letter to the priests of the Armagh diocese, makes another puwerlul appeal. for a. truce in Ireland. and suggests t 1e forthcoming 1 birthday of the hrst national ap 'stir I tter• an o;twrtune time for an appeal to ter Altnigti v for the return of peace to j . Ireland. pointing out that Si. Patrick brought peace to the country. Cardinal) Logue says : t1 hat a reproach it would be should j we dim oy crena the lustre of this gto ious • lull. r.iance. It 1• n, excuse that crimes even greater and more numerous have • been committed by other-, for crime !. does not justify crime. We shall not before the judgment seat be called mem w account fur the crimes of the Black and fan;, to the auxiliary cadets, or the mititaty. who sacrdiced many innocent lives in their wad raids throughout the country'. 'We shall not be even called to account for the bi.udness. obstinacy .and partiality of our present Government." Deploring the disregard for human lite and property shown by both sides, which he declai'es .threatens to reduce the coon • try to a state of desolation a'hd ruin. Car. mal Logue especial y den tuuces the MM. -n tsodItier ss' b$shing and attacking o puhce in crowded thoroughfares. "• those. who comnut such acts know well th,)se armed forces will blaze away, . indisci+tninately, killing or wounding poor, innocent victims, often women, girls and - children. engaged in• lawful occupations " The Cardinal continues : "Lawyers, think. say such • acts. endangering the general pence, involve malice against all mankind. Certainly all mankind should j in in putting an end t . them." CAI -LS BECK .tN .11 rock VT. Rively .litark by The Farmer.' Sun on the Power Ila.,. , u II attack 0 : ek by The Farmer.' tui on Sir Adam 15.d•k, a. the`tp.wer autocratof the 1 'roviuct. ha. ate rirhdl I111e11 attention., The art hie 1.ntdi.1wl Inst week hr The Sun wile sss•fo lows : • -t'.-nmut!ttvs• of the !digt, attire was n iolutell .r )lilt' I1111e Ages to.t•tkIrt up n it and equitable system ref dM - fell' ting 1lydru to the. rural •1 its of •. the 1 m iuo.•. They_ made tlo'ir epsert 1 eentgv else Power' I ionic is ,leternalued that it pr ve al rtive. • I 1 tt• 11:1 .enys what i.,w-e shall 1 gene 1ter1, whore It` .hall w• dlstrh hotted. who hell bay for it and e•hat he slut 'Is'y'. air Adam Reek- le the • is.litie:tl • nil 1 er L'n+s of his l'rov- i .• 'I'aminan•• never Will ;s .1 wile -tender' ness •,e41 •11..11 • Hydro Knight 1 The lhovhu•e a mis.(on to luve.rti Rork openly 11111 its` It carry un lJ.rululg1i tin,neing 1t. fr..m 11 Iydr.el:I s•tIle 4annum grad area with some prospect of success. Lenin and Trots •y are reported to be in flight, and if the news that gets through is tellable it would seem that Bolshevism r I t Ile - he it* 11ahniesr elate; eh o w•er. never had ,twit y.r1 s sit Its bark nr all t g: ttlzatiom a, the not re pNeil s a Rpyarein11-. (e t11ial railways. 41 i.r,te.s*Is to o�pL�I.isitism- ols n1 Hieln an etltu• ,t • a Ht. !OUNG GIRLS NEED CARE Mothers! Watch Your Daughters' Health Health Is Happiness From the time •gMll reaches the age of twelve until womanhood ts estab- lished she needs all the care the thoughtful mother can Rive. The condition that tie girl u the passing thro•d b so critical and may have such far-reachingeffects' upon her future happiness and health that it is almost criminal for a mother or guardian to withhold coun- sel or advice. Many a woman has suf- fered years of prolonged pain and misery through having been the victim of thoughtlewne.. or igno- rance on the part of those who should have glided her through the dangers and difficulties that beset thus period Mothers should teach their girls what danger comes from standing around with cold or wet feet. from lifting heavy articles, and from overworking. Do not let her overstudy. If she com- plains of hcadalhe, pains is the back and lower limbs, or if you notice • clown.. of thought, n.:. •••uso••ss or irritability on the part of yoar daughter, mats life easier for her. Sne r. -ed. thoughtful care for a few years. In all such eases Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound should be given as it is especially adapted fo: such conditions. It contains nothingthat pecfa y sip can injure and c be taken in perfect safety. anpe 7 Read bow Mrs. Eicher helped her daughter. She says: "At the age. of silt+en my daughter was having trouble every month. She had pains across her buck and in her sides- Every mouth her back would pain her so she could not do her work and would have to lie down. My married daughter r-commenach Lydia E. Pinkham's Vw etablc Compound and I read the books which were left at my door. She took it faithfully and is now regular and has no pain. We recommend the Vegetable Compound and give you permission to publish this letter in your little hooks and m the newspapers." -Mrs. KATIE EICHER, 4034 N. Feu -hill St, Philadelphia, Pi. Mrs. Williams will profit by her own experience. She says: •' When I was thirteen years old I bad sick 'pelts each month and as I was very b*ekward I would bear the pain and my mother knew nothing about it 1 read in the daily paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and took my own spending money and bought a bottle. It helped me so much that I took it regular) after that until had taken two bottles and I did not have any more pain or backache and bare been a healthy, strong woman. I am now 39 ears old and have • little girl of my own, and when she gets old enou h I shall give her none other than E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- " -Mrs. - rs. C. E. WILLIAMS, Z437 W. LydiayoronPhiladelphia, Pa. pound. " M t.0 e, Toronto St.,P For almost fifty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been relieving women, young and old, of ailmenta peculiar to their sex. Ask your neighbor about it, for m every neighborhood there are women who know of Its merits. Thousands of letters similar to the above are in the files of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., and for years such letters have been published. Surely it is worth your while to make a fur trial of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinktiam's Private Text -Book upon "Ailments scu lar to Women" will use sent to you free upon reque't.Write The Lydia E. t'inkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. is book contains valuable information. 111111111111111/11111111111 • 1 1 . 1 \\ A 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �►1 1 British Linoleum, 4 yards wide, in a splendid choile 1 1 •1 •1 1 • • 1 1 • •1 1 ••1 1 1 NewiLinoleums and Oil Cloths 1 of patterns -scroll, &1uek' and neat floral patterns. Quality 1 is exceptionally good. \At per square yard $1.39 1 Oil Cloths in widths 1 2•and 2/ yards, new pattrt:lis. • At per stluare•,yard 75c x LACE CURTAINS MX10 pairs white Nottingham 1 long,' in a choice of patterns at -- Regular $_'.7:0• at per (.air 51.,tr formed and ti4dn. •d by tli• people l•rury el, 0 them to for hand to go • n illi. 1'rovittee. a bead dial loyally ,npporttdl 1 Iwui in The 1.441Ornment then *1I'! 4Ltts a their desire to rush the t'hipysew t r111111'1111 ler. the lamislature to ins .?I -t plant through. f.+ I oatib.diNn.-- h'J••k'.•' trlbutlen of tl.ewor for tl • I'roiiivr ;s•Ne'r-wlttrre we pl0.1•I', -barge what , t 1 I a w p l• tw• The hydro-t.Iw•trio Commission of thitario Is pretty minds a ume-meso eon. ...nu. 'Heck Is earry'iu} on a rangkugn to farther his own .Themes hot we / fl: hear 11111 11111r the overmuent•* r••;•r•e-eutatire. The H II•1. run„ltimital ear - 04 I representative of the Farmrr- 1.4i».r s:.,s 'I Ilawtit .w .the l'umtnissioa, should do moretlwn he 1s doing to present the rural phase of the question.os otherwise if the e:uvernment ds not u• get a ita,r .burr of eo-operatioq front the 11yih•n-Elentril• ('111un1Issiun. they moat lo.use.•ledtn and put ,In men not poly autem:tl.le to rots.nt but with the rural viewpoint. The day lis past wh.•u a single autocrat can .thwart the ... .• wt.' t' whole Bi Thr r.ytirrt made by the special' cum; nr+ree-tn-i1 ebt !Hiekent,1•-t»er-eirse--,Nu-os t's' - t else, i bllature_--.max-- mein? tremble* 1s 111xsnt time we hail a s11X1101%sloven •gird :.• tide Beek Imslne-. %',,. th:r 1... hall done much for lo h , ranent but 11m• n•efni 1 fts -rnnr walk r.} life e. t.• ..o,:-trnetive nor!: Hunt- `ta • •i...11 for T111•apsv rine. is •trot la'net?t, not "'fly to tor the people of the w ile. It will help the e. r•hmlhig, the emit Mel • an bitterly oppose i •nptrnelme thi' 'stat. thet fill the of th Hydro h'c 1» en assum A by the .mu sh'Ipi11Itfe*. Fano-.• obligation. would a ser hare 1.••• n ::.+11t11,1 1411'110Ww1411'110W•the• tran.•ial rif the I'rnvinee. - I: .n cif tons. r-11Tratee. noel rural .1 :Ire Itt.t Hs he se veil Mesut l ti! • I', .\ inrj it guarantee to Ie large 1rlut1Tit.alltle+ must be.routov.. Ite'.•k'.' idea of n wputre dell '1' to gete�.and r.gs.rRhIsvm :Its .d u1tit 1e de- reply Is in effect: -A,• will flellrer this 1 This ro.minihe4•. entnp,u.oj off two 1'. F'. 11 11, 11101111 ars. a Conservative. a Liberal :Ind a i. u1u t' rep rest•utative. hroug!tt its 1 :111 Ituanimnt0 report tae einunieu.titlg that a charge of f'_' per h. p. be levied ce Curtains. 2'1•:, yards good quality of lace. $1.25 i \ AXMINSTER RUGS 1 I E \,Heavy pile. new British Rugs in eel .et patterns : 1 Size 41 ft. x 6 ft., $ 2' .00. Size 4 . ft. 7y_ ft, $MtOO : Size` •• 6' ft, x 9 ft.. $35.00. Size 9ft. x 1 1/2ft., #80.00. NI ■ r WHITE COTTON \ 1 500 ya yard -wide White Cotton, warrant d ai s., 1 lately urs, +o d'rvri the, formerly 611. , at per van). 25c II ' p 1 , ■ , •\ ■ 1 The. new spring values are all unix its and a tnagnificeht 1 showing we -have., all sizes and for all figures. The t •,,,•t IIthat never loses its sha}le.. 'Price $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and up. : • '' - FRENCH TRICOTINE SUITINGS .1 1 Size 9 ft. x 12 ft.,. $86.00. GOSSARD CORSETS 56 incites wide, finest duality Freneh t►II•wool Ttii'n- : tinecloth for_ suits. dresses, err skirts, black and navy blue 1 Regular value *6.73, at per yard, special $4b0 1 • • W. Acheson & Sow • on 1.1r u sers in order to pro- rTidr a r .' s1 11 H'cf, auforrhe rural inserter - Reek g• nn. soul down the roitntry npionsltr>c the t,ropesition seal -rv.•t1 "Isom •the'1'remier's protui-e, or alleged prnmlee. that no\+11..11 Iegislatl•.5 will be-etriet,•L._ �content with - 4141* 'Reek form* the h i i rnutcTtY t•+- Allowhim er addrt's. thelegislators. ,lyity Oil. one -side.) action'! Why 1. heck al jays coitsul:ed. always referred to. always allowed) the last word 1•.e•s the 4:0vernnient regard hint hey-eist)Hekt I t n It eraey :• Are we to inf. r th 1t 1 k \-1 A worn floor -spoils the look of your home and is impossible to repair, but if you keep your floors painted, feet cannot touch them. Let the paint wear but save the wood. Save the Surface and you Save a11. MARELE-ITE FLOOR FINISH - are hardwood, • Use Marble- Ite The Floor finish with a guarantee. It wears and wears and wears. It will not mar nor scratch white and is not af- fected by water. SENOUR'S Floor Paint ig eatiy 10 use, .1411, yell,. hard with a high lustre and will with- stand a great amount of' hard wear. No shill is required in -using SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone CRS apply It. The result will greatly enhance the beauty of your home and much labor will be saved for the floors will be very easy to keep Corne in and let as give you full particulars. We have a full range of shades in tins and every other NIARTIN-SENOUR Product. There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or Varnish fie every need. We will be glad te advise you. FRED HUNT Our Double Harness will be found equal tao the moat.pere f,-etly matched team ins symmetry and beauty. it seta gracefully on the horses, and while fitting perfectly allows the greatest freedom of action 1f y'ott Lay.' a high chum team come herr for harmers apprn- - :node1 Harriette oh 11 ami' regi red now for Spring. H. }J. FISHER, (.0l)tRICH 1 5 This aa t. the fa tamer. 'nee as 1 entire l'roviti. on..n.-1.11 obligation tare a few laro, urban centre. Atower for a' ..otig and to charge .mall :slot rural eomitmnitie. all the tr.itlie will Why shotilil Toronto get lamer for A14.56 ajni 114.o:ill-h., al, thongli nearer Niagara. pay 11 l'ee or four time. n. much ? Why .1mtild Brantford iret pow•at At (parte]. or third less than Burford,' it few Miles rraetioll Of, that paid by Mem.... just outside the idly '1 The water powers of the Province !whine to all the people. The expendi- den 011 all She Mir, then. ventre. get all the power? Irk 1111.111 11Ver per eent and the rural parts less than one-half of (Pile per rent. Are the riirml people to be Inke Lazarus and. contentedly take the 'Tombs that fall from the table of the rieh and powerful? .%re unity ifiniiefi ny the ,t tins -nit f fetoner. 191 II, the people of title l'ros. ince veer. In their might end valet fortunately they left In the greato.st antnerat of all al 11111e.‘ he I. 11115 In 111. proper place the rural people will Premier Inory Wanted to play fair with Seek and his mieswiate. 1111 tile C1PM1111.4111011. lalt Ile titter are ;not glaylng fair with the people. Mr. modified somewhat. but the principle hold down I* main& Whether the .peeial tax is or one dollar. 1. 'natter of intern31 economy. but. it is Imperative that thing dene this year to furnish the ',pork in the rural rot lllllll !Otte,' With a larger proportion or IN1Wer than they have been getting. Not only sire the Village. 11 1111 4111511 towns are one with the rural petiole in their lletrItl lid for eheip..r. and mitre power. MILLIONS KILLED IN ACTION Wonderful newel Millions and mil. lions of germs killed in action and thousands and thousands of victim, relieved of bronchitis', asthma, eoughs, and colds. There is great rejoicing in the fact that science has at last in- vented the world's surest death trap ture. With the first dose this remedy gets eight down te business, and Dery ceases In its destructive work until every trees of the disease is completely removed and the victim restored te normal health. Letters from all parts of Canada praising this wonderfal mister/ are literally pour- ing into headquarters. Read this let- ter:-" Years of suffering from that terrible afflieltion, bronchial asthma, ordered by KR medical men to aloe' my business in Montreal and go south to • warmer climate, btit I noticed your ad. in the " Montreal Standard" tor the above mixture and I said I would give one nuns trial kW health before I leave my native tens, and thank the good maker I did. My bronchial tubes are clear, the Melting cough han disappeared, the wheezing cough has ceased as if by magic, and all diseemforts have gone mince taking your wonderful mixture."-Iferbert Corti, 4 1 7 McKay Street, Montreal. There is nn remain wh•tever why yon vered to health if you take this rem- edy. You are tali/died or tie money ie refunded, according to our guaran- tee. Don 't delay. Buy • bottle now Prom your druggist ta SOLD IN GODER1C11 J. A. CAMPBELL PiniTY FLOUR Patoret WIlsen'ls Title to Fan*. I, 1...nar,r.inun.likr. Boston. ciated great itniral prlindpie. and strove to brim( In the latter day tor mankind. the ttleri!'a people folloWed him. Only nrwli lie demanded. that Iiiyalty to these groat prldelples should Of every prox,i:!nn of the covenant' did 111. follower: :Olt. ho:tile I Bart the temporary delay In forming A meriea doe: nig 111%111'1d 1,` erliisirtler Id di Mr. Wileen 1. hls supreme title to faille. They mak., him emit ter In ltprent then some men are in vi -tory. It marten; not whether his practice in ricery partie- tilar leis tallied with his ideals. Th. fart remain. that the triunity nnd prreeion with whirls he him held to three fundamental eonvletlitno hare en riled them Into the very eentre of the world's thinking. golden words. these memor- able words map mit the kltal of N nimbi for whieh ell believers In the reality of a moral atol spiritual order hope and strive. They nearer than rini !date patonr: ever before Is- sinsl elate 10 tra 11.1:1 t Ina into the nouilte• of diplienney and eta were ft the prinelfile. eV iceman remitter whleh ghee on the piges of the New To.te- yet only half believes. They esmInt• be forgotten or ttirftst Aside bY thoee ,who.vrould with Owl in him • graft pimp -we for peelingly thut they Imre been heard and heeded In the far corner: of the, earth 1Vieillrew Wilson tie.erves the griatittlile of mankind. The ell llrie foe whi,•11 he fought wall trininph and his mom' n•ill .11ine mi the roll of thorns alio, during the terrible year. of thrl World War, haze rifest their all tor (Atka CREOPHOS TONIC RELIEVES BRONCHITIS 4X7V--4/ffri- 2..rcSat4C For *ale hy J. R. LAUDER, Goderich.