HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-3-10, Page 1Have You Renewed Y9lur Subscription to The Signal for 1921 If not, now would be a good time r -*?-+learn•. z..,,p ........: ,1 sIA/A/A/A/k^ 1 • Counter Check Books at The Signal Made by the best firm in Canada Let us quote prices NE% ENT1 4'O1 Hill l E 10. GODERICH(,ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10e1921 THE s1(.N.11. 1'KI\'1'1\(: 10., LIMITED. Publisher'. VO0TECT UR SAVINGS Money that Is not absolutely necessary foe the small ex- penses of running the farm should not be kept about the house. You run the risk of losing 1t, having it stolen - destroyed by a fire. Open a Savings Account In the nearest Stanch of the Sterling Bank. Your money -instead of remaining Idle- - wW be earning you a profit. You may enjoy the con- venience of paying your monthly accounts by cheque. You will have the feeling of security which comes from knowing that your money is absolutely safe. See our Manager nest time you are In town. ea Tin STERLINGBANK OF. CANADA t 1 Keep Yourself Informed Qp C1.1 Lofts re- t 1 wighiste tiler as to keep zi.dabsiejtaa a. ars ea a, ass gat CANADIAN BANK __--- O RESERVE FUND\ - - $11. .000 - GODERICH BRAfiCH. C. Williams, Muster. WANTS!) \ NOTICE TO COEDITORS. WANTED. -A MAID. BY APRIL 15. Must be able acme Apply to MRS. JOS.' KIOD, Nath Street, Town, .M _ WANTED. -POSITION OPEN FOR an espene ced mason a (arm. Married ot .sn le- smile (referred. Yearly engagement. Write ):)SPAR rMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Clintoa, Ont. 'A CARETAKER WANTED. -NORTH STREET METHODIST CHURCH. Duties to start Apd ist. Apply to J. P. BROWN, (rlerch Street. Yl CARDS OF THANKS. Twin CARD OF THANKS. -MRS. S. J. YOUNG and(Lorne Y•.un` take thnogpx• tualty of tendering their grateful Minks to the members of Mortised Lodge. A. F A A. M , the staff of the Weslern,Canid • Figur Mille Co and other gdod fronds. It r mans kindnesses er- tended d ,n the dimes of these late husband fret lathe idle time of bereavement. OTICE TO\REDITORS. IH TNR Es or DONALD N. MCKSNVI. LATE on THE 1nwN or Gonna ICH. IN THE COUINTT OF I4URON, G[NTLIMAN. inuaasiati AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AIr1CTIOV SAL B OF FARM STOCKT (UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK D IMPLEME IS. AND IMPLEMEN Fs. R ELWIN \N0ERS:)N • will In by bhc auctlue, a lot 12. concession 2 GoderK6 to nshtp. on TU - ' DAY, MARCS Gnd, comm ing at 1 o'cl a: sharp; Hoasas.-Matt d teamldap• d grey Perch• mons' 7 years old, • ack 4lvina ma e s years oa CATni. -Nan co 6 )tars ofd tau posed to M in cell', wan c ors 2 n old (w • d to heet coll,;led c,w 7 years id due March 2 red cod6 yew old. due A. d 26, rel cow 6 years old lwppnaed 0 be ae I11; 1 heder 2 years old muppo to be in cal 2 fat steers Heng three years ud' steers ruin{' ears old (in butcher shape) Y heel Tung 2 year old; 2 heifers rising 1 year old, 2 s- re rising 1 ase old; call Y months ad Pecs -Nine young pats. HENS.- Forty purebred white horn hens. I IPL[MINTS. ETc.-Oneb-lt. cut Ing bander (idol as newt. 6.11. cut Massey•H ns mower; [henn( rake. 13dmac Deering seed • 111. No 7 Massey -Haran cultivator, corn cults for and bean ;Allier. new Massey -Hutu disc. 1 set her rcawsw lureses •w 1 No21 Fleury ow. 1 t b wagon, 1 new Kt Karn sleighs. new McLa shins cutter. Dominion buggy. B■incombinalwo tyck rack and hay rack, flat rack. gravel boa, tan •'ng mill, woven were stretcher. new Primase semi tor, No 3 Daisy ci urn. Chmaa rangelburrs coal wood). Western ink heater (burns coal or woo. O. 212.5 bushels Banner oats; 84' bushels barky and oetslmissd(. 12 bushels' good dal seed, quantity 01,first•claw sage. about 2U bushels good pota- toes, pile u1 cedar posts, 1 set double harness. 1 set snide harness,' 1 third• horse harness. 4-yearold code dog. stave 0o(12E20; kaylok, rope and car hold trough' and self-leeder, t ladders, barrel. locks, hoes, and other articles too numerous to men( ton Everything must be sold. as the proprietor has sold the faro . T[ass.-AIL sums of SP, and under. cash. over that amount. m months credit aril he Oven on lurwishing approved scant notes. A discount of 4 pet cent. straight allowed for cash on credit kasounes. ELWIN ANDERSON. T. GUNDRY, Promoter. Auctioneer. Norma Is hereby given, ppuuqqusnt to R.S 0.. cap. 121.+ec, al, that an per.Ans harm( claims against the estate of the sa•d Donald, N. Mr- Kenre, deceased. who died on the Nth dap of F thrum y, I92t, are regmred to send or d, liver to Hie undersigned. ttollator for the eaetutora of the mid estate, on or before the 26th day of March IPI- full particular. o1 theercla•me: and that after such elate std executory will d,stnbute the awtt of t he deceased among the parties entre led, having regard only to. loams of which tory shall then have rererved notice. and that they will mit be INN, to any person of whose coins notice shall not have been reserved at the tone or such dalr•butaa. Dated the ithday of March. A. D.1821. CH ARLES GARRO W. Soho nor 1 ,1 fauncan Mclennan and William Ken.plon, E.e. ulcera. A >z - CR - LIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS.' ' Thr 'foil wing Is t� IINt of some of the properties which t here for sale, snit o In tion proape'rtive buyers will final that the priced are put do n where the properties can be purchased to make acme moary. No. 1 -Two-story. tripe, fully modern house, 7 room+, in flt,4t-class condition. smith plate of Brisk street. Price 32209. No. 2 -Story and a -half, frame. eight -roomed house, ells -tele light, water and eww•er`.eM)nnw•tion, -newly deeuratwt throughout, full lot. Emit tnvo.'vdtken house, situated on the wit Mile at of tenxl u•r,street.Prlcev No. 3 -Two-story frame hou 41 rooms, electric light and hath, large verandah, east sit of Victoria street. Price* $17119. No. 4 -Two-story, frame, eight- el house, e'Iw•tric light, sewer and toilet, two Tuts, von r South and Itlake streets. Price 51509. ' At_i9-•,_ •-One uMI a-IutIf story. frame, fly modern house. 7 rooms, alliin red on the 1M1tIWI of Wel nattnn x71(1 t'tc'ton emetic-- This ttrpetsThis is a eery`vle,lrtble Mon.'. 1' •e 52090. No. 11 --Two-story. rel lsriek Noose. with N nxnms and large Attie, fully modern, situated on the slot side of Eliot strelet..r Price $3500. Other listings may be had on application at the office. victory Beals bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE Insurance and Real Estate. a• 'till^' heLwe Tsit your ambition to travel ? Why not save the requisite funds for a trip out of your earn- ings ? Open a Savings Account and make pay day your bank- ing day. Ab.s sea tweet eraser 7►evellev's Meow ia n r.I1 'tt)lI ,I. t 1111i11111U�1 till Moilopi 0114 UNION BAN, OF CANADA Goderich Brand:, Woollcombe, Manager 11 UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK .T3. AND IMPLEMENTS. MRS. WILLIAM CAREY • will sell by public aucto's. at her (arm, lot 17. Lake Road west, Lolb.ene township. on WEDNESDAY, MARCH lard. commenlllg at 1 o'clock sharp Percheron mare...nig S years, supposed to be is lost, filly 1 year old; filo 1 years old: dr !vote mare; horse 5 years old.he,tM none II years rid. en call; cow 6 years old due March 24, heeler 3 years rid dos April 24 heifer using 3 years old. due May q; • ming ng 9 years o d (dry) cow rasing s years d. 3 steers 2 years std 6 stns risiof ng 2 years old. 1 steer and 1 heifer 1 year old: 4 yowling calves;sow Isuptocd to be in Well 1 set al pav-lo. .calm. Verity walking plow. 1 Marey -Harris disc hatrow, No 21 Cockshutt walking plow. / sets plow harness, 6 good Oxford Down ewes t•uppo.ed to be with Iambs; 4 stews and 2 hepe•.2 years old Taxes -A 1 turns of 510 and order, cash . over IBM amount, i0 mo this' credit will be given on Iparhing approved ;rant notes. Adiscount of 5 Mcent strai„ht allowed for cash en credit ixt IMO WM CAREY. T.GUNDSY, Prop etor Aucttorseer. Telt SALE OR SENT. AUCTION SALE. UCTION SAL -1:f OF FAK\I STOCK. 1. IMPI-EMt.Nrs AND MUUSEHW-D F RNIIURE. MR. JOHN f1 MILLS , 1 wiUsell by public auction, un lo: 26, ranee.sion MR. ALFRED TEBBUTr 1. West Waweno.b. au wall tell by public alctaon at his premises on 1 MONDAY. MARCH 21.1 Huron road Ithree miles from (S den:ha. iia commencing al 4 o'clock sharp. THURSUAY, M \RCH .rah, Homo. -One Ions 6y�ears old: ally rising 1 commencing at 1o'clock sharp: 1 years; bocce four years o11; filly ruing I year; 3 Mamas -One geer nal purpose mare 7 years old; gelding rising 2 years; . driver 7 fears. 1 general purpose gel dmngnsing 4 years old, driving ' C , -(inc cow a rears o d. freshened in i mare lar years old (good quiet driven: Percheion t. December. bred again January 27, c•,w 7 1 ally non 2 years old: uniting filly ruing 1 years , old. freshened in Janury,bted seam February 27; ' old. sired by Ike Medium; 1 aged driver. cow • years old, treabsned in ember. Cu. 7 I CATTLE. -Cow 7 years old tnrw,y calvedt. cow years old. due lune 14. Jersey cow 4 years old, , 7 years old, due May 1st: cite- S years old. due f due statist; dry cow: 2 tat steers 3 years old;S June 1st lows rid ,milking a; heifer rising 2 heifers rising years old 4 steers rising: years! years old. steer rising 2 years old. heeler using 1 i old;6 heaters risme 1 year u'dt 2 steers rising 1 - year old. steer call s months old; hepar call S I yearol l;1 salt 3tg•mnnths oil; 1 call 3 months month solo ' old; 1 ca.t 2 moot hs old. . • I HEN!. -150 Barred Rock hers, 1 and 2 years ' Hocs,-.Seven store hop t a bout l`u IM,, Wu. IMPLIMIINT.. -nue wagon, has rack. Cutter, IYPLSYENT+GG�New MCC'•rmcck mower !6 -toot ■{on hoz, 1 set bobsleigh.. 1 horsepower and cut). pea 'wreaker. 10 -ft Mawey-Harris bay rake I k, cutting-boz Hamilton 120 -egg ineub our (nearly new,; 1 Val Brunt N double disc dntl. ' 'verytbtog adversised will be sold without i sold by John Deere (nearly newt, Line ng de c I ere_ 1 harrow (nearly Lew', Orel mg lar -lout land 'cher of 10 and s. -All sums { under. cash over , (pearl rice, Uhyr ramscuttle,. with T M r r t N m•xi M' credit will br t.r a harvester t n 1 that mount. t n n, peat r rater mead new. 1 ren Y Y t t o 'sit notes Fourlevator. 1 tams approved t' u r cent• cu Atasse•darns ha -teddes. t DW foe per Y Y slrarghty lowed la carbon credit .muunq. fleury wittier, 1 Fleury rain walking JOHN 11\ MILLS. 'f GUNDRY, 1Fleury No. 11 plews,one neatly news, I se: Propnktur. AilrpoMe4 four section drak harrows: harrow- cart, root- pulper, utt•ng'box (No. 2slae w1(I1 IU -loot car. I nersJ all Massey -Harris make: 1 London'l.i h. p. 1 IORTGAGE SALE OF FARM p,Wln,engine ongood runningorden.Chatham PROPERTY 151 ASH FIELD. wagon, fiat hay rack. wagon bus w to stock rack `.rid gravel boa. Clinton tanning mill, 1 set of household scales J140 IM P. McLaughlin rubber - tared top buggy (•n good ship.), open bug[Y• democrat. 1 rt boMle.ghs. (.ray cutter. large stonet,oat. small stonetnlat wheelbarrow, belt.* hardwood water bane,. water trough. Melons DAY, the '26th day of Marchi cream separator, large sap 1 eche, small sap kettle. Z sen douDk harness, 1 sear suigle hat new, 2 Iog- hou[ 01 1 O clock In the pe{ chaun, Y p»thole auger.• 2 scythes, grain 1 Lannan Hotel, In the alt. 2 Crumbut saw.. bucksaw, 2 anis d.,uhle• ' h. by ,homas Gundry, frees. 2 orckyukes, 2 rot Eng ruulters, ladder•ueel teem scraper, grindstone. en•d •4e tat, barley lork. scoopshovel Draining spade, pre crate, chscken.tattenincrate. ruby, 3 horse blankets, 1 30111, dug mood ler,. a4 grain boas. ba[ fru, k. dicedar fence pass. h ,yliark, • ar. rope and slangs furks,shovd., and other wirelessuu numerous to menton. pia,- Fueroittaa.-Happy Thought kitchen rang slam fest her bed, iron bedstead, maitre s. springs 01 and leather bed, .quare puna Itured and in first - t e class order(. 2ertensnn• tate•. 2 small. tads, -herr Rinth concession. Wester Division. the sofa .1hex chairs. 4roct mgchun, 1 e.ay chair. 'r said township of. Ashfield. containing ]u�\F 54.64 lamps. Daisy churn. butter howl, ice cream hundred acres more or less. tern, On said lands cher • is a : ••. ctxnfort E,srytbi,g mud be so 41, unreserved. as pro- prielur haa sold his farm able frame house. containing to rooms \ I SRNs -A I sums of tin and sinner. cash; and a large frame kitchen. g. • cellar, o er that amount. Y months credit aril he given first•class barn 40E60: -an art an well „...it, ^ arleishing app•ored Joint n.ae. A dtruant and never (ailing spring creek nnin( 1 of 4 ' tscent stria sit allowed for cast on credit • through centre of farm, a goad hard. ALFR-DTEBBUTT, - T GUNDRY. The (arm is in a good location. two • (les Pr • stun• Aortwneer frau Kingsbridge and convenient foe church and school. The sale wilt be subject to a ewers bid. rERMS.-Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale. U . • er and by virtue of the powers conta' • in a certain mortgage, which will be , •used at the time of sale. there will beat ered for sale by public auction, on SAIL 1921, at afternoon, Town of auctioneer, namely : ALL AND SING R that ('ertain parcel oe trait of land rd prem(. s situate, lying and being in • tuwnahip of Mb - field, in the County a Huron. a ince of Ontario, and • eine corn the east half of lot n • b r ale. rimer three -wheel 1,011 Kale.4='sU lbs.). 1 set follow)trlg property kitchen chaos. Rayo lamp. parUr lamp. 2 glass and the balance to be paid. without inter- est, in thirty days thereafter. For further particulars and conditions d staleapply PROUDI1tOOT,K1 LLN A HOLMES. 80beitors for the Vendor, OR mix OR RENT. -A MODERN - Godench. THOMAS GUN DRY, Auctioneer. DATED the Znd March, 1921. red hock house. situale an one o the Dost e ncomia 01 thetow••. The hoar n pr acts ally new. and has all modern coaven•encau Apply to R. H. RE1D• P.O. Bog a%S, Godencb. Zt L'OR SALE.-FKAME COTTAGE AT ✓ corner Cayley• sod Elisabeth streets. Has been remodelled and u m good condition, with bathroom, electric lights, good cellar. etc. Two iota; good garden land. Will be gond at a rearm. able price. T. R. WALLIS, Goderch, yOR SALE. -A TWO-STORY RED Mick house. with .11 niodern conveniences. used by but water system.' Garage on prop- erty. Situated at the loot ofo•th street. Poa- sesio,.ean he had 1st April. y to JOSEPH C.GRIrFIN. 11 OU -E FOR SALE -FRAME COT- TAGE on Park street, now occupied by the THOS. j d. Possession s.n can be 6.4 1,1 of pll ARSON. tkROPERTIES POR SALE -TWO. ▪ story frame house on West street- known as the Welds house frame story.and-a•hall house, with full Iot,'bn Hincks street; also two lots with a rood barn tm Hinck. street. The owner. Mr.John Dalton. of Timmins. Ontario, is onerous to sell and still accept ane reasonable oder. Pos- session an he given within a month. Fox par- tecelars apply to J. J. MOSER. Hamilton Street. Goderich. t 1 ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25. CON- CESSION 3. (icer ich towrnhip, consisting ed - acres of choice cloy loam, with spring creek and aping well. Barn 40140, with cement stables; hay berm, IAx r7; dnve•houae, 16.17; small New- house; comfortable conchte cottage. end two acres of orchard. It-.r[5,,,,�situated one mile from designated Provincial county road. seven miles from Goderrch, and s convenient to 'school and church. Apply to B. H. LINDSAY. R. R. No. 2. Godermch, Phone 602r 1. 11 OUSES - HOUSES ` All kinds for sale .t very rlmotohle prides. 11 you intend buying a.ho)se it mil be t • your interest to Pte meas 1 may have just what o0 are looking for. No trouble to show roil t places 1 have lor sale, A large Int to choose from. Call in and see me. -_-- P. J. RYAN. Real Estate and Insurance Phone 50. - A RTIC ESL POR SALE. Q WEET CLOVER AND ALSIKE F 1.7 34LE.-Free from weed seed. Sweet clover N a great soilenricher, and especially valuable for poor land. Aliso( •r sale a q uantit y of seed bailey, O. A. C. No. 21; and Granary Filler oats, W. F. YOUNG & SON. R. R. No. 5, Goderich. Phone laxer Benmiller. WOOD FOR SALE. The Town has for sale a few cords of 12•inrh green wood. at ■ price of 54.00 per face cord. delivered. Apply at Town Hall. L. L. KNOX. Town Clerk. ' �1OIU ELCONTARIO AG- RICU�,,TRACOLLEGE hihest laying s mS.C. White Le horns l rapnesleselected fe ts, Malen used from upwards of 2e) -egg dams\ 16, 113.01; w, {6.00. Cash wig Is order. 51JY. PLY 'At.FARTMENT, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Guelph. at L IOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF PURE - is BRED. registered Polled Anus Ahereleen bulk• ht for service. Apply to J.K. VARCOE, R. R. No 5. Godevich. tf QWEET CLOVER SEED POR SALE.- QWEET Flee from weed seed. Sweet clover b a ,d1 enricher. Excellent lor pasture and hay. A. 14. CLUTTON, R. R. No. s. Goderich. Phone 14.14, Benmi Ile•r. t 1 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED W0()D FOR SALE at 14 per single cord. delivered. THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone H'\ TICEOR MEETING. OLDEN s TE en' J R R. B. P., No, HH. eels first Thursd of each month, in Frost- , Vbitiag Sr Kaights welcome. XVIII. R. H. MEW Ire W P, Fresh • k oysters at S. Wil ons. The Cana Goderich, N dance on Fr CLEARINU AUCTION RA1.11 OF Keep this date FARM ST( it'K. IMPLEMENTS titulars later. ANI)• HODSEI14)LD FURNISHINGS. _ SIH. CHARLES C. Me\EIL will Nell by public am�tlon at his' farm. 2tu miles from t;rlderkll ( St2 mile smith of lhtnblp 1. on FHIIIAY. MAIt4'H 14111,. 1921. commencing at 1 rictot•k /sharp, the following : 4toe heavy black gelding. 5 years old ; 1 heavy black gekling, 6 year. old; 1 draft filly. riming 3 years; 1 gem)f'rel purpose mare. rioting 6 years old : 1 cow, 5 year, old, due to frewhen Myrrh _6: I ails. 3 sereerw n14. die (o freshen .April lo: 1 cow, 7 years 01(1, (lite to freshen May 3; 1 Jenrey cow. fine to freshen April 'lel: 1 cow, 5 years old. due to freshen April 10: 1 cow: (i years old, fine to fretrhen March 2K: I )YEW. x years t,ld, rale at foot: 1 heifer. rising :t c,•,tne. fine In April : t 1 heifer. tieing ;3 yearn. due May 1 : 2 steers. tieing y,mrs: 4 heifers, Tie- lryt 2 years; 3 valves. rising 1 year; 1f peel roan Shorthorn hull, 11 months(' oid, 1M In Itcssic Beeauty-12144(4- Sire Hillside NIumlreh�P21W63: 1 good 1 roan Shorthorn hill, 10 %onthe old, Item 1.11V 1114!914•. sit iso ee.apr- 1 123934 - Sire 11111side Monarch -' 12441461; 1 good roan Nhorthorn bull. 9' months old, Darn El,ic 2nd--121077- Sire Hill+ills Monarch --126063: 1 good 2-ycar-old heifer, 1)nlsy, -11340412-,' hre'd February 3: the last named pure - red Shorthorn a•nttle are from Mr. 1 James ('hisholm`s herd and ,are all extra good quality. Tlimse are ■11 Durham eatble. 10 Oxford octad Lei- cester ewes, 1 ta'i,vwtcr ram; 4 pigs.' weighing 130 lbs. ; 30 (tarred Rock hens: 1 % asset'-Iht rris hinder, 7.0., nearly newt 1 Slatip rake, 10-f1,; 11 Messer-Ilarr(h side delivery rake: 1 (Meering cnitIv41or: 1 Deering 11 -hoe. drill; 1 ('a•ks)ttttt disc harrow : 1 ('sew kshntt manure• spreader: 1 OIter r l riding plow : 1 Flctiry walking plow 1 gang plow : 1 steel hiller 1 set Iron harrows. 4 ws•tions: l\Maaaey 2 -row corn .•tomer; 1 Ihs'ring Corn hinder; 1 hand .'loftier; 1 root\ Iper: 1 Melotte creasit-Reporotor; 1 i t1 21NM). Mm. scales; 1 w'k viharrow; 2 on pig troughs; 1 luny ork, car and 40 -ft. chain; 1 Mr'l'ngan fanning mill, ft�. .bagger; 1 Lag true • 1 hand cute lox : 1 grindstone: 1 grIndston emery: 1 iron kettle: 1 40 -gal. drum: 1 Adams wagon and box; 1 hay anal stock rack. ennlbitnsl ; 1 gravel box : 1 long sleigh : 1 robber -tired 4wgk' : 1 en: ter: 1 set tent harn.sa, nen fly new : 2 sets shingle, harrxees: a 1111 nilly of hey and strew•: chalet, ft ks. • shovels and other articles too no sats to mention, also 1 coal heater; kitchen cabinet: 1 sideboard; 1 bed - neon' 'nine: 1 ell stove with oven : hanging lamas, etc. Everything must Iwe, dispow'd of, as the proprietor has sold the farm. TF,HM,ti -Alt moms of 110.01 and under, math; over that entrntnt x months( credit will be given on fur - Melling Approved joint notes. (': C. McNI'.IL, T. (II-NDRY, Proprietor. (Auctioneer. 4 n Order of For tern. Cann 32, will hold a e hre and Islay evening, A• ,I Nth. n for the event. Par. AUCTION SALES, 01 EK('KOIYDED, - Although we are printing an extra two AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENT, AND FARM. 6. MR, T. M, DURNIN - 4. wlllsell by 'public sucltoa,'at T. M. Davis' livery barn. South street, Go saran, on ', MARCH .3.th, commencing at 20 •cock 'sharp, the following . Marched heavy teat 4 sorrel mares risme r,. This tram n quite rho e and quiet and ethic 1 for any kmd Of team rax General purpose bay mare 7 years old; chestnu driving, bury a years old; bay drowse horse •. ye : iron roller (neatly newt l tine- tarrnw Oliver rtdi plow (nearly pew I. single walking liuw, Yduc hat wt. Mathey-llarn. mower,. I set S sect run iron har ,los (nearly news wagon. 2 wheelbarrows i lwo-lu ow plow. I set heaVintai4Tiarbti4, 4 set he ivy nile harness. 1 set light double haeme 1 sec nngl how hat nes.. sets st .gle harness boggy pole. s ride ed top buggy rubber -toed open buggy. 1 set 1 sleighs The farm, knownl as hot J concern n 3, A.h• held, consisting of fits acres, more or 1 , writ he reared for salt. Forty acres is stubble a, • stats/ acres seeded down; also a good frame b t e and young fruit rwchard. A good pasture farm 1 BEMS, -Twelve months' credit will be give • on furnishing rev n notes. A dtacount ash a ed sit [ DD 1 p!r cent. rl'I be aauwed.lur cash on cre amuunfl. T.M DURNIN. T. GUNDRY, Prop•etur. Auc tonecr. losevalvewvevesevevevesowsosevevevesno 1 Miss M. E. Cameron is now reaaly with all the new- r,t ideas in ., pring Mi�linery- Formal Opening Wednesday, March 16th, '21, and following days srECIAL OPTICAL Otil1.R. High:grade gold-filled spectacles and eyeglasses with best -quality flit saherical lenses for only 33 50. Eves examined free by our well•known specialist, Mr. Huehson. with twenty-five years' practical repent. ce, and formerly optical expert for Kent's jewelery store, Toronto. We save you m^ney on everything in the optical line. 'Three days only - Thursday, Friday_ and Saturday, March 17. 18 and 19. Come early. Shunt's ART ST0U. Goderich. Starr Phonographs and Gennett Star Retards, for sale at Blackstone's Ice Creat, Parlors. Wesesereet. Pages this week. we find o Ir columns still greatly 'overcrowded with ;advertising matter, A good deal of local news is consequent y crowded out. much to our regret. including reports of the town council meeting on Friday night and the referendum meeting in Knox church last night. We will ty to make up next week • f.tr this week's shortaze. Keep the elate March ?dud for the Rex Social -Victoria Ilrlla rs class 1"ictsria street church. GLEN ---In Colborne township. on Wednesday, March P. George Glen. ,n his ret h year F(iw LER In Goderich. on Saturday. March 6. J Ades Fowler. aged 70 years. -I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It makes a real treat-Blackstone's delicious ice cream, In bulk or fancy bricks. Local agents for Templtllft)n's Rheu- matic and Asthma remedies. H. C. Dun- 1o1;1's drug store. Ceme in and get a free tri >(1 package. A ctdn Sale - T. t.1. Dur sit n Notice toCredito .. this o.urw... 1 Auction Sale -Allred Tehhutt 1 House far Sale -T R. Wallis , It orison Sale -J. W. Stack how.. 1 int - Mar un-henour.. -..2 F. niters In Canada --Bank Ort Montreal..., 1 Ny C reophoa. ........ 1.........2 Auct •nSale --John 11 M Ile. .,l Meets nate••-Golden Gate R B. P., No. ION .1 Card 0 Thanks -Mrs. S. J. Yang and Lorcet Page Auction - e -Mrs. Wm Carey .. . Benefit Da e --Hockey Club.. .Auction v -••EIw n Anderson "Leto Ravers '--•KinCahr,dge Thamahc Club MIIhIKry • ' ng ---Ise ss M E. Cameron. Repair Stomp-» . Wdha,n. House lor sane or ' tint• --R H. Reid. . Id • 6 Hall Thursday, M • h 17, '21 The Kingshridg Dramatic Club in the comedy ansa "LENA RIVE ' S" Performance commences at 8.110 o clock sharp ADMISSION - - S ' Vaudeville between Acts HOCKEY CLUB MEM DANCE aw4hid(rllowa' Hall \\ THURSDAY, MARCH 17ti, '21 R 15 o'clock Muco' by Goderich Society Orchestra ADMISSION Gentlemen 75c Ladies 25c \\FO ERS ADA T 1P�ioe d'Armes in ir-Montreal stands a monument to Siete de Maitlostneuve who, landing near this spot in the year 2642, founded the settlement which u now the City of Montreal. Facing Place d'Armes stands the Bank of Montreal, which opened its doors for business a short distance from the same spot over one hundred and three yea{} ago. From the Settlement founded by Maisonneuve, civilization has spread to the east and west until to -day the Dominion of Canada extends from Halifax to Vancouver. Likewise the Bank of Montreal has grown, until after over a century of steady and conservative progress, it today has Branches in all of the cities and larger towns to Canada, with offices in the principal financial centres of the world, and correspondents in every country. BANK of MONTREAL Capital Paid Up $22,000,000. Reserve $22,000,000. Total Assets $560,150,812.85. 4 1,.111! If