HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 9TEE SIGNAL
Everything you need
for Fancy Work may Le
found here.
Call an 1 se! the many
beautiful and useful ar-
ticles we have in stock.
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square - Goderiels
Your Service
with the
to be had in
Tis Sours - P one <6
Hydro tower is to .•..st Forelwleh
I4I3 and finale sued Iwo• horsepower.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Mark. of the 4th
euww.slotl of How•lek, recently i4.1...
heated the twenty-fifth anniversary of
tlwlr wedding with a gatIwrlug of
Meade and neighbors.
1r. altl Mrs. W. C'. 1'rueier, ltel-
grave. announce the engagement of
their. daughter. Margaret A.. to John
Wesley Kerr, of Brussels. tlw•,'Inar-
rlage• to take place This mouth.
At the Lutheran parsonage. %iirirh.
on Saturday t•re•n1ng. 12th inst., Rey.
I1. Rends• milted iu marriage Miss
Susie Reach. daughter oil Mr. and Mrs:
John 4k..4.11, to Aaron 4 k•.ch, of Itiggar,
Rask. Tlw young volatile' will reside
In the West.
Mrs. John banters. au idol resident
of Ethel. paused away ein The tNh least.
Ili lar eightieth year. For over hwlf-
a-veittury• the tires -Need was a resident
of tlw township of Grey. ..Her hus-
IaniI died +one year. Ingo anti a family
°toxin• and daughters. survive
A, rotes wedding took place at the
Rinevrlr Metb.alkt parsonage on the
941. lust.. when Jeanette A. Wheeler,
daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. A. Whaler.
1.4•awe tlw bride of TI + W:
Walker. 'Ito young euupde will reside
on the groom'. farm In Tnrdwrry.
David- Kyle: ed' Kippers. diel ou tlw
11th lust. at the age of forty=eight
year. 11.• 111141,11440.11 111 for a folig time •
with enhigigement of the Iwart, but
had l.e•ti Stile to' be about i1 very
remitly. 11e w•as Isiru 1n P0401141'
township. He was not married. but, Is
•slrl'It•i"I by, eight .asters and one
Mush regret wax felt at Brew*. viol'
on reeelpt of tlw new. of the de tri of •
Mrs. Earl Parker, of Detroit. formerly
Miss Margaret Itis,. arid vide -a dangly i
ter uf' Mr. atil., Mr'. 10. Rees' of Itrno.•.
11.44. Mrs. Parker wa'. tv'epty•tet•••
h•ears of age and had been married "Tanlac has completely restored my
only six months. Her death followed health and 1 feel liner than in years.'' was
1 an operation: the straightforward statement male re-
Iteivid Met;itlK.ee.•IIty Iva" of fig.•. cently by 111r. George W. Logan, of
1 awl for sixty-rK`a•u years a reshlent of , I'�ia
.�body. Kan=as. one of the moat
East 1\"xwauns4. died an February •inent Mme -dealers in the Mddie
lune after an t s:feude d pen./ slat feeble t N
111... was ).ern near Inn i ni;in- "1t has nob made a neo • man of me
title. ...oiling t.. -Ease \\'aw•Iinoah wtth y gained thirty-five
I.i.e par4'at. wlu•n- three. year" to_ but 1 have actually'
: pound.. in weight and feet as well as
Realties his wife. a son and a ilautiMer ever did in my life. ( am telling all of
-nr•ive : Walter 51.4.iII and Mi-" my friends about Tanlac but they can see
' were married In Clinton fifty-
year. ago. hail a celebration of diel
auuiteraary at their Moue at (iris-
wold, Man., on the btlt fart.
Prominent Western
Man Praises Tanlac
L 11, a B. P LF.CTRIFI('.%TION.
luno Rural 4tliwts Not in Favor ./
the I4ehenw.
In a letter received by Professor L. A.
Wood hem Frank Welch, secretary.
treasurer of the Varna Farmers' Club,
Huron county., says The L•atdun Adver-
tiser, the writer makes a vigaltous attack
on the plan to electrify the London,
Huron & Bruce. instancing especially the
rural depopulation in Stanley township,
where he liven.
Mr. Welch's farm is in a block of 2000
acres on the St concession. Twenty -live
years ago 1,400 acres of this was under
tillage, and 600 acres in grass. Now 900
acres are tilled and 1,100 are grassland.
At that time there were twrnty•live able-
bodied men on the land, supporting
seventy seven persons. Today there are
twelve men, two of whom are really boys,
supporting thirty-seven persons.
By elaborate calculations, Mr. N\•elch
shows that by no means could sufficient
freight be obtained from his district to
make the L . H- & B., if electrified, pay
its way on the stretch between Brucefield
and Kippen. '-You must populate the
farms." he states "to get the freight.
Give us hydro for Tight and convenience,
so as to remove the drudgery from our
women's lives. 1 hen our young folk will
cwt turn cityward, our idle lands wilt be
reclaimed ..nd Ontario will prosper."
Mr. Welch does not think that the
scheme of electrification would have any
chance in his township if tut to a vote.
' Respecting the attitude of the electors
'of Stanley township," he writes, "on this
question. I believe they would be very
much against it. as they are strongly
opposed to hydro radials."
Fanners.' flub Opposes.
The Advertiser publishes the following
' despatch from W.ngiwm :
%'Ingham. Feb. IS. -At a meeting of
Glenannan Farmers' Club of Turnberry
township. the proposal to electrify the
London. Huron & Bruce section of the
Grand Trunk -Railway was discussed by
my work or anything else- My maim the Club members. In a unanimous
rou'sle was indigestion. Nothing seemed decision the Club placed itself on record
t • agree with me. At times 1 would have ! as being entirely opposed to the scheme
di zy spe'Is and at oth v times my back of electrification,
would ache s n bad th-t 1 could hardly get ; •
it awl •I vo la i t my chair. This is just I
the ''condition 1 was in when 1 started ; . J.nudon Adcertiv r: The .tn.•.tiou of
to take this medicine. It took just sit I a flee -year term for Methodist. p.t.tors
bottles to make a well man of m-. 1 now will ajgar.vntly be fought nut again
-have a line appetite, ev. rythint tasteat the - a
io*o l meeting of London 1'on-
I. oi and my digestiis perfect. i'lerett-r here In June.- Fiye ministers
'My wife was also troubled lith indi-1 of the 1'0nf.•renm, were last t. fir al-
gastion at limes and it reliev,d -her the Towel to ar.-ept invitation.. for a hilly :
. olive. foe themselves what it has done in my same way. You may publish my state- ! year in their re.iwetise rlr-uits. after
An old resident of \IcKtll•go. in the case. mem wherever you like and if anyone a iigorot" discussion, rlurbift which
p••r.i o1 of Redeem H inua• ha- I..•n r•-, "When 1 began taking Tanlac 1 was in doubts rl just tell them to we me. ; shoe limp/wit ion was at naw *raga, turnery
i ,et hyo rhos hand of dent,. in iiis an awfuli);rundown c•ufdition. 1 was away Tanlac la sold In Goderi.h by E. It ' dorm- • Special tarettuis:al14•e- w.•re
i.iuetyfourth year. A few w.'ks ago' off in weight. felt wink and nervous all of Wigle au,l the leading druggist in' put forward in .-itch suss, unit it was
MU•. Hanna fell 41141 fractured his hip., the tiineand culdn t take any intertst in every town - 1 pretty well understood that. the final
Clearing Prices in Overcoats
In order to clear off our stock of Overcoats, we
are offering a general price reduction of 25 per cent.
25 per cent. eff
Overcoats for Men and Boys
We defy you to find better values anywhere.
There are 011 two or three months of hard weather
ahead, and if -You are at all in need of an Overcoat s..'
advise you to buy now at the reduced price.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
G. W. Logan, Peabody, Kansas
.u..l the -hock and pain were too mt14•hi ,
tor -hlw in lids .4414 age. H.• was 1.4.111
in 4relate! :1101 '-:one to 'C':liedfi, at *11 1.4411ds. .he same to i'anada iu rlw
wax tbe gem miming ii. M i...., ' 11 i nen a for future remie.ts. Report. of -boarell
1 The death of Mr... amillorrirritie. Wawanosht •Mre. Catharine Young Isabel Ririe -haft and Mi.. /4 erne. and Rev. Albert 4.. TiMic, Watfore1.1
. wid„w of -the- lie.. .W11111.111 14111111H- ,1111.1 A1101reW Linklater. Of Wirighaiu. Walkt•r *sang charming soles. - Mr. WA. who are completing• their hatpin year i
. eolith.% en Thursday night 114t. r.- are si.ter god brother of .the deceased 5Ini. clark .14.11 for „norm& where i ..-
.II ....,... charge., Imre been ask.eil to'.
neIved me. rd -the, early re...Wiens* of anti art. (M. only surviving sueruhvra Ilwir holterwooll will l'" Slald. and return after hest ettrifertmee. '
will hoer reside at Handl/nit 1
the village of 1110:••all. :Cie 4. .or• of al family of ten.
:he former for -onto year. Rower. of • 1,-., ...,.
• 'II the We.t. '1114. r Winter Hard on Baby. -
t he i ithige aria rioa .1 Tin-olay morning of last aeelt,. 51114s
. litter rositlea at siaselph. Tea 'lavish- • . Bridget Meath:4.1e W11$ 11111.1.4 iii mar- i
i ne *inter season is a hard on' on the - nage 10\aosepli Murphy, of Steal ford.' .
, ..r Ib'n'all. 111511 Mr». 11;""'•• ".6114.'f' a. baby. He is more or less corilined to Rev. Father itta•tx - onitiating. Mr.
Guelph. - - stuffy. badly ventilated rooms. It is •o and Mrs. Murphy will t'l,4.1i.- al glral-!
The Rippen voninotiiity nionnis „the. often stormy t hat the mdthtr do % not ford. . I
• •le.itit of . ale- I Intiv-ear ale/ :e...:•-••• MU' , get him ..ait in the fresh air as often al she The news waa relpivell with rertret 1
r•v.. i ei•.- Ile-. Mei:I-ego! a is tiorir, out of order and he_ beCorn• a peevish and -Art of mow ro.d. forowriy of 24...r.rth.
11, rap. to-ierr•Mt,t -of Tnosentriath aria' cross. To guard against this the mother ..,,.eiyn, who wii,., in iwr "1.4...4011 yowl% :
tontliaied : ;to liv.• hi .tli it taitriship 1 should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets "'
A filT 11,;' ,,,Yrridg... removing glib leer in the house., They regula:e the stomach Wam born in Seafortk. Ber 41440th wax .
im.l.iitol to ic.opiin . *erne fifteen ye tr..; and Pamela and break up colds. They are ;
Two morale. atio the.- ....haws ie.' , sold by medicine dealers or by madat 25i a fludgon hml his foot ...verelY. rf.
.;;L'o'i .id• -n ssea.iiita. Ite.hh•-'• the cents A box from the Dr. Williams 1 !ninon' at
..r 1f, 1110* 11011 Engine. Work. rme
I day 1144.1111y. Ile was tarrying a
im.hatel. eate son if 101,, 114.4_4. dauglit-r., Nledicine Co,„ Brockville, Ont.
. The denith of Jowedi Manning. 4d' the
February 1,t1i. after only il feW 114.11r4 WINIAIIAM. , '4%".1 r
Rev. R. Ful:on Irwin. Pastor of the
111111*!,.. 110.:1r1- lli...111.4. W1171 1114. 11.1.44.' Methodist church. has received and has Mary E. (liven. widow of the tato
- George Green. Win. died ,reeerirly at
of age and. had lived. in Milieu 100W1I- ' alicIal hoard of the Church to remain
• - Brockville. %vv.. a. former resident of
ship' all his life. 111. 11.VIVP.0 a wiehm . • here for another year: ; Irerighlini and fur a number of years
1411 flanking. Mr.. Frank Tinil.Isii„ removes one of the old residents of t
be II The death oisairred 'at Tis..4). .s la -
W Wankel has sold hid .:Pili-ai•re,' &crewel and her husband were residen
-Vanseeme. seen Of 11i0. NW .1.•4•10i0 Van,
The Trouble Man
,lcs a comfort to know' there's
a man on whom you may call
in your troubles -the Plumb( r.
We knoM our business and
are•here to serve you.
thoomos att,ot Phone ;35
' rirrit 'in M..Killop to Mr. Ago,. of Of kinloss township. Mrs. Mackenzie
: druggist and residea he • the 'West for i
S02111101111. ' 1:::esseen sortie excellent hockeY a number of yearx. The renialteel
The oldest resiaerit of the thwiisitti hi.31-Oc°3arlkdilos:r 1 tweet: lvrouglit to Maximal and Oa.'
,.f East WaW.4 110.11 100V,...091 11Witr ..n thto season and Ow lame boys have.been
1iiii lino . in Bin ni,r.,'„ „.- . very successful in the 1..tague 'cries. rat took plat.; from the re.bletter
EXETER. 1 of Ilia brotlwr. iwitard V111011101% 10
Friday. ,
Margaret Link later. widow eif the late -1 the Winghain etmietery.
..a.a.ls Viirr.jdo, __tilir %Ono in her ninety- Dr XI G. Graham ut Exeter._was onel At the home of Mrs. I). .1.• itoy.1,.Ont,
• ..*V4.1411. year .% u:. I ive- of the IrrOPy of the principals' in a happy event , February Tdtti. her daughter. Reba W.. 1'
▪ at Becher, Ont., on February 9th, when' ware united in marriage to Ibigh 4 BI-!
he took as his bride Miss tieuhei Jean • moue. Rev. Pr. Perrie oMeinting. The
_ Grant, daughter of Mr ahd Mrs. aril ' young /ample will reside on the
Ifs Made Rig„__ after a brief hmeymoon trip have arrived ! j. A. -wii..„ ii. li .1 V fh .
Gran:, of Becher. IN. and Mr.. Graham 1. groom'a farm in TurnherrY.
The Models For Spring
show an abundance of flow-
ers and fruit. These will be
used to MItCh greater and
more lavish extent than for
some years. •
Black, brown, navy - blue
lace and tulle are•„nutch in
evidence. Ribbon will be
quite a favorite, mostly •in
Veils will be much worn,
especially on smart, adult
Tan and brown shadings,
phea.sant shades, jade, navy,
cherry and Trent:TS-Me` Mid
the ever -popular black are
. Sailors, tricorne in many
different styles, and directoire
hats are "the new season's
choicest styles.
Cod-liver oil is as
delicate at butter, it
mtist .be made right
to inure palatibility.
l'amrdia 1-41siive-s here_ In
Pickard Neck owned by Wm. JaCksbn. cd potation a.
Clinton. and naw occupied on the north , 1.-„rm"..i. 1
and on the south side,,by the Communityt
injiired her leg. but was able,aci Jtet around stouter. 4,, pri,„
with crutches. fell again l, 'week and .•
txpke the bone in -her leg, She is aow in tor the ..limlnatio
rni rce staff. New 'York. visited his parents . Mies Flora (*Maley. , aged xis t y-14 ei
here prior to hri rem mil to Rio lantern, Years. DetPiise'll • ":" OP '1'1'4
Blasi!. \, daughter ..f the Lite .1.4 h riii,My:
IN ▪ annual meeting on the stli inst..
ha: 1.141W noarly
` oliea•or Vie. conger :Wit net a
This Huge Catalog of
To Owners of Amberolt2 Phonographs
arrival iltairfr.
.1 rot the Clinton ;
is decidedly palatable
and easy to take. It
contains purest me -
liver oil that
18 made right
from the start.
Miss M.R. MacVicar
Scott & Armor, Toronto. Ont.
111.141010 S
(Taw* or arsoalmi)
tliWtP1(`M was re•etretert. namely. r; 44. -7i.rogra
Mrs 'Iv
M11101 Ella Inman hint aohl her ni1111. of nil. 41.tr
nen, htisino.s to Mies Carrie [finagled). .
who recently retnrneil to town after
▪ Intended atay :in the Were. 'survive. 11. , re • o et. t • (^.: tire
dangliter of Mr. and Airs. IV. If. Sin- Itesieles the leis...e.1„ four 41 tetchier,.
'lair. or ttrusewis. to A. (Trek. of and rme eon ..vervile •
of the bride). parents em Thurnley. 'vitro rev. pee-pv.41 the mill to tel
.feeble.' Omer+. othelating The bride way ,tanaa ' 4.••i" :41i no 1,1c. pd. mhen
' !Sinclair, and Dr. Ingrain of Ilamilion. Mr. and 1"'"' Thaw Archer, who
The fortimate owners of Edison's wonder-
ful Ambewla not only have the world's
greatest 'Phi;;74graph value, but also have.
the greatest collection of the world's
choicest niusic at their command. The
new Amberol Record catalog proves this.
Over 800 of the world's leading 'artists
--singers and musicians -have made thore
than OW Arnhem! Records for exclusive,
Every variety of music is here for yoor
enjoyment. Gratin opera by wot Id-fa-
mou's grand opera stars and orchestras.
-Band music of every .description - sym-
phonies, marches, the latist popular dance
hits and, innsical comedy selecti ns:
Noted concert *agers, vaudeville ead-
hymns, oratorios. Ihstrumentalin sic of
• everY character. Novelty rem) s, chil-
dren's records, foreign rec?)rds, t e favor-
ite music lit other lands. You. cannot
think of 'any kind of music that is not.
Every month twenty-five to thirty new
A mberol Records are issued, including the
latest popular songs, qp - to- the -minute
dance hits, one-steps, waltzes, fox trots,.
played, by leading jazz orchestras.
Many people havetradetAin their -"talk-
ing machines" and bought A mberolas
',when they learned that A mberol Itecords
are made to play .c.relusively on gaison's
%1'e will send
this big, new
A in berol Record
Catalog FREE to
ow tier upon re -
west. 1%. cite for
you r entiiog today.