HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 74,.
,1 ,lass 1
When your grocer sells you
acke a of Red Rose Tea
on Label) at 30 cents e
makes a little profit than if
he sold you a package of cheaper
tea. The extra price is all in the
.lacdouald said: "It was 111*' first Ntep
_ toward the severabee of the 1klwlulnm
The (1 lobe 'lMlllll`'III•N the fl dlow'111g
letter from Mr. M. 11. 4 tau.rou. K.('..
of I1,rlerich :
To the t:dltur of 'rhe inhale: Some
dlsetnwluu having reveally arisen with
reference to the doing aw*y of all up-
pmate from_ 1he comets of Ihdario to
the Privy ('o1*1M•li. it any nor lie 4.11
' of place to offer sl • remitrk' up14nl
the subject.
I one of the main objections rowel
to the proposed hxistrllun i4 that It
would- interfere with the Ingwrial tie
'and would do away with the right of
litigants .441 114)411111 to fife food .of the
TI ue, us It IN railed. It 1s u revival
of to old loyalty cry, %%Well we have
_mu u •u-he•ard,-u
ltrtleul:lrI, at eieetiu1*
t tines.
This , v was raised when Ill• detain.
e. ,. es ,lis In *he Supreme
upon th t nil h K 1
('curt of 1 , nada was proceeding. The
debate Is t.i 11e found hl 111e Mansard
of 11475. The t inns• in the art relating
to Privy 4'..luli I appeals Cs S.t'. R:1 of
- ft S.4'., Chirp. 1. 1, and l+ us follows:
"The judgment o the row•, s11:I11. 111
ell rases, he MOO 1141 .•unelnstve•. and
flu appeal shall be relight from any
judgment or order f Ito• court 11*
any .01mrt of appeal es 1411.114.1 by the
Parliament of I:re;tt 111 alit and Ire-
land, by which a1peals 144 petitions
to his JLIjesty In 1'outril a,' IN' or-
dered to 11.• heard, sat in/.4 fie right
•1which, his Majesty may Is. g al•i.usIV
ileass.I t, exercise. x 1 I
e ht' a'li't a of his
Heys! pn•rogatit,.."
4)4iiIng the debate in the limn .• of
Commons upon this Ill Ilse $14 .r. 11*
truul the Mother Country. Great us
would be the I"•uefit of a Supreme
1'111144 to 411e 1 luwlulou, 11 would lot
l0rulp4•us:rte for the Injury that would
be inflicted 4111 the country in wuuuiIiiig
the loyal sentiment of the people,
and the feeling of amterluIuly It would
excite In Eugfa1111 as to whether there
WAS 11411 an impatience in this country
of even 1 h seuddaulI of imperial
authority." Others spoke in 1114' 14a141e
Forty-five years have passed away.
and the: loyalty of the .4114014114 of I:an-
ada to the Mother Country bus terlahh
ly meter been i1*,p14re01 by the passing
of the Supreme t'ourl Act. When 141r
John \laedou;tll spoke as he did. he
was speaking upon the amendment thus
W/1/4 slllaaple11t43' t•n1INNliell halite 1441.
41* the exa4-1 terms of S41'. 511.
Every wrwls'r, 1 111iuk without 'eV
eeptio1, who spoke in the debacle re-
ferred. 10, recogui''A•d the struma re:e.weus
taut, exI.U01 in favor of dui,g away
wills appeals to the Privy 4'ouueil. It
w•a% admitted that the right of appeal
1111d IN+41 greatly abused by,wealthy
eorpNlratml+ I1* forcing suitors to ruin•
promise 11* merlons I1* which they had
sneeredw1 t1* rpt of the courts of the
r.ltltt•y, ' The position -414 1 h 11111 th'r, sal far
as this 'Province is' concerned. Is that
the Profiler by 41:111111• gave the right
to a litigant t41' appeal through the
of Appeal fre.t to the ItIvy
/'ouueil,'whieh it had the right to do
Under the 14rili4h North Aule•ri.'a A.'t
the I'rovhne ha. exelbi"ive.lgtnntro! of
the administration of justice, and yet
all property and civil rights.
ilaving this right, saving perhaps the
prerogative of the Soverelgu to hear
any elopes' to hhu In C0111101, 'the Pro-
vince of Ontario by See. 2 of *1.44.0.,
Chap. M, provided us follows: "\\'here
the matter i1* .s,utroversy i1* any /•ase
exceeds the arm or value of $4,IMC, its
w414 4414 lu ray case where (11e matter
In quer:don relates to the taking of any
suu(tal or other, rent, customary or
other duty. or fee, or any like demand
of a general and polish*' Mature 11 UN -l-
ing future rights, of what value or
automat sWver the same way be. at1
appeal Ahuil 11e• to his Majesty, 111 kis
Privy ('uuueil ; 11 lid 4x/4411 ns afore-
said. 1111 *141414'41 +1011 he to, his Maj-
esty 11* his Pi ivy (' 41.
11 Is now pr.lpnwl, as I understand
I1, to repeal this art, and we have 4114
loyally cry again raised. This eel
should be repealed, as It exists for the
Iwuetlt of the wealthy us against the
poor tau. Talk of chow Ieglslutful�
Here it is beyond all sort of gtest444,
rud of the worst kind.
It 14 well-ku41w•u thug when litigants,
who are not men of meals, reeove•r
judgment In our courts against wealthy
wen or corp,ratlous, these Fatter, In
order to force a tvuiprumise•, give no -
flee of appeal to. the Privy (•uuueil,
nithungh they have no Intention what-
ever of appealing. but 1441 s.1 merely
for the purpose of forcing their op -
lament to agree to a eonplr1mise, and
want' 4lures their. efforts have been
slll'eY•s,fll'i. owitm to ole enormous 1'11x14
of taking eases to the Privy 4'ounell
err to the foot of the 'throne, as 0111'
nitro loyalists Culp it, which Is utthlug
191l1nmyth. -
Litigants hare the right ruder the
Present law 10 take their appeal direct
to the Privy Connell. 4xissi 1:j I.y the
Supreme Court of 4'auuda. Surely aur
Judges ore just as catu4ble of dealing
;i111 cases arising i1* chis country its
are the Judges in England. I believe
our Judges arc Just as cyn,JN•telIt 11.•
their+. It would be a sorry thing if w'e
had to admit 'otherwise. It would 4e
Inter.•slhlg and 11*+trnrtive 111 this mat-
ter If w'e eonld diseov.-r In hinv marry
ens•+ ye
urs of xIN.NNI to thePrivy
Connell have leen given, say for (well
1v Years Ila.k, 1111,1 11111 pr.N'.441.11 with
1'.•rluaps this information .4•411 es• s•
WhyThe 'East Wants Day1ightSaving
)i .. i e r saw u b • r I
Within in a few weeks, the question R' 1'
I.,f dayllgbt saving wiU probably dal
saes mon become the subject of
mare or less heated debate in which
business men, city fathers, farmers
with cows to milk, mothers with
children of school age to look after,
and last but nut least, railroads with
time table to print and trains to
run if possible to the minute, will sea►
demand to have their say. The ad-
• a for daylight t
that in England the econ-
omy• out g
omy in coal consumption effected by ase
daylight saving daring the summer
month, amounted to $2,500,000,
whereas the dairy farmers of the
middle wet protest that the morning awv
dews and the natural milking time for
cows cannot be regulated by clock. ser
while in the North-West where the
answer sun shines eighteen or twen- ,�
hears a day the mother of seven
wishes to goodness that the __
Etc a and the hour
for bed time
came twice as soon and lasted twice
as long --what she wants is a dark-
mesa -saving law.
The demand for daylight saving,
however, is most insistent in East-
ern Canada and the Eastern States.
and for every insistent demand there
Is usual* a real reason. The ream:
apparently b that the me -called
standard time in force in tho area
in question varies. considerably from
the mean sun time upon which for
actual length and intensity of day
light is based. Standard time is a
convenient artifice established in ord
e1 to secure uniform time for neigh
Bering communities or places. The
sun is travelling from East -to West
and the noon hour originally travel-
led with it, but it was found advis-
1 able to fix definite areas in which
the noon hour and other hours
should remain the same for the con-
venience of the operation of rail-
roads and telegraphs and the trans -
edition of business wherein contracts
involved definite time limits. '
Such standard time was adapted
for the United States in 1883 on the
initiative of the American Railway
Association, and as the time ofathhe
based on Greenwich, England, the
meridians selected for the division
of the various standards were fixed
at the 60th, 75th, 90th, 105th and
120th degrees west of Greenwich.
Atlantic standard time theoretical)
extended from the 60th to thee"75th
Pmeridian and Eastern standard time
I from the 76th to the 90th meridian;
Central ptandard time from the 90th
to 105th; Mountain standard time
from the 105th to 120th wet of
which was Pacific stand d time.
These times were adopted law
in a number of the individual ta,
but t all el -
lowed suitaspublities c senve timent nt and
habits proved more potent factors la
fixingthe time standards for locali-
ties than have State Statutes.
Prince Edward island and Nova
Scotia, on the Eastern borendary of
Atlantic time sons, have used that
time for thirty years or more, but
it was not until 1903 that New
Broaswick, which was in closer con-
tactfina1 with
ythA Nect uf England
1 lature
adopted Atlantic standard tints of-
ficially for that Province.
The situation was complicated,
particularly In the Eastern States
and Eastern Canada by the rail-
ways themselves whets in actual
pratflee it was found necessary to
fix the time -breaking sones at ter-
minals or division points. As branch
lines have been constructed car-
riers have extended on
standard time observed at. the junc-
o pint or upon the main line.
are Instances where the
branch lines radiate out of one sone
Into another, hos introducing a time
at that
hat son wlf�theoretical tion thee
oil 0101•
hallways is that time should be
haa�+� only at the points at the
I of train dispatching districts
train Brews are relieved.it is !wardens to dre tray
iii/ // f l' i' S %//.
,l iry //
M Ls\ Iii
. -111101100P,1„
ham singe.�
, ,�y /
SBPNek N yFf
A%E� A4V
�. . �
i1* •.
0 0.110 IV" 191 itt
comer,' SCIEM17FYC
tela wad
operating tune to another during a
trick of duty, and impracticable to
have train dispatchers operate trains
under two standards of time. '
Conflict between the States which
have adopted Eastern standard thee
based strictly upon he 75h to 90th
meridians and the railways which
have found this to be not sufficiently
elastic. has naturally resulted, as for
instance in the State of Vermont,
when a Bi11 has been Intredueed int*
the House of Representative in
which one section reads:—
"A eoaamen carrier engaged
in commerce within this state or
between this state and any other
state or territory shall not
change its time schedules for
the movement of trains within
he state 1n order to accommo-
date itself to conditions outside
the state arising by reason of
the adoption of any other stand-
ard of time byan other state."
Then again the demand for day-
no United States Congress
last year passed an Aet which de-
feated the general adoption of he
proposed daylight saving, whereas
the State of New York and Mas-
sachusetts adopted daylight savin``,
and the new England railroads, is
order to reconcile he conflict be-
tween the Federal Aet and the State
Acts of Maaaehusstts and New
York, ran their trains on standard
time, but ere hour earlier than they
railways otherwise M 11atep wl h utThe Canadian
Arnerkan so
were supported by the imu, and nktpaili--
ties of many of the larger 'titles
whkA had adopted daylight saving.
New it ay
isNand f�noticeable that the de -
41f K ion
daylight A
b7 Immo sad
cities is almost exclusively confined
to Eastern Canada, New England
States and the City of New York.
On examination, this appears to be
dna to the fact that Eastern Stand-
ard time which theoretically extends
only between the 75th and 90 merle
diene has been carried in actual
practice a very considerable distance
east of the 75t14 degree. According
to this meridilin place all of the
Province of Quebec,and all of New
England, New YorCity and pari
of New York State in the Atlaatie
should belong to the Atlantic Tints
Zone, and if this time were rein-
stated there would be little or no
call for daylight saving now. The
railways have carried Eastern time
too far east, and the States and
Provinces and Municipalities which
have adopted the same time for the
sake of uniformity are realising that
this does not pond, with naive -
al time. On the railways. Eastern
standard time is carried froth Capps
in Eastern Quebec to Fort William
in Ontario, a distance of 25 degrees
or 1300 miles instead of the 711.70
miles of 15 degrees.
On eastern standard time -as at
pand Quebee, he sasent maintainede Englandn New
rises from May
to September two to three hours be-
fore the enrage person is about to
the morning, and sets at an equally
unserviceable hour. Renee the eats
ural demand for daylight saving
legislation in these parts. If New
England, Quebec and the Maritime
Province were to adopt Atlantis
standard time, which is their natural
specifle time, the would save hon.
deeds of thousands of dollars all the
year round foe fuel and light, and
the agi^•f _iereMsvs oeN be,e le
*kW%• ,•
• ,
cured from the. Il0;Prumeut by w11ae'
member of the Legislature.
.111* lir debate hl the 4'411*1nm.ms ahoy..
referrtsl lo, ale ,1,4111* Siardomalyl
"That sometimes this appeal %%us made
the means of uppressiloll 11* the ,qts'
of u rich man against 'a '4141. o• 1114 u, ,4n
ne.0,nut of the gl'eat 4.N91.u44 attending
Mr. Taw'herettn 11* that debate 4a111'.
"Thal the upps•al to the Privy y04111,41
111111 often proved fatal lo. suitors who
41,441 14111444.114.11 111..1111their courts and
4011(114 111t444 by the 111c11hto5u4 ;ulre of
nil their judges."
It will be ohserv,d that the laW 4
this i'ruvluco limits ailed, 11* the
Colwell where the matter i1* euuU'o-
t'ersy 41.40.114 $4,IN44 11o1*. Iles Voting
11* the debase said: "The avow:it to
England had lsof.0 11441 n;.tiu au.l
twilit by wealthy .orp141n1110tos find In
(1Iv1dma1)4 if, prevent 01 11 •r, who wee,
less 4114'0r441 41'11111 getting josh.... Ib'
hoped the hoose Anmld mol 114• h•.t
away by the cuckoo cry 111411 Int,
r•II, rent would weaken u
our so
44444 101 'with the !dottier ('o1111II'y...
114111. )Ir. McKenzie 11* that debate
said as follows: "It veil, ,vtd.vt 111.11
the Sentltu4•ul 414 this Ileus• ty.i-
strongly In fat'or of preventing that re
wn't to England whteh the hon.
V40110113 11 1 Sir J111111 Maeduu:tld 1
Seemed to thiuk, was the very ...some
of loyally au,4ldevotlutl no the ThrotiV'
If that were :s.1 Inc would ask the lion
Z191enla11 4%114411er 1411 those who were•
prohibited fr annealing t.i England
by re'14uu of the ,nnuunt involved not
being large enough were to 11.• d.0.1 red
disloyal and unworthy attention. Ind
loyally depend upon 'whether a Iran' -
ease, was a1N,yor 1)44.4 r140114)? In
Ilntarlo 1141 ease 111111.4 A41N111 ron1J h,
appealed to England. It was quite
ruusl+leut with 011. 10)..1 RS to prevetot
1111 r:is•s wider $401$l front going to
Englund, but it w'a4 quite inented4teut
with our loyalty to lucent Ihu4e 01501
144,114MI be•hlg appealed.
11,11. 31r. Founder, Minister of .1Its
Tire, speaking 111 the debate in 1h.
1' 141,4114 shove' referred tie, said:
\Ihe right of appeal 11:1.1 often
11.1.11 ab 941. \\'e41111y m•'1* load load.
rise of it ,.J0 tutee their uppohe d4 1.
.re.'p:1 1111 j:l1 cum pt'u:11i.e. He rul11J
mention ani i13r,-'1.(114-4. 414,.•44 n 11110 w le
had 4ner.s•de414.1i 1111. Ihr.•.• eup1'ts
the P1'04111,1.,41 4, i).•bee, the ju•Ige• it
each being unanimous, rartrt who ve
rnn111011 1 by the tidve•w• 41,41•ly 1., re
114.11111e lits ri1.hl, by n 1111'.1 of ,'kin:
the ease to the l'rivy
When in IIs• IA•gi'iatnr••. 1 iut.'n,t•.I
introducing a hill abolishing Ih,•'e no
oval.. 1.111 'teal's -led doing
1 irslePheh. 31 4...''. m.•roft
/N EVERY roaC/,
am -Bu 1t
In Barns, Scalds, Cold -Serbs
amid all skladlsaseor Wary reeves
agues sue Za.•aak. 1t'. ragy
seleal.bb4 bow swiftly sad sanity
It bealkl•s pale sed soreness and
grows aew Walnut stile.
fad -eek 4 a airs astlogd s
h erbal bolsi pessmatag • very 1.rb141
aM Iaportaat esedtelasl mellow a
the ebbs. la Its ebaraeler sad la Its
✓ evolts It Is altogether diner's. le
the yeast elalaats end salvos.
Tan Salt sefegwrds lea against
blo•d•Mlsa sad sola-dlsaN.
All ,milers
SO.. M sae
.111111 +.. h \l F. S('HINiI. AT MAD
A\4'1.: ACT.
. 51414.• •yet Se:IeN I .\t tend u4,
Act. by 11e• 41114 l,,mut.iun of th.• Lieu
-ierntnty:mrrrnrr, made our th.• tit},-.i-tt
1J1 July-, itr-v, will c • into furor :unr
• e�� s u 5ws v..,Iibn a or
take efi t a f II
S,•p;e1111s•1' 1st. 111'1, w'etull 7 pa Sep
telpher 1st, 11r_a, Hud s,0'li"n to .d,
S.gd.'tob,•r 141. 19.4=.
't'I1e I:urpNl4e• of bringing the Act' in
to -force by stages is In .make It Ise
,dile to ulljlbd gradually.v41u..1 ucc0m
41. to 1.111
/N t ,111 /'1 /111•w•N of study. I1 . !11 1
111 LI 1
1 condi
1 .• s hl f1* 11*• the
p I. yw nl letstalrr
thous set up by- the lrg0ir••nepts 411
the. Act. .
aeet*un :4 of the Act. which 4'
11110 1141144/111011 51* Se/0011111er 1st. 11.21
••!vides for the attendance at w•li(1).
.f adu4e.ents 1444 44.11 fourteen au.l
sit ateu years of age. .The.. iliutst.•,
allll0llliles that i1* r,o,flirmity with tri.
N09ion 0f the ail. pupil.. are 4.4140.1.01
to retrain in full-I:we attend Ines al
s'huol anti Ih•'y :n',•-i1:evit yeas. I
age unless vuplt.y..4 ..n the :tthori,y
of a leant inland or 1111 111140'11000
eet'tine.H4. 141 pro0ilk. for by- the .let'
lint that it IS 1100 his inte'uton 10 in
4arm4-1 nite•md.uwe 0111 set, 45 -make Ili.
Ac, rv•Iroaeti1,• .by endeavouring to
emu's.' young i'''•'N14 pet%eell four-
teen and sixteen `ye.1•1 of age who
have INen engaged 11* regular employ-
ment to r.trlrlt to m•h,o1. School
authorities, 44.eordingly, will. in the
IN',:llllll lilt(. be ellarge.I with providing
only for tlw roltiuned instruction of
/New who ore at present, a1 s.•hoo!
and not, for the nnhilters who 1*1ip4ht
be fol'ce41 11* 11.111411 to 41•15,i1 by the
s*111*0st interpretation of 111e Act.
Al the sante time. 111,. NI 101S104 1•1
IN'ets rant Ill• .\.'1 hill be rood.. full}
Comes to you andthechildren if
Pierce's have I)r. Golden
Medical- I•)iskovery in .the house.
For "little -ones" and "grown-
ups" this old fashioned vegetable
tonic and blood -maker is still
owed' by the+ million bottles every
Y'';t'. It c:as lir-t usol hy every -
'Jody 50 years ago and is st ill safo
and sane because it contains no
alcohol or narcotic. It is made
up of Mood root., Oregon Grape
root; Queen's root Stone root,
Cherry liark without alcohol.
Make your blood redder and
your health better by going to
your nearest druggist and ob-
taining Dr. Pierces Golden Meed
ical Discovery in tablet or liquid
Calvrnar. Btrrr*, SA4R.—' I have need
i». Pierce** (!olden Medical Discovery
for a number of years. and am pleased
to recommend It as a blood portlier. 1
kiiow It has no er0ri(naI. as i used It for my
,aly neighbors and friends were
eurpr*M with the reao1111; In fact, I do
not think he world he alive to -day had
it not been for the 'Medical Discovery.
1 also keep It on hand forloughs, kit
differs so from other cough mMIeIn4a
Instead M npae•ttn4 the stomach, as
menet Dough syrups) do, It Is good for the
stomach. I only wtsh 1 had knows
shout hr. Piece's medicine. seem e.4—
Ma. Plan WOOD.
'1➢ it-+d-l':"l'•:
tale+wwrieam4..os.rw'..r-,, _
Investigation Amply .Justilkd by the
Et Weiser Which Has Kern Produc-
ed—Only Two Musdripalitles out of
Sisl)-three Carried Itylaw's ae-
ronitmg to Law. so the I.aw W*u,
l'Isangrd 1
Thr Fanner'.' Sun, in an an article on
he Sutherland Commission for the in
vestigatiou of the Hydri,-radial proposals,
1 hr volumes of testimony taken by the
L.'4 (rot fully
I .1 Commis ion reveal 1+ t that
lustily the ccure taken by the Govern.
sit tit and the polity advocated by this
Instead of the 4, over nment Ixing art
enemy wt Hydro aswass-, ire Iy grd,
leets speak to the cant wry, It was stand
4the Commlrsion by air. Matthews.
Mlnn' Plovmend Treasurer, that nut o
luta!o's tots: .1 ht as to October :41st
ash of $1i,o,7,% 035.7:4, not less than
:;IY.•tarot las ,Nen watered fol
*4t rport)
Recently 4vV4.19 m Int
weir advataiid and many emits •11.. -mina
Or t.: be pl4vtded. In tact, the l 11 pleat
1• vet ipmrot u h. ins alum i; it gutting
Its yet tau nulnurs 41,•4 month, and the
I'o v nc nal 1 era' -urs r has been d wing
4 • 1 ... expels:duties
,a s fit sal to uteri !hese 1'x lou 1's
.fir .4411, rvlr> 1'n uuragumrr h:1', bee.
;leen to the p 0:fcy 5t d v loping the
valet luaus 4 f 'the Pruviiice for the
rn l o f o .
x tit I ire Ir
p op
r C.Irkcun reported to MIS that'
Ale Hc(ilu Ra(haI Ass..c1.1I4011, witch
tier. d +4. much el dlclsm at its annual
netting in Seteember. has jo.nlly with
4.c :hula. lila, Iarc'r*, As-*.,4aiion beet'
'et -riving ,1.4)1.10 a year Mom the Hydro
l�•NIIHN-1 .Nt 44. lrrip defray expert.. y and
conductcam1a1 ns Mr.Clarkson
lot 111 1918 that there's totalling In fhr
%et 11* legalize such payment, 11* the
Association, nod he repeats the warning
41 his opts tor 1919.
Instead of "overwhelming majorities
.or (l.4' Ilydru radtat byiaas, ' as was s1*
freely stated by their promoters, it hat
s'ru 414 Nn mat the total vote cast In
nary muntcq)alult's was small compared
soh the number ent tied to vole 7e
make an "insulbctenl" vole ;sufficient"
the IlydioCommission went to the Lips
laturc m I1rh)'and got She hydro Occult
.away A(l amended so as 111 destroy
he p1uvpi,.n lu11der which all the mum
dpalnties h:.d voted) that .1 "mafonty of
electors entitled to vote" was nese-sari
to carry the bylaw retroactively. In only
lwu muuli1p:11.1es out 111 slxly lhlee had
1.1' 011.11 p11,vlvun of the law leen Iain
plied with.
Witnesses representing municipalities,
1411.. trsullrl) a lea days ago,taml the
nuliliae was held out to them at the time
by,aw• were voted on that, the Ontario
marl nn 111 would guarantee the bonds
if the lIr. .44 14(4 railways weir built. Now
hal rhe G,wemment hesitates in giving
end.,r,a'NNI under doubtful .Audi in.
the►,. municipalities are lying back i1* the
it ass been stated ala, by these w•11•
,else' that powers tested in the Hydro
petinri4viliat public terr
N.tly to to more term,
: fid (helium ial
:hail was drea,ne•d by .nu11lcq,alihrs
when bylaws and agreements were sub
it 'tett. Inde ed, n(rt 141 4 • to Stu rt ,
seep( under lh, stress of war. have such
powers b. en a iven to a p i144,c appointive
body as were given the I lydr,n by the late
un amented legislature and Government.
Nnh reward to the I1,4.ru s ,'Si unite
l has teen slated by the chairman and
nembei s hl the 111vrstigai i. gComnissltnl.
un more. than .ane predawn, that even
hough m,adhs have passed since they
asked for ,ce tain summations of dat,
which wele said in the annual reports of
fhr hydro Commission to be in existence,
,a use in estimates for ANY of Ihr
profaned radials, and ' by which tit
Hydro must have arrived at its conclus-
ions. this information has not yet herr
supplied. though it was natur illy sup-
posed by the Cornmts'ion and ht
'ealnse 1 1110 Ili s f ,els wnu'd l ave be n
h *1i4 11* be lurid lied ilei t:, it I4
wl.uld have I eon so d finite and c ear as
to be reedit, analy zed and under44le0,1.
Thursday, February 24, 11121.-1
Up to the last day's sitting this particular
information has not been submitted.
the adjournment of the Commission
this wI ek was at the request of the Hydro.
fhe T'urOnto daily papers carefully refrain
twin any criticism un this score, as they
have refrained from publishing some of
the most important evidence that has
b'eu given.
.In the unsatisfactory form in which
they have been given, the 1lydro's esti-
mated eat mugs From freight, on the line
num Buwmanville to Sl. Catharines, are
higher 1i the lust year 01 operation than
the local (ruieht handled by all the exist-
ing railways between those two points.
Questions put *rum time to time by the
1:.rnwlssiunera indicated that they, too.
ate Thum bliVIOuri."
lite sun has reason to believe that next
week more witnesses will be called to
shuw that the ellorts made to have an
expensive radial program carried out
were not spontaneous movements of
municipalities—that. as Reeve Baker said,
the hydro Iorced itself upon them, and
that cheap lights for farmers and
cheaper power tar muulcipahties were
held out as inducer) sits to the smile
municipalities to saddle themselves with
• 1n r Theevidence is
(. n4 f Us Ilab ll s.
mu 1
abundant that the assurance of a Govern-
ment guarantee was a Fielermimng factor,
together wutl, the publicity and educe -
tonal work carried un by the officers of
th ffyuiu As*uclahona for which "suuws
01 war" were provided Irom Hydro funds
to the extent yet 19.493.30 in the years
1917-1918, according to pages 19 and 20
of Clark,on's report tor 1918, This money
was spent in such propaganda as is cots
tanned 111' a 4amphlet **lure the writer,
which says, enlung taller things :
(a) 1)y means u* these railways, muni-
cipalities can be supplied with power from
ave to eighteen dollars per h. p. less than
under the present system by the addition
01 a railway load. (b) RIIMIIMBER :
live ljuVerninent guarantees the bonds,
and by co duuig virtu Illy guarantees the
estmuatts of the Commission, and we
may lest assured the estimates will be
carefully gone over before construction is
I.Naedetrsld Will Enter Partner-
li. !
slap with His Brother Malcolm.
The following is from The Cranbrook
B. C.) Courier and refers to an Ashfield
kid boy, who spent part of his student
days in l,uderich
The decision of A1r. A. B. Macdonald,
K. C., to sever Ins connections • with
Cranbrook and Cranbrook institutions,
after a truck nee here of thirteen years,
will not meet with the approval of those
identified' with the business
o Trull • Idr 1 h
4,t nut )
and mail -anal life ul East Kootenay.
h1r, Macdonald cane to Cranbrook
from Bn tassels, Ontario, to join partnership
with the late Mr. Hai vey end M. A.
Macdonald, I'.. C , ul play, 1908, ani
has that date been an outstanding
hgu:e m the community. coming into
,IIUmUI(116'e 1411(4 a:hit:vans *UCCt• as a
company solitaire' and advisor. 1n 1909,
Mr. 1 iarvey leaving for the terminal
city, the partnership was carried on by
M. A. arid A. B. Macdonald. In 191'1
M, A. Macdonald kit tar the Coast and
enteral a larger sphere of activity. The
same year the lion of Macdonald& Nisbet
was formed, Mr. Nisbet coming to Clan-
bruok from-Mooiolnin, Saskatchewan.
N.I,bet and Mi. Macdonald
stud.ed law at Osgu' de, 'Toronto, during
the same years,,
Mr. 41lacdonald has been identified in
ail acme way. as shareholder, director. or
suhciu,1 in practically every industrial
company in the tlisliwt.
Mr. Macdonald will remain in Cran-
orook tar about lwu tranithe, Oriole leav-
ing for Vancouver, whys, he' will enter
roto partnership with hie brother, Mr.
.N. A. Mae donaId, K. C„ 111. L. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Macdol ald will be greatly
missed In business and social circles In
Cranbrook. Mrs. Macdonald taking
leading part in the many public functions
held here in recent years, giving of her
time and talent gratuitously.
Cascaretsi' for
Just think t A pleasant, harmless
Caaoaret works while you Sleep and has
your liver active, heed clear, stomach
sweet and bowels moving as regular as
a clock by morning. No griping or
in000venienee, 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes.
Children love this oaady cathartic too.
A (food Move. '
The proposal made at a recent meeting
of the town council that the town have a
cinder walk laid down from the end of the
cement sidewalk' on the Huron road as
lar as Maitland cemetery is one that
deserves favorable consideration. There
is no doubt that rucn a walk would be a
great improvement over present condi-
. hens, and would make the journey to the
serhrtery, so much visited by the towns,
people, considerab y less of a task. We
presume no dillicu,ty would be met in
making arrangomenta with the authorities
of Goderich township, within whose
limits the proposed new walk would be.
,•ffeetive I" the relent that attendance
nlri4-'r,. IN' np4N/111t441 n.enrdh,g hl Ian
lid Ihrir' drpIn't11909, urg,u,ized t!
ensure. first, that air young IN'rsun'
l/.•twel.n fourteen nod sixteen years of
air shall he hither at action! or fit
work ; and. M)'4'oud, that rill shoat' In
Aro at Work Oilier id I ' fir in gain
fns employments, shall hold the per
wits or 4, 44ificates required by 114*.
4i'.fto11 9, which provides for the
estnbllshmeul sod mahtenni1.0 of port
time courses of Instruction for y.mna
persons at work, comes Into (menthol.
on September 1st. 1922. The Nihlste
experts that boards will be prepared
,(s make this aertlon effective on flint
Whenever It la desired, the alinleter.
through the nMeers of the Department
of Education, will he ready to 141n1
asris1anow to hnerde in organising at
tendanee departments and In forming
or In carrying out plans for part-time
lastrnetloa, '
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Ftp
only—look for the name California on
Oise package, then you are sure your "
child Is having the best and most
harmless physic fir the little stomach,.
liver and bowels. Children .love Its
trusty taste. Full directions on each
Don't Stay Gray! Hu'e's an
Old-time Recipe that Any-
body an Apply.
The see of Sage and Sulphur tor re-
storing tided, gray hair to its natural
track to grandmothers
time. 821411 used It to keep her hair
beautifully dark, glossy and attrac-
tive. IWbenevr her hair took on that
dull faded or streaked appearance,
this simple mixture was •
But brewing at home 1s mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at
any drug store for a bottle of „W y
Sage and sulphur compound,- you
will get this famous old preparation.
Improved by the addition of other in-
gredients, which can be depended up-
* : -restore natural color and beauty
t • balr. 44
A well-known downtown &&ruse
says it darkens the hair •o naturally
cad it has
1 that nobodytell eves
and 7
been applied. Ton simply dampen •
sponge or wit brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
strand at a time. By morning th•
gray hair disappears. and atter an-
other appllewtloa or two, It become,
beautifully dark and gloegy
Wyeth's sage and Sulphur COM.
pound is a delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire a more youthful
appearance. It le not intended for
e euro, mitigation or prevention of
Only" Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin—No others!
Council met on February 7th,.with all
the members present: Minutes of last
Meeting were read and approved` Com•
munication frim the city of London ask-
ing the council to appoint a delegate to
me(t••g in that city on February
13rd, re the electrification of the
London, Huron & Bruce Railway,
received and read. On motion of Robert-
son and Gillespie, Councillor Coultis was
appointed to attend the meeting as a
representative of this municipality.
Messrs. Scott and Elliott presented their
report as"au4ittrs of accounts far 1920,
the abstract statement showing a balance
on hand at the end of the year of
61.341.67. The rep.,rt was adopted. on
motion of Coullit and Robertson. Rep
resentatives of the Salvyer-Maasey Co:
waited on the council in reference to the
selling of road machinery. An order was
placed with the above Company for the
purchase of a road grader. '1 he Reeve
and clerk were authlriz d to sign and
forward a petition to the Legisla ive
Assembly for 41)e purpose of securing a
more uniform price and also a more
equitable distribution of Hydro -electric
power throughout the Province. Bylaw
No. 3,1921, regulating the running at
large of dogs in the municipality, wain
read and passed The following accounts
were paid: Fred Hayden, commutation
statute labor tat, $41.40; -Wm. A. Currie.
sleep destroyed by dogs, 3.35; U Carter,
widening and tenting on hill. concessions
4 and 5, 1146: J. S. Scott and J. Elliott,
auditors, $12 each; F. Andersonsaswss•;
or's salary, 1120; postage and war las.
115. Council &dimmed to meet again on
Mildly, March 14th,
Nature sometimes stores a lot of brains
babied a pretty face.
If you don't. sec the "Bayer Cress!
on the tablets, refuse them—they are
nut Aspirin at a11.
Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" plaint? stamped with the safety
"Bayer ('rasa—Aspirin prescribed by
physicians' for nineteen years and proved
safe by millions for headache, 'tooth-
ache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago,
Colds. Neuritis, and Pain generally.
Bandy tin ones of 12 tablets—also
larger 'Bayer" packages. Made is
Aspirin is the trade mark (egistered
In Canada), of Bayer Msnufatture of
Monoseetiescidester of Salicylicaeid.
While it is well known hat, Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped.
with their .general trade mark, fisc
'Bayer Cross."
Tills How To Olen Clotated Nea-
trile and End Head-- o s
44 44x4444:5 ,ski
You feel ane in a few moments. Your
cold in head or catarrh will he gone.
Your clones' nostrils will opro. The air
passages of your bead will clear and
you can breathe freely. No more dull-
ness, headache; no hawking, snafeing,
mucous dierharges or dryness; no Mrag. ,
gling for breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of F.ly'a Cream Balm. Apply a
little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream
is your nostrita, let it penetrate through
every air passage of the head; soothe
and heal the swollen, , lad nsueoni
eases ttas•bnne, and relief! eases
It is jest what se.ry eels sad
asufferer weeds. 1JDan easy
iM_ istserahlsl '
comer,' SCIEM17FYC
tela wad
operating tune to another during a
trick of duty, and impracticable to
have train dispatchers operate trains
under two standards of time. '
Conflict between the States which
have adopted Eastern standard thee
based strictly upon he 75h to 90th
meridians and the railways which
have found this to be not sufficiently
elastic. has naturally resulted, as for
instance in the State of Vermont,
when a Bi11 has been Intredueed int*
the House of Representative in
which one section reads:—
"A eoaamen carrier engaged
in commerce within this state or
between this state and any other
state or territory shall not
change its time schedules for
the movement of trains within
he state 1n order to accommo-
date itself to conditions outside
the state arising by reason of
the adoption of any other stand-
ard of time byan other state."
Then again the demand for day-
no United States Congress
last year passed an Aet which de-
feated the general adoption of he
proposed daylight saving, whereas
the State of New York and Mas-
sachusetts adopted daylight savin``,
and the new England railroads, is
order to reconcile he conflict be-
tween the Federal Aet and the State
Acts of Maaaehusstts and New
York, ran their trains on standard
time, but ere hour earlier than they
railways otherwise M 11atep wl h utThe Canadian
Arnerkan so
were supported by the imu, and nktpaili--
ties of many of the larger 'titles
whkA had adopted daylight saving.
New it ay
isNand f�noticeable that the de -
41f K ion
daylight A
b7 Immo sad
cities is almost exclusively confined
to Eastern Canada, New England
States and the City of New York.
On examination, this appears to be
dna to the fact that Eastern Stand-
ard time which theoretically extends
only between the 75th and 90 merle
diene has been carried in actual
practice a very considerable distance
east of the 75t14 degree. According
to this meridilin place all of the
Province of Quebec,and all of New
England, New YorCity and pari
of New York State in the Atlaatie
should belong to the Atlantic Tints
Zone, and if this time were rein-
stated there would be little or no
call for daylight saving now. The
railways have carried Eastern time
too far east, and the States and
Provinces and Municipalities which
have adopted the same time for the
sake of uniformity are realising that
this does not pond, with naive -
al time. On the railways. Eastern
standard time is carried froth Capps
in Eastern Quebec to Fort William
in Ontario, a distance of 25 degrees
or 1300 miles instead of the 711.70
miles of 15 degrees.
On eastern standard time -as at
pand Quebee, he sasent maintainede Englandn New
rises from May
to September two to three hours be-
fore the enrage person is about to
the morning, and sets at an equally
unserviceable hour. Renee the eats
ural demand for daylight saving
legislation in these parts. If New
England, Quebec and the Maritime
Province were to adopt Atlantis
standard time, which is their natural
specifle time, the would save hon.
deeds of thousands of dollars all the
year round foe fuel and light, and
the agi^•f _iereMsvs oeN be,e le
*kW%• ,•
• ,
cured from the. Il0;Prumeut by w11ae'
member of the Legislature.
.111* lir debate hl the 4'411*1nm.ms ahoy..
referrtsl lo, ale ,1,4111* Siardomalyl
"That sometimes this appeal %%us made
the means of uppressiloll 11* the ,qts'
of u rich man against 'a '4141. o• 1114 u, ,4n
ne.0,nut of the gl'eat 4.N91.u44 attending
Mr. Taw'herettn 11* that debate 4a111'.
"Thal the upps•al to the Privy y04111,41
111111 often proved fatal lo. suitors who
41,441 14111444.114.11 111..1111their courts and
4011(114 111t444 by the 111c11hto5u4 ;ulre of
nil their judges."
It will be ohserv,d that the laW 4
this i'ruvluco limits ailed, 11* the
Colwell where the matter i1* euuU'o-
t'ersy 41.40.114 $4,IN44 11o1*. Iles Voting
11* the debase said: "The avow:it to
England had lsof.0 11441 n;.tiu au.l
twilit by wealthy .orp141n1110tos find In
(1Iv1dma1)4 if, prevent 01 11 •r, who wee,
less 4114'0r441 41'11111 getting josh.... Ib'
hoped the hoose Anmld mol 114• h•.t
away by the cuckoo cry 111411 Int,
r•II, rent would weaken u
our so
44444 101 'with the !dottier ('o1111II'y...
114111. )Ir. McKenzie 11* that debate
said as follows: "It veil, ,vtd.vt 111.11
the Sentltu4•ul 414 this Ileus• ty.i-
strongly In fat'or of preventing that re
wn't to England whteh the hon.
V40110113 11 1 Sir J111111 Maeduu:tld 1
Seemed to thiuk, was the very ...some
of loyally au,4ldevotlutl no the ThrotiV'
If that were :s.1 Inc would ask the lion
Z191enla11 4%114411er 1411 those who were•
prohibited fr annealing t.i England
by re'14uu of the ,nnuunt involved not
being large enough were to 11.• d.0.1 red
disloyal and unworthy attention. Ind
loyally depend upon 'whether a Iran' -
ease, was a1N,yor 1)44.4 r140114)? In
Ilntarlo 1141 ease 111111.4 A41N111 ron1J h,
appealed to England. It was quite
ruusl+leut with 011. 10)..1 RS to prevetot
1111 r:is•s wider $401$l front going to
Englund, but it w'a4 quite inented4teut
with our loyalty to lucent Ihu4e 01501
144,114MI be•hlg appealed.
11,11. 31r. Founder, Minister of .1Its
Tire, speaking 111 the debate in 1h.
1' 141,4114 shove' referred tie, said:
\Ihe right of appeal 11:1.1 often
11.1.11 ab 941. \\'e41111y m•'1* load load.
rise of it ,.J0 tutee their uppohe d4 1.
.re.'p:1 1111 j:l1 cum pt'u:11i.e. He rul11J
mention ani i13r,-'1.(114-4. 414,.•44 n 11110 w le
had 4ner.s•de414.1i 1111. Ihr.•.• eup1'ts
the P1'04111,1.,41 4, i).•bee, the ju•Ige• it
each being unanimous, rartrt who ve
rnn111011 1 by the tidve•w• 41,41•ly 1., re
114.11111e lits ri1.hl, by n 1111'.1 of ,'kin:
the ease to the l'rivy
When in IIs• IA•gi'iatnr••. 1 iut.'n,t•.I
introducing a hill abolishing Ih,•'e no
oval.. 1.111 'teal's -led doing
1 irslePheh. 31 4...''. m.•roft
/N EVERY roaC/,
am -Bu 1t
In Barns, Scalds, Cold -Serbs
amid all skladlsaseor Wary reeves
agues sue Za.•aak. 1t'. ragy
seleal.bb4 bow swiftly sad sanity
It bealkl•s pale sed soreness and
grows aew Walnut stile.
fad -eek 4 a airs astlogd s
h erbal bolsi pessmatag • very 1.rb141
aM Iaportaat esedtelasl mellow a
the ebbs. la Its ebaraeler sad la Its
✓ evolts It Is altogether diner's. le
the yeast elalaats end salvos.
Tan Salt sefegwrds lea against
blo•d•Mlsa sad sola-dlsaN.
All ,milers
SO.. M sae
.111111 +.. h \l F. S('HINiI. AT MAD
A\4'1.: ACT.
. 51414.• •yet Se:IeN I .\t tend u4,
Act. by 11e• 41114 l,,mut.iun of th.• Lieu
-ierntnty:mrrrnrr, made our th.• tit},-.i-tt
1J1 July-, itr-v, will c • into furor :unr
• e�� s u 5ws v..,Iibn a or
take efi t a f II
S,•p;e1111s•1' 1st. 111'1, w'etull 7 pa Sep
telpher 1st, 11r_a, Hud s,0'li"n to .d,
S.gd.'tob,•r 141. 19.4=.
't'I1e I:urpNl4e• of bringing the Act' in
to -force by stages is In .make It Ise
,dile to ulljlbd gradually.v41u..1 ucc0m
41. to 1.111
/N t ,111 /'1 /111•w•N of study. I1 . !11 1
111 LI 1
1 condi
1 .• s hl f1* 11*• the
p I. yw nl letstalrr
thous set up by- the lrg0ir••nepts 411
the. Act. .
aeet*un :4 of the Act. which 4'
11110 1141144/111011 51* Se/0011111er 1st. 11.21
••!vides for the attendance at w•li(1).
.f adu4e.ents 1444 44.11 fourteen au.l
sit ateu years of age. .The.. iliutst.•,
allll0llliles that i1* r,o,flirmity with tri.
N09ion 0f the ail. pupil.. are 4.4140.1.01
to retrain in full-I:we attend Ines al
s'huol anti Ih•'y :n',•-i1:evit yeas. I
age unless vuplt.y..4 ..n the :tthori,y
of a leant inland or 1111 111140'11000
eet'tine.H4. 141 pro0ilk. for by- the .let'
lint that it IS 1100 his inte'uton 10 in
4arm4-1 nite•md.uwe 0111 set, 45 -make Ili.
Ac, rv•Iroaeti1,• .by endeavouring to
emu's.' young i'''•'N14 pet%eell four-
teen and sixteen `ye.1•1 of age who
have INen engaged 11* regular employ-
ment to r.trlrlt to m•h,o1. School
authorities, 44.eordingly, will. in the
IN',:llllll lilt(. be ellarge.I with providing
only for tlw roltiuned instruction of
/New who ore at present, a1 s.•hoo!
and not, for the nnhilters who 1*1ip4ht
be fol'ce41 11* 11.111411 to 41•15,i1 by the
s*111*0st interpretation of 111e Act.
Al the sante time. 111,. NI 101S104 1•1
IN'ets rant Ill• .\.'1 hill be rood.. full}
Comes to you andthechildren if
Pierce's have I)r. Golden
Medical- I•)iskovery in .the house.
For "little -ones" and "grown-
ups" this old fashioned vegetable
tonic and blood -maker is still
owed' by the+ million bottles every
Y'';t'. It c:as lir-t usol hy every -
'Jody 50 years ago and is st ill safo
and sane because it contains no
alcohol or narcotic. It is made
up of Mood root., Oregon Grape
root; Queen's root Stone root,
Cherry liark without alcohol.
Make your blood redder and
your health better by going to
your nearest druggist and ob-
taining Dr. Pierces Golden Meed
ical Discovery in tablet or liquid
Calvrnar. Btrrr*, SA4R.—' I have need
i». Pierce** (!olden Medical Discovery
for a number of years. and am pleased
to recommend It as a blood portlier. 1
kiiow It has no er0ri(naI. as i used It for my
,aly neighbors and friends were
eurpr*M with the reao1111; In fact, I do
not think he world he alive to -day had
it not been for the 'Medical Discovery.
1 also keep It on hand forloughs, kit
differs so from other cough mMIeIn4a
Instead M npae•ttn4 the stomach, as
menet Dough syrups) do, It Is good for the
stomach. I only wtsh 1 had knows
shout hr. Piece's medicine. seem e.4—
Ma. Plan WOOD.
'1➢ it-+d-l':"l'•:
tale+wwrieam4..os.rw'..r-,, _
Investigation Amply .Justilkd by the
Et Weiser Which Has Kern Produc-
ed—Only Two Musdripalitles out of
Sisl)-three Carried Itylaw's ae-
ronitmg to Law. so the I.aw W*u,
l'Isangrd 1
Thr Fanner'.' Sun, in an an article on
he Sutherland Commission for the in
vestigatiou of the Hydri,-radial proposals,
1 hr volumes of testimony taken by the
L.'4 (rot fully
I .1 Commis ion reveal 1+ t that
lustily the ccure taken by the Govern.
sit tit and the polity advocated by this
Instead of the 4, over nment Ixing art
enemy wt Hydro aswass-, ire Iy grd,
leets speak to the cant wry, It was stand
4the Commlrsion by air. Matthews.
Mlnn' Plovmend Treasurer, that nut o
luta!o's tots: .1 ht as to October :41st
ash of $1i,o,7,% 035.7:4, not less than
:;IY.•tarot las ,Nen watered fol
*4t rport)
Recently 4vV4.19 m Int
weir advataiid and many emits •11.. -mina
Or t.: be pl4vtded. In tact, the l 11 pleat
1• vet ipmrot u h. ins alum i; it gutting
Its yet tau nulnurs 41,•4 month, and the
I'o v nc nal 1 era' -urs r has been d wing
4 • 1 ... expels:duties
,a s fit sal to uteri !hese 1'x lou 1's
.fir .4411, rvlr> 1'n uuragumrr h:1', bee.
;leen to the p 0:fcy 5t d v loping the
valet luaus 4 f 'the Pruviiice for the
rn l o f o .
x tit I ire Ir
p op
r C.Irkcun reported to MIS that'
Ale Hc(ilu Ra(haI Ass..c1.1I4011, witch
tier. d +4. much el dlclsm at its annual
netting in Seteember. has jo.nlly with
4.c :hula. lila, Iarc'r*, As-*.,4aiion beet'
'et -riving ,1.4)1.10 a year Mom the Hydro
l�•NIIHN-1 .Nt 44. lrrip defray expert.. y and
conductcam1a1 ns Mr.Clarkson
lot 111 1918 that there's totalling In fhr
%et 11* legalize such payment, 11* the
Association, nod he repeats the warning
41 his opts tor 1919.
Instead of "overwhelming majorities
.or (l.4' Ilydru radtat byiaas, ' as was s1*
freely stated by their promoters, it hat
s'ru 414 Nn mat the total vote cast In
nary muntcq)alult's was small compared
soh the number ent tied to vole 7e
make an "insulbctenl" vole ;sufficient"
the IlydioCommission went to the Lips
laturc m I1rh)'and got She hydro Occult
.away A(l amended so as 111 destroy
he p1uvpi,.n lu11der which all the mum
dpalnties h:.d voted) that .1 "mafonty of
electors entitled to vote" was nese-sari
to carry the bylaw retroactively. In only
lwu muuli1p:11.1es out 111 slxly lhlee had
1.1' 011.11 p11,vlvun of the law leen Iain
plied with.
Witnesses representing municipalities,
1411.. trsullrl) a lea days ago,taml the
nuliliae was held out to them at the time
by,aw• were voted on that, the Ontario
marl nn 111 would guarantee the bonds
if the lIr. .44 14(4 railways weir built. Now
hal rhe G,wemment hesitates in giving
end.,r,a'NNI under doubtful .Audi in.
the►,. municipalities are lying back i1* the
it ass been stated ala, by these w•11•
,else' that powers tested in the Hydro
petinri4viliat public terr
N.tly to to more term,
: fid (helium ial
:hail was drea,ne•d by .nu11lcq,alihrs
when bylaws and agreements were sub
it 'tett. Inde ed, n(rt 141 4 • to Stu rt ,
seep( under lh, stress of war. have such
powers b. en a iven to a p i144,c appointive
body as were given the I lydr,n by the late
un amented legislature and Government.
Nnh reward to the I1,4.ru s ,'Si unite
l has teen slated by the chairman and
nembei s hl the 111vrstigai i. gComnissltnl.
un more. than .ane predawn, that even
hough m,adhs have passed since they
asked for ,ce tain summations of dat,
which wele said in the annual reports of
fhr hydro Commission to be in existence,
,a use in estimates for ANY of Ihr
profaned radials, and ' by which tit
Hydro must have arrived at its conclus-
ions. this information has not yet herr
supplied. though it was natur illy sup-
posed by the Cornmts'ion and ht
'ealnse 1 1110 Ili s f ,els wnu'd l ave be n
h *1i4 11* be lurid lied ilei t:, it I4
wl.uld have I eon so d finite and c ear as
to be reedit, analy zed and under44le0,1.
Thursday, February 24, 11121.-1
Up to the last day's sitting this particular
information has not been submitted.
the adjournment of the Commission
this wI ek was at the request of the Hydro.
fhe T'urOnto daily papers carefully refrain
twin any criticism un this score, as they
have refrained from publishing some of
the most important evidence that has
b'eu given.
.In the unsatisfactory form in which
they have been given, the 1lydro's esti-
mated eat mugs From freight, on the line
num Buwmanville to Sl. Catharines, are
higher 1i the lust year 01 operation than
the local (ruieht handled by all the exist-
ing railways between those two points.
Questions put *rum time to time by the
1:.rnwlssiunera indicated that they, too.
ate Thum bliVIOuri."
lite sun has reason to believe that next
week more witnesses will be called to
shuw that the ellorts made to have an
expensive radial program carried out
were not spontaneous movements of
municipalities—that. as Reeve Baker said,
the hydro Iorced itself upon them, and
that cheap lights for farmers and
cheaper power tar muulcipahties were
held out as inducer) sits to the smile
municipalities to saddle themselves with
• 1n r Theevidence is
(. n4 f Us Ilab ll s.
mu 1
abundant that the assurance of a Govern-
ment guarantee was a Fielermimng factor,
together wutl, the publicity and educe -
tonal work carried un by the officers of
th ffyuiu As*uclahona for which "suuws
01 war" were provided Irom Hydro funds
to the extent yet 19.493.30 in the years
1917-1918, according to pages 19 and 20
of Clark,on's report tor 1918, This money
was spent in such propaganda as is cots
tanned 111' a 4amphlet **lure the writer,
which says, enlung taller things :
(a) 1)y means u* these railways, muni-
cipalities can be supplied with power from
ave to eighteen dollars per h. p. less than
under the present system by the addition
01 a railway load. (b) RIIMIIMBER :
live ljuVerninent guarantees the bonds,
and by co duuig virtu Illy guarantees the
estmuatts of the Commission, and we
may lest assured the estimates will be
carefully gone over before construction is
I.Naedetrsld Will Enter Partner-
li. !
slap with His Brother Malcolm.
The following is from The Cranbrook
B. C.) Courier and refers to an Ashfield
kid boy, who spent part of his student
days in l,uderich
The decision of A1r. A. B. Macdonald,
K. C., to sever Ins connections • with
Cranbrook and Cranbrook institutions,
after a truck nee here of thirteen years,
will not meet with the approval of those
identified' with the business
o Trull • Idr 1 h
4,t nut )
and mail -anal life ul East Kootenay.
h1r, Macdonald cane to Cranbrook
from Bn tassels, Ontario, to join partnership
with the late Mr. Hai vey end M. A.
Macdonald, I'.. C , ul play, 1908, ani
has that date been an outstanding
hgu:e m the community. coming into
,IIUmUI(116'e 1411(4 a:hit:vans *UCCt• as a
company solitaire' and advisor. 1n 1909,
Mr. 1 iarvey leaving for the terminal
city, the partnership was carried on by
M. A. arid A. B. Macdonald. In 191'1
M, A. Macdonald kit tar the Coast and
enteral a larger sphere of activity. The
same year the lion of Macdonald& Nisbet
was formed, Mr. Nisbet coming to Clan-
bruok from-Mooiolnin, Saskatchewan.
N.I,bet and Mi. Macdonald
stud.ed law at Osgu' de, 'Toronto, during
the same years,,
Mr. 41lacdonald has been identified in
ail acme way. as shareholder, director. or
suhciu,1 in practically every industrial
company in the tlisliwt.
Mr. Macdonald will remain in Cran-
orook tar about lwu tranithe, Oriole leav-
ing for Vancouver, whys, he' will enter
roto partnership with hie brother, Mr.
.N. A. Mae donaId, K. C„ 111. L. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Macdol ald will be greatly
missed In business and social circles In
Cranbrook. Mrs. Macdonald taking
leading part in the many public functions
held here in recent years, giving of her
time and talent gratuitously.
Cascaretsi' for
Just think t A pleasant, harmless
Caaoaret works while you Sleep and has
your liver active, heed clear, stomach
sweet and bowels moving as regular as
a clock by morning. No griping or
in000venienee, 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes.
Children love this oaady cathartic too.
A (food Move. '
The proposal made at a recent meeting
of the town council that the town have a
cinder walk laid down from the end of the
cement sidewalk' on the Huron road as
lar as Maitland cemetery is one that
deserves favorable consideration. There
is no doubt that rucn a walk would be a
great improvement over present condi-
. hens, and would make the journey to the
serhrtery, so much visited by the towns,
people, considerab y less of a task. We
presume no dillicu,ty would be met in
making arrangomenta with the authorities
of Goderich township, within whose
limits the proposed new walk would be.
,•ffeetive I" the relent that attendance
nlri4-'r,. IN' np4N/111t441 n.enrdh,g hl Ian
lid Ihrir' drpIn't11909, urg,u,ized t!
ensure. first, that air young IN'rsun'
l/.•twel.n fourteen nod sixteen years of
air shall he hither at action! or fit
work ; and. M)'4'oud, that rill shoat' In
Aro at Work Oilier id I ' fir in gain
fns employments, shall hold the per
wits or 4, 44ificates required by 114*.
4i'.fto11 9, which provides for the
estnbllshmeul sod mahtenni1.0 of port
time courses of Instruction for y.mna
persons at work, comes Into (menthol.
on September 1st. 1922. The Nihlste
experts that boards will be prepared
,(s make this aertlon effective on flint
Whenever It la desired, the alinleter.
through the nMeers of the Department
of Education, will he ready to 141n1
asris1anow to hnerde in organising at
tendanee departments and In forming
or In carrying out plans for part-time
lastrnetloa, '
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Ftp
only—look for the name California on
Oise package, then you are sure your "
child Is having the best and most
harmless physic fir the little stomach,.
liver and bowels. Children .love Its
trusty taste. Full directions on each
Don't Stay Gray! Hu'e's an
Old-time Recipe that Any-
body an Apply.
The see of Sage and Sulphur tor re-
storing tided, gray hair to its natural
track to grandmothers
time. 821411 used It to keep her hair
beautifully dark, glossy and attrac-
tive. IWbenevr her hair took on that
dull faded or streaked appearance,
this simple mixture was •
But brewing at home 1s mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at
any drug store for a bottle of „W y
Sage and sulphur compound,- you
will get this famous old preparation.
Improved by the addition of other in-
gredients, which can be depended up-
* : -restore natural color and beauty
t • balr. 44
A well-known downtown &&ruse
says it darkens the hair •o naturally
cad it has
1 that nobodytell eves
and 7
been applied. Ton simply dampen •
sponge or wit brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
strand at a time. By morning th•
gray hair disappears. and atter an-
other appllewtloa or two, It become,
beautifully dark and gloegy
Wyeth's sage and Sulphur COM.
pound is a delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire a more youthful
appearance. It le not intended for
e euro, mitigation or prevention of
Only" Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Aspirin—No others!
Council met on February 7th,.with all
the members present: Minutes of last
Meeting were read and approved` Com•
munication frim the city of London ask-
ing the council to appoint a delegate to
me(t••g in that city on February
13rd, re the electrification of the
London, Huron & Bruce Railway,
received and read. On motion of Robert-
son and Gillespie, Councillor Coultis was
appointed to attend the meeting as a
representative of this municipality.
Messrs. Scott and Elliott presented their
report as"au4ittrs of accounts far 1920,
the abstract statement showing a balance
on hand at the end of the year of
61.341.67. The rep.,rt was adopted. on
motion of Coullit and Robertson. Rep
resentatives of the Salvyer-Maasey Co:
waited on the council in reference to the
selling of road machinery. An order was
placed with the above Company for the
purchase of a road grader. '1 he Reeve
and clerk were authlriz d to sign and
forward a petition to the Legisla ive
Assembly for 41)e purpose of securing a
more uniform price and also a more
equitable distribution of Hydro -electric
power throughout the Province. Bylaw
No. 3,1921, regulating the running at
large of dogs in the municipality, wain
read and passed The following accounts
were paid: Fred Hayden, commutation
statute labor tat, $41.40; -Wm. A. Currie.
sleep destroyed by dogs, 3.35; U Carter,
widening and tenting on hill. concessions
4 and 5, 1146: J. S. Scott and J. Elliott,
auditors, $12 each; F. Andersonsaswss•;
or's salary, 1120; postage and war las.
115. Council &dimmed to meet again on
Mildly, March 14th,
Nature sometimes stores a lot of brains
babied a pretty face.
If you don't. sec the "Bayer Cress!
on the tablets, refuse them—they are
nut Aspirin at a11.
Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" plaint? stamped with the safety
"Bayer ('rasa—Aspirin prescribed by
physicians' for nineteen years and proved
safe by millions for headache, 'tooth-
ache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago,
Colds. Neuritis, and Pain generally.
Bandy tin ones of 12 tablets—also
larger 'Bayer" packages. Made is
Aspirin is the trade mark (egistered
In Canada), of Bayer Msnufatture of
Monoseetiescidester of Salicylicaeid.
While it is well known hat, Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped.
with their .general trade mark, fisc
'Bayer Cross."
Tills How To Olen Clotated Nea-
trile and End Head-- o s
44 44x4444:5 ,ski
You feel ane in a few moments. Your
cold in head or catarrh will he gone.
Your clones' nostrils will opro. The air
passages of your bead will clear and
you can breathe freely. No more dull-
ness, headache; no hawking, snafeing,
mucous dierharges or dryness; no Mrag. ,
gling for breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of F.ly'a Cream Balm. Apply a
little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream
is your nostrita, let it penetrate through
every air passage of the head; soothe
and heal the swollen, , lad nsueoni
eases ttas•bnne, and relief! eases
It is jest what se.ry eels sad
asufferer weeds. 1JDan easy
iM_ istserahlsl '