HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 6oso An= No mollik,
-T11tsnday, Ft-brwtry 24. 1n'11.
Its velvety lather cleans and refreshes every
in his skin. It makes him Leel lit all ovgc.- He
•' looks " the difference. It is delightand in-
vigorating to wash with Lifebuoy.
The "health" odour in'Lifebuoy is not a perfume
-not the odour of -a medicine -but a pure
hygienic odour - that tells you instantly why
Lifebuoy purifies and protects why it improves
your skis.
Llfebuoy "smells clean " It is as pure as soap
an be made. The velvety smoothness of a wash
with Lifebuoy is a delight which is denied to those
who use only ordtaary soaps.
Try a calm 4 Woanroy to -day. You con flet
Fa -et any pwoar% drug or dapertmenr more,
Have you tried
Arithmetic, accxding lo' the average
small boy. was simply invented in order
to -leve teachers a good escose for punish
ing their unhappy pupils. And, certainly,
little Tommy ::tmtth fount H the unpleas-
ant (eater• of his young life.
"Now, T11mm Smith." said the school
teacher one mornerg. during the usual
hours of t ,rture. "what is the hal( of
eight T"
"Which w teacher ?" asked the
'youngster, caul Aly.
"Which way !" ia3 the
teacher, "what do mean .
'Well. on top orway , teacher?"
said Tommy. \ �
"Who t difference does t make?"
"Why," Tommy explai with a. pit y -
ng air, "half off the op of eight is
nought, but half of it deways is three."
Report of Proeeedhlgs at Recent Ses-
sion of the Nouse.
• 1 B the Official Press Reporter.l
Iiir11ameot ast4•nlhlel nt the third
sitting of the first session on Friday.
F'1•brmr•y 4111, with a Iargw majority
of the members IMrupyiug their sets.
S • terry important ortant legislation was
intrlMlned. and alining the private
area. ir.. p :OW.1 the following were
thoroughly 41e44114sl
A 11riv,110 bill was introduced by air.
C. M. $trsuglun,, wemlwr from 1'ook'N
Hill. sr.aaltI by .lr. 1t. D. Munro.
meg11•r from Moinro's 1'or rs. tient
It he a auisieuwuwr shuttle by a
flu• of out more thwenty-flee cents,
or impris line 11 the ticket seller's
cop, or 1, at the discretion of the
Serg -a t- ms. to eat peanuts and
OW or pini . or cause to 14• thrown
or 1114001, shed or husk's, on the floor
of the lloirse• w illy the Legislature Is
in .4ssiuq,
Inuring the int 1uctiot of the Pea-
nut hill by the on. member from
1'lwok's Hi11, the lea er of the 4*pposi-
tion rose to a quo. lou of privilege
involving the moral right of _,j (r.
Mulleins et to oven r "s .eat in the
House. some of M $ allglan's re-
marks during it pre 01 sitting of
Parliament. In which nsiatel on
(wing provided with lu sition r•-
gardiug• the whrreal401t+ 0 . rig4t
light centres of the c ifv churn.
given rise to doubt iu t mind
of the lender of the' Opposition. Ao a
result, Mr. 'A. Holltilisan. second' by
Mr. 0. E. Errntt, hon. .enter •m
Stock Yards, moved that a (bunds' ,n
lW npp/111teel to investigate the Pa
liameulary character of the hon. mem-
Iwr f l'.rk's Hill. This motion,
however. was defeated.
TIII• leader of the Opposition brought
in a hill. w'hiclt ens seconded hy Mr,
It. .1. Itnw. Minister of Education. that
there always be in the House a supply
of fresh,drinking water.
The/Premier. who considers water
shnnln he used as an exterior cleanser
only( immediately morel an amend-
ment. which was w4bndel by lir.. A.
mitt'. member from Cores and Perl-
a gs, that members tw Jirovidel with
itch Iwverlges as they persolafly pre-
fer. within the limit of the -law.
'The lender of the Opposition, who,
secretly, held the snore views as the
Premier witti regard to the proper use
of water. at otter rescinded his orit}innl
111111011M "ill favor of the amendment.
whil•I+ ens p445s11 1, a unanimous vote
amid 101111 clwl.rs.
The only measure of a fImmncial na-
ture was tntrtwlu011 hy Mr. Nelson
Hill. m1•mlwr from the (Bright 4.lghts
'r esnn
di.1rr, ss. nnd11 b y Mr. E. Itolwrt
Minister of Finance. that emit and
every member make a gift of ten cent*
at each and every sitting of the House
and that the moneys .o received be
applied to the financial Inilget, any
surplus to he glven to the Chinese
Fit mine Relief Fund.
l'onslderee *le excitement was caused
by paw of the member( questioning the
art'aracy of a statetncut made by the
Secretary of state. telling him that hr
shuu111 "go house and study his Ir'ilh-
me.tic." "the 111441.0. Ino ever, In re-
sponse to a lou uadt by tie.. Prem-
ier and W001111111 by Alec leader of the
Opposition, shoutsi, by a .standing v.,t.•.
their conditions- In the integrity of the
Secretary of Slate. and 111 the Areur-
aey pf his statements.
Premier Itolwrts n. seconded by the
Minister of Finance. brought in a
1:overtuueat measure. reading :1s fol-
That the following clause be added
to the lmnNgratbul .let : " 4I. 1•l:ul.r
111 this Act shall be cinstrueol so as to
.More any loyal British subJe•; 1 141 any
Pale Cheeks and Bloodless
Lips Are a Danger Signal.
' To be pale is no long -r the fashion ; to
be languid is an affliction. Today the
most winsome girl is the one with the
pink tinge of health in her cheeks, lips
naturally red, and eyes sparkling with
hie. Aod to this a quick. active step and
everyone can tell the girl whose veins are
lull of the pure, rich blood of health.
How different she appears (rum her ailing
sisters, whose aching limbs and weak
backs make them pale and dejected.
Amenia is the cause of so muds suffering
among garb and women that it cannot be
1114 widely known that Dr. Williams'
P.nk Pills have -transformed thousands of
delicate. anaemic invalids' into happy,
healthy women, 'fhe,e pills help to put
rich. red blood into the veins, and this
blood reaches every part of the body.
giving strength. ray cheeks and bright-
en place of weakness, prostrating
adacbes and a wretched state of hall -
he th- Mia. Edna E. Weaver, R N. No.
1. t ppewa, Ont.. says : "1 was very
muc rundown, weak, nervous and
trou • with pains . an the side. I tried
differen rneelcints but witt.out any
benefit til 1 began tee use of Dr.
Williams' ' nk Pntd. Udder the use of
this medi s ' l gained strength. had
better a• • e. slept better and the pain
in my sloe d ppeared. My health has
since rental -, exceUent and 1 advise
anyone troubled with anaemia. or weak
ness. t, give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
fair trial."
Try Dr. Williams' ' nk Pills for anae-
mia, rheumatism. rico Igia and nervous.
peas. Build up your • ood and note how
the purer and richer • • fights y..ur
battles against disease. T e Dr. Williams'
Punt Yells ae a tonic it you re not in the
best physical condition a • cultivate a
resistance that with the • • - ance of
ordinary rules of health will eep you
well and
strong. Get a hex an the
nearest drug store and begin t • treat-
ment now. or send to the Dr. hams.
Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.. a . the
pills wed be sent you postpaid at 50 c is
a box or sixboxes for 11.50.
alliktlear"'tor Ito<;y -TRISISEW ASWAN
Great Bargains, in Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Sweaters,
Hosiery, Gloves and other articles of Women's and Children's Wear
Two lots of Children's Coats and Sweaters selling at HALF-PRICE
Keep in touch with, us ,as there are new lines arriving every day
If you believe in saving a dollar, don't buy anything anywhere,
at any price, until you see our large stock at sacrificed prices.
Don't miss this opportunity; if you do, blame yourself. Come in and inspect
but the most favored), class of immi-
grants because of hlm'rit.e or religi!nl."
Premier Itol4•et5011: It is only u
nuatt(•r of a few years ago that Ortent-
al• were allowed to 101411110 immigrants.
Now they are sent mirk and India has
developed a 'writers unrest. Now. there
ore s•vwru1 oI.Jod10ns made to admit-
ting Orientals into this euunCI•y. They
are admitted to this country under
great restrictions; after arriving hell•
they ecru have to report to the pollee.
Now these men are more than evil- en-
titled 114 toe udmltter1 at the pneseut
time, beettuse they have taken the jr
share 111 the de(ewee of the Brit st
Empire in the late great war. They
were tried 1111 the Western front. but it
was found that they would not be 0111•-
eessful there. They had not Yen used
to trench wlltfalr. The climate was not
what they had leen used to. 1t would
try the very utmost Serve oft 1114.45.•1
this country. who erre used to these
t11mulit' 1.01111 iuus. They fought in
\lesopetamht. and did credit to them-
selves. These were no menu fighting
men. They were goof! enough to
tight for the itritish Empire. e•. but they
are not good enough tu'Ii*e li,•re. It
is true their standard of morality may
differ from ours. What right have we
to say to other rations that ours is
right? The Anglo-Saxons are in a
hopeless minority, lint what right has
that [Minority to may that the majority
shilll not come into this country? There
is in different counties. at the present
1(1110, a wry for farm laborers'. There
i. a scarcity of farm laborers. There
are still large areas of idle (ant laud.
Would it not Ile• better to fill those sec-
tions with British subjects. rather than
bring in Italians? The 111'14107 is by
instinct an agricultural laborer. He
has been brought up to lire on the
land. I would not say he is ae•u$t0mel
III 11111'11 work as we have. but wherever
we get a man Who hail leen 11x111 to
farming he will adapt tinsel( to farm-
ing more quickly than any city man.
They have met no encouragement from
1115 Majesty's Government to go out on
the laud. but los t'0Iwen segregated in the
large wirer'. /There are a few. Hiud0ls
in British ' Columbia and the same
p,liey has been Largely followed with
them to go out moil mix with the Anglo-
Saxon. That their literal standard is
different from ours we all know, lout
If they get ant and mingle with. the
P00I'Ie of Got( (1.outry, you are Lound
to have a survival of the fittest,. 1f
we can't stand the test there Is 'some-
thing wriugr -with cur t•hillzatton.
Their families ere not permitted t,
ewer this . m,ntry at the present time.
It is tetter to admit these with their
families than many who have horn
The Hi11d10 Is very proud of his ap-
pearance. extre•uwly 511, • and pwr11ap0
after all you w0t1141 not find sit very
11101.11 llifferene In the Minks) and
the .►liglo-Saxon. I. bare no doubt
that the time is net tar distant when
we shall have the Chinese and other
(Orientals. We shall have to retnetnImar
that these pople are in a majority in
the, world. The only reason we have
not been for•til to admit these people
11. 110111 1140 they have not the organiza-
tion. As -soon as (9,ha gets the or-
ganization they win say, ..-We are;
ming In." Wouldn't it be tetter to
I . ver the Hind/wr., eomc in and have
th it goodwill?
1 conclusion, might 1 eon these
thin to your attention: The prevent -
Ing u ny loyal British subject is an
Iujnstie The (British Empire is ode
posts! t1 r 1011101011 on .11101 11.0. TMs
Set w111 11 t•nept to 141J114 that stale
of ern irs, nd i think 744(1 '1100111
carry this t tnimonsly. It is an im-
portant mlatte•. The Goverhnwnt is
sympathetic No ar+ls labor 111111 every
objection to the dry 141 these British
subjects comes a est entirely from
the Labor nuions t Lay and you can
easily sae• they f the 1 Io,r 1111114)1.1 4-141.
not eoIuts•t1• with them. on the s,•,.1' of
wages. The retool is oat the labor -
111R man has ...evil. Stich n er:a of pros-
pwrlty that Ile is nimble, at len*.
illiuq. •to adjust hinis•1 to more
simple methods of living. Ti 'sr loyal
1trl1ish subjects most Is• ado test in
order tint our children's chlldn• may
live here In pence and prosperity • 011
that 1111)w• raves may know that 1.1 ht
and not might may govern the itriti.
air... Houston. member from Pough-
keepsie: Are not all loyal citizens
allowed to 'Came In to nor IMminion
free? There is an set to that effect
'reinier It14owrtso11: All loyal sob -
pct. 111.1• 11141 *1141W151 111 (Ater this
air. \ Asoul( h : 1 understanil that
It does not ;Hoar any loyal citizen.
Mr..;. Houston: The Hendon, owing
to his peculiarities, cannot work with
men of other nations. Ile must pre -
pore his own food. his manner of liv-
ing 111111 inn •r of thought and life are
different from ours, his rAligious be-
liefs sire different front ours. This
question affects British 4'Olumbin I
ouch more than It does the rest of
Cornell. The hon. member .ald- the 1
11indoo on the Wosterl front was not
11 nwces4. Would he be any better
here than there? Owing to that reason
alone. 1 do not think lie would 1w a
Nn'(es1 In Canada. It becomes a emit -
petition of races. WC get in a certain
number of iumllgrents, w•1• raise their
standard of living, or they lower aur
standard of living. if through organ-
isation they demand a wage to kec•p'np
that standard. then the employes- 'of
labor brings In another clams of still
lower standards and we Oust those
men we have brought In. They cost
us at the rate of flue collars per heed.
Today we, have over two million of
those men In the United States, driven
ont of this country M anbatltuting a
lower elase. and It ham coat us about
tt•u million dollars for that alone.
Why. then. waste onr n ;7 and the
artiste of good men, raising their 'stan-
dard, tlwn driving them out? Our
white men would not want to Ih•e In
the name voinIit(n11N as the 11110190.
I11 11m15 we had 45 111niloos in 4'onada.
In 115)6 we had 378, In 1907 we had
21.24, in 11511tt we had 21415. We hint0
hod nothing to speak of since 1110s. it
ens at flint time they applintel n
cnmmisslon, they found they had no
act, em registration keeping the Ilind(a
Premier Robertson: He stated that
immigrant* east nm at the rate of five
dollar per head. i think he (11(1 not
Wake that quite e1.111'. Tlut statement ,
would not crier to !Hoodoos. but to
Ilrieutals such as Chinese. It Is a
well-known fact that a illi tax of $l:al
Is eo1104ed from the filthiest.. I hate',
no doubt he referred to Month:ruus
1rolu the British Isles. 1 think th••.
Plass oI llumign,1nrs we 11111% 11 • .111 111
t ION (solllltry 11111 110t IWy' a IMIII, til\
It was the European immigrant. We
1110 toot drive any 1h•fetal. out.
Mr. Houston: 1 think the header tot
111s Majesty's Gtrerlllneut i. I/w,kii
to (In 11(1115 of l,Iruil(. and not to 11,'
1100110 of Canada. N'e want the peace
111111 WY need the wave. I think we
would have less trouble now if we I
exclude() the Hind.fl than if W0 (4(4.11
114• door. and let him in and then drive
bitu out. ru'u few years If we let 111.•'
I1fud14, Into this country 1n wilt out-
vote the white people ill Ilrlll.h e'ol-
uul1,1:1 and we will lose It•jtfsh Col-
umbia. 1f 1t 1i the wish of the Got •
ernml•nt to sa"ilp`h little 11141114 there.
then allow the hll11d•11 to tome In. So
far. of all the immigrants we have had.
only eighteen per cent. have taken up
land In this country. All over a/1Ve•r-
tlailg Inas been for agriculture. It
slows that we don't get the agricul-
tural class to come en the laud in 4'an-
ada. Immigration Is not only to re -
inform aur pwpllatlon. 1t will be a
menace to our prevent population in
It very few years, and we will WV the
1111111411 °Informing the white people.
The 11.11154• was now adjourtleil 00 a
motion by Mr. 4). E. I- rratt. wrvmdell
by the Premier, the next sitting to he
on Friday. F'rhruary lett. •
Page St. Peter. ural War
Rewart, for information leading to
whereabouts of Jacques S , a
Frenchman. who died in 1879. V--,
109 West Fifty -Fourth street. Nen York,
-"Personal" in San Francisco Examiner.
Lady Ito her partner) -Have you any
prominent men in 'yew .family, Mr.
Dunleieh ?
Mr. I?. -Yee. one of my forefathers
was an admiral. At one time he led the
world's combined fleet.
Lady -How interesting ! What was his
name :'
Mr. D. -Noah. ,n
Mn. A It Cs104e. N
►.a► Pot .Goer.ns
ttr'•M, 44 44a.
,d M�rrd'. Laura'
Irtp.,.ay. al.011ea,t44
_ _,Il. Frei of
may sr it M. dram.
t„m sod all se (440*
0 (0.1 rest MW:'
0 G
Mn Fad Jt44.sr.. los 73*. 'Mord. e.t -
4 .o4rtd .wry rush •,144 ro0404 ■Y Ito IW
ogre. or dad w try M,•.rds L41.0.0 r sad
- 1'15.1411 barodyaf7 that raw .14('1'040..
I porsorod 04•Y a or ,, 44,. awry nor.
T44. w,rw I C. so out arra t,isd op my far
.ad gar dr <tdf to M•Wd s Lr cot. Mrs
told r.oa rcpt. about M,rrd s. sod eras are
?era an easets
BOX 87. Goderlch, All Instructions
by mall or left at Signal office will be
promptly attended to. • Residence tele-
phone 119.
ol. TER. Solicitor, notary public.
Office Hamilton street, Godericb, third
door from Square. Trust funds to
town at lowest rates.
Ome•e-Sterling Rank Block. Ham-
ilton Street. Gederlch. Telephone 88.
Real Estate. Loans and Insurance.
Office on the Square. second door
from Hamilton Street. Goderieb.
tt lowest
A Itig 1Y• 1'tes. roudwrt,KC.. J. . Killoran,
s oh
meas for Retenu Sal akin Irradtta- ^IIAItLF:S I:AItIt1I\C, 1,1.. BBAR
tloaa 1t relieves as owes and pa- t'
all heals the akin. Sample box 174. RISTtR, attorney. solicitor, etc.,
(base's ointment tree It you mention this Glflerich. itouey loaned at lowest
paper and send ae, stamp for postage. me. a
Dox • all dealers or Sdmansoa, Bates • Co., rates.
Nmted.torenut.. :WAGEit, BARRISTER. SOI .-
' ICITOR, notary public and con-
veyancer. OmcE (.'ourt House. Gode-
s deb. O9 -12m
If you ever used an
Electric Iron you wutIld
not want to be without it.
it is both economical and
Our Electric Washers
will do your washing at a
minimum expense.
Hydro Lamps always is stock
AN('E CO. -Farm and isolated
town property insured
09kr•rs-Jas. Connolly, Pres., Gode-
ric•h P. 0.: Jas. Evans, Vice -Pres.,
Beechwood P. 0.:. Thomas E. Hays,
Sec.-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.
Directors -it. F. afe6regor, R. R.
No. 3, Se'aforth: John G. Orieva, No.
4. Walton; William Rlnn, R. R. No. 2,
Sea forth; John Bennewles, iBrol-
hagi•n: Geo. M(•('artney, R. R. No. 3,
Seaford:: • Rol -rt Ferris, Harloek:
Malcolm McEwen, Clinton: James
Evans, Bee'hwood; James Connolly,
Agents : J. W. Yeo. G0lerteh :
Alex. f.elt-h. R. R. No. 1, 'Clinton;
William Chesney. Seaforth: E. flinch -
ley, Iteaforth. Polley -holders can pay
all payments and get their cards re-
celpfel at R. J. Morrish'a Clothing
Store, Clinton: R. H. Cufra Grocery,
Kingston street, Galerteh, or J. H.
Raid's General Store, 'Bayfield.
Brophey Bros.
See our display at
The Hydro Store
North Side of Square
The Leading
Funeral Directors
•' and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
Having sold out e r
branch Shoe Repair Sho
at Seaforth, we are now in
a position to do all Shoe
Repairs promptly and
Our winter term commences Tues-
day, January 4th, and student, may
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bind or Telegraphy departments at
•ee time. Our courses are thorough
+•vl practical, and we assist graduates
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" A. MeLACHLAN, Principal.
nu IA for s❑ccess by attending
once *id Charles 3a.. 'remote..
schwa enjy s e greet risuutinn for
tM Werk Sall for daeina gr.dn.•tes
pcnil f•,ne. Open 1 year. KilterKilterany
Circus .n tree.
W. 1.ELLI1tT, Prncipai
The Do e Track Route
be, eon
Unexcelled dining car se
Sleeping cam on night trains, nd
parlor cars on principal day train
Full information from any Gran
Trunk Ticket Agent, or ('. E. Horn-
ing, District Paaienger Agent, To-
0.8. Lander, Station Agent, phone lR
Town Agents Phone N.
.y .w••+r.s.ir.s• . - - -
.'"e`er 1.' .' :-..'-.'11.t+fMxea .