HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 5p;
antra )enc -sit'
EA Ara
'1'Lu'-'Liy P,Lrn.i,} 7.1 1•21 -
Baby is your treasure. Insur his comfort
and health by selecting your ba needs at our
Penslar Store. Everything t t is best in:
Baby Foods
Baby Bottles
J. & J. Talcum
Teething Rings
Baby Brushes
Teething Powders
Children's Cough Syrups'
Teething Lotions
Full assortment in window display at
Campbell's Dnig Store
The Pewter Store
Phone 90
The Squat
>r . LOCAL Tnou'c -
The Carpets You Throw Away!
They are the ones we want to save for you.
No matter how old, how dirty, how dilapi-
dated, by our process they can be woven into
ayrp,j t
4-,44 ,,r< o -
Ste Carling Strout,
Reversible Rugs
that are good enough for the most
elaborate home.
You won't realize how good these
ruga really are until you see their
beauty and feel their softness under
your feet.
sr..d al this ah'rrllsrwnet rah par
name o..d adios Jura Jrre 600hkt
wish feta ,NJu-alson.
lie a rope around the old carpet and
send it to
The Canada Rug Co.
a London, Canada
Lacrosse Meeting.
All interested in forming a lacrosse'
team in Goderich for the coming Beason
are requested to m •et at the town hell on
Monday evening next, at S o'clock.
Good Boy, Walter!
The first contribution received by Mr.
J. W. Frase,, treasurer for the Goderich
Old Iiome Week, was one of $3 from Mr,
Walter E. Kelly, of London. Mr. Kelly
says he has been so busily occupied that
he has not been able to revisit the town
as often as he would like, but his hes t is
still here. he declares. The Old Home
Week will not be a complete success un-
less W. E. is here with the rest of the
A Sunday Fire.
Goderich has been very fortunate of
late in its fire record. Last Sunday. about
12.30 noon, the alarm sounded for the
first time in many months. A spark from
the zhimney had started a fire in the roof
of Dr. J. M. Field's house, corner Wel-
lington and Lighthouse streets, and some
damage was done to the roof and attic
before it was extinguished. The electric
alarm does not ring very loudly. and
many people within a short distance of
the bell did not know there was a fire.
Major Campbell Returns. to Whlem's..
The Win;haw pIt1!itie, eowinkslon
has engaged M,r. Ilerb. Campbell as
manager of the electric light' arid
'waterworks dcp.srtmeata and he will
take up his ditties in a few days. Mr.
Campbell IN returning to his old p.4-
ti,tll in which he gave gaol satisfaction.
Many. friends will IN. pleased t0 Hear
of Mr.. and Mrs. Campbell again be-
coming residents of 1VinghuW -WIn..
11aw Times.
Robisreon v. Wroxeter.
Judgment has leen given by His
Hove Judge i)iekwtn in- the County
(bort ease 114 Itobinson c. Wroxeter.
In which David Robinson,- a resident
of the village of Vroxeter, elahnesl
$300 damages from the Miles. curpor-
at1p11 nn se'1•atnt. of alleged (infer -tire
draLwge. .lodgment was for plaintiff
$24) and' costs 011 the Division •('ourt
Neale. with right to the defeatism to
wet air Its e'osts of defence on the Toon•
fy Court wale.
Public School Hockey.
On Saturday afternoon. a team, from
the Central school went to Clinton and
played' a game of hockey with a team
of the Clinton public school. Th. Clinton
team won by the score of 6 to 2. The
return match was played here on Wed-
nesday evening and this time the locals
outscored the Clinton team by 13 to 8.'
The line-up forthegames was as follows :
CI nton-Goal. Elloen; defence. Gould,
Marshall; center. Match; wines. Elliott,
McDougal. Goderich -Goal, Sanderson;
defence. Fau!ker, Wright: -center, Snazel;
wings. Stowe, Robinson; subs.. Murch.
1- H. • B. Electrification.
Reeve T. M. Davis and ('nnty5('lerk
ib'hdgfr'were members of a delegation
frogs the eouuty iuuncil to Ili.. meet -
lag held at 1-oialo0 y.' terday to ron
Clothing, Boots and Shoes
and Gents Furnishings
Lower pries are comp • from the wholesaler, but not
we are stepping .ahead and
taking our medicine and giving y. u -Clothing, Boots, Rubbers,
U nderm ear, Shirts, Overalls, Od s Trousers, Gents' Furnish-
ings, just what you need, at prices .} ' u have not seen since
yet. They say -nzct Fall..
/nue of the MOW juyouN WPM'S
111 that Book of joyous pictures
Is that of a Nlck mans 111111 1111. of
four. One of the saddest stories
of the Book Is that of a wan
lying on his suet near to. the
pool of Ilellusuba, who. 1Iir.nith
thirty um' eight year. of Infirm-
ity had found 110 one intenwted
enough to help him into the prod.
Ihlt One cause by alio asked,
"Will thou Ie made w•huhe''" 'Che
(Helms a.sistaWe and blessing'
were his 00 one V0t141it1011-wells be
.ail{Ing W be made, it•11ule? And
Mo it 18. today, for you. ant for
toes: if we desire Ills assts nee
and blewhl1 He Is nearby to
help and t0 bless, �»
lir heard this stairs at the
Baptist Church
last Sunday evening. Were yon
th.re? Next Sunday evening we
are to hear at 11 a.m. "A flea
for Harmony,' and at ? p.m., ".l
Soldier's Faith." We shall use
the revival choruses nt the even-
ing sert•ke.
Are You Coming?
t t the Summer Night," bs Messrs, 11
1►. aL.'.'r, Chas. Itobertweu. W. 1•. l'rld
Il 111 elan 4:I.I. Rel.•1cr, Bud "1'uuside•r
the Lilies." by the atb,a4N Marjorie
Aitken alul 11ase1 Reicher anti M•wsrs.
11. 3). Moyer amid oleo. Lteleher. and a
Nolo by Mr. Geo. Belcher, "When the
Winds O'er the Ilea Blow a 4:ale." Mr.
1). Keston, 1..1..1'.11 , 1111e1 as pianist.
The entertainment was given ler
the ausphw of nu' Epww•lh Leugu/'.
A Bad SOU...
Mr. It. M. Yuma. one of the stal-
warts of Colborne township. bud a
narrow It -rape 1111 Fria:1y eveulug 111,4.
Ile IN 11* driving home from town with
his *WO daughterm leaded and Julia.
will) attend the 4'ollegithe Institute
here, When his horse raw away on the
11111 road pending to the bridge. and
the holdhark breaking the a WWII gut
pry 1 ...patrol. At the turn half -way
down the hill the buggy collided with
a wagon that was rowing up and the
funs. of the eulliaOn ihrew the avro-
paint, out out the Burd read. Mr. Young
f•'hl heavily out 1115 forelwad, was
kua•kial imeopseiutl$ and 'sustained a
severe cut„ which bled profusely. Miss
Isobel had, her face mut anti bruised,
and Miss Julia landed unhurt. Mr.
Young 1'1111 brought to the hospital, but
was able next day to be taken home,
and both hr and Mise Isobel are revot•-
erilrg satisfactorily. The horse went
up hate, after it diversiuu up tele Lake
Shore road; the buggy was baldly
It might have Igen a lot worse, anal
"Rale:" many friends in town al
country,. are thankful that he .Mea al
so well.
shier the proposed for Os' elydrltb'u-
tiou of the Llndotl. Huron & Bruer
!railway. The meeting. which com-
prised representatives from the dbs-
trie•ts all along the line. levities' to ask
the Federal Government If it 'sZ'nuhl Ise
willing 11.1 sell tor lease the 1..,11.
and In ask the Hydro-radial4'omnaission
to .('cure full infurnaltiou and submit
edtinlatps Iu Connection withstlu' pro -
puma I.
Mel)ullrld-ttetlieraat -
A quiet but pretty wedding was sol-
emnized on Saturday at the Presbyterian
manse, by Rev. R. C. McDermid, when
Miss Annie Henderson, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson. Cam-
bria road, became the bride of Mr. M
N. MacDonald, also of. Goderich. T •..
bride wore a suit of navy blue tricot
with hat to match, and .carried a c sage
bouquet of Opheha roses and mainhair
fern. The attendants were Mimi i Beck,,
and Mr. Howard McNee. T gro fm's
ot to the bridesmaid was a ret' v gold
barp'n and to the grooman a Swan
fountain pen. 1 After ,t ceremgny a
dainty lunch was dery • and the happy
couple left on the '2.20 . T. R. train for
Toronto and of places, the bride
wearing the eft of s groom. a handsome
cloak df Coals ablion Tu% - he bfIdr
and groom r • tved many . pretty and
useful gifts.
reside in G
�at rib street Methodist church last
*,data eventing isruxal-a_gite st_ Aug,r.
e s anal- was mulls uppreelate,l by a
urge auulie.nrr. Iles. It: Royle. of
Nile.. gave an excearut old instructive
address on New runndb1 nd and its 41nv-
ernwent, industries anal the customs
of its people. 'The musieal part of 'the
progn11n iuehuhsl.nrltations by airs.
llutchins of ; quartette numbers. entitl-
ed"•Savile I►on't Knock " :and "Stars
Board of Trade Executive.
The first meeting of the
I1c.• cmincfl Ilf the 'Mar
was held on abatis• .•
President 4'. '1,. Meow
The first basin
selection of three as
41r exerutioe,
11yliew•s.111111 \fess
P11111:1111 and 1'
1.1111A41. A 11.
wa' adapt,:,
1', Worsen'-.
Mf1 ),,')). membership. G. L. Parsons:
harbor .1. W. Fraser: vide. 1)r. A. 11.
Mal• n,;• retail luereli Hats 1 1. •t'nIiri,-
lr•I ev11velltiya and est er(*,iitawn l.
r 4 M,..Kay publicity. W. 11. ttt•tl-
rts,ar. 4'. A. Nairn a1141 Dr. J. )I.
Field were: nusansi'111/4: audhlor".
Caw' ora a0aa•ti.s,- le ehneg.. elf-- ,.
1.1,1 11 . Week was gra 1e use
of the Ricard of Trade r.,oa" for the
pre•Ifnlf1111ry work. 111141 414.' inehlstr1111
s,s•ret+n•y, Mr. 'N'. S. Itow,k•.p. was
granter) 'tennis*" 'to :set a. seer.1:try
of the tail 11 • iVeek ra tnpa ign..
Che pre•,I•leut brought up the girls -
tion of .securing roll Jurnrinalfuu to
regard. to the Federal 1 income t:rx
regal:tti.o,s and p:, -sing it along to the
I,,,-lIIIN•1'S w'J 111 the iib•:, ,.f s:lcf11g :111411
tfmr' 111111 Unable• in nankin" 1 tt.•i
returns. The Mrretary .1s t, write
io ltttuw•a to spear.• all the informal 1011
II their return they trill axailuld,'.
rich. ata,r.raa.ww>,w._
Ptrfitte Library Baud.
Entertainment. '
1 • w I,gooet -
of Trade
ruing, with
11 1Ile chair.
• was the
lulnll members
Ir,vi,wl by the
..1. P. Hume, W. 1'.
is. K. Stiauti'rw' we're
of committee m11afrnu•11
as follows: IuQustriatl.
Hydro. J. 1'. Hume; trans -
has. 4'. Lee:- tluait.'e, T. 11.
Inn.. and .ntrrtelume[li given The annual meeting ,of the loin''
library 4...,r l was held' 114 Saturday.
February. 12th Members present
'hal tntan !hair Mr. Me atte.-1111.1
Clifford. M; sere: `1..itng. 1'011104a•-4,
Tow, Gall :wd itev..1. E. Ford. The
("Met, ing ottk-e•rs were el.sfedi :-1'll,'r-
null. Mr. W. -.t. 4 .,ultlnu--i : treasurer.
)tr, .John halt : sw rotary, miss al.
Aitken: Vons.' committee ltlr. • Ford.
i aha lewd 4l -'11r, Tow, M rs.,a4•Il:lt tic:
Oita nee Mr. held Icha1mum l, alis,
Clifford, at r. -Tow: INok ,on►wittes'
Mr. Long (chairman), with the whole
boird 11r the cuwwittM. - Miss . al.
lit ken .aur r. -appointed librarian and
Mr. J. 1.. Aitken ad caretaker. ('hair
man livid, on behalf of the me niter,
extended to the ladies of the Iss11•d.
Mrs. Mcllattie said Mise, Clifford, a
very hearty wile •, to which Miss
Clifford replied ill tennis of :appirevia•
1fun. Treasurer's r'•bw,rt : 'Rtr•.eipts.
$Lt)5).513: en hooks. swap, and papers,
i<!,1•.t.-41. The- librarian reported :1412
volumes added -daring 1tw.;},wt•. - There
oils 5131.11 an 111. 1.':)s,• ill 1')015111.11011
that, In spite of the*fart tial the Ilh-
S ra ry tea, closed for ..%ell week, in
the spring during the epialentiT of "flu,"
the .ilcuh.1len 1.115 larger this year
111:111 last, :ld was as f'ollow's: 'woks,
for wdnna 192)77, .tor Jneeniter. r; K
wnitatlnes, 2,-43); referent,• 4%11., 29;
a total of 19,707. Tim report for Jan-
uary, 1Ir_1, sMrtyed a circulation ,of
25523 virtuous., which is the larg,s1 use
•r•r•,rd. A partial list of the bunks
purchased in i/rrrnt,er, 19')),.appeears
la th111 issue Ad' Tilt' Signal. '
THE ingredients entering
into our soda biscuits are
the purest and best obtain-
able, regardless of cost.
This accounirs for the rich,
f 't' tasty goodness and pleas -
'''''''''l ing flavor of-
Send us the mak! of your - Car, -model anal year, and
we can supply you with the approved
lender the new Atttontobile Act all' Cars must be
cps iplxdrwit h a Government -approvesl Lens before I'921
i-icenses can be had,
Phone 354 - P. O. faux
tudebaker and Cray -Dort
Let us Ives a demonstration '.
g you a with these
cars before you decide on your spring purchase.
The Best in Photo Plays at th
Week of Feb. 28 to Mar.
Al/01.1'11 Zt'KOR
"Dr. Jekyll and
19 1 4. O Cot e
you need at this Salv.
fa, ! by I44.11IE1tT-1.4)1.114 S
Men's President Suspenders. Regu-
lar $1.00, to clear at 79c
Men's black Overall Pants for men.
Regular $2.50, to clear at.. $1.95
Men's black Working gifts. Regu-
lar $2.25, to clear $1.fi5
Men's heavy Flannelette Night-
gowns. Regular $2.50, to clear
!tt, at SI 6
Men!s.- pad _Garte to clear at.
2 pairs for 35c
Men'sSignal Work Sh' , blackand
white stripe and khaki, to
clear .... $1.39
Men's fine Rubbers, all sizes, to
clear , - $1.50
Men's woi''k Boots, sizes 10 and 11
'only, to clear at ...... • .. $2.45
Kant Krack Collars. For this week
only ' 2 for 55c
Many other lines not listed.
Come in and see for yourself,
See InF:FI)ItI: 1'01'11 EYES the most
'amazing cluing.• of character ever
achieved by a modern arbor iii the
Ireaf.st 'deer of character acting ever
lill11wl. •
Alm a
SENN1:'1"I' t'u\fElol-
i'rires-Matinee Ioe and 241e.
Eve'ging 15e and 30e.
llla►Nl:*4I►.11 and TIICRSDAY.
"High Pockets"
romance of the golden West
Also * two -reel (11ipltaI .'uwesly
Usual friers
\FRIDAi and s.vrt KI)At'
1`niversal 1'ilm, present'
Chas. ixaty.
i'he se rot d part. of the program, tl.e
She Choose'' pi v "our tram C111lfo ma.; m our.
get, w..'. we.' poet( arm^A and very amus
ing. -I he 1• 4 w 5' as ( Ilttws : Felicia
NeedeY - (wstet), Was 'slay Stwhlarl
Saby N.' • r . . t t1, Nies Adelaide
Nairn; (sus 1..-,`tedcy (sa I. r), Miss it.'n 1
(,,,vrn cede; .:r-. Nc, ey lthe,t n others, '
�p1ss 1 e,ri ).1rN,Ily; !tit- R'dr' xn;t''t
(dressmaker). Miss M. Luskin ; • i s !
,\nil. v .' unt0`wrn (4helr aunt fro Cal,•
i, rens). Miss M. Gibbs; mild, Mils Acnes
Sanndefs. 4
"The Path
"Betsy Babbitt" Convert. •
Th • lecture room of Knox church was
well filled on Tuesday evening. when an
Excellent entertainment, was given under
the auspices of tl,e Arthur Circle. The
program ,included two pats -a "Betsy
ticrbbitt"'sketch, and a Play, "Our Aunt
irt,m l ahte,tlw'-." Luta'. of iwt►icts
well performed.
In theflrst part,the perfurmers;qu: inlay
costumed, weir ,supposed to be • calling
up of Deist Bobbitt. andduring their call,
while :ome gave a- sucteasWll '.1 ol't-time
mus,cal numbers, others were is wing
caliat rags. looking aver. Mrs, Bobbin's
family album and chatting. Mrs. 11. 4,.
Dunlop took the (fart of Betsy Bobbitt,
and the others taking par: were MLstes
Advlalde Naito, ('earl, McNally,' Nlary
S rrmlte our, Jean G,We nl"C4:, May Stod-
dart. (tel : toditarr, c,ibbs, M.
Luxton, Akncs Samide's, 'Hazel :Belcher.
1.. J'thnsion, :end Nitsalarms Saunders,
MacD:,natdi MM. r, 1)on,nld-on, Fitltin
and Nal t. -l. 1 he 1011135/ l 4010111., • i ns l uh 4
s1 us hi Miss Belch. r, Miss Scrim, a tete,
and Mrs. Frank Sadhders, ducts by Miss
Naini, and Mts. i)t1h',p, ,tit's lielcbwr
and miss Scrimgeour, vt ,hit sok*, ex
qui. itely'ttMeted, by Ctrs. Raymund
snider, iso veru hue In.,UU11aga1 141.4t -
,,00s by- Mew4,434e -lay ail
the pet formers. ''I he pia nest will Mr .
capacity all winter and the cars are still coming.
in. Bring yours in and have it done; before the
:(piing rush comes.. on.
Our new Battery- charging outfit is working
_splendidly and we are now in a position to handle _
any number Hf -batteries:= - •
We have in'stoak several kinds of the Non-
. Glare Lenses, at prices ranging from $2.75-$•1.50..
Stop walking to work. Come in and get one
of our litew Bicycles. They are here ready for
Case Farm Tractors and Machinery.
ARCTIC ANTI -FREEZE for your Radiator.
Columbia Dry Cells are the best for all purpotoes.
,also a to n 1 ‘‘''-t. rn 4 “wu'ly
1 .11:11 fele,•"
Matinees Monday, Wednes-
day and Saturday.
Every Tailor ---
*Wendy give it; we are of that number.
We criticise our, own clothes more ,
drastically than you Gould, and deliver '
nothing_ tha,t isn't fully up to our
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
• -Old Colborne HL't,i C:orrl•r•
A cn.lnpit'te Sim' ;if • Iii rlt.'c.i i a ; k+;-.:'' ` t r..+at•'=t- 'now- 'tw• its kit�
Beautiful Fixtures
flanging Lamps, etc. '
Electric Heaters, Toasters end other Household
Reading-tln pe
Flashlights aditg= .
Condor Electric Bulbs 50c