HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 44- Thuretlay. February 24. 1921.
the Boy Said
Mother is pleased. and
so anti, with the clothing
we got from you. That is
the kind of clothing we
retch, • they not onit please
mother but also the boy. -
We please both.
You cannot please the
boy if you get some
"cheap," poorly -made suit.
It makes him feel cheap.
Get one of our good.
strong, stylish suits and
the boy will not only be
proud of the suit but
mother will be proud of
both the suit and the boy.
See our Suits at
$10, $13.50, $15
IMR. N. F. WHYARD Is the agent
fur THE SIGNAL. at Dungannon.
I Orders left with hitt for subserip• 1'
tions, advertisements or Job print- 1
Ing will receive prompt attention. 1
I Telephone I(;oderi:b Rut*1) r39. l,
Thursday: Feb. 24.
Iuspc'tor T1.111 was at 1Momaun011
public aeheod today u11 a visit of In-
Much sympathy is felt in Dungan-
non for 3•1rs. N. J. Young and Mr. Lorne
Young, df i:,.lerl.il, in their ber.•ave-
went by the death of their hl.;aaud
and father. \LI_,.S. J., 1' 1co.c. The
family: resided here for mivy years
1 •fore removing to Gotlerleh. '
Mr, fleury .,,ours is not improving
in health as her friend+ wont,' wish.
Brotherhood Banquet. -The itrot ilea -
10.041 - banquet given in the
Methodist church lest Friday
evening was an • iutere"ting
event. The chief speaker of the
evening was Mr. f.aveutry, of Taro it..
who:. address was heard wit.1 great
ptea ire. T. E. Case. M.D...also gave
a very interesting and instructive ad -
areas on Brotherhood, and Messrs. A.
Pentland. of Nile, and S. E. Sander-
son. of Dungannon, were ether speak-
ers. Th.• ladle' provided 1a exevIleut
sapper. Mr. 1.aventry oecupi•cl the
pulpit of the %lethalist church at both
.e(•1ie.•. 11 Sil,l.lay.
I A Gond enacting. -A meeting In the
1111*l •a..d apple•5r0wer+ was held in
/; Allen'. hall on \\'edue4UJay afternoon.
• when the prohlems encountered d -ha the
' growing and warke'ting of apples were
discussed in an able and instr n•th•e
manner by Messrs. 1'. J. I Care! anti
.1. .1. Pritchard, experts sent out by
the Provincial Iteparlmeltt of .\grfeul-
Isere. Mr. S. It. Mothers. et oety Ag-
uuua. Th, meeting
and the tli.ctl.<sion of , such matters
� :1,1,4 .preying. p►8ckhig, soil other phases
� truft•grow•hlg shvnld have g.wwl- re.
rieultural represntative, was eh* Ir.
eetin was well attended,
. Prl ham
W.0 d
Pfione :'
.1. I.. IIF: \1Fat l . IAN c:
has' removed from the People.
G:Ir.1.e to the
on Colborne Street
Jul.! r.,unl the corner from the
(tank •d Tom coerce.
Ii • lea,, steeatal ,) re (•on►pleit.
line of ••••'
.eel !- pretwie.l to give the le't
-.•r%i••4' to owners of Mcl.aughliu
..r nut- Other 4':11'..
Mc1..111 1.111.1N 1. \H \I.I'
'1 hone 3:19 (olbanle St.
Blyth fall fair will be. held on Thursday
and Friday, September 22 and 23.
A quirt wedding was solemnized at 11 30
on We'nesdav morning, February It}th,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs? George
Ashton. Gorrie, in the pre,enc r of imme-
dia e relatives only, when their dau:hter,
Pearl. I.ecame th" bride of John 11 W'at-
s'n. of Myth. Mr, and 11r'. Wats ,n
left for Tornnto and Buffalo, and on tht it
r turn wilt reside in Blyth.
Neuritis, Sciatica. Neuralgia.
Nave brought good
health to half -a -million
A healthful, money -saving remedy,
well known for fifteen years, pre-
scribed by doctors, sold by drug-
gists, $1.00 a box. Mk our agents
or write for a free trial package.
Templeton., 142 King W.. Tamale
Local Agents -Dunlop's Drug Stare.
spent a few days wth her aunt, Mrs.
John Miller, sr,
Mr. Maxwell. of Knox College. is
expected to preach in Calvin church next
Miss May Cameron and Miss Wood, of
Mitchell, spent the week end with Mrs.
W. Cameron.
Mr, W. McQuillin is in Toronto this
week attending the annual convention of
the Mutual- Fire Lnderwr4tt ' Associa-
tion. \�
Mr. James Neely, of Michigan , is visit•
ing his sister. Mrs. D. Tadd. \
At a meeting on Monday evenin of the
U. F. O. they decided to hold a s ow
contest during the next two weeks th
Hugh Rutherford and Frank Todd ' s
captains. The losing side is to give a
social evening. .
\\'e49e4117. F.•b. 23.
- Sir .4--4.4.-Vie-opt rod- f .:ugly • ..t
Jaytl. entree moving to Mr. Nathaniel
lohu.on's hou.e, i nu. e•.siun :1. East
1C, wa ao.h.
Mr. .1. \1'. Stackhouse has scold his
farm t.. Mr. --I 'herbs, law•kw 4'w)' .d
Stratford. lir. Lockwood get. Isr..•.-
'f„u the lilt. o1 April. ,►lr. 1.ockw,14.41
:1 -on-iu I:I vc of \lf era i'i.l carter.
of this eonnunnitr.
1\'4' are glad (o reiolrt that Mir,. W.
1T 111lrow's healon has improved .nf-
tieiently to enable her to rehire home
after {wing eletaiu:.l by illness for
..•%real week: at the le,1(1. ,.f her
daughter. Mrs. 111rcey Treleaven. Ash -
held. - -
Photographs, Paintings
and Prints
Antique Gold
To the Editor ut The tilttnel.
Mr. Editor, -The report 1s current
that the Great War Veterans as a lo-
cal organisation are about to Iw ab-
surbd In a newsoekty or club tom
posed of the citizens generally.
It is to be regretted that this or -
gemination sl ld Iw allowed to lose
Its Identity, and it is even more to be
regretted that we are to form a new
a1+104.11 1tin hl aur town at the present
time. In addition to our chnrches with
their sub -organizations, our eight or '
More Lodges. Marti or Trade. eft.:
we are already uversta•ke41 with KW -
All these instinitiovs are directly in-
terelited in the welfare of our town.
but -on account of their number their
act friths: are so dlversine41 that no real
prokress Is possible.
The hoard of Trade has eonduetwt a
good work. they are already organized
and are establishe,l In a pqrmanent
headquarters. Their annual fee of
$'_:e.II, however. is text high and et -
eludes a great many who would other -
1w' -take an active interest In the
town's affairs. The three-year igrtv-
uieet on which their members signed
mown! expire 1u \lay. and It would tw
too had If this organization were not
continued In some .shape ph the town
-would reap the benefit of the work and
the money already expended. In their
Instead of forming another aswwia-
tion, could we not make use of the
organization such as the Board of
Trade already have frail it by any
name you like;,, and. Instead of mul-
tiplying our +.,14 i,•t! •s. Unite 1110.44' We
atrendy have tinder on • head, and
form ONE IRE -\L society, to Include all
ur citizens?
Make the principal plank in this
new 'society THE WEi.FARE lir
COLBORNE. GuDERII'H and work for this as a
WEDNESgAY. Feb. 23. unit.
Mr. 1'11as. McNeil has sold lite A subs•ommit1(' of this-soel'ty could
.farm uu tie. Lake Shure read, two carry on the work whieh th" 1P•, •r•1
way. An -
tulles from town: to Mr. Ilarry Shields, of Trade have already inkier w
of Dunlop. who gets possession April
('olborne to the Fore. -The ('ultwrrne
Farmers' flub was well repreaenttcl at
a coustitutlon which would be eta14tfc
the whiter short course• at the Culver -j enough to corer all burse branches.
.Arta- of 1i-r,uttu- , Mr1-attending front WP wnnhe
w'ut thus hails one united soy -
this toshfp were Mrs. E. V. Lawson,'
eery of the citizens of aur town work -
SMessrs. Albert Knrschiuski, John
�. K.•pvi�hcul. 1'howa: \Cdlsou and ing for one purpw,s• along definite lines.
Elgin F'i-her. I Instead of a lralfrhizau sot•tctfer all
trying to accomplish the *time end.
'SOCIAL EVENING.-TheColbo'ne Farm- butt each duplicating the efforts of the
erg' Club ere holding a social evening at ! „r her and making no real progress.
the home of \tr. and Mrs U.L. Schwanz, iII ih0 Mattie of eonumom sense, instrnd
111anland concession. Colborne. on Mon -1 of li t ieigto tune a new .wise, tet nil
day evening. February YSth. The evening I try to get Those wa already have to
will be spent in games. music, impromptu I unite and sir .'hat wr clue wrwomplis11.
speeches and other amu -coeurs. A renter ('oneetratr oar efforts for this year
of the shaft course held at Toronto In leaking a •notes of our re-ueiou
University wilt be given by those who in August. then work .out our p.nuan-
is co present i from this locality. Everyone j ent urgauizatlou gradu+illy and eon -
1 flour our efforts to kern Gewlerich in
the front rank as °iTte-Test town in
CARLOW.Canada to lire fu.
Board'_:O./late for las ww•k. a i have no brief from the ward' of
\\'wtnesday, Frh. 'lit. Trade 4'r any m r society. but ani
• writing this limp y as a r•itiz 01 in -
Notes, -Miss Huth Young. of Strat-
i Wrested in the w.•If:ur of Geolerieh.
ford. 1s spending a few weeks with her, l'1INN( IN.
{parent., Mr. uud Mrs. 11. 4'1. Young... -
The 1)..s.w•ial evening that
other 'sub -committee could carry on
the work which the Canadian l'Iilb
formerly handled. and so on. There
should not be much trouble In forming
was to loc• held on the 2.ard has been .
postponed until a later date Sir. MURRAY.-A. lifelong resident of
and Mrs. I1. P. Kennedy prov,wl their Gederich. In the person of William
hnspkalily last Thursday evening by gt..orize Mliray, [missed away on Snn-
%ion rongrela- ,hey. 1'.d,rn:icy lath. after anentertaining the North ilhl.e"
tion. .11 repwa•t.a tf it time \Ir. of several weeks. Mr. Murray was
J.\4arcoe i• insetting his daughter
7'I 1'
at Guelph for a few dy
as M
F. 11. shipped a carload of buckwheat
: this week Mrs. .Tag. \Irltrfde is! Railway here. 114' is survived by his
11EI'.ESPAl Feb. 23: 1 speediug•a 6•w• days with her brother.t wife and three wins: Walter, Claude
.1 uns•tin:; of tiltLade's' :‘id S.w•iety + Mr. "Irvin. 'It Nit,- -,We are glad I ntel 1'rask. Mr. Murray was a member
of 7'nyl+r's 4, io-r wfllal.• le•bl at OW to report that 51r*. A. ,loineden is Jyq1--„1 the Plymouth Brethren and 1l„•
Lome of Mrs Irene 11.lnn•s on Wed. proving Mi' 11114' Mr1'lar's tttnify l fnueral seri 1. on Tnsda}. 1 ith inst..
o, slay, Ma 211•L at 2 o'.•Lo••k p.ul. I friends oro glad to w•4' him ant again.. were roudaehol by Mr. Janes, of Tot;
DEBATE NEXT MONDAY. -Next \'.nnday • • •Tia'' s,o•inl evening at the hall on „oto. as member of that dennmivatton.
ship Farmers" ( hub is to have an open ball chili• was very "u'•,•eisful. The, ,.Ivry, / D. F. Carey. A brother of'the deceased. •
meeting at which the chief feaaura swit he hall team was reorganized`, with Mr..Mr. Henry Scegmlll'r, of Mlelligae.
a debate on the su''j"c' "Resolved. that Pert Wiggins as manager, and is pre. n1'NG.-After several months' of and two grandnieces, . Miss Lang
the city man is greener in the country Pared to Join hi- a league of country 1 illness, Mr. Samuel 3. Young died nn of Buffalo and Mrs. Henderson of
Tu,•-.IaV sat London, where 11e had been lk•amsville, accompanied the remains.
hero to (.l.•rich sixty-two year. ago.
and for Ino.t of his working years be
ens 111 the eniploy`of the 1:rani! Trunk
"The Scotch Store"
ome Smart New Dresses
Just Received a Shipment of Exceedingly Smart New
Silk Dresses in Styles that Are Entirely Different
Misses' smart Duchess Silk ' Exceedingly smart women's rich
Dress, new long -waisted effect, braid quality Duchess Silk Dress, draped
trimmed, bouffant hips, colors of overskirt, panel blouse, bead -trim -
taupe, brown, navy. Special $22.50 med, navy and black. $37.50 each.
. Women's handsome Duchess Silk An attractive all -wool Serge
Dress, overskirt in apron effect and Dress for girls, sailor blouse, middy
waist handsomely braided, new puff style, box -pleated skirt, collar and
sleeves, navy and black. Special cuffs
uffs.b braid
Spetri $m.54 toes 8 to. 14
$31.50 each.
Our Easter arrival of Perrin's
French Kid Gloves, in black, white
and colors. Every pair guaranteed.
Special, per pair $2.95.
We are again showing -this splen-
did' Glove Silk Hose, in black and
colors. Per pair $3.75.
Radium Silk Hosiery, embroid-
ered blocks, very ,stylish for spring
wear, in ,colors of black, white, navy,
' russet. Per pair $2.95.
This is a real special York Flan-
nel, beautiful designs for pyjamas, -
nightgowns and children's wear,
extra quality cloth, 29 inches Wide.
Regular 65c, for 29c per yard.
39c PER YARD izrziwzga
This is an exceptional offering.
lautiful' quality, . splendid designs
fokimonos, etc. Would make
da dy quilt Iij ings. 36 inches wide,
one.) 39c a yard.
Only a limited stock of these specials
Our Corset Department is complete with t e leading spring styles
An Nemos, D & A and P & C Corsets and Bras�s'res, in• styles to suit all
figures. From $1.75 a pair.
If you a:-4' not satisfied with your present styli try Millar's. -
Our Mail Order Department is doi ng a big business. There's a reason.
Mi/lar'sScotch Store 'u'
night, February 214 the Goleri.h Town- Monday. In the interests of the bas. The Interment .war In Maitland cam -
than the country roan in the city.' href`
speakers Irom the township. under the
leadership of-Hteve Trewartha, are to
take the affirmative, w•11ukr a similar '
number of townsmen, with \Ir. Alex, '
Saunders at their hea 1. will argue the i
negative side. The tu!Res ch 'sen are'
Messrs. H. H. Long, W IL Robertson and
I. J. Colwell The m •eting will he held i
in the Orange Hall: 4th, concession. and
everybody is welcome.
Circassian Walnut
English Oaks
Antique Silver
Grey and ivory
-Our Framing is artistic,
inexpensive and satisfactory,
Smith's Art Store
1{est S'. ('hone 1115
"G; vet them at
Laster with a greet-
ing pf
Your Photograph"
1 eta :
J. T, Fell
Monday, Feb. 21.
Miss ll. I'hiit - returned to bel'
past nwrntla at Mr 11'. Ilasty's.
Mrs. %Vita. Crozi. r 1, 'pending a few '
ti,}, with her parents. ND.. and )Its.
11'. 11. ('auipl.•II. of Westfield.
\l141. SIae Meo•iIy .{scot n few' days;
last Week with friends at NIA/eking.
\I r. Muriel. n Shackleton visited
friends to Nextrrietr--esatstrriny hist.
Moat of cur nen attended the ben -
mita in the MO.111..1i*3 chirlrh, 1►I111ga11-
I'In• Valentino social held at the'
bottle Of S1,. N'nt. +r..rhn• o4' \lowlay
last writs as 111.1.1'•.1 .neeess. The pro-
c,e.l. were $1:4' -
1 :17111i --Edna \1, 1 h, S k-
taken for treatment about a week be-
fore. Mr. Young was in his tett'*--
seventh year. He was 1on1 in the
K1NT.\if.. )
The KOita il branch of the 1\'oien's tnwushIla of \\'est 5111w/ai14, h ani-esr-
tied on n general store .nsfness for
lament • will meet on Thnl..1 n
Mandl ar.I, :it 2.311 oicbwk 14111 at
the .111any y,oar" at ihingannlon before com-
ing with his family to G,wlerieh nlrout
ten years Amo. He had n grocery busi-
ness hero for a few years and after
selling out was engaged with other
loyal firms until his illness Laid hien
aside.' 11e Iry survived ly his wife and
WESTF IELD. son Lorne: also by several sl.t•rs and
Following i. the report of Westfield brothers: Mrs, ('hays. Young, of Stara:
public .pool fr.r the seemed week of Nit.* Ziegler. of Carlyle. Sask.: William
I5 ar 11 Mark. of Finllluter.:task.: Thomas,
hoose, adv: Hazel K.•iting.:'1L1; Eddie son. of .Arcola. Ile was a tneni 4'r of
Rodger. art; Mary Farrow, 47-4 Nor. North street Methodist ehilreh and of
man Me111,w,•ll. 471: 111,0514114 ('amp- Scorning Star Lodge, A.l'. & A.M. The
tell -ill'- Truce Redmond al.seut funeral takes place on Friday triter -
w .
1\'. etasa (total /G01-M11l•y 1b•11, 41:5: noon from th4''resldence, Victoria stmt,
(4rnr�• Mason. 1:17: George Ilowatt. to M:litlnnd cemetery, and wih he
377; Elva Walden. :150: Norman Kea t- cond,tcted with Masonic:hrltpnrs. His
lair.:tat; Warren 11:1111dool, 337; %label brother Thomas arrives tonight from
Walden. :t15: Eva Took, 2511: Sarah Saskatchewan, and his sister S(rs.
11owatt. 251 111. cense Itntnl nidi- Chas. Yunng Also is here.,
.bist•ph Bell. :t:o5 : 11ild:a i'Ickcring. 207:
Melly.uno• Kea Iilig. 2:,2; Emerson
' 1(v•lg,'r. 1149. iL class Mutat{ 40ni-
Mary Rodger, a1 1larold 1'a rter. 255:
Irene Tarter: 1141. 'I�t. iL class (total
LI F111 11N. 1 s Yat: Fa•x tae
hone, ,•23e: I:Mine Bamford, • 233:
Madeline 'Walden. 'Late: Edgar ltowatt.
191. 1t. 11. I11:11SII (N 11, Teacher. •
F.dl„slag ia the retort of W."stdela
1(111,11. s'hool for the third wevk *11
I'rhrua ry.
V. ass. 1f otptl 112:11 Brace !led -
;wind ,7w1. Leila Ntackhot.e fern, 1:1-1
enrol N(:lce:honse I0s2. Dough'. ('atinv-1
bell -1156. Norman Mclloweil GO, 11:1701'
Kehthli. \lary Farrow, uud Edward
H,wlg,'r. alw,•n(. IV. Alas. I int al 151111
- Mary (tell 015t Grata. Mason all.
M-,tJel \\'a(h'u :/II. Norman Keating
1147. Elva Walden 4Ct. Eva Cooke :tet,
Sarah Mowatt' 3 R, 'Warren 1tanifonl.
And George Iiow'att. te.se't0 111, 1•IAss
floral ILa(1 Il11da Pickering :•11, .los-
eplt {toll 177. Mclbo me Keating 474,
Emerson Itiwlger 17:1. 11. class (total
:pall llnrvdd 1',l,ter 47:1. Miry R,wt-
ger 4r:., Irene Tarter :;set. I't. II,.
elites I tot t1 :1411-. .F,dna Walsh 434.
Era NtaokhoI.. 4::1, I le,, noir sit
:Knit )•:leen. It:nnford, blue ''Mar(rllite
'Ws Ilea.. absent.
R. 11. 11 1)MI1NI). Te.,eher.
TltEsoAv, Feb 22.
Ali•• Frances ('otter is visiting at the
home of Mt. and Mrs. !tarry Freeman.
Mrs. Percy Stewart is visitinr with her
daughter, Mr*. L. (;ray, at Stratford.
NIr. Harold Fult.rd returned home last
week Jrom Buffalo \1'c are glad to see
him looking so writ.
A large number froth' h're attended the
auc•ion sale of Walter Kingswell today.
\Ir, and Nits.Rus-ell King, of AUhurn,
stent Sunday act Mr ai'd Ahs. l'ercy
The Conk boys herd th1 Wee•My dance
last Friday. at Andy Mcllwatn's, Nile
All report a good time.
The Womeo's \1itsionary Society held
their `monthly meeting at the horde of
Mrs. A. Ii. Clutton. During the afternoon
they presented Mrs. James Hamilton with
a silver casserole Mrs. Hamilton or-
ganised this Society twenty-five years
' ,;armee ST, Ilh1.ENS,
Tuesoav, N.
Mrs. Ed, 'ravine, of Westfield, is a
visitor wp th her relative'. this week.
Miss G!My' Welsh, of Stratford Normal.
was home over Sind ty.
Mita Annie Fletc:tet, of Tilktoaburg.,
Tial? the f,41ow•4 yon s4'(' .•110 Are
dressed Rt to kill aren't worth killing.
--Roanoke Timms►
MEEr,M1LLElt.-Tie remains - of
the hate Mlss Elizabeth 'Seegmfller,
who (Sett At Buffalo on Friday last,
were brought to Goderlr•h nu Monday
for interment In Maitland cemetery.
.\ service wax conducted at the grave
by ArcInli'1cou Jones -Bateman'. The
pallbearers were !Sheriff Reynold.,
Capt. .1. Si. Shephard, Messrs. H. e..
Flays, C. A. Nairn, F. F. Lawrenee anti
OXO Cubes are a
wonderful invention
they contain ju:'.t
those element
which nature nee( .1
to make good the
wear and tear of
fife. A cup of OXO,
with a biscuit or t•'' o.
Sustains for hour.;.
Pero Poof Oat c.s .
'rile Ms..•weal was a daughter of the
Late Jacob Seegmlller who eame from
Ih.11and and livid In Galerich for A
number of years. dying here in 1x7:1.
We Are informed that• he built the
British Exchange hotel. and later eon-
dnet.l n tannery on the river bank
hent the end of North street. Two of
his sons for a number of years rail
the fnnnlry' on East street. After
leaving Galerlch the late )Iles Meeg-
miller dtthled most of her time between
two .sisters, Mrs. Rob•rtwon of Strat-
ford, now deceased, and Mrs. Cameron
of hustings. Nebraska, who survives.
She a, in her el_htleth ,year.
MarMATIL-Hugh MaeMath, who
died at Toronto on Sunday, was born
near I:nderi191 and 1i1141 In this town
for sone years before removing 10
Toronto. Two brothers, William and
Januar JLI,Meth, well known in Grsd-
ei l h, pr.tere•awd him. The following
is from The Toronto Globe of Monday:
In the death of lltlgh MaeMath At
his home, 94) Lansdowne avenue, ye'a-
terdny. I'arkdate loses one of Be pio-
neer re -admits, Mr. MaeMath, who was
born in llnron county in 1!441, came
to Toronto and settled In Parkdale In
11479. in that municipality he WAS
11p1 (1111141 nrsessnr In Paid and held
that office for two years, when he was
elet•te'd Reeve. lie wase nt different
tini.•x.i1 member of the county council
of York and elected 1ldermaui of the
city In l'a91. He was nn' of the oIb,.t
real estate dealers In the city, haling
opened his „Rhe in I'arkilale In Iowa,
Mr. NI1•Math tarok a deep Interest in
e,henlion, hiring one of the original
promoters• of Jameson avenue ('olleg-
tate Institute. it member of ifs first
.Hurd of truster, And 14114, n fres .14
Of Centre! T,rhnical tk•had. .11,' wear
superintendent of the Andrew Mercer
Reformatory $uadt►y ....hoot end was
for fourteen years treasurer of the
Board ,if the Home for Incurable/a In
reit/titer Mr. MaeMath was a Presby-
terian. Ile was a lifelong Presby-
'r ihy-and long a member of the Masonic
tinder 11e I.s lalrvlaed by hitt widltw
and three adopted children, Miss Louise
Nettle. Pittsburg; Charles 1.. (ionlon.
•1'orotcn, and Jatller Broaden MaeMath.
For That Cough or Cold
Riker's Syrup of Tar With Cod Liver Extract
Laxative Cold Tablets with Aspirin
a, ��
Money refunded if not satisfied.
"Er r- 1 want torte sort of a present for
a young lady."
• "Sweet heart or sister ?"
"Et - why, she hasn't aid yet Which
she'll be."
none No. 1 The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block
Another Use for 'Em.
Want white man to milk and run Ford
car; one mile south of Fifteenth on'tewis.
-- Advt.
A friend by your side 1s worth two
enemies in the hush.
On one occasion a famous humorist was
the guest of the Savage Cluh in London.
For the text of his afterdinner speech he
chrome the subject of "Honesty."
He related that when a mere bov he
saw a cart laden with melons outride a
stere and nobody ab tut.
On the spur of the moment hestole a ,
melon and darted away.
•'I -soon got my teeth into that melon,"
said the humorist ; "but instantly'a queer
sensation assailed me and a shiver went
through me, My resolve was taken at
once. 1 went back •to that cart and I
replaced the melon"-(;oud applause)-
'coed --and 1. took a ripe enc !;:
"Look here." sa;d the irate bridegroom,
"in your acc+ u'tt of my wedding yester-
day you aid 1 win launched on the
stormy sea of matrimony,''
"That's correct." replied. tha editor,
"But 1 don't like that. it doesn't sound
right and I want you to make a retrac-
(1 n."
"Young man, you married old man
Jimpsnn's daughter, didn't you ?"
"Well, I've known the girl longer than
You have, and 1 knew her mother before
her. You'll noon And out that 'Wray
seas' M nett."
I have opened a Repair Shu In
the stand at the, corner of F
And Victoria streets, :formerly
, occupied by the late Adam
3 Thompson, Rlack,mith.
Repairing Radiation,
Bodies of Can.
Aeetylete Welding of all Cisda.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Thos. Hoggartli
T'hoae :9ai w
Life is Three Warnes.
"Stop. look, listen 1"
The reflective man stopped to rad the'
iailyded warning.
"Thom three words illustrate tie
whole scheme of life,' said he.
' {Tow ?"
"You see a pretty eirl • you strip ; yon
look ; after you m rry her you listen.''---
Ladies' Home Journal.
A simile is always worth Ira face
itP t
, 40101