HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 3ABLE TO 00 HER WORK After Long Suffering Mrs. Peasay Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ont.—"I suffered with Irregular menstruation, was weak and run down, could not eat and had headaches. The worst symptoms were dragging down pains, so bad I sometimes thought 1 would go crazy and 1 seemed to be smothering. I was in this condition for two or three years and could not seem to wart. I tried all kinds of medicines and had been treated by physicians but received no benefit. I found one of your booklets and felt inclined to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 received the b..t results from It and now 1 keep house and go out to work and am like* a new woman. I have recommended your Vegetable Compound to my friends and if those facts will help Some ,,,,00r woman use them as you ple se. —Mrs. J. F. Plugs, 387 King St., Toronto. Ontario. If you are one of these women do Dot suffer for four or five years u Mrs. Peavey did. but profit by her experience and be restored to bealth. COLBORNE ORGANIZES. Temperance Workers of Township Pre- pare fur Else Referendum. An enthuslantic unwtIng of temper- • awe workers of Colborne townahip was held in the toivuship l'arlow. oni Monday evening last for the purpose of waking arrangements fur the tem- iwrance campaign 111 view of the re- ferendum vote which is to be taken Lu April next. A eimunittee for each polling sub- division in the municipality was ap- pointed and their duties specified US follows: s4a. to It that the ti:tines of all twrisons entitled to vot•• i in the question are placed un the lists. i b To arrange for a public meet- ing in each polling sub -division before ths- vote Is taken, at which the tem Iterative situation %%MI he.explaintal and discussed. lei. To raise the sum of $S0.00 as a ramp/sign fund. Tills is the anionut which has town tasked from this mule Icipality ca It, sihare of the clounty's share we the Provincial budget. This amount was divided AA f1111111CM: Division No. 1 4 No. 2 1 Sett fonl I, $1i; No. 3 lea [low y, 2t: No. 4 I Leeburn $15. The committeies appointed are: Division No. N. Kehtighan John Long, Wm. Stevens, Miss St*Svart Division No. 2.—James Adams, Jus McManus, Mrs. Gordon Bisset. Division No. 3.—Chas. A. Robertson. W. W. Walter, A. P. Sheppard, W. C. Itolwrtimon. Division No. 4.—Edwanl Shaw, AC, Geo. Freemen, Clarence Dustow, Perry Stewart. The first person named on etnumittoe to Iw citeirman and convener. Mr. Geo. Curry was appointed tlic • • Rund e's None -Such firAtan orBeast,Erternal or internal 7Ae Geo.H.12undle Son GLid Lindsor, Ont. ,,yourilaierhasn't it, we will send \Rundle's None -Such Liniment prepaid to your address for $1.10 Money back i not satisfied TEM SIGNAL tiODERIOLL ONT. There is as much difference be- tween Sunlight Soap and its imitators as there is between sunlight and artificial light. Why P Absolutsi purity with superior elasosing powisrs—more real r money—you get them in Sunlight Soap BROTHERS LIMITED • TORONTO ONT. delegate from the township to the Pro- : a year, unless special busiiwss should crucial convention at Toronto this arisie ? In such erect special nwet-, week. I Ines could be called to meet this need. Hoping that our Chapter will (on - GENERAL BROUGH CHAPTER. 1 thine the g0041 work it has sought to do In former years, I am. Y reit tctf Ily Annual Meeting—Repeets of Last Year's Work Presented. The annual mei-ting t he General 'trough Cha0 Chapter, 1..11 n E., was held o Monday :afternoon, 14th inst. Officers for the cinuitig year were eifect(!il 45 follow.: Ite;zetit. Mrs. Maedonald; ,Ist regent. Mrs. Gall ('lark ; 2nil vice- regent, Mrs. Walter Naftel; mocretary, Mks IA•Tt, t rea surer, MN. standard-bearer, Mrs. M. G. Cameron: councillors, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Murney. Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Coul- , Bast. Mrs. MacEwan. Miss Walton, ' Mrs. Griffin. Miss Lewrence. repotts of the secretary and treasurer were as f011OWM: Secretary's Report. Goderleh, February 14, 1021. Maulatu Iti•gent, Fellow-901cent and . Members,— The following is my report of tlie General 'trough Chapter, 1. 0. 11. E., for the year just closed : Four regular and two special, meet- ings were held 414.ring the year just past. Th.. funds of our Chapter are In flourishing condition. having been con- siderably increase(' by tile proceeds from our "The• 1)1)0,411 fl(, one of the gayest funerions held in Goilerich dur- ing the summer months. This year we have again undertaken the support of a pupil in one of the 'schools of British India. and have'en- deavoured in addition to contribute to her happinemeby making bier a special penguin' gift at Christmas. Twenty-five dollars wax given to the Chluese famine fund to help alleviate the distress in China. Along with • of the other chap- ters of (bo'liaugliterm of the Empire some of our members sold tiekets for the slimmer 4 'hit uta 41(311)1 mune. and thus raised wore than sievetI utv-ve dollars to forward te the 1. O. D. E. Memorial Fund for sodiers lehildren. At this. our annual meeting. would it not be WISP for us to diecusis the wheloin of holding our meetings leas frequently. that Is to say four' times ourspi u . C. LE TOUZEL, Secretary: Treiroirer'h Report. Animal financial report of .the eral Drone' i'hepter, I. O. E., February, 1141. ' Receipts Pink luilance, Feb. 1, 1920....$ lid 67 Sale of coal oil 'stove ..... 18 25 luterest, Victory loan S 25 Proceeds; of Chautauqua leeture- 90 :s4 Brink interest • 3 23 Proceeds from Tea Dianmant held at pavilion litti 10 Interest,Victory loan X 25 Fees 375 $314i 84 Expenditures C'beque to National Treasurer for fees, 1919 $ 6 75 Paid .C. C. Lee. account 3 91 rheque to Miss Edwardb, fees for membership, Provincial . Chapter 5 00 Paid G. Stewart, account for flowers 7, 50 Cheque to C. C.. Lee, tzxpeuswim re Chautauqua lecture ..., 12 50 Cheque to Mien Foster/ re Zenana Ilible and Medical Cheque to Mists Edwards.- re War Memorial fund 77 444 Paid Millar & Mon, material for dress for Indian girl .. 9 10 Cheque to A. M. Holwrtson, re British Red Cross fund 25 00 Expenses, Tru 1/UUSilllt at• pavilion 24 9)4 Stamps Balance in bank I-"' 42 $318 84 -3,-.--MiteRWAft----- Treas. Gen. !trough ('hapter. 1.11,1).E. - Terrible. "But; fattiv," said the pretty heiress, "if you refuse. Jack will die of a broken heart." You are a poor diag- nostician, my child." returned her parent. "The troub!e he is more likely to die of is starvation.' NEW BOOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY. VW lilt. Ciely--Gien of High North. The Purti: Men Play Baxter—The Plower of ."%amtest, J:2 -Desert Love. Dell The Hundredth Chunee. The Top of the World: 'The Itoeks of Vulpre. Great "trait.' I liver—Strong Hours. 4 'A rswell Open the Deem Grey --The Hiders of the Purple Sage. Thr Light of Western Stara. The Heritage of the Des.ert. The U. P. Trail.' The Ita ItiIuw 'I'ra 11. Bower—The 011irt. litirrouglis—Targan the Untamed. Haggard—The Ancient Hooker --The Long Itim Trail. Eing—The City of Comrades. Fermi—Black Itartlenty's Treasure. Hocking—The Passion for bite. Ishaut—The Nut Cracker. Kerr --The Dine Envelope. Lincoln-- Mary.Gusta. The l'ortygee. 14.4 Nlan. The Search. I•Nit Betty. Clinuly Jewel. Meliowaii,--1:raplon of Windermere. Nlet'utelteon---West Wind Drift. MeKetitin —lady Lillith. Niel:ratio—The Drums of Jeopardy. Norris—Harriet and the Piper. oppenheitu—The Deyit'm I'aw. Parkaril—.Phe White Moll. Porter—Tlir Story of Marco. Tangled Threads. _ . The Tiethat Binds. Oh. Money. Money. Illehniond-,-Straisiserry Acrea. r Round the Corner in (lag. Rt. linker the Country Sky.: Stringer—The Prairie Mother. • Supper—The Human Touch. Tracy—The Strange. Case of Bit* Mortimer Fenley.. W4•16—.1onn and Peter. Wallace—Troop,11,11t.gd the Labrador. Wright—When a Man's a Man. . . That Priuter of Udell's. The Whole Family by Twelve Authrirm. Tlw non-flction and the jettveniles *111 appear in an early.issue. Reverie. 'was the night lwfore pay-day. And all through wy Jeans I Wlis starching in vain For the price of some beans. But nothing was doing : The milled emlge had quit Ni,t a penny was stirring— Not- even a jit. Beckaard. turn backward, - 011,•tinie, in your flight ; Make It to -morrow Just for to -night "How do ycti like that typist I sent you ? Is she accurate at d careful eno gh for you'?" I "Young Mr. and Mrs. Newed are in a "No doubt of her being careful," was dreadful predicament," said a man at the the reply. "She slots and asks me how club. to spell every word." I "Yes ? 'low so?" said another chap. Thursday. February 24,•1921-3 After Every Meal RI LEY Sealed Kept Ri Stilt 5c # WRIGLEY'S has steadily kept to the pre-war price. And to the same high stand- ard of quality. No other goody lasts so Ion g costs so little or does 7 so m . uch f you. Handy to carry beneficial in effect - full of flavor -a solace and comfort for young and old. THE FLAVOR LASTS. Sad leament. "Why, you see. they paid so much for their going away outfits that they can't go away. Nature sometimes stores a lot of brains hind a witty Iffae. Ati _"STEEL'S" Hundreds of Low Prked Offerings Grocery Specials Saturday A Few of the Big Bargains pc per can / 2 lbs. 23c 2 lbs. 53c Rice, finest quality, 3 lbs. Coffee, good quality, in I -lb. Tins Laundry Soap, 3 bars Nice patterns in Curtaining 10c a yard Boudoir and Dust Caps 10c each Ladies' House Dresses, special 89c Pillow Cases 49c each Tea Aprons 39c each Black Voile Blouses $1.00 each Towels Turkish Towels, big choice I5c-79c Big assortment of Washcloths Underwear Ladies' Summer Vests, just arrived, 39c each Men's Unaerwear, good quality It will pay you to shop here. Come in and look around. 25c British Columbia/Salmon = 35c Sugar, finest graulated 25c Good Quality. ea Art- Goods Bu fet embriordered, specia $1.00 ch - Big assortment of Stamped Art oods Hardware / Steel Hammers 59c to $1.00 Panel Saws, big value $1.00 Curtain Rods, big white and brass knobs I5c each Towel Bars, nickel=plated -15c each Our Prices in Paints and Brushes are right. Gents' War Dandy Ties, latest patterns 98c each Socks, light or heavy, from 35c to $1.00 Suspenders 79c pair 440 MB Smallwares and Notions oat and Suit ButtonS Mc and 1gc acard Safety Pins Common Pins Men's Pipes Tobacco Pouches Jewelr Collar Buttons, by the foot I5c Cuff Links 15c to 89c Beauty Pins I5c card Brooches, big assortment -- 15c card Phonograph Records "Feather Your Nest" vocal or instrumental $1.00 each Also a big line of Sacred Hymns and Scotch Songs. 5c per card 3 cards 10c 49c each 25c each L. R. STEEL CO., Limited, 5c to$Loo Store I