HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 2I -Thursday February 24, 1921.
Thursday ,February 24, 1921.
Sir All/11111 heck opposes the prupiyr.al
of the committee of the Legislattfre to
Place a Provincial fee of two dullard
a ioratepower uu hydro-electricpower
geueratel from Provincial .sources.
Addressing a meeting of members of
the fiesta use M lay Alight he
said that this tax would alit $ 44t;
last additional for Toronto -u pay, and
the inference was that T sotto could
out afford" to pay 1t.
Those who desire ■ e cyte In the
preseut system of power charges could
hardly have a better 1ptuweut for
. their side of the ease lieu this state-
ment by Sir Adam •k. If Toronto
cannot afford to p y an additional
two dollars per h power, making
the total charge j1 :oil, how are towns
lint so highly' tivrred as Toronto to
_a _ylth u luitlal eharge of
/10 W $10? S .ttlam heck's sym-
pathy for Toros a aw•ms to Iw slightly
wisplaceal WIw it is all fur Toronto
with a price f $111.7itt.uud not at all
for a wore •f towns that are laying
two or 11 tlwes that price.
1f tits proposal of the .cum•
stiffer 1. Just, and air Adam
Beck's atfmate. is correct. Tor -
Onto i. a Reser Uettliig away each
. year w th a large cool that rightly
ehouli have gone to the 1'rut•Ince. and
Sir lain eolly pr .rose: that Toronto
shot d hi alluw•e•ij 'tu get ant 'is 111111411
rat re Ot $'2111,1aa1 from the Pros. inee for
If tlw Hytlm municipalities are to be
Ilowwl dei h+e the 1•rovltseial power r'-
sxrure es .,wathutit charge, why not give
the tllniter companies free aeeesy to
•..-thetimber-uterine •ow-ned Iry the I'r.t-
v'IuerT T1 line is to be a .mire.• of
venue to the Province. achy not the
to cin or
plants h
for the his
power Maitre
onto and the .1Iwr mrnik•ipelltie+
oxlntlty- to the Nhtgara ismer
ve hail a pretty ',sat thing
ten years iii the matter of
It Is time the out -
aide' - help 111iot asserted shone
selves, lacfure the r Industrial possibil-
ities are sucked dr,•
• What is .so rare as a Jun
Fe ruary 1 _:
_. _. .. -4e9f; - eiigllTful. feed caTa
attain makes its appearance as the
banger of spring
day in
elms= dr
Into a Crockery Teapot
Put a teaspoonful of the genuine
for every TWO cups. Pour on freshly BOILING
water and let it stand for five minutes. THE
RESULT will be the most perfect flavoured
tea you ever tasted. rw
done great things for Egypt and probably room transition into a full-fledged city,
for many years to come wiil retain a large the people eontiuut� to "saw wood"
interest in the government of the country. and deserve to win. lust now 9 is a
thtx harvester they are pushing, and
we hope it anti other embryonic en -
A New York judge says that Great' terpriwa will herr trent as well as
Britain should grant Canada its freedom.:
blossoms. What clout Brussels get -
The judge should come over to Canada
and get some information on the subject.:• thug it muco on?
Canada is so oppressed that she can place
a cu -toms tax on British goods while being
allowed free entry Into the British market, THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL
and can ask the protection Of the British
navy without spending a cent of her own
n naval defence, unless she choo_es to do
it. •
There IS a good deal in these remarks
by an "exchange' : Whatever effect it
may have, the movement to the cities Is
largely caused by the residents of the
rural sections themselves. So long as
they continue to send the bulk of their
ready money to the mill order houses
and other city allurements, just so long
wilt the young people continue to follow
those strtams of wealth. Before we
censure the juvenile sinners too severely
let us realize how much we are to blame
By tan Dunelm.
Ottawa. Feb. 21.--11 is seldom that
a session gets rlgltt down fo hardpan
in tate first week. The tart that this
one has already donne so is indicative
of the things which may he expected
in the weeks that, ti re to follow.
1'he lung and drsory debate "a rice
address in repay t4 the speech from
- the Throne, while it may develop all
the signs of dreariness use Leery: s;ae,rt
notice, Is this session a real. live thing,
liable to break our in new interest no-
Iaaly kuows where. First Mr. King
Throws the fat lino the tire by Moving
nut amendment to the address which.
if it were carriecl, would de•l:tre want
of confidence in the Got•ersewent. And
the probabilities are that. while it may
not pass. the amendment will come
sttheiently elute tit throw a scare into
the Government. Looking over the
A big comet is traveling towards the r Hunye from the frees Gallery, •
,xrasiunally counting noses in the at -
earth at a tremendous speed, according to telupt to ,ger ha line on the (loupe
the report of astronomers, and a collision' strength of'thetwo steles, • cannot
will occur on June 26th, uniest tither the help but be struck with the fact that
rte; there are, usually more mendorrs of
earth f the coutbhted 11pp.sitIon use hand than
adorn the Mi iisterial beis•ht s. If a
lay; division were foneil nt -sty time. and
_comet or the earth swerves
orbit. If a collision is averted, t
will be in the midst of an fmmensed
of fireworks and there will be the g ea
fill he necessary for the Guvernweut
to exercise constant vigilance this
year, otherwise they will 'Make up
some day and Mal flair majority g
Hon. Mackenzie King shows w(gns of
improvement. In his nue effort thus
far In the Homo., he *bowed better
Judgweat then during haat seayelose,
and, though always dramatic, got hJs
message of lack of contteleuee across
fairly will. The Prime Violater, al-
ways as kern as a rapier in his retorts.
to ant opponent, hit beck Is, lighting
form, but when he had spoken tine
hot lulu had fairly well Iroppwi out of
the Government's early reply to the
A ('lase Shave.
E. W. Nesbitt, of Oxford, always
tomrwhat of a reactlotwry, jumped
into a lad broach on the third day and
*ought to pull the Government rat of
a hole by Its .sha•tups. At the same
time, there was the nearest thing to a
ware that has happened to many w•s-
.sio s. The LII orals had let It be
known that A. It McMaster, of Brume,
was to ape•ak .ti the address. The
Goverumeut had Dr. J. W. Edwards,
the wine's. member from Frouteuaes
ail line) up and' ready, but the bottom
dropped out when air George Foster
launched luta a speech on the League
of Nations and described it as the
pence* for all the Ills of 4 war -turn
world. The House fovea to hear aur
Georg. -but there It such a thing ea
ties much League of Nations for some
the rwiwrs, and they began to
op out. When air George Foster
finished. E. B. Devlin. of Wright. took
tip the cudgels for the Liberals, and
mum of Ike- Got•erumeut members;
elrlftert unit, ail. Mr. Devlin at limes
has a habit of la•lug rather verbose.
The tvitsequenee was that when Mr.
Deep" dropped into Iris seat it the S01.1) iN GODERI('ll 131
emu bf tea minutes Dr. Edwards was J. A. l'AIIPBELL
not In the chamber and the Govern-
ment had nobody in sight to speak.
There was t-otsddergjde humming of his hour.
and hawing as each aide waited for : There were others waiting, tuu.; le
the tither to pat on :a sp ...., ' e .e:, • ac:_! ;: !a 1
then the Milers is began caning f House was Interested In what Mr.
-question.- The speaker had reached !Gauthier was about to du. Thou the
for the (positionto read 9 when Nes-thunder rolled and ' the lightning
blit gut the floor dud kept the thing I flashed. Mr. Gauthier. with all the
alive. Had there1 u a division at platform declatuatl et of walk•% he wait
the time, tune anllelalt set would prole.capable. drew ruuwl after round, of
ably have leen beaten. for there would Government cheers by clssennnciug his
have been ten minutes' ringing of the fon-uwr friends as wen who vui:eed
division bells to summon the laggards principles but did not live. up to thew.
frons their lairs, but. tor the other They talked of free trade but :they
1wnl there were so few l ernn t were in favor of'
protections Mcg
ice s 'louse; that t1 Mint- t
seem r In the II se ha !e• 1}suthirKi declared. '1'lu• old hater
I-etertal party could not afford to take was dead anti in his place Barre war
any chances,\ t a wan wboMr. t:authi.r could
.l Disappointed Poiltkian.` out w a *Mow. true; the: -tour of Quebec had
i cisme, lir. Gauthier declared, : He
Mr. Gauthier, the gentleman 'front„ stood forth as a John the Rapti+t is
Ste. Hyacinthe who last session (-liked't.he wilderness of "No-man's-land"
3t r the cuwbinatluu Oppasitiou cote!
in ele•trifylugt tones of ••meter's telling, of true man who was to stone,
shower .of meteprs ever experienced, lea I s"Iidly, it tynuld not he surprising to hour.' again again did• a little elertrifyiu , from
.ew Ihr I:uvei•umeht 111("3!"1. n lluele\ and of lions and who
the wise men say. IOU can bet on it the\ to his owti heck when hr took ittrt in would :ave\the situations That and
//n the Amhtua Seat. the but upset much more id Mr. Gauthier, acv he
old earth wall not move out of her meas. fray.ell his previous r
After the- late unpleasantness -over in 1.._ ,%lout the hardest Job in tit•-i(ouwt gtaal work by launching into a lot of Tinel . ngaiu st the amendment in -
Of utntn'ei)tei-airthe -iresenit tine tirtli*s Pers I stuff. NI r. l:atttlder had. dor- troduerdsLy the Iheral leader, but is
Europe a shower 01 meteors has no terror •S. t e Chief Gutrrunteut whip. And ling the recess, dofle much dickering spoiled the effect ,y making teat much
for her. - ) More , i because the t:uverutneut sup- with the Government Warty managers' of perseniii attach against his former
porters tint so welld(seiplittel acs With PILAW _t,, ilig, ossti.ility ill_ bis true,.1s .. Tl.. -fes ...__-.4,04„„.• „ttd-
Wholesale Arrests
Canadians With Coughs
Halt! Who goes there, Someons
with a cough. Pau friend! Stop
sough! you are under arrest. Thous-
ands of such arrests are being made
every day in all parts of Canada. Too
long have coughs and colds evaded
j)ust co and caused untold suffering to
Lumaalty, but at last they have been
cornered and overpowered by Can-
ada's famous cough dete.Uve-Buck."
ley's Bronchitis Mixture. Did you
ever hear of this wonderful remed4t
Why, everybody is talking and writ-
ing about the great work it is doiag
in curing coughs, Bolds, brine/dna,
asthma, etc.
The following i• one of thoasaade
of letters received: -"Kindly adapt
my sincere thanks for the benefit IV
wife derived by the use of one of you/
bottles of Bronchitis Mixture. IW
over thirteen years she has outing
acutely. Atter spending dollar after
dollar upon various remedies, no re-'
clef was obtained. Hearin` of your
most marvelous remedy she decided is
give it a trial and I am glad to sal
one bottle has made her well. Yotl
are at liberty to use my name as
should be only too pleased to answer
any inquiries. Sincerely yours, Joha
Holmes, Yorkville Ave." The orig-
inal of this letter may be seen at
W. K. Beekley, Limited, 142 Mutual
St, Toronto. Don't allow s Dough or
sold to linger with you. Away with
it! Hail Buckley's Mixture and have
cough arrested. This remedy never
fails. On every bottle is a guarantee
to refund tae mosey if not satisfac-
tory. Delays are daageroua. Order
now from your Druggist -
The Mussel's Posit styti The Post is they mfg t Ise and are somewhat prone a occupying a twat in Mr. MrlKhru's, traitor" sop cl fro his lits with
much pltavect set the uptiulstie spirit h. taking ulldayv when Bil;v feel likeICabinet. But the .lee•,it 411.1 out course' greit' gusto• out their eflec: was
it. ' T(ii. se. fun, to wake things more i 111T. 11 ss,'ir, wle•se the 1111 ofa•ntc1 largely .pullet Liniiise int din out atop
displayed by 6tale rich residents in an Iry•log for t• party ntainger. the j11r. :ant bier' -was It•rw.na nun -grata soon eumtgh. Ihil bearet'-wa-e unkind
effort to roost site r ty town, is tel-1.11a•lal. leave 4 1 1 agi tlwi• and. sleskWtil with tete Liberal., aril hfa eeagpaw>:r'trout h to vny, . reit Is..the\prli-e Ot`%
It would Is• a good thin:. we believe, that they w ill sallow no pairs. The : laeyosed the fail that it int itit eu,ex(ra ; p..rtfoliu." '
Governno'ul. ant a uutjority nt tittle , vote•. nus not ltat•rietlarly -aught;tiy t lir. Gauthier Is over in lite spate
If 1 t set eels awl otit,r tow us :ti' 1 t limp._
oc.•r twwty. Ins a nut ten enc cls.• .{ti t ale /nrr•i711, ny set..:._ -an - Mr. t aCtthier_between the Liberals and the Fa mor
took a leaf brut theCr .k. N,tlw' • , ilst anil itis ifFser fat ser_ fifewhit• are. nt4erel foitltgigtnthe desert anti tot from wide•lt 1t, (v an tains step across
, „standing h1.,nt• a rebuff deft sink nff'se•ldom in the 11 il-.- The oppo 11Wu. .n•matilelatsl. where h" sat with a; the floor to the Government ritpka
use the
other ha* iI to beall on idlaeral'on fixe dyne !land 111111 an Farmer, whenever the induemenla`are st.-OJtg
Itnrou's (-alpha)
hum having a mash- deck set•
r within 'eu•hlti distaste... 1, , nu the other, awl waited.. for the stroke.. enough to cause hila -to malts.tit•
... N.. break. Illy 'Teel. II in the de•Iiate Wit
anything hitt conciliatory and will
r . it•ulat113- bring forth more thhneier
' frotu.tht incisive Hon. Rodolphe Lem-
ieux whenever that gentleman is teel-
Ing fit and he considers the time is
Stragglers Coming In.
It looks. this last couple of days. as
though calls are being sent out t. the
Government supporters telling them to
get its, here sett the Joh. Three or four
Move drifted In Inconspicuously today
and - slippery into their seats in the
riainnla•r, but there are wan.• yet to
come. ant -suns who w -.d$ out be here
until their state of heahi lmprov.•a,
The Government -hats lost three sup-
porters In the recess period, A. K. Mac-
lean, 'W. A. Buchanan and J. A. Camp-
bell. and, if there Is not too great a
htrlgr of ifs and buts behind hie dec-
larations, it lucks as' though Freed
Retell, of Neepawa, would also cross
�, . the Rorie when he gets here within a
I clans Or 190.
7qh �e • There iii nitwit talk of t'nbit tafy
'/ / '7Cc is ennstru.•tfou and half a dozen p LLL lllSSILLS J t/�f� L`otJ Minding that of lir. EarthierIng freely tnesetion.rl. At the. s:atae
• time, r , lir. 144•{d ',an • to the
.11i e•, life - - -
lion. 1'. E. Itlondin heaving the Cabinet
- lint it must lac remewlwncl that any
such re•onstructlun of th.t Cabinet
means that the Guvernmant must eie-
prive itself of perhaps ten votes for
five or sur woke. $tit -h a thing la out
of t1te1 question, So there is not murk
likelihood of the -lienee Irving taken
unless dissolution Is close at haul.
The Orill *.Packet, which never forgets
anything, reminds us, that we should be
thankful that there is no influenz t abroad
this year. At this time last year there was
a great deal of sickness.
Godetich old boys and girls scattered
Over the continent and bey end are re-
quested to bear in mind the dates or the
Old Home Week -August 7, 8.0 and 10.. -
.and arrange to b2 ho ire for the event.
It is maid that rnsa's voice is like-
ly to Is• lattees-deet ever after tlw ill-,
nes. which nearly task ftlut to the
grave. .1-titit it pity that ....me rather
people could nevi have the' same 5-411ce
treat went?
Under the new school attendance act.
what is to be done with the boys from
fourteen to sixteen years of age who show
not the "book learninss be accompanie
with some provision for manual training?
The Eastern States had a blizzard on
Sunday'Io severe that 7,000 men were at
work in yew York City alone trying to
keep thoroughfares open for traffic. Old
west, Lim, ibere Las been severe_ weather.
In this part of Ontario we have the finest
of open winter weather. '
Walkerton has adopted a civic coat -of -
arms. or crest. This is an article of
furniture which b lacking in Gutle:ich up
to the present. Now that we are to have
Fhe Old Boys all home this coming stem•
mer, would It not be a good time to equip
ourselves with an appropriate heraldic
device and show some style ?
• 'I
The 'deal h of Mr. W. M. O'Beirne,
editor ei 'lite Stratford lieact n, removes a
familiar figure in Ontario journalism. Mr.
O'Beirne had conducted The Beacon forte
Everything you cook or bake will, be
more delicious if you Use EASIFIRST.
It is the ideal shortening -always of the
sante fligh quality. Economical to buy.
.Economical to use -12 ounces go as far
EASIFIRST left afte'r frying anything
can be used for something else without
carrying over food flavors.
Lord Milner, ihe :into( tat, advo,ating
the conces.sion of self-government to
Egypt is a strange sigfit. Evidently he
hat travelled far since his South Africa
days, when he reaisted the liberal treat-
ment of that country which has since
been so 'bun/la/iffy just ifitd. f3ritain has
These things being so-EASIFIRST .
will save you money every week of the
year. Easily proved -your first carton
of tatSIFIRST will do it.
3 cups flour.
3 teaspoons baking powder.
I teaspoon salt.
tablespoon sugar.
Sift flour, salt and baking pow-
der together. Add sugar, rub in
EASIFIRST, add Sweet. milk to
make soft (lough.' altdierately hot
oven For a delightful variation,
press ipto top of !Ark bioicult a
small piece of auger Irsif which has
been dipped into orange juice, or
drop a small portion of rcipberry
jant into a little hollow. Bake as
Your grocer supfilv you. Sold in cartons and tins.
A copy of Canine Proved Recipe Booklet will be
' olsdly sent on request
West Toronto
auumm■■■■)iami ■■i■■■■Ilz■
■ ■
IN ■
■ ■
■ x
■ r
i ■
■ 1
r 1
$168 ■
■ 1�
■ ■
N '1 N
■ 1
1� K
■ 1\
■ ■
■ ■
1/ ■
■ ■
■ ■
Yard -Wide heavy black Silk Duchess Pailette,
deepest lustre, and heavy, suitable for skirts,
dresses or suits. Regular $3.00, at per yard1.95
yards ards of 34 -inch wide, heavy, pure, nat-
ural Raw Silk, washes and wears to no end. $1.25
quality, at per yard 85c
Yard -wide Pal1ett Silk* ilk in navys, browns,
greens, good weight and purest stock. On sale at
per yard o
British Tapestry Rugs, select patterns and
best colorings, good pile.
Size 3 x yards, reduced to $20.00
Size 3 x 31/r yards, reduced to $25.00
Size 3 x 4 yards, reduced to $27.50
3 x 3 yards, now $30.00
3 x yards, now $35.00
3 x 4 yards, now $40.00
Best -all-wool English make, women's fine
black cashmere Hose, sizes 9, 912, 10. Regular
$1.90, at per pair $125
■ Perrin's best quality kid Glovell; new spring
lA stock, in tans, 'greys, black, white, 2 dome fasten-
■ ers and quality better than ever .At per pair $2.75
■ A La Grace Corsets, all sizes 20 to 30, in sev-
■ eral new models, now at special price $1.95
W. Aches�n&:SOIL
■■■rrr.•■■■■>«>.■■s■■■r■■ ■
.1 Harvest of Regret.
Farmers' Sim.
also trite of 11 11•41911. All-ny back In
11111 Wt. listened to the: -Njr, tniek or
traile ;vitt) Ow • ery RIO re -
with tht•tn. Today Filch -Sam put•
. ;pi other agricultural proditets.
It er regrettable, but ate have
only . se:rives to blame.
Where Thrift Shoitid .1' -911
11'1. n,,troikiiinit wirit win fin
W1114.1 a pinch on mir pir..kethook (autos,
There on, men Rho woad no? think
of imilins tint an automobile or trio
to the sestina. next,ausanter, who will
hive it" lielsitstion In telling the rhureh
treiroti.er or tile chairman of the
Boar41 of Thrrity that they will have
to ent their trifling anipierlptIon in two
"There I. Mit sa.attereth lind last In.
(Teasels. there 1,4
poverty." Begin at the right end In your
rctretrainient. (lei hack to the ground.
high-flyIng before ymi begin
to Irak*, it out of the Almighty or
those wW are 1110IP It than the
I Ito etoterle tot Rut terer4 OM fry-
ing to keep pier with.
-School- Of Commerce -
Clinton and Goderich, Ont.
BusineSs Stenographic
Secretarial Civil Service .
Teachers' Training Course 1..
and art-angel...Special( Courses for students.
Highly Qualified reaching Staff
Actual gordnesS slyatem of Bookkeeping
Credential Typewriting Tests
Positions Guarani, cl
Vocational Training School
or this district, by Government appointment. and under in-
spection by Soldiers' Civil Re•estAblishinctit licpart Ille
For Terms, ete , write
Phone 198, Clinton
Com. Speelalist,
Winter Term begins Monday, January ard, 1921
Boots and Shoes
pOR two weeks commencing February 12th to Feb.
26th inclusive, the greatest bargains in Footwear
can be obtained at MacVicar's Shoe Store. We are
taking our loss and it will be to your advantage, as you
will be able to buy what you require at greatly reduced
prices. The manufacturers up to the present time are
not making the reductions that are being made by us
in this sale. All of the goods that are on sale are the
very best quality and cannot be replaced at the prices
we are offering them to you for. Our r)rofita have
never been large. as we have always tried to give our
customers exceptional values on a very small margin.
Do not miss this sale if you need footwear.
Bring us your Shoe Repairing and have it done right.