HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-24, Page 1• Renew Your Subscription to The Signal and get one of the handsome Signal Calendars for 1921 ISIEV T-VOI;IITH YEAR -NO. S. O M Horton 1 rig 1111 66 Burton Huu!ovard w GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1921 1. Try a gotxl dose of advertis- ing in the •'eolunlns of The Signal:It has done good to ' Others- why not to you ? Perhaps Your Business Needs a Tonic THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Pub PERSONAL BANKING, SFRV ICE * The successful farmer to -day is a business man. And as such, he must be familiar with prevail- ing financial conditions. Through our policy of personally interesting our- selves in each customer, we offer you friendly advice and counsel in all matters of a financial or investment nature. You will find our Manager glad to discuss mat- ters with you at any time. 44 `Iiia STERUNGBANK OF CANADA FOE RALE Oe EDIT. FARMS FOR SALE DiRECTJRY AND FARM LAND AGENCY. FARMS FJR SALE. Eight y -lour aerea. cooceesi.an ',Goderich Town. whip, awn- ,hip, ab wt one mule from school and church. and seven miles Iron (.oden h, known me the Whitely 1arm, now owned by John Schwans. Said to be the best of clay loam, tae sail sow in eacelKot condition. a0 acres plowed, Ili acres seeded with timothy and clover. Arieean well and winds.' . 4ruit .cellar l; also ,our scree growing timber for fuel. All nwoosanry buadiogs- Price. 15.4a1); goad terms. Than agouti tun and cheap at the Pi_e asked. Eighty or 4.10aeras. being the farm known es the Otter Welton farm, srtwted en the Huron roes. hall -way between Gode- rich sad Cliotos. 1< -mile from school and church. Tim es as excellent farm with all neces- sary improvesenia, read for occupation. Price for the 40 acres, including buildings, orchard. will, wi.deo.I'..tc.. S0.500. goodlterms. Ninety acres. Male Iron Benmdler. and to be Ant -clam day loam with gravel whop; 1. acres plowed, 12 seeded with alfalfa. Excellent a sorted fruit orchard; • roomy, comfortable boom; Im n- ae sod water is the ►.woe. Good bio and seabl...c.sent floors and water at stalls. Price, NAM easy term.. Ilk'( aeras. about one mite from Bsoraaler: 7S aerosol this and to be excellent clay loan with gravel subsoil, the bal•ace pasture lands. well supplied with water. A good comfortable nose hour, . tee . hM gka. plenty barn and stabler roam; w■ter in Buie and at stat 4e, good Moor led fruit orchard, piens) growing timber lar fuel. Peke, 114.19111.1.11M10 will be accepted down: balance. toss tc aril buyer at I per mot tattiest Other farm. for sale, also a good 1 4 -story dwefhng house. well built. good appearance Se all barn, live good Iota Peaty amdrted fruit trees. well located in Croderxb. Price. 111,000. For all particulars are J. W. .ARMSTRONG. above Psreo..' Fair. P.O. Boa Sit Goderich It !/.LIC Dn.?. J. L POINTER. EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT. LM. Neter Senses New Tort Ophthalmic aid Ad Horp•t gra emit n Moveedd'a Ejjpptt�� Nmpital acid n Hair Throat Ha London. en`. 811 Mario. St. S.. Stratford . Telephone fQ. At Redford Hotel, Goderick. from Wedesea ry, March 131 h, at 7.ao p. m.. to Thursday. the 17th. alt l 0. an. Goderich Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wnod', and J. H. Larder's Stores ) ,d Gene C. Cann on. Piani.te-tuition given on piano. Mr.I C. V. Henry, Violinist - tuition given on vi for beginners and advanced students. For information apply at Ftudio. violins repaired. brid tuned, sound - posts set and violin bows\repaired, etc. GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces. professional). EIANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Mink Studio. north side of raenwrtt tl NOTICK TO CREDITORS. -mac- 1 AUT�OYONILE OwnrSES Get your permits ■nd mark- ers from J W. ] *Vicar at Mac- Vkar'. Shoe Wore, North side of :Square. Goderich. J. W. MacVICAR. 1'. 0. IiOX 414. David McIlwain Agent for International Harvester Co. Canada. All kinds of Farrn Machinery. In the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. IfillWR SALE. -HOUSE ON REGENT etr.et, Goderich. Good. roll -built house sell for 1l,wie ar will coawdsr best offer Wooly to WM. VROOMAN Goderich or ED. DUNN. 1007 Blow Street W _ Toronto. Ont. LIOR SALE. -ON 1.OT 22, COVCES- 11 ' SIGN a, East Wawatnih, an unlimited wp cedar - ply of dar lanae posts and anchor posts ; also 'wavefraise booms and sill barn. Apply to MRS. D. PATTERSON. Auburn. or to T. R. PAT r&RSON. Gads 44b, It WARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, CON- CESSION 3, Gerlach township rearming of 42 acres of choice clayam. with spring creek sad spring well. Barn 4mem. with cement stables; bay bun. 111227: drive -house. lath; small hen- house. er house: comfortable concrete cottage. and tNo acres of one orchard. 1t is situated orade from des.asated Provincial county road. seven mike from Goderich. ands convenient o school sad pi church. Apv to B- H. LINDSAY, R. R. No, 2. Goderich, Phooe 407 r 1. tl of CRAIGIE'S Assurance...I Real Estate MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE AUCTION *ALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. MR. GEORGE P. CLARK will sell by public amnesia. ow lot b, concession n. C.. 1) Colbor De lone mile pat el Car low 0. on THURSDAY. MARCH Oa, COmme110101 at : o'clock sharp the following timings.- Dr alt mare, reliesa,y.ar•; daft geld- ing. ruing 3 years. droit Riding, ruing 2 years. draft colt. sang 1 year. Gait La.--ParebreJ Polled Angus cow. ruing 10 )ears; Polled Angus cow. dairy * year*, calved in October sod bred again January Is. Polled Angus haler. 2 yaws. dw'lo calve March 10: Polled Angus now. Iraeheoed io Ocobet. Durham Cow. rising a years, sue to calve February 5. D r ham cow. rang 7 reaa, dee tura re March :v; Durham cow, riven, ,e year tee to calve March 7: IJeerbrm cow. mead t dei to (timbal Merck r Pdred Angios beth. 1S months. 2 Dur - has bailers, 1 year old; Durham heifer. ri ing 7 Ms brad January /s. 4 Pelted Angus steers. rie- 1 yeah; 2 Polled An..Seers. rang 1 years; Dishes Near. mane2 years; noir ham steer call,v months old; Polled Angus seer calf. 4 months old; Durham h, icer dl, a nexoths 0d. Thu u an extra good let of cattle. anyone wonting mine will do well*, intending tees sale. Swag►. -Sixteen purebred Leicester ewes. MP - to be in lamb; I purebred Leicester ewe Iamb; I purebred Leicester ram lamb. PiGa.-One purebred Yorhature sow. due to pig April 20. Turps. -Eight s.owshs'a.drl win he given on 4ureioMag •pprlrvedjoiN notes Adiecount of 3 per and. for cash on credit ateuunta OEO.P.CLARK. T.GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auct.oseer. 4vOR.SALE.-GOOD FRAME HOUSE. t' ISS story. electric light and water and la - weed breahent. all in good condition. Apply ea p�roewa oROY MUNNINt:S.corner Cambria, Roadaad Napier Street. 2t ROPERTJES FOR SALE.-TWO- Mar7' frame house on West street. booms as** pleb boom, frame story -and -a -hall house. with 1u11 lot. m .lacks street; also two Ins with a goad thorn on Wracks street. The own, r. 04*. John Dalton, d Turman. Tanana. is anxious tw sell and will accept env reasonable offer. Poa, seems an be gives`�with's • month. For par- ticulars apply to J- J. Goderich. \ 11 OSKR. Hamilton Street. 11 Aff kakis fbrMRlPNee %tlsaorrhle prices: 1f pw lmasd hostas • MsitsN eV, be o tows .neatest to eve roe•.. 1 may hie Fast what you are loakis0 for. No trouble to show you the places 1 have M sale, A large bot to cheese tree- Calla sad nee me P. J. RYAN. Reel Rotate and Ineurance` Phone 50. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. MR. MARTIN MUGFORD will sell by public auction, at bis premien. lot 15, concession 2, township of Col• borne. on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2nd, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol- lowing : One heavy mare, 9 years old; 1 general purpose horse, -7 years, 1 filly. rising 2 years old; 1 3 rears old. due April 7; I cow, 5 yeah , due in April; 1 cow. 8 years old, fr 1 cow. rising 3 years old supposed to in ca' f ; 1 putt - bred Durham bull, 2 years; 2 fat steers, rising 3 years . 2 steers, 2 years aid; 5 steer., nsing 2 yews old; 3 bracts, tiling 2 years ohd; 1far rising 1 year old; 1 young sow. due y 4; 1 collie doe. TERMS. -Eight rnasIk' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed hr cash. Everything will be mid without reserve. MARTIN MUGFORD, T, GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. MAIL CONTRACT. EALED TENDERS. addressed to the 17 Postmaster General. will be received at Ottawa until NOON, an FRIDAY. the 111 DAY of APRIL. 1911, IM theca eveyance of HisMaiesty's Mads. on a Contract for four years. tux times porm peek. over Goderich No. 1 Rural Mail Route. from the let July next. Printed notices containing further information sato coalitions of proposed Contract may hearten ■ id blank forms of Tender may be obtained at tel Poet' Offices of Goderich. Hnlme.ville. Auburn. Saltford, and at the mace of the Post Office Inspector, CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Post Olfi.e Inspector. ARTICLES POI SALE. 0OD FOR SAi.E. A LARGER ORGANIZATION. tiou is the Military and Civil Club. The we•ting pror•lvvle'tl to the eles-- tluM of °Inver*. and the Nihon lug wen• Civilian Co-operation with War Veter- the favored nomluees: arta to Form a New Club. Honorary president, Jt141ge L. 11. Dickson; president, Ur. W. F. (Cat rw : 141 'J'hurwlay evening, February 17th, 1st vice-president. c'. \\'urtele; an interesting meeting Wu. held lu the vkw-prei+ident. 1: 1.. Parsons; 4r.asur- l:.W.V.A. rooms for the purpose of er, I). Huhue'; Secretary, J. 3uu1*:- hearing the report 111 the ways loud 14.4 (P411044 clixploin. t' a Mon (C. 4.'. H111. Mxau* cuwwftte which has prevholisly Exe•utlre-4'Ivli-('. C. Lie, F. WWII' leen referred to lu these columns. Combe, (deco. Williams. Wm. Lane. MII- The ways and meatus t•ctnlwltice was Mary -H. l'. Dunlop. E. H. HIII, An•h- deacon W. Jones-Itatemau, It. /Owls pard. i The oMc•re were elected provision- ally and are to carry out the camps/tot this town is loncernel. would tare for charter memlN•r-hip. after which to 1Nrume dormant or even laptve into they Will be pr. -wilted to the new oblivion. club for re-eleetiuu. It was evident, by the detailed incl! The nu.•tillg adjournest subj.rf to compn•hensive report *ul.tuittel, that rhe 1811 of the pr.1' isiunal president. the (ommittee had at least dune its Dr. I;anow . duty sincerely. leaving nothing to eon -I lecture. and treating all evldetaw and Kitchen Shower. fact*. agnres, etc, brought to its at - tent lon without prejudice, and giving In view of the •tpprlwching marriage all phases of the matter thorough rt- i, of Miss Annie lienderwon 1 now Mrs. V of 1 f• ill e'. f l' kill 11 I I the m N. Ma 1 ! h M employees The Town has lor sale s le. cords ol wood m• price of Moo per yuuiter cord. hv- „ed. Apply ■t Town Hall. L. L KNOX, Tawe Cleft. SWEET CL' VEX AoRJ ALSIKE F SALE. -Prat Iron weed mesh await Sumo is • greet sW.sa.eber. and especial/ vaua 1. Ira poor Vol. W F,•YOUNUle SOY. R.R. No. 1. C:oderu:b, Phase I(2a Benmtller. dealing with a subject of great moment to those present, as it had been con- sidering the question of whether the soldiers' organization. in ea far as L'OR SALE. -A Mc LAUGH LIN L' rewroe.% master -s.1 1920 model; one •pare tire. (Swoop by the late William Marlton. Ap• pie to MRS. HENRY MARLTON. West Street. f1'URNIPS FOR SALE. -IN ANY 1 Quantities from Vito lulu bushels Twenty menta per bushel Terms to awl purchaser. Gb . SUWEMBY, R. R. 2, Goderich.' Telephone IUOs2. 2t tention. It would he difficult to dew•r►he their recommendation In a few words, as their taupe was not In any way curtailed. and they retummendel a very' broad and ext«naive policy. *nil fol- lowed this up with a constitution, draft- ed to *erre as ■ foundation on which {IxOR SALE. -A NU31HER OF PURE- . BRED. registered Mated Angus Aberdeen bulls, ht for service. Appty to 1 K. VAKCOE, R. R. No 5.t.l der,ch. tt \SWEIs'T CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. - Fr te ALE-Free from weed seed. Sweet clover b a soil e ,.char. Exullen( lor pasture and hay. A. H. GLUTTO, R. R. No. 3, Goier. Phone 1414. tfarspiller.Nrcat f nlimited Quantity MIXED WOOD FOR CE at fol per single cord, delivered, THE GOIiERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. LOST OR FOUND. 'OUND.-ON WEST S1RI:ET, ON the proposed club could he run suc- twssfully In carrying out the new pol- ir• As this policy was accepted unan- imou*ly, the public will -hear more 'of It in the near future, alid the co -oyer - *tion of the eltlzens will be sought In ht. support. • The committee telt that the atmo- *phere of war -time had created a dis- tinction which held the soldier up as a! -'pertain apart" and not as a citizen whn ha+ done hes duty in one senor, while the bulk of the others served their country in another lease at home. tin the return hone of the woklhe'rs this feeling was toetered and they were ell- enuraged to form assoc•intlou.` as a "people apart." but such urgauizatfnna were Bushes' as an asset to the average small community where the members did not make ■ very large aggregate. mud their field was not only limited but was dully hemming smaller through deaths. removals. and other causes. The ftwlfng was strung with the "Veterans" that they wished to render the best prs*Ible service 10 the community. and ttwy came to the con- 41n.i011 that this could not Ito done through a purely soldier organization. but that the co-operation of civilians In pursuing the object* of their organiza- tion was highly desirable. Thin feel - lag was *o *crone that tax• +nidter. were eithlistaatic in aceepting, the proponelw of their co Ittae which�latt'tl out a way of /ilrta ning the co-.Nwr0tIon of rhe eltlzcn1. of Goderick • in general. In onter to substantiate their stab, - menti regarding this (-*l-operat' Elio committee had approach...) a few of the prominent citizens of the town. aalahng them to attend the meeting to criticize the plan outlined so that .omething definite eoold be arrived at. and all th(.e gentlemen who spoke were cif the opinion that not only was the scheme workable but di -Skiable. Within the new and larger organ- ization which it la *ought to establish. the Veterans will .4111 have a military hotly which will retain connection with the G.W.V.A., and will be able to take action on purely military matters. A name proposed for the new aswN•la- til(• 1.. H. Steel Co. store made a sur- prise visit 1.. her hu • on II0 evening of est. Valentine's Day with a large clothes basket 11111 of articles for the furnishing of the bride's kitchen. Af- ter the "slpiw•er" had been duly given and receive' a program wait carried out by 111« I.Itor. and afterwar41l dainty Iulnh %as serve'. This was followel by the taking of a flashlight picture of the group by Mr. Hender- son. The occasion Sias a very Jovial one and was glenrly enjucel by 011. Tlw bride will lie much missal around t1w Steel Co. store. and her former associates there join in wishing her health, wealth and happiness. Establishing Health for the Mouths to lame.- If you start in the spring feels Ins debilitated and in a general rum. dowel (1)11411(1,111 5uu'll not gain much pleasure during the mouths to come. roe precaution. Take a good tonic or blood nurltler now. We handle all the goal brawls It IA caul recommend one which should be especially effective In your ease. We also hate a line of 1)r. Brown's remedies which we re•um- mend stat« all others. -E. R. WiGLF., 1►ruggi.t, Grwterieh. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mr. Norman Newell, formerly of town. ■fter a .neessful venture in reel es- tate at Windsor. has gone into 1/11/.1. 114.014 at 1Mtruit In groceries and meat. III* store Is at the corner of- 21)144 and Porter streets. His broth -•r It,7rgle Is n*slsting haul falba store. AN('01 %EK 1115 HURON (IL1J 8/11"S' ASSOI'IATION. Former Residents of l'ounty (:H To - tether and Form an Organisation. Th.• follow i2g letter frutu Miss Jeaa 1'autelott, .1 former Gilder .-hi girl, will he real .11111 54-.•24 Micro -4 011(1 pleas - 111.1• in town x1111 e.11III('. ; Editor of Tow Hlg)sal, (o *le• rl*h. Ik•ar Mr ltolwrt*un,-Although we area long way from Huron, there are *till a great many loyal wont and daughters of the Bawl old county who du nut wish to lose Ivn)lleetI,, with all Ifun.n'* history. traditions and old friewl*. No we. in Vancouver. have formed another Huron old !toys As- sN•iathon. .V.' have had two organiza- tion meetings and at the last enthus- h**tie rail* the following officers were elected for the year: President -I). T. Kendall I liru*w•b I. bit vlerprmeident Dr. reitre ISea• forth/. :1141 vice-presldeut-11. It. Ilordos 1 loth -rich I. :1rd vire- t esl etet-T. • 11.Donaghy 1Furetwhhr. Res•ording secretary -T. J. Iawreare l Seafurth ►. t'orrespnwling wr•retary-Jean l'*M- telon I1:1•nletich 1. Trearurrr-Mr. Edward* ( Ford - . 04111). IDIrecttrt*-Mrw.r lIbortreel ' (See - forth I, \'w. M*•Qtwen I Brwwaeld Mr*. Humphrey* I Fordwlch 4, W. i'i Gorby 1 Hen*all 1, T. 1t. 1(111 (Brnr► rude 1, Mrs. ihnlaghy 1 Furdwich1; Mr. limy 1 H'Inghain I, A. Howie'* 1 White- churchl, Mrs. Greig 1 F'onlw.leh 1, C. F. Gibson 4 Vruxeter1. 7 Tlwre are a great mint rormer "Nunouitr�' iu our fair city and we errs , foobing forward with gnat en- thusiasm to a splendid organization t►hk•h will .11e worthy of tie I.antwr lullty of which we are representative's. A* you tow, 1 have been appointed corresponding secretary and it will be my duty atill pleasure to write tack to the cuuuty papers from time to time such news of our Moiety and Its affairs a* we; think the people back "home" may like to know about. We wish to keep in closer ...inset with all Huron's activities anal we should like to feel that the people of 'Jurors are interested 111 this Association and In tint at•tivItIes. Will you kindly in- sert this Iww•s ..f our A»Nw dation in yonr paper? We wish you eominnel aucetas_�a_,_-,_ your publication and we from Val. cunre'r. the (Caddis, tie -tenthly to the I'aelac, wind areetllga to Ilodi rleh, Huron* Cagerigisieliate. 1 am, • Tour+ Kineerely, JEAN OANTIAL(►N. (Cor. -Sec's • ) %anconver. it. 1'.. Feb 15, 1921. It makes a real treat -Blackstone', Seticious ice crown. in bulk or fancy bricks. D.n't hesitate to phone us your want,. We are glad to deliver ph•ene crders promptly. Campbell's Drug Store. H. C. Dunlop. meal agent for Tempie- ton's Rheumatic Capsules. and Raz-Mah In, asthma • says these two standard rem- edies are selling better every day. to join, will please enroll promptly. Tele Industrial l'owmlttee has not Starr Phonotraphs and Gannett Stat yet beetsable to se. un• an instructor Records for sale at Black•tone't la in millinery. Appliiatlons for the po*- Cream Parlors West street. idol] will be gladly revived by J P. III'ME, Principal. INDUSTRIAL EVENING CLASSES. The dressmaking class's under the Instruction of Mrs. W. T. L'cllow will I* held on Friday afternoons and Viet)- ings. beginning March 4, and on other evenings as repo►rel. All intending We have everything for th' se whn tat: - LOCAL TOPICS LN BRIEF. pictures. Camera'. films. trllxr4s and other requisites. Campbell's Drug Store. Mise McKinnon has returned from Tonsilo, rifter attending the millinery openings for Mi's Cameron. Hamilton Street. The 4icual Io -'t week inadvertently uiltrtisl the 118 me of Mr. ('has. J. Shepherd. of Tarlo, to mentioning those who were 111 town for the tither - 111 of the 1141* 1) 1t. MacKay. Mr. Sllephnrd wt• 14econa .tied h; hie ' daughter Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Itol.•rt Gilroy. of Man- ito', Man.. are hen' on their wedding.-- - trip vh*Ring rhe latter's lipid's. Mr. ' W. Ii. Hirai... Hamilton sheet, and unnt, Mr.. t:eo. it. Rates, Huron Hind. Myrs:-,-tilt,+rw-www-Al ewspei as:-dafw /Riven, daughter of the late John Ittiven. Ur. Joseph 1'. McMillan. formerly of these Warts. Is now living at Puce. ,near SVlndsar, ttnl.. auto the following from The Bonder l'tti«s Star refers to POW( wnrk he hate been doing: "Lake- wood.- Martinet 'hover's country place. 1100 gndergone (Mite a necessarN change -In• tow int.ww*te of- the oncnm--.-- Ing suburbulp summer res.rrt here. JOOCph 4'. %h311111in. car•pwuaer, • 1a. '.nmpleted the razing of the large shed. l lIr21 feet, and a large horn tlele4 feet. the hitor building having h d dmtldc floors. Tht. nndertaking ave aoromplishel do twen•y-iiiue wuring day.. which is ,.nsid ere, 11 g re. mill when done by a man .1.irte. Near- ly 14000, feet .of lumber wa taken from the buildings. awl thy. • 11 likely be sold. Fresher tk tasters at S. Wil.on'' not YOUNG. -At 1-' ndon, on Tuesday. February :2 Samuel 1. Yount,. in Am 3:t year. - Old Home Week in Goderich NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In THE ESTArs or At.ase7 M. POLLEY. Lan or tet Towel (w COMPILE, IN Mt COUNTY Cr Hua0.4. G5NTL14AN, D1CUA4aD NOTICE le hereby given pursuant to R S 0.. cap. 121, sec 50. that •II persons having claims against the estate of the and Albert M. Polley. de- ceased. who died on the 19th day of Janus!' Y. 1921. are required to send or deliver to the under- signed. solicitor Inv the exerutikes of the said ea. tate, on or before the 1st day of March, 192', full particulars of heir claims,and that after such date acid executrices wi11 distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled. having re- gard only to claims of which they shall then have received notice. and that they will not be light. loans parson of whose c aim notice shall vim have been received at theytpe M such distribution. Dated the 7th day of February, A. D. 1971. CHARLES (:ARROW. Solkitor In Chark*t. A. Polk,' and Grace McFadyer, Executrices. St electric light and bath, garage, situated on the corner of Well- ingtnn and I'k-ton 'twits. im- ,medlate poaseaston. This 1* a Very desirable home and w111 be . did cheap. - 11/4 story frame bone with S rooms. electric light and water, full lot with orchard. Situated on the west aide of Cameron street. Investment Securities. Victory Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE for A Horne TO acquire a home of your own, depends upon your earnestness and determination -to spend teas than you earn. Open a Savings Account with this Bank and start at once on the road to becoming your own landlord. 447 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager J London, Ont.. February lath. 1921 3t PASTURE LANDS Falls Reserve=Goderich and Colbome ToWnahips To Be Let by Tender. The undersigned is prep receive tenders up to \ 10th MARCH, 1921. at 10 a. Ip , for about 572 acres of pasture land in one block known as THE FALLS RESERVE. Goderich and Colborne 'Townships, watered by the Maitland Rive r. The land will be let for a term of five years;from 1st of November, 1920, at a groes rental (without taxes) per annum, payable in advance. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. THE CANADA COMPANY, 1170 1'onge St. Toronto. 21st Feb.. 1921, 2t rim GODERICH MARKETS T*U.90A Y. February 24. Wheat. per hook g 1 511 to 0 les Oahu per Kin'h.•. .40 to .48 Barley. per bash .75 M Ai I'e.s, gar hush ... ... 1.t0 to 1 110 an Sao 5 141 11.00 40.00 So (44 15110 115 .00 35 70 10.00 *.Mn 19.10 d .00 Flour, family. per eat 59i to Floor, pd. it. per owl 5.00 o Kral.. per tori 40.011 to Shot., per ton ... ....... 43 00 to Hay. per ton 25.ia1 .n diraw, ----------4200(6loose. per ton 1200 to Dalry Hotter. Horth ha to Groomers Metter,per Ib .M0 to Rags. trash. par ,os..... .... .hi) to PoutoN.per bath. . .110 to Cattle. bnteheni ebdtne, tel. mot. It 00 to 1 al I le, her aha+' megro m resew,. 7.73 fn H•vree. fly. weigh*, par est. .. . 10.n0 n. Modes. per Ib .00 le sheepskins .11 te piece rant. -W ANTE (`IARETAKER WANT D.- NORTH • STREET METHODIST C RCH, Duties to start April let. Apply to I .t•. BROWN, Church Street. 41 ` ANTED. -AT ONCE. A COOK (general). ('.00d •saes 10 COM" nt pef- son. MRS. (DR.) HUNIHR, corner ictoria sera et and Nelson,street. A young man who had been in the city only three days, but whahad been paying attention to a pretty girl, wanted to propose, so a Western paper reports, but was afraid he might be thought too hasty. He delicately approached the subject as ipHowe : "If 1 were to speak to you of rriage, after. having made your ac- quaintance only three days ago, what would you say to i tf" "Well," cam the ready retort, "1 should toy never put off till tomorrow that which you should have done the t ay before yesterday." Two suburban gardeners were swearing vengeance on sats. "It appears Ftp me," rine said. "that they seem to picot out your choicest plants to scratch out of the grcunil." "There's a big yellow tomcat," the other said. "tha fetches my plants out and then sits and actually defies me." "Why don't you hurl a bock at him ?" asked the first speaker. 'That's what mikes me mad.' was the reply. ' I can t. Ile gets on top of my greenhouse to defy me." Looking Ahead. -Heaven knows how Sharpe made his money." "That's probably why he wears that worried look." ---New Haven Reveler. • _«+•wing.-. e.+aw..errh+.Y„rI August 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1921 The Committee having in chary. the procuring of the addresses o ormer rest* -iii! o C.icl t 1 n n 0 er lnt:fthtiim* to -`tire Beton may be sent to them, ask the kited cu -operation of all who see advertisement in waking up a list that shall he es nearly comple as possible. - Reside1nts of town AI, nsked to hand In to Mr. Bowden, at the Board of ale rooms. West street, the names and addresses of .4117 former reskl tits of whom they know. Former res entle can assist by mailing to MRS. W. L. 11014T't)N, Chairman of the Nen)... and Addres*«s Committee. or to Mr. W. S. 1w)V.'DEN. Secrets (1141 Home Week, Goderich. list. of any (:.4.•r101 (1111 itoys (or (Ir1,. ,'9their acquaintance. with proper addrr-w". Lists 'should Ire Ile promptly as {sisslhl«. SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES 'PHONE POWELL., 299 and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. W. J: POWELL • t,-4-- �1'.1V ADI EIl'1lSEMEN'114. Page i, 1 at m4 het sate -J Ara tr *t 1 Me.l Contract. Drjallatent t Wont for Sale - 1., Kling 1 S•.et Covera Slake for Skye- W. F. Young a Son .... ......... ., 1 Posts for Salle -Mrs D. Patterson. Auburn 1 Automobile Permits -J. W MacFmir: .... t Caretaker Wanted -North Street Methodist Fur creek Piece Found -C. Macke tone's Rests u - rad..... ...... ... t slalom Pikes -Select Ladies' Rerle•1wWest Failure Leads -The Canada Company. ... ... 1 Coot W. ,4 -Mrs. (Dr.► Hvntel. 4. LS YOURS r. THE RESPONSIBILITY bropacelasmay develop and Imyrov oz ubu the standard of a country's ed cat it e Puede on the efforts o2 the farmer in this directlaa t ARE YOU DOING YOUR SHAM mer Oo requires he swing. We are glad to assist alb faram THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO FACE PAID-UP CAPITAL . s15,000,000 RESERVE FUND _ $15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Mania, Mae -siren FOE RALE Oe EDIT. FARMS FOR SALE DiRECTJRY AND FARM LAND AGENCY. FARMS FJR SALE. Eight y -lour aerea. cooceesi.an ',Goderich Town. whip, awn- ,hip, ab wt one mule from school and church. and seven miles Iron (.oden h, known me the Whitely 1arm, now owned by John Schwans. Said to be the best of clay loam, tae sail sow in eacelKot condition. a0 acres plowed, Ili acres seeded with timothy and clover. Arieean well and winds.' . 4ruit .cellar l; also ,our scree growing timber for fuel. All nwoosanry buadiogs- Price. 15.4a1); goad terms. Than agouti tun and cheap at the Pi_e asked. Eighty or 4.10aeras. being the farm known es the Otter Welton farm, srtwted en the Huron roes. hall -way between Gode- rich sad Cliotos. 1< -mile from school and church. Tim es as excellent farm with all neces- sary improvesenia, read for occupation. Price for the 40 acres, including buildings, orchard. will, wi.deo.I'..tc.. S0.500. goodlterms. Ninety acres. Male Iron Benmdler. and to be Ant -clam day loam with gravel whop; 1. acres plowed, 12 seeded with alfalfa. Excellent a sorted fruit orchard; • roomy, comfortable boom; Im n- ae sod water is the ►.woe. Good bio and seabl...c.sent floors and water at stalls. Price, NAM easy term.. Ilk'( aeras. about one mite from Bsoraaler: 7S aerosol this and to be excellent clay loan with gravel subsoil, the bal•ace pasture lands. well supplied with water. A good comfortable nose hour, . tee . hM gka. plenty barn and stabler roam; w■ter in Buie and at stat 4e, good Moor led fruit orchard, piens) growing timber lar fuel. Peke, 114.19111.1.11M10 will be accepted down: balance. toss tc aril buyer at I per mot tattiest Other farm. for sale, also a good 1 4 -story dwefhng house. well built. good appearance Se all barn, live good Iota Peaty amdrted fruit trees. well located in Croderxb. Price. 111,000. For all particulars are J. W. .ARMSTRONG. above Psreo..' Fair. P.O. Boa Sit Goderich It !/.LIC Dn.?. J. L POINTER. EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT. LM. Neter Senses New Tort Ophthalmic aid Ad Horp•t gra emit n Moveedd'a Ejjpptt�� Nmpital acid n Hair Throat Ha London. en`. 811 Mario. St. S.. Stratford . Telephone fQ. At Redford Hotel, Goderick. from Wedesea ry, March 131 h, at 7.ao p. m.. to Thursday. the 17th. alt l 0. an. Goderich Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wnod', and J. H. Larder's Stores ) ,d Gene C. Cann on. Piani.te-tuition given on piano. Mr.I C. V. Henry, Violinist - tuition given on vi for beginners and advanced students. For information apply at Ftudio. violins repaired. brid tuned, sound - posts set and violin bows\repaired, etc. GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces. professional). EIANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Mink Studio. north side of raenwrtt tl NOTICK TO CREDITORS. -mac- 1 AUT�OYONILE OwnrSES Get your permits ■nd mark- ers from J W. ] *Vicar at Mac- Vkar'. Shoe Wore, North side of :Square. Goderich. J. W. MacVICAR. 1'. 0. IiOX 414. David McIlwain Agent for International Harvester Co. Canada. All kinds of Farrn Machinery. In the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. IfillWR SALE. -HOUSE ON REGENT etr.et, Goderich. Good. roll -built house sell for 1l,wie ar will coawdsr best offer Wooly to WM. VROOMAN Goderich or ED. DUNN. 1007 Blow Street W _ Toronto. Ont. LIOR SALE. -ON 1.OT 22, COVCES- 11 ' SIGN a, East Wawatnih, an unlimited wp cedar - ply of dar lanae posts and anchor posts ; also 'wavefraise booms and sill barn. Apply to MRS. D. PATTERSON. Auburn. or to T. R. PAT r&RSON. Gads 44b, It WARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, CON- CESSION 3, Gerlach township rearming of 42 acres of choice clayam. with spring creek sad spring well. Barn 4mem. with cement stables; bay bun. 111227: drive -house. lath; small hen- house. er house: comfortable concrete cottage. and tNo acres of one orchard. 1t is situated orade from des.asated Provincial county road. seven mike from Goderich. ands convenient o school sad pi church. Apv to B- H. LINDSAY, R. R. No, 2. Goderich, Phooe 407 r 1. tl of CRAIGIE'S Assurance...I Real Estate MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE AUCTION *ALES. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. MR. GEORGE P. CLARK will sell by public amnesia. ow lot b, concession n. C.. 1) Colbor De lone mile pat el Car low 0. on THURSDAY. MARCH Oa, COmme110101 at : o'clock sharp the following timings.- Dr alt mare, reliesa,y.ar•; daft geld- ing. ruing 3 years. droit Riding, ruing 2 years. draft colt. sang 1 year. Gait La.--ParebreJ Polled Angus cow. ruing 10 )ears; Polled Angus cow. dairy * year*, calved in October sod bred again January Is. Polled Angus haler. 2 yaws. dw'lo calve March 10: Polled Angus now. Iraeheoed io Ocobet. Durham Cow. rising a years, sue to calve February 5. D r ham cow. rang 7 reaa, dee tura re March :v; Durham cow, riven, ,e year tee to calve March 7: IJeerbrm cow. mead t dei to (timbal Merck r Pdred Angios beth. 1S months. 2 Dur - has bailers, 1 year old; Durham heifer. ri ing 7 Ms brad January /s. 4 Pelted Angus steers. rie- 1 yeah; 2 Polled An..Seers. rang 1 years; Dishes Near. mane2 years; noir ham steer call,v months old; Polled Angus seer calf. 4 months old; Durham h, icer dl, a nexoths 0d. Thu u an extra good let of cattle. anyone wonting mine will do well*, intending tees sale. Swag►. -Sixteen purebred Leicester ewes. MP - to be in lamb; I purebred Leicester ewe Iamb; I purebred Leicester ram lamb. PiGa.-One purebred Yorhature sow. due to pig April 20. Turps. -Eight s.owshs'a.drl win he given on 4ureioMag •pprlrvedjoiN notes Adiecount of 3 per and. for cash on credit ateuunta OEO.P.CLARK. T.GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auct.oseer. 4vOR.SALE.-GOOD FRAME HOUSE. t' ISS story. electric light and water and la - weed breahent. all in good condition. Apply ea p�roewa oROY MUNNINt:S.corner Cambria, Roadaad Napier Street. 2t ROPERTJES FOR SALE.-TWO- Mar7' frame house on West street. booms as** pleb boom, frame story -and -a -hall house. with 1u11 lot. m .lacks street; also two Ins with a goad thorn on Wracks street. The own, r. 04*. John Dalton, d Turman. Tanana. is anxious tw sell and will accept env reasonable offer. Poa, seems an be gives`�with's • month. For par- ticulars apply to J- J. Goderich. \ 11 OSKR. Hamilton Street. 11 Aff kakis fbrMRlPNee %tlsaorrhle prices: 1f pw lmasd hostas • MsitsN eV, be o tows .neatest to eve roe•.. 1 may hie Fast what you are loakis0 for. No trouble to show you the places 1 have M sale, A large bot to cheese tree- Calla sad nee me P. J. RYAN. Reel Rotate and Ineurance` Phone 50. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. MR. MARTIN MUGFORD will sell by public auction, at bis premien. lot 15, concession 2, township of Col• borne. on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2nd, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol- lowing : One heavy mare, 9 years old; 1 general purpose horse, -7 years, 1 filly. rising 2 years old; 1 3 rears old. due April 7; I cow, 5 yeah , due in April; 1 cow. 8 years old, fr 1 cow. rising 3 years old supposed to in ca' f ; 1 putt - bred Durham bull, 2 years; 2 fat steers, rising 3 years . 2 steers, 2 years aid; 5 steer., nsing 2 yews old; 3 bracts, tiling 2 years ohd; 1far rising 1 year old; 1 young sow. due y 4; 1 collie doe. TERMS. -Eight rnasIk' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed hr cash. Everything will be mid without reserve. MARTIN MUGFORD, T, GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. MAIL CONTRACT. EALED TENDERS. addressed to the 17 Postmaster General. will be received at Ottawa until NOON, an FRIDAY. the 111 DAY of APRIL. 1911, IM theca eveyance of HisMaiesty's Mads. on a Contract for four years. tux times porm peek. over Goderich No. 1 Rural Mail Route. from the let July next. Printed notices containing further information sato coalitions of proposed Contract may hearten ■ id blank forms of Tender may be obtained at tel Poet' Offices of Goderich. Hnlme.ville. Auburn. Saltford, and at the mace of the Post Office Inspector, CHAS. E. H. FISHER. Post Olfi.e Inspector. ARTICLES POI SALE. 0OD FOR SAi.E. A LARGER ORGANIZATION. tiou is the Military and Civil Club. The we•ting pror•lvvle'tl to the eles-- tluM of °Inver*. and the Nihon lug wen• Civilian Co-operation with War Veter- the favored nomluees: arta to Form a New Club. Honorary president, Jt141ge L. 11. Dickson; president, Ur. W. F. (Cat rw : 141 'J'hurwlay evening, February 17th, 1st vice-president. c'. \\'urtele; an interesting meeting Wu. held lu the vkw-prei+ident. 1: 1.. Parsons; 4r.asur- l:.W.V.A. rooms for the purpose of er, I). Huhue'; Secretary, J. 3uu1*:- hearing the report 111 the ways loud 14.4 (P411044 clixploin. t' a Mon (C. 4.'. H111. Mxau* cuwwftte which has prevholisly Exe•utlre-4'Ivli-('. C. Lie, F. WWII' leen referred to lu these columns. Combe, (deco. Williams. Wm. Lane. MII- The ways and meatus t•ctnlwltice was Mary -H. l'. Dunlop. E. H. HIII, An•h- deacon W. Jones-Itatemau, It. /Owls pard. i The oMc•re were elected provision- ally and are to carry out the camps/tot this town is loncernel. would tare for charter memlN•r-hip. after which to 1Nrume dormant or even laptve into they Will be pr. -wilted to the new oblivion. club for re-eleetiuu. It was evident, by the detailed incl! The nu.•tillg adjournest subj.rf to compn•hensive report *ul.tuittel, that rhe 1811 of the pr.1' isiunal president. the (ommittee had at least dune its Dr. I;anow . duty sincerely. leaving nothing to eon -I lecture. and treating all evldetaw and Kitchen Shower. fact*. agnres, etc, brought to its at - tent lon without prejudice, and giving In view of the •tpprlwching marriage all phases of the matter thorough rt- i, of Miss Annie lienderwon 1 now Mrs. V of 1 f• ill e'. f l' kill 11 I I the m N. Ma 1 ! h M employees The Town has lor sale s le. cords ol wood m• price of Moo per yuuiter cord. hv- „ed. Apply ■t Town Hall. L. L KNOX, Tawe Cleft. SWEET CL' VEX AoRJ ALSIKE F SALE. -Prat Iron weed mesh await Sumo is • greet sW.sa.eber. and especial/ vaua 1. Ira poor Vol. W F,•YOUNUle SOY. R.R. No. 1. C:oderu:b, Phase I(2a Benmtller. dealing with a subject of great moment to those present, as it had been con- sidering the question of whether the soldiers' organization. in ea far as L'OR SALE. -A Mc LAUGH LIN L' rewroe.% master -s.1 1920 model; one •pare tire. (Swoop by the late William Marlton. Ap• pie to MRS. HENRY MARLTON. West Street. f1'URNIPS FOR SALE. -IN ANY 1 Quantities from Vito lulu bushels Twenty menta per bushel Terms to awl purchaser. Gb . SUWEMBY, R. R. 2, Goderich.' Telephone IUOs2. 2t tention. It would he difficult to dew•r►he their recommendation In a few words, as their taupe was not In any way curtailed. and they retummendel a very' broad and ext«naive policy. *nil fol- lowed this up with a constitution, draft- ed to *erre as ■ foundation on which {IxOR SALE. -A NU31HER OF PURE- . BRED. registered Mated Angus Aberdeen bulls, ht for service. Appty to 1 K. VAKCOE, R. R. No 5.t.l der,ch. tt \SWEIs'T CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. - Fr te ALE-Free from weed seed. Sweet clover b a soil e ,.char. Exullen( lor pasture and hay. A. H. GLUTTO, R. R. No. 3, Goier. Phone 1414. tfarspiller.Nrcat f nlimited Quantity MIXED WOOD FOR CE at fol per single cord, delivered, THE GOIiERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. LOST OR FOUND. 'OUND.-ON WEST S1RI:ET, ON the proposed club could he run suc- twssfully In carrying out the new pol- ir• As this policy was accepted unan- imou*ly, the public will -hear more 'of It in the near future, alid the co -oyer - *tion of the eltlzens will be sought In ht. support. • The committee telt that the atmo- *phere of war -time had created a dis- tinction which held the soldier up as a! -'pertain apart" and not as a citizen whn ha+ done hes duty in one senor, while the bulk of the others served their country in another lease at home. tin the return hone of the woklhe'rs this feeling was toetered and they were ell- enuraged to form assoc•intlou.` as a "people apart." but such urgauizatfnna were Bushes' as an asset to the average small community where the members did not make ■ very large aggregate. mud their field was not only limited but was dully hemming smaller through deaths. removals. and other causes. The ftwlfng was strung with the "Veterans" that they wished to render the best prs*Ible service 10 the community. and ttwy came to the con- 41n.i011 that this could not Ito done through a purely soldier organization. but that the co-operation of civilians In pursuing the object* of their organiza- tion was highly desirable. Thin feel - lag was *o *crone that tax• +nidter. were eithlistaatic in aceepting, the proponelw of their co Ittae which�latt'tl out a way of /ilrta ning the co-.Nwr0tIon of rhe eltlzcn1. of Goderick • in general. In onter to substantiate their stab, - menti regarding this (-*l-operat' Elio committee had approach...) a few of the prominent citizens of the town. aalahng them to attend the meeting to criticize the plan outlined so that .omething definite eoold be arrived at. and all th(.e gentlemen who spoke were cif the opinion that not only was the scheme workable but di -Skiable. Within the new and larger organ- ization which it la *ought to establish. the Veterans will .4111 have a military hotly which will retain connection with the G.W.V.A., and will be able to take action on purely military matters. A name proposed for the new aswN•la- til(• 1.. H. Steel Co. store made a sur- prise visit 1.. her hu • on II0 evening of est. Valentine's Day with a large clothes basket 11111 of articles for the furnishing of the bride's kitchen. Af- ter the "slpiw•er" had been duly given and receive' a program wait carried out by 111« I.Itor. and afterwar41l dainty Iulnh %as serve'. This was followel by the taking of a flashlight picture of the group by Mr. Hender- son. The occasion Sias a very Jovial one and was glenrly enjucel by 011. Tlw bride will lie much missal around t1w Steel Co. store. and her former associates there join in wishing her health, wealth and happiness. Establishing Health for the Mouths to lame.- If you start in the spring feels Ins debilitated and in a general rum. dowel (1)11411(1,111 5uu'll not gain much pleasure during the mouths to come. roe precaution. Take a good tonic or blood nurltler now. We handle all the goal brawls It IA caul recommend one which should be especially effective In your ease. We also hate a line of 1)r. Brown's remedies which we re•um- mend stat« all others. -E. R. WiGLF., 1►ruggi.t, Grwterieh. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mr. Norman Newell, formerly of town. ■fter a .neessful venture in reel es- tate at Windsor. has gone into 1/11/.1. 114.014 at 1Mtruit In groceries and meat. III* store Is at the corner of- 21)144 and Porter streets. His broth -•r It,7rgle Is n*slsting haul falba store. AN('01 %EK 1115 HURON (IL1J 8/11"S' ASSOI'IATION. Former Residents of l'ounty (:H To - tether and Form an Organisation. Th.• follow i2g letter frutu Miss Jeaa 1'autelott, .1 former Gilder .-hi girl, will he real .11111 54-.•24 Micro -4 011(1 pleas - 111.1• in town x1111 e.11III('. ; Editor of Tow Hlg)sal, (o *le• rl*h. Ik•ar Mr ltolwrt*un,-Although we area long way from Huron, there are *till a great many loyal wont and daughters of the Bawl old county who du nut wish to lose Ivn)lleetI,, with all Ifun.n'* history. traditions and old friewl*. No we. in Vancouver. have formed another Huron old !toys As- sN•iathon. .V.' have had two organiza- tion meetings and at the last enthus- h**tie rail* the following officers were elected for the year: President -I). T. Kendall I liru*w•b I. bit vlerprmeident Dr. reitre ISea• forth/. :1141 vice-presldeut-11. It. Ilordos 1 loth -rich I. :1rd vire- t esl etet-T. • 11.Donaghy 1Furetwhhr. Res•ording secretary -T. J. Iawreare l Seafurth ►. t'orrespnwling wr•retary-Jean l'*M- telon I1:1•nletich 1. Trearurrr-Mr. Edward* ( Ford - . 04111). IDIrecttrt*-Mrw.r lIbortreel ' (See - forth I, \'w. M*•Qtwen I Brwwaeld Mr*. Humphrey* I Fordwlch 4, W. i'i Gorby 1 Hen*all 1, T. 1t. 1(111 (Brnr► rude 1, Mrs. ihnlaghy 1 Furdwich1; Mr. limy 1 H'Inghain I, A. Howie'* 1 White- churchl, Mrs. Greig 1 F'onlw.leh 1, C. F. Gibson 4 Vruxeter1. 7 Tlwre are a great mint rormer "Nunouitr�' iu our fair city and we errs , foobing forward with gnat en- thusiasm to a splendid organization t►hk•h will .11e worthy of tie I.antwr lullty of which we are representative's. A* you tow, 1 have been appointed corresponding secretary and it will be my duty atill pleasure to write tack to the cuuuty papers from time to time such news of our Moiety and Its affairs a* we; think the people back "home" may like to know about. We wish to keep in closer ...inset with all Huron's activities anal we should like to feel that the people of 'Jurors are interested 111 this Association and In tint at•tivItIes. Will you kindly in- sert this Iww•s ..f our A»Nw dation in yonr paper? We wish you eominnel aucetas_�a_,_-,_ your publication and we from Val. cunre'r. the (Caddis, tie -tenthly to the I'aelac, wind areetllga to Ilodi rleh, Huron* Cagerigisieliate. 1 am, • Tour+ Kineerely, JEAN OANTIAL(►N. (Cor. -Sec's • ) %anconver. it. 1'.. Feb 15, 1921. It makes a real treat -Blackstone', Seticious ice crown. in bulk or fancy bricks. D.n't hesitate to phone us your want,. We are glad to deliver ph•ene crders promptly. Campbell's Drug Store. H. C. Dunlop. meal agent for Tempie- ton's Rheumatic Capsules. and Raz-Mah In, asthma • says these two standard rem- edies are selling better every day. to join, will please enroll promptly. Tele Industrial l'owmlttee has not Starr Phonotraphs and Gannett Stat yet beetsable to se. un• an instructor Records for sale at Black•tone't la in millinery. Appliiatlons for the po*- Cream Parlors West street. idol] will be gladly revived by J P. III'ME, Principal. INDUSTRIAL EVENING CLASSES. The dressmaking class's under the Instruction of Mrs. W. T. L'cllow will I* held on Friday afternoons and Viet)- ings. beginning March 4, and on other evenings as repo►rel. All intending We have everything for th' se whn tat: - LOCAL TOPICS LN BRIEF. pictures. Camera'. films. trllxr4s and other requisites. Campbell's Drug Store. Mise McKinnon has returned from Tonsilo, rifter attending the millinery openings for Mi's Cameron. Hamilton Street. The 4icual Io -'t week inadvertently uiltrtisl the 118 me of Mr. ('has. J. Shepherd. of Tarlo, to mentioning those who were 111 town for the tither - 111 of the 1141* 1) 1t. MacKay. Mr. Sllephnrd wt• 14econa .tied h; hie ' daughter Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Itol.•rt Gilroy. of Man- ito', Man.. are hen' on their wedding.-- - trip vh*Ring rhe latter's lipid's. Mr. ' W. Ii. Hirai... Hamilton sheet, and unnt, Mr.. t:eo. it. Rates, Huron Hind. Myrs:-,-tilt,+rw-www-Al ewspei as:-dafw /Riven, daughter of the late John Ittiven. Ur. Joseph 1'. McMillan. formerly of these Warts. Is now living at Puce. ,near SVlndsar, ttnl.. auto the following from The Bonder l'tti«s Star refers to POW( wnrk he hate been doing: "Lake- wood.- Martinet 'hover's country place. 1100 gndergone (Mite a necessarN change -In• tow int.ww*te of- the oncnm--.-- Ing suburbulp summer res.rrt here. JOOCph 4'. %h311111in. car•pwuaer, • 1a. '.nmpleted the razing of the large shed. l lIr21 feet, and a large horn tlele4 feet. the hitor building having h d dmtldc floors. Tht. nndertaking ave aoromplishel do twen•y-iiiue wuring day.. which is ,.nsid ere, 11 g re. mill when done by a man .1.irte. Near- ly 14000, feet .of lumber wa taken from the buildings. awl thy. • 11 likely be sold. Fresher tk tasters at S. Wil.on'' not YOUNG. -At 1-' ndon, on Tuesday. February :2 Samuel 1. Yount,. in Am 3:t year. - Old Home Week in Goderich NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In THE ESTArs or At.ase7 M. POLLEY. Lan or tet Towel (w COMPILE, IN Mt COUNTY Cr Hua0.4. G5NTL14AN, D1CUA4aD NOTICE le hereby given pursuant to R S 0.. cap. 121, sec 50. that •II persons having claims against the estate of the and Albert M. Polley. de- ceased. who died on the 19th day of Janus!' Y. 1921. are required to send or deliver to the under- signed. solicitor Inv the exerutikes of the said ea. tate, on or before the 1st day of March, 192', full particulars of heir claims,and that after such date acid executrices wi11 distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled. having re- gard only to claims of which they shall then have received notice. and that they will not be light. loans parson of whose c aim notice shall vim have been received at theytpe M such distribution. Dated the 7th day of February, A. D. 1971. CHARLES (:ARROW. Solkitor In Chark*t. A. Polk,' and Grace McFadyer, Executrices. St electric light and bath, garage, situated on the corner of Well- ingtnn and I'k-ton 'twits. im- ,medlate poaseaston. This 1* a Very desirable home and w111 be . did cheap. - 11/4 story frame bone with S rooms. electric light and water, full lot with orchard. Situated on the west aide of Cameron street. Investment Securities. Victory Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE for A Horne TO acquire a home of your own, depends upon your earnestness and determination -to spend teas than you earn. Open a Savings Account with this Bank and start at once on the road to becoming your own landlord. 447 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager J London, Ont.. February lath. 1921 3t PASTURE LANDS Falls Reserve=Goderich and Colbome ToWnahips To Be Let by Tender. The undersigned is prep receive tenders up to \ 10th MARCH, 1921. at 10 a. Ip , for about 572 acres of pasture land in one block known as THE FALLS RESERVE. Goderich and Colborne 'Townships, watered by the Maitland Rive r. The land will be let for a term of five years;from 1st of November, 1920, at a groes rental (without taxes) per annum, payable in advance. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. THE CANADA COMPANY, 1170 1'onge St. Toronto. 21st Feb.. 1921, 2t rim GODERICH MARKETS T*U.90A Y. February 24. Wheat. per hook g 1 511 to 0 les Oahu per Kin'h.•. .40 to .48 Barley. per bash .75 M Ai I'e.s, gar hush ... ... 1.t0 to 1 110 an Sao 5 141 11.00 40.00 So (44 15110 115 .00 35 70 10.00 *.Mn 19.10 d .00 Flour, family. per eat 59i to Floor, pd. it. per owl 5.00 o Kral.. per tori 40.011 to Shot., per ton ... ....... 43 00 to Hay. per ton 25.ia1 .n diraw, ----------4200(6loose. per ton 1200 to Dalry Hotter. Horth ha to Groomers Metter,per Ib .M0 to Rags. trash. par ,os..... .... .hi) to PoutoN.per bath. . .110 to Cattle. bnteheni ebdtne, tel. mot. It 00 to 1 al I le, her aha+' megro m resew,. 7.73 fn H•vree. fly. weigh*, par est. .. . 10.n0 n. Modes. per Ib .00 le sheepskins .11 te piece rant. -W ANTE (`IARETAKER WANT D.- NORTH • STREET METHODIST C RCH, Duties to start April let. Apply to I .t•. BROWN, Church Street. 41 ` ANTED. -AT ONCE. A COOK (general). ('.00d •saes 10 COM" nt pef- son. MRS. (DR.) HUNIHR, corner ictoria sera et and Nelson,street. A young man who had been in the city only three days, but whahad been paying attention to a pretty girl, wanted to propose, so a Western paper reports, but was afraid he might be thought too hasty. He delicately approached the subject as ipHowe : "If 1 were to speak to you of rriage, after. having made your ac- quaintance only three days ago, what would you say to i tf" "Well," cam the ready retort, "1 should toy never put off till tomorrow that which you should have done the t ay before yesterday." Two suburban gardeners were swearing vengeance on sats. "It appears Ftp me," rine said. "that they seem to picot out your choicest plants to scratch out of the grcunil." "There's a big yellow tomcat," the other said. "tha fetches my plants out and then sits and actually defies me." "Why don't you hurl a bock at him ?" asked the first speaker. 'That's what mikes me mad.' was the reply. ' I can t. Ile gets on top of my greenhouse to defy me." Looking Ahead. -Heaven knows how Sharpe made his money." "That's probably why he wears that worried look." ---New Haven Reveler. • _«+•wing.-. e.+aw..errh+.Y„rI August 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1921 The Committee having in chary. the procuring of the addresses o ormer rest* -iii! o C.icl t 1 n n 0 er lnt:fthtiim* to -`tire Beton may be sent to them, ask the kited cu -operation of all who see advertisement in waking up a list that shall he es nearly comple as possible. - Reside1nts of town AI, nsked to hand In to Mr. Bowden, at the Board of ale rooms. West street, the names and addresses of .4117 former reskl tits of whom they know. Former res entle can assist by mailing to MRS. W. L. 11014T't)N, Chairman of the Nen)... and Addres*«s Committee. or to Mr. W. S. 1w)V.'DEN. Secrets (1141 Home Week, Goderich. list. of any (:.4.•r101 (1111 itoys (or (Ir1,. ,'9their acquaintance. with proper addrr-w". Lists 'should Ire Ile promptly as {sisslhl«. SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES 'PHONE POWELL., 299 and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. W. J: POWELL • t,-4-- �1'.1V ADI EIl'1lSEMEN'114. Page i, 1 at m4 het sate -J Ara tr *t 1 Me.l Contract. Drjallatent t Wont for Sale - 1., Kling 1 S•.et Covera Slake for Skye- W. F. Young a Son .... ......... ., 1 Posts for Salle -Mrs D. Patterson. Auburn 1 Automobile Permits -J. W MacFmir: .... t Caretaker Wanted -North Street Methodist Fur creek Piece Found -C. Macke tone's Rests u - rad..... ...... ... t slalom Pikes -Select Ladies' Rerle•1wWest Failure Leads -The Canada Company. ... ... 1 Coot W. ,4 -Mrs. (Dr.► Hvntel. 4.