HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-17, Page 8R Thursday, February 17, 1021.
is the chance you have
been looking for
Wall Paper
Odds and Ends
in room lots. Must all be
cleared out in one week
Starting Feb. 18th
at prices that will satisfy
you as to their great values
Come early and get best
1 have opened a Repair Shop In
the stand at the corner of Elgin
and Victoria streets, formerly
occupied by the late • Adam
TIKroipsoo, itlackwnith.
Repairing Radiators,
Bodies of Cars.
Acetylene Welding of all Kinds.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Thos. Hoggarth
11 01• w
rhe' KNOX CHI Kt'll.
Year's Work Ket,
y Reports l
At the Annual wee
Emotion of Knox c
February Curt- the
past year was r'evlt•wed
preseuted by the various
ionizations. Mr. C. A.
man of the (ward of
The report ut the session wax a
by the moderator, Rev. It. C.
herald. It expressed dlaappoiutmen
at the spirit of unrest which still
poseased the world, and the distress
which prevailed lu many countries,
especially ('hind. and stated that
Canada bad cause for congratulation
Iu the Iouuti(ul harvest that had re-
lieved the possibilities of unusual dis-
tress iu this tuuntry. Meutiou woe
made of the success of the Forward
Movement carupatgu and of the cun-
atruettou policy outllued by the As-
sembly, including the following funda-
mentals : ]'coyer, home religion, life
'service,p•rsouat evangelism, social
wellbeing. and stewardship. The ob-
jective of $'4,I410 set fur Koos chur('h
In the Forward Movement canvass had
Peen exceeded by almost $3,000.
After a drastic revision of the com-
muuiou roll, and the. removal of the
names of perilous who had removed
from town or who for auy other rea-
son had ceased to be participating
member+ of the congregation, it was
found there were now In full com-
munion with the church 612 member
In 1920 there were added to the roll
tweuty-three persona by profession of
faith mud thirty-three by certificate.
Appreciative reference was made to
good gework' being done in the var-
ious organizations of the congregation,
the Sabbath school, the various mis-
sionary societles, the ladies' Aid, and
the choir.
The "In Memoriam" -!fat recorded
the names of twenty-seven members
who )lad passed on during the year.
The managers'repufrt. read by Mr.
11. l'. lordop, reported. the reduction
of the mortgage debt by $1,000.
Mr. C. K. Saunders. in presenting
the treasurer's report. pleaded for in-
creased Interest to the affairs of the
church on the part of all the members.
rather than of a few only. The re-
ceipts for the year totalled $6.626.37,and the expenditures. including pay-
ment on mortgage. to $0,140.07, leav-
ing a deficit of $322.70 for the year.
. The Sabbath school reported an
average attendance for the year of
HMI scholars :Ind 26 teachers and oft-
. eves. The Cradle 11011 new carries
wed in Various
ig of the con-
ch, held on
w of the
in w reports
a urch or-
pre -
Porterhouse and Sirloin Steak 32c
Round Steak 30c
Rib Roast 27c
Pot Roast 25c
Stewing Beef 18c, 20c
Pork Chops 30c, 32c
Pork Roast 30c
Pork Sausage 30c
Headcheese—"It's real" 20c
All $2.00 orders delivered on Saturday .-_„-_-- ._.
Phone 368 R. GRAF, Proprietor. Cor. Kingston dt Square
Try to Make Men Fit Our Clothes
We Make Clothes for the Man
Tbe beat -dressed men m town have
- ."diseovereu" our Custom Tailoring.
Let us "bid” on your business.
F. H. MARTIN, icor
11IIIIII111111111111IIIhII1111II1I111101111111H111111III1111111IIIIIIIHIIN1II I I I I I I11111IIIIIIIll_
1 _
▪ Yes, it 's a fact, Mhos prices fere going to conte down,
a. - ▪ steadily, gradually, but nevertheless surely, and by the
time this announcement reaches you we,, shall have been
through our entire STOill end .RE -MARKED it 'according
to present day wholesale pricee,'thereby again (lenlonatrat-
-_ ing out policy of giving the best posriihle value for money,
EE eoi(pled with prompt, courteotu service, under competent
▪ management. dive us a trial, and your future patronage
is Sas"-"d.
The Leading Shoe Man
I MMIII1IIIIIMIIIIIPIIIIiMI111111111111111111111'1118111111111111111111111111111111111111
Until He Took "Fruit-a-lla"
The Fruit Medklol
R. R. No. 1. Looms, OR.
"For over three years, I was
**alined to bed with Rherw.Ii'.ras.
treated with doctors, aad tried
a sly everything without heaeflt.
PI ally, I tried "Fruity -Lives".
Befor I had sued Aalj s box ! saw
etas rel: the pain was eider
and the s Iling started to go down
I coattail taking this fruit me-
dteine, imp all the time, and
Bow I Gan about two mike and
do light chores about the plain".
110e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial mike 26e.
At aU dealers or sent postpaid be
!'rule -a -fives Llraited, Ottawa.
ninety-one names, sixty -se Be r
members beiug euroUed dur
year. •
The adult Ilihle ...lass report
average attendance of thirtyzt
Mr. J. P. plume, B. A., is the teach
of this class. The girls' Bible elass,
of which Mrs. Wm. Strachan is the
teacher, reported a membership of
seventy-one, with an average attend-
ance of thirty -tire.
The St, Andrew's Club, an organ-
ization of the older toys, %reported a
very successful year. The Clue has
an active membership of twenty-four.
Meetings are held twice weekly—in
the church on Sunday for devotional
purposes and Scriptural study, and at
the 0. C. 1. gymnasium on Wednesday,
when Mr. Meikle, the mentor of the
('lub, superintends the physical exer-
cises in which the boys engage.
The Swastika ('lull serves for the
girls very much as the Si. Andrew's
('lub fey the boys, their interests, bow
ever, being divergent. This Club has
twenty-one active members.
The Ladies' Aid Society, rightly re-
garded as one of the staunch pillars
et Knox church. reported its aetivitles
for the past year, largely in the way
of raising money by such means a+
the annual "high tea" and similar
undertakings, which are almost rink -
firmly sueeeas(nl. of the amount so,
raised last year $500 was handed to
the managers as a eoutributiou to the
reduction of the church debt, aarl en
additional sum of $150 was contributed
towards the running expenses of the
The report of the Missionary Asso-
ciatiuu was presentee) by its president.
Mr, J. P. Hume. It recorded with
gratitude that the sum of $2,324 had
been remitted to the missionary treas-
urer at Toronto, tbis amount being an
Increase of about $190 over last year's
total. The hope was expressed that
the congregation world continue its
yearly advauce until it should reach
its proportionate share of the amount
calculated ns uess•,csary to overtake the
missionary obligations of the church.
Mr. G. J. S. loynes reported for the
Forward Movement committee, of
which he is treasurer: Of the sub-
scriptions to tee fund, totalling $11,-
11;OO5.96, 86,021.05 had been received up
to January SO last,
Miss Marguerite ('hapman, the
youthful secretary of the Maeiiillivrny
Mission nand, renal in clear units• the
report of this ever -flourishing organ-
isation. The membership is 115 I83
stria and :12 boys/ ; 8160 had bt'e•n sent
to the Presbyterial treasurer, and mia-
slousry interest had been austtined
among the members by regular study,
the hearing of addresses, and the. re-
ceipt of letters from missionaries to
the field.
The Arthur Circle kept 0p its meet-
ings throughout the year, had a large
increase of membership, raised about
$400 for missionary purposes, and
studied missionary publications.
The Women's Mlasiivary Society r,• -
ported sustained activity throughout
the year, hut a alight decrial*. in nrem-
lershlp. The atm of $:1W was re-
mitted to the l'reshytortal treasurer.
The report Of the choir mentioned
MP -mange to nrffarftmt -1114---111617
leader, lir. F. T. Egener having re-
moved from town and been Nurr(4s1ed
by Mr. Geo. Kenyon, L. bins., who nes
(Ming good work. In the interval be-
tween 1)r. k:ge•ner's departure and Mfr.
Kenyou's arrival the choir was f ulu-
nate Iu ses•nring the services of Mr.
Duller anal afterwards of Mrs. ('eun-
eron as organist.
Messrs. (', A. Nairn end P. K. Saun-
ders were re -appointed to the board
of managers and two new members
were misled, Messrs. J. J. Mml' wen
and A..1. MacKay. Messra..1. E. Tom
and J. W. Fraser were re-elected audi-
tors. Dr. A. 1'. Hunter was appointed
a tnr..tee of the church.
The following were eleetrd as the
Missionary Aswciation : H. F. Itlack,
president ; ('. W. Chapman, treasurer;
W. 1'. Nfstflel, secretary ; J. J. McEwe it.
Malcolm Margery, Angus MacKay, .1.
11. Marshall, W. J. Mc('reath, R. 11.
Cott, Jew. ltlsaet, ,Fos. Mttelmll, J. 1'.
Heine, A. E. Wilson.
Pepo lar Pastor of li'letoria Street
l'hurrh Accepts Invitation for
Third ]'ear.
At the F'e'hritiry meeting of the mRi-
elal board of Victoria street Metherllst
Outwit held on Monday evening,
Febbruary 7th, m unanimous invitation
was intended the pastor. Rev. .1. F'.
Reycraft, to remail for the Iltirl year,
and wail cordially Re cent's, by him.
The paintor's work is greatly appre-
ciated and the"('hnreh Is flourlahing In
every department. Thn treasurer re-
ported n Imtlance to the Treasury with
the pnitor'A salary paid up t0
and all other liabilities met promptly
through the year. After hearing the
trtaaatrer's report, by a nnnnimmu
rote the treasurer was suthorinsl to
prey the pastor now a Tomos of *7110
n addition to notary. In the report
rn chnrrk property it was noted that
loth chute!' and parsonage were clear
of any encumbrance what er. The
pastor and people are looking nrward
to a term of great usefulne*'. `,Mr. J.
H. Million gave notice that the
May meeting he would move Lha the
matter of supporting a missionary' be
The Blood Should Constantly
Be Kept Rich and Pure.
If you suffer from any form of indiges-
tion. your diet should be carefully chosen.
Over -eating is always harmful, but at the
sante time one must take enough food to
supply the needs of the blood. It must
be remembered that the blood has to
carry nourislimetit to every part of the
body, find fuel f6t its energy and defences
against disease, as well as the requisite
juices for digestion. Hence. when the
blood becomes weak and fails to do its
work, indigestion arises ; also when indi
Reston begins the blood still further
suffers. 7 herefore, to safeguard )cot r
digestion, the blood should be kept rich
and free from impurities. For more than
a third of a century Dr. Wiltams' Pink
Pills have been a favorite tonic for en-
riching the blood and strengthening tl e
nerves. If, therefore, you find yourseil
troubled with indigestion. or other ail-
ments due to weak, watery blood, you wi I
find Dr. Williams' rink Pills both sate
and effective. The value of this medicine
in cases of stomach trouble is shown by
the experience of Mrs, J. Lewis. Lake
George, N. S.. who says : "1 suffered
very severely with indigestion. 1 'Nod
..pevere pains in the stoma( h after *very
meal. 1 had a loathing for food, my rest
at night was vary much disturbed. and
my general health was declining. I was
order a docs( is care. but did not fu d
any improvement. Reading of what Dr.
WI hams' Pink Pills had done in a similar
case 1 decided to try them. with the
result that after giving them a fair trial
my general health was improved, and all
symptoms o1 the indigestion that had
ted .me-.disapplfart(l, I feel very
grateful to Dr. Williams' Kink Pi1Ts for
saving me from so much misery."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any medicine dealer, or by m:ul
at 50 cents a lox or six boxes for $2.50
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville. (het.
1 he services at Vista is street Metho-
dist church next Sunday will be conducted
by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Reycraft. Ser-
mon subjects : 11 a. m. "Life's Com-
mitments." 7 p. m., "What Has the
Community a Right to Expect of Its
Tatars Men ?" Sunday school at a p. m.
The concluding meetings of the misison
conducted by Gipsy Ilawkins in the Bap-
tist chutch sere attended by 'large ton-
g egations. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and
Miss Gould left on Monday for Toronto
to test (or a• few days before engaging in
a mission at But mngton. Their visit to
Goderich wilt long be remembered and
void doubtless have lasting effects upon
many individual lives and u pun the Bap-
tntt congregation here as a whole.
Next Sunday, February 20th, the
pastor begins two merles of sermons at
the (baptist church. In the morning
the talk+ will he of an expository Come and hear "Betsy Bobbitt" enter -
nature and will he 5,e(asl on the early tain her friends 'with old-time songs and
ehapt('ra of T. ('orinthians. The first music. also a playlet, "Our Aunt from
theme is "A Thankful Heart." In the California," in the lecture ro-'m of Knox
church. Tuesday, February 22nd.
Province of
Owing to the unprecedented
demand for the new province
of Ontario 6 per cent. ,issue,
attmerous people were too late
to get- bonds at the issue_
pric • At the time of writing
they ' re being sold at par.
and still are the best invest-
ment on the market, yielding
the investor
6 pecent. •
for twenty )ea•
soon be at a pre,
declining stoney
It should
um with the
r es.
T. R. Harrison
insurance and Bond Broker
Box 211 • I'lion -.316
evening the studies will be of six Ne
Testament characters. The first 1s
"Tin- Mau without a Friend." 11i1.1e
school at 3 p. in. and 11. Y. 1'. C. meet-
ingat s p. 111.
At 'Knox church next Sabbath
divine worship will be conducted by
the minister. Subjects of sermons r
11 a. m.. "lsatah'a Reaction ]'peon H
melt." 7 p. in., "Doubt." Flails
seh(ol and Bible classes at 3 o'clock.
A large and moat interesting regular
i monthly meeting of the Ladles' Aid-
Society of Victoria street church was
brill on Thursday afternoon at the
horse of Mrs. Armstrong. Thirty-two
were present, and three new menders
were enrolled. Atter business had
i_Iteen_it1nga s t uCa. da1,)talt-hstur_1'
j lowest, during which refreahmeuts
were 'wryest, and an opportunity glv:•u
for all till become better acquainted.
North Street Methodist Cbureh.
Servi(es et North street Methodist
church next Sunday will be : 11 a. m.,
T p. m., putlmmc d'orship. The pastor's
morning thetne will la• : "The And l-
efty' of Our Mlssionary Program." In
the evening the choir will render Floe
enc.. King+lej a celebrated snug-mt ,ry,
"Tor." Wm Is a tender gospel at.'ry
f(nrnded on the, event.. of the past week
of the Saviour's life on earth. 10 n.i in.,
elaases, Wootton Band and Men's ('1115,.
The ('lub topic, "Dors (hal change
natural lawn for man's. caking ?" will
he Introdueed by Mr. Ernest Pritchard.
'c p. m., Sunday achool.
Rev. R. J. Me('ormlek, of Blyth,
preached in North street church I tat
Sunday and gave two very fine dls-
eonrses. The pastor took mlesiouaty
anniversary aervl(es for Mr. ?decor.
The Epworth League meeting on
Tuesday evening was very largely at-
tended and a fine program was gle'en
under the direction of the literary and
social commetteem.
N $nolo s --Ns Romig Is UM
Jest $waMMw s Capsule
RAZ -MAH 1* Guarantet(t(
to restore normal breathing, stop mums
pthermgs in the bronchial tubes, give
tong nights of quiet sleep; rontalns ea
habit-forming drug $1.00 at your drug-
gist's. Trial freest oar oracles or write
Tl mplet'ona, 149 King W.. Toronto.
ideal Agent —nt SV$ Dime Mor.
Starr I'honotraphs and Gennett Star
Records for sale at Blackstone's la
Cream Parlors. West street.
Fresh bulk oysters at S. C. Wilson's.
The editor of The Signal has received
an invitation to attend the annual "at
o'ne' of the Huron()d Boys' Association
of Toronto, to be held nn FeMuary 241h
IN will not he able to attend. but he
fruits the ga kering will he, as exphgted,
orient the best int he history of the Smoo-
t [ignore -
Send us the make of your Car, model and year, and
we can supply you with the approved
Under the new Automobile Act all Cars must be
equipped with a Government -approved Lens before 1921
Licenses can be bad.
Phone 354 P. O. Box 509
For That Cough or Cold
Riker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract
Laxative Cold Tablets with Aspirin
Money refunded if not satisfied.
The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block
ebaker and Gray -Dort
Let us gt a you a demonstration with these
cars before yo t decide on your spring purchase.
Our repair allop has been operated to its
capacity all winter and the cars are still coming
in. Bring yours in\and have it done before the
spring rush comes ori\
Our new battery charging outfit is working
splendidly and we are noW in a position to handle
any number of batteries.
We have in stock several kinds of the Non -
Glare Lenses, at prices ranging rom $2.75—$4.50.
Stop walking to work. Co in and get one
of our new Bicycles. They are ere ready for
Case Farm Tractors and Machinery.
ARCTIC ANTI -FREEZE for your Radiator.
Columbia Dry Cells are the best for all purposes.
A range of Winter Coats to be cleared at just Buy your Spring Cottons now.
one-half price. These garments must all be sold, Sheetings 2 yards wide at 65c, 70c and 75c a
so we are clearing them at one-half price. Many yard. All heavy cloths.
of our customers five taken advantage of this Unbleached Sheeting at 55c a yard.
opportunity to buy aight weight Winter Coat in Heavy white Cotton, no dressing, 37 in. wide,
light shade for spring wear. You will save money at 75c for 60c.
byFine Nainsooks, Cambrics and Longcloths at
taking advantage of this sale of Coats. much reduced prices.
DRESSESD.o your spring buying while the prices are
Every Dress in the store is reduced in price, DRESSGOODS •
A wonderful line of Silk Dresses at $17.50.
Big reductions in Serge Dresses. They are down in price 25 pet cent.
Ladies' Skirts all on sale. Back to old-time values in Dress Goods.
Beautiful Spring Coatings at $4.50 to $6.00 a
BLOUSES 48 yard, in very fine velours.
Jersey Cloth, made tubular, 'n heather mix -
Voile Blouses at reduced prices. tures, at $5.50 a yard.
Crepe de chine Blouses at greatly reduced Very fine Serges in botany 1, at $4.00,
prices. $4.50, up to $5.00 a yard.
Georgette Blouses much below cost. ----____
• It will be easy to find a Blouse in the right — "Cashmere Hose at big reductions.
size to suit you from this range. A store full of BARGAINS.
of any encumbrance what er. The
pastor and people are looking nrward
to a term of great usefulne*'. `,Mr. J.
H. Million gave notice that the
May meeting he would move Lha the
matter of supporting a missionary' be
The Blood Should Constantly
Be Kept Rich and Pure.
If you suffer from any form of indiges-
tion. your diet should be carefully chosen.
Over -eating is always harmful, but at the
sante time one must take enough food to
supply the needs of the blood. It must
be remembered that the blood has to
carry nourislimetit to every part of the
body, find fuel f6t its energy and defences
against disease, as well as the requisite
juices for digestion. Hence. when the
blood becomes weak and fails to do its
work, indigestion arises ; also when indi
Reston begins the blood still further
suffers. 7 herefore, to safeguard )cot r
digestion, the blood should be kept rich
and free from impurities. For more than
a third of a century Dr. Wiltams' Pink
Pills have been a favorite tonic for en-
riching the blood and strengthening tl e
nerves. If, therefore, you find yourseil
troubled with indigestion. or other ail-
ments due to weak, watery blood, you wi I
find Dr. Williams' rink Pills both sate
and effective. The value of this medicine
in cases of stomach trouble is shown by
the experience of Mrs, J. Lewis. Lake
George, N. S.. who says : "1 suffered
very severely with indigestion. 1 'Nod
..pevere pains in the stoma( h after *very
meal. 1 had a loathing for food, my rest
at night was vary much disturbed. and
my general health was declining. I was
order a docs( is care. but did not fu d
any improvement. Reading of what Dr.
WI hams' Pink Pills had done in a similar
case 1 decided to try them. with the
result that after giving them a fair trial
my general health was improved, and all
symptoms o1 the indigestion that had
ted .me-.disapplfart(l, I feel very
grateful to Dr. Williams' Kink Pi1Ts for
saving me from so much misery."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any medicine dealer, or by m:ul
at 50 cents a lox or six boxes for $2.50
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville. (het.
1 he services at Vista is street Metho-
dist church next Sunday will be conducted
by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Reycraft. Ser-
mon subjects : 11 a. m. "Life's Com-
mitments." 7 p. m., "What Has the
Community a Right to Expect of Its
Tatars Men ?" Sunday school at a p. m.
The concluding meetings of the misison
conducted by Gipsy Ilawkins in the Bap-
tist chutch sere attended by 'large ton-
g egations. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and
Miss Gould left on Monday for Toronto
to test (or a• few days before engaging in
a mission at But mngton. Their visit to
Goderich wilt long be remembered and
void doubtless have lasting effects upon
many individual lives and u pun the Bap-
tntt congregation here as a whole.
Next Sunday, February 20th, the
pastor begins two merles of sermons at
the (baptist church. In the morning
the talk+ will he of an expository Come and hear "Betsy Bobbitt" enter -
nature and will he 5,e(asl on the early tain her friends 'with old-time songs and
ehapt('ra of T. ('orinthians. The first music. also a playlet, "Our Aunt from
theme is "A Thankful Heart." In the California," in the lecture ro-'m of Knox
church. Tuesday, February 22nd.
Province of
Owing to the unprecedented
demand for the new province
of Ontario 6 per cent. ,issue,
attmerous people were too late
to get- bonds at the issue_
pric • At the time of writing
they ' re being sold at par.
and still are the best invest-
ment on the market, yielding
the investor
6 pecent. •
for twenty )ea•
soon be at a pre,
declining stoney
It should
um with the
r es.
T. R. Harrison
insurance and Bond Broker
Box 211 • I'lion -.316
evening the studies will be of six Ne
Testament characters. The first 1s
"Tin- Mau without a Friend." 11i1.1e
school at 3 p. in. and 11. Y. 1'. C. meet-
ingat s p. 111.
At 'Knox church next Sabbath
divine worship will be conducted by
the minister. Subjects of sermons r
11 a. m.. "lsatah'a Reaction ]'peon H
melt." 7 p. in., "Doubt." Flails
seh(ol and Bible classes at 3 o'clock.
A large and moat interesting regular
i monthly meeting of the Ladles' Aid-
Society of Victoria street church was
brill on Thursday afternoon at the
horse of Mrs. Armstrong. Thirty-two
were present, and three new menders
were enrolled. Atter business had
i_Iteen_it1nga s t uCa. da1,)talt-hstur_1'
j lowest, during which refreahmeuts
were 'wryest, and an opportunity glv:•u
for all till become better acquainted.
North Street Methodist Cbureh.
Servi(es et North street Methodist
church next Sunday will be : 11 a. m.,
T p. m., putlmmc d'orship. The pastor's
morning thetne will la• : "The And l-
efty' of Our Mlssionary Program." In
the evening the choir will render Floe
enc.. King+lej a celebrated snug-mt ,ry,
"Tor." Wm Is a tender gospel at.'ry
f(nrnded on the, event.. of the past week
of the Saviour's life on earth. 10 n.i in.,
elaases, Wootton Band and Men's ('1115,.
The ('lub topic, "Dors (hal change
natural lawn for man's. caking ?" will
he Introdueed by Mr. Ernest Pritchard.
'c p. m., Sunday achool.
Rev. R. J. Me('ormlek, of Blyth,
preached in North street church I tat
Sunday and gave two very fine dls-
eonrses. The pastor took mlesiouaty
anniversary aervl(es for Mr. ?decor.
The Epworth League meeting on
Tuesday evening was very largely at-
tended and a fine program was gle'en
under the direction of the literary and
social commetteem.
N $nolo s --Ns Romig Is UM
Jest $waMMw s Capsule
RAZ -MAH 1* Guarantet(t(
to restore normal breathing, stop mums
pthermgs in the bronchial tubes, give
tong nights of quiet sleep; rontalns ea
habit-forming drug $1.00 at your drug-
gist's. Trial freest oar oracles or write
Tl mplet'ona, 149 King W.. Toronto.
ideal Agent —nt SV$ Dime Mor.
Starr I'honotraphs and Gennett Star
Records for sale at Blackstone's la
Cream Parlors. West street.
Fresh bulk oysters at S. C. Wilson's.
The editor of The Signal has received
an invitation to attend the annual "at
o'ne' of the Huron()d Boys' Association
of Toronto, to be held nn FeMuary 241h
IN will not he able to attend. but he
fruits the ga kering will he, as exphgted,
orient the best int he history of the Smoo-
t [ignore -
Send us the make of your Car, model and year, and
we can supply you with the approved
Under the new Automobile Act all Cars must be
equipped with a Government -approved Lens before 1921
Licenses can be bad.
Phone 354 P. O. Box 509
For That Cough or Cold
Riker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract
Laxative Cold Tablets with Aspirin
Money refunded if not satisfied.
The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block
ebaker and Gray -Dort
Let us gt a you a demonstration with these
cars before yo t decide on your spring purchase.
Our repair allop has been operated to its
capacity all winter and the cars are still coming
in. Bring yours in\and have it done before the
spring rush comes ori\
Our new battery charging outfit is working
splendidly and we are noW in a position to handle
any number of batteries.
We have in stock several kinds of the Non -
Glare Lenses, at prices ranging rom $2.75—$4.50.
Stop walking to work. Co in and get one
of our new Bicycles. They are ere ready for
Case Farm Tractors and Machinery.
ARCTIC ANTI -FREEZE for your Radiator.
Columbia Dry Cells are the best for all purposes.