HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-17, Page 6E Thursday, FebrUary 17, 11321.
Mr. ( 1 Hoose Ike New 1
Rei leo of Past !Per'* Work.
The annual meeting of the Board of
Trade was held at the Beard rooms,
to the Masmle Temple, on Monday
(Welting. The president. Mr. Alex.
Sanale•s. was fu the chair and pre -
labeled the teeming address :
The Presldenes Address.
To the Members of 1110 ('.(hl rich
Itoerll of l'ra..•ke.
Gentlemen.--- e
I liuet it has been rusloniiry for rer
*ttris pr...Mirett* of the board to gixe
•. bosun• tilt the at li% itie. of the board
ler, the prat year, and a forjw'OM 100
11,.f the rnntiutemee of those.
.1. )oar are all -..ware, 1 have nnl)•
been acting pre.iileat wince the depart-
ure cif Mr. N. J. Metlaw for Vam•ouSe•r
Lw feeptemb.tir of last year, and there -
fun: m) .,1„rnaion. 1\'ttj necess:irih
his brief.
By court •.) of our industrial 'serre-
tary, I 1..1tr been furnished with a
memorandum of the work accomplish-
ed by the hoard (urine dee past tw'elst
months of ate 'operations. At the last
ental meeting the following commit-
tee', %.•I.• appouiled;
idustrl:.l, hydro: civ ie., financial
nee her.tii p. :harbor, `ran+portat4n11
If the
rail merchants.'
aerie ! t Mire. r t
rarnwt., ronuultfrr+ named have not
1. they hap: at least kept the
4o+tn on mad ff there had been
nage ro-..1 :ration .mel combined effort
emir- might ha4e been accomplished,
1 (Ns not Wis to feast any retlertien-
mt any of • the e. !tees. the mem•
bees of which re all busy men in
ttn•.r sescral Jim of business. but,
.mute of .,these hast been quite Inaet-
ne. 1'tlnll three is a lack ofrotaeoion
anteing the remembers or. will I ea -41
inertness, which is very aggravating to
those Who are ustItg their bast effort..
Io forward the Interests of the lows.
here has been ht the past a feeling •d
tagoni.m between the Town Council
an, the Huard of Trade, which 1 am
plea d to note has now been dune a-
way with, and 1 look to joint aett.n
on th' in of these bndiett to accom-
plish eOtnetiting tangible during th.
renting y(,p r. 1j we wish our teem to
ao forwar•d'we t)tust all get behind and
•The fndusli..1 a mmittee has •beer
active in datug.its b t to forw•ard•tltt
interests of lha,'(own (n securing new
industriee. end rebtaiulnir those already
wltahlildtead. T.. their eff s Is due the
establishment of tAe rich Mee
eantilrr��Cu. and the pas.atng the Wes-
tern Yanaela Flour Milo an Goderieh
Manufacturing Co. byladc+. T y have
had several other industries u et ad-
sisnient but owing to lac of pita)
ton the part of these they Were u Is
10 complete the arranieein i te. 1' )
are negotiating with several oth
1 terms wttom they feet it would he tt,
the advantage of our •p'own to have
Ilotaled here, but Utese' tatters cannel
he hurried, and war must wait paUent-
ly for their consummation. The hy-
dro committee r•wllmued their gomt
work in ensleasoriug to Bootee a flat
rate fur power, enabling us to compete
with Mout lawns and cities more fav-
orably • heated. The committee
brought this matter before the Com-
mission appointed by the Government
4.t look into Hydro affairs 'and made a
favorable impression. The Govern-
ment at their prevent se:wpn may Lake
Mime move to .relieve the present han-
dieitp to outlying industrial towns. A
Some goods pay more profit
than others. Usually, the poorer
thequalitythe greater the profit.
The grocer pays more for Red
Rose than for other teas and
he sells it at a less profit.
When you buy Red Rose you
buy the best.
comparison of rates charged in Nia-
gara Falls. Bunnies, Welland. ll.imilton
and Toronto with towns situated like
,our own, will show the serious handb
rap under which. we suffer. The civic
committee have also been active par-
ticularly in the direction of eecurine
aid for tour huspitat. lhwing to their
efforts some suh.kantiel eat may be
.xrkr(1 for feint tete county ,council
'Lehr' campaign let year for funds rt'•
sated in aub.L1nU:e1 aid from the titi-
zens of our Town, but more should be
'hoe ' o help forward such a work in
0 'on
our m Town beautification. pia)
grounds rer children, conveniences tut
tnttriol* a 1 picnic parties visiting out
Wien are sung the trbjeets which
this \Tommi ee are endeavoring to
bribe' to frut 'on. The harbor 'corns
miller as bee active, but little can
he urea halted ntil the Government
Tan re \monry o spend on public
ss nrka.
The tran*pgrtatien committee have
111. lhtanee routdittee fubanDd he
particularly, active alwl ere that fee,
are pr.nuptly rotlectell, at the various
activities of the board (vont be car-
ried ahem without fund..
The Board generally has taken up
many matters of a national character:
(teep waterways, tariff. u igratiun,
the fuel ,(tuatieti. tranl.purt and ship-
lyilg faeilitieee, better train service; all
helpful •4.. our 'Fossil. And yet some
p. 'pie ss ill ask shat we have aecnn-
plt ted. Sunt. people are ,.0 0111141(
lute. that they cannot welt for re•
sults, hey wish to plant a tree rode)
and ge fruit tomorrow.
Nos', regard to the industries ul
the 'rdwn. xuuu' of these have suffer.
ed as a It of the terrible conflict
wage) In i•: tope, •not many of Mete
prufliiug Ig• s •r material. Id .cone.)
• quence. see hay lost some industrial
been truing their effort* to induce the workers. Yasu114 in it:awning of pay
C. P. Railway and the Northern. Navi- 'fells 11 t•seeptial t, the ,.ucces of the
a port'ot
gallon Go. to make (ilderietimercantile lift of uu Tuwn, but with -
ht the last few coon *, our factories
call for Meir Steamer": plying between have securet pew bust Ass white) bar
Windsor and Sarnia and Port Arthur. enabled them to add to heir working
I am satisfied that a gr'at business staff: and without Units'. alining. w.
mutt as we enjoyed matt)`, )'ears age may look fur a fair!)' Its 1 huaineal
could be secured through our port if activity this year auieng a. our in -
we could tenure sten a line o. boats. Mistrial in*litutiuns.
They are atIll trylbg to secure dust Period rife to thank you for tt • tinny
as well as a line rtmrang from Cleve- or you did me In election me t the
land to Mackloaw to serve our tourist et -
trade. visitors could be secured from
Detroit, Cleveland, and other border
cities. as well as farther south, if wt
had convenient facilities to get to our
The other four committees, flInan-
cial, membership. agricultural and re-
tail merchants do not appear to have
been very active, but -much good car
be aceompliahed by all these, if the)
would meet periodically and' discuss
matters pertaining to the• several de-
president•, ret your Hoard; for Idle
.•rotie manner in which your secrrile)
and memoirs of your executlte hast
sunieti my efforts to advance the in•
',rests of We town during my' 31tor1
*Idem and :1.1„:11111,:rse.pitth.tOftilililtylf.d *o geM
ear. ualy' amitfulsupportedduring a prhatha« been trying
indeed, yetheftl.
W. A. Hol\\'IFN;
Industrial :,eretary.
Mr. Campbell said he thought more
information should be given to f�hr
Members of the Board as to what was
being dune.
President Saunders said he had had
the saute Idea, but uu learning for re-
sults from premature publicity regard-
ing a matter ree•ittly before the Il ant
he had ehnuged his whit and now
believed that it eonsldeerable degree of
se're•y should he soliservel reeffarding
Industrial prospects.
Mr. G. I.. Pergolas, for the transport-
ation committer, 1.11 1f Ilii efforts
wade to see•ure steamer .e :thin fer
Gealeleh. Nothing definite had been
an t uwpli.hwl, but Giste•ri.h's Oakum
had been kept lwfore• the steamship
Election of Officers.
The list of n1(piii,v'a u. prepared by
the nowhtatlug eotuwitter', according
to the eonstltutien of th. Itnard, wx*
received; sllu, ttlr..ege•. from Messrs.
liuulup and Hume, two of those uorn-
Itwtel. ,.•king that their moues be 'tut
'ibpiltttel fur election.
Messrs. G. H. Lauder and F. E.
Bingham erre appolutttel. scrutineers,
and the election of ultleers for the cone
atm yewr resulted as follows :
Presieleut-M r. C. L. Moore.
* lee -ores hien( -Mr. G. L. Parsons.
•retary--Mr. F. \1'twdlte,(pIw.
Trrlmipewee-,.1r. Win. t'awtdwll
Executive council ---C. world(. T. G.
Column: lel. J. A. Mai•Ewan. !'has. C.
Leer, W. Reg. Sharman, W. H. Robert-
weu, J. V. Taylor. ,1. W. Fraser.
(Three adds oaal neuters see rer Iw
chosen by theexecutive..
pass.• i granting an
to )1r. ('inl.tell fur
1 would ask you as a parting wiled
to encourage all lawdable enterprise,
which wish to locate•1n our Town..us-
lnl[ precaution to insvatigate lhe fin.
aneial ,-landing and character of the
companiee', ab applying. and to foster
and carr for Betas ent. rpritea which
you already ptats•xs,,gtting that moral,
auppert and encouragement, 'white, 40
Nr essential to the maintaining and del
•eloping of buainer.s projects. flirt to-
`ge)iter-be a unit -be a btsleteresno(
wknorker, and your te.swn with its pos.
tenttatili.s and situation instead. 'of!
gtandinag •1111, will forge ahead until
it will take dor place it desire( anion,
the htditrtrial centres of-4:ana.tn.-
Your* faithfully,
NIT by unit, and feature by feat-
ure, a comparison shows the Gray -
Dort to be bigger or stronger or better
Ihan other-liga mor is
bigger, with cooling system to match;
40 -pound crankshaft; three-ring pistons;
Westinghouse starting and lighting;
big axles; long springs; , deep uphol-
stery; hand -tailored top; side curtains
opening with the .dpors; Thermoid
brake- linings. Any man :who will take the
trouble to measure and weigh and test the
units of light cars will be able to see and feel
the value which is in the"Gray-Dort.
This value has made sales so rapid that
you should see the Gray -Dort dealer at once to
be sure of securing your car.
�� President.
The- pi iiekenti also referred *rally. ft,
t111t:- lliatt-.uf - tLuu. Maituing tk4u.ety
who was given a banquet hi oennet-
tion with the fel industrial e•thibi•
don, to Ste splen entertainment
risen by the Board n the eve of Mr.
Megdw's departure for itish Colum•
hie, and the siert of air. immerntan
Yoe C. P. 11. industrial cio misaiener
Tttis argil-tvuu-iher was very helpfu'
and sv 11 lb:Itemized by the m mberel
Mr. Saunters said Tree did not wl+lI
to stand for the presidency for\ln-
other par. He smilingly sneer,' I
that a younger man should be chosen.
Although lar• felt as young a* rvrr, he
realized when hr ',mikes' In the glees
that hr was getting .14.-Tie-ptWale.t
to the (penitents of the town to be
more active lit such work as the' oral
of Trade was doing In the way of en-
couraging the industrial development
of the conn.
Mr. W. 4'ampbell, treelsnrer, state)
there war a Iwtatw't' ed tt761 on haul.
r.e Board's ltnant'tal.year. did not. taut
u i1 May 31st, when a full statemt•ut
wo d -nes submitted to the inrmhers.
tie nt1 of the ,ommlttee chairmen
were preoeeid rind others who were
present ad •Ito report. to present.
Report the Industrial Secretary.
Mr. tV:'1. t.twdeu, Induetrhel +ee•re-
tary. present( a report as follows :
I.t u•h, .Feb. lids, 1911.
Tu the President
of the 4i'aterieh
nil aletit ern'
Hoard' el Trade.
Fellowing the Lett , • neat itwe'titig
It hen the pryt.ent nflleer. mer.• elYet'd
trhl ecant nig eonmutt•-,• ss.r.• ;,p -
pouted. tor ..r the of e- in.'s.
lbe.•n tielive during the ear, ex-
peei,.11y L'n industrial, tiy.li• . cit ie.
tr:,:r p„rtoe...n ,n,l harbor.
'1' -tints h.,,,• been held :.- fedi( as
Onarlerly meetings, 2 -on NIA) :mol .
v,•ruher: special ((nerd nte•tinrs,-3 t
Fehrnery, .1p1ll and ' Jun•:• nn.nt111a
meeting. 4- in June,. September, -
tuber and- Is'ee;nlrer.• The exeoutis,
sonnet' have met at sevenle•n differ. n'
.tines+ during the par. In addition to
these a greet toany meetings) .4 the art -
iv,• eununittets Lase been held.
Shortly atter tete last annual meet-
ing the /Nerd, acting •.n the suggeetten
of Mr. C.• L. Moore, derided to oCC11py
the rooms in ,which we are One lora!•
ed, possession has krgl,u'
'the% trig 'r
.\II Bre work of rearranging and ,'s•
Lahllsirins the present offices and room.
war'dune by the president, Mr, li, �r
Meow-, and the industrial secretary
withnul any extra cost for labor. 'rho
ofilee on the• east side has now beef
"erupted for al.nut eight months a,
sat per month. The n'oms are num
twines used for eneetingw by three 01
the local. lady, organizations, by the
Hosoilar Hoard, the Collegiate iwee
tute Hard, by the hs•al Medical Ass
Motion, and sundry outer meeting -t
No fee is charged. .
The work of the once hom con eh .1
e Ib'tly of conducting the genes Cor,
ren untrue- of the Hoard, t% ieh t'
Fsrrincreasing; etta'niang eetitrgs
Mid a en,iance at the office i nigtlt1
per Mr h, on an average.
Thi( an of the indn+t 1 commit
tee has her extensive and very heavy
The prevent . tuation le that there sr'
four inehtstrieo,all hut landed. Th -
financial depressb
dated against eel
present time, but
opinion that by 'thli. 'formation of ;
MCAT holding eompanyi: M take ad
vantage of the npllona ,now In out
hands, and working along the props-
lines in organizing it, excellent re-
sults ran be speedily secured. M)
work on UMx ie mete grielelenlly ad-
vanced to report to the industrial Qom-
mIttee-In a day or two.
tour efforts for the aJopthtn of to
Uniform Rate for Hydro Power have
been ennstant and ever, before ns,,ant
we have made ourselves heard in ibis
.natter In it way that halt stirred the
entire prm•Inee, and from the preens
government at Tnrnnto we hope for
some reaublts.
The menders of the Board .nnw eon*
sirt of Pie member,. who are In goo'
standing, 77 who ire owing rine svelter
ter, an( 11 ssho are owing more than
'me• y.'ac's tt'r.
The total emonni of lmp,itd fees U
Personally, i wish to thank the torts
A motion w
honorarium of A.
his I:week: as t , treto•. •
A vote of thunk was tenderel to
the ref it'tng presld t, -Mr. -t lex.
Sit tinders.
On motion of Messrs,. persons anti
1.re, it wit+ d.-1'hked to 'invite Mr.
Ilura.e• Smith, presill(•nt of . • Canada
Steamship Lbws, itn tr. Gil rndewre.
general manager of flay \ortiw Navi-
gation 4'o., to runty to oderlc and
to hast* a dl •r arranged, fur t oc-
casion of their visit.
Mr. T. H. Mitchell ,p gat sum
thing .houlel iw done to have a sod
tient numlwr of signboard* on the
highway,* hailing to Goelerich. direct-
ing motorists to this town. \
Mr. Lee suggested 'het the town it;:;
range for the pureltase from • .111.1
Leafs of itis property on the laky hunk•
He thought the town should ,meet re
ownership Of as 111111,711 as possibly of
the land along the lake and river.
After the adjtutremeut of the meet -
lig it namla•r nP the members retina iMoll
14,..1.4( a s•rfys of lantern sli.lr+ with it
de. •rIptlre statement on the develop-
evelopmen of the hydro -electric In,we•r •,v+ -
tern. art .oat by the 4'ummie-1ou of
4'noterva+1tfun at 4tttawa. This was
atiy preskntel by Erie K Ilaun end
Lionel Mar lin, two Colleeglate Instt-
tllte etudPnt*, Sint at vitt' conclusion a
vote ref thank,. ae passed to the two
yuUWg mean
I Wonder
Would It
e1! e
ands of w
has been
by many thous -
en who have
h is ull,nuhine hos
gook!) Nlnud'. Luo-
swotBt ta
e y..ndlano ew.
Gives Great
►I« A a C.kot1. xa
Park Me . Gu,lp..(b1 .
.neer' M, hu.baad►a•
wed M.wd • Laanent
Ir•a.npatti ly. •1.•,..,a
malts Ford. al
MHO ,.a a 4, hewaa-
t,ua bad tall In. that
i1 pea. pa. „hal."
13 Mn F•ed lo es., got '15. Thorold. Om -
1 wind tart ow/ .nh ot nit lac. WI
. r•• add ... to try M, Lw...1. wad
,.d �n'a,•I.Iy alter Mst •ppw,
1 perm«.( -..toy H and ,1 h.. rat sly p.a.
Th,.woo. 1 cos so wl .ttbout')fry up m, taco
art Mo 1M c,td , 0 ►,.arts Late.* a...
IoW .r. oral p.opl. about $, d •. Yd Woes are
that at '-
King of Pfeln
Yarmouth Now Scoffs
BOX 67, Goderleh. AU tnatrnettotm'
by mall or left at Signal onee will be
promptly attended to Residence tele-
pbone 110.
lR. TET', Solicitor, notary public.
Oaten Hamilton street, .Goderieb, third
door from 'square. Trust funds to
loan let lowest rates.
Office -Sterling Bagk Block. Ham-
ilton Street. Goderlch. Telephone 88.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
OMe•e on the Square, second door
from Hamilton Street, Goderleb.
Private funds to loan at lowed
ra es.
W. 'roudfout. K. ('.. J. I. Killoran,
TER. attorney, solicitor, etc.,
Money loaned at leered
OLICITOR. notary puit lc and eon-
ourt, House, Gude-
ANc'E CO Farm and isolated
town propert insured.
OIScers-J Connolly,
rich P. O. Jas. Evans,
Beech P: A.: T
Sec. -Tree ., Steaforth 1'. 0.
Direr wee -Ir. F. McGregor,
No. a. forth: John G. Grie,va,
4, W ton: William Rlnrt^'Re-R. No.
Sea rth: John Itenneirlee. Itr.
Int rn ; Gro. McCartney, Ii.\ R. No. S.
forth; Robert Ferrite Harlurk :
alrolm M,Ewen, Clinton; James
Evans, Bee•'hw,uxl ; Jnme•s oily,
Ooderteh. -
Agents : 1. W. Yeo, Ooelerieh :
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton:
illlam ('hesn:;y. Stieforth; E. Flinch-
, Ite•atorth. Policy -holders ran per
all yments and get tht'lr cards re-
('eip at It. J. Morrleh'e Clothing
Store,`('lintou : R. H. Cu't's Grocery,
K1nKst street. Goderieh. or J. LL
Reld'. Ge oral Store, Rayfield,
, Gode-
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at ■ll hours, night or day.
n ha* seriously moil
1 results up to the
le my hiunbl'
the use of Dr. - -e's Nerve
HI eplesaneas, Writs : , nervous -
n , gloomy fors • - of the
t um, depression and d • rage-
ent-•these ars some of the p-
roms which tell of exhausted
In order to avoid nervous Obit
tion or some form of parlays , ft
well to get the building up process
establlahed • at once by mss of Dr.
Chase's item Food.
so Rete a box, o for $2.76, atm dealers, or,
E dmsaeoa, Mateo M Co., Ltd.,
Western Ontario
Best Commercial School
Our winter term commences Tues -
v. January 4th, and students may
rer 'tier in one Commercial, Short-
hsn( rer Telegraphy departments at
env ti •e. Our courses are thorough
+«et pra ical, and we assist graduates
r• taee+itio , Get our free catalogue.
fa A. M CHLAN, Principal.
"Now, I.nys," said the ten,her,
"there were two rich men ; one of
them hot made ills fortnne by hon-
resty and tndnstry, while the other hod
made his by fraud and roguery.
Which ret these twn men would you
prefer to Iw ?"
There was it moment's hesltetlon,
then young I4otonron Isaac's land weld
api as be quletly enquired. "\'i,h made
the moat ? "
b0 not safer
another da etch
I ton ln Rteed-
Ina. or Protrud-
ing Piles. Nn
Burgles' oper-
ation required
Dr ('haze'. olnnnrnt will relieve you at onee
and a4Mrd luting bonnet. Bre". it brie - an
deniers, or Rdmanson, nates a (n., LlmyteL
Tnrnnto. ,.ample ons tiros If you mention MN
paper and eoeN.es In. stamp on pees mintage,.
The Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining car service
Sleeping cars on night trains, and
parlor care on prinolpal day trains.;
Full Information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or (I. E. Horn-
ing. Dtatridt Passenger Agent. To-
(L,H. Lauder, Station Agent, phone 20
Town Agents Phone it.