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Penslar Laxative Cold Breakers, 25c
Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam
\ 25c and 50c
The L,axatlteColOrtakera will check a cold in 24 hours,
while the White•Pine and Spruce Balsam. containing White
Piue Bark, Spruce Gum, Tamarac, Wild Cherry and other in-
gredients of merit, is jtast the preparation to soothe irritation
and stop that cough.
Campbell's Drug Store
The Square
The Carpets to Throw Away!
They are the we want to etre or you•
old, how dirty, dilapi-
they can ba wo n into
Reversible Rugs
that are good enough for the most
elaborate home.
You won't realize how good these
rugs really are until you see their
beauty and feel their witness under
your feet.
tn.4 at th.s •Item se.»(»t
»•»w end •dd,r', Jur • fret booh4d
with fa.a sotf r•,at)nt.
Tie a rope around the old carpet and
send it to
-'he Canada Rug
96 Carling Street, - London. Canada
lees. Il. D. Moyer It'd Mr. ,11:� W.
Thur -'1.,v }', brit:, rt 17 19'21 5
Lie Stock Sale Mareb lath.
' The Huron County Breeder. Aliso-
elation will hold a wale, of purebred
lin' sl)•k, including Hereford*, Aber-
' (leen Angus amt.Shorthorn cattle, hi
\1'1lwiutto oar Slush 101 It.
For the Memorial Fund.
Mr. W. T. Mi.lar. treasurer of th13
, Soldiers' Memorial Fund. acknowledges
the receipt of $5 from Mrs. Emily J.
Woollacott, of Detroit, in memory of her
son. Reginald T. Love ; also of $25 from
the Good Cheer Club, Godetich township.
per Miss M. Salkeld.
Tests of Milk and Water.
lir. Iiunter, M. H. 0., forwards the
following as the moults of a test by
the Provincial Inborn tortes of milk
supplied II) 111(141 dairywet, Ow ilgurea
hldicetlitg percentage of butterfat : W.
Fisher. 4.30; Oke Bros., 4; W. C. Oki.
3,90; Jas. McManus, 3.30: J. Beatty,
3.10. As to the sample of town water
//supp41k.l, the nest Dedicates "talr
sanitary quality."
.i, Ashfield Shooting Mystery Revived.
A sequel to the mysterious shooting
affair at Kineshridge last year. in which
Mr. Louis Dalton was severely injured, is
the issuing of five write in the County
1 Court on account,_ of alleged slanderous
i statements said to have been trade
regarding certain residents of the com-
.tnunity in connection with the shoot-
ing. The writs were issued by the firm of
Proudfoot, Killoran & Holme*'.
l Should Own the Banks.
I The Board of Trade meet Ing on Monday
'evening was startled .by the suggestion
I from Mr. C.C. Lee that "the town should
Own the banks." Mr. Lee went on,
bowever, to explain that he meant the
lake and river banks. Ile put forward an
idea -not a new one but a gcod one -
that the town should, as ctrcumstanas
permit. acquire the properties- along the
banks of the lake and river now in private
hands 'and add them to the park system
of the town. Mr. Lee said that Judge
Lewis was prepared to sell his property at
the lake, on which a number of summer
cottages are situate 1.
"A Thankful Heart"
(Baptisssal Set vice)
` A. II a.m.
"Tie Man Without
a Friend"
7 p.m.
Bible School, 3 p.m.
B.Y.P.U., 8 p.m.
are invited to 'Woflhip
with us at the
Baptist Church
Montreal Street ,
Sun4y, Feb. 20
Will You Come.''
Nowell were sovolntld delegates to
t're Proviuelal ci l %01111ou 10 be held
at 'Toronto February 22, 23 and '_t.
Mrs Ruth Illttlsiltou's New Position.
The fullowIug trove The F:vwtng
font, of Bridgeport, Conn ., refers to a
Uoilerich young lady who Is waking
rapid udvaneeuteut lu her profession
Ili a nurse :
"In keeping with Its policy of mak-
ing Bridgeport hospital the foremost
In the State, Miss ituth }allot Hamil-
ton, a graduate_ of the Massachusetts
General hdepital, Boston, Muss., has
on her duties here as executive
assistant to Dr. John Bresnahan,
auperlutendent. hiss Hamilton, who
served wider I)r. llresuutlau as pupil
muse some years ago.In Massachusetts
General 111111*' in training. showed re-
markable ability as an executive.
Following her graduation. Miss Ham-
ilton took charge of the children's de-
p+rtuent of the Xew Haven hospital,
where she did very exet•llent work.
She left that otftee to 1' • to Irrldgl'-
port. The new exeoitire h, tete
daughter of Rete. James Hamilton of
114441erie11, 1101. She graduate) from
the l;rderle11 Collegiate institute 111
Mr. Jas. Connolly Re-eleeted President.
The annual averting of the McKillop
Mutual Fire Insurance Company wan
held in the town hall, 1•kaforth, on
Friday. February 4th. The auditors'
report s'lawel that, in spite of some
retry heavy losses during the year,
the Company was 11 a mantel cow
ditlou financially. The total reeipte
fur the year amounted to $21,079.T4,
and the expenditures to ElLS17.sti:
leaving a cash balance III the blink of
E9,201.St+. 'rile fire lasses duriIlg the
year awouuttyl to $8,$74.00. Thr'
Chalmers ; atr. Home Smith, captain number of polities in force at the end
A. Melutyre, chief engineer 1). Me. of the.year were .1,21+4, and the amount
Leod ; ser. Agawa, captain A. M. Lir- insured, $2;005,47:5 Against this the
Ingstone, ehief engineer 3. Smith. Cuwpitlny held premium notes to the
The above ship.' are all berthed at amount of $2.3el.4419.40, and the usses+a
Colltugw00d, having minor reis+irs [ruts atm 111111141 to $1l.719.740. The
effected, iucluding wireless 1nstallittbm president, Mr. James 4'umolly• of
on all boats. Mr. A. M. Macs •s, of t]uelerleh, the vice-president, Mr. Janie)
town, has been appointee) Line en- as
glue•r. in charge of all repairs, etc.
grans, Iteeritwuoil. 111.41 the retiring
dires•tur4. Messrs. 11. 0. Met'artiley, 1)r
F. • Mettrtgur auto .lalculu )IeF:11en,
idents • I were all unanimously re-elected. At a
On Saturday last. at noon, Mrs. Wm. The Women's Auslllary of the G. 1\. meeting 11f the dlres•tors hold attar the
Hill, East street, met with a painful V. A. entertained tbe rhfldrt'a of re- maeetin meeting, et•tor'. B. Hays wan
accident, falling on tete cellar steps and turned soldiers to a valeutine tea on ree•leetel ws•retary and treasurer.
breaking her collarbone, besides being Monday freeing. Words fail to de, t-ttty ]'ears Norrie':
Ieverely bruised. shout I tl, the spread 1 ion \\, rina ,dot of tithe I3 eft for a king. Over secdutc
that was provided:
The Ink o Commerce is doing without it w
dN week -Mr. and
a'\I r•. Mi, h:n•1 ,4.1.a New nu feet,
the servlcss of its junior clerk at present,
children 'sat down W tea. Afterwards
as Jack Kidd is at home nursing a broken the children prlxeeded to clt,Lrw out a celebrate.1 ell.' tiflieth :tuniccrstry art
right at arm, the result of a tall while nkat• program. and a atwitter of excellent i their wedding 41ay 5n 5444)1 hi•altb :ind
1115 the rink. songs and rerBations from isrf11rmera4 P 1144 - a r.' M411waIla, thou .."41;14::;111111_
lnda', playing hockey at the rink on of all ages, from tots Ir1(rcly able! to i dt ( muga tuwI031Tp ru`UIIT1-
Monday flight Malcolm MacDonald had nand, 11141 Toruli*' Moser, of S41•I iu4-
a tumble and broke his collarbone. walls to e44holars almost at the cudrof I Mlle, were married at •tie latter place.
Fred Bates had his hand cut by a; their public dehool life, ,long with attd4 Immcdiatetc after en 41114' to t'ut-
•achine at the Mercantile Co. factory I Highland dancing
and indoor games, I borne t11tcu.hip, and s•ul.sl oar the
( , ice ,,ream and candy opal vilentil44.5
is iThursdas) a ternocrn•
A. C. S. Line .tppointments, all contributed to a red-letter
the children. Mrs. Fraser, t'.
The appdnnieuts o1 "fhe''r-1 for the +Hent, and her associates are
rigolpia t'euu•al St4'anl+hip Line far congratulated on the excellenee.0
the 1130111111t seaman are as follows ievent.
Str. W. C. Franz, captain W.('. +Preparing tai pre. Retereri___
Jordan. .•1.144 engineer .1 M. Mate-.
'tines : a J. Fritter 'railer. captalu' A meting of tie i•ittzen't .1
W..1. Mo tgouery• chief engineer 1.I 1•tt'reibr• lwagne was held •1i the Tent-
' a-rxm•e hall on Monday cresting. when I
\ - lection of, officer, and other business
lay fur Maitland carol,• -stun. where .1hey 14„1-
presi• Outwit to reside until conning to too u
• 1». about al,, year .Igo. The family gather -I
to.. (ug yt today 111 honor of the golden!
tvel IIIg iul•Iuttel two ,4445, ..111111 1:. 1
Srhwauz. of (:o4Iericlb loW11s11ip. 1111111
i). 1"..Schwaiiz, of the ho[ustard fares
-fit- -rot later.-.-w-ithh -I-i4 +4'- w4w/14--a>Mn
families, and Mr. and Nr 'chrism,,
hist, 11f Crediton. •Mr'1. Haisl leiug
tighter., Two 411lier soh-. Samuel.
%F�+ transacted pretairatory to tire li ,,ovine. Sask., and Will, of 4'•4'.
s' •.
\\w z O// illi mI '�`t` • 'e'in IIIIh"lia\\�
TIIE, ingredients entlering lii
into our soda biscuits are
the' surest and best obtain- (j(
able' regardless of cost. I
Thl accounts for the rich. Ell
1\ v tasty goodness' and pleas-
t�,ing flavor of-
°MCC mcKsP
Jersey Cream Bisci iTTIQ
t �y,
. coming vote on the referendum to he miry,
vett not present. Tht 1,
held un April -28th. The annual epee- table wits adorned with a file welding;
. cRow
tion of otlto 4'ra re tnlh•11 us hollows cake, a+utl Ihr bred*' ;uul' 1 rooal of fifty !!
__FOLLow-__ _ J•r.•siaenr Bre_ J.esw i'ord: vkrlrrsi- years nt,1eive4ia unwler of very ac-'
dent, J. Iy: Ti►as i t �.s•tary. A. !l. Bot; t 1•r-pfuhl.• ,iits: "Tlic'Itm er f -'rk•ituit i•
&son : trearrer. J. A. Comprised : Friends In tow•iiand country unite to
executive commit . 3. 1. A. T. }:na- , wishing. Mr. and Mrs. S 'Hwang. as wy
'person, convener: J. I'. (fame, el. M. more ycai of health' iii I hiipp4inesa,
Elliott. A. Wilkins. Jas. holland, Mrs. together.
Win. ('oats, Miss Bailie, Mrs. Carrie.
Two collector. were appointed In P111'1 " A report a the meeting .ghlr1.•rd
toiling sol -division to eolle•t funds for by Mr. J..1. Morrison in the Temper.'
Ileal expenses and, also to 1144445.11 Ili.. anee Hail last Thin -mkt,- night k4111-
' Provincial temperance organfaat.htn. aso&dably left over until next is
Clothing, B��ts and Shoes
and Gents Furnishinjs
Lot r prices;are coming from the wholesaler, but not
yet. They say next 'Fall, _ But we are stepping ahead and
taking our re€ficine and- .giving you Clothing, Boots, Rubbers,
U ndert)i ear, Shirts, Overalls, Odd Trousers, Gents' Furnish
ings, just •what you need, at prices you have not seen since
u want and l)u • all
you need at this Sale..
Men's President Suspenders. Regu-
lar $1.00, to clear at 79c
Men's black Overall Pants for men.
Regular $2.50, to clear at..$1.95
Men's black Working Shirts. Regu-
lar $2.25, to clear $1.65
Men's heavy ' Flannelette Night.
gowns. Regular $2.50, to clear
at $1465
The Best in Photo Plays at the
Week of Feb. 21
Miss Marion Fil•til►Tet sp:nt a few d:14
at Toronto last w^ek.
Miss Jennie Sharman, 'who had* been
visiting with her sister, tilts. W. C. Plid-
h m. left on Wednesday b0 Chicago on
the way to her h: me at lanrap, Man.
Mr. Oliver Rhynas. of lir tilts, and
Mr, Joseph Neale. of Toront attendedt
t hr funeral of the ate iy $ 'Kay on
Friday !tot.
1 he regul tr meet' g of the G ells it
Women's institute w 11 be held the!
to Feb. 26 h •meant Mrs. A. tet ginson, Ca boa;
nolo. Thursday, March rd.. - 1
MONDAY and Tl'ESn.►1'
JES..rt'; L. LASK]•
"1IOf 1►INl"
in hi late • special
Muter -Willie Treble, of ColLor
-low x14444. i'isited L3s_tl' ash• 4 y1
1 wu11aw TIcl4s!.Sri`-1I. Au res' 14..•1,'
town 1111 %V..,leslay -of Otis n eh.
, \1r. TI.1'l.l4 is eighty-three and \1, ler,
Willie is :well len, au41 February 1101
1 is birthday for loth of them. Mr.
'rreble, althen4rh he looks frail, is well
:111d teas aIle to. e:11 a 9e3rty dinn.•r
f \11}• 1111'" 111111 be spared 114 1
man}• more 1.541liays together.
From Saturday, Feb. 19, to
Saturda Feb. 26
In going over our . ock and marking our
goods at present prices e find a number of
broken lines m Mich \se wil clear at prices much
below present market value.'.
Here isya partial list of t e extra bargains
-ase are offering :
Five pair women's pat. bal. 'bro kid top, Louis
heel, Goodyear Welt sole. ' egular $15.00,
for $9.75
Six pair women's brown calf bal, brown buck top',
Louis heel, Goodyear Welt sole. Regular
$13.00, for $8.50
Thirteen pair wornelp's finest black, kid bal., Good-
year Welt sole. Regular $12.00, tor$7T135 '
Twelve pair women's fine black kid bal. Regular
$8.00, for
• $.5.75
Thirteen pair women's brown calf bal. 'Regular
, _for - $5.95
Six pair-twmtienwmttf+hogany calf -hal, Goil'dyt'ar
Welt soles. Regular 1 '.nn, for' $�.i''
Twenty-one pair women'- kid iuui"gunmetal-bals.
Regular x+6.50, for I: I'�
• Twenty pair women's brown kid baps._
$6.50 and $7.00, for..
ten .pair women's -patent -co -Ionia -1.s, Louis heel. -
, Regular $7.50, for
Eighteen 1 pair men's "Just -Wright" calf imps.,
wide toe. Regular;.$15.00, for $10.0"
Twenty 'pair men's "'Just Wright" calf 11es, . c-
row toe..- Regular $15.00, for $ 0.00
Thirty-eight pair men's wide and narrow bass.,
brown Intl black neolili and leather soleK.
Regular $7.00, $7.50 and $8.00, for :... +•1.•IA
Thirty pair men's heavy kangaroo grain blucher,
solid leather insole, double toe. An A 1 work
boot. Regular $7.50,. for :5.50
Thirteen pair men's heavy, tan, grain blucher,
double toe, :solid -leather insole,- -A dray
heavy boot. Regular $7.50, for $5.50 .
Ten pair '-n eel's nnlle'hlueher, tan. Regular $3.50,
for $2.50
i's, solid
leather insole, 11(nlhke toe. Regular ,$5.50,
for $3.75
Fifteen pair youths' heavy, black bluchers, 'solid
all\through. Regular $•1.50, for Sn.25
lit _.Il):11'
1. r;
Men's pad Garters, to clear at
2 pairs for 35c
Men's Signal 'Work Shirts, black and
white stripe and khaki, to
Clear $1.39
Men's fine Rubbers, all sizes, to
clear $1.50
Men's work Boots, sizes 10 and 11
oiuly, to clear at $2.45
Kant Krack'Collars. For this week
only 2 for 55c
Many ether Hues est listed.-
Come in and see for yourself.
M. 111
A smashing melodra•na In 41 acts 1
thrills 1110 serprides.
HHARg1J) I.ILO]'l)
In a 14vo-reel_ comedy
"High and Dizzy''
4-.1-S11It1111-•. 116- :•1141 1 ie. Ev.•1
. tug. _7e and 115.
.WEDNES1) A► and TIICR$U.11
• Gt►I.u1i ]r
1,e•e.1.11 ..'•1
"Stop Thief"
fr11m tin m,, ;Ho slag*' .n•••e.:,
.\1-0 .1 Ite Comedy.
"The Cure"
in 1
1 ".11111 ,prier..
Jars. Thos. Elliott is visiting friends
and relatives at Toronto.
Mr. and Mr-. 1'haas. Steisa f•nt'e• loth
h ill•r•win41 after their revolt Mire,.
Cite t' 3' 1tethti Orr- ti',ns hen - on. 5..1..41
1- lip. h11:.•r.,1 4,5 the 1:1i(4' Sohn 111.1,k. Sr.,
today. The IIra iigi•lt•n timet 11114144' of
:51,. .,.rc;, ,•
.\ 1.4 1.•.e 14e1's desk and ''lair hate
been 1.1.'''45 9. the seh„ol ' this to+1
we1.:„I1. '5111• Ici,•*'. n'. 'dile believe 94
hilrlult ec4a%llliug'up4-to.41:rte, ns an
2.11 tt.l• 11111,14.3 -o 1 .1111 To re•.•nl1)
,161 n Ito •%%' furWnl. was Installed in
tin• basement about a year ago.
Jnr. Batty '511ttht.ws lost ole of hl-
' l'' It t Iii,. the -7i.tlh r 1 d:ry f, on
par., 13 si.. ....
Fltll).t] :111,1 s%'1'11;I).\\
nicer.al films
MARRY l' %RF:1
"Sundown Slim"
.\ 54.1-. 1/.1•11 lino III n in tit, re.•i5.
Ai.. 1, 111 n.1 ..,1111%
1 • . • I ,
, l' 111•1:..
• Nies, Henry Wagner fell ori 111i' .tee
hl 1411' Friday nigh*' :11n1
II•artitte1 :i .0111:111 bone 111 her aukse
with -14. will *',,info,' int to the hon
for. some tOne.
Tarr 1•nnitt I'eople's S.wiety h. 1.1 a
- tiirl vet.Tna to tet' Fo,seetrt•I' •'hyla
"n 51 I.1:11y night. Lanett was serve 1.
.\ I. report a AIWA 111111'.
11,1'it St141r'+ sal' oar Thnrsilty w.Is
tended by a I.Irge . r,n' I and good'
;piers rt ere 'I'eali/ed. Mr. Scott in-
tends n•1.444041 to the house *4 tie 1111.57-,
ping 111111.
Broth- of Mn. 1fi'm. l)nble. After a
lingering illness \ifs. \Val. Dobie on
Thltrwh,y night Its! Lammed to tlnel
grel1 ieyond, 111 her 1.1 5y -third year.
Phii-,titnleewe•t an operation Imo o111R•
per 11 the hops• of a cure, I4111 1110
Matinees Monday, Ware :-
day, 4.15 p.m.; Sat., 3 p.m.
'Many oi':': r ling not
lino l valncs.
On Sxttt'1'daY, llnnilay
choice of ariy Trunk, -('lub
20 percent. discount. -
'Gctn on This special
Goods Sale.
mentioned at excep
and Tuesday ---you t•
Irak; (Y1' Stlhcase at
loot and Travelli'i:_
eTlliS B30t
trouble soon, deve1op,e41 i.
t11origIt eser)•tling poli , 1 d'
to rlief,. 1141• Ir. In 1111 •'..,ir11 1 1,•
r1141 1nn1.1 ant 544' nverrt• 1 Nh. 1 4
her husband, two/amid , \1• I.,
Iriniwell. of Vas( % at4 "•'1, :n.t H' -s
5151111'*'• a1 hone'. and on • n. 11' 'If .m
J„ ht West Wain littlish \141. 51 •) m-
pKthy is felt for the 1.1.1 /.1‘011 •s.
•11141 11e erinlmttni1y morons th • los:.
of AIN! who Wag ever re sdy;. 1.. Bice a
helping hand In trouble or si knesif
1. ��11•..e t !1
4 E1 IOTT '. ,
I 1 ,. ,,1 .
4 rI ., e 1
1 r,.•