HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-17, Page 4ti
4 'Thursday. February 17, 1121.
1 W.C.Pridham
They Are Not
Any Good
That is what the boy
said Saturday night
about a suit his mother
got for him from the
city. She only paid
$5.95, but the boy said,
They are not any good,
they only lasted two
Mothers, why do you
buy such goods ? You
are wasting your
money. Pay a little
more and get a suit that
will last a year.
We can sell you good
strong Suits that will
give the lively boy lots
of wear, at $10.00,
$12.00 and $13.50.
For your next boy's
Suit just try this store:
--SMR, N. F. WHIARD is the agent
I for THE: SIGNAL at Dungannon.
1 larders left with him ror subscrip-
tions, adtertlgttrents or job prlut-
1. iug will receive prompt attention.
Telephone I(:aterich Rural) r80.
Thursday, Feb. 17.
Mrs. 11. J. Crawford is visiting at
labia Payne; of Brussels, Is visiting
friends here. ..
Mr. Lorne McKenzie was at Toronto
ill I,usluess list week.
IL.ht. Moore has engaged with Thus.
Sandy for the season.
I Mr.. John White. of Aylmer. la vI.It•
tug leave sister. Mr.. Henry Jones.
Mr. Fred Fowler, of the O.
Guelph. spent Sunday at his Lowther..
11r. W. (1. Crawford. of Hetuiltoo.
{ event Sunday with his parents here.
removed from the People's
Garage to the
on Colborne Street
just rettiml the corner from the
Bank of Commeree.
Ile isas shiekesl -a very complete
line of
and Is prepared to glee the hest
service to owners of !McLaughlin
or any other Cara.
)141.%1 1.111.1\ (:.1R 1GE:
'1 bone 3:.9 loll :rile SI.
Having saki---oui_our
branch Shoe Repair Shop
at Seafortfi; we are_,nin
a Position -to--do--alt-Shoe
Repairs promptly and
BOOTS, Solid Leathet.
If you ever use an
Electric Iron you wo Id
not want to be without if.
It is both economical and
When It's a
Question of
t:; ,m
"The Old Reliable"
A full stick of Light Fix-
tures, Electrical Household
L:teu:,ils, rte., always ou hand.
Estimates given and con.
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Fitting.
West St. Next Postoffice
Phones: Store SZ, Res 193
Our Electric Washers
will do your washing at a
to x. nse.
ith's Art Store
Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia.
Have brought good
health to half -a -million
A healthful, money -saving remedy,
well known for fifteen years, pre-
scribed by doctors, sold by drug-
gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents
or write for a free trial package.
Templeton*, 142 King W., To:.ante
Local Ageep-Dunlop's Drug Store.
Will hes been tnasferred from Hams
Ilton to Moose Jaw and left Tuesday
for that place.
A few of our sports took in the
Lockey match at Lucknow Tuesday
With the ret•ent drolpin•the egg mllr-
ket eggs are making an apiwaraute
uu the table agaiu.
The stork called at the Moue of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Elliott this 1Thurs-
day I morning and left a baby boy. "
Miss Ethel (:lent has been called
home from Toronto on account of the
illness of her mother, Mrs. David
'Fite regular meeting of the I►un-
gauuun 1. F. (l. will be held its the
()range !lull ou Thursday. February
24,` at S p. m.
The next meeting of the \Gowen's
Institute w111 is• hell at the' home of
Mrs. E. Elliott uu Thursday. February
.4, ,at 2.130 o'clock. The tople. -How
to Keel( I g.".will he taken by Mrs.
Thos. !tourers.
A-uleethlg of special interest to
orchardists will be held In Alien's hall.
Iruugaunon, on Wednesday next. at 2
o'clock p. inwhen experts will 'tar
present to discuss methods for Im-
proving the apple pack in this district.
Nearly. One Hundred Years Old.-
ldThere passed away on $uuday mora
iug, February lath. nue of the uldeat
..,•(tiers t►t -the-.see ,uHy..4st fpr - prrsun
of Johu Itlatk, •of the 2nd .eontessiou
of Ashfield, Mr. Black way born lu
the eounty_u1 Tyrode. Ireland. ninety-
eight years ago. Ile came to Canada
seventy-four years ago and settled fur
four years in •t'arletou county. near
uttawaa, where he married Margaret
1'itrypiee•. and then moved to Ash-
field,. where he hail 110.1 ever: since.
Itis tiro wife died thirty-four years
age,. amt, strange t., nay. 011 Fehryap^
1::th. the same date as deo-eased. His
see„iat wile•,. ViitherTne rail+tour-, djed.
three months ago. Mr. Blank was e
member of the Orange order for over
eighty years: lading joined before cow=
i('auladaHe w-aaeer'} tire,
healtugtohy uasu,. 1u(11 neversa knvew• atwlwt
sickness wa. until it few altys previous
to hi. death. 'Tile following, family •
survive Min : Itubt. Itinek, of 11ani-
t.,baa lir,. -Aussie $eat•f. of Manitoba:
Mr.. John Smith, of Turds•rry: Mrs.
Win. Swilie. of \Gatenfurd; Newton
Blank, of Kitchener. and Mrs. Thus.
Smiley. of Ihuiganuon, at whose home
the de•eastd had lived. The funeral
on Tuesday afteratsal Was largely at-
teutie,I and was in ehorge of the
( (range S.K•iety. Her. D. 1lough's. of
rhe .Augijoan chfre •LL..^tti slated by Rev.
Dr. ('tiwplwll, officiated in the fnut•ral
-er ices. ,
A 'Community- ('entre.-Two spleu-
,lid nd,lrt'ss,•- were delivered at the
Farmers lu.•rtitite wee•tiug held here.
ree•iif ly. the speakers !wing 11rs. 11--,
I s,i••ugh of ('nts•towu and 11r. Tho-.
.1.'1111,I:u1 of S,•aforth. 'Mr. McMillan'
,-cutin,-d his remarks to the problem of
, •i-,iIdated schools, showing the ad -4
(Adage 1. -rural ,•ouuuauiities in such
schools --the thorough' training and 1
preparation for titize•uship-the Gov-'
,•rntnent-alt-to ants remotion. -equip--
mem and urainte•uauce, and eruphastz-
Ing 111,- fact that the .cos( slnnlld 1Mt'
-t:uo1 hi the way of progress mot •'I?I.
eh -i» -y. Mural problems and rural eon.'
,litiuns should Ire discussed by the
people in community centre- and ht•
knew moue better than Ituugauuon for
that purpose. From die iwpl•essiuus
.left by the speakers, wtntld it not Is.
its L e ler the people ofTSnnganfttin and
Vfe1iiilf tit like advahTage Of this Op-
portunity and organize a e imtaunity-
t-s...dation for the benefit of all con-
cerned ' It would he indeed all 11111-
,ato11. la pleasure, and a profitable
project. Here live yuestli , on cnr-
pro, ens, awus•mcuts and all matters
ts•rtalutng Jo agriculture ,delated and
luvestlgated. We bate an .t t• hall for
the purpose. well IIghteil, ventilated
and heated, as piano and vldrola at
oar service. Why sunt turn• together
.11111 do nue another. good Y, Even from
ys sta•t:el standpoint 'only. we should 1s•
amply rt•taiid.. Who will. volunteer to
mke an effort In this, movement :' .
4 ; Ua-uu.
Hydro Lamps always in stock
See our display at
The Hydro Store
North Side of Square
1a tl a iotographed
rung tt
THS '1' d:' iml e.
de t\ the• 1'r,
F w 1
Your ,n
Bif kt•thday
Window Shades
The hest • quality, mal deltas
ramie of ,•odor to selw•t from.
sha.1es deilrrYe,1 aura hung for
.,11 free. _'
w -wit
.l•r•nt for Ri4 KIIL MN FLAT
C I' RT IIN ROlts: .Test rads an
110. ria rket.
Smith's Art Store
I-.,-1 `• 1 I nor 1".
Toesdny, February 13.
Mrs. W. Taiytor 1+ 1-Isitit►g her aister-
iu-teat. Mrs. Joseph Stalker. at it got'-
11 is+ lierford, or
1}lninth was home over Sny1]day. •
'and llr,. I1 -Lean .lufltiston, of
ta(.ow, .1.0,1 lutuutay with Mr. ,rad
'11 1 T,sl,l.
'1 -. ❑. E'ul•eluln gess :1 }1.1tor
with her ter, Mrs. T. Chisholm, of
t'onsn sac to Whip, for a 1., day-
i.1.1 w,•«•k.
'rhe Nli-se. 1 Clibiter. of Si..\rian--
tire, ylsitei at 3 ..1„ 11. Itneherford'-
nn Tiw.,lsy.
Mr. and 11rr. 1►, Nielhinald mtidd Mr.
r.a l
:qrs. 11. C. Melhinahl attended the.;
Ilinera1 in Cuirass of }lair consist.
. 111••. Weil w'ro,1I. nn Friday.',,
• 'The St. ilelens \W en's institute)
meeting w tR 1s• held al the ltstne oI
Mrs. It. K. Miller on Thor. lay.
February 21. at ':l1 n'el,u•k. Subject :
"different warys of neddog np cloth
pb'res into sptiks and else...: Roil oa11
--"Where hnn•ewive.' bone go,•s"
1(usie, ere. i•:vtryb,sly adenine,
The folios ing is the revised Honor
(toll of those from the township of
Colborne who served Io the Great War
• Kindly notify the undersigned at'
nue• of any errors ur owhsslons, as
this will appear only mice more as
the final Inst.
1:- -.killed in .tendon.
Watsuiire, Bernard A. -died April 0,
1 116.'
Antos mint• W. J. -diel Oet. 20. 1917.
harken.. awes -Tidal Sept. 27. 1015.
Waite , RoyA. (M.l'.I-died Sept. 211.
Mulch rd. Lorne --died (of fever) Nov.
1 191S. . -
Served In Fru*.
:Ulla, 11. J.
Arlin. Sword 1t.
Barber, Arthur
Bisset, Williaul
Baxta'r, George
!terry, Frank
_l;uehuuuau. Allan
Itogie. pert
4'urrrll. Lloyd
Diamond, Euer
Tarrant, Jiffies 1!. •
Fowler, Reginald
Feagan. William
Gledhill. Verne II). C. M.. Mons
Goldthorpe. Oliver J.,
Hoy, Charles T.
Hetherington. I. l 11.('. i
Long. Elwyn
Million. John
Milllon, Thos
Mohring, Roy
Mugford, Jos.
Munnell, George 1 1.11.
M.- all, George (1.31.1
MoI.ra u. Hoy
McNevbt, Alexander
McNevin, Joseph
McLetul, George•
Nobs, ('has. 1:. Iserved in Greece;
Newton. Herbert
Newman. Getrrge
oke, A. E.'.
Lee, I st•rvt,l in Sitwell')
11yan. Worthy I ltussle and Italy
Symonds, Harry
Seguss, Ernest
Wilson, Frank
Wilson. James
Williams. Reginald A.
Williams, Arthur
Wlhite, James
Young. Edward
Served In Xngland.
Itogie. Andrew
Beau. David -
Chisholm. Hugh
Fidler. Harvey
Glen, Ernest R.
Kirkpatrick. It n c se•l
11iteltell, William
Stodgier, Clifford
Putter, Rnsael
R'alter, Anlrev
Soong, Lloyd
Served In Canada
Fislit•r, Jonathan
Knrs•heuski, Albert
lillluu, E:dw•ard
'11.1 ;inn. purvey
Mel 'mon. Darrell
Nlngford, 11'illiaut
Robertson: Elver
Watson. Allan
• Walters, Albert
Monday, February- 11.
Miss i0a MitJuoid Is visiting friends
at Lucknow.
Mr. John Brown. of Lueknow-, is
spending a few days with friends
ar d here.
Mrs. Ritchie has returned. home
after spending the pest few weeks with
her sun Gordon. of Lantos.
Quite a number from here took in
the social at ('ortr.7's Corner Thursday
last. A11 report a g,srd time.
Mr. Wilfred Plunkett. of Auburn,
spent a few da;vs with his uncle. lir.
Hugh Finnigan.
Rev. Mr, Edward.'. of Toronto. will
streak to the men herr next • Sntulay.
A special choir L+ being prepared.
Our teacher, Mist Mothers, enter-
tained a utunls•v of her erase friends
to a party at her homeat M:afeking
one .frening last week.
uoe_.be•tig .called as nonose-_ft►i..
the purpose' of ,linen+sing ways
and means of improving the
apple pack iu our IH-triet. Luck -
now. c'otrurtl 4'13a1331s•1'. Tuesday,.
February 22nd, at _ p. nt. Dunt
annon Allen' 11(11. W
I L. ilernerlinr h s removed hi4 rite -
age busin.-as to the building on C'Metre
street behin the bank of l o,hnurce,
These meetings will Ire ad-
dr.•ssed by
1'. .1. Carey, Dominion Demon -
set ator.
.1. 1. Hastings. Chief Western
Division E'rnit Branch.
J. J. Pritchard, ilarriston.
_Ter•--Ie•portment of Agt•ictil-
trtre. Toronto. is atlso .111.10114C
-pe- ker to addressthe no-et-
ink- nn sprays. Pruning and co-
epernth-,: Solii.ng.
11ake ahs effort to amewl.
`( It. STOTlfEItS,
1 kept. of Agriculture.
:61• "• I11 D___:1•1., I LLAR u SON
"The Scotch Store"
8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. t SATVK GAYS 9 P.M.
Some Smart New Dresses
Just Received a Shipment of Exceedingly Smart New
Silk Dresses in Styles that Are Entirely Different
Exceedingly smart women's rich
quality Duchess Silk Dress, draped
overskirt, panel blouse, bead -trim-
med, navy and black. $37.50 each.
Misses' smart Duchess Silk
Dress, new long -waisted effect, braid
trimmed, bouffant hips, colors of
taupe, brown, navy. Special $22.50
Women's handsome Duchgss Silk
Dress, overskirt in apron effect and
waist handsomely braided, new puff
sleeves, navy and black. Special
,3L50 each.
An attraci:ive all -wool Serge
Dregs for girls, sailor blouse, middy
style, box -pleated skirt, collar and
cuffs braid trimmed, sizes 8 to 14
years. Special $11.50 to $12.50.
Our Easter arrival of Perrin's
French Kid Gloves, in black, white
and colors. Every pair guaranteed.
Special, per pair $2.95.
We are again showing this splen-
chd Glove Silk Hose,- in black and
colors. Per pair $3.75.
Radium Silk Hosiery, embroid-
ered blocks, very stylish for spring
wear, in colors of black, white, navy,
russet. Per pair $2.95.
This is a real special York Flan-
nel. beautiful designs for pyjamas,
nightgowns and children's wear,
extra quality cloth, 29 inches wide.
Regular 65c, for 29c per yard.
39(' PER YARD; -
This is an exceptional offering.
Beautiful quality, splendid designs
for kimonos, etc. Would make
dy quilt linings. 36 inches wide,
only 39c a yard.
Only a limited stock of these specials .
Our Corset Department is complete with the leading 'spring styles
in Nem (: D & A and P & C Corsets and Brassieres, in styles to suit all
figures. rom $1.75 a, pair.
If y_ot re not satisfied with your present style try Millar's.
Our Mail Order Department i' doi ng a big business. There's a reason.
Ph 6e MiIlar'sScotch Store Pre
Nothing to Equal
Baby's Own Tablets.
Mi s. Ge rges Lefebvre. St. Zenon,
Quebec, writes : "I do not think there
is any other medicine to equal Babyi.
Own Tablets for little ones. I have used
them for my baby and would use nothing
else." What Mrs. Lefebvre says thouands
of other mothers say. They have found
by t•ial that the Tablets always do just
what is claimed for them. The_Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which
regulate the bowels and swe:ten the
stomach and thus banish Indignation,
consupaticn, colds. c.iic, etc. They are
sold by medicine dea'ers or by mail at 2
cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Btockvllle, Out..
ate hotue after vending two wernsl
with relatives around 1Ismilt.i9.
bliss Lillian tauten -layer. of To -
runt 5.•'w•as Intron for is 'few days. . l
Mr. Jack \Cilliams Is si-lting friends'
1n this neighborhood. -"Sir. r. -mrelson Teft Tor his home
at Exeter on Satnrst ay. Mamie Thar -1
low retnruing witIt him for a two
weeks' visit.
Mists (:race Farris!' is spending a
few stays in town.
A very enjoyable reti1iig was sls•nt
last Thursday, when a Large number
of the neightars gathered •n the home
07 lir.. and Niro. 1l. Tlnsrioe mud
Italird Mit II the "wee• hours' of the
morning. •
is the
ti MP for
OXO Cubes exactly
meet winter's needs;
they nourish and
they Warm.
died at Goderich on the 8th inst.. took
place on Friday afteanoon from his former
home on the 12th a,ncession, now occu-
pied by his son, 'Mr. Neil MacKenzie.
Rev. J. S. Hardie conducted the funeral
set%ices and the pallbearers were Neil,
Roy and lienty MacKenzie, nephews of
the deceased. Robert Mullen and U. R.
MacKenzie, brothers-in-law. and William
Kempton. The interment was made in
Green Hill cemetery. Lucknow. Moth at
the house and at the grave there were
large gathering;, the deceased having
been wrdsly known and held in notice
esteem in the township. •
Old -Colborne Hotel Corner
\ conil•Ict:. line of h,'ectrical (:,,o:l. an.l Sup lie. now in stock.
DEtl\TE ADJOURNED. -it was expected
that the meeting of the Faunal' Club un
Monday night last would Mr -Marked by
an:Me-testing debate between town and ,
country speak• rs, but Cie Board of Dad,.
meetin; in town that night kept the
townsnteat engaged and the debate was 1
postp oed to some later date al .
Ardent 11 favored the m tw. w,il. a '
solo and responded t r the encore with a
reading. Mir. S. B. Starner,, of Clinton,
and Messrs. ONeii and McKenzie, rrprr 1
senting the Department of Agriculture.
were pac_cnt In the .intereita of the cam
',digit, to eitminate the scrub bull and
We:e vim favorably rece,ved,and a com-
muter' id the Club was appointed to co-
aropenIe Stith them. Next Tuesday negro
a further meeting in the interests 01 thti•
camp. L i will he ne.d in the Orang • Haig.
Tuesday, February 13.
Mr ::11.1 Mrs. Jos. Shaw-, of the West,,
and 111 and Mrs. Ross, of town, spent!
Sundae at Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Mt,'wa 1st..
Messrs. Richard and Fred Gllddoa
Hanging Lamps, etc.
Electric Heaters, Toasters and other Household
Flashlights Condor Electric Bulbs 50c
MOR) woolen should run their
oxn bank accounts. A great
deal of money parse through their
hands sat a year, and they would be
touch benefited by keeping a record
of thee 'payments through a Current
.10connt in the Rank of Hamilton,
We _Extend - a special invitation to
- all ladies in the district to open ac-
counts for theft household and per -
non *1 expenses through the Bank
of Hamilton.
Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay, Manager