HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-17, Page 2Os' •••••••• os".1,11,0••ianosiii '4 - • 2—Thurailay, Febro)try 17, 1921. ram ECM& 4ThiatiliOi In 1892 Thursday, February 17, 192L EDITORIAL NOTES. \\\ Now all togt7ther for a successful Oid \ Home Week in Gudetich. The Ottawa House has opertei, a id :a lively: session is its prospect. Now express rates have jumped up. Lite is Just one blamed thing atter tow use It to their utmost satis:aetion another. We first offered tlr\public our TEA S7114 In spite of West Peterb,,ro' • the Premier 'Speaker, lion. E. N. Whisks, read% a" evidently does not Meighen to have a general election ju t now. THE WEEK AT CAPITAL me hneY will attend at 3 o'cloi-k in the ssage from the Governor -General's secretary a llllll 'wing t hat Ilia Excel- ; Herbert M. Mawat, M P.. of Toronto, has joined the Conservative Association of the city. He is now where he has belonged (ma good many years. It is pleasant to reflect that. though individuals grow older. humanity retains its youth. II we grown-ups have quit buying valentines, the business has not Id) len Dauel 011.04.1. Feb. 14.—They're dress parade 1.4 ner and tl menta ria us a re getting down t lies's_ instead of talking at 0 other ut long mtge. 1 hrinligli Met1111111 ot the press or public in Mo, they are able to talk across in floor of the House and .settle ltaelr differenees verbally. Anil the session Senate chamber for the purpose of ! formally opening the session of the 11. The Dominion Parliament. Hardly has he finished reading this, 111 French and sidDIMIOR, reply to the 'speeds from the Tlirsmo and. the opening speeches of the lead., ers of the parties in the chamber. In the Senate eisamber. today the plehiswIte bill. to amend the Dominion Election's Act to provide for the use of the existing voters' lists in 1 iking the probillitioaridebiscite in the Prov• Inc* of Ontario, is being introduced in place of the usual pro forum hill. That will Wean several daysearlier action thls bill than if It were first listroduced l tie Coioniis and then passed along to the When the Eirewerka Begins. ln 1 ho Commons tomorrow it Is ex- pected there will be an, amendment to the whims.4 fr lion. Macke King. When Mr. Mug gets the 1190 In the debate lie is expelled to mile. to Insert t natio, In the address lug U11011 the thi,:ernuietit to go to the Country at the eirllest possible date. That will probably lie the beginning of the fireworks. The 111.411.1 nil for an election will be eliallenged by the idov- eminent on Ale grounds of insineerity, almost surely, but it will probably' be repeated Ism sly t flues dnrbiag the eow. lug few weeks. flow soon the Gm,. ernment will ass•eile to that demand 1(11,41- English, when new 'weiniwr„, are in. It Is hard to\ say.. Western members 44 14- , tr....nets., AIM everyone, adopts an air abhor the Ill. -Might (If an f 11144114)11 1W - i ' --. . . si:e! of expectancy. and shortly three fore there is is`‘reilistrilintion. ',anis.- . rei-onant knocks are heard at the Warty the men from British Columbia.. main door of the Commous chamber though it 1. rather hard to see how the The sergeant -at -a ruse. resplendent in , 4 be -t uniform. together with the which opened at 2.30 today Iris all i tirduarks of an Interesting one.; se er (41111144114(41111144114 of the tiouse. look. up the ea it 1311 air of aatouislonent, that 1(44 ceased. ' Both 41.1e5 will hitseeking 4.1e'll'illIone ,chould dare to rake such a • material for- now 1,4 the aecepted time •rumpuit at the door of this s•liandwr. for the Liberals to find the ammtini- i Theu, don for th, ( outlet w i gn hich tutor I hand. th • • ' The opening proeeedlitir.." bilk pi/owl ett. op..H., r.,,W4. sooner or later. by a reign! It would take a Ling memory to recall such a winter as this. . The Saltford Sage says he has seen hundreds of Februarys. and never a one so mild as this February 01 1921. thering up his sword in one sergeant•at•arins. supported bodyguard of doorkeepers. Ile' door suffiviently wide today In the new Senate chamber.. to sire who 1 out.ide. and, after etre- with muds of the pre-war pomp and I 1,111. 0,,ing Aga in. returns to the vanities. People prominent ottLially: emitre of the eIlitnit,er. with a stoves - 1101 '''"'1411)•• and 11"InS Will) 14.411" l". $11111 Of 111W Is,t.\p, and announces to prominent socially if they could. to- I Hi. Homer the ti ker that a toes- \ ether with a sprinkling of everyday . General Smuts w:II have a majority for folk. crowded into the Senate chamber ....tiger froua the mate desires ad - his loyalist party in the new FatliaMent to hear ilies.,„lixcelleney deliver tin,. luitt3neei The melownger. 'wh carefully alai of outh Alrica. The ex Baer warrior speech front the Throne. which, as . , formally admitted. pro ee to be the Will ontinue to be oneot the great figures 11$1111 1. ferevasied only a small Part "'I Gentleuian r slier of th. Illatit Rod. ',what 14 likely 10 l'elrore 1.41.11'1" who. bowing low at ever third step. of thkBtitish Empire. spent during the ses.lots., The has been hwestern peninsula of Ontario wing Mate tobaCco than On • n hi \ be market and a pod deal of land mane sit the old-timer. about the.Par- I which has been., growing tobacco for some I 'Lament eel\ d li 1 in r 1 itt.i(k will (bit y r be *own to grain. 1 off by Ilea i thing ills's. • 1 The Opening announce. that -HI. IfIee !elle'', the The forinalitie. otipthig Partin- Governor-Ileni•ral, desires t e intme-. , ars how name of their Ittrra;-;, 'Insp.! in -Ow eh:troller (ri• the honor - don for the necreotner.. sem thou - mesa, olll a4 the Empire weft -tam( nt- diate attendaniv of this 11 norable " TIlIM per. 1111.1111ft. know the priweshire'.: "er" rem' l•lien110d W. respects 1411(1 (Nee5 about to lead the mina -tato the Senate rhem Thie-e numbers of Got /louse wh are entitled to wear 'ent tumidly don their Wind.or uniforms for thla ocea- slot!: 11 1141 their wires and lady friends are In evening dress us-eupying seats on the floor of the Sellate ell/amber .or In 1114' reserved gallery. Headed by the -ierEmint-n1-ii rim+ with the mace. and at hi5 heels the 1111111y- sergolInt, then the dark and deputy clerk with the 11evessAvy send'. etc.. Speaker and deputy their pTiges lead the roembers alone. Toronto Te Mr. Drury's proper The Pitmie might j The Tem o Telegram that the\;oper place asylum. . \ The soldiers a on what would all the barbed wire\left on the bat \ The report now cam s from Eur great quantities of i e barbed wir ts?'ing made int.) nails. \ . '-'•"'"'" 1.„ -they would not for AttlY• 01 the frills. enematal. r Isere for 'hi. drat is ow,,iipant of the the ceremonial is a •rhaps if the visi- ons of uviol he n up his wee, 1.000.11 all frill- 441111 of -ow., am suggests that To the 1143111 ee °II the farm.;.ses5r.1111. or to *4 *I7 retort !astrasswrs' gallery. the editor of , wonderful tidier. • • for 14 of A railkal nay 1.0 inelimal to tt at tin. Adair. 1,11 I is the fret that Bless. vs erseas used t lifter the*eculatefripperies aro representa1 ti 1 iog tary4 gsmerations ago. efleIOL in!_ , ro. hie gallerie• ot Phe 1/ through the esirritliirsto the Senate that , common. peril (11she., pi ••• to eliailiher. ail decked iitif 111 11,4 he'd for itte. ma• ti:' 4,1 ening ceremony. Th w u on. the ,weafilott. '-her' hallo ad got intwtheir-tobtre* 4 There *Ih* kir aprohabity klimaat prayer" rat. 011 r, wInog the doors to the only bar 1.11 eaptivity on tills side . of the 4(11744411 River, the parade halt., the gallerie. l'i• 11(4(11(441. 111.•4.4 1114. 1, Ilf-3-114124.11 01' so mem- and the member.. those whO are new I's OR WIXOM 111V 101Wliling 1.. a new lo „Lille game or''' who Ti o nit. These.- Itielnde 140; Kam- ionlike, erowri into the spnee hehind : Tends. ' -the Sp•Aker and House idliebils and tut : 11,•Kel VII'. 111 Ya ie. 1' !h.) : r tale speech from the Throws. sand., 1 rise Elgin', mid Ger- Then. the nquialltlez, overthe parole iten. Av—r. It. Is - easy beads back to fire green eh:sinlper. from 11 11 t'ey 441 Go chatuher to pick ss"11.-re the 1,-1,1,,r of the flovernment • a member*. The fellow. and the lea hr of the f I/pewit ion ex- Government would vitally direr Its chances by • rtslistrIbution bill. It could not change Quetree's. strength of sixty -114l '.t.... .'(44.5 that is the basis of representation, mid though it mitis 441141 a fi.c. seats i14 1(44 t\\Vwd It Is tIotIItftt1 whether 44)4'4 1 its14114100 01 t hose men-, would I14 to the Government., What Will MeIghen Do ? The air la full of rumors toll(' lug the 'West Pete...Niro tight. Cith reconstruction 14 freely talked. A also the possibilities of an early elec tion. AN regards the former It would appear doubtful „titile.ss Mr. Meighen plan44 ro take /wine Stonlig Wen hall his Cabinet, and, then slis-olvs, Parli unsaid REST ASSURECI You cannot well afford to experi- ment, nor should you! When your physician tells you to take Businessconittions are -TOwinfritifili, no dotibT, o ably mild weather ; but indt not waiting that the coming to ha one of tlie best in the hittory liCh froth a business standpoint. \ I et present, e unseason- lima are t ner wi "" kaiir Goie- IT'S ULSION I you may rest assured I that his decision is the result of confi- dence, built upon \if as Manning Doher:y. the Provin h inister of Agriculture. hal .in.vi:w rural credits scheme which he believ nill ssisf 'Materially in keepirs4 Carni bco s o in the L Meth out ilw a la .h 1..• e 1,...ti -le, i• ye ir *after ys.sir ellAnge a 1111.11111e.. Anil the 'Ion... 14 for is .is*. ..rt kl 11 ts 0 ni1 1..s.i. ks th.•Ir ailkairsuaL ic it boua t ny 'sit life .1...tenter. f . the farm It is to hf introduc d '' 14Iature at the present session.. t" ira_wIth. I, •boralhiltaarpii .1j1it.into . 11f P arli i tit 1,4.11141 . r. nom 1111. all Inter., Th., dal the 1111.4f41e resumes. hi this mine Iii•Nt. iit e•ork w it 11 the •piieelsen of the. 1 1 . 1 I .41.4 smite .; ,,I•tvh•lt is going ca,se ('11; .11* sips the real' 'wells/ling 4(4 w the 11,01 • I. 141011011. 0110 Morel', 1111,1 .4441111 er 111 111 rs experience. Semi & ems. Tomato. Oat. ALSO MAKERS OF— I.NOIDS (Tablets or Granules) FOR INDIGESTION ! 2(•-•25-k w 0111111111111111111•11•111111111=1111100/1/0UN THE "FLU ty Dare Not Return The "Fht" will certainly get a warm reception this winter if it dares show its ugly head in our peaceful midst, for the people are confident sow that they can deal it such a washing blow it will never survive. In every village, town end city in Canada, families are fortifying them- selves with the greatest "Flu" am- munition known to aeience—Buck• ley 's Bronchitis Mixture. Colds, eoughs, etc.—the advance guards of Flu—are met with withering fire, and relief from these troubles is sure every time, On. hundred thousand Canadians are only too willing to tes- tify to the great healing power this `remedy contains. It has conquered coughs of 35 years' standing. It can- not fail to do for you what it has done for others. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose, as it is sold under a money -back guarantee to banish coughs, eolds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and prevent you from getting the "Flu." It is not a syrup, but a scientifie mixture, 20 dines stronger than any other cough ours. One dose gives Lastest relief. Prim, 75 cents. Take no substitute. None genuine without myr signature. Ask your druggist 17 SOLD IN GODERICH BY .1. A. CAMPBELL I \'t 1 Anil go ,to the countr, Before there is Cabinet reeonetructio to the extent talked of, two or three o the old Min - 1).0,14 must realgis. That .ould Iller 11 the loss of their votes in th \Conimons. Thell if three or four men were sworn 111 from the present }louse thse'lloverii- w ent would be deprived of the votes for two months—and the ti velm- ent eatinot spittle halfm-dosen mtes tills session. \The Governmept may be beaten 41a A line 111 the 11011.e And furred oil 111 -4 at event it is hard to say how long, ie session might. last. lin the other nil. if the Government can (•arry nim there, la. not nitwit likelihood of the.se lou winding to a dose be- fore some- Mai, negr the middle of July,'_Ent, 'fore that time comets there 'W:111 he enolIgh verbal battles to sati.fy everyone. unless present Indlea- tion. are all wrOtsg. . . __ .. -. - -- -- - • - - - ---- , MOIHER-!" 'tibe lion. ,bert Roger. has arrived at Ott from e West jut in time to impreN uaon t e. politicians there that they cannot bla. him for the result in West Petethoro% he Hun. "B )h" has an idea thatX they int a boy who cm win electioris he could ery quickly 144.01 Let 'bid" on yo. ns mirable. He adios hi arguments (0 speak for themselses. wi out heat or rhetorical effort. He may always be right ; but at any rate he a • go d example in placing his case quiet before the people and setting them to t king " s The Provincial timber iovestigation has come to an abrupt 'n I, for the present at least, as the result of the action of one of the c mmanies under investigation which _gueltions the junsdictn n of he commis- sion an 1 is appealing to t courts 14. a declaration that the c.)m ssion is acting beyond its powers 'r commissioners have decided to hold further sittings until the question rri their authority is I definitely settled. nough has already been ilivulged be e the comtni.sion to justiffits aboi ment, and the people of St Province sattll not be sraisfied if it is not. ai)6)0ted to dpritinuc i:s work of in- gestigation, When the United Farmers ellne 111. to IwtWer tilltArlo 11 Wits expeeteil that Governmental freon'omy would he one of their airmig points, and it Isc rather .iirpri.ing to find that. Insipid of showing ally deerea•e. the-19.4in. -eta} expenditure* hare ruaterlally creii.o.ii To ;that exten.11... le due to tile lower value of the dollar we (h, not know: Mit at no' eat., the reeelpts Are nol keeping pop with the expendittire. Him Peter Smith. the Provincial 'Treasurer. make. Iii• bud- get speech 111 the l'a,g I +la t si re 1 11 Is week and may be able to justify the inerenised outlay as In the public in- tereat. or It nosy he that Hon. Mr. Smith intent on •howtint that the proptilsr eOnerpt 1011 of, lis*. farmer a. "tightwad", is a mistaken one. UN LIFE COMPA MU OF C 1871 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL WRA UBILEE YEAR 1921 AF century os elapsed sin, r• Cm- Sort life Assurance Company d 167 he fi urea sulacit -d herewith in( • -ate t se size, a en has attained among the Ii assurance ir.,t;tutions of the world, as Meutt Its operationl during those first years. fif , . INOPSIS F RESULTS FOR 1920 "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxativ 1111111111111111111111111M1110.11111111111111111111111111111.110111 or la SALE OF DRESS SILKS 1 Yard -wide heavy black Silk Duchess Pailette,, rig II a deepest lustre, and heavy, suitable for skirts, a dresses or suits. Regular $3.00, at per yard $1.95 X SHANTUNG SILK X NIX it 200 yards of 34 -inch wide, heavy, pure, nat- IN iii ural Raw Silk, washes and wears to no end. $1.25 $ al quality, at per yard 85c li a Yard -wide Pailette Silk in navys, browns, a a greens, good weight and- purest stock. On sale at a $1.68 im a per yard XX X RUGS $ X British Tapestry Rugs, select patterns and $ X best colorings, good pile. X X Size 3 x 3 yards, reduced to $20.00 X X Size 3 x 3), . yards, reduced to $25.00 N X Size 3 x 4 yards, reduced to $27.50 $ • BEST BRUSSELS RUGS 1 IN 3 x 3 yards, now $30.00 X X 3 x 31:, yards, now $35.00 X X 3-x 4 yards, now $40.00 X X $ II HOSIERY $ X X 0 IE black cashmere Hose, size* 9, 91:,, 10. Regular $1.25 G LOVES N. • _Perrin's best quality kid Glo es, new spring al stock, in tans, greys, black, white, dome fasten- ▪ ers and quality better than ever .At r pair $2.75 • , '111 CORSETS -111 A La Grace Corsets, all sizes 20 to 3 in sev- eral new models, now at sPecial price \.$1.95 \ X Best all -wool English make, women's fine a $1.90, at per pair .. . :lc N. Acheson & Son . . ............s... ..[....... XXX XX117,C5C • sc "Accept "California" Syrup of Figs o ly—look for the name California on th -package, tin you are sure your rhlt4 is having the best and most handless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity tote. Full directions on each ••• 4.1......•••••••••••1..........64141.••••••••••*1....*••••••••••••••1 • `'Casca. rets" if Sick br-Biliciusi Let a pleasant, harm- less Ca.earet work while poi sleep t111.1 have sonr liver e( the, head clear, stoma, ewert and boasts moving ' •1 /19,9,ETS Assets as at 31st December, 19 Increase over 1919 . . . .... _ INC ME •-• • Cash Income from Preitslums, Interest, Rents, etc., In 1920 Increase over 1919 . PROFITS PAID OR Ith.OrFED Profits Paid or Allotted to Policyholders In 924 . . Total Surplus 31st December, 1920, Oe..' all llailltlest and capital $ 8464,07.13 Arrrwriir.g tn Cestrow'S Staadard, vizi, for , a'tyss. the 41141 131 TAN., with 8'2 and IWIr crnt inter...1. ant for annuities. the R. 0. Select Lilacs :411 Per ,xne^ intereA)• TOT.al. PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS s, Niat tired Endowments, Profits, etc., during 1020 $ 10,NYT,402.011' Polliyholders since organization . . . 102.1s:7,934.31 ASSURANCES ISSUED DURING 1.720 and mild for In cash during 1930 s1p19 . . . . ' BUSINESS IN FORCE in 11, 31st December, 1924 . 1919 ..... • • • , TH OMPANY'S pROWTH $114 R39,414.48 tt,127,976.11 $ 21.751,370.43 3.u17,377.33 $ 1,615,645.64 Death CIa Payments Assurances Ise loco:ace over Lite Assurances Increase over • usa 17•,V111 2106,1101,266.23 2o,.142,419.79 . $456,641,233.17 . 70,282,773.12 A514 1472 1400 10008" 1910 $ ta.21o9.1 141,402.si 4(5507s 44 2, P./MA:4.94 19M ...... ...L 111,781.5711.43 $ 14445*05 473.5.3203 2.473.414.10 33164.790.37 114.11.14,444.46 Lwl *14 TN PONCA 8 1.064.380.09 3107,139 11 15.759.355.911 117,940.AM.M111 143$49.217¢.09 4114,441,215.17 • •.'•••••-•.•••••• •-• TIMM nience 0, or Children love this candy eathartle too. . • -of Commerce - Clinton and Goderich, Ont. OFFERS TIM FOLLQW4.NG Cot:i(Es Business Stenographic S;cretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course arradges Special C rses for students. TIE FoI.Lour 'cc. ADVANTAGES /. /tight,- WithrSol Teaching itaff Actual'ilusinea. farstetn of Book Cie( lential Type% ritin - Position. Ping Tests uaratatted Vocational Training School or this district. by Con'Artinient appointment. And unii in- epection by Soldiers' Civil it e•estableChniciit I separtment .\\ _. . For Terms. etc , write IS. E. 1VARD, 1,- , B. .1., M. .1ects., Principal Plaine 1/41, Clinton . 11 1 STONE, ('om. Sped:Milt. 1 icr-Priucipal Winter Term begins Monday, January 3rd, 1921 11 11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..... Hallten and FAL Anrew's sts. 0.0121:111C11 • aill:NT Fon Cockshutt Farm Machinery Adams Wagons Renfrew Truck Scales - .% (4) diva lo•r it! & Hisets Pianos aiiii Star Phonographs tal rge selert1011 Of 1' lionog ph Records constantly on hand Those wanting anything irs out lines are invited to call and see what we can do for them . PHONE 104 IhrieWiesesesioaem'sow's~94.1191040,191" 1 NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH App%Creaia A:1 pNrd sosaeril: To ret ••••• All? What relief! Your clogged nos- trils open right up, the, air passages o ymir head are clear and yent can breath. freely. No more howking, snuffling, murmurs discherge, headache, dryness -,no struggling for breath at night, your cold or eatarrisiaone• Don't staylatuffed up! Get a small bottle ofEly's Comm Balm from your 4rugg1stMow. Apply a littk of this frogrant. antiseptic eream in your nos - ants, let it penetrate through every air passage of the lwad soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane,' giving you instant relief. Fly'e Cream. Balm is just what every cold and (11- tarrh sufferer has beim mekiag. It's just spieudid. Our Double Harness ill be found equal to the most per- fectly matched team in symmetry and beauty.. It meta gracefully on the homes, and while fitting perfectly allowsi the' greatest freedom of action It you have, a high-claaa tram eotne here for harnems appro priate for their ClAR. nave your old Harness oiled end repaired now for Spring. 11..1. FISHER, Hamilton St, GODERICH DECORAT ING A ND Decorating Matciials Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell yott the msterials, or take the contract of decorating your hotne, store or office.,. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Mirrors, etc. We can impish- yottr wants in nv kind of Glass J. CUTHBERTSON North side West st. Phone 354 •