HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-17, Page 1r Renew Your Subscription to The Signal and get one of the handsome Signal Calendars for I ? ri !�; ltrMlt 1 if SEI EN'T1'-FOURTH 1E.AR NO. 7. he GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1921. AUCTION RALES. PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE Sterling Bank Service is first, last and always a personal one. Discussing applications for credit, furnishing advice and information, obtaining—if possible— additional information the customer requires— these and every other transaction receive a per- sonal attention which brings more satisfactory results. Our Manager will be glad to meet you—to dis- cuss your plans for 1921—at any time. 43 THE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA FARMERS' SALES NOTES Palmers with Sales Notes will'be well advised left tarn the over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- ing presenttattion, and payments will be credited to your account\promptly. IRA R Sales Nolo) pplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - RESERVE FUND $ 15,000,000 $ 15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Mar-tger. ,s%S 1 iouai Perhaps Your Business Needs a Tonic Try a ince; dose of advertis- ing in the coldnns of The Signal. It has Otte good to others --why not to you? THE SIGNAL PRINTING ('O., LIMITED, Publishers. 4 UCTION SALE OF A GOOD FARM, HAY. GRAIN, HOUSEHOLD FURNIT- E AND IMPLEMtN rs. MR. WILLIAM -BOLTON will sell by pubic auction, at the premises. lot 14, Maitland .unsown. Colborne, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, at 1 o'clock The term contains M acre oI good land. Fifty .cresolhis AS new seeding The buildings comet of &comfortable frame dwelling, barn IRta50) with Mire and other necessary outbuildtngs. Tbere is fiest claw orchard and splendid water. Tb. peoperty a about two miles from Holmes - vine. era no a Irum COstun and nine miles Iron Goderich, TERMS. -Ten per can. o1 pureh.ae price to be paid on tl.e day oI sale ; balance roan 110days At the Mme tint there will be sold 1 wheeibar- [o.. 1 open buggy ,in good shale), Masser -Harm cutter, (good as new). *puns tooth cultivator, 4laaeriiarrr disc harrow, Deering My rake hood as sew). Deering red drill Ie.tduer com- b.ad. lwohate Deering corn cultvs tor. Deering kaa spreader (good as are). new Dann' 1.o - horse riding plow. No. 11 Meaey-Harris plow. Deertnt walkiag plow, 2 wngle:cultivator.. 1 act barrows, 1 sia-loot cut Macey rsoriag aan�sRs, 1 new well pump. Maaaey-Harrw binder, wiggle on --horse plow. one -loo Tory Mood as aswk 1 Deering Meek rack tin bent o1 shape). b hotbed sash, 1 at Maes. moon ted team harness. lett plow b.eness 1 set buggy Artless. 1 Lily cream see- ' moor, forks. sbovels. charm. and other articles too numerous to menton. the new crosscut saw. cutting -boa with blower,* number of fret of rub- ber hose. SA fence nils, 1 16-icJot sadder. 1 12 -loot extension ladder; about 114 towel 'good trmotb bay; sheet 7 ions of at straw; about 75 b of oats; 1 ton of mrllett; about IC bushels of pota- toes Warman); a duuagrarm chairs, 2 kitchen tables, b kitchen chairs, kk lichen washstand. iron bedstead and mattress. 1 single non bed an" mat- tress. kitchen pone and a number of p.pns. large kitchen euphord, Inge pantry cupboard. 1 fall- leal table 1 lounge, 2 wooden washtubs. sad num- erous other articles. 1 oars -01,1 was of 510 and under, cash; over that arsount, a sneaks' credit will be given on furnrhmg approved junt notes. A dtruunl of 4 per ant. straight allowed for cosh on credo amounts. WILLIAM BOLTON. T SUNDRY, ' Proprietor. Aaganeer PUBLIC NOTICE. L1)R. F.). R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural (: w Hospital assistant at Moefleld's asefet Rye Hp.t■r Golden Square Throat Hoe- 'Rat,London, En` • Waterloo St S.. Stratford. Telephone 867. At Bedford Hotel, Goderrk, from Wednes- day. March MMk, at 7.79 p. m., to Thursday. t . 17th at I p. L Goderich Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wood's and J. H. Lauder's Stores ) AGENTS 1NANTED-IN COUNTY OF HURON for an est.rdy it.. i ropo,ltian that appeals o both country and town people. because it ma money for them. Liberal cont- estation. No c requ.red Agents ch Jose tbeir own territory. He in hot letter whether you have had anya ou'ex r:ence ariaa I'e sales crit. prt � and whet terntorYJou would want to wore in. FRANK LEWIS, 106 S. VuctoriaSt. Sarnia, Ont. Gene C. Co'tnnn, Pianiate-tui ion given on piano Mr.! C. V Henry, Vioi•nist- tuition given on a iolin for beginners and advanced students. For information apply at Studio. Violins repaired. bridges tuned, sound - posts set and violin bows repaired, etc. -1 GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces. professional). • IANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. TUMMY, Moak Studio, north side of tsars. tl TUMMY, ,1TANTED.—MAN OR WOMAN TO represent us nimdays ; earnings guar - ant ed ; good a,ance to a WL. Stare time say be used. Expert unnecewarr . Par- ticular, on application. c WINSIONCO.. Department A . for.mio. 21 David Mcllwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery. In the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. CRAIGIE'S Assurances' Real Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS. III TIM EITAta Oe ALBERT M. Poi,LEY. LAfa 4(p Mt TOWN OF GOORRICH, IN THE COUNT', C HURON, GENTLEMAN, DECEASED NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R S 0,: CIO. 121. sec M. that all penmen having claims saaintt the esus of the sad Albert M. Polley do- ceased• who died on the IR,h day of 'January, telt. are required to and or deliver to the under. signed. Dethrone for the eaecuttkes of the said ea - tate. on or bel we the 1.t day of March. 192', full particulars of t heir claims;and that after such date and exerutr,cee will dutatute the assets of the deceased among th- parties entitled, having re. Bard only tolams of which they shall then have received notice, and that they will not be liable toany person of whose a aim notice shag tart have been received at the limen) such distribution. Dated the 7th day of February, A. D. 1921. CHARLESGARROW. Snl ici tnr for Charlotte A, Polley and Grace McFadyer, Executrices. St MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE 1% story (ram,', with furnace, electric light and hath, garage, "Hunted on the corner of Well- ington and Piston streets. Im- mediate possession. This le a very desirable home and will be ,sold cheap. 1% story frame house with R rooms, electric light and water, full lot with omhsrd. Situated on the west side of Cameron street Investment Seeluities. Victory Bonds taught and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE WheSickness Comes k -r F UNDS in the Bank are a strength and a comfort to you when unforeseen circumstances arise -such as sickness or acci- dent. Open a savings account with us and commence to build up ■ re- serve which will prove a friend in your hour of trouble. 84.n /apesnsi every work fey 10 years with Interest at * a ryK te- sajd s.at-ua..n/. w111 mamma to sass. 72. log UNION BANK OF CANADA 'Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. HAY AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. W. H. CAMPBELL will offer la sale by pub sec auction. .t lot 24(. con- cession 5, East Waeao,eh, 1134 miles n stn o4 A uburn, on l'HURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2401. commencing at 1 o'clock Hossies.-H.ary hilt man, 10 yes-. old, In foal; heavy draft maee, 12 yeas old. in foal. dos. ol ng mare, 10 years d. draft colt. mule 2 years CATTLE-- Co. 6 yeah old, in calf, due Atoll 1. 1 heifers. rising 3 years old, supposed to be to call: 4 baler. •wag 2 years aid. I heifer. rimnt.1 lean old: Speen, rising* years old; Sleet spring calves.1 calf. '2 unostia ofd. SHg.r.-Twelve Otford Down ewes bred to Iamb alter April Ip; 1 O.lord Door ram. hatkoasrrs. -Owe set iron barrows, 1 two - horse cors cultivator, 1 teahoeseed dol', 1 man- ure -spreader, as Massey -Harm make; 1 Oliver tame plow,'t atuIlers, I two -furrow Fleury walk- ing plow, 2 seta angle harness. Also 4 tons Of timothy My. and many other articles loo numer- ous t. lantron. Tamers.- A11 sums of Mad under. cash. over that a m mot. r months credit will be given on 'tarnishing approvedloin( notes. A discount u1 5 pecave. al owed for cash on .edit amounts. Hdto bs easA. erytMna will be disposed of to tee highest bidder. as proprietor W.ol IAN term. W.H.CAMPBELL T.GUNDRY, Proprietor, A uct loner . AUCTION SALE OF SHORTHORNS, HORSES, PIGS. Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to con- duct an au tion sale on lot 25, concession 2, Tuck - risme h, on WEDNE-DAY.FEBRUARY 23rd. at !o'clock sharp. the following property. namely: Tho offeringcons.ps of noted la malar, such a Bruce Manny. and Crimson Flowers, not Scotch:families, alsoSirawberry's. Sstoitrs00Ns.-Jennett McLaren, 100.492, seen years old, due to calve March IMA; Deasy ar- quo. 16'613, 15 months old: Roan May. 1, , 2 years old, due to calve time of sale; Lady Butter- fly 3rd 11.12(6, IS months old. due to esteem Au• goal, Fanny B 61.1, 11B731, a years old/ � due to calve in May, bred to nosed bull; Sir Ab. hard, 0:15)5, herd bull; Sandy Boy. 130011, 14(nt hs old, a well-bred Waterloo Princess atterpleasing quality. GRAOgs -Helfer, rising March; cove. 4 S yeas •cid due in years old. due M h kd; cow. 7 yews old, due in March; h. iter rising 8 years. due April Ikd; heifer, rising3 y ars,due in July, milking good now farrow cow; fat cow.; steer, 2 years.old; pnr, rising 2 year di; steer rtiasttppl`+ 3 years old;'2 steers, 1 year old n hake, 18 inoah. p 4; 4 spring calves, 1 ba beef calf. Also K l*tunka, about 120 lbs, at ti of .ale. lamas. re, 5 years old. An- i 1 driver. 4 Ofd (broken atntM es - doe 1; 1 heavy dra t, nt 2 years old. Also a quantity of Seed bay. FAR*., -the the f there is • two -at ry brick house, with furnac and soft water, large cellar, large bad1gke Mrn„large straw sh-d with pie and chicken se underneath. Farm will be sold subject td e r rve bid Tates. - A. sums of 810 and under, c h; over proved joi t dotes, or a discount of 4 per cent straight d be given for cat's. PAUL ADIEUX. THOS. BROWN, Pry fetor, Auctioneer. • AUCTION SALE. A UC1ION SALE OF FARM, FARM tt STUCK ANU IMPLEMENTS, MR. WALTER KINGSWELL will sell by public auction, at the premises, lot 8, concession 8, W. U. Colborne (right at Loyal). on TUESDAY', FEBKUAR\' 22nd, • commencing at 1 o'clock sharp : The farm, which consists o(45 acres of good land, is in a good state of cultivation and in a splendid location. 1 here is a comfortable brick Masse, commodious frame barn and other buildings. Good water and good orchard. This will make a very destrabte isomer a any one wanting a sin farm, as it is en:y 4S% miles (rum Goderich and is on the leading road into town. Rural mail and telephone. TERMS, -Ten per cent. of the purchase price to be paid on day of sale; balance in 30 days, when posesum will be given. Or arrangements can be made to leave part of the amount on mortgage. Also the (ollowtng : Heavy draft mare; heavy draft colt, rising three years; aged driving mare; cow. 4 years old, due to calve in April; cow. 5 yi an old, d'2e to calve April 22nd; cow, 3 years old, due to calve April 19th; 4 spring calves; 2 gene, I gander; 6 ft. cut M McCormick b.nder; 5 -ft. cut Frost & Wood mower; 1 steel roller; 1 11 hoe Massey -Harris drill; 1 new Cockshutt cultivator; 1 set Niamey - Harris disc harrows, gang plow, Daisy churn, nding plow. No. 12 De Laval cream separator, 1 No. 21 Cockshutt walking plow. 1 Fleury rcuflier, 1 fanning mill and sieves, 1 Whetlaufer pea hal- taster, 2 heavy wagons, 1 wagon box. 1 combination *look rack, 1 set harrows, three sections; 1 Sharp hayrake, 1 set of beavy harmers, grindstone, wheelbarrow, '2 gravel boxes 1 hayfork rope, 1 set of wh McBee'', 1 neckyoke, forks, shovels, and num, rous other articles. There will be no reserve ; everything must be sold. rERMs.-Alt sums 01 810 and under, cash; ever that amount. 3 months' credit wiN be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A straight disar int of 4 oiler cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts, WALTER KINGSWELL, T.GUNISRY, Proprietor. Aucti 3ALIE OF FARM STOCK. IM 1) a ISSITI \s LC. . MRS. P. LENNAN, 1gt-N. Lake 0aRa a month of Kisum a Iw 4(W by auction, at Ow sums taw 00 TUESDA. �aaRU ARY 71nd, COMM aka 1 o'clock p m.. ar Mare, 7 ye. rnN;;osife, 6 years old; mare. 11 yeas old: sachet' 3 3t', a .ad. m.kh co.; cow w.tb call at loot. cow, .'sae to calve Meech 1at- .emw.aaleporedro be act 21,44 dee to calve April tw;2 herires,4tpng 3 )o. . linad0• 2 steers. riling 2 year. old; bull. eluent Per. old, 5 steers, ✓ inse 2 years old; 2 heifers, rising 2 yeses old: 6 calves. rt g 1 yew old; 8 st pqa, 1 boar; K pigs. a we sold; 1 sow, 11 breeds g ewes. rugal• tank, 11- . cut Massey-Harrisb er, 5 -It. cut Deer) ower. IS -hoe Massey -Harris dee drill. 1 spring- ooth colo rater. walking plow, two -ler row . art riding plow. hayrake, scalier, root-pulper, turn; .eeder, t set 4 -archon harrow, steel roller, bug Y. cutter, '1 aetgtwbslei`hs, wagon mod boa.. w4( oo travel box, stock:rack 1 sat C ui ns- y scales Ib,, ape super outfit; Chatham tanning 01111 Ih bagger; clo.aut saw. 1 rt double I)artsos, 1 angle harness, 100 bush. seed barley 50 b sh, es, sever.+) hundred fret of elm and bass, lumber: new Chevrolet car (IWO model), quanli of Sanch ile: Faubark'-1!Ope engine USS h. p. Teen u M3. -All sums I I and d under, cash; oaf that arrrwnt, eight wontM' credit will be gives on furnishing approved j notes. A discomfit of 4 per cent. allowed for cash on credit •mous MRS..K. F. MacLENNAN, JOHN PURVI Propr.etie a. Audioasafr AUCTION SALE_ OF FARM ST6K.. MR. GEORGE F. CLARK easel! by public au.t.on, on lot 5, concsaiofi 8. E. D. Colborne ;on, mile ea •t of Carlow), an THURSDAY. MARCBBrd, e commencing at 2 o'clock sharp, theft/lowing Roa'gs.- Draft mare. rising a yaks; daft aesd. ins, ruing a y, an; dram gado g,' rising 2 year>k draft colt. rising 1 year. CAT I LE. -Purebred Polled Aroma cow, rising 10 yews: Polled Angus cow. rlstnt K yearn calved in October and bred again January 13: Polled 'Angeussh e.fer, 2 year., due to calve March 10; PPooll�l ngu.100, trnhened in Octoler: Durham cow, eking 8 years_ due M calve February 0..rham cow, ruing 7 years. Cue rb ca've March Durham cow, ming s years, due to calve March 7: Durham cow. using 6 years, due to freshen March 8; Polled Ang0 heifer. 15 months; 2 Dur• years heed .nuary 26; I Polled Angus seers, ria, ing 3 years; 2 Polled Angus steer., ming 2 year.; Durham steer, rime 2 year.; Durham /tear call, v months old; Polled Angus steer call, 4 months oil; Durham hiller calf.' month old. This is an ears gad lot of cattle. anyone wanting same will do well by attending this sale SHARP. -Sixteen purebred Leicrsfer ewe., .un - pod to be in lsrit seb; 1 purebred Leicester ewe Iamb; 1 purebred Leke-ter ram lamb. AppriPIGS20. --One purebred Yorkshire sow, due to pig l . TEsMs.-Eight month' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes Adige -count of 3 percent. 1or cash on credit amounts. GEO.F.CLARK, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Aust toner. �tJCT10N SALE OF FARM STOCK 1 ANO IMP1 MENTS. MR. ABE FISHER will sell by public auction, at lot 5, con- ces-Ion 2, E D. Colborne, one mile east of Benmilier, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAFtY 23rd, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp : HORSES. -One general purpose mare, 12 years old; 1 general purpose mare, 5 years old; 1 Percheron mare, rising 2 yrs. old. .►CATTLE, -Four cows; 4 heifers. '2 years old; 1 yearling heifer: 4 steers, rising 2 years old; 5 calves, from 1 t, 6 months old, PIGS. - One sow, due in March; 7 pigs. IMPLEMENTS -One wagon, 1 low truck, 1 set of Bain sleighs (nearly new); 1 light spring wagon, 1 good top buggy, 1 ,art, 1 6 -foot cut Deering binder, 1 6 loot cut mower, 1 hay loader, 1 12 ft. rake, au Massey -Harris make; 1 ;Nev. Id al manure -preach r, Noxon seed drill, cu tivator, steam !add roller; Massey -Harris disc harrow, 14 plate with fore carriers; 1 set drag harrows (4 • tenons), Massey -Harris harrow, cart, 1 4wo'furrow sulky p'nw, 1 walk) g plow, 1 one -hose stuf er, 1 set of scales (2000 Ihs,), 1 fanning null. 1 haeket tack (td feet long); 1 ordinary rack (14 feet lonb) ; root pietist. grindstone. 1 set of double harness, l set single harneea, and other articles too numerous to mention Everything will be sold, as proprietor is leaving the 'arm I RIMS. -All sums of 810 and under, cash; over that amount, 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint nods.- A straight discount of -4 per cent. allowdtl fag cash discredit anfllunts, A. FiSHER, T. Gt;NDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. UNRESERVED Ai CTION SALE OF FARM STOCK MR. MARTIN MUGFORD - wib sell by pull* auction, at his premises, lot 15, concession 2. township of Col. borne, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2nd, commencing 1st 1 o clock sharp, Inc fol- lowing oolowing : One heavy mare, 9 years old; 1 general purpose horde, 7 years; 1 filly, rising 2 years old; l cow, 3 years old, due' April 7; 1 cow, 5 years old, due in April; 1 cow, 8 years old, fresh: 1 cow, rising 3 years old. supposed to iW in calf; 1 pure- bred Durham bull, rising 2 years: 2 fat steers, rising 3 years old.; 2 steers, 2 years old: 5 steers, rising 2 years old; 3 Betters, rising '2 pare old; 1 heifer ri6in1 1 yew old; 1 young sow, due May 4; 1 collie do", TtRMs.-Eight month,' credit will be . given e n furnishing approved joint notes: " A diuuunt of 4 per cent. attaight allowed ie r ca sh. Etterything will b • sol 1 witho it reserve. MARTIN MUGFORD, T. GUNDRY, Proprn tor. Auctioneer. Any woman lits R perfect right to look in a milliner's nlodmt- and wtah 'the had a wealthy htl'dulo11I. 7 Every bride of two weeks Is root• - peteat to di,ronrse knowingly of the trial. and rarer. Inc'dente I to the man- agement of a family. FUR SALE OR RENT. WARM FOR SALE.—LOT 25. CON CESSION 3, Gud0kh township, conustung of 42 area of choice clay loarn, with spring creek and spring wet,. Barn 4014(1, wtih sem, nt stahles; hay been, 1$x':7: drive -house, :1x27; .mall hen- house; comfortable concrete cottage. and two acres o1 orchard. It is otuated ole mile from nesiafiated Provincial county road. seven miles Irum Godench, and es convenient to school and church. Apply to 13. H. LINDSAY. R. R. No, 2, Goderich, Phone OW 1, t1 FOR SALE. -GOOD FRAME HOUSE, 1'4 story. electric fight and water and full- sized basement. alt in good condtyuo. A sly on {remises to ROY MUNNINc;S.corner .ambrm Road and Napier Street. - 2t PROPERTIES FOR SALE. -TWO frame house on West street. known as the Weis ; frame storyand-a-hall house. with lull !hocks street; also two lots with a good op Hincks street. The owner. Mr. john altos. of Timmins. Ontario, is anxous to sell and will accept any reasonable offer. Pos- session :an be given wrthn a month. Foe par. Oculars apply to 1. J. -,POSER, Hamilton Street, Godench. U f,1OR SALE. -HOUSE ON REGENT fi`` street, Goderich. Built for 571400. Gaud well on premises. Will cone der best offer A^ply to W M, VROOM AN, town, or write ED. DUNN. 10)7 Bloor Street W , Tbrooto. 111JAN1'ED TO BUY.-BRiC house, even or eight room., mo leen coKn vemences, north or west side of town. Apply No. 22, SIGNAL OFFICE, stating lowest cash - prate. mt[OR SALE OR TO RENT. -TWO frame hours on East _ street, west of the tine Factory. Foe pasticulan address GEO CAKLETON, Sul Filth Avenue. New York City 4t IlOL'SESs.HOUSES. All kinds for sale at 7ery reasonable prices.; 11 you intend buying a house it ail be to your interest to Inc one, es 1 may here just .Mt you are looking for. Na trouble to show you the places 1 have for sale. A large list to choose from. Call inend see me. P. J. RYAN, Red Estate and lwuranee Phone 50. 0 ARTICLES FOR SALE., - L'1ORS‘LE.-A McLAUGII LIN P roadster, toaster -six lybt model: one spare tire. Owned by the late Wilh.m Marlton. Ap• ply to MRS. ENRY MARLTON. West Street 'TURNIPS FOR SALE. -IN ANY quantities from 2510 Imo bushels Twenty cents per bushel Terms to suit purchaser. GFO. SOW ER BY. K. R 4 Goderich. Telephone 6040, 21 The Slogan. The war slogan, "Let's Go,” is still beard : but it rete:s now to Pridham the Tailor's. Spring samples just in. Save from 810 to $1.1 by walking atound the corner, North street. Come and see the ':Betsy Bobbitt"' concert .end meet ''Our Aunt from Cali- ' ftrnia." with an enc ire change of pr grain, in Knox church lecture room. Ttlesdav, February 22nd, under the auspices 01 the Arthur Circle. - It makes a real treat-Blackstone's delicious ice cream, in bulk or fancy bricks. H. C. Dunlop, local druggist, agent for Templeton's' Limited, has free samples of Rheumatic Capsules, and Ras-Mah for asthml, to be had for the asking. HAVE A SMOOTH HEALTHY SKIN. There are many things that will heal chaps, but it's not so easy to find a preparation that is p'4asant to use, Dr. Brown's Peroxide Cream will relieve chaps and promote beauty by keeping the skin in perfect condition. The spring season is naturally the most trying on dainty complexions and sensitive Attie. so if you are not acquainted with the good qualities of Dr. Brown's Peroxide Cream now Is the time to give it a trial. Try a little on the (ace before applying your fare powder and note the pleasant effect. We ala) handle all of the popular creams and lotion; which you see recom- mended :or the cire of the tkin. E. It. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. ``lkOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF PURE- BRED. registered Polled AnitaAberdeen bulla, 6t for service. Apply to J.R. VARCOE, R. R. No 5. Goderich. tf . SWEET CLOVER SEED FOR SALE.- F,.s from weed seed. Sweet clove. its roil eBanar' mir. ikr. ace lent for pasture and hay. A. H. CLU a R. R. No. S, Goderich. Phone 14-14, \ is FOR SAL.—A JERSEY COW, will freshen in eight .eeks. Price. 111. Ake+ a boll call, nine months old, GEO. Mc.:KEATH. South Street. , t1 AIod ANGEFOR SAIp,.E..-GOOD BAKER. It l cMIJRCHY. Vrctorrietreet. Apr), al U M Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE single at 14 per self cora, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIIIIITED• \ (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. CARDS OF THANKS. ItlRS. DONALD MACKENZIE AND FA'-11•.if wish tt ea;,ress their ``radiode for- the kindness of friends and ne,thMxs ex- tern ea to them !tither r cent bereavement. COME - 4 , to the Lecture Room of Knox Ahurch and hear the "$stay Bobbitt Concert" and a Play entitled 'Our Aunt from California' TUESDAY, FEB. 22nd, 1921 tinder the auspices of the Art bur Circle. .,c • Painting and Decorating Sign Painting and Graining Specialt ies over 2.1 Years' Experience. All Wbrk Guaranteed. Orders will receive prompt atten- tiotl, E. P. WEISS, Trafalgar St. Old Home Week in Goderich August 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1921 A definite decision has been reac to • o a reunion of Goderich Old Boys and Girls on the above dates. Preparations are being set on foot to provide a suitable program for the occasion, and Goderich's sons and daughters scattered, abroad are invited to come home and have a good time with the home folks. and with one another. This is merely a preliminary announcement. More later. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES '+'HUNe POWELI , 299 and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. W. J. POW E LL OLD HOME WEEK IN GODERICH August 7, 8, 9 and 10 Are Dates Piled for Great Eieut. Many times within recent years the suggestion of an old boys' reunlou fur Goderich has been made, but although many, other towns have held such gatherings this town up to the present time 1144. never called the old buys anti girls bark again for a celebration hell In their especial honor. The nearest approach to It was the Strang Old IPoys Iteuition In the year 1607, bur this was un1 ' for ex -students of the Collegiate Iinifitute and accordingly was out on so 1 f•ge .toil extended e nettle as a reunion embracing all the 'Kona and daughters of the town with- out any distlittion whatever. As the result of several meetings held within the last two Sre'eks, an or- gauizitttou has been effected and dates fixed for an gild Home W+ek to be held in tioder(ch this year. The dates are August 7, 8, f► untl 10, the first day being a Sunday, when It Is proposed that clergymen CIO iwiu[t iaslerirh as their home tow•u will occupy the rat- ions phlpits of the town. The organization 115 w) far de'c'ided - upo.n I. as follows : Honorary presidents - N' 1 1 1 1 a m ('ampls•II. Ewe., 4 ud,'rh•h: Senator Wil- liam I'ruudfoot. Toronto: Judge E. N. Lew Is, Galerleh : Major Jos. Bet•k, Toronto; Nell MacKenzie. Esq.,' Slter- lR R. 41. R.'ynulds. 4u111P It. I.. Digit., Ala. Saunders, )Esq., GislerlclP. . "I'resldelft-Mayor E, R. Wigle. Vicesprn*ldenta-l'. L. Moore • sad _ Mrs. W. L.'1Horton. Su't•retary\-W. S. Bowden. Tres sorer. --J. W. . Fraser. Exe'c'utive\ committer -\v. T. Mar- ney. ,O. W. !Heck. W. 11. Robertson, Reit* T. 31. Davis, Rev. J. F. Rey• ,•raft, E. McLaughlin, J. W. Framer, W. lttgr. SharlftalL 11. C. Dunlop. (:el. steal; rt, Mrs W. AIs'l, Mrs. M. Swat tlsou. l'huirmen .1 committees : Finance -W. T. Murney. Publicity -W. H. Ruts-rtson. Simla ■nil addresses -Mrs. W. i.. Horton. I'nrgriu s-4:. 1.. Parsons. Itee' iratiuu-We'sl'y Walker. Transpustatluu--T. G. t'ounMsn. Rlti•t'ptlun-31.j r i1. C. llnn op. Steps will at Doer be taken to M'cuee of far ss possible the pre.ent ad- dresses of all former residents of the town and Invite then) to fake part In, the •reunion. and It Is confidently hoped) that the f:esterlrh Old Home -- Week of 1921 will be an event that In after years will lotto large in the ennuis of The town. You are invited by the Arthur Circle or Knox church to a -Retry Bobbitt" con- cert, with an entirely new program, and play. in the lecture rbom..pn Turday, February 22nd. DIED. 51('014 t1' -• In Goderich, on Sunday. February 13 wliham George Murray, ■ged 82 years. IMOI mar clow well do we remember That sad and Cheery der ! None knew how sad the parting, Or what the Nineteen cost, But God and Itis Lor angels Have gained what we have I st Once 4(g on We hole to meet "u When the ',y of life ht ed ; Where nu Li resrtbte are shed. Th Re who mooyou m 1 Father, Mother, Brothers and Sao. r, Sit'NDKi'8 ': 1.E REGISTER. MotXpjymnAy, Feb, 1. luctnn stir of i 4. -ere farm,'lmplen.en gram, h.y .ndlrstax4Mllwn- ngtr at.Ihe )see. tot 14, Maitland concession,. ColMrne, six des from Clinton. nine miles from Goderich. pr , u y of Wm..tlollon. Tues, Ay Feh ilk --Auction ale of 4+a:re farm. lar ' ttnek,,mpl enents, etc., ,property of Walter ' ngswelh lot t. concession m, W. D. Col- borne. W4. SM tea 2t,-CTstyini suclron tale' farm tea and implements property of Abe Fi h r, one mile east id Ilenmilter, THtn5an45 February 24. -.sale nl farm A(nck, hay end ,mplenwnts. by W. H Campbell. lot 28, -onceseon 5, Eat Wawanoah, 8's miles north of Auburn, at 1 tr:elotte. AUCTION S.11.E REGl9TER, Tt tomer. Feb. t2 Sale of farm stick, imple- seats, etc, property of Airs, K. 1'. Macs-ennan, Int 14, 1 she Ratite, A.' ^e1A 'north of Rimed), at t 1,'clock p in. J011,1 Provos Auctioneer. NEW AII'1•EIUTISEMENTei. • ['Age A u:Gon Sale Geo. F. Clark 1 Annual Report -Sun Life Assurance Co 2 torso's fin Stitt -Gei.Soeeruy.R.5,('10.2 ..1 Mouse for Sale -Win. Vr,nman .... �... 1 Awl .on Sale -Mrs. K. F. MacLenni�a... t Card of Think, - Mrs. I) N. NacIeenale 1 Properties fist Sole -J. J. Mouse..,...1 Mee.tntt-S. 15 Sbothrn ..,• - _1 Howe 1 •Sale -•-Roy Munmegs , l Famine ',tie- B 1t.-1.Indsay.R. R. No.1. . 1 Panting .16,1 hecoratrne..-E P. WON. . .1 New Once 1on Meats -••It. Graf. . ' „ q 51 •Leugh'ln Roadster for S.de-•Mrs. H. Marlton) Agenic Wanted•• -Frank Lees ',Sarnia 1 !Iran Wanted -.-Boa' 22. SI4nal, yOld HoeneHoeneWeek in Goderich•--PrbbtUCom- mitee 8 , ., Gray•Dort Motors .... .... .. ..... ... ....Sr. G.rm'a L t am A) -hon Sate mane"Mugfo:d .... ..... .....t s .1 �t