The Signal, 1921-2-10, Page 8It --Thursday, February 10, 1021.
In This Space Next Week
and for the next
five weeks.
Don't forget a package of
Parisian Lawn Envelopes
at 10c per package.
Dainty 1st\(•el Linen Ftni hes
at only die a box.
R e. 1
"The Valley of Silent Ment
by Jas. Oliver Curwood
Province of
Owing to the unprecedented
demand for the new province
of Ontario 6 per cent. issue,
numerous people were too late
to get bonds at the issue
price. At the time of writiug
they are being sold at par.
and still are the best invest-
ment on the market, yielding
the ifvestor
6 per ce. -
for twenty years. It s ould
soon be at a premium wit \he
declining money rates.
T. R. Harrison
Insurance and Bond Broker
Bus :II Phone 314
hoard of Trade Annual
1 he annual geoer,;l meeting of the
Board of '1 rade will he held at the Board
rooms, Masonic Temple, ons Monday
'evening next. at 8 o'clock.
Court Goderieh Eentertains.
The a euib rs of ltenmiller Court.
No. so, and those of Court Goderich
Ni. 32. ('. (l. F., fraternized on Wed-
nesday night, when a goodly number
of the lieumfller Foresters were enter-
tained by the local brethren at their
rooms. Carpet ball and other games
were enjoyed, and a lunch was an at-
tractive feature of the program.
Parcels Received by Miss Wilson.
Mrs. Reycraft bas received word
that her sister, Miss Ellaabeth Wilson,
of Chengtu, West China, has at last
,received the parcels sent at various
times by friends here and held up by
dieturbances In China. In a 'note
dated December 12th Mlas Milson
stated that she received twenty-eight
parcels in three days.
A Townsman at Oklahoma.
A rote from Mr. li. C. Munnings at
Ofd home City states that they ate
having delightful wearher there. They
can go out riding without an overcoat for
hours at a time. The farmers are still
picking- cotton, tine ht Lela being white.
S'eding gent rally cemmences by February
15th. Building is going on as though it
were summer, also the grading and pav,ng
of streets.
Mr. T. IL Harrison Leaving.
Mr. T. R. Harrison, who for the last
year and a -half has conducted an insur-
1 arae and broke ag • bus ness in Goderich,
has purchased a simil .r bu. ines, at Lor-
don and will remove to that cot y in a few
1 weeks. Mr. Harrison has built up a
!splendid connection in Goderich by close
attention to business, but there is of
course a larger scope for his abilities and
energy at London. Ile has deposed of
his busini ss here to Capt. E. H. Hilt.
New Manager at Steel store.
Mr. S. R. Taylor h is assun.ed the
management of the local L. R. Steel Co.
store. Mr. Taylor has h id a large
experience in n,erchand,smg, having
served a number of years with the Wool-
worth Co. Before being transferred here
' he was manager of the L R Steel Co. at
ISnerbnoke, Que. Mr. Clark, who has
been manager h• re. leaves in a few days
for Oshawa, where he,wrll have charge of
another branch sit r: cf the same corn -
me New Bandmaster.
Mr. R. T. Hintz. who has accepted the
p osition of bandmaster of the 33rd Regi-
ment band, arrived an town on Wednesday
of last week and has taken a position with
the Coderich Mercantile Co, where a
brother of his also is employed. The first
bind practice under has Leadership was
h •Id on Monday night find a good number
the local bandsmen turned out. it is
itttenc.'ed to hold two practices weekly so
t t the band may be well prepared for
the ming rummer. Mr. Hintz is a solo
elan List and gives promise of proving
himsel ' very tapable leader.
Don't forget the i lustrated lecture and
entertainment to he given in the audit•
o-ium of North street Methodist church.
Thursday. February 17th,at 8 o'clock. by
Rev. H. Royle. of Nile, on Newfoundland.
Special quartettes and readings. Admis-
sion, adults 25c, children 15c.
tee !s tieing cut ret the-trarbor by
Mess, ('lark and Thompson and is
of surprisingly good quality, consider•
ing the very mild weather we have!
kid throughout the winter. it is
ul,out 4,•0 dui hes think, and there be-
ing no snow on it increases its solidity.
Meeting djaurned,
Owingbother gatherings on the
seine even) the attendance at (Inc
mtethng of t
l'itizeus' Social :terrier
Lowrie held lint Thnrwtay was small.
Mr t:. M. Elliot presided. A nominat-
ing committee vias appointed to pre-
pare nominations for a meeting to he
held on Monday. •. February 14th.
•Mpaars. Elliott and Ilchertson were ap-
pointed to send to Mr. B..7. Megaw an
expression of the 1:tag�tte's apprecia-
tion of his servIres in tie temperance
cause. Mr. Megaw was president of
Try to Make Men Fit Our Clothes
We Make Clothes for the Man
The best -dressed men in town have
"discovere" our Custom Tailoring.
Let us "bid" your business.
H. MARTIN, Tailor
Yes, it's a fact, shoe
steadily, gradnially, but tie
titre, thin anpouneernent rea
througsbyour entire STOCK ani
to present day wholesale prices,
ing our policy of giving the best
coupled with prompt, courteous s
Management. (live us a trial, and
is av,••••-•tl.
rices are going to ciente down,
'Wheless surely, and, by the
tea• yon we shall liaVe been
RE-HARKID it aeeo r ing
hereby Again 'dr:tnoiiseRat-
o`ible value for money,
under competent
future ,patronage
The Leading Shoe Min
Sefffad Throe Years Until SM Triad
DAME PtTEtt Lausanne
Pointe St. Pierre, P. Q.
"I think it my duty to tell you how
much your medicine has done for me.
1 sufered for three years witA terrible
Eczema I consulted several doctors
and they did not do me any good.
Then, I used one box of 'Samba
Salsa' and two boxes of 'Fruitd.tiaea
and my hands are now clear. The
pain is gone and there has been no
return. I think it is a marvellous
euro because no other medicine did
me any good and I tried all the
remedies I ever hearth of, without
benefit until I need `t5soekoSolea
and 'inns -.-toss,'
'Fruit-a-tives' tooled tete blood
and removed the cause of the disease,
and 'Sootha-Salva' completed the
Dame PETER LAMARRE (61s1,,
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size Mees,\
At all dealers or sent postpaid br
Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
the League from Be organization t!II
his removal to Vaneouver. Rev. H. D.
Moyer and Mr. M. W. Howell atria
named as delgates to the ProvttMbl
convention et Toronto.
Mr. Janes MaeViear Appetit/at
Mr. James MacVicar has received
the epplotment from the Provincial
Government as bonier of automobile
licenses. The appointment is a very
fitting one, Mr. MacVicar being a lee
Menet soldier who was
wounded in the service of his i
end is still partially disabled, although
unite capable of attending to the duties
which attach to his new position. He
will have his office at the more of his
brother, !gr. George IlaeYtear, on the
square- _.orb
Hockey Club Benefit.
The omcers of the hockey club wgb
to express their gratitude to the mem-
bers of Johnston'a orchestra for their
services at the dance on Monday even-
ing; also to Mr. J. Newcombe for his
special assistance- The club by thio
"benefit" made up a portion of Ita de-
ficit, and later on may bold •a7 "at
home" In aid of the funds. The Gpde-
rlch Society Orchestra has volunt•.ered
its services for this event, of which
further particulars ma/ be exported
WW Not Disband.
The G. W. V. A. held a spec's' meeting
on Thursday. February 3'd, to consider a
motion to disband. "1 he atte ndance was
the largest on record for a G. W. V. A.
meeting in this town. The motion to
disband was snowed under, only the mover
and seconder voting for it. An amend-
ment to "carry on- was canned enthusiast-
A strong committee was appointed as a
"ways and means" committee to formul-
te a plan for the successful continuance
1 this branch. The committee compels a
E. H. Hill, chairman, Ix. Bolster, Ben.
Sheppard, iii. Holmes, J Cuthbertson
Rev. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman ar d
John Jones Bateman. This committee is
to present a report on Thursday, February
17th. All returned men aie requested ao
send any ideas or suggestions they think
would be helpful to the a mmittee to
Mr. E. If• Hill or any other member of
the committee it i. also planned to have
no fewer than a hundred returned s ildters
17th, and veterans are request , to . n
they can to help this booster campaign.
Keep the date open— February 17th.
OODEItIOH, 011'!.
A range of Winter Coats to be cleared at just
one-half price. These garments must all be sold,
so we are clearing them at one-half price. Many
of our customers have taken advantage of this
opportunity to buy a light weight Winter Coat in
light shade for spring wear. You will save money
by taking advantage; ?f this sale of Coats.
Every Dress in the store is reduced in price.
A wonderful line of Silk Dresses at $17.50.
Big reductions in Serge Dresses.
Ladies' Skirts all on sale.
Voile Blouses at reduced prices. • '
Crepe de chine Blouses at greatly reduced
Georgette Blouses much below cost.
It will be easy to find a Blouse in the right
size to suit you from this range.
Buy your Spring Cottons now.
Sheetings 2 yards wide at 65c, 70c and 75c a
yard. All, heavy cloths.
Unbleached Sheeting at 55c a yard.
Heavy white Cotton, no dressing, 37 in. wide,
at 75c for 60c.
Fine Nainsooks, Cambrics and Longcloths at
much reduced prices.
Do your spring buying while the prices are
They are down in price 25 per cent.
Back to old-time values in Dress Goods.
Beautiful Spring Coatings at $4.50 to $6.00 a
yard, in very fine velours.
Jersey Cloth, made tubular, in -heather mix-
tures, at $5.50 a yard.
Very fine Serges in botany wool, at $4.00,
$4.50, up to $5.00 a yard.
Cashmere Hose at big reductions.
A store full of BARGAINS.
Great Ce.lpadons Attend at Baptist
Church to Rear Gipsy Hawke n,
The special evangelistic campaign
at the Baptist church, under the lead-
erahlp Of Gipsy John Hawkins, 11•P
misted by Mrs. Iipwklns and Miss
Wlnnifred Gould, Gospel soloist, and
the pastor, Rev. J. E, MacCauley, is
continuing with much encouragement.
Great local Interest has been aroused.
and all 'the services hare been excep-
i•.tiooally well attended.
The church was again packed to Its
limit on Friday last. wiled Gipsy
Hawkins gave the first part Jtia
thrilling life story, -From Gipsy\ Boy
to Preacher,' and magnified the grace
of Gods which fonnd him a lost gir»y
boy, Kidded his steps, and eventually
fitted him to be an evangelist to many
countries and winner of souls for God. i
The vast audience were Intensely In-
terested as they listened to the se'ount
of God's gracious dealings with the
will -known glps.y evangelist. Miss
Gould sang the solo. "Tell the People,"
which has been specially eomposed for
the evangelist, the assembly heartily
taking up the chorus.
Pastor of North Street Methodist
('Much is Appreciated,
The February meeting of the quar-
terly hoard of North street Methollat
church on Monday night was largely
attended. (iratlfying reports were
presented slowing progress In all de-
partment,' of tine church's work. Mr.
Howard Robertson, treasurer of the
lodrward Movement fund, reported
that the eontribntors had peed within
1163, of the full amount of their pro-
portion due to date. A vote expressive
of the Board's hearty appreciation of
the fine work done by the "chore!' debt
committee" was passed with great en-
thusiasm, to whirl, ler. F)in merlon re.
plies, sis•nking eulogistically of the
willingness and liberality of the people.
The committee consists of der. F)mmer-
son, and Metiers. Reginald /Mermen.
!ferry Salkeld, 4tenjsmin (ir,liam and
A. J. Cooper. Though the subs•rip.
tlotun were only taken last month
there will be on hand in April when
the Interest falls due' sufficient funds
to mike a sNhetanttal rednetion of the
Appre•tslive references were made'
to the work of the pastor, iter. 11. 1).
Moyer. mad he was given a cordial acid
unanimous Invitation for the third
year. Ile thanked the (Miele and
rnrmbsrwhip for their Ioynl support
and hempoke their hearty co-op'rallon
Miring the nest year.
Owing to trouble with our linotyps
maehlne, several article' intended for
this week's Signal have had to he left
Sunday's acrvices proved to he full
of interest and blessing. in the morn-
ingGipsy Ips y tlnwkhas gave a powerful
address on the subject "What Christ-
ians Really 'Are," and state) that If
they lived up to their calling and prtcl-
leges theytshouid be workers together
with CMI, end seeking to win those
around them for Him. Miss Gould
rendered the solo, "Is your life a
Channel of Blessing ?" and at the enn-
rinslon of the servile several raised
their hands Indicating their desire and
determination M enrleanor to win et
least one soul for God during the re-
maining days of the mission.
A happy tinct was spent with the
seholnrs of the B1hlr school In the
atte•rnaw, when Miss Ifonlrl taught
two attraetfre action choruses, which
were much enjoyed by the little otos,,
and the evangelist gale an Interesting
Large crowds attended the evening
serviee end listened to a powerful and
searching address on the words of 2
Coe. 5 : 17 - - ^Therefore If any man he
In Christ he Is a new crestnre." in
Tine course of his remarks, the even-
g(•Iist sats tide endlenoe then present
c'rtltld he divided Into two elaskes, those
who were"in Flirter" and those who
werit "out of (Tsetse " There suss 110
melint. the}must be one nr the other.
either sheltered in Christ, nr outside
of Christ mol salvation. Ile enniner-
,tel worn' of the great blessings of
thaw who were in the former happy
position, still dwelt on the sed position
of those who cwrupled the letter. Miss
Gould rendered the 'Nolo."Somebody's
Here with en Aching Heart," with
feeling, and at the after -meeting sang
I have opened a Repair Shop In
the stand at the corner of Elgin
and Victoria streets, {formerly
occupied by the late Adam
Thompson, Blacksmith.
Repairing Radiator,
Bodies of Cars.
Acetylene Welding of all Kinds.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Thos. Hoggarth
i4 r
the solemn piece, "Out of Christi withb•
out a Saviour." t.
While the offering was being taken
a pretty -duet entitled "Drifting" was
rendered by Mrs. MacCauley, wife of
the pastor, and Mrs. Humber.
In eoncl,cling the evangelist made
an earnest appeal for decision fot
Christ, which resulted in a definite
surrender to Godson the part of .some,
whohleft the "utch rejoleing in sins
forgiven. \,�a
Even- available t and Inch of
room was requisitioned en Monday
when large crowds gathered
and numbers were turned away for
the second part of (llpsy Hawkins'
lectures on "My Evangelh+tic Tours
round the World." llluetrated by many
beautiful pictures. The eountrlee
visited were halt, the Isle of Sicily,
Palestine, Ceylon, and India. The
evangellst described hie Impresitions
and feelings as he stood in the Holy
Land. and viewed the places where
our Lord lived, labored, and poured
out His soul unto death as the great
offering for sin.
He also referred to the degradation
of womanhood In India and Ceylon, i
and said that every woman ought to
Me n Christian, since all the advantages
thrigh being a citizen of a Chrletian
)Loeb happy inetructlon was Im-
parted and many preclone epiritoal
*whorls enforced. Mists Gould sang the
solo, "His Eye Is on the Sparrow," s
and everybody felt it most happy and
profitable evening had seen spent.
it 1s confidently expected that the
power, interest and momentum mani-
fest up to the present will toe con-
tinued, and even increase during (Inc
closing services of the campaign.
On Friday (Inc evangelist will give
the second part of his life story, "From
Gipsy Boy to Preacher," and Sunday
will he the last day of the miselon.
Sunday next, the 13th, will he the
last day of the minden being con-
ducted by Gipsy John Hawkins at the
Bartle church. Serrkes will be held
at 11 ■. m., 3 p. en. and 7 p. tin.
At Knox church next Sabbath divine
worship will be conducted by the
minister. Subjects of sermons : 11
a. m., "The Apostolic Benediction."
M Sankisp Ne Sprsyisu- Ne Sea
{ dost Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, atop mucus
ptberingep in the bronchial tubes, give
doe` nlgbti of quiet sleep; contains as
habit-formlag drug. 111.00 at your drug-
rastt s Trial free at oar agencies or write
Tsanplerera, 142 King W., Toronto,
Local Agenta—Dunlop's Deng Morn
Send us the make of your Car, model and year, and
we can supply you with the approved
Under the new . Automobile Act all Cars must be
equipped with a Government -approved Lens before 1921
Licenses can be bad.
Phone 354 P. O. Box 509
For That Cough or Cold
Riker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract
Laxative Cold Tablets with Aspirin
Money refunded if not satisfied.
Phone No. 1 The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block
7 p. m., "God's Thoughts and Ours."
sabbath school and Bible classes at 3
t venin was spent by the
mem Jets ec
Methodist church when they were en-
tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Souley, Palmerston street. Atter the
usual practice a report of Leat year's
business was given and ofikers for the
new year were elected. Mr. Alex. Mc-
Donald was appointed presldeut of the
choir and Miss Alice RefA' was re-
*ppotnted secretary4resaurer. Mira. F.
Wilson was appointed convener of the
social committee and Mins P. Clark as
convener of the lookont committee.
Tice remainder of the evening was
spent in grimes and music. A very
dainty lunch was served by the bootees
and a most *enjoyable evening was
North Street Meda i st Church.
At North street Methodist chureh
the services next Sunday will be as
follows : 11 a. m., 7 p. m., public wor.
ship. Rev. R. .1. Mcl'ormick, R. A., of
Blyth, will preach at both armee*.
10 a. m., chases, Mlssdon Bend and
Men's ('tub. The ('hb topic will he :
"What should be my eondnct during
piddle prayer ?" Mr. Thorne,' Young
will Introduce the theme. 3 p. m.,
Having sold out our
branch Shoe Repair Shop
at Seaforth, we ate now in
a position to do all Shoe
Repairs promptly and
BOOTS, Solid Leather.
East St. GoderiCh
Sunday school and organlzed elssa*s.
The Epworth League meeting next
Tuesday night will he under the dir-
ection of the literary and social rum
mltteen. The program will partake of '
tine St. Valentines Day spirit and a of Brantford, was a Weteow assistant
delightful evening is assured. In the mualcal service and gave a very
The North street communion ser- fine solo in the morning. as also Aid
rhes Iasi Sunday morning were large- Mls's hazel Belcher In the evening.
ly attended and very Impressive. The
pastor was asalated tar Rev. J. E. Ford,
wh.. Also gave the morning sermon. Remember to come to North street
On ec-mmt of bereavement in the Methodist church, February 17th. at B
home of Mr. Weston, the organist, the o'clock, and hear the lecture on New.
song and story ,service announced for foundland and its Government, industries
the Peening was postporsel. Miss Me- andacustoms of its people. Besides the
Clinton officiated very ar eptshly In illustrated lecture there will to quartettes
Mr. Weston'* absence. Miss K. Lyttle, ai.d reading's.