HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-10, Page 7Tburaitay, February 10, 1021.--7 Everything you need for Fancy Work may 1-e found here. Call an 1 s - the many beautiful and useful ar- ticles we have in stock. Miss S. Noble South Side Square — Goderich Always at s Your Service with the Best to be had in Staple and Fancy Groceries "CascaFets" for Constipation Just think! .1 pl.•asant, hamlets Casearet works while you sleep and has your liver active, head dear, stomach sweet and bowels moving as regular as a clock by morning. No griping or inconvenience. LO, 25 or 5) cent boxes. Children love this candy cathartic too. OLD•TIMZ COLD CURE— DRINK HOT MI Get • small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at. any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put • cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring i• It le the most effective way to bre•It a cold and cure grip, an it opens duel pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking up a cold. Tryit the next time you suffer from a cod or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. RiO RHEUMATISM FROM STIFF ACHING JOINTS Rub Soreneu from joints sad muscles with a small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Oil Stop "dosing' Rheumatism. It's pain only; nut one esae in fifty requires internal treatment. Itub sooth- ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oi1" right on the "tender spit," and by the time you say Jack Rubinson—rut comes the rheumatic, pain. "et. Jacob's Oil" in a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the akin. It talker pain, serener. and stiff• ne.a frren aching ,joints, muscles and bon. -a; slops rcjattu, Iunit%s:a- backache, neuralgia. Limber up! Get a 35 cent bottle of old-time. Lenest, "St. Jacobs Oil" fresh any drug it -re, and in a moment you'll be free, hem pains, aches and stiff- , nese. Dva't suffer! Bub rkP"m•ti-- away. J. J. McEWEN The Square ' P` one 46 The Trouble Man it's a comfort to.know there's a man on whom you may tall in your troubles—the Plumber. We know our business sold are here tq serve you. FRED. HUNT •'THE PLUMBER" Hamilton Street Phone 135 I'lurnninq Heating Ravestr• iighieg • Metal Work Trimmed —HAT SALE of Remarkable Values Iteglihri V II 1) I , $10 for $4.75 All the smartest and new- est ideas for Winter Millinery Wear have their represent- atives here, from the close -fit- ting styles to the large dress hat. It is difficult to realbe' hats so smart are carrying so small a figure on their price ticket. Miss M.R. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich ....04161114041111. **1110404,Ps DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. if you are accustomed to wake up with a coated tongue, tout breath or a dull, dizzy headache; or, if your meals sour and turn into gas and actds, you have a real surprise await- ing yam. Tomorrow morning, Immediately upon arising. drink a glass of hot • Once you know how "chaps" are caused, you will appreciate why your skin needs Zam-Buk. The keen frosty winds of winter and early spring dry up the skin—make it bud, brittle and without elasticity. Thus the outer uuues break open tato smarting cracks and painful sores. That's how the trouble starts. In cracked hands, \chilblains, frost- bite, eczema and other obstinate skin troubles, use m,thnng but -Lam-liuk. This unique healing balm:,derived from a blending of rich her al essences supplies the skin's de5ctency of natural ods. If your trouble is on the hands, use Zam-Buk 'at night and slion a pair of old gloves with Zatn.Buk smeared Inside. This precious balm wil soothe away pain. inflammation and ire atiun, and grow new soft flexible skin. Redness, roughness, smartingor soreness is readily healed, thrgh Z.un-ttuk s refined herbal ingredients being absorbed into the underlying tissues. Zam-Buk is powerfully anti septic. The germs of skin trouble simply can't exist wherever it penetratea. Keep Zam-Buk always at Land foe dealing with cuts. burns. scalds. scalp sores, ulcers. abscesses, piles. etyma. poisoad easels, salt durum and all skin sores and Injurir. A11 dealers 60e. bee, a tor 11.1fl. For TRIAL SAMPLE send lc. stip a Zara -Bat Ce„Tawas 22 IIW lifty.rrnt year. She wase cHILDLEss native of tngham, and moved -to s t West with her husband thirty years age, Miss Marlin, of Teeswater. has taken the 'position of teacher to the Lower 1Vingham school. A. M. Crawlord's rink of Wingham Curlers Ivok part in ohs St. Thomas bun - spiel and carried off the Elgin challenge trophy, besidesapturing other prizes. The members of the , rink are A. al. Crawford, W.'S. Mitchel. J. A. Curr e and D. Fortune. LUCKNOW. The meeting held for the discussion of the proposal to erect a war mem',rial hall in Lucknow was well attended, and some of the prominent men of tate town were heard in the matter. Nu decision was arrived at. but a committee was formed to gather information and report at a later date. Councillor Sin th vigorously de(ende1 the action of the council in issuing a permit for a p iolroom in the village. The boys wanted some place (or recreation, and no community hall being available the poulrootn would to some extent till the bill. James C. Anderson died on Sunday morning, January 30th, at his home in the village, after a long illness. Mr, Anderson was born in Lucknow nearly fifty -tour years ago. He resided for a time at Buffalo, where his wife died ifteen years ago. after •which he and his two children came to Lucknow to live. He was a great lover of music and for tetany years was director of the Methodist Murch choir, By trade he was a painter and decorator. \ SCHOOL REPORTS. S. S. NO. 4, COLBORNE. e The following is the report of S. S. Nc. WOMEN Please Read This Letter And See What Normal Health Will Do For You. Berwick, Ont —" I had organic trou- ble, and after taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Medicine all my troubles passed away. 1 was made strong and well and have been ever since. Now we have a fine baby buy six menthe old, and 1 know that I would not have this baby and would still be suffering if it had not been for your remedies. My husband and myself say that your remedies are worth their weight in gold, and ! recommend them to my friends. One •of my aunts is taking them now."— Mrs. NAPOLEON LAVIGNE, Berwick, Ontario, Canada. Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is its shit - ley to correct sterility in many cases. This fact is well established as evi- denced by the above letter and hundreds of others we have published in these columns. In many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound makes women normal, healthy and strong. It you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com - und will half you, write to Lydia E. kh m Medicine Co. (confidential), f Clearing Prices in Overcoats In order to clear off our stock of Overcoats, we are offering a general price reduction of 25 per cent. 25 per cent. off Overcoats for Men and Boys We defy you to find better values anywhere. There are still two or three months of hard weather ahead, and if you are at all in need of an Overcoat c advise you to buy now at the reduced price: McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers THS SQUARE GODERICH 1 Pin a C"ia7s-e Lynn. Mass., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. 1r S, Colborne, for the month cal January, ioer Il order of merit: Sr, IV. Ke- ll Hazel nighan, Laura Mugford. Beulah 1•isher.. -- 11 Hazel Hill. Ire IV.—Wilfred Fisher, fitted of diii.t (prone 1n roll I. tFY; Sr. III.—Donna Mt- � The Suu'h Huron Agricultural Society will hold a seed fair on February 25th and a oteck show on April 5th. Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald, of teuevele. recently celebrated the twenty- fifth anniversary of their marriage. Robert Linton, of furnoerry. died last week of pneumonia, at the age of sixty- three years. He was unmarried. Mrs. John McKenzie, of Brucefield, had ebb- mfxtu,.to-breast-her erm•by a fall lust after getting of the train cue day Emanuel Nlitchell.— 1• Cele"' io Clure, Edith Fisher, Franklin Welled. i IlutyT Jr. 111.—Annie Miller Doris Hill. age 11.1 nu cal r —Aaron Flatter. Jr. IL—Myrtle McClure, wit Olive Hilt, s,ertrurle ,Houghton. Sr. 1.— soil Du can Million. Franklin Flick, Marie' 1,, /C tt.,twulu,sh, bbl. building uott., teff " 71, Imo,. eats (for J.! Geo. kieNall. 1% cords J. 1_lnt.rhiw,u I. $9; F). Taw- : yards grue.•1 on West Wuwa 'boundary, $i1isi.65: treasurer of 1 Fisher, Jr. 1.—Ji Florence McClure, Leslie Lovell. ELEA Teacher. McClure, Sr. Pr.— , f�._11; ):. Philips, repairs to grader, eta Fisher. Jr. Pr.— • _ yi:' ltuniriptil \\'uric (ntpplitn), I OR F. DOUGHERTY, `,ry1.: n; Wm. Ilatc. digging ditch and ••tuirintr fence mm Fisher'. hill, $T.'2.5 r'h.i Alliu,. inspecting gravel t t Me-, St my Weather Hard on Baby. !'I' 1 J Goldtburle'. of of . „ ... •P • • t0, _f>alar)' tfu, postage unit ex cape The stormy, blustery web er which we rr•fuud "1 doh tax x4— ) 1A•VI recently,. (++;v�r t lepp.e,.t1y $2. spikestrernN• J. G. Turnbull, of Grey township. has I have during February and larch is -eV **1.1 • 11up "0111 _t,lc.•rtitlni: 1." . 'fn-' 11 h 100 ( t 1$5,5'learn have d hard br cy nn. ch tti-eV rOuro, oL" mnpsl, $t;: tor.,( s.:.ld cat Ilett 0township, t rs 500'm � 7h (t mrtnln. ,it- 1 r one o, is -acre arms o eke it nn. sarY torte mother , cep mer, o the same u '3 a: r 74 : adal mid to date, lieretains the home farm. :them in the h use. hey are en con teal w1, t'ounvil adjournsel, on tnnttmr fined to overheated. badly ventilated..car Graham anti t'ieiter. t.+ Merck ethos_ The elerion in • Turnherry to'Ail a rooms and catch cblds which ar,`k ch it r eI his a a t 1.:t0 P. HI. 1. III:iitf:ittNirroN. vacancy in the tuwnship cnuncif resulted whole system. To guard against in the election of Art'ur Wheeler with a I box of Baby's Own Tablets etou good matte ity over the other two candi• . kept in the house and an occaeonal dates.' given the baby to keep his stomach s Dr. Wm. Ill cite, a prominent protea sional man of Escanaba, Mich . who died there on Januar:). 13th, was 1 native of VI t h5 d waswell ''noun at well workin;t r. gula:ly. Taus et hit to break up colds and keep the keit: cl' the baby in good col:dition till tee rn; owns par, n brighter days come along. The Tablets V\'uighom and Bluevale, - are sold by m:dicine de tiers or he mail at `.,a: England. Shortly an old hand at Mary E.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t 25c a bo from the Dr. 1\'illiarn;\ledici:Ie Ili busine'sca r� to sell me a cow. J& sn--akChi e, e(- Wakes wat rrtauied at „•, 13rcckville. Ont. it a pedigreed animal'. I asked, I<usse;l,:Slan,on January lith. to John 'Ire .huff eept-br-'tir-Berienes a++d--mi`- Si ap-.,n. The young duple will' beside MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. either rmprUtnrs around h to "' on the groom's farm near Siiverton, \1an, ' • d d nnu about peddy'Kree, ' answered Jcbn Kirkconnell, of Grey toot ahs Josh. t she sure s a darn good- ; y t see c000t wltNie. h'arted • ,e t cauw: sit if she's gout any Passed -our on Januaey 25th at the "tel • •.,t sixty-four yeah. He is survived by his • The municipal council met In. the mile she'll •ire give it t' )e !"—Boston wife and fainflY of four sates and six l township ll:ill Fcbruar elet,_ • Members News, Bursa , daughters. • Before removing. to •'rey 1 all preeeut. Minutes of last meeting townsuip Mr. and Mrs. Kirkcannell re- read and adopted, tau motion of Currey A sidtdl,near leindestlori - i and -I;raMime_ A conenunication was eg t -clerk. ose A,Gond;Itt•ar(ed Cow-. t "In ere hriet 'period of rest," said Charles M: Sehe ab. speaking at a banqu. t , 1:the Massachusetts Bankers' As ocla- ,n "1 to k to 'arcking down here in In St. James' ch Ireh. Stratford, on , reeds ell from Mr. Gar. J. Ferguson, WOM.\ TO January 13th. Carom Cluff performed' Containing his reeiguwtloe as asst . c iaKe eeremonv uniting Ni Mary i ewilig to ilIness in his home. it was Elizabeth Kerrathan. recency of Baden, ! with regret that the resignation was • phosphate in 1t.. Thi b Intended toof and Albert Barclay Bngharn, of Blyth.' accepted, on motion of Currey and ,lost Troub! Host neutralize arid then wash out of 31r. and Mrs. Bngham will r:si;leon the1 Robertson. An spplieatiun tots •re•, your stomach, Icer kill hs and Ica m r ann near ley h. eeived from Mr. T. H. Wilson fur as- , Wooten Are D thirty feet Intestines all bile tndi•' d f y table waste.Poisons sour t e d A happy event took place at the Notre , seas". Moved by Fisher, 'b"•on`'`''' `'y 1 p plication he r. - water with a teaspoonful of limestone 'S RIGHT OOD HEALTH. 'utiles 1 it an c r Blood. i d of 11 and !-fes T E B see •pucker graham. that his n, :\fflicting e to Poor toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening an . r• " . + purifying the enure alimentary canal. ;,m. ! , un the evening of February 2nd, c'c'lced and Mr. Wien' be assessor for To every woman belongs Those subject to eke headaches, s, 1.en'theironlydaughter, Evelyn ltlildrrd,t 15)21 and I•v-law No. 2 he amended t,1 rttjeysa healthy. active life backache, bilious attacks. constipation , was united in marriage to David McLean.: that • effect. ('carried. A emalnuwn•:l- of ten suffer from s, me form or any form of stomach trouble, aro ;,nly sun 'd Jchn \1cLean. The ceremony' tion was r.•ctIve.l lrrnit the . 1hitario lessness, That is why /one urged to get a quarter pound of lime- ...:Ii pertermtd by Bev. S. \1eLeau, of toes' Ito:r.l' A+w,t•iation asking the ev,ry side pale, thin' ch s. dull stone phosphate from the drug store Egmondville. ••ouucit to donate $3 as membership dr oiling egures—fur agns of lira and begin enjoying this morning -in- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn fee HMI tW"d a delegate to the annual 1 wtak hacks, achin limbs acid unc• side -bath. It is said that men and Harvey; L Cider or.i , on W, dnesdey, of o•nnveutionatn be held et Toronto en health. All w women eh,•ukd wu women who try this become entbu-' last ween, their daughter, Edith May.Tlareh 2. g and 4. Moved try Fisher. rieht to be welt by refer�,shsn., their we. elastic and l: ep it up dally. It Isha•ame the bride of W. C. Lovett, of tete -.wended by Cebrrtson. -that we for-; bodies witiethe nap•, radend blot tl splendid health measure for It is more nth cc-axes-i"n of Mullett. ton of Mr. and ward '111,• Iin•sI l s't -hip es. owl let the promptly transforms them mei he thy, important to keep clean and pure on �1r4.(.:-Lovett.OtClinton.Tileceremony Reeve 1.•• a de►egnte; alternative. I:.'attrahtive women. 'flits new, red b rod the Inside than on the outside, because seas pes(xated by Rev. James Aire}•, t'tii'i'.T. The clerk' was bistruetrd 1, i, tipplied be Ur. 1Vllli.ime t'urk tele, the ■kin pores do not absorb impure' Va• `.ire [.uvea lett the same ever.- writ, to t'l TttiTf' pi iRer t`ottiGris3irlt WniCh teatthes every +agar and every' ties into the blood, caustug disease, • ,arhoma III the Euwa3 tlpr to secure. if {br•rfidir. a speaker to am - we've yrs the body. Through the u e of whale the bowel pores b■ do. ,tress a peek gathering in the ti i= tue'epills ttousandsof woman have Inuits! The principle of of poop inside to CLINTON. .hap In the h114're is of Hydro-e•ls•lrie benc`ht wl.en suffering from anaemia, in• not new, as'at,lwate of People practice :r. and Mts. Jim) arrive,' hem- Last power for the municipality. The teerk •Macau n. •genual weakness and those p- Just as bot freshen and skin cleanse, hot week alter an absence of sonde' months. ' was iii.$-netdd to procure twelve nlap,r, ainpenis from which w:rmen at rnr ..utTer purify end freshen the akin, so hot v ,_ Attione the many women who tell tell of .the water and a teaspoonful of limestone s --- ( _ Fl+ ncod ISr. 11'rillama' I'tttm i't1 .313vr iiimc Sll i.3iXat1p,,an,ttai4-VitiriAii ___ .;.orthe_townsh of 1'.albtrtte Luz .the phosphate act on the stomach, liver, while \1r.: Jago 1t n led at Corunto use ad' the official. and ittsn to IsOa fetor' th ant is Mrs• L. lacks. (towel Hill, N. S.. kfdners and bowels. Limestone phos- during het husband .. cat Bence. Mr, Jag" 1201) dog tags whish are required by who es : VI . ll'c a very much ll, N. 5n phate is an inexpensive white powder spy s (hat co di arts i•• the 1._IdCountry,, law. the motion of Robertson HMI in heath : itty' bl•eed strmril wr:lk and and almost tasteless, are veru unsatmt:'ic. Prices are ande, he r:glit to nine out of blood - es on -es and • ehes, tiara the e high Crnhuln, the n, essnr w nut un re. watery, my stivngte fe !rd, and 1 was s„ to swim. n Ill crteigrtt' of the tunh'- seely ltrtid that to ' w els. was a "DANDERINE" G;rls: Save Your Hair! Malo it. Aininctantt burden. work it start e y Fitzsenottr, recand daughter of t'ipality, tae requestat .by the DDelatrt- seed Fitzsimons. While f logs ng the street merit of itgrletilteris lice Mock brttneh. Pink Pit a an decdy d to sty the m. and I ysayl •tai e'Klt.i c day las: week was knocked d rv;i by 'floe cheek. Juin freisurer• applied can 1 had oftio read about lir. •Wi hems' truly l ' ,'- T' Ting trwrvtr•rxi 1 „+cat• moan c and dr:,ggtI len ort .else :w inure"., of mines owing to eve r- (nand mys`1( gaming, a and feet. No hones were bioken, but the little ite�e`reeelug olnrire and r. - trrurihfliHes uyr, 111 tete Nis .4 my d•t girl was badly s "ken a f1. i,leittdr nisei them In the interest • and vitality alis fcst.net . under a f her Ione crirrgy t t i5 tut• r.c eienel,d BRUSSELS. Mrs. Jo1,a.wrioll( passed away home here on Monday -of last sa , aged hilly -eight year,. 11.. 1 sbantlsurvives: Mrs. Jesse Kerr was presented with a number of gifts by membere c 1 \lciville tit rjre lial•1-ie whorl they wish 1,1 serve, own experience Lean ettk•J(tllysurouustg,—Oy mut toi, .:dne.' tt}.kisher :nilutl 4 en.11r11;y r Ie-1natter wasr;this ' Y mu caniciget f) Ti ft offer till I hr rex l rrgttTnr trrraWlTdra through fufyil ,.1•'t .1no. Wil -un was iiiit•,11rusi anditrlr .ro at 50) cents a 1 meshion of +'n prey :Intl Rolrerts.nl, in from the 1 r. {d:ue of t. et. Robertson. who deeliue.l oteeee ode, te church on the eve 01 ,her u,., ;rrture to to set. 'f1s' following accounts were Torc,nt where she Rfid the Boss (amity. paid :—mussel Allen. 1 sheep hulled by soil reside in futures' s1sugr,- hl•: 1V„> Jit dlnLuu v Js ' ,its , .1n F.Retlive Kntttple. ECETE tgravel 61 t.�, 11x1; fpm. Freeman. re- 1Y1, ter wnaysey 1,naiT�piarT. r ly het brant of pick) arra. if,,rhn.; The farmr cat the Exeter district have -, are. t ddtrctilte in p swerve; the sum,' tinned a ,FFarmrts Club as a branch -of sore at hotels Wien tray ar 'alw rys the 1.:, F/tl• Thevic e'er" are : Ptezid. nt, , , _ . carr ed a twit, • wit a Ir m -One tier ,s Inc Jos.phalalow•; vice-president, .Charles i . ,, ditties; a, a re, aurae!. tnh{f ' pike s in f utk ': Eeerd lacy Ire" open - E. J. front of Lien, a -tit ^ i dews at ti: ' Iptpf• difecro s. t:U, welter. Chester •{.'� ,.1f cab:e:aFi t Wit . 1ut--rr - e a c. re, Edi•,wee, Cho Pen' a e. fl n C't-e The i p:t,tntly a>!L d r, nu i ci r, r c member'shlpslready number eight ye'g1 ', 'r' n:c;c es." Th mm. h , , '.e Susie 1Vetkee, wife of Ecu : A. `•1 red •n• ,)ukt:,'pwl't-I; ,p+ , lee i,i,ecle,"au • , :t aid. ascot Jen' are 31.0• at her home in few minutes !lel t • eat (lee re - , 1 ,g I Guelph, aged :if y vets Mrs, tlacdona!d tlii' 1'ailkee .t r : 'at tee eye. ami spent her gtrlho,•1 d'iv- in ).deter, re.nev am b: h : .e ' Eng to Guelpe1 after her marrta, -'n ' 5 ,1, 1 tai, liter, -Lie! Y, u are Itwenty years alto. 1 r TmmediateTy after a'Tanderine" reit. 1CINGIIAM. i ny. (neat, fan," +rtriied the • rtAti,l r. R •:ns' et1 err he r six bo. •,1. f r i_ 11 Hot OXO, or better still an OXO Cube in a cupful of warm n:ilk.is an ideal food for children. Milk with OXO can be assimilated more readily, and is a most nutritious and whnlesonfe diet. \ Tins of d and 10 Cues* sage, your hair takes on new life, lustre. Peter Milligan has sold his drayi: and wondrous "leant y, appearing twice busineas to W. J. Finlay, of Weex.'ter. as heavy and plentiful, because eachThe r!eath ole carred on January lit • hair enema to fluff and thicken: Don't le Finlay, a-w.el known resident ,11 ti, s let your hair rtny litelesa, e•ntoetese plaintis'riu t, In his lift y•seventh year. Ile was or scraggly. Vint, tow, want bats of tuna, ,tris ken *in plr.tlysts a few weeks before strong, beautiful hair.' his death: A :p5 -rent bottle of delightful "l)andcrine" freshens your scalp, ehecks Mr and airs. Reber) Knox, x, residents ents of dandruff and falling hair. This atim- 1I Rt for rainy years.hive gone to Witting •Lenity -tonic" Rives to thin, Tomato to reside. dull, fading hair that youthful l,rightneea 1 Su:a 1 Petty -piece. wife of W. J Scharf, sae lyunolant thicknwr•s1j druggists), of Hartney, 11lan.,-died there on January w. erwar .'"its. air..-.. ;1,4i 1-1. t. I ;tp.rssa yiuU pre _ V c.. sir : I preach t v said the rninieers p)„ y,)i 'GCI melee .manor.., tee 1.uil:ee.. • lee. 1 1 t 1 e • 1• r• BARGAINS IN - i Boots and Shoes I FOR two weeks commencing February 12th to Feb. I 26th inclusive, the greatest bargains in Footwear can be obtained at MacVicai s Shoe Store. We are ..I taking our loss and it will be to your advantage, as you will be able to buy whatyou require at greatly reduced 1 prices. The manufacturers up to the present time are not making the reductions that are being made by us in this sale. All of the goods that are on sale are the very best quality and cannot be replaced -at the prices __we are offering :them to you for. Our profits have never been large. as we have always tried to give. our customers exceptional values on a very small margin. Do not miss this sale if you need footwear. Bring us your Shoe Repairing and have it done right. GEO. ,I1actVICA R NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GOUk.KRH "THE PEOPLE'S GARAGE." Under New Management }-laving taken over the business of "The Peoe s Garage," MR. J. L. DEMERLING announ s that he is ready Tota All Kinds of Repa Work Being a first=class mechanic, o has served firs time both as machinist d auto repairer, he Guara es All Work-�..,m., Free Air for 1. Gssollse, guaranteed 'me(►sure 101 _Minter -at `^Reasonable Rates • 1, DEMERLING id is Street, Opposite Victoria Park 400 NEW H. Old me 1 1 „f1 eorocr Bsaaatifui` Fix titres * Hangin La Electric lleaters, Toast = s Convenience Flashlights 0,1 1 ' Reuding Lamps S, etc. c d other Household, Co'fldor ,Iectric Bulbs 50c A. a.L, `4 I T H W A I T E .1 n ?' • a• ked the ee„e eeee, ' ce:rwc.k usual•. :,h ret hell tire ? Their Oran hark. Mts.Jllalik 41.1:your* ,• 1.1.11 it int duty t: yrnir rewby•ma,ri d 110 ;• ,.Ig oil of ttern t 't.n, Mt*. Brown ,'" ,,••.cat u0. r ' cams• t Ilse' nlinlster• "Mrs. Brown "Oh. no lye, ni a 1: tots 1; i t 1 : ,hit c.ol. ' r cabs t 0 1 u r e am. h t •t nn.d t c 1'tnke ma {lei. ai bt h I th a 1 ' "bnOivar•Ili r.• iiyourelage lever hat there, asIeel • her, tlseg'•d 1ne:a.ci nice *111 ill I .t'd s uuirk,." dull."—Boston Transcript. M• • CZE • 'Yon :,Te .:, r. experbiern- Ing eheu 5 •n m.• hr. -i•nu-" s sant-. . \.. , t , r F:cv, ma and 5km 1 4511,,• ill atrth,• • klrr40 at'ylrte 1•�c' lh beats • m "•ntMm 1 h i. a lli. r�t 5'1 I ••nt ti^ • it y t n 1. e, Ric, a % rR*it,1 dYC, et,,mp n'Ii'n` % x all date ter t:dnA,«.a, !Sates it l'«., Lim:a.i.7 einem_