HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-10, Page 60- Thursday. February 10, 1021.
uses Them A((!
It appeals to everybody
because of the pleasure
and benefit it affords.
The longest -lasting refresh-
ment possible to obtain.
Sealed tight -kept.
Might in its wax -wrapped
impurity -proof package.
('NmsItl.e Kcr,nl.uu•uds .\pp:,lutnu'nt
of I'rotil:cial Inspectors of
The regular Mtuli-wopthly u11.0Ins
of the foal' a rip was held on Fri-
day evening last
An offer from Mr. A. Halliday to
rent the town lot Mouth of Vleturia
w•had Wen left in the lauds of the
public work's committee.
Another letter Crum •Mr. Ilalllday,
requesting that some trees in frout of
Isis residents ou Hayfield road be rt -
morel, - was sent to the while com-
mlttr. ,
Requests for the removal of treat
were received also from Mr. W. J.
Morrow and air. 1.. Owen and were
referred to the puddle works commit-
A request fruw Mr. Jan'ph Fisher
that his 1ie•ns' for peddling mull -oil
be transferred to Mr. Thos. J. Anter -
son was referred to the siws-Ia1 com-
Applhnt' s for building permits
were received from W. 11. Farrow. A.
M. Shepherd and fret t'r:aigie, all for
es rages : from Geo. Johnston. for run-
way to garage; from A. M. Shephard,
for resbingltug houses, and from Itates
& Plowing, for re -triton ng garage.
Ther* were referral to the tire cum-
mittee with power -to- -
The clerk was requested to Write .the
Canadian I'In' Underwriters' A'ssoria-
(Ion reheating a list id fireproof roof-
A commnnieat' from the Hoard of
Trude, asking that the tvluncfl memor-
ialize the Federal Government to pro-
ceed with the lilwlerich harbor works,
was referred to the water, light and
hartor COM alfttrt•.
A request from the Union of t'a'n-
adiao Ilunict{alities for the wemlw•r-
ship few of $1L was seat to the anaue
The flnaucetnmmittle• reported that,
the B'estern Canada Flour Jli11s Co.
had paid $M6.93 as the curt of submit-
ting its bylaw to the reteyayers oar
January :ted. The committee recom-
mended that a grant of $25 1e made
to the Huron Poultry and l'et Stock
Assewiestion; that ;the..-sequt'•tt- of the
fire brigade for an increase In. the
auuual alleiwluae I.e Laid over until
the estimates for the year are being
prepared that Mr. Campbell he in -
stringed to collect the helanee of out-
standing taxes tit oma that a wtb-
stairtiil payment on account of arrears
Ire requested from the firms owing the
h.trn On Iorrnis leans.
The public work,' eommittee report-
ed : With rtferenee to the letter from
oIto Assputation_-of._ l'lurnhing and
Ilrafuagl' Inspector+ of Ontario. your
eomnlit(e a find that the work of an
inspector of this kind is very limited
and periolte in the smalls: nntnieipal-
ities and it tM lllmeult to engage a
qu:llilletl mann for strict time.wlso is not
more or leas interested in the business.
and as the health of the community
should be mammoths( in every war
your committer is of -the erytinion that
it would •h' adylwlhle for the Provin-
cial Government to take over thii in-
spection work. prepare the neeetary
slwe•iflt•stinns with rides and reryR)llt-
tions for plumbing and Sanitary-draduM.
livlde tin• Province into districts' and
I are• am 111 io'tor for each ilistrlit to
In "e the Ihsiwrfion.. similar to tlw
met al followed by the Hydro -electric
Pow( Commission of Ontario. And
your manittee re'owult•tul that this
sngge'st n he forwarded t.. the Pro -
Muriel 4 .rertiment and also the A.-
work will kill him. Any man whu tries
to be a martyr on Ur. Rice's plan will
grow old trying to die, or if he does not it
will be because he has violated those
rules of p ain living which. according -to a
world of experience, combine with labor
to p•oduce long lite. It is true that one
might quote ageinst thi view the common
Baying that the good die your g. but a study
of the statistics on that point. i1 attire
were any statistics, would p:ubob v Fhow
that this raying can be tcuthtully
applied only to the negatively gold - the
Eood who are not good fur anything.- -
She mixed Sulphur arith it to
Restore Color, Gloss,
Common garden nage brewed Into a
heavy tea with sulphur added. will
turn gray, streaked and faded hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant. Ju.t
a few appllcat+ens will prove a revsla-
tion if your hair Is fading, streaked or
gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul-
phur recipe at home, though, la trou-
blesome. An easter way is to get a
bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound at any drug store all ready
for u.e.• Thin Is the old-time recipe
Improved by the addition of other In-
While wispy. gray. faded hair is not
'sinful, we all desire to retain nur
youthful appearance and attractive-
ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,
no one ,can tell, because It does It so
nnturally, so evenly. You !list dampen
a sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, taktng
one 'small strand nt-t time. hy morning
all gray hairs have disappeared, and,
after another application nr two. your
h:lir becomes beautifully dark, enmity,
soft and luxuriant. "
Thin prep.retinn le a delightful toilet
reetuisite and is not Intended for the
cure, mitigation or prevention of dis-
hy oaknta coins ,n the
Yonge seed Chants No Tens..
(me of the last t. , student. to accept posi-
tions commenced Al Its se per week, and the
otter, ,.0 'r Can per north. write for Co(
1.•. a Ci. c urat R,.rw airy time
W J.ILI.IOTT, Principal. -
A Man is just as Young
and Strong as his
No man can fight the battles of
life and hold his own if hisblood
is not pure, for rich, red blood
is what strength is based upon.
When you see a strong, vigorous
man, who never knows when he
is licked, you may wager that
such a man has coursing through
his veins rich, red blood. Many
people have thin, pale blood.
They are weak, tire easily, be-
come discouraged quickly, and
sometimes feel like giving up the
struggle. Such folks need Dr.
Pierce's'Golden Medical Discov-
ery, which is sold by druggista
in liquid or tablet form.
Send 10 cents to Doctor Pierce's
Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y.,
for a trial package of the tableta.
NIAnARA FALLa,ONT.-"i have wed
Dr. Pieree'a Golden Medical Discovery
at times for the past three yearn with
wonderful resulte, and i take great
pleasure in saying a word to boost the
cause of 'Freedom from illness.' I
am a pr+seman by occupation, which
is quite fat.igning and injurious to the
system, but since taking the ' Discov-
ery' business, has no drawback Inc
me. Three cheerer for Doctor Pierce's
tnedicine 1 "-1V rt. tie M 11 Damn,
Ji., 32 Bridge Street.
wo•iation f Plumbing and 1)ra1tiage
1nspetors f I►ntario.
These reap is were both' adopted.
A motion n is passed tit the-effe•rt
that the Curtin and Skating .\'.*0cia-
lion Ito• re(ut'st'it to hail. the fences
at the rink rep:ai el and Inst in ware
The matter of lrlug. 1)4lnting
anti renovating the nwn hall and
nfltves was referred to tl public works
committee for a report.
A proposal for 111r const tetfon of a
Hoehn. widewilk from tits- awn boun-
dary to the Cemetery tow. set to the
mime -trey -mad. peek., cowiuitt . for al
The clerk Was instructed to
ftlnnl411(1 with Mr. .1. A. Torn:rote
on the I'rovineial highway, and ma
an appointment for Trim to meet 41
public; works committer with reference
t0 r ndwnrk anti .sewer crnstrut•tion on
the thine read.
Bylaw Pill. 8, appointing Mr. .1
Willis Pre.s•r to the Collegiate in-
stltute hoard in place of Mr. H. T.
Edward+ reaignel, teat,.L-there
limes and passu. ,
Bylaw No. 9• appointing Mr. H. L.
Watson assf.tant assessor, also was'
read and finally pI'Med.
itylaw No. 31, granting a fixed as-
sessment of $70,lM0 to the Western
Canada Floor Mills Co., Limited. and
bylaw M. :iT, granting aid to the
liiwterk•h Manufacturing Co., Limited,
were given their final ratting.
On nl0114/11 of i)'ptity Reeve ('lark,
srontletl by Councillor Moser, the
eon•i1 IVO S141•11 :t ri'wdntion of con-
litlrnc.e in nor present police magistrate
I NIr. 1'. ,t- heist I, to he prepared and
forwarded by the speerlal committer
to the Provincial Government for clen-
siderntlnn when the appointments of
dlstrlrt magistrates are being made.
The (seinen then adJntr rned.
' The Buying of Books.
The Woodstock Seutiuel-Kiview, dIM-
coursing on the negltet in the reading
of (woks, suggests' that 4udiciou" newel,
paper publicity would lueiea-.• the
number of bulk -buyers. Consider, 1t
says. What has lle•r1 ae•uuuptisheil I.y
the talking -machine people by well-
pla 1 advertising. Many people
whu will pay $1.:u) fur a record and
think nothing of It. bccuus' they bare
grown atraotomel to buying rt -cords,
will worry over pitying $1.:9 for a Iia.uk
to he given as a pr•M4•Ilt at Christmas
Hun.. These people have mut a& -quire)
the habit of buying books, and ecru a
dollar wv'ws a lot to put into a book.
Book -buying. like many other things
hi life, is largely a matter of habit. It
Is worth noting that in the United
Slates the publishers' mad the IMboil*
+cllcrM' associations have combined for
a three years advertising campaign la
which they •re to 4144' AMMO
ye.. sly. .. -
Organizing South Huron to Eliminate
Serub Hulls -Other Ridings Later.
Clinton, }'eh. S. --A. G Farrow, of
Ihikvillt', county director of the 1'.I'.t 1
in Helton. attended a mtr'tiug In the
ofliee of the Iteparatwrut of Agrkul-
lure here yesterday for the purpose
of organizing South Huron in a cam-
paign against x3111 and grade bulls.
Committeeit were appointed in each of
the five townships and meeting.' are
bring arrange) for 1114' lavas (mulles.
R. 4'. Pewter, of I(e-lgraye, W. D.
'[lark, of See forth. anti C. F. Mc-
Kenzie, It. N. A.. of t Oakville, ere
present and are 40 take an Bolts p rt
in the eanrpalgu...Measra- liktek- -
Procter are county dfrei•tors of t
U. F. 0. to this county. ,
It Is hoed to have the south riding
'clean up" on scrub bulls, swell. w11011
a start will be [Wade on the other rid-
ings to the county.
and inflamed, the speedy and most
effective treatment is to, now and again
dissolve a Peps infection killing tablet
in your mouth. Peps reach the inner
tissues which are the parts actually af-
fected in throat and chest ailmeots.
Laqutd medicines can't do this
Just as you breaths in the germs of
throat trouble. so vo4 must breathe in
the remedy to chase and exterminate
{bele germs, before they feel their way
into the wmdp,pe and chest These
soothing. germicidal Peps vapours
quickly allay inflammation and soreness;
they overcome tbe hoarseness. difficulty
in swallowing, and irritating dry cough.
Free from opium or other habit-
forming drugs Peps provide the ideal
remedy and preventive of colds, delis,
grippe, influenza and throat troubles.
Beware of substitutes and tablets
conta:rang formalin which irritate and ,o -
flame the throat and air passages.
All eb.wu a excess. Ms Ma
Old Friends,,
Bobby's mother took him out to the
park the other day. and as they stood
watching the b rds in their enormous cafe
tthe little fellow observed a stork gazing
at him. "Oh, look mother." said Bobby.
"The stork is trying to- see if he remem-
bers Me lull.",
Result of Operatiene of the European
Ottawa, Jan. 31.-Offit•ial atmos la t
given by the Department of .1gricul-
ture of a quarantine of "coni folder
or corn stalk*, fli•luding broom corn,
whetlwr uset I .41st packing ..r other
purposes, gree sweet corn, rousting
ears. corn on the cub or eoeu cobs."
grown in certain townshl,p of - Wel-.
land. llaidluiatsl, 4)xford. Hurt1ii
I:Igin, Middlees•x and Kent ie,uuties in
Outario. bw•auw of •the prevalence of
the European torn honer In those town-
ships and the (tenger of Its Inerts ur-
tioh into other portions of the I'rot ice
by reason of the shipment. of the earn
end corn products.
'this quarantine aplitlea. en far a-
(1orou county is cout'ruel, only to th'•
township of Cslworne.
Will Grew Grass and,KIR Weeds.
Kingston, Feb. 7. -Discovery of the
long sought fertilizer that will grow grass
and kill weeds is announced by the
experiment station of Rhode 1slandState
College as the result of tern y years o`
research. "The realization of this dream
of gardeners the world over -the weedless
laver, -is p's•ihle w.tho.. trouble or et -2
�pte," ac. •.dit,d 1P the Mficiv! C9liege
statim tit, ' merely by the use of ain
monium stllphah instead of ritrate of
soda in the arraia' fp,):,cation of fertilizer..
Slowly, bit surely. the weed's will disap'
poar and the lawn will become the even.
velvety green that is the envy of every
Ps) etiology.
Professor -"Now I put the number
seven on the hoard. N hat number im-
mediately comes tutu your mind ? '
Class (in unison-' Eleven :"-Burr.
Painless Prize Fighting.
e are still conflicting reports as to
of the Carperher-Dempsey
t is now suer ested that the match
Settled h\ cable, each champion
in his rii.tive city and tele-
graphing h'i punches
G Old Age INsgraeeful T
The doctrine that it is a disgrace to die
rich has been backed by high cull ni ty.
hut the idea that it is h di.grace to die
old is novel and unaccepted. Let a man
live long enough and it will to said, at
last, that he died at "a good old age " no
master how had he might have been. Old
age is the rev/0rd of virtuous living arc,
the attainment of tad age is oak, n as
eviden.•s of a g. earl life. Such is the com-
mon view, but new comes Ili. Morton';.
Rice prtop)undiug the doctrine among
his fellow -preachers that their ate rating
In the v. ry lees, clap'. of risks by bile
insurance t ompamep 1s a Al igma of failure.
Ile thinksth' clergy shouip throw them-
selves into the ministry with such en-
lhusia-m that they will be consumed with
fire and the young.
The sentiment may ie • wnr hy one,
hut there IA reason for thinking it will not
work rout pract•crty. lave , ny manes
reasonably se un.i cot stitut on and enough
common sense to be moderate in his
habits and no alntunt.01 enthusiastic
the Coming Man
Your boy needs an
abundance of nourish-
ing food to build up
the body and sustain
it in fullest vigor.
should be given to your
boy every day during
the trying school -term.
Your boy will thank
you for Scott's
Emulsion when he
becomes a man. -
SeoH a Bows,, Te.eet.. Oil.
(Tebllets NI►RrSSi. )
Keeps Baby's
Skin Healthy
IF every mother could only
realize the danger which
lurks in the neglect of chafing
and skin irritations she would
not take chances on being
without Dr. Chase's Ointment
to apply after baby's bath.
It arreats the rhnielopment of
eczema and makes the akin soft,
smooth and velvety.
00 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmaaaoa,
Bates k Cu., 1.44., Tvtonto,
Dr. Chase's
MONDAY, Feb 7.
Mist Annie Scott. of L furter, spent last
week at the home of her uncle, N1r. Frank
bliss Isabelle Kt nnedy, of Culross, is
%ismu. g friends in this vicinity.
Mats \IacNlillan stent the week end at
bar home at Port Albert.
A number from Courey's Corners took
m the dance at Kingsbridge on Tuesday
night and report an excellent time.
A GOOD TIME.. -A very cuccr,Irul con-
cert was held in the L. F..0. hell by the
U. F. W. U. ice: 'lhuriday evening, Feb-
ruary 3rd. The program consisted of
violin and vocal music, interspersed with
reading:, recitations'
club-swinging and
dialogues -one entitled "Uncle Jue'a
Will, by Blake's talent, and tbe other,
•1looing ender Difficulties," by Cngrey's
Comers talent; an address by A1rs. R. Mc-
Whinney, and 'tep dancing icy Mr. Welter
Dalton. Afterwards an excellent lun:h
was served and then dancing took place
until the wee, ma' hours of the m trning.
The prccetds were very gratifying.
amounting to $!1. The Ciub wishes to
thank those tak ng part in the entertain-
ment. especially the visiting talent who
helped so much in making the concert a
success. The next meeting if Courey's
Corner U. F. W. 0. will be Feld in the
hall, on Thursday, February lith, at 2
January meeting of the Country Women**,
Club a good program was given. Miss
Salkeld made some opening remarks ap-
propria'e ro the first meeting of the year.
The discussion was amusing, and Mrs.
J, T. Salkeld and A1iss last y pave good
readings along the line of the discussion
A question orawer added to the interest
of the meeting. I he questions were varied
and Interesting. and some good thoughts
were brought cut in ansa. r to them. The
next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Johnston, cn Thursday, February
1x1 2 -.t0 p. RL
Almost Due.
Father -"Helen, isn't it about time you
were entertaining the prospect of matri-
Daughter -'•Not quite, p'. pie doesn't
cell Until 8 o'clock."
Clergyman (who has sat down next to
a slightly intoxicated man) -•'Do you allow
a drunk on this car :• '
Conductor ('ow v aced- '1 '. all right
so long as you don't get noisy."
If your Hack is aching sr Badder
bother, drink iota of water
and eat isms meat
When your kidneys hurt and year bask
feels son, don't get snared and proceed
to load your stomach with a lot of drugs
that excite the kidneys and irritate the
entire urinary tract, Keep your kidneys
clean like you keep your bowels clean,
by flushing them with • mild, harmless
alts wbioh removes the body's urinous
waste and stimulates them to their nor-
mal activity. The function of the kid -
my. is to filter the blood. In 24 hours
they strain from it 600 grains of acid
and waste, so we can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the kid-
neys active.
Think lots of caster --you can't drink
too much: also Ret from any pharmacist
about four ounces of Jsd Salta; take
a tablespoonful in • glass of water
before breakfast each morning for a few
days and your kidneys will act fin.,
'This famous salts is made from the
acid of/grapes and lemon juice, combined
with natio., and has been used for genera -
lions to clean and stimulate ologgei kid•„
aeys; also to neutralize the acids in
urine eo it no longer is a source 9f irri-
tation, thus ending bladder weakness.
•Jud Salts is Inexpensive; cannot in-
jure: makes a delightful effervescent
lithia•water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep their kid-
neys clean and active. Try this, also
keep up the water drinking, and so
doubt you will wonder what became el
Your kidney' trouble and backache.
Gray -Dort and Studebaker Motor Cars
Let us give you a dernonstration with these Cars
before you decide on your t pring purchase.
Leave your Battery with us this winter to be as-
sured of a good Battery in the spring.
Bring in your Car to have it overhauled this
winter. You know that it has not had the pep that it
should have had this fall. and a general overhaul will
put it in first-class order kr spring.
The roads are good and you are still driving, but
don't take chances with your Radiator, If it freezes
it is expensive. Have it filled with
and protect it. -
It to sotnnl.hing how
punkly Minced.* Lim-,
went relieve* sass.
Ms* and Isrnenen.
tin A a- C.ka1. 24
Park A•. . Uwlph��
� 'Y, ,•LL,a'.,meu
Wed Fe i.wd-
alas tet. k ►w .hor,ea-
te..ta 1.0 m< ,kat
,t ply peat print.-
Mn Find Johnson Boa fife T1.w.ad, Ont -
"1 wend 'M such .,,h ^w.0. m, Ir. last
ad.,..d to
try hn,udi. 4m ..t. .d
•,..ased ;mm.d,teiy alter s..twelnat,o..
1 �.n..d •. mums t mut et w 4nl, vat.
T►.....1.e- 1 tae lar w1 .,that errs up e„ loc.
*ad p.• th.,,.Nt 1 timed. L,.re... R...
told antral Fowl* abort M,aad ....d mints/Ye
,wry w.'
Ire -ee.o• .MMON,
King of Pas
Yarmouth NOV. Stores
BOX 67, Goderlch. All Instructions
by mail or lett at Signal office ant be
promptly attended to. Residence tele-
phone 119.
TER, Solicitor. notary public.
Office Hamilton street, Gwlerich, third
door from Square. Trout funds to
loan at lowest rates.
Office-sStterling Bank Block, Ram -
Ilton Street. Goderich. Telephone 88.
Real Rotate, Loans and Insurance.
Ofllce an the Square. second door
from Hamilton Street, (inderbch.
l'rirste funds to loan at loweit
W. l'roudfnot, K. C., J. I.. Killoran,
RISTER. attorney, solicitor. etc.,
Golerlch. Money loaned at lowest
ICITOR, notary public and con-
veyancer. Omer- court Howe. Gode-
rk•h. 09-12m '
Iva AN('E CO. -Farm and Isolated
town property insured.
Officers -Jae. eonnoty. Pres., God. -
rich P. O.: Jas, Evan's. Tice -Pres..
Beechwood P. (1.: Thomas E. Hays,
Ser. -Trees , Sea tortb P. 0.
Directors ---11. F. Ile0regor, R. R.
No. 3, Seaforth: John G. Griew , No.
4.*Waltoti: William Rine. R. R. No. 2,
Senforth: John hennewlcs. Itrtwl-
hage•n: Geo. Mc'l'artney, R. It. No, 3,
Sen forth: Hobert , Perrin. Harloek
ltalrulm McEwen, Clinton: James
Evans, Ite•eehwood; James Connor',
Agents : J. W. Teo, Gnderh•h
Alex. Leitch. 11. R. No. 1, Clinton ;
William r'hesnoy. Seaforth: F.. flinch -
ley, Seaforth. i .'olley-holders eau pay
all payments and get their canis re-
celpted at R. .1. Morriah'e Clothing
Store, Clinton : It. H. Pott's Grne'ery.
Kingetolq start. Goderbeh, or J. H.
Rett'. General Store; Baytletd.
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night or day.
Western ()Marie
Best Commercial Sells)
Our winter terse* commences Tues-
day, January 4th, and students may
register in out Commercial, Short -
hind nr Telegraphy departments at
env time. Oir courses are thorough
-"d practical, and we assist graduates
(w'sition., Get our free catalogue.
v, A. MeLACHLAN, Principal.
4 -
The Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining car service
Sleeping ears on night trains. and
parlor care en principal day tralna.'
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Tickelt Agent. nr l'. E. Horn-
ing. Metric' Passenger Agent, To-
G.H. Lander, (Ratios Agent, phone20
Town Agents Phone 14.