HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-10, Page 1yrs , • '.wit eoomigieromerewerroor- Renew Your Subacriptiios to The Signal Signal and get one of the handsome Signal Calendars for 193 i.~ N + , U M Burton I tau* ly 66 Horton Boulevard w A. Perhaps Your Business Needs a Tonic Try a good dose of advertis- ing in the columns of The Signal. It has done good to' others ---why not to you? Y SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR -NO. 8. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921 TIIE SIGNAL. PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE Money—like farm products—increi?sea more rapidly under efficient cultivation. The Sterling Bank—through its policy of personal attention to each client - offers its customers the friendly advice and expert guidance necessary in both fin- ancial and investment matters. Consult our manager at any time. t• THE STERLIN6BANK OF CANADA PUBLIC IiOTICE. HR. F. J. R. FORSTELL r •..L EYE. EAR, NnfSE THROAT. Renese engem New York Op q/ Hospital, amrM taet Moarsas6Cu W eenndd Golden Square Throat Hoa - a wMerbo St. 5.. Stretford. Telephone ter. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, from Weddle - March Inth, at 7.3o p. ea., to Thursday, the 7th, at 1 p. -. t e*iFh Society Orchestra usic Studio. (Entrance hettteen F. H. Wood's and J. H. uder's Stores Gene C. Con non Pi i•te-tu'tiongiven on piano. Mr.I C. V envy,Viobnist- tuition p•jven on violin Ir, bap inntrs and advanced students. F nformation apply at `tudin. Violins repaired, bridges tuned, sound - posts art and violin bows repaired. etc. (iODERiCH SOCIEiY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces, professional). IANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. HE'idealY. Music Studio north 'id 1. H .r_ WANTED WANTED. -MAN OR WOMAN TO represent us ninety days.; eermnga gum. Set, ed • gond chance to make ato. Spare time H ay be used Experience unnecessary. Par - tinders on •pnlicarinn, WINS TUN co,. Department A • Toronto. 2t WANTED—A CARETAKER FOR the Court House and Registry Office, Goderich. One cape's. 0) managing a low -pres- ume boiler endateam•hea'ing System. A marred returned soldier. and personal application pre- ferred, Apply to the undersigned, stating salary expected. up to Saturday, February Lth, at 9 p. m. Duties to begun the ISth. Court Hour, GEO. W. HOLMAN, Feb. Ir. 1921. County Clerk. WANTED. -FIVE CORDS OF GOOD body four -foot wood. heech or nuple, green or dry, delivered at the Jail. Goderich, on or be - (ore arch 31st, 1621. Apptyup 10 the 121h inst.. to Court House, Feb. 1st, 1621. GEO. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk. CARDS OFF TBANES. - MRS. JESSiE LAWSOM, AND thank, A HTi t•• eerawyonm444111 StakeMasl rlwrfslg Mere coal flanks a Re. 01. C McDermid. CARD OF Ti4ANKS.-AS iT WOULD be an utter imposebdity for me to thank each and every one personal) I take this oppor- tunity of publ c1y thanking all for their kindness and sympathy an our sudden and sad bereave. ment in the low of a true and faithful husband sed father. MRS. WALTER G. GRAM. David Mcllwain Agent for international Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery. In the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. 1. CRAIGIE'S Assurance.' Real Estate MODERN HOI'SE FOR SALE 1% story frame, with furnace, electric light and bath, garage, anointed on the corner of Well- ington and I'leton streets. Im- medlate posseenion. This Is a very desirable home and will be mold cheap. 11/2 story frame house with S rooms, electric light and water, full lot with orchard. Situated on the west nide of Cameron street. Inveetment Securities. Victory Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE o r year Soni Career V.it jl)i•i V OUR son's measure of success in life depends largely on the pre- paration you make to -day. He will have to be properly trained and edu- cated. Are you accumulating the nec-essary money? Start a savings account on the boy's behalf with us to -day. 91.99 d.esttv4 every week ter 19 year, .1N IW/arm st 3% eem- pwaded ssmtaauarh..111 swam r 9999.73. 444 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager AUCTION SALE. flLEARING AUCTION SALE OF V FARM STUCK ANU IMPLEMENTS. MR WILLI tM MOORE will sell by public auction. at the late A. M. Pulley form, cuurssiun 3. Coder oh Township, on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp Matched team of general purpose mares, 5 and 7 years old; driving mere. 7 years old, gelding ris- ing 1 year old; cow. 6 years old, due to freshen at tone ol sale cuw, 5 year sold, supposed to be ,n 1 call; purebred Holstein cow. 4 years old. due May lath; Holstein cow.7 years old, dye May2Uth, r Durham cow, 8 year old; aged cow, due to reshen ,a arc 2Vth; purebred Holstein heifer, 10 months old; 2 Holstein heifer. ging 2 years old. sup- posed tube in calf: 2 heifers. rising _ years old, .uppasrd to be in calf; 3 heifers, ruing 2 years old; $ •leers, rising 2 years old. 2 spring calves; 2 brood sows, duel to farrow Aped hit; -bout 50 hem and pulkts; good cob,e dog 160 bushels O. A. C. No.172 grid oats; Marty -Harris binder, 7.foot cut. sbeaf-curler and truck; Deering mower 6-11 cur. 0 Iver scuner and bean harvester; l set lour -matron iron narrows; No. 21 Cocksbutt walking plow, Tudbot.e w.geu, 1 set d sleighs with tlatlorm rack, basket rack, wagon bog, ',heed:errow. Poruaod cutter. piano boa cutter. These implements are all nearly beer and in erst- clas shape. Two rubber.tue buggies; 1 set of elattum scales. 200Wb capacity; Melott cream s 2 separator. Deity churn. 1 set double heavy hir- er, seta stogie light barns', (mks. shovels, whiflletrees, and numerous other articles. No relief seour anythist, as proprietor is leaving the farm. If weatheris rough sale will b. under cover. Trews o6 Satz. -All sums of $10 and endear cash; over that amount, eight months credit will be given on turashing a proved joint notes. Four per cent, straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. WILLIAM MOORE, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TNt ESTATg in M. POLLEY, LATE Or nut Town Ica. Is The COUNTY Oe Hums. car-mutt/an DSCtimaD Rotten is hereby given. pursuant to R S 0.. cap. 121. sec. 56. that all persona having claims against the state of the mord Albert M. Polley de- ceased. lobo died on, the 19Th day of Janua,y, 1921, are required to vita or deliver to the under- mgned, solicitor for the executrices of the cod es- tate. on or before the 1st day of March, 1921, full, particulan of t heir claiess;and that after such date said executrices will distribute the assts of the deceased among the parties entitled. having re. gard only too lamms of which they shall then have received notice, and that they will not be liable teeny person of whose claim notice shall nor have been received at the mime of such distribution. Dated tbe 7th day of February, A. D. 1121: - CHARLES GARROW. Solicitor for Charlotte A, Polley and Grace McFadyen, Executrices. St FOR SALE OR RENT_ J R SALE OR TO RENT.-ThO gm; houses oe East street. west ol the nN rectory, For pprticularsaddress GEO CAR ON, tel Fritts Avemie- Raw York City 4t HOUSES- HOUSES. Aa Mods for sats at vary tsMomable prices.: U you intend bt*l1t.• hermit silt/ he blowy •Meat M yr .'.. t tiey tree lust what you ate looking for. No trouble to show you the places 1 have 1u moi. A large list to choose !tram. Catl resod see me. P. J. RYAN, Real Estate and Insurance Phone au. tf ARTICLES POR SALE. IGIOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF PURE - 5 BRED, registered Polled Angus Aberdeen bulls, ht for service. Apply to J. R VARCOE, R. R. No. a,Goderich. tf SWEET CLOVER SEED FOR SALE.- Fire from weed red. Sweet dove: i• a soil enricher. Excellent for pasture and hay. A. H. CLUTTON, R. R. No. 3, Goderich. Pnone 14-14, Benmiller. tf LOR SALE. -A JERSEY COW, wa bull calf rninenmonths old.GEO. ht weeks. MCCRel. EATH, South Street. tf RANGE FOR SALE. -GOOD BAKER, JtVgood cooker and good heater. Apply to D. McM RCHY, Victoria street. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MiXED WOOD FOR SALE at $4 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61, AUCTION SALES, UCTION SALE OF GOOD FARM, say. GRAIN, Hp{{U HOLD FURNIr- UKE AND IMPLLMEN '. M't. WILLIAM,BOLTON will s11 by public euQioo, at the premises, lot 14. Mahood concession. Colborne. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, at 1 o'clock : The late contains 96 acres of good land. Fifty acres of this re new seedn,g The buildings consist of acumlottable frame dwelling. barn ilea.5Ut with stone Maiming and other necessary outbuildings. Alone is a first -lass orchard and splendid water. The property is about two miles from Holmes - vale. six uu.s loon Clinton end erne miles Irons t,odeneh, Tagus. -Ten per tent. of purchase price to be perdue, flat day of sale; balaxe within 110 days. At the same time there will be sold 1 wheetbar• row, 1 open buggy lin good shawl. Massey -Naris cutter food as new). spring tooth cu Ivator, Massey -Harris disc harrow. Droving hay rake (good as new), Deering seed drat fertilizer com- bined, two horse Deering curs cuMrvator. Leering team spreader (good as new), new Deering two - ho. se riding plow, No. 11 Marry•Harns plow, Deering walking plow, 2 single:cultivators, 1 set harross. 1 •ix -loot cul Massey so.umg machine, 1 new well pump. Massey hens budder. sink on -horse Now, one -ton lorry (good as new), 1 [Jeering star rack on best of stupe, it hotbed sash 1 set brass. moo, tedKhareem. art W am 1 ow harness, 1 set buggy hareem. t Ldy cream eeV- au to,, forks, shovels. chains, and other rtic;es too numerous to mention. One se • crosscut saw, cutting -boa with blower, a lumber of fret of rub- ber hose. $Js fence rails, 1 18 -foot ladder. 1 12 -tart extension ladder; about 24 Wulf d .good Umuth) hay; about 7 ton' of oat straw; about 75 hushes of omtai.l ton of mallett ; about IC bushels of pota- toes (German); 9 diningroem cbatr',,.2 kitchen table. 5 kitchen chairs, kitchen washstand, iron bedstead and mattress, I souk Sr on bed an i mat- tress. kitchen w we and a number of pp -s, large kitchen suphos d, Moe poetry cupboard. I fell- leal table 11oaoge, 2 strode. washt on, and num- erous other erne les TIMMS -AJ aunts of NO and under, cosh; over teat amount, a smtha' credit will oe given on lurru.hing approved team notes. A d,'counl of 4 per cent. straight &threat for cash on credit amouals. ' . WILLIAM BOLTON. T GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. HAY AND IMPLSMEN fa. MR. W. H. CAMPBELL will offer Inc sae by pubefc'd-tian, at lot 24, con- cession 5, but Wa wane* 3K edea n,rth o1 Auburn, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21th. commencuag at 1 o'clock Hosaas.-Heavy draft mare. 19 years old. in roam; heavy draft mare. 12 years old, in foal, dery ins mare, IU years oil, theft colt, , ling 2 years ad. CAI -mi. -Cow,. years old. in calf. due April 4; i 4 birder', rising 2 year. old, supposed to be in calf; 4 healers rising 2 years rad, 1 heifer. rising.3 Isar* old. $steers. rising, yeah old,.51.e( spring calve, l cal(, 4 ruonthe old. SNagr.-Twelve Oxford Down ewes tied to amb alter April 1st; 1 Oxford Dow. ram. Istn.waatvs—Lem mot 'roe harrows- I two. borercorn cultivator, 1 tom -hoe reed dr,l!, t nue- are-spreader. all Massa -Harr.. make; 1 Oliver riding plow. 2 sruater., 1 tug -furrow Fleury walk- ing slow, 2 seta single harness. Also 4 tons of lenothy hay, and many other retie -Me too owner • mr,iDon. 'hsyn. -Aa suns, d $19'ad ander. cash, over that a m runt,* martin' credit will belgiven o0 tarsrhing approved iojpt ere. A demisrunt of 5 tKr Cmb 1L allowed fee ah ea Coedit &a mounts. to be cask. y.1ns( roll be gglmoad of to the highest bidder, aa proprrtoe ilial I We term. W. H. CAMPBELL. - T. GUNDRY, Woodmen*. M Aeceo*eet. A UCI2N.'S1 SALE 0011114ORTHORNS. HORSES, PIGS. Mr. Thomas Brown hu her, instructed to con- duct •n au nun sale on tut 2.5, concession 2, Tuck. mean th, on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 73rd, at lo'clock sharp. the following property, namely: Tbis offering consists d noted families, such as Bruce Fanny ■ and Crimson Flowers, noted Scotch:famies, alsoStrawberry's. SNORtro .-Je„nett McLaren. 108312, seven year* old. due to calve March 16th; Daisy Mar - itis, 16eels 15 month old; Roan May. 1506141), 2 years old. tier to calve tome 01 sale; i-ady Butter- fly 3rd I03446, Is month. old -due to calveim Au• gust. franny B 61st, 16)731, a years old. due to calve in May, bred to noted hull; Su Richard, COO. herd bull; Sandy Boy. :COW, 18 months old, a wet -tared Waterloo Pri!Keel and pleasing quality. GRADts --heifer, rising 3 years old due in March; cow, 4 years old, due March 3rd; cow, 7 years old, due in March; Irn der, rising 3 years due April 3rd; hewer. rising s years. due in July. Intik ing goad now farrow cow; 3 fat cows; steer, 3 years old; reer. rising 2 years old- steer rising 3 years old; 2 steers, 1 year old. t heifer. 18 months o d; t spring c .Ivey 1 baby beef calf. Also 6 chunks, about 170 lb*, at time of sale. Homage. -Agricultural mare, 5 yen old. fin• ish•d; 1 diver. 4 years old (broken single or double); 1 heavy draft, Asim:g 2 years old. Alsoa quantrtyol mated hay FARM. On be farm there is a two-et.ry brick house. with lurnece and v.13 water, large cellar, large bank bard- large straw shed with pig and thicken house underneath. Farm will be sold subject to a reserve bol TRIMS. - All sums of 610 and under, cash; over that amount, 6 month,' credit will be given on ap- proved joint note, or a discount of 4 per cent. straight will be given for cash. PAUL CADIEUX, THOS. BROWN, Proprietor, Auctioneer. ELECTION OF OFFICERS to be held on MONDAY EVE., FEB. 14th, 1921 Annual Meeting of the Goderich Board of Trade will be held at the Board Rooms in the above date at 8 p.m. This is a matter that should of special interest to every tnenlber of the Board and I am particularly anxious that all should attend. Please shape your busines(i rho as to be able to be present, and support the officers in t err efforts to keep the town fully alive. ALslt. SAUNDERS, President. SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES 'PHONE POWELI., 299 and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. W. J. POWELL AUCTION SALE. A UCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM SCOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. WALTER KINS;iWELL will sell by public au:tion,at the premises, lot 8, concession 8. W. U. Colborne (right at Loyal). on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp : The farm, which consists of45 acres of good land, is in a good state of cultivation and in a splendid location. "!'here is a comfortable brick house, commodious frame barn and other buildings. Good water and good orchard. This will maks a very desirable home for any one wanting a small farm, as it is only tISS miles from Goderich and is on the leading road into town. Rural mail and telephone. TERMS. -Ten per cent. of the purchase price to be paid on day of sale; balance in 30 days, when possession will be glvrn. Or arrangements can be made to leave part of the amount on mortgage. Also the following : Heavy draft mare; F heavy draft colt, rising three years; age driving mare; cow. 4 years old, due to calve in April; cow. 5 y ars old, due to calve April •2'2nd: cow, 3 years old, due to calve April 19th; 4 spring calves; a2 geese. 1 gander; 6 (t. cut McCormick binder; 5 -ft. cut Frost & Wood mower; 1 steel roller; 1 11 hoe Massey -Harris drill; 1 new Cockshutt cultivat. r; 1 set Massey - Harris disc harrows, gang plow, Daisy churn, s riding plow. No. 12 De Laval cream separator, 1 No. 21 Cockshutt walking plow. 1 F;eury sc'ittler, 1 fanning mill and sieves, 1 W'hellaufer pea har- vester, 2 heavy wagons, I wagon box. 1 combination stock rack, 1 set harrows, three sections; 1 Sharp hayrake, 1 set of heavy harness, grindstone, wheelbarrow, 2 gravel boxes, 1 hayfork rope, 1 set of wh;fNetrtbl, 1 neckyoke, forks, shovels, and numerous,other articles. There will be no reserve ; everything must be sold. - TERMs.-AAI sums of 510 and under. cash; over that amount. 8 months' credit will be given on lurmdhtng approved joint notes. A straight discount of 4 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. WALTER KINGSWELL, T.GUNDRY, Proprietor. ' Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS- MR. MPLEMENTS MR. ABE -FISHER will selrby public auction, at lot 5, con- cession 2, E.D. Colborne, one mile east of Benmilier, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp : HORSES. -One general purpose mare, 12 years old; 1 general purpose mare, 5 years old; 1 Percheron mare, rising 2 yrs ofd. CATTLE, -Seven cows; 4 m, 2 years old 1 ytarlmg Act er 4 steersheif, rsmf-i years old; 5 calves, from 1 t3 6 months old. PIGS. -One sow, due in March; 7 pigs. IMPLEMENTS. --One wagon, 1 low truck, 1 set of Bae sleighs (neatly new); 1 light spring wagon, 1 good top buggy, 1 . art, 1 6 -foot cut Deering binder. 1 6 !oot cut mower, 1 hay loader, 1 12 -ft. rake, all Massey -Harris make; 1 New Ideal manure spreader, •Nozon seed drill, cu.tivat)r, steam land roller; Massey Harris disc harrow 14 plate with 4 carriers; 1 set drag harrows (4 sections), 1 Massey -Harris harrow, cart, 1 two -furrow sulkev plow, 1 walking plow, 1 one-horse scufflrr, 1 of scales (2,000 lbs,), 1 Paining mil , 1 basket raik (16 feet longi; 1 or 'nary rack (14 feet look); root"pusper,gri' • stone, 1 set of double harness, 10 t single harness, and other articles t• i numerous to mention. Everything will be st r, as proprietor is Ieavin i the farm TERMS. --All sum I cash; over that a rr( 810 and under. ;trot, 8 months' credit will be given on urnishing approved joint notes. A sir 1 ght discount of 4 per cent. allowed fos ash on credit amounts. A. FISIOE'R, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. GUARD AGAINST GRIPPE AND FLU. --At this [season there is danger of con- tracting severe colds which if neglected will result in grippe, tonsilitis, influenza and other serious ailments. All of the reliable remedies needed in warding off or overcorwirig such complaints may be found in our stock. We also have all of the p itrular tabl--ts which may be us••d in treating minor coughs and colds. When you feel the s(iehtest indicati n of a cold are momm nd y o r taking Dr. Brown's Grippe Tablets. One or two doses will. in root cases; break up the attack. ,E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich - Come and hear "Betsy Bobbitt" enter- tain her friends -with old-time songs and mu•lc. also a playlet, "Our Aunt from conforms,. in the lecture room of Knox church. Tuesday. Febru try 2'2n 1. COME to the Lecture Room of ,Knox L.hurch and hear the ' "Betsy Bobbitt Concert, and a flay entitled soar Aunt from California' TWSDAY, FEB. 22nd, Ifll under the auspices of .the Arthur Circle. Admission, 35c A New Industrial Development Goderich to Be Centre for the Manufacture of Flax Harvesting Machinery The National Shipbuilding Company, Limited, was incorporated In March, 1917, to assist hi the imperial Goveru- weut's program of -construction of trawlers In Canada to be used by the British Admiralty in North lieu war operations. The Company also built marine engines and boilers for the Imperial Munitions hoard, the French Govenuneut end the Cuit(st States Fleet l:Huergirney Corporation. At the time of the armistice It had n contract eancelle'd by the latter, amounting to over half a ntilliou dollars, after hav- ing astog expended alar L sum of money on plant extensions. - Since that time the shipbuilding In- dustry has been oU the wane, and to- day many of the shipbuilding com- ptnlea in Canada have closed down, never to re -open. During the past twelve mouths, despite adverse trade (rtnditlona, the Nath owl Shipbuilding Company has endeavored to stabilize Itself in peeve time trade, and has worked *w'hlu• misty 011 the development and perfect- ing of a flax -pulling machine with con- spk'uuus aueeet4s, and all indications p01111 to au aswlre of permanent - Nidus. try for Goderich . At a spet.•hal ytformal meetlug of the town council held In the council chatntwr un Thursday evening last. Mr. W. 11: Hutchinson, president of the National Shipbuilding Company, Mr. J. It. Itartram. of Toronto, a dlreetor.of the Ferree ' rhos Pulling Machines Company. Limited. und Major Ounnau- ney, chief engineer to the Department of ('olonizrtluu and Development of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany, appeared before the Mayor and council and by most interesting and in- structive addresses explained the pro- grams to be undertaken by tlw National Shipbuilding Company and .the hearing It has on the development of the flax industry ,in Canada and the European wnrkets. It Is the Intention of the National Shipbuilding Company to amts Ismael - /1114W from tfre ratepayers of Gode in tbe expansion and stah(llzattu . - of Its undertaking in the town by guar- anteeing a bond issue w -h)(• . 5 been created on Hee property arose/to of the l'onipany. Figure% ern emoted at the meeting which to show the brllrfit the town lea der' red in the past from the Co ily6 opera tlotto, During the th • years and months. endi Ihremis•r :(1st. 19:t1, no leers a 5 ' than $4441,000.00 has imam maid 11 In wagese aloe, to say nothing , materials anal merchandise minim al through the tradesmen of the n. was the unanimous (pinion of e meeting. an far am expressed. that, prior -Waal snfeieut gtmntnter is forth- coming. 1t will certainly be in the best interests of the erlmmttnity:to extend support to the undertaking. Niel too re- tain this Important industry in Gode- rich. Before a bylaw is submitted. -the citizens end members of the hoard of Trade will be given an opportunity to hear .ftir themselves the possibilities of this new enterprise. With this object In clew a ninrting will be' called, in the near future at wideli there should tors -if bumper a1 tendatxw. for 11 la a fese•Inatinpt *trio- Jest to all who hare the Interests ref Canada at heart and one whirr opens up a large opportunity for the town of Goterieh. REVOLUTION IN THE FLAX ISIH STRY". Mechanical Puller Does Work of Forty (land fullers. The following nrt(ole. publisifed In r recent number of the Canadian Tex- tile Journal, will have -especial littered for Goderich readers In 'c'onnection with the announcement that the new flax -pulling machines are to la 1nnnu featured In Goderich : The growing of flax fibre and the weaving of Meal is one of the oldest known 1ndhlstriem of the human rete. The mummies taken from the tombs of Egypt where they have hoi'ii ton tied for more than four 1hun.7lnd rears, Is proof that the early Egyptians grew flax• which was woven Into shorts. I11 which t1N•ir dead were w'rappe'd. !'hese sheets are today in gond state of preserv'ntlon, which proves that 1here Is iso sulxd13nte for linen. TI3is Ind itatry has been handed down through all the ages. find tortay ex- cept for nn improved methal In w•elll'- Ing, Is handled in the primitive method of the early •ays as to growing and harvesting. !',Title Ireland to -day stands pre- eminent as a linen centre, from the standpoint of spinning and weaving, It peoduces but one-quarter of the tins used In It. vast number of .pilnning nd weaving mills. (Soli the out- ho'ak of the (treat War, Russia was ilrrxlneing nearly ninety per •rut. of the flax grown on the globe. This wog brought about by the Greek t'hnrrh exacting a tithe from the peas- ants. In the form of flax. It Is natally grown on almost any kind of soil. and nrpalrcs no cultivation, but to produce NEW MANAGER FOR "NATIONAL." Mr. W. L .inderson, Who tomes from Galt. Takes Charge Next Monday. Mr. W. L. Andel -sou has been op pointed general manager of the Na- tional Shipbuilding Cuwp(uiy, Limited. and will take up his duties on Monday, February 14111. Mr. Anderson has had charge of the Sturtevant Company's works at Galt, and previous to this had many years' experience in the works of Messrs. fluidic & Mt'('ulloch and 1u Sheldon's foundry. He tomes to t;wlt' itch with high re.•ommentta• lions, both as to 111A professional atdl- jt3 and as a goal cities:is its greatest value for fibre it moat be harvested by being pulled up by the rafts and tied Into sbavees, As the fibre is on the outside of the flax trtraw and Is worked through Its entire pro- cess of producing the line flax for spinning and Weil .-lug. the sheaf form Is mressary. To tout , flax with a mower 'would • not only ,Ione the lower end' of the straw, where the beat orf the fibre is contained. but it would require picking up and tying into sheaves to in' properly handled. Rus- sia, 'with Its elwrmuwe peasant popula- tion, each growing one-half to one acre of flax, using his family to do the pullhlg, 50011 brought ion production to from four to five million aeras, tips giving them control of the -world'tl.6 growing. The (: real t,War, brought is to an end. and other (an ntrtt were forced. to enter the flax gro lug in- dustry. The great amotm of hand lalrlr required for the . ort harvest AIM gnu Warr Hirt 11 Tall e. Tbls pre- vented production uv riming the (m- 111enWe shortage t ,sed by itus,la's fol{11tH' utv a flax (eluting colthtry, Canadian .' ed the W How. it remain( -for a Candia to_gtve to 7(1,' 0111 li-toaebTnr'-wliIc would take the ' ser' of hand labor. 1 11)18 8t the lutrttein Government's E= rI- un'ut i Farm' at Rlllowdnle Ont.. flux m • , from ail parts of , the continent tended to witless the demon,tratiou Caatialsed our page .i. You are invited by the Arthur Circle ( f Knox church to a • Betsy Babbitt" con- vert hod May in the lecture room. on Tut day, February 2'21x!. Starr Phonotraph. and Gennett Star - Records for sale at lilack•tone's ire Cream Parlors. S%'est street. Fresh hulk oysters at S. C. Wilson's. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsule% n d Raz•Mah for asthma are sold here hyll C. UJNlop, lo al a:ent, Call In for a sample. Reduction in chocolates for Saturday. Regular IiOc for 49c. At Campbell's Drug Store. BORN. rrLnt7CHt. -y .-, t Detroit, on January le, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B O'Loughlin. of Ash- field, Ont„ a daughter r Mary Margaret Jose- phine. - DIED. - MACKENZiE.- in (Indent h, on Tuesday. Fels era y n, Donald Neil Mackenzie w. In his 3rd MckAY. - At Elmira N.Y, pn. 21 a. F.ab. -_'_._,.__.__ .._. ruary Donald B. MacKay -- GCNDiti'( 14,II.F, REGISTER. \lovnay. Feh. 21.- Aucllon sale of a to ac e farm, implement., unto hay and household fa•n- owe. at the plenu..r., let 11 Man land comomile , (otlswne, six miles from Clinton, nine MIA bon ' Grsknch. propel (y o atm Holton. Tugst.Ay. Frb - to -non sale of Iia •re farm. farm strict, implements. etc. propriety 01 m Walter Kpwellt lot sl+eoaineron •, W. 1). Cal; boron.. WalisiZSDAy, Fen. 21. Cle innt an:tlnn Sao- , 1 farm stick and umelrm'iits prn,ieu ty of Abe Fisher. one mar past of Henmdlet. Tun Kill AV. February •.1 SIle of farm stick, hay and irnple 's(s.by-W -44-CAmabeNeArat ear.------ conce.oton.l, Fast Wawanosh, 3', miles north of Auburn. at 1 o'clock. - 1'116 - IMN,111c115 MARKETS Titania--rFebruary sr, FebruM ,VI --t, per bn.h Jen to t LM ' u.I. per Air •l,.- 1,IU 10 .14 -1 orb- , pet bb.h .77 to or iota, .mer bra -h I. 0 to 1 On 'n kwhrnr, per Duch . ..., . 6r( to a5 FI, rel' fntully. IMres( 5.511 In 5 An P'ao. Multi .1, per re 1 5 rw 5 .,, H"o1, (weetrnr 40....:171.1111,1,1 t0 .A.00 Short., per ton' 411 ,0.. NAO Har, Mer rnh V2:'"•1'11 3'o 3U ' 0 Straw, loose, per ton l2 to IS 00 DAlry flutter IwnIb 'o .A,5 c'roAmer) Hultet pr Ib ,&51n ,A7 hgirn, rru.h. per hlox. .., In Potab.ee,perbu.h.-.. .. ..'al to Cattle, butcher+' choice, p•. ra i, sop it: Chit ie , butr•hers' u,edlnn, l.'r rest. 7.-i 16'6•, Ilse weight, per , w'- . Iv i 19. 0 Hines, per Ib s I n .M •M.evskim ... !. 7'A tau +.W NEI` A111'EKTItiN.l1E:YTS. l P,1go ]fen or Woman Wanted WumrtonCo., Toto -it - 1 Jersey Cow and Bull Ca:f ;tor Sale -George Mc- Creath ..... 1 - Annual Meeting-B.rr4 o1 Trade ...... 1 Range In tial: -U; Mc%ur:hy ,...... ' Betsy 'babbil •' Cori err Am th it Circle Auction Sale-I'aul C•d,eux,. C rr') of frinhks Meg. Lawson. N rare to Cool tors l harbesGarrow.... t A -n tern Sale" -Wm. 1l 4Iun' .. .,;.. _1 Ac -tints ' ate -W, l(,CampbelF-- ,.. -..w..-.w--w1 Sic ,',n t, le- She root --r .. . ... . .,, 3 .Amnon Sale -Waiter Kuig.well. ....1 Cited el S tesis- M o. w . Gonne .. . ... ....1 t 1 BANK BY MAIL Regular saving will soon show a hand- Illtnne balance in the depositor's account. It may be difficult for you to come to the bank always when yon want to deposit. Send in deposits by mail—they will be u carefully handled as though you headed them over the counter. TVA THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15.000,000 RESERVE FUND - - ;15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, Mac Ager. it PUBLIC IiOTICE. HR. F. J. R. FORSTELL r •..L EYE. EAR, NnfSE THROAT. Renese engem New York Op q/ Hospital, amrM taet Moarsas6Cu W eenndd Golden Square Throat Hoa - a wMerbo St. 5.. Stretford. Telephone ter. At Bedford Hotel. Goderich, from Weddle - March Inth, at 7.3o p. ea., to Thursday, the 7th, at 1 p. -. t e*iFh Society Orchestra usic Studio. (Entrance hettteen F. H. Wood's and J. H. uder's Stores Gene C. Con non Pi i•te-tu'tiongiven on piano. Mr.I C. V envy,Viobnist- tuition p•jven on violin Ir, bap inntrs and advanced students. F nformation apply at `tudin. Violins repaired, bridges tuned, sound - posts art and violin bows repaired. etc. (iODERiCH SOCIEiY ORCHESTRA (Five pieces, professional). IANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. HE'idealY. Music Studio north 'id 1. H .r_ WANTED WANTED. -MAN OR WOMAN TO represent us ninety days.; eermnga gum. Set, ed • gond chance to make ato. Spare time H ay be used Experience unnecessary. Par - tinders on •pnlicarinn, WINS TUN co,. Department A • Toronto. 2t WANTED—A CARETAKER FOR the Court House and Registry Office, Goderich. One cape's. 0) managing a low -pres- ume boiler endateam•hea'ing System. A marred returned soldier. and personal application pre- ferred, Apply to the undersigned, stating salary expected. up to Saturday, February Lth, at 9 p. m. Duties to begun the ISth. Court Hour, GEO. W. HOLMAN, Feb. Ir. 1921. County Clerk. WANTED. -FIVE CORDS OF GOOD body four -foot wood. heech or nuple, green or dry, delivered at the Jail. Goderich, on or be - (ore arch 31st, 1621. Apptyup 10 the 121h inst.. to Court House, Feb. 1st, 1621. GEO. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk. CARDS OFF TBANES. - MRS. JESSiE LAWSOM, AND thank, A HTi t•• eerawyonm444111 StakeMasl rlwrfslg Mere coal flanks a Re. 01. C McDermid. CARD OF Ti4ANKS.-AS iT WOULD be an utter imposebdity for me to thank each and every one personal) I take this oppor- tunity of publ c1y thanking all for their kindness and sympathy an our sudden and sad bereave. ment in the low of a true and faithful husband sed father. MRS. WALTER G. GRAM. David Mcllwain Agent for international Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery. In the Old Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. 1. CRAIGIE'S Assurance.' Real Estate MODERN HOI'SE FOR SALE 1% story frame, with furnace, electric light and bath, garage, anointed on the corner of Well- ington and I'leton streets. Im- medlate posseenion. This Is a very desirable home and will be mold cheap. 11/2 story frame house with S rooms, electric light and water, full lot with orchard. Situated on the west nide of Cameron street. Inveetment Securities. Victory Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE o r year Soni Career V.it jl)i•i V OUR son's measure of success in life depends largely on the pre- paration you make to -day. He will have to be properly trained and edu- cated. Are you accumulating the nec-essary money? Start a savings account on the boy's behalf with us to -day. 91.99 d.esttv4 every week ter 19 year, .1N IW/arm st 3% eem- pwaded ssmtaauarh..111 swam r 9999.73. 444 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager AUCTION SALE. flLEARING AUCTION SALE OF V FARM STUCK ANU IMPLEMENTS. MR WILLI tM MOORE will sell by public auction. at the late A. M. Pulley form, cuurssiun 3. Coder oh Township, on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp Matched team of general purpose mares, 5 and 7 years old; driving mere. 7 years old, gelding ris- ing 1 year old; cow. 6 years old, due to freshen at tone ol sale cuw, 5 year sold, supposed to be ,n 1 call; purebred Holstein cow. 4 years old. due May lath; Holstein cow.7 years old, dye May2Uth, r Durham cow, 8 year old; aged cow, due to reshen ,a arc 2Vth; purebred Holstein heifer, 10 months old; 2 Holstein heifer. ging 2 years old. sup- posed tube in calf: 2 heifers. rising _ years old, .uppasrd to be in calf; 3 heifers, ruing 2 years old; $ •leers, rising 2 years old. 2 spring calves; 2 brood sows, duel to farrow Aped hit; -bout 50 hem and pulkts; good cob,e dog 160 bushels O. A. C. No.172 grid oats; Marty -Harris binder, 7.foot cut. sbeaf-curler and truck; Deering mower 6-11 cur. 0 Iver scuner and bean harvester; l set lour -matron iron narrows; No. 21 Cocksbutt walking plow, Tudbot.e w.geu, 1 set d sleighs with tlatlorm rack, basket rack, wagon bog, ',heed:errow. Poruaod cutter. piano boa cutter. These implements are all nearly beer and in erst- clas shape. Two rubber.tue buggies; 1 set of elattum scales. 200Wb capacity; Melott cream s 2 separator. Deity churn. 1 set double heavy hir- er, seta stogie light barns', (mks. shovels, whiflletrees, and numerous other articles. No relief seour anythist, as proprietor is leaving the farm. If weatheris rough sale will b. under cover. Trews o6 Satz. -All sums of $10 and endear cash; over that amount, eight months credit will be given on turashing a proved joint notes. Four per cent, straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. WILLIAM MOORE, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TNt ESTATg in M. POLLEY, LATE Or nut Town Ica. Is The COUNTY Oe Hums. car-mutt/an DSCtimaD Rotten is hereby given. pursuant to R S 0.. cap. 121. sec. 56. that all persona having claims against the state of the mord Albert M. Polley de- ceased. lobo died on, the 19Th day of Janua,y, 1921, are required to vita or deliver to the under- mgned, solicitor for the executrices of the cod es- tate. on or before the 1st day of March, 1921, full, particulan of t heir claiess;and that after such date said executrices will distribute the assts of the deceased among the parties entitled. having re. gard only too lamms of which they shall then have received notice, and that they will not be liable teeny person of whose claim notice shall nor have been received at the mime of such distribution. Dated tbe 7th day of February, A. D. 1121: - CHARLES GARROW. Solicitor for Charlotte A, Polley and Grace McFadyen, Executrices. St FOR SALE OR RENT_ J R SALE OR TO RENT.-ThO gm; houses oe East street. west ol the nN rectory, For pprticularsaddress GEO CAR ON, tel Fritts Avemie- Raw York City 4t HOUSES- HOUSES. Aa Mods for sats at vary tsMomable prices.: U you intend bt*l1t.• hermit silt/ he blowy •Meat M yr .'.. t tiey tree lust what you ate looking for. No trouble to show you the places 1 have 1u moi. A large list to choose !tram. Catl resod see me. P. J. RYAN, Real Estate and Insurance Phone au. tf ARTICLES POR SALE. IGIOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF PURE - 5 BRED, registered Polled Angus Aberdeen bulls, ht for service. Apply to J. R VARCOE, R. R. No. a,Goderich. tf SWEET CLOVER SEED FOR SALE.- Fire from weed red. Sweet dove: i• a soil enricher. Excellent for pasture and hay. A. H. CLUTTON, R. R. No. 3, Goderich. Pnone 14-14, Benmiller. tf LOR SALE. -A JERSEY COW, wa bull calf rninenmonths old.GEO. ht weeks. MCCRel. EATH, South Street. tf RANGE FOR SALE. -GOOD BAKER, JtVgood cooker and good heater. Apply to D. McM RCHY, Victoria street. Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MiXED WOOD FOR SALE at $4 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61, AUCTION SALES, UCTION SALE OF GOOD FARM, say. GRAIN, Hp{{U HOLD FURNIr- UKE AND IMPLLMEN '. M't. WILLIAM,BOLTON will s11 by public euQioo, at the premises, lot 14. Mahood concession. Colborne. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, at 1 o'clock : The late contains 96 acres of good land. Fifty acres of this re new seedn,g The buildings consist of acumlottable frame dwelling. barn ilea.5Ut with stone Maiming and other necessary outbuildings. Alone is a first -lass orchard and splendid water. The property is about two miles from Holmes - vale. six uu.s loon Clinton end erne miles Irons t,odeneh, Tagus. -Ten per tent. of purchase price to be perdue, flat day of sale; balaxe within 110 days. At the same time there will be sold 1 wheetbar• row, 1 open buggy lin good shawl. Massey -Naris cutter food as new). spring tooth cu Ivator, Massey -Harris disc harrow. Droving hay rake (good as new), Deering seed drat fertilizer com- bined, two horse Deering curs cuMrvator. Leering team spreader (good as new), new Deering two - ho. se riding plow, No. 11 Marry•Harns plow, Deering walking plow, 2 single:cultivators, 1 set harross. 1 •ix -loot cul Massey so.umg machine, 1 new well pump. Massey hens budder. sink on -horse Now, one -ton lorry (good as new), 1 [Jeering star rack on best of stupe, it hotbed sash 1 set brass. moo, tedKhareem. art W am 1 ow harness, 1 set buggy hareem. t Ldy cream eeV- au to,, forks, shovels. chains, and other rtic;es too numerous to mention. One se • crosscut saw, cutting -boa with blower, a lumber of fret of rub- ber hose. $Js fence rails, 1 18 -foot ladder. 1 12 -tart extension ladder; about 24 Wulf d .good Umuth) hay; about 7 ton' of oat straw; about 75 hushes of omtai.l ton of mallett ; about IC bushels of pota- toes (German); 9 diningroem cbatr',,.2 kitchen table. 5 kitchen chairs, kitchen washstand, iron bedstead and mattress, I souk Sr on bed an i mat- tress. kitchen w we and a number of pp -s, large kitchen suphos d, Moe poetry cupboard. I fell- leal table 11oaoge, 2 strode. washt on, and num- erous other erne les TIMMS -AJ aunts of NO and under, cosh; over teat amount, a smtha' credit will oe given on lurru.hing approved team notes. A d,'counl of 4 per cent. straight &threat for cash on credit amouals. ' . WILLIAM BOLTON. T GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. HAY AND IMPLSMEN fa. MR. W. H. CAMPBELL will offer Inc sae by pubefc'd-tian, at lot 24, con- cession 5, but Wa wane* 3K edea n,rth o1 Auburn, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21th. commencuag at 1 o'clock Hosaas.-Heavy draft mare. 19 years old. in roam; heavy draft mare. 12 years old, in foal, dery ins mare, IU years oil, theft colt, , ling 2 years ad. CAI -mi. -Cow,. years old. in calf. due April 4; i 4 birder', rising 2 year. old, supposed to be in calf; 4 healers rising 2 years rad, 1 heifer. rising.3 Isar* old. $steers. rising, yeah old,.51.e( spring calve, l cal(, 4 ruonthe old. SNagr.-Twelve Oxford Down ewes tied to amb alter April 1st; 1 Oxford Dow. ram. Istn.waatvs—Lem mot 'roe harrows- I two. borercorn cultivator, 1 tom -hoe reed dr,l!, t nue- are-spreader. all Massa -Harr.. make; 1 Oliver riding plow. 2 sruater., 1 tug -furrow Fleury walk- ing slow, 2 seta single harness. Also 4 tons of lenothy hay, and many other retie -Me too owner • mr,iDon. 'hsyn. -Aa suns, d $19'ad ander. cash, over that a m runt,* martin' credit will belgiven o0 tarsrhing approved iojpt ere. A demisrunt of 5 tKr Cmb 1L allowed fee ah ea Coedit &a mounts. to be cask. y.1ns( roll be gglmoad of to the highest bidder, aa proprrtoe ilial I We term. W. H. CAMPBELL. - T. GUNDRY, Woodmen*. M Aeceo*eet. A UCI2N.'S1 SALE 0011114ORTHORNS. HORSES, PIGS. Mr. Thomas Brown hu her, instructed to con- duct •n au nun sale on tut 2.5, concession 2, Tuck. mean th, on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 73rd, at lo'clock sharp. the following property, namely: Tbis offering consists d noted families, such as Bruce Fanny ■ and Crimson Flowers, noted Scotch:famies, alsoStrawberry's. SNORtro .-Je„nett McLaren. 108312, seven year* old. due to calve March 16th; Daisy Mar - itis, 16eels 15 month old; Roan May. 1506141), 2 years old. tier to calve tome 01 sale; i-ady Butter- fly 3rd I03446, Is month. old -due to calveim Au• gust. franny B 61st, 16)731, a years old. due to calve in May, bred to noted hull; Su Richard, COO. herd bull; Sandy Boy. :COW, 18 months old, a wet -tared Waterloo Pri!Keel and pleasing quality. GRADts --heifer, rising 3 years old due in March; cow, 4 years old, due March 3rd; cow, 7 years old, due in March; Irn der, rising 3 years due April 3rd; hewer. rising s years. due in July. Intik ing goad now farrow cow; 3 fat cows; steer, 3 years old; reer. rising 2 years old- steer rising 3 years old; 2 steers, 1 year old. t heifer. 18 months o d; t spring c .Ivey 1 baby beef calf. Also 6 chunks, about 170 lb*, at time of sale. Homage. -Agricultural mare, 5 yen old. fin• ish•d; 1 diver. 4 years old (broken single or double); 1 heavy draft, Asim:g 2 years old. Alsoa quantrtyol mated hay FARM. On be farm there is a two-et.ry brick house. with lurnece and v.13 water, large cellar, large bank bard- large straw shed with pig and thicken house underneath. Farm will be sold subject to a reserve bol TRIMS. - All sums of 610 and under, cash; over that amount, 6 month,' credit will be given on ap- proved joint note, or a discount of 4 per cent. straight will be given for cash. PAUL CADIEUX, THOS. BROWN, Proprietor, Auctioneer. ELECTION OF OFFICERS to be held on MONDAY EVE., FEB. 14th, 1921 Annual Meeting of the Goderich Board of Trade will be held at the Board Rooms in the above date at 8 p.m. This is a matter that should of special interest to every tnenlber of the Board and I am particularly anxious that all should attend. Please shape your busines(i rho as to be able to be present, and support the officers in t err efforts to keep the town fully alive. ALslt. SAUNDERS, President. SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES 'PHONE POWELI., 299 and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. W. J. POWELL AUCTION SALE. A UCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM SCOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. WALTER KINS;iWELL will sell by public au:tion,at the premises, lot 8, concession 8. W. U. Colborne (right at Loyal). on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp : The farm, which consists of45 acres of good land, is in a good state of cultivation and in a splendid location. "!'here is a comfortable brick house, commodious frame barn and other buildings. Good water and good orchard. This will maks a very desirable home for any one wanting a small farm, as it is only tISS miles from Goderich and is on the leading road into town. Rural mail and telephone. TERMS. -Ten per cent. of the purchase price to be paid on day of sale; balance in 30 days, when possession will be glvrn. Or arrangements can be made to leave part of the amount on mortgage. Also the following : Heavy draft mare; F heavy draft colt, rising three years; age driving mare; cow. 4 years old, due to calve in April; cow. 5 y ars old, due to calve April •2'2nd: cow, 3 years old, due to calve April 19th; 4 spring calves; a2 geese. 1 gander; 6 (t. cut McCormick binder; 5 -ft. cut Frost & Wood mower; 1 steel roller; 1 11 hoe Massey -Harris drill; 1 new Cockshutt cultivat. r; 1 set Massey - Harris disc harrows, gang plow, Daisy churn, s riding plow. No. 12 De Laval cream separator, 1 No. 21 Cockshutt walking plow. 1 F;eury sc'ittler, 1 fanning mill and sieves, 1 W'hellaufer pea har- vester, 2 heavy wagons, I wagon box. 1 combination stock rack, 1 set harrows, three sections; 1 Sharp hayrake, 1 set of heavy harness, grindstone, wheelbarrow, 2 gravel boxes, 1 hayfork rope, 1 set of wh;fNetrtbl, 1 neckyoke, forks, shovels, and numerous,other articles. There will be no reserve ; everything must be sold. - TERMs.-AAI sums of 510 and under. cash; over that amount. 8 months' credit will be given on lurmdhtng approved joint notes. A straight discount of 4 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. WALTER KINGSWELL, T.GUNDRY, Proprietor. ' Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS- MR. MPLEMENTS MR. ABE -FISHER will selrby public auction, at lot 5, con- cession 2, E.D. Colborne, one mile east of Benmilier, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp : HORSES. -One general purpose mare, 12 years old; 1 general purpose mare, 5 years old; 1 Percheron mare, rising 2 yrs ofd. CATTLE, -Seven cows; 4 m, 2 years old 1 ytarlmg Act er 4 steersheif, rsmf-i years old; 5 calves, from 1 t3 6 months old. PIGS. -One sow, due in March; 7 pigs. IMPLEMENTS. --One wagon, 1 low truck, 1 set of Bae sleighs (neatly new); 1 light spring wagon, 1 good top buggy, 1 . art, 1 6 -foot cut Deering binder. 1 6 !oot cut mower, 1 hay loader, 1 12 -ft. rake, all Massey -Harris make; 1 New Ideal manure spreader, •Nozon seed drill, cu.tivat)r, steam land roller; Massey Harris disc harrow 14 plate with 4 carriers; 1 set drag harrows (4 sections), 1 Massey -Harris harrow, cart, 1 two -furrow sulkev plow, 1 walking plow, 1 one-horse scufflrr, 1 of scales (2,000 lbs,), 1 Paining mil , 1 basket raik (16 feet longi; 1 or 'nary rack (14 feet look); root"pusper,gri' • stone, 1 set of double harness, 10 t single harness, and other articles t• i numerous to mention. Everything will be st r, as proprietor is Ieavin i the farm TERMS. --All sum I cash; over that a rr( 810 and under. ;trot, 8 months' credit will be given on urnishing approved joint notes. A sir 1 ght discount of 4 per cent. allowed fos ash on credit amounts. A. FISIOE'R, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. GUARD AGAINST GRIPPE AND FLU. --At this [season there is danger of con- tracting severe colds which if neglected will result in grippe, tonsilitis, influenza and other serious ailments. All of the reliable remedies needed in warding off or overcorwirig such complaints may be found in our stock. We also have all of the p itrular tabl--ts which may be us••d in treating minor coughs and colds. When you feel the s(iehtest indicati n of a cold are momm nd y o r taking Dr. Brown's Grippe Tablets. One or two doses will. in root cases; break up the attack. ,E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich - Come and hear "Betsy Bobbitt" enter- tain her friends -with old-time songs and mu•lc. also a playlet, "Our Aunt from conforms,. in the lecture room of Knox church. Tuesday. Febru try 2'2n 1. COME to the Lecture Room of ,Knox L.hurch and hear the ' "Betsy Bobbitt Concert, and a flay entitled soar Aunt from California' TWSDAY, FEB. 22nd, Ifll under the auspices of .the Arthur Circle. Admission, 35c A New Industrial Development Goderich to Be Centre for the Manufacture of Flax Harvesting Machinery The National Shipbuilding Company, Limited, was incorporated In March, 1917, to assist hi the imperial Goveru- weut's program of -construction of trawlers In Canada to be used by the British Admiralty in North lieu war operations. The Company also built marine engines and boilers for the Imperial Munitions hoard, the French Govenuneut end the Cuit(st States Fleet l:Huergirney Corporation. At the time of the armistice It had n contract eancelle'd by the latter, amounting to over half a ntilliou dollars, after hav- ing astog expended alar L sum of money on plant extensions. - Since that time the shipbuilding In- dustry has been oU the wane, and to- day many of the shipbuilding com- ptnlea in Canada have closed down, never to re -open. During the past twelve mouths, despite adverse trade (rtnditlona, the Nath owl Shipbuilding Company has endeavored to stabilize Itself in peeve time trade, and has worked *w'hlu• misty 011 the development and perfect- ing of a flax -pulling machine with con- spk'uuus aueeet4s, and all indications p01111 to au aswlre of permanent - Nidus. try for Goderich . At a spet.•hal ytformal meetlug of the town council held In the council chatntwr un Thursday evening last. Mr. W. 11: Hutchinson, president of the National Shipbuilding Company, Mr. J. It. Itartram. of Toronto, a dlreetor.of the Ferree ' rhos Pulling Machines Company. Limited. und Major Ounnau- ney, chief engineer to the Department of ('olonizrtluu and Development of the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany, appeared before the Mayor and council and by most interesting and in- structive addresses explained the pro- grams to be undertaken by tlw National Shipbuilding Company and .the hearing It has on the development of the flax industry ,in Canada and the European wnrkets. It Is the Intention of the National Shipbuilding Company to amts Ismael - /1114W from tfre ratepayers of Gode in tbe expansion and stah(llzattu . - of Its undertaking in the town by guar- anteeing a bond issue w -h)(• . 5 been created on Hee property arose/to of the l'onipany. Figure% ern emoted at the meeting which to show the brllrfit the town lea der' red in the past from the Co ily6 opera tlotto, During the th • years and months. endi Ihremis•r :(1st. 19:t1, no leers a 5 ' than $4441,000.00 has imam maid 11 In wagese aloe, to say nothing , materials anal merchandise minim al through the tradesmen of the n. was the unanimous (pinion of e meeting. an far am expressed. that, prior -Waal snfeieut gtmntnter is forth- coming. 1t will certainly be in the best interests of the erlmmttnity:to extend support to the undertaking. Niel too re- tain this Important industry in Gode- rich. Before a bylaw is submitted. -the citizens end members of the hoard of Trade will be given an opportunity to hear .ftir themselves the possibilities of this new enterprise. With this object In clew a ninrting will be' called, in the near future at wideli there should tors -if bumper a1 tendatxw. for 11 la a fese•Inatinpt *trio- Jest to all who hare the Interests ref Canada at heart and one whirr opens up a large opportunity for the town of Goterieh. REVOLUTION IN THE FLAX ISIH STRY". Mechanical Puller Does Work of Forty (land fullers. The following nrt(ole. publisifed In r recent number of the Canadian Tex- tile Journal, will have -especial littered for Goderich readers In 'c'onnection with the announcement that the new flax -pulling machines are to la 1nnnu featured In Goderich : The growing of flax fibre and the weaving of Meal is one of the oldest known 1ndhlstriem of the human rete. The mummies taken from the tombs of Egypt where they have hoi'ii ton tied for more than four 1hun.7lnd rears, Is proof that the early Egyptians grew flax• which was woven Into shorts. I11 which t1N•ir dead were w'rappe'd. !'hese sheets are today in gond state of preserv'ntlon, which proves that 1here Is iso sulxd13nte for linen. TI3is Ind itatry has been handed down through all the ages. find tortay ex- cept for nn improved methal In w•elll'- Ing, Is handled in the primitive method of the early •ays as to growing and harvesting. !',Title Ireland to -day stands pre- eminent as a linen centre, from the standpoint of spinning and weaving, It peoduces but one-quarter of the tins used In It. vast number of .pilnning nd weaving mills. (Soli the out- ho'ak of the (treat War, Russia was ilrrxlneing nearly ninety per •rut. of the flax grown on the globe. This wog brought about by the Greek t'hnrrh exacting a tithe from the peas- ants. In the form of flax. It Is natally grown on almost any kind of soil. and nrpalrcs no cultivation, but to produce NEW MANAGER FOR "NATIONAL." Mr. W. L .inderson, Who tomes from Galt. Takes Charge Next Monday. Mr. W. L. Andel -sou has been op pointed general manager of the Na- tional Shipbuilding Cuwp(uiy, Limited. and will take up his duties on Monday, February 14111. Mr. Anderson has had charge of the Sturtevant Company's works at Galt, and previous to this had many years' experience in the works of Messrs. fluidic & Mt'('ulloch and 1u Sheldon's foundry. He tomes to t;wlt' itch with high re.•ommentta• lions, both as to 111A professional atdl- jt3 and as a goal cities:is its greatest value for fibre it moat be harvested by being pulled up by the rafts and tied Into sbavees, As the fibre is on the outside of the flax trtraw and Is worked through Its entire pro- cess of producing the line flax for spinning and Weil .-lug. the sheaf form Is mressary. To tout , flax with a mower 'would • not only ,Ione the lower end' of the straw, where the beat orf the fibre is contained. but it would require picking up and tying into sheaves to in' properly handled. Rus- sia, 'with Its elwrmuwe peasant popula- tion, each growing one-half to one acre of flax, using his family to do the pullhlg, 50011 brought ion production to from four to five million aeras, tips giving them control of the -world'tl.6 growing. The (: real t,War, brought is to an end. and other (an ntrtt were forced. to enter the flax gro lug in- dustry. The great amotm of hand lalrlr required for the . ort harvest AIM gnu Warr Hirt 11 Tall e. Tbls pre- vented production uv riming the (m- 111enWe shortage t ,sed by itus,la's fol{11tH' utv a flax (eluting colthtry, Canadian .' ed the W How. it remain( -for a Candia to_gtve to 7(1,' 0111 li-toaebTnr'-wliIc would take the ' ser' of hand labor. 1 11)18 8t the lutrttein Government's E= rI- un'ut i Farm' at Rlllowdnle Ont.. flux m • , from ail parts of , the continent tended to witless the demon,tratiou Caatialsed our page .i. You are invited by the Arthur Circle ( f Knox church to a • Betsy Babbitt" con- vert hod May in the lecture room. on Tut day, February 2'21x!. Starr Phonotraph. and Gennett Star - Records for sale at lilack•tone's ire Cream Parlors. S%'est street. Fresh hulk oysters at S. C. Wilson's. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsule% n d Raz•Mah for asthma are sold here hyll C. UJNlop, lo al a:ent, Call In for a sample. Reduction in chocolates for Saturday. Regular IiOc for 49c. At Campbell's Drug Store. BORN. rrLnt7CHt. -y .-, t Detroit, on January le, to Mr. and Mn. Joseph B r /'Loughlin. of A,1, - held, Ont„ a daughter r Mary 5largaret Jose; phonal. - DIED. - MAe$'EN7.l.i.- in (Indent h, on Tuesday. Fels era y n, Donald Ned Mack, new. In his 3rd Muck AY. - At Elmira N.Y, pn. 21 a. F.ab. -_'_._,.__.__ .._. ruary (Aynald fi. ti3tKut -- GCNDiti'( 14,II.F, REGISTER. \lovnay. Feh. 21.- Aucllon sale of a to ac e farm, implement., unto hay and household fa•n- owe. at the plenu..r., let 11 Man land comomile , (otlswne, six miles from Clinton, nine MIA bon ' Grsknch. propel (y o atm Holton. Tugst.Ay. Frb - to -non sale of Iia •re farm. farm strict, implements. etc. propriety 01 m Walter Kpwellt lot sl+eoaineron •, W. 1). Cal; boron.. WalisiZSDAy, Fen. 21. Cle innt an:tlnn Sao- , 1 farm stick and umelrm'iits prn,ieu ty of Abe Fisher. one mar past of Henmdlet. Tun Kill AV. February •.1 SIle of farm stick, hay and irnple 's(s.by-W -44-CAmabeNeArat ear.------ conce.oton.l, Fast Wawanosh, 3', miles north of Auburn. at 1 o'clock. - 1'116 - IMN,111c115 MARKETS Titania--rFebruary sr, FebruM ,VI --t, per bn.h Jen to t LM ' u.I. per Air •l,.- 1,IU 10 .14 -1 orb- , pet bb.h .77 to or iota, .mer bra -h I. 0 to 1 On 'n kwhrnr, per Duch . ..., . 6r( to a5 FI, rel' fntully. IMres( 5.511 In 5 An P'ao. Multi .1, per re 1 5 rw 5 .,, H"o1, (weetrnr 40....:171.1111,1,1 t0 .A.00 Short., per ton' 411 ,0.. NAO Har, Mer rnh V2:'"•1'11 3'o 3U ' 0 Straw, loose, per ton l2 to IS 00 DAlry flutter IwnIb 'o .A,5 c'roAmer) Hultet pr Ib ,&51n ,A7 hgirn, rru.h. per hlox. .., In Potab.ee,perbu.h.-.. .. ..'al to Cattle, butcher+' choice, p•. ra i, sop it: Chit ie , butr•hers' u,edlnn, l.'r rest. 7.-i 16'6•, Ilse weight, per , w'- . Iv i 19. 0 Hines, per Ib s I n .M •M.evskim ... !. 7'A tau +.W NEI` A111'EKTItiN.l1E:YTS. l P,1go ]fen or Woman Wanted WumrtonCo., Toto -it - 1 Jersey Cow and Bull Ca:f ;tor Sale -George Mc- Creath ..... 1 - Annual Meeting-B.rr4 o1 Trade ...... 1 Range In tial: -U; Mc%ur:hy ,...... ' Betsy 'babbil •' Cori err Am th it Circle Auction Sale-I'aul C•d,eux,. C rr') of frinhks Meg. Lawson. N rare to Cool tors l harbesGarrow.... t A -n tern Sale" -Wm. 1l 4Iun' .. .,;.. _1 Ac -tints ' ate -W, l(,CampbelF-- ,.. -..w..-.w--w1 Sic ,',n t, le- She root --r .. . ... . .,, 3 .Amnon Sale -Waiter Kuig.well. ....1 Cited el S tesis- M o. w . Gonne .. . ... ....1 t 1