HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-3, Page 7TEE SIGNAL
\01% F�1
A Remarkable Case of Eczema.
• "My hands broke out," says Mrs. Hector
McDonald, of Oyster Ponds, N.S., " into a fiery
irritable rash which the doctor called eczema. When his treatment
failed to check the trouble I tried various salves and so-called
blood -purifiers. But 1 • got steadily worse'and what were just
isolated sores at first became one large mass of\eczema. For over
a year this went on, and you can imagine my .s tering.
"Then I got Zam-1luk and I shall never for et how it soothed
the dreadful fiery pain and itching. Even the first x of Zam-liuk
effected wonderful improvement. I)ay by day th sores lessened
-•' and died away until, in time, the last sore Reale . Zam-Buk
banished every trace of disease,"
BOc. boa, all dealers or from Zane-13uk Co., Toronto.
There's Nothing Like
for shin that Is rough. Itchy.
Inflamed and troulle.oa.a.
Znm-Ink's powerful sot septic
I:properties set beyond the sur-
ce rY - Ist y purify the
ti•sue.of disease. F..r cracked
basals. told -suras, a:eerallun,
a;elpseeema poisoned wounds
srd 911es. Zam-Buk 1. wonder -
Aho for the
s• eedy p. elect Muslim' of ruts.
burns. .&•aid.. etc. here's sn
opportunity to
Forward Id stamp In tam But
Co.. toronlo. mention this
new paper sed there's •
SAMPLE BOX b7 return.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Aieept "California" Syrup of Pigs
only -hook for tits name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child la haring the beet and moat
ltarmlesa physic for the little stomach,
laver and bowels• Children love its
fruity taste. Full diseetIons on each
bottle You must as "('alifuniia."
Take a `lam of Salta before breakfast
U your Back bttrta or Bladder
bothers you.
The American men and women must
paid constantly against Kidney trouble,
bseause we oat too much ad all our food
- le rich. Our blood is filled with 'iris
•acid which the kidneys strive to filter
out, they weaken from overwork, become
sluggish ; tho ,e beams clog sad
the result is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps of
lead; your back hurts or the urine L
study, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seek relief two or three times
during the night; if you suffer with sick
headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid
sfomaeh, or you have rheumatism whey
the weather is bad, get from your pber-
macist about four ounces of Jed Balt.;
take a tablespoonful in a glees of
•water before breakfast for a few days
sad your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the acid
of crapes and lemon juice, combined with
litho and los been• used for generations
to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys;
to neutralize the &olds in the urine so it
no longer is a source of irritation, thus
1 cm!ing bladder disorders.
dad .t'alts is inexpensive; cannot in-
))ure. makes • delightful effervescent
Itthia-water beverage, and belongs in
every home, because nobody can maks
a mistake by having a good kidney flush -
leg any time.
— 1
Bays we will both look and foal
clean. sweet and fresh
and avoid Illness.
Sanitary science has of late made
rapid strides with results that arelr
untold blessing to humanity. The lat-
est application of Its untiring research
is the recommendation that It 1s as
necessary ! r to atter to Internal sienna -
tion of the drainage system of the hu-
man body as It Is to the drains of the
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel doll and heavy when we arise,
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, act., stom-
ach. can. Instead, feel as fresh as a
daisy by opening'the sluices of the eye.
tem each morning and flushing nut the
whole of the Internal poisonous stag-
nant matter.
Everydne, whether filling. sick or
well. should, each morning before
breakfast, drink • gives of vial hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in It to wash from the 'stom-
acb. Inter and bowels the pre) lolls
day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and
pot oils toxin's; thus cle•ensing,
swe�eetening and purifying the entire
•Ulnentary canal before putting more
into the stomach. The action of
of wateeend limestone phosphate on
an empty titomach 1s wonderfully In-
vigorating. it cleans out all the sour
fermentations, " awe, waste and acidity
and hoes one splendid appetite for
breakfast. Whf you are enjoying
your, breakfast t phosphated hot
water 1. quietly r xt acting a largo vol.
ume of water fro --i 111. blood and get-
ting ready for a r'nrougn iluahing of
all the inside orga;:s.
The million! of people who are both-
ered with constipation. bilious spells,
stomach troehle, rheumatic stiffness;
others who have sallow skins, blood
disorder') and sickly complexions are
Urged to get a quarter pound of lime-
ete phosphate from the drag store.
This will cost very little, but es suf11-
clent o retake anyone a pronounced
orarik ' . the subject of internal saw
s+«.- n-1 1 • - - _
. �.,+...-....+-...
Get a small package of burg
Teaat any6 e
Dreampharmacy. T a
tablespoonful of te tea, 'put a cup's!
boiling water upon it, pour through a'
Mete and drink a teacup full at any
time during the day or before retiring.
It is the most effective way to bre k a
cold and. cure grip, as it opens the
pores of the akin, relieving conception.
Also tremens the bowels, thus driving a
cold from the system.
Try It the next thine you suffer from '
a void or the grip. It in inexpensive
and entirely iegetable,•therefore safe
and harmless.
Rub Pain and Stiffness away with
a small bottle of old honest
8t. Jacobs Oil
When your hack is sore and Lame or
lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has.
eou stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a
5 rent brittle of old, honest '$t..laeohfl
Ui1' at any drug store, pour a little
in your band and rub 1t right into
the pain or n, he, and by the time you ,
count fifty, the soreness and lameness
is g.rne.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing, '
penetrating oil neellt to he used only
once. 1t takes the a he and pain right
outfejf your bark amt end. the misery.
It is magical, yet absolutely barrettes
and d,e-n't burn the akin.
Not1ilsg elm, stripe hnnragn. .riati, t
and lame beck mi•.,Iy so promptly!
Stops Hair Coing Out;
Thickens, Bea ifies.
A few erne. hays "TMnderine." After
a few applieatinna you rennet Aml a
`fallen h,lr or any dandruff, besides
every hair ahoww nrw life, vigor, hrigl.t.
seas, more color and abundance.
"Pape Dis4pe'!psin" puts
Sour, Ga. sy, Acid Stomachs
in order at once!
, \R
Wonder what upset your stomach -
w ich portion of the food did the dam-
age in you? Well, don't bother. II
your tomch is in a revolt; if silk,
ga.ay d upset, and what you just ata.,
hes fir nted and turned soar; bead
dizzy and chis; belch gases and acids
and eructat undigested fold -just eat
a tablet or i , of Pape's Diapepsin to
help neutralize cidity and in rive min-
utes you wonder what became of the
indige-tion and dim p.a.
1f yotur stomach 11 ,rn't take care of
your liberal limit witbmit rebellion; if
your food i. a Ramage inllead of a help,
remember the quiekea, fiure.t, moat
harmless antacid' is Pape'tt'.Diapepsla,
which costs so little at dreg totes.
L has. Ilagen has veld his 100 -acre !arm
on he Parr line, Stanley, to James Love,
of l .11sgreen, for 59.000.
des, Londesboro'. has soli his
Joseph Brown and will likely
Isewher e.
Hugh Cunningham has slid his 50 -acre
farm in G y township to Chas. Queren-
gessor. whose prupelty abuts It. for
54,500., Thit -gives the purchaser a fine
farm of 150 acres.
The barn on he farm of Lexis Whit
field. Morns, i s destroyed by lire.
resulting tram thAAAA\upsetting of a lantern.
Mast of the stock wee saved, but imple-
ments, feed. etc.. wire burned. ,
A. A. Lamonby. mt,ger of the Beak
of Hamilton at Wr.;xet for the last five
years. has been transferred to Port Rowan
and is succeeded in the managership by
W. J. C.inn tr, of W Ingham
At the home of the iwide'tp.'irents at
Forest on Jenuery 18.h, tth Grace
Blanche, sec and daughter o Mr. and
Mfrs. James Dunlop. was un,t in mas-
nage to Herbert W. Irw.n, of G ie. TI
young couple hale arrived at t rie
make their home there.
Ch�a Charter, ofstWaw . .
sold his Ito acre firm to Frank 1
son, of Dniiybrok. The price, it
reported, was around 110.010. • -
At thel home of the Misses Pail at'
13luevale, on Tuesday evenitg of last
week. their sister, .ties Margaret Alice,
war united in marriage to William J.
Duff. Mr. and Mrs. Duff will continue
to reside ; t Bluevale.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bell, Usborne, on Wednesday oI last
week, their daughter, Miss Vera Agn. s,
was united in marriage to W ill:am lirint-
neil, the ceremony- being p. rfoi med by
Rev. Mr. R.vers of Hensall.
Jahn Dyer, an old resident of Crediton,
died January 20th at St. Joseph's hos-
pital, London, at the -age of eighty -live
year,. Ile lived tet Crediton over forty
years and conducted onducted a blecksm'th shop
for a number o,f years. •
A movement to have two ladies on the
1 board at Hanover proved very
unpopular. The tau lady candidates
received espectively 58 and 51 vote!,
while the -est of the male candriates
had 2115 votes.
F. D. Hutchinson of Mitchell, has
purchas• d the grocery ernes in Sea -
forth formerly carried on Dorsey &
Th m is Brown. auctioneer, mt rill of
painful accident at a farm in tuckers 'ith
tile day last week. He was turtling his
car around and did not notice a wire
clothesline stretched in froat of him. The
line struck him across the face. inflicting a
wound that required several' 'stitches to
The death of Robert A. Bell occurred
on Wednesday retest week after an illness
of several weeks. Mr. Bell was born in
Goderich sixty years ago. but had resided
in Clinton fur many years. lie was a
stone -cutter by trade Ile is survived by
his wife. one daughter, Mrs. C. Mair, of
Allendale, and one son, W. J. Bell, of
'Toronto. The funeral took place on
Friday last, the interment being itt Mait-
land cemetery, Goderich.
E. 1 . Mittel has -sold his farm on the
Huron road just east of town, the old
To: ranee farm. to Wm. Henry. of Hensel',
the price paid being 113,000.
The marriage took place at St. Philip's
church rectory, Toronto, on Saturday,
Junua-y 22nd, of Miss Stella Copp,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Copp,
of Clinton, to William S. Greig, eldest eon
of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Greig, of Clinton.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
J A Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Greig will
reside in Wellesley street, Toronto.
The dates fixed for the Wingham fall
fair are September '27 and 28.
Dr. R. C. Redmond has been appointed
an associate coroner fur the county of
R. T. Cowell has resigned his position
as organist and their -laden -.tn_ SL
Andrew's Presbyterian church, having
accepted a position at Pe:erboro'. The
managers of the church .have engaged
F. J. 1-101 as choir leader.
Miss Elizabeth R. Ross, a former resi-
dent of Wingham, died reantlyT at Zion
City, 111., where she had resided the last
sixteen years. She was in her seventy-
seventh year.
The marriage of Mies Emma Steele, of
Teeiwater, t3 Harolds Livingstone, of
Wingham, took place here on Thuoday
last.:Mr. and Mrr. Living
on an extended wedding
return will reside in Wj
or e have gone
ip and on their
E. J. Mitchell and E. Fothergill h e
qualified as candido s for the town c
cd to fill the vacshcy caused 'by Fffank
Howson's beit g tellable to qu.hfy.
The death cursed in Wingham hos
petal 011 Su ay night of John Finlay;
aged hfty years. •
The was heard with -regret in
Exec of the death at Guelph of Edward
Ma tie. a former well-known resident,of
thiel° place. He dropped dead on the
eet, Pres :mably from heart trouble.
e is survived by his wife.
Walter Cunningham mel with a painful
accident al the marble works a few days
ago. Ile was a'sising 111 m wing a heavy
stone when it slipped and fell against his
e4. No bones were brolien,T3ucke BIJFt
be laid up for some time.
1 he Exeter fall fair ti is year will be
held:the Monday and Tuesday following
London fair.
W-1 Satisfied with
I ` - \ Baby's Own Tablets. -.a
This One Tells How She
Was Benefited by Taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound.
Regina. Saak.- "For two years 1 suf-
fered from periodic pains and nausea
so I was unable to get around. My
mother had me take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and I am much
better and able to go about all the time,
which 1 could not do before. I recom-
mend Vegetable Compound to my friends
if 1 know they suffer the same way, and
you may publish m' letter if it will help
any one, as 1 hope it will."-Mlaa Z. G.
BLACKWELL, 2073 Osier Place, Regina,
If every girl who suffers as Miss Black-
well did, or from irregularities, painful
periods, backache, sideache, dragging
down pains, inflammation or ulceration
would only give this famous root and
herb remedy a trial they would soon
find relief from such suffering.
It hardly seems possible that there is
a woman in this country who will con-
tinue to suffer without giving Lydia E.
Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound a trial
after all the evidence that is continually 1
being published, proving beyond contra-
diction that this grand old medicine bas I.
relieved more suffering among women, -
than any other medicine in the world.
For special advice women are aaked to \e
write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medici
Co-, Lynn, Maas. The result of forint,
years experience is at your service.
Thursday. Pelona ry 3, 19_1 T
Clearing Prices in Overcoats
In order to clear off our stock of Overcoats, we
are offering a general price reduction of 25 per cent.
25 per cent. off
Overcoats for Men and Boys
We defy you to find better values anywhere.
There are still two or three months of hard weather
ahead, and if you are at all in need of an Overcoat we
advise you to buy now at the reduced price.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
A daily cup of OXO / I
makes good the wear
and tear due to cold and
fatigue. So handy, too.
Made in a minute, the 1\\
/ minute you want it.
Tina of4 and 10 cued:
-to ACUP
The footwear that is sold by us will leave impressions
that others who follow may clearly discern the way to-
Comfort, Health and -Happiness
Se: sister, Miss Ann e Boyd. who has I
been senou;iy :11 but snow improving.
Mrs. Paull Reed, while visiting her
daughtt r, Mrs. "l'. Anderson, in Ashfield,
Los up et Ilrom a cutter 'and bri ke her
a little below the shoulder.
i Once a'mother his used Baby's • Own
Tablets for her little ones she will use
nothing else. I ler use of them lead+ her
to believe the there is no other medicine
to equal them or any of the many ail-
ments of child . Concerning th.m
Mrs. Eugene B\ '**vert, East Aldfi:ld,
Quebec, writes: " ty baby was terribly
c ,nstioated, but afte the use of Baby's
Own Tablets he is ent ely well again. 1
am so well sat-sfied w.t. the Tahletk that
1 lose no opp lrtunity i recommen :mg
them to other mother.' The Tablets
a e sell by m dicine dealers . by Mill at
25: a box tram th D:. Willi sMedicine
Co., Brockville, (hit.
• Rev. A. J. Mang, who has bran
'of the Presbyterian church bete for
past eight years, has received a call (r
Newmarket. 1 he Meshy lery of Mahlon
aid meet February 8th and deal with-the
cif S.' Mrt.auchlin, •a former weft
n js ide,t , 1 Ili ti ls, died at
Alle.ita, on Jatwary 21st; -
Iils wile, who was fermi n
vales, 01 }3rus•cls, sutviv's,
with two sees aqd four daughters. -
(;. A. Deadma and daughter, Mi•
Kate -Deadman, left ,t week on a hole
uay trip to Fan ida.
The East Hilton Agricu
*each holds its fall fair i
"My Back
Is So Bad"
P AINS in the small of th•
back, lumbago, rheuma-
tism, pains in the limbs all tell
of defective kidneys.
Poisons are being left In the
blood which cause paine and aches.
The kldneya, liver and bowels
must tie aroused to action by such
treatment as Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills.
There Is no time for delay when
the kidneys go wrong, for such de-
velopments as hardening of the ar-
teries and Bright's disease are the
natural result.
One p111 s dose, 25 cents a box, an
dealers, or Edmansnn, Rates & Co., Ltd -
Same as I sate Firm, Rays Committee
Torunto, .1s1 LI; --"Petri c..uuuilfe
ran ..•1' ❑u' r.•: . ull N Murree why it
-gresit nmlerlakit 'Tike the Hydro-e►-
eviric system shout be exempted from
t.rsatlou in order -hu furnish cheaper
lower tailor cities, tin towns, and our
manufacturing lulu+tell , whish nen
well afford to pay. and ye r el mulittt'e,
regards ,oi.•h exemption no system of
le,inlsllllt in 1t, iui,ef t'irll lila tinuu."
The above is en extract front -the text
,,f .the report,f the slariltI connblitieu
un er1ua11OM1iu of Hydro, rates. \The
sohetuns of is report was givi'ii tb t
.+.die time astjl.
\ot For FIaIY Rate.
Thesuperior quality that will give ;100 satisfaction
in fit, style, workmanshhip and honest wearing results.
If you have not bought Shoes and Rubbers from us
you should certainly do so this year. You will be
more than surprised at the satisfying and profitable
goods you have beea able to procure at greatly , reduc-
ed prices,
ll'hll.• the romndttne says IM' report
Iti. not in f vor of is Bat rate for tin•
'r.ivinc.•, i le in favor of enabling each
al hi elpality or power
to 11: ve n flat rate for all residents
1 its boundaries. •'•uul your com-
mitter lthn la *1'ecoutnu`ud 111111 the llov-
e•ruinvn s1101011 generously assist in
••,e7'; n the transmiwsion of electric
Hata nil 'sliver to c try di'strict..
lour •,,dint ere ill+.o I,•llev•s thtll 1h1•
lyite r4Jeatri. system...Mune! pay In
xtitlun to 1e I'rochar In tttr
cal Society. a rr j,roporti"u u+ would a private
h'frus:c.s, 'illh ••Insu',
lt upon t ,s:nne Io•opvly in
[epxlt15 this yeti a b,lauce of 1a
the ' M'erenr muni 'p,l1itil•s h1 which
el .It is slliiated. nod es unto+ that a ri•v-
airs. Hugh McKinnon has rec
frotn (hi. British G w eiment the Mt r rite• er at hest S. 51,1 1 ;t year would
star awarded to her sots S•rgt. Re sr•narked from ilii+ ear,
McKinnon, who was fa ally auutide1 at t no., period of r•rmstru.•tion,
Vim), witeyt Irltirnti.in tw f. wlt•h•ewer •
T. c
C fN1141'1114."
J ax1 has c mist tett the shipment -crinis. eel :Ind ecenom(/•
et the pant of the Excelsior len.tting Gee report !en•eds. "it Is it •umle•nt
, mutiny hom Brie s. I. ti, Chatham, where ;nen every rverrment to s 'k by
he has purchased a .large loners 0111,th+et wee, Ie)ri+htt inn I elrate a eon Dion
w,ich wii; be the lu'nre h. nuc of hu :lett wit) need toe l -, n I•istieg al I it
J hilun_ta_._ _v..ter-e
Mrs, ElizabethI'rnlor, who nerd to' met. e et...stew wbith' hr eddies
St. J6eeph's h,epl'al, Leiden, and mice- r''' Ily',Inl-el, n is .;.t, in\ 1 je• rl t
went an operatton Cher , died on I :Ails ; 11,11 1•.• -+Ile. '
' day. January 2 )10. dhe ri mono w e. e ; Il; drieRatiats. •
brought to ler h, .me here for the fun. r
Mrs. Proctor, whose maiden nanl- ..,,s ''lthlrWithi noirdaprit,slreht•1er. encu-' piss}ndleh
F.hxaheih Much. was iorn in Motetlilii• Ilylh.lrodinl
township near,y fifty r i eyears ago. I '"+t• rpri+rs th ti .110 IUNy. In•forp the
I••+I II" 1L�•'i•unn+i;t••,� d,• -ire+ to ,Iuia1iro
LFL'KXUNt. 1.. i,i u I Ow L ;i•I•,h.re hi point
The re -opening •erv;,:ea at the Veils.- '''1 ;nr< 11'''I :u" • le'rtlnent to
Mist church on :Sunday %ere well attr[[.chd "'g -
I and welt of much inkiest. l lie tvf nn r1.1. +n• .1 ,.1 1I. . l i 111 that the rf-
service at Ili_ I'resbytenad ,'hu1Qi »„,,ehers of 1;1. ,.,nuni.•"i•m :ice not ilirei't-
• wlthdte%n in order to :Mow a,•hereets to ,sf toward -.i lima itis prnhle•m+of rnrnl
attei.d the :.nue at :be sister thutelt. .. `t•rvi'.'. iv*; r.:le-r, 1"-v ir!'. giving t10-�
limit,'d -er. i,'• (n c, un'al be nllfi.', iiT
At the ennlub 1 t lilt l,s of Ili •i Luier'. .uw%pmr ntfitt'r •-lwerttnn7 of rhe+
cunt. 1 clu,r ljte toh, acne t lh ig; were 41,1 11 0. a 111:11 are" net so favorably
eIF'lt1',1 ',resident, J. J. AllQ.lillg; "1, 11'1 t, d,"
president. H.R. ,l.hn;'ecietary-treesulil,
1. 5 Reid; man;504 commitl.e, D. The rl•p,rrr then :oe.-on to tarllA to
Arctic:, $mi,h, el addition to elhu•ts, .i ni;.•r.on of 11 •. l', 1n cities. which
'es shave. 1t is !loped That the. weather' 11'11.11•+ Ih,•ni 1 i ;i' -t hlsiilee and tries permit a coax! deal ./f playing b, f•,rr • , .+drier. ,n re les ntq.•ly gow thew• of
the winter al over, -•rent! dTi),l:a ekes, -Oil-, therefore
Reeve J.rtmstern' of Lvckrn,w otdd eery well ehonuder some'
f the hnr,1en in order t'n help the rural
, elAled Walden of !puce 0linty at iL• ,fi.Irirl�.
meting of the county council last sur, k. •
Ruby Ruth Corr, daughter of Mr--atiet•t-elryyl Ka Of inesas fo c•-- m, don t
Airs. Frani: Cole. wit:, eve a few miles fail 10 11
t•.il nn y Tev,T
lune of Lrekn u, .. i p:r sed away al;lr a 1h,• cctia,re monad man a trhvhe
long dines., I+c ..a- tarn) thine, n y. ale I his stir,• s•es sun him elf n,• 1 Itis failure, io
ago at Goderich and had .been in di ic,ee bie'wnl,
health for six or seven years. 1 he tcm:r't e • it i• unwe rsalh rare, did dist ifs man
• were Meets to **modems* kir fntt lured, !.;u • nr,r. t ,o t.nri it i • IHrau a Fir suns
se tee parenlr are to move that •.n the I,w, «e.e v "rom ra -
sp inn
-MtL Nichol, of pun Antfitw 1* liom t hr. hsldea;. t a-ptuattu( v.. w Iwo
• heads are better than ogle.
Under New Management
Having taken over the business of "The People's
Garage," MR. J. L. DEMERLING announces
that he is ready for
All Kinds of Repair Work
Being a first-class mechanic, who has served his time
both as machinist and auto repairer, he
Guarantees Al! Work
• Free Air for all. Gasoline, guaranteed measure
Cars Store for Winter at Reasonable Rates
Victoria Street, Opposite Victoria Park
Id -time Baking Days
P�'c�re Broad and
Better Bread