HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-2-3, Page 68 'I ti ir.,Lty. F. Lrunry 19:21 THE SIGNAL "Oh! What A Difference!" That is what everyone says who comes to our store and hears the pure muskal tone of Edison's Amberola Phonograph, after listening to shrill "talking machines" and the metallic. sound of ordinary phonographs. That is what you will say when this revelation of pure melody greets your ears. No wonder Edison's Amberola has ptoved its marked superiority over ordinary phonographs in great public tests. EDISON'S NEW DIAMOND AMBER° 9 is the wOrld's greatest phonograph value—the "master product of Edison's master mind." Just consider its genuine\Pimosorsof Point Reproducer, which forever does away with the bother and expense of chant- ing neediest\ And AnibeStif Records ate just as far superior to ordinary records. They are practically indastraralr, and give years of enjoyment after ordinary records have broken and been thrown away. When you consider that you can own Edison's Amberola on practically your own &roar you must reek__ ize you owe it to yourself and your family to come to our store without delay and let us play the world's • best music for you on this wonderful phonograph. Don't delay your visit—come todzy, tomorrow, 110 soon as possible—we will expect you. Bring all the family and your friends, too—they will all be welcome. D. W. HAMILTON AUBURN, ONT. PHONE 11 r 15. DUNGANNON 111111111111111111111 111 11111111111111111111111 11111 Giftsforthe Mime Electrical Gifts will make the Home beautiful and bright and save much tedi- ous work. We Have a Complete Line of Electric lr ons Electric Grills Electric Vibrators Electric Toasters Electric Heaters Electric Heating Pads Vacuum Cleaners Portable Lamps Fans Cooking Ranges Domes, &lades Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES All kinds of Electric Fixtures. If you have any Electric Wiring or Fitting to be done, let us give you an estimate. '11cfocktrlieciArilleriftiner • ROBERT TAIT WEST STRELT, Next Post Office, Phones Store. 8'2; Residence, 193 OODEBIOH, ONT. COUNTY COUNCIL. Continuml from page 2. lllll mou +salary in *most of the town - teller paragraphs of the report are Attendants. Act, passed in 1919. the operation of staalch WIIA 111 110 meat li- near suspended, will come into partial' operation in September of• this year 11 1111 Into full operation ill the two years sutweeding. Ity its provisions, every child IwtW1.1.11 fourteen and six- teen years of age shall attend ?wheel for the full time during witieh the schools of the municipality in which he resides are open 'midi yeti.. unless eKellMe41 for eertalti 'reasons. It will Med II that ull much children mind attend Rome high or vontinuatIon sehoot, or provisioti must lie uulde for their instruction in tie. home seetion. It will be worth iseisiderIng how' he enforcement of this Aet will he m ported In the ntral school seetidn . township counellm to secure the en- foreement of the Anemia MVP Act." "Eight school fairs were held this year, covering almost the whole he spectorate. There Is increasing inter- est shown by pupils 71 1111 pa naits In theme fairs and their educational value is being more and more realized. Children in schools mit 1111A 111.040061 IAA feel keen disappointment that they have not the privileges of neighboring "While the question of consolidated eehools has not lawn as active an issue this year ffrIttat, the interest IlaS not abated and s:.'everal centres are looking for tlieir By regula- tkons patoed (hie year. the Government grants for consolidated schools have beets increased fifty tier cent. Ahnost the only objection now remmining is the uncertainty of orernaning the diM- cantles of transporting the children to school in winter " Report et Agricultural Representative. Mr. 8. Ft. Stonier,. agricultural re- presentative for the county. submitted a volumirmus report. (killing with the on rious lines of work to whielt he has given his attention. Pniminent ninon' these tV/1••4 the .4+0.1 fairs. and tither departments of his aork mane under the •hendings of poultry breeding stations, short enfitsi• in agriculture and domestic scienre. Junior runners' Impnivement Association. baby beef eompetition, farm help ca lupe ign, drainage surveys, wool marketing, Boards of Agriculture. Farmers' Clubs, fall fairs. tterult hull eampatign, Soldier Settlement Board, et. Mr. Stothers reports fifty-one Fa rm- ens' Clubs In this eounty. Good Roads Commission. The good roads commi on. tua e the following reeomnienda road in Millen township. that the matter 1* referred to the township council of Millen: that $25 he paid ta Bert Nott for damage to bis propertr by a county stone crusher:- tlint the fee of $15 be paid to the Good Roads Aoistwiation and the t•togliorer attend the convention; thmt It25111 be set aside for work on the good roads system be taken in regard to the thtmage clitint of Frank Weiler firesented toy grant of $15.000 he made to the town Whighani for the tontinnation of the roe(' from the Grand Trunk trucks northerly to the It line provided the town of Wingliam by special levr 11,1 from the amount to its credit of the regular highway levies coutribute sixty per cent. of the cost and six per cent. interest on the Government sidy no to the time it Is received by the county. and that e bylaw be pre- pared and subniitted the Highways flee rtment for appro.:Al. The road mid bridge committee re- ran/Intended thin the matter of build- ing 11 bridge -011 the tootindary of Grey and Kline -.township,' at Henfryti .be taken up with Perth county. The comnoittos. appointed to report on the dittiem and remeowration of the good roads coMMigzion reported as follows : That the eommiesion should meet at the call of the connry mad superintendent end no oftener 1171 11 be absolutely necessary: it is our opinion the the enst of the good roads (*OM mixstoin shonht he In the neighborhood of $5110 per year; we WI111111 140'0411 - hie pay sheets in duplicate and that one ropy revised by the county engi- neer lie sent to eteh townithip clerk : that the monody road stiperintendt•iit be the only deleg oft. to alt good mods conventions ; that it is the imperative duty of the county rOad superintend- TASafest Tonic is not that which depends upon slur.. holic but upon tonic - nutrient virtues. SCO1T'S EMULSION is the purest kind of nutriment and helps the system keep up with the wear and tear upon strength. Seem*, Tomato. Out. ALSO MAKERS OF-- — KI.11[0105 (Tablets or Gransoltos) P*P-, INDIGESTION ent to see tlutt each patrolman keep within Ids ventilates for the yeer. Report of l'ounly Engineer. Mr. T. R. Patterson, couuty neer. in his report to the council stated that so far as vottld he tient at present no heavy expensive works would 'be undertaken during the coming summer. There were a large number of im- provements, involeing large expendi- tures, to be carried out some time in the near future, but unless labor con- ditions were dtsitletily Iwtter than they had been it would appear to be the best poliey to allow auy sueli proposed works to attend until men are looking for jobs, minim it he imperative that they I* dotte at otwe. An outline ef the work requinsl ln the different townships was expected to be as ftd- Astifielti--zGeneral maintenance work, resurfacing Lake roma south of Mu- tant and part of Coiliorne boundary heavy work to be curtelled as much as possible, although SO We new cut- verte will be neeemsary. Colborne— Grading and general Naintenance. Main roe& 'twat be 'ept in good condition for traffic. One two small culverts must be re- f wed. erich—Clinton-llavfield nolo' to be it hi good condition for traffic toy grad g in spring soul resurfacing where required. It in uncertain ex to the ex nt to which work will be nec- essary. ut it is proposed to bring this non(' up o the standerd of our other may be aid lable ou the Mill road. Stanley— few new culverts and general main nonce. Expenditures to ' lie kept low to provide surplus for the reconstruction Bannoekliurn 'bridge, which nifty- be -notary in the near- plactsi on the Ce vision made for 1 maintenance of this road. Considerable II easterly t•iid of road N approaches to bridges to I . • Stephen—A continuation of policy of reatrieting heavy tures. Bridge over Mud Cree be remotest. on the St. Marys and Tluimes roads. ! 1A111111101 H1111 Mill roads. New roads special attention. from Seaforth to Klippen will requirti London road. Road No. 15 will re. quire ponsiderahle work. McKill 4' bridge repairs will be necessary. of Westfield must be put -in good co mint of gravel to tre road and pro -4 per t•ontinuous avily travelled! irs to the ; 7. and the I he 1920, must Op— lt neral mai:toren:linty and West Wttwatiosh—Newly added rod across township will require attention. Preposed to etortintle work on north boundary. . Morris—General maintenanee with .181 attention to west bounden/. non of resurfacing of boundary north of Drumm -1s. Grey—Continuation of eonstruction north of MeNaught. North lioundatv will require considerable vrork. Turnberry--General maintenance. tpleted east of Fordwich toul north of Howick—Constrhetion to be 011M0 Gorrie. New culverte will be needed: A foomniary of the 1920 trtatement to the Depertment of Pula* Highways Is as follow. : Road constructien X13..427.30 Bridge constniction 10.900.00 Maintenance and repair 14.4-1.7 i "'nay roads— , (timid construction Maintenaiwe and repair Spet•lit I 'aro tits Superintendenee near future be taken cousidera- • Hoot 10. That the couityportion of the mote of the l'rovine al highway be considered, as far as reasonably just, as in the township through which the road 1111 /OWN. 11. TIM ille pOrtAl I/1 iY of adjust- ing expenditures by, adding or strik- ing off certain highways be considered. It may he 1101041 tint 11 11 il/W111111 11101 have had greater expenditures than they have guild into the county In levieo, and MO 110 wunitipality Is suffering any injuittiee as regards the amount of expenditures. It is therefore recomineutled that the existing defieits of the townships be wiped ont in the following manner: years. and a otpecial levy of 4-10 of a mill to be noised in 19211. This will rail* 213,922.7Z' which will offset 11/4 nearly its possible the $12,7SS.29 and accruing Interest. No special con- sideration can be given to Aslifield, ma 'These excess expenditures were all .made on unimportant roads, which are prtictically of no interest to the rest of the county. 1.1011•0Ver. is ex- pected that all of the regular highway levy of Ashflehl will lw required to provide for future expenditures there. fect title case. All roads are very heavily trarelled by traffic from other parts of the muntf Most of them were built by the county, and It Is greatl,v to the interest of the whole eounty that they be kept In good re- pair. Moreover. Colborne is the smallest township In the county. so that the levy 110441 not produee a large amount. In the future it Is expected that a higher Government subaldr be received on some of these roads, so that conditions will lie improred. It is therefore rectuumendeti that a special levy of one mill be imposed on l'olborne for a period of twto years. $3.044.00. and that the balanee of the deficit. or $2,993.31. he stnick that the retell. and rillages eontribute, 11 1111 ile higher grants rim:eked on ex- penditurea elsewhere. STEPFIEN—Defleit $4.927.77. It le reeommended that a special levy of one mill be impresed in 1921. and mill in 1922, rabiing $4.1fts.29, and that the tenants.. or $719.57, be struek off On account of the fact that Stephen uses the county machinery to a small extent only. TURNIIEItItY—Deticit K807.13. .1, it slat levy of one mill he reified for a 'Hod of five years. raising $.4,150: whit a-111 nearly balance the aceount. awe of $717.13 and the interest for th period being the consider don that the witrka have. been tar ed out on roads which •re fairly intim hint and that it is not ex- pected that Turnberry will require Stiffness MOM nits, to •OR - Gives Great Relief Amtuentlt, •1•00 • alt iptAl amok. taco& al mum um lor rhotawo• a gam gram reser vaater woe ads tmd to try Morel' Li1.1.{. mid mod gat the tretkt to Alotarte• LIAM1.01 eiro°` MINARD'S King of Pain BOX 87, Goderich. All instructions by mail or left at Signal ofike wlli promptly attended to. Residence tele- phone 119. LEGAL m• '.; TER, Solicitor, notary public. Offles'Hamilton forret, Goderich. third door from Square. Trust funds to loan at lowest rates. um BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NO .1 TART PUBLIC,' ETC. OfBia•—Sterling Bank Block, Hain - I Heal Estate. Leann and Insurance. ,pROUDFOOT, KILLORAN It COOKS , a BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETt'. Office on the Square, second door from Hamilton Street. Goderich Private funds to loan at lowest ' Godericb. Money loaned •t lowest firates.SEAGER, BARRISTER. SOL- 'rith. leITOR. notary public and con- 4 09-12m heavy machin ry extensively. ; special levy of 10 mills be inspotied for one year. ra ng $2,101.14, bal- ancing the accouut MIS nearly as pus - those of the townahipe. s it is ex - petals! that ha the online course of events this degeit 'would he !pet' out from tlw county rmod levy, h show unforeseen eireunistanees may n rise carried forward, and a apecial levy of V, milt he raised for four yearn. It is further recommended that the fmrphises existing hi favor of the varloum municlgoalities be carded for- : ward. so that it will be possible to carry out any proposed work without danger of exceetling the amounts to their credit. 210:17.tr.1 r Love Eng chummy. 07 43.9,40.99 3.004.71 Toth 1 Z2102.2,4.73 1 This eXPefIlliill re has been provided 1920 levy fori7,5tgotio Government subsidy fof,755.51 Special levy from L,t•tey 25.832.90 Aceteints with boundary municipal - Mem whirl] had not been balaneed would increase this total to show a simply* of aimed $500. Equalization of Highway Levies. The, committee appointed to report on the equalizmion of the highway levies /1 1111 expenditures within the various municipalities of the county reported its follows : A large number of factorn govern this matter. and this report in barred on Hit. following principlem : 1. That it be in'loceordanee with the terms of the Highway Improve- ment Act of Ontario. 2. That expenditures on former collety bridges, machinery and all gen- eral expenses be considered as ex- pendituren by the county an a whole. 3. That flve per cent. Interest he added to all deficits. 4. That the Government subaltly on grants to towrts and villages be credited to the towing and villages. 5. That the towns and villages sextet with the ermstruction and main- tenance of the designatNI highways within the county up to forty per cent. of their (snooty road levy. IL That expenditures on unlit. port.int roads and spurn be connidered tillo be of less benefit to the county RR a whole than the expenditures on main 'and heavily travelled roads, and that 10%11101w+ through which heavily travelled main roe& exixt should not tie (-sited to amount for all 6f the Preens expenditure on the,* roads, an it is in the best Interffige of the eonnty should be kept in good eondition. I That consith•ration be given to eases In which municipelities have panning through them, by noting that, 111 addition to the greater Government subsidy on these midis the municipal - v hart the addItionni benefit of the eonsdruction and maintenance of a e0:111 of Meher clime 8. Thnt In thin eounty It is a fact 'hat mum' not requiring the pa:n are more or km THMA USE RAZ -MAH NS Soaking Ms Strains —k buff Just Swallow a Carsale RAZ -MAH h Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mucas. gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give Jong nighta of quiet sleep; contains so habit-formiag drug S1.00 at your drug- gist's. Trial freest our agencies or write Templeton,. 142 King W., Toronto. Local Agents—Dunlop's Drug Stara "Here Comes The Bride!" Everybody wishes her yell! Happy and radiant she starts out (11 life's adventure. fyhe should have health to begin with. Cood looks in woman el not depend upon r.ge, but upon health. 1" oil never see a good- boking woman who is weak., run-down, irritable, out of sorts, fidgety and 1 inf mous. Headaches, backaches. —and- troubles of that sort are ali -dc.o?.ti•oyers of beauty. Men do not sickneasi. It is within th:-.4 r nch of every woman to be well, h ,althy and strong if she will take Lr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.. TORONTO, ONT.—" Lena than a year won I was in a very poor state of Itt:tith; my back ached dreadfully and 1 could scarcely drag myself around to do my housework. I started 'to ttke Dr:rlerce's Favorite Prescription Ind I Celina praise it too highly for tt • great benefit I received. My back- : • rood ppins appeared entirely I- a vorite Pic • :Inn is the best *omen's Med. for I have tried • that ,.ommended, and • the Ea, tcription."—Mita. tr'.ii ..0 of Favorite • INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. let•KILIA/P MUTUAL FIRE !NOUS. :111 ANCE\ CO.—Farm aad Isolate/ town laaerecl. Officersr-Ja Connolly. Pres.. (lode- Iteechwood P. Mt Thomas E. Hays, Sec. -Treats.. Seaforth P. 0. Directors—D. T. McGregor. R. R. Evans. Beeehwoodi Jamem Connolly, ley. forth. Policy -holden+ can poly 811 ents and get their eards rr- ceipted R. J. Morrish's Clothing Store. ell on: It. II. Cutt'n Grocery, Kingston t, Gederich, or J. IL Reid's Gener Store. Hayfield. Brophe Bros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers °Hera carefully attended to at all houre, night or day aosestesteateaeaWsosesewstesewstnesi Western Ontario Best Commercial School CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and student, may cegister in our Commercial, Short- hand or Telegraphy departments at P Mr time. Our courses are thorougl: sed practical, and we assist graduates • positions. Get our free catelogue. a. MeLACHLA Fri nelpat. The Double Track Route between / MONTREA TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining coseroeovItre Sleeping cant on night tritium, and parlor ears 011 principal day tralna Full informetion from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or E. Horn ronto. 0.11 Lender, Station Agent, phone 29 Town Agents Pitone • •